RNS Number:6061O
New Star Absolute Return Fund PCC 
22 February 2008


  (A closed-ended investment company incorporated in Guernsey with registered
 number 45060 under the provisions of The Companies (Guernsey) Law 1994 to 1996
     and the Protected Cell Companies Ordinances 1997 to 1998, as amended)

                           Unaudited interim results
                   for the six months ended 31 December 2007

New Star Absolute Return Fund PCC Limited (the "Company") today announces its
unaudited interim results for the six months ended 31 December 2007.

Highlights for the six months ended 31 December 2007:
*    Shareholders' funds at 31 December 2007 were �25.3 million (unaudited)

*    Total return of Growth Shares and the Income Shares exceed Sterling LIBOR 
     since inception

*    Against a backdrop of falling global stock markets, both the Growth Shares 
     and the Income Shares deliver a positive total return

*    Thomas MacNeil appointed by John Duffield as an alternate director with 
     effect from 29 August 2007

                                                   30 June 2007      31 December 2007            % change
                                                                                                30 June -
                                                                                         31 December 2007

Net Asset Value - Growth Class                          108.53p               108.70p               0.16%

Net Asset Value - Income Class                          105.07p               102.70p              -2.26%

Income Class - Total NAV Return                                                                     0.12%

For further information please contact:

Ravi Anand, New Star Asset Management Limited:        020 7225 9292

Information on the Company

Investment objective

The investment objective of New Star Absolute Return Fund PCC Limited (the "
Company") is to provide shareholders with an absolute return in excess of the
Sterling London Interbank Offered Rate ("LIBOR").*

*There can be no guarantee that these or any level of absolute returns can be
achieved at all or on a continuing basis

To achieve this objective, the Company is organised as a feeder fund and it is
intended that all of the Company's assets be invested in New Star Multi Strategy
Master Hedge Fund Limited (the "Master Fund") Sterling Shares.

Investment policy

The Company, through its investment in the Master Fund, seeks to produce
absolute returns through a range of hedge fund strategies. The Master Fund's
portfolio is an actively managed diversified portfolio of predominantly equity
related positions.

By investing in a range of hedge fund strategies, the Investment Manager seeks
to diversify the Master Fund's portfolio by geography, sector and stock. The
Investment Manager actively manages the Master Fund's exposure to particular
markets, sectors and stocks as well as to individual managers and carefully
monitors risks.

Capital Structure

The Company has two classes of share; Income Shares in the Income Cell and
Growth Shares in the Growth Cell. The Income Shares aim to provide income in the
form of dividends, together with capital growth. The Growth Shares aim to
provide a capital only return.


Performance (%) since launch (net of fees)

                                   2006                                      2007
                            Growth class        Income class*       Growth class       Income class*

January                                -                    -               1.68                1.67
February                               -                    -               0.30                0.32
March                                  -                    -               0.65                0.63
April                                  -                    -               1.12                1.13
May                                    -                    -               1.86                1.85
June                                   -                    -               0.56                0.56
July                                   -                    -               0.01                0.02
August                             -0.29                -0.29              -2.51               -2.50
September                          -0.22                -0.22               1.70                1.70
October                             1.54                 1.54               2.47                2.50
November                           -0.41                -0.41              -1.46               -1.51
December                            1.47                 1.46               0.03                0.04
YTD                                 2.08                 2.08               6.49                6.32

Source: All fund information from New Star Asset Management, HSBC Securities
(Ireland) Limited. Returns to 31 December include amortisation of launch costs
of 2.32% of initial proceeds. * Includes dividends re-invested.

Investment Manager's Report
for the six months period ended 31 December 2007

                                                     31 December 2007 % change          % change inception
                                                                        30 June -       to
                                     30 June 2007                     31 December 2007  31 December 2007

Net asset value - Growth class       108.53p         108.70p          0.16%             8.70%
Net asset value - Income class       105.07p         102.70p          -2.26%            2.70%
Total return -Income class                                            0.12%             8.53%

The six months to 31 December 2007 was a difficult period for your Company and
for the hedge fund sector as a whole. The net asset value of the Growth class
shares rose 0.16% to 108.70p during the period. The net asset value of the
Income shares fell 2.3% but dividends totalling 2.50p were paid, leaving the
total return on the Income shares at 0.12%, assuming dividends were reinvested.
During the period, the return on cash was 3.2% as measured by sterling LIBOR.

Your Company commenced trading on 2 August 2006 with a net asset value per share
of 100.00p before launch costs of 2.3%. The net asset value of the Growth Class
shares had risen 8.7% by 31 December 2007. The total return on the Income shares
including dividends reinvested was 8.5% while the return on cash was 8.2% as
measured by sterling LIBOR.

Market review

Global equities faced volatile and challenging conditions during the period
under review, with the MSCI World Total Return Index gaining just 0.9% in
sterling terms amid fears that contagion from the US sub-prime lending crisis
could seriously damage the global economy. Japan fell 6.1% in sterling terms
while the US fell 0.3%. By contrast, Asia excluding Japan gained 20.7% and Latin
America gained 19.5%. Within Europe, the UK fell 2.1% while Europe excluding the
UK rose 3.9% in sterling, aided by the euro's strength.

The weakest sectors were those that suffered directly from the credit market
dislocation and from fears of a consumer-led US slowdown. Media fell 8.5% in
sterling terms, banks fell 5.1%, general financial services fell 3.3% and
retailing fell 2.3%. The best-performing areas included defensive sectors and
sectors that stood to benefit from emerging market economic growth. Chemicals
gained 22.9%, energy returned 17.4%, basic resources gained 17.2% and
telecommunications gained 16.0%.

In the commodities market, oil rose 34.1% to $94.92 in response to fears of
supply shortages while gold responded to the weakening dollar, fears of
financial instability and inflationary pressures by gaining 28.6% to $836.15.

With risk aversion increasing despite monetary easing in the US and the UK,
government bonds benefited from a "flight to quality", with UK gilts returning
8.6%. By contrast, lower-quality bonds underperformed. The JPM EMBI+ Total
Return Index, which tracks emerging market sovereign debt, returned 6.7% in
sterling while high-yielding corporate bonds fell 0.5%.

Portfolio review

Your Company invests in the New Star Multi Strategy Master Hedge Fund. This
master fund comprises an actively-managed diversified global equity portfolio
that seeks to generate absolute returns through long and short positions and
active risk management. In response to the volatility in equity markets and the
uncertain economic conditions resulting from credit market dislocation, the
managers of the underlying strategies in the master fund sought to reduce the
risks within their portfolios. This resulted in your Company's gross market
exposure falling from 195.7% to 154.6% over the period while its net market
exposure fell from 33.3% to 17.2%.

Of the underlying strategies, the UK mid-cap strategy did best to exploit the
turbulent conditions in financial markets, rising 14.0% over the period in
sterling, its base currency, while the European Opportunities strategy rose 8.1%
in euros, its base currency, and the European trading strategy gained 7.1% in
euros, its base currency. The weakest strategy was the European strategy, which
fell 12.1% in euros, its base currency, mainly as a result of its long positions
in mid-cap and financial stocks, which were particularly adversely affected by
credit market turmoil.

Three new strategies were added to the master fund during the period - a
European trading strategy and two long/short equity funds specialising in real
estate and technology respectively - while the weighting in the European
Opportunities strategy was significantly increased. At the period end, the UK
mid-cap strategy had the biggest weighting at 21.3%, followed by the financials
strategy, at 17.9%, the European Opportunities strategy, at 13.9%, the global
sector-biased strategy, at 12.2%, and the UK value/special situations strategy,
at 10.1%.


At the turn of the year, there was increasing evidence that economic conditions
were deteriorating in the US and the more interest rate sensitive economies of
Europe such as the UK, Ireland and Spain. This was reflected in a de-rating of
equities, which were trading at the end of 2007 on a trailing earnings multiple
of 15.7 as measured by the MSCI World Index against more than 30 in 2002. The
dividend yield on the MSCI World Index, meanwhile, had risen to a four-year high
of 2.3%.

Momentum in the emerging markets and positive money supply trends may result in
a "soft landing" but the "credit crunch" has increased the risks of more serious
dislocation. Central banks have responded with looser monetary policies, with
the US

Federal Reserve being the most aggressive in its interest rate cuts, but their
room for further interest rate cuts may be constrained by increased inflationary
pressures. This is particularly the case in Europe, where the Bank of England
moved only modestly to ease monetary policy during the period and the European
Central Bank was on hold.

Such conditions may affect the government bond markets negatively. The central
bankers' shifting focus from bearing down on prices towards addressing financial
market dislocation could, however, result in rotation back into equities, which
look modestly valued, assuming the world economy avoids a full-scale recession.
The high dispersion of returns between sectors and individual stocks is likely
to continue over the coming months in response to the challenging economic
circumstances. In such an environment, careful long/short stock selection will
remain important.

Your Company's un-audited net asset value at 8 February 2008 was 107.43p per
Growth Class share and 100.24p per Income Class share.

Portfolio at 31 December 2007

Asset allocation by strategy (% of NAV)

Strategy                                                                             %

UK mid-cap                                                                        21.3
Financials                                                                        17.9
European opportunities                                                            13.9
Global,  sector biased                                                            12.2
UK value / special situations                                                     10.1
UK multi-cap                                                                       8.2
Technology                                                                         5.4
Real estate                                                                        4.2
Europe                                                                             3.7
European trading                                                                   3.1

Aggregate largest net long and short sector exposures

Sector                                                                        % of NAV

Mining                                                                             6.6
Aerospace & Defense                                                                4.4
Industrial Engineering                                                             3.4
Chemicals                                                                          2.7
Banks                                                                             -1.4
Beverages                                                                         -1.5
General Retailers                                                                 -1.6
Travel & Leisure                                                                  -5.2

Unaudited  Statement of Net Assets
as at 31 December 2007

                                                                 Income          Growth           Total
                                                                   Cell            Cell
                                               Notes                  �               �               �
Investment in New Star Multi Strategy                        11,419,577      13,872,520      25,292,097
Master Hedge Fund Limited at fair value
through profit or loss (Cost: �21,632,110)
Cash and cash equivalents                                        76,329          92,724         169,053
Other receivables and prepayments                                 3,490           4,240           7,730
Total assets                                                 11,499,396      13,969,484      25,468,880

Performance fee payable                          3                    -               -               -

Management fees payable                          3               28,807          38,721          67,528
Directors' fees payable                          8                2,472           3,004           5,476
Custodian fees payable                           3                4,339           5,270           9,609
Accrued liabilities and other payables                           43,392          48,987          92,379
Total liabilities                                                79,010          95,982         174,992

Net assets:                                                  11,420,386      13,873,502      25,293,888

As at 31 December 2007:             Note         Number of shares   Net asset value Net asset value per
                                                                                          share (pence)
Income Shares                       10,12              11,177,331        11,420,386              102.17
Growth Shares                       10,12              12,828,002        13,873,502              108.15

   The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements

Audited Statement of Net Assets

as at 30 June 2007

                                                                 Income          Growth           Total

                                                                   Cell            Cell
                                               Notes                  �               �               �
Investment in New Star Multi Strategy                        10,946,769      15,150,449      26,097,218
Master Hedge Fund Limited at fair value
through profit or loss (Cost: �22,655,869)
Cash and cash equivalents                                        42,071          58,226         100,297
Other receivables and prepayments                                 3,559           4,926           8,485
Total assets                                                 10,992,399      15,213,601      26,206,000

Performance fee payable                          3              162,565         222,516         385,081
Management fees payable                          3               13,107          18,137          31,244
Directors' fees payable                          8               15,101          20,900          36,001
Custodian fees payable                           3                3,827           5,296           9,123
Accrued liabilities and other payables                           23,176          34,555          57,731
Total liabilities                                               217,776         301,404         519,180

Net assets:                                                  10,774,623      14,912,197      25,686,820

As at 30 June 2007:                 Note         Number of shares   Net asset value Net asset value per
                                                                                          share (pence)
Income Shares                       10,12              10,300,000        10,774,623              104.61
Growth Shares                       10,12              13,800,000        14,912,197              108.06

              The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial

Unaudited Statement of Operations

for the six months period ended 31 December 2007

                                                                   Income          Growth         Total
                                                                     Cell            Cell
                                                  Notes                 �               �             �
Investment income of the Company
Interest income                                                       267             324           591

Net investment income                                                 267             324           591

Investment gain/(loss) from
New Star Multi Strategy Master Hedge Fund
Net realised gain on investments                                  658,305         799,709     1,458,014
Net realised loss on foreign currency                           (215,438)       (261,715)     (477,153)
Net movement in unrealised gain on investments                  (264,026)       (320,739)     (584,765)
Net unrealised gain on foreign currency                                 8               9            17

Net investment gain from
New Star Multi Strategy Master Hedge Fund                         178,849         217,264       396,113

Total investment gain                                             179,116         217,588       396,704

Performance fee                                     3                   -           3,717         3,717

Investment management fees                          3              85,653         108,787       194,440
Launch Costs                                        3               5,996           7,285        13,281
Directors' fees and expenses                        8              35,815          43,509        79,324
Audit fee                                                           3,433           4,170         7,603
Custodian fees                                      3               2,684           3,261         5,945
Other expenses                                                     37,199          45,189        82,388
Total expenses                                                    170,780         215,918       386,698

Net profit                                                          8,336           1,670        10,006

   The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements

Unaudited Statement of Operations

for the six months period ended 31 December 2007 (continued)

                                                                  Income          Growth
                                                                    Cell            Cell

Earnings per Cell
Income Share Class                                                �8,336               -
Growth Share Class                                                     -          �1,670

Weighted Average Shares
Income Share Class                                            10,746,999               -
Growth Share Class                                                     -      13,328,168

Earnings per Share
Income Share Class                                               �0.0008               -
Growth Share Class                                                     -       �0.0001

   The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements

Unaudited Statement of Operations

for the period from 29 June 2006 (date of incorporation) to 31 December 2006

                                                                   Income          Growth         Total
                                                                     Cell            Cell
                                                  Notes                 �               �             �
Investment income of the Company
Interest income                                                       339             458           797

Net investment income                                                 339             458           797

Investment gain/(loss) from
New Star Multi Strategy Master Hedge Fund
Net realised gain on investments                                  165,843         224,047       389,890
Net realised gain on foreign currency                              17,401          23,508        40,909
Net movement in unrealised gain on investments                    277,473         374,856       652,329

Net investment gain from
New Star Multi Strategy Master Hedge Fund                         460,717         622,411     1,083,128

Total investment gain                                             461,056         622,869     1,083,925

Performance fee                                     3              41,008          56,312        97,320
Investment management fees                          3              64,263          86,378       150,641
Launch Costs                                        3              39,715          53,654        93,369
Directors' fees and expenses                        8               7,919          10,697        18,616
Audit fee                                                           2,640           3,566         6,206
Custodian fees                                      3               1,760           2,377         4,137
Other expenses                                                     25,472          34,515        59,987
Total expenses                                                    182,777         247,499       430,276

Net profit                                                        278,279         375,370       653,649

   The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements

Unaudited Statement of Operations

for the period from 29 June 2006 (date of incorporation) to 31 December 2006

                                                                  Income          Growth
                                                                    Cell            Cell

Earnings per Cell
Income Share Class                                              �278,279               -
Growth Share Class                                                     -        �375,370

Weighted Average Shares
Income Share Class                                            10,300,000               -
Growth Share Class                                                     -      13,800,000

Earnings per Share
Income Share Class                                               �0.0270               -
Growth Share Class                                                     -         �0.0272

   The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements

Unaudited Statement of Changes in Equity

for the six months period ended 31 December 2007

                                                                  Income          Growth           Total
                                                                    Cell            Cell
                                                                       �               �               �

Balance as at 30 June 2007                                    10,774,623      14,912,197      25,686,820

Issuance of shares during the period                           1,002,210               -       1,002,210

Share issuance costs                                               (453)           (551)         (1,004)

Redemption of shares during the period                          (95,238)     (1,039,814)     (1,135,052)

Net profit                                                         8,336           1,670          10,006

Dividends paid on Income Shares                                (269,092)               -       (269,092)

Balance as at 31 December 2007                                11,420,386      13,873,502      25,293,888

   The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements

Unaudited Statement of Changes in Equity

for the period from 29 June 2006 (date of incorporation) to 31 December 2006

                                                                  Income          Growth           Total
                                                                    Cell            Cell
                                                                       �               �               �

Balance at the date of incorporation                                   -               -               -

Issuance of shares during the period                          10,300,000      13,800,000      24,100,000

Share issuance costs                                            (64,510)        (87,136)       (151,646)

Redemption of shares during the period                                 -               -               -

Net profit                                                       278,279         375,370         653,649

Dividends paid on Income Shares                                 (85,490)               -        (85,490)

Balance as at 31 December 2006                                10,428,279      14,088,234      24,516,513

   The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements

Unaudited Statement of Cash Flows

for the six months period ended 31 December 2007

                                                                  Income           Growth           Total
                                                                    Cell             Cell
                                                                       �                �               �
Cash flows from operating activities
Net profit                                                         8,336            1,670          10,006
Adjustment for:
- Net investment gain from New Star Multi Strategy             (178,849)        (217,264)       (396,113)
Master Hedge Fund Limited
Adjustments to reconcile net increase in net assets for
the financial period to net cash from operating
Purchases of investments                                       (836,324)                -       (836,324)
Proceeds from sale of investments                                542,365        1,495,190       2,037,555
Net decrease in other receivable and prepayments                      69              686             755
Net decrease in liabilities                                    (138,766)        (205,418)       (344,184)
Net cash (used in)/provided by operating activities            (603,169)        1,074,864         471,695

Cash flows from financing activities
Issuance of shares during the period                           1,002,210                -       1,002,210
Share issuance costs                                               (453)            (551)         (1,004)
Redemption of shares during the period                          (95,238)      (1,039,815)     (1,135,053)
Dividends paid on Income Shares                                (269,092)                -       (269,092)
Net cash provided by/(used in) financing activities              637,427      (1,040,366)       (402,939)

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                         34,258           34,498          68,756
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the                 42,071           58,226         100,297
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                76,329           92,724         169,053

Supplementary cash flow information:
Interest received                                                    267              324             591
Interest paid                                                       (19)             (24)            (43)

   The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements

Unaudited Statement of Cash Flows
for the period from 29 June 2006 (date of incorporation) to 31 December 2006

                                                                  Income           Growth           Total
                                                                    Cell             Cell
                                                                       �                �               �
Cash flows from operating activities
Net profit                                                       278,279          375,370         653,649
Adjustment for:
- Net investment gain from New Star Multi Strategy             (460,717)        (622,411)     (1,083,128)
Master Hedge Fund Limited
Adjustments to reconcile net increase in net assets for
the financial period to net cash from operating
Purchases of investments                                     (9,936,492)     (13,421,508)    (23,358,000)
Proceeds from sale of investments                                 42,540           57,460         100,000
Net increase in other receivable and prepayments               (129,319)        (177,024)       (306,343)
Net increase in liabilities                                       72,279           97,629         169,908
Net cash used in operating activities                       (10,133,430)     (13,690,484)    (23,823,914)

Cash flows from financing activities
Issuance of shares during the period                          10,300,000       13,800,000      24,100,000
Share issuance costs                                            (64,510)         (87,136)       (151,646)
Redemption of shares during the period
                                                                     -                -               -
Dividends paid on Income Shares                                 (85,490)              -          (85,490)
Net cash provided by financing activities                     10,150,000       13,712,864      23,862,864

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                         16,570           22,380          38,950
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the
period                                                               -                -               -
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                16,570           22,380          38,950

Supplementary cash flow information:
Interest received                                                    282              380             662
Interest paid
                                                                     -                -               -

   The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements

Notes forming part of the unaudited financial statements

for the six months period ended 31 December 2007

1          Organisation and nature of business

New Star Absolute Return Fund PCC Limited (the "Company") is a closed ended
protected cell investment company registered and incorporated in Guernsey on 29
June 2006 under the provisions of the Companies (Guernsey) Laws 1994 to 1996 and
the Protected Cell Companies Ordinance 1997 to 1998, as amended. The company
commenced operations on the 2 August 2006.

The Company is organised as a feeder fund and all of the Company's assets, to
the extent they are not retained in cash to meet anticipated expenses or
dividends payable on the Income Shares, are invested in New Star Multi Strategy
Master Hedge Fund Limited (the "Master Fund") Sterling Shares. The Master Fund
is an exempted company incorporated with limited liability in the Cayman

The investment objective of the Company is to provide its shareholders with
absolute returns in excess of the Sterling London Interbank Offered Rate. The
Company, through its investment in the Master Fund, seeks to produce absolute
returns through a range of hedge fund strategies.

The Income Shares and the Growth Shares are admitted to trading on the AIM
Market of the London Stock Exchange ("AIM") and the Channel Islands Stock

Earnings per Share (EPS) have been calculated at Share Class level for the
Company in the base currency of each Share Class, on a weighted average basis.

2     Summary of significant accounting policies

Statement of compliance

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards issued by the International Accounting Standards
Board (IASB), interpretations issued by the International Financial Reporting
Interpretations Committee of the IASB, and the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 1994.
The financial statements are presented in Pounds Sterling ("�").

Basis of preparation

The financial statements have been prepared on a historical cost basis, except
for financial instruments classified at fair value through profit or loss that
have been measured at fair value.

The significant accounting policies adopted by the Company are as follows:

Use of estimates

The preparation of the financial information in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards requires the Directors to make estimates and
assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and
disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial
information and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the period.
Actual results could differ from such estimates.

Valuation of investments

The Company's investment in the Master Fund is valued at the latest available
net asset value per share at the period end. Unrealised gains and losses arising
from the Company's investment in the Master Fund are included in the Statement
of Operations.  The performance of the Company is directly affected by the
performance of the Master Fund. The significant accounting policies, of the
Master Fund, are listed in note 2 of the Master Fund's financial statements. The
Master Fund's Financial Statements are available upon request from the

Foreign currencies

(i) Functional and presentation currency

Items included in the Company's financial statements are measured using the
currency of the primary economic environment in which it operates ('the
functional currency'). This is Sterling the base currency of the Company.

(ii) Foreign currency transactions

Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in currencies other than Sterling
are translated into Sterling at the closing rates of exchange at each period
end.  Transactions during the period, including purchases and sales of
securities, income and expenses, are translated at the rate of exchange
prevailing on the date of the transaction. Foreign currency transaction gains
and losses are included in net realised loss on foreign currency.

Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents consist of bank balances.

Net asset value per share

The Net Asset Value per share disclosed on the face of the statement of net
assets is calculated in accordance with the International Financial Reporting
Standards by dividing net assets included in the balance sheet by the number of
shares outstanding at 31 December 2007.

Recognition of expenses and income

(i) Interest and dividends

Interest income and expense are accounted for on an accruals basis. Dividend
income is recognised on the ex-dividend date.

(ii) Expenses

All operating expenses are recognised in the Statement of Operations on the
accruals basis.

Accounting standards issued but not yet effective

IFRS 7, Financial Instruments: Disclosures, and the complementary amendment to
IAS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements - Capital Disclosures, were issued
during 2006. IFRS 7 introduces new disclosures relating to financial
instruments. The amendment to IAS 1 requires additional disclosures regarding
the Company's objectives and policies for its capital, which is represented by
the net assets attributable to the holders of ordinary shares. These standards
are effective for annual accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2007
and will be adopted at that time. There will be no impact on the classification
and measurement of the Company's capital.

3     Fees and expenses

(a) Investment Management Fee

New Star Asset Management (Bermuda) Limited (the "Investment Manager") is paid
by the Company an investment management fee of 1.5 per cent per annum of the Net
Asset Value (before deducting the amount of any accrued liability for
Performance Fee) attributable to the Income Shares and of the Growth Shares. The
investment management fee is calculated and accrued and is paid monthly in
arrears. Investment management fees of �85,653 (Dec 2006: �64,263) and �108,787
(Dec 2006: � 86,378) respectively for Income Cell and Growth Cell were incurred
during the period ended 31 December 2007 of which �28,807 (June 2007: �13,107)
and �38,721(June 2007: �18,137) respectively for Income Cell and Growth Cell was
payable to the Investment Manager at the period end.

With effect from 1 February 2008, the arrangements were changed for the
calculation and payment of the management fee to its investment manager such
that management fees are calculated and paid by New Star Multi Strategy Master
Hedge Fund Limited (the "Master Fund) rather than by the company.  Substantially
all of the Company's assets are invested in the Master Fund.

The change has been introduced to ensure equitable treatment between the two
cells upon conversions and other cash movements.  The economic effect for
Shareholders is minimal.

(b) Performance Fee

The Investment Manager is also paid by the Company the Performance Fee which is
calculated in respect of last valuation day prior to 30 June and 31 December in
each year ("Performance Period"), accrued on each valuation day and paid in

For each Performance Period, the Performance Fee in respect of each Cell is
equal to 20 per cent of the appreciation (before deducting the amount of any
accrued liability for the Performance Fee) in the Net Asset Value of the
relevant Cell above the previous peak Net Asset Value of that Cell, being the
greater of:

(i)   the aggregate amount subscribed under the Placing for shares within that
Cell; and

(ii) the Net Asset Value of that Cell at the last Valuation Day of the last
Performance Period in respect of which a Performance Fee was charged.

Payment of the Performance Fee will be subject to the achievement of a "
Performance Fee Trigger".

Performance Fee Trigger

If the Net Asset Value per Share at the end of a Performance Period (together,
in the case of Income Shares, with all dividends paid or to be paid for the
period from Admission to the end of the relevant Performance Period) is less
than 100p increased by 2.5p for every Performance Period (pro-rated for any part
period thereof) (the "Performance Fee Trigger"), the Investment Manager will not
at that time be entitled to be paid the Performance Fee otherwise due. If the
Performance Fee Trigger has been met but payment in full of any Performance Fee
would lead to the Net Asset Value per Share falling below the relevant
Performance Fee Trigger, the Performance Fee will only be paid to the extent it
does not reduce the Net Asset Value per Share below the Performance Fee Trigger.

If the Performance Fee Trigger is met in the future, any previously unpaid
Performance Fees (due to the prior application of the Performance Fee Trigger)
will be payable to the Investment Manager (but again only to the extent such
payment does not reduce the Net Asset Value per Share below the relevant
Performance Fee Trigger).

In any period where the Net Asset Value per Share is below the Performance Fee
Trigger, a contingent Performance Fee liability will exist. The Company intends
to accrue such contingent liability within the Net Asset Value per Share which
it announces following each Valuation Day.

Accordingly, any such announced Net Asset Value may differ from the Net Asset
Value per Share calculated on a normal accounting basis.

A performance fee of nil (Dec 2006: �41,008) and �3,717 (Dec 2006: �56,312)
respectively for Income Cell and Growth Cell was incurred during the period
ended 31 December 2007 of which nil (June 2007: �162,565) and nil (June 2007:
�222,516) respectively for Income Cell and Growth Cell was payable to the
Investment Manager at the period end.

With effect from 1 February 2008, the arrangements were changed for the
calculation and payment of the performance fee to its investment manager such
that performance fees are calculated and paid by New Star Multi Strategy Master
Hedge Fund Limited (the "Master Fund) rather than by the company. Substantially
all of the Company's assets are invested in the Master Fund.

The change has been introduced to ensure equitable treatment between the two
cells upon conversions and other cash movements.  The economic effect for
Shareholders is minimal.

(c) Administration Fees

HSBC Securities Services (Guernsey) Limited, the administrator and secretary, is
paid an annual fee. The, minimum fee is �11,600 to perform, or procure the
performance of, all general administrative and company secretarial tasks for the
Company, including the calculation of the Net Asset Value of the Company and the
Net Asset Value per Share of the Income Shares and the Growth Shares,
maintaining its financial records and the organising of shareholder meetings and
will be reimbursed reasonable out of pocket expenses by the Company. The
Administrator is responsible for payment of all of the Sub-Administrator's fees
and expenses.

(d) Custodian Fees

HSBC Institutional Trust Services (Ireland) Limited, the Custodian is paid a
monthly fee of US$1,000. The Custodian is also reimbursed by the Company
reasonable out-of-pocket expenses. Custodian fees of �2,684 (Dec 2006: �1,760)
and �3,261 (Dec 2006: �2,377) respectively for Income Cell and Growth Cell was
incurred during the period ended 31 December 2007 of which �4,339 (June 2007:
�3,827) and �5,270 (June 2007: �5,296) respectively for Income Cell and Growth
Cell was payable at the period end.

(e) Registrar Fees

Capital IRG (CI) Limited, the Registrar, is paid a minimum annual fee of �7,500
and on a per shareholder basis. The Registrar is also reimbursed by the Company
reasonable out-of-pocket expenses. During the period ended 31 December 2007,
registration fees of �3,676 (Dec 2006: �1,320) and �4,465 (Dec 2006: �1,783)
respectively for Income Cell and Growth Cell was incurred of which nil (June
2007: �112) and nil (June 2007: �155) was payable at the period end.

(f) Financial advisory and broking services fees

Winterflood Securities Limited, the Nominated Broker, is paid an annual fee of
�10,000. The Nominated Broker is also reimbursed by the Company for reasonable
out-of-pocket expenses. During the period ended 31 December 2007, a brokerage
fee of �2,288 (Dec 2006: �1,760) and �2,780 (Dec 2006: � 2,377) respectively for
Income Cell and Growth Cell was incurred of which �1,499 (June 2007: �3,662) and
�1,693 (June 2007: �5,461) respectively for Income Cell and Growth Cell was
payable at the period end.

KPMG LLP was appointed as the Nominated Adviser from 26 June 2007 and is paid an
annual fee of �32,000 and is also reimbursed reasonable out-of-pocket expenses.

(g) CISX listing sponsor Fees

HSBC Securities Services (Guernsey) Limited, CISX listing sponsor, is paid an
annual fee of �1,800 and is also reimbursed reasonable out-of-pocket expenses.
During the period ended 31 December 2007 a listing fee of �1,108 (Dec 2006:
�317) and �1,345 (Dec 2006: �428) respectively for Income Cell and Growth Cell
was incurred of which �428 (June 2007: �689) and �484 (June 2007: �953)
respectively for Income Cell and Growth Cell was payable at the period end.

 (h) Launch costs and share issuance costs

The launch costs and share issuance costs of the Company are those which are
necessary for the incorporation of the Company and the Placing. These expenses
have been met by the Company and paid on or around Admission out of the Initial
Gross Proceeds. These were amortized in the Net Asset Value per Share over the
period from Admission to 30 June 2007. These include the fees and expenses of
the Nominated Adviser, the Nominated Broker, the CISX Sponsor, the
Administrator, the fees of the London Stock Exchange and Channel Islands Stock
Exchange, legal and accounting fees, promotion, printing, advertising and
distribution costs.

During the period ended 31 December 2007, share issuance costs of �453 (Dec
2006: �64,510) and �551 (Dec 2006: �87,136) respectively for Income Cell and
Growth Cell was incurred, which have been accounted for in the Statement of
Changes in Equity. During the period ended 31 December 2007, launch costs of
�5,996 (Dec 2006: �39,715) and �7,285 (Dec 2006: �53,654) respectively for
Income Cell and Growth Cell was incurred, which have been accounted for in the
Statement of Operations.

4      Dividend policy

Subject to market conditions, the Directors intend to pay dividends to Income
Shareholders in respect of the three month periods ending 31 March, 30 June, 30
September and 31 December. The Company may receive dividends from its holding of
Master Fund Sterling Shares. To the extent that any such Master Fund dividends
attributable to the Income Shares are insufficient to pay dividends on Income
Shares, the Company may use available cash resources, redeem Master Fund
Sterling Shares attributable to the Income Shares or draw down on borrowings to
fund dividend payments. Any such borrowings would be secured on and only have
recourse to assets in the Income Cell and cost of borrowing would only be borne
by assets in the Income Cell.

During the period ended 31 December 2007, the Company paid the following
dividends in respect of the Income Shares:
                                                                  Dividend per share              Dividend
First Quarterly Dividend
(Paid on date 23 August 2007
 to shareholders registered on 27 July 2007)                                   1.25p               128,750

Second Quarterly Dividend
(Paid on date 30 November 2007 to shareholders registered
on 16 November 2007)                                                           1.25p               140,342

Total Dividends paid during the period                                                             269,092

Any dividends received from the Master Fund Sterling Shares attributable to the
Growth Shares will either be reinvested in the Master Fund or held as cash.

5     Taxation

The Company is registered in Guernsey as an exempt company and therefore, is not
resident in Guernsey for the purposes of liability to Guernsey income tax.
Confirmation has been obtained from the Administrator of Income Tax that, under
current law and practice in Guernsey, the Company will only be liable to tax in
Guernsey in respect of income arising in Guernsey, other than bank deposit

Guernsey does not levy capital gains tax (with the exception of dwellings profit
tax) and therefore, neither the Company nor any of the shareholders will suffer
any tax in Guernsey on capital gains. Payments made by the Company to non
Guernsey resident shareholders whether made during the life of the Company or by
distribution on the liquidation of the Company should not be subject to Guernsey

6    Fair value information

For certain of the Company's financial instruments not carried at fair value
including  interest receivable, other receivables, fees payable, interest
payable and accrued liabilities and other payables, the carrying amounts
approximate fair value due to the immediate or short-term nature of these
financial instruments.

Fair value estimates are made at a specific point in time, based on market
conditions and information about the financial instrument. These estimates are
subjective in nature and involve uncertainties and matters of significant
judgement and therefore, cannot be determined with precision. Changes in
assumptions could significantly affect the estimates. There were no such
estimates during the period.

7     Risks

The Company carries the same financial risks inherent in the Master Fund as the
Company's only investment is in the Master Fund.

The Master Fund maintains active trading positions in a variety of derivative
and non-derivative financial instruments as dictated by its investment
management strategy. As a result, the Master Fund is exposed to various types of
risk such as credit risk, counterparty risk, leverage risk, liquidity risk,
short sale risk and market risk. Market risk includes currency risk, interest
rate risk and equity price risk. The nature and extent of the financial
instruments outstanding at the date of the statement of net assets and the risk
management policies employed by the Master Fund are discussed below.

(a)   Market risk

The Master Fund trades in financial instruments, taking positions in traded and
over the counter instruments including derivatives, to take advantage of short
term market movements in the equity and bond markets.

Market risk is the risk that changes in interest rates, foreign exchange rates
or equity and commodity prices will make an instrument less valuable or more
onerous. All trading financial instruments are recognised at fair value, and all
changes in market conditions directly affect net income. Market risk is managed
through diversification of the portfolio.

(b)   Credit risk

Credit risk is the risk that counterparty to a financial instrument will fail to
discharge an obligation or commitment that it has entered into with the Master
Fund. Credit risk is generally higher when a non-exchange traded financial
instrument is involved because the counterparty for non-exchange traded
financial instruments is not backed by an exchange clearing house. All financial
instruments in the Master Fund are cleared through and held in custody primarily
by Goldman Sachs International and Morgan Stanley & Co. International Limited.

(c) Counterparty risk

The Master Fund is subject to counterparty risk to the extent that its prime
brokers may be unable to fulfil their obligations either to return the Master
Fund's securities or repay amounts owed. The Master Fund does not anticipate any
losses as a result of this concentration. The risk that counterparties to both
derivative and other instruments might default on their obligations is monitored
on an ongoing basis. To manage the level of counterparty risk, the Master Fund
deals with counterparties of good credit standing only.

(d)   Interest rate risk

The majority of the Master Fund's financial assets and liabilities are
non-interest bearing. Margin cash at brokers and counterparties comprise current
and call accounts which bear interest at short term market rates and therefore
are not exposed to significant amounts of interest rate risk.

(e)   Currency risk

The Master Fund may invest in financial instruments denominated in currencies
other than its measurement currency. Consequently, the Master Fund is exposed to
risks that the exchange rate of its currency relative to other currencies may
change in a manner that has an adverse effect on the value of that portion of
the Master Fund's assets or liabilities denominated in currencies other than
USD. In addition to the above the Net Asset Value of the GBP class is exposed to
possible adverse currency fluctuations between USD and GBP. The Investment
Manager may use currency hedging techniques with an aim of reducing currency
risk in the Master Fund. The Fund will only invest in the Sterling shares of the
Master Fund.

(f)   Liquidity risk

The Master Fund's financial instruments include investments in derivative
contracts traded over-the-counter, which are not traded in an organised public
market and may generally be illiquid. As a result, the Master Fund may not be
able to quickly liquidate its investments in these instruments at an amount
close to their fair value in order to meet its liquidity requirements or to
respond to specific events such as deterioration in the credit worthiness of a
particular issuer. The Master Fund's investments are considered to be readily
realisable as they are listed on major stock exchanges only.

(g)   Leverage risk

The Master Fund is subject to leverage risk to the extent that leveraged
investments may increase the potential loss to investors should any depreciation
in the value of the leveraged investments occur. The Master Fund's use of
contracts for differences ('CFDs') as part of its portfolio management
techniques results in certain additional risks. CFDs provide leverage and
consequently may increase the potential loss to the investors should any
depreciation in the value of the leveraged instruments or underlying investments
occur. The Master Fund's leverage policy may expose the Master Fund to greater
than average risk.

(h)   Short sale risk

The Master Fund is subject to short sale risk whereby increases in the market
price of an investment sold short could result in an inability to cover the
short position and lead to significant losses.

8      Directors

Each director is entitled to receive fees of �15,000 per annum. John Duffield's
fee is paid by the Company to New Star Asset Management Holdings Limited for
making available his services as a director of the Company.

Directors fees and expenses for the period ended 31 December 2007, amounted to
�35,815 (Dec ember 2006: �7,919) and �45,309 (December 2006: �10,697)
respectively for Income Cell and Growth Cell of which �2,472 (June 2007:
�15,101) and �3,004 (June 2007: �20,900) respectively for Income Cell and Growth
Cell was payable at the period end.

9     Related party transactions

Certain of the directors of the Company are also directors, shareholders or
partners of companies or firms who provide services to the Company. Mr. John
Duffield is chairman of New Star Asset Management (Bermuda) Limited and New Star
Asset Management Limited which receives fees as described in note 3. Funds under
management of New Star Asset Management Group PLC held 6,830,000 Growth Shares
in the Company as at 31 December 2007. Mr. John Hawkins is a Director of a HSBC
plc Group Company, HSBC Investment Management (International) Limited.

10   Share Capital


The authorised share capital of the Company consists of 100 Management Shares of
no par value and unlimited number of ordinary shares of no par value. Currently
two Share Classes, the Income Share Class and the Growth Share Class have been
created by the Directors.


The Company is a closed ended protected cell investment company. Two management
shares have been allotted in respect of the non cellular assets of the Company
to the investment manager and to its nominee.

Shares of both the cells have been issued at 100p per share

Transactions in shares during the six month period ended 31 December 2007 were
as follows:
                                              Income Cell                 Growth Cell
                                          Income Share Class          Growth Share Class
                                              Shares       Amount        Shares        Amount
                                                                �                           �

Opening balance                           10,300,000   10,300,000    13,800,000    13,800,000
Shares issued                                      -            -             -             -
Net shares issued / (redeemed)               927,331      955,069      (886,998)    (993,540)
by conversion
Shares redeemed                             (50,000)     (48,097)      (85,000)      (84,575)
Closing balance                           11,177,331   11,206,972    12,828,002    12,721,885

Transactions in shares during the period from 29 June 2006 (date of
incorporation) to 31 December 2007 were as follows:

                                              Income Cell                 Growth Cell
                                          Income Share Class          Growth Share Class
                                              Shares       Amount        Shares        Amount
                                                                �                           �

Opening balance                                    -            -             -             -
Shares issued                             10,300,000   10,300,000    13,800,000    13,800,000
Net shares issued / (redeemed)                     -            -             -             -
by conversion
Shares redeemed                                    -            -             -             -
Closing balance                           10,300,000   10,300,000    13,800,000    13,800,000

Share conversions

The Company's Articles of Association enable Shareholders to convert some or all
of their shares in one class into shares of any other Class with the same Cell
on the first business day of January, April, July and October in each year or
such other days as the Directors may determine. Shares are converted from one
class to another by reference to the ratio of the most recently published NAV
per share of the respective share classes.

On 1 October 2007 the following shares were converted utilising this facility:

                                  Shares redeemed            Shares allotted            Net conversions
Income Shares                              46,199                    973,530                    927,331
Growth Shares                             931,187                     44,189                  (886,998)

During the six months to 31 December 2007, the Company repurchased a total of
50,000 Income shares at an average price of 96.0p per share and 85,000 Growth
shares at an average price of 99.5p per share.

Substantial shareholders:

The Annual General Meeting held on 16 November 2007 approved an amendment to the
Articles of Association, requiring shareholders to disclose to the Company any
significant interests in shares or any relevant changes to those interests. The
amendment to the Articles of Association was introduced to assist the Company in
complying with the AIM rules.

11    Cross Class Liability

The Company is constituted as a protected cell company under the Protected Cell
Companies Ordinances 1997 to 1998 (as amended). A protected cell company is a
multi-cellular company whose principal feature is that each cell has its own
distinct assets which are not available to the creditor of the other cell of
that Company or the Company as a whole. However, jurisdictions outside Guernsey
may not be prepared to accept the same principles. The Protected Cell Companies
Ordinances 1997 to 1998 (as amended) has not yet been tested in the courts.

12   Adjustment to Net Asset Value per Share as at 31 December 2007

                                                                      Income Cell   Growth Cell
                                                                              GBP           GBP

Net asset value per share for financial statement purposes               102.17 p      108.15 p
Add: IAS 39 adjustment to restate investments                              0.52 p        0.55 p
from bid/ask basis of valuation
Net asset value per share as                                             102.70 p      108.70 p
reported to shareholders

Adjustment to Net Asset Value per Share as at 30 June 2007

                                                                      Income Cell   Growth Cell
                                                                              GBP           GBP
Net asset value per share for financial statement purposes                104.61p       108.06p
Add: IAS 39 adjustment to restate investments                               0.46p         0.47p
from bid/ask basis of valuation
Net asset value per share as                                              105.07p       108.53p
reported to shareholders

13   Subsequent events

There have been no events since 31 December 2007, which would have a bearing on
the understanding of the financial statements.


In accordance with the AIM rules, the Company maintains a website which provides
important information about the Company. This information includes: the most
recent annual and interim report; constitutional documents such as the Articles
of Association; and all announcements made to a Regulatory News Service within
the last 12 months. The Company's website may be found at:


                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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