Crocotta Energy Inc. ("Crocotta") (TSX:CTA) is pleased to announce its 2013
year-end reserves as independently evaluated by GLJ Petroleum Consultants Ltd.,
in accordance with National Instrument 51-101 ("NI 51-101").

2013 Highlights

--  Increased proved plus probable reserves by 21% to 46.3 million barrels
    of oil equivalent ("boe") 
--  Increased proved reserves by 29% to 28.6 million boe 
--  Increased reserves per share by 12% 
--  Reserve Replacement of 355% on a proved plus probable basis and 301% on
    a proved basis 
--  Achieved all-in finding, development and acquisition costs ("FD&A")
    including changes in future development costs ("FDC") on a proved plus
    probable basis of $20.48 per boe ($20.96 per boe on a proved basis) 
--  Achieved three-year all-in FD&A including changes in FDC on a proved
    plus probable basis of $14.84 per boe ($18.20 per boe on a proved basis)
--  Reserve life index of 13.7 years on a proved plus probable basis (8.5
    years proved) based on Q4 2013 average production of 9,233 boepd 
--  All FDC booked can be funded within projected cash flow 

Capital and Reserve Discussion

Crocotta's capital was spent on achieving the following goals for 2013:

--  Being a low cost operator and improving netbacks 
--  Proving up Edson Cardium and Dawson-Sunrise Montney 
--  Expanding opportunity base within core areas and adding lands that could
    develop into new core areas 

Facilities and pipeline capital totaled $23.7 million (19% of Capex) to expand
both Edson and Montney facilities and gathering systems. At Edson, Crocotta
signed an agreement to move substantially all its product in the area to the
Alliance Pipeline as well as focusing capital to reduce operating costs. The
benefits were substantial with an estimated increase in netback by approximately
$4 per boe by Q413. Edson operating costs in Q413 were $4.00 per boe (excluding
2012 adjustments booked in Q413 that relate to a third party processing
facility). While the commitment to improving netback did not necessarily result
in more reserves, it did contribute materially to the value of the Edson asset
that is approximately $100 million higher than year-end 2012.

Montney facilities were commissioned in late 2013 which reduced costs and
increased liquid yields. By Q413, area Montney costs had dropped to $6.30 per
boe from $10.50 per boe in Q1-Q313 and netbacks improved to $23.65 per boe from
$13.85 per boe.

Crocotta's second goal was to prove up both the Cardium at Edson and the Montney
at Dawson-Sunrise. Approximately $58 million (45% of capital) was spent on
proving up and expanding the Cardium at Edson. As expected, reserve increases at
Edson were predominantly in the Cardium and viewed by Crocotta as conservative
given the early nature of production on the play. The Montney saw some increases
but mainly saw movement from probable reserves to proved reserves as production
in the area has matured. We believe the Montney has potential to materially add
reserves in the future as we delineate our lands with future drilling. Overall,
5.2 mmboes were either moved from the probable category to the proved category
or went from unbooked directly to proved. This resulted in a substantial
increase to the lower-risk proved category.

Approximately $13.2 million (10.3% of Capex) was spent on expanding the land
base and drilling new areas. Capital was spent approximately even on core and
non-core areas and resulted in increasing the opportunity base within core areas
and adding one potential new area to develop. Although initial reserve and value
adds may not be material, we view the expansion of the opportunity base as a key
to long-term growth.

Finding and Development Costs ("F&D")

All-in F&D costs including future development costs ("FDC") were $20.96 per boe
on a Proved basis and $20.48 Proved plus Probable basis. The three-year
comparative which normalizes the period costs was $18.20 on a Proved basis and
$14.84 on a Proved plus Probable basis.

F&D costs were affected by a number of factors including the following:

--  3.8 mmboe of probable undeveloped reserves booked in 2012 were converted
    to proved reserves in 2013. Capital spent to convert these reserves did
    not result in an increase in overall reserves (just moving them to the
    lower risk category) 
--  0.823 mmboe of P+P reserves that related to non-core properties were
    written off. With Crocotta's focus being on core properties, certain
    projects on non-core properties were written off as they are unlikely to
    be completed in the foreseeable future. These revisions affected finding
    costs negatively by $1.39 per boe on a P+P basis. 
--  Certain infrastructure costs (see above) were incurred during the period
    that affect all future projects as well as current projects. Long-term
    F&D will normalize these costs but the 2013 year was negatively

Crocotta has presented F&D costs below both including and excluding
dispositions. While NI 51-101 requires that the effects of acquisitions and
dispositions be excluded, Crocotta has calculated both with and without
acquisitions and dispositions as acquisitions and dispositions can have a
significant impact on a company's ongoing reserve replacement costs and that
excluding these amounts could result in an inaccurate portrayal on a company's
cost structure.

                                     2013             2012   3 Year Average 
                                 Proved &         Proved &         Proved & 
($000's, except were                                                        
 noted)                   Proved Probable  Proved Probable  Proved Probable 
Finding & Development                                                       
 Costs (excluding net                                                       
  Exploration and                                                           
   Expenditures          127,270  127,270  98,548   98,548 318,900  318,900 
  Change in FDC (1)       73,423  104,068  17,020   29,185 158,848  240,425 
  Finding and                                                               
   Development Costs                                                        
   excluding Net                                                            
    - Including FDC      200,693  231,338 115,568  127,733 477,748  559,325 
All-in Finding and                                                          
 Development Costs                                                          
    (including net                                                          
  Exploration and                                                           
   Expenditures          127,270  127,270  98,548   98,548 318,900  318,900 
  Net Acquisitions                                                          
   (including related                                                       
   capital)                    -        -   5,406    5,406  (7,442)  (7,442)
Exploration and                                                             
 Expenditures including                                                     
 net acquisitions                                                           
 (dispositions)          127,270  127,270 103,954  103,954 311,458  311,458 
  Change in FDC           73,423  104,068  17,020   29,185 158,848  240,425 
All-in Finding and                                                          
 Development Costs -                                                        
 Including FDC           200,693  231,338 120,974  133,139 470,306  551,883 
Reserve Additions (Mboe)                                                    
  Exploration and                                                           
   Development             9,573   11,296   6,564   10,307  26,055   38,190 
  Net Acquisitions/                                                         
   Dispositions                -        -     665      807    (220)    (997)
Total Reserve Additions    9,573   11,296   7,229   11,114  25,835   37,193 
Finding and Development                                                     
 Costs excluding net                                                        
 dispositions ($/boe)                                                       
  Excluding FDC            13.29    11.27   15.01     9.56   12.24     8.35 
  Including FDC            20.96    20.48   17.61    12.39   18.34    14.65 
All-in Finding and                                                          
 Development Costs                                                          
  Excluding FDC            13.29    11.27   14.38     9.35   12.06     8.37 
  Including FDC            20.96    20.48   16.73    11.98   18.20    14.84 

1.  Future development capital ("FDC") expenditures required to recover
    reserves estimated by GLJ. The aggregate of the exploration and
    development costs incurred in the most recent financial period and the
    change during that period in estimated future development costs
    generally may not reflect total finding and development costs related to
    reserve additions for that period. 

Netback and Recycle Ratio

Crocotta has been able to significantly improve its netback through various
initiatives in 2013 that increased the net revenue stream and reduced operating
costs. The effect of Crocotta's efforts were visible in Q413 where netbacks
increased to $28.82 per boe (b efore 2012 non-recurring adjustments of $890,000)
from $24.21 per boe in Q1-Q313. The effect at Edson was even more dramatic as
netbacks increased to $30.88 per boe (from $25.37 per boe in Q1-Q313) due to
operating cost being reduced to $4.00 per boe and net revenues increasing from
Aux Sable processing arrangement.

At Dawson-Sunrise, Crocotta started producing through its own facility in the
fall of 2013. Operating costs were reduced to $6.30 per boe in Q413 from $10.50
in Q1-Q313. Liquids yield also increased significantly and contributed to the
increase in Q413 netback to $23.65 per boe as compared to $13.85 per boe in

The following chart shows netback and recycle ratio using Q413 netbacks
(excluding a 2012 gas plant adjustment of $890,000 booked in Q413 financials)
when compared to one and three year finding costs (All-in including FDC on a P+P
basis). We have also shown Edson recycle ratio using Q413 Edson netback compared
to one and three year finding costs.

                                 Crocotta Q413                    Edson Q413
                  Crocotta Q413    Netback and     Edson Q413    Netback and
                  Netback and 3           2013 Netback and 3-           2013
                       Year F&D            F&D       year F&D            F&D
Netback $ per                                                               
 Boe                      28.82          28.82          30.88          30.88
F&D - $ per Boe           14.84          20.48          14.84          20.48
Recycle Ratio               1.9            1.4            2.1            1.5

Reserve Life Index

The Company's Reserve Life Index presented below is based on Q4 2013 average
production of 9,233 boepd.

Reserve Category                                          Reserve Life Index
Proved plus Probable Reserves                                           13.7
Proved                                                                   8.5

Reserves Summary

Crocotta's December 31, 2013 reserves as prepared by the independent reserves
evaluation firm GLJ Petroleum Consultants Ltd. ("GLJ") and based on the GLJ
(2014-01) future price forecast are as follows:

                   Light/Medium Oil       Heavy Oil      Natural Gas Liquids
                     Company             Company             Company        
                    Interest    Net     Interest    Net     Interest    Net 
                       (Mbbl) (Mbbl)       (Mbbl) (Mbbl)       (Mbbl) (Mbbl)
  Producing             1,110    863            0      0        2,252  1,914
  Developed Non-                                                            
   producing               33     31           50     45          154    133
  Undeveloped           1,079    949           54     44        2,284  2,017
Total proved            2,222  1,843          104     90        4,690  4,064
Probable                1,466  1,186           56     47        2,865  2,481
Total proved &                                                              
 probable               3,688  3,029          160    137        7,555  6,546

                                        Barrels of Oil   
                     Natural Gas          Equivalent     
                     Company              Company        
                    Interest     Net     Interest    Net 
                       (Mmcf)  (Mmcf)       (Mboe) (Mboe)
  Producing            51,946  43,326       12,019  9,998
  Developed Non-                                         
   producing            6,208   5,493        1,272  1,124
  Undeveloped          71,285  61,138       15,298 13,201
Total proved          129,439 109,958       28,589 24,323
Probable               79,671  66,765       17,665 14,842
Total proved &                                           
 probable             209,110 176,723       46,254 39,165


1.  "Company Interest" reserves means Crocotta's working interest (operating
    and non-operating) share before deduction of royalties and including any
    royalty interest of Crocotta. 
2.  "Net" reserves means Crocotta's working interest (operated and non-
    operated) share after deduction of royalties, plus Crocotta's royalty
    interest in reserves. 
3.  Oil equivalent amounts have been calculated using a conversion rate of
    six thousand cubic feet of natural gas to one barrel of oil. 
4.  Numbers may not add due to rounding. 

Reserves Values

The estimated future net revenues before taxes associated with Crocotta's
reserves effective December 31, 2013 and based on the GLJ (2014-01) future price
forecast are summarized in the following table:

($000s)                                    0% DCF   5% DCF  10% DCF  15% DCF
  Producing                               282,361  236,167  204,375  181,206
  Developed Non-producing                  26,503   18,591   14,430   11,883
  Undeveloped                             283,914  194,624  139,874  103,783
Total proved                              592,778  449,382  358,679  296,872
Probable                                  446,990  267,644  178,046  126,582
Total proved & probable                 1,039,768  717,026  536,725  423,454

Price Forecast

The GLJ (2014-01) price forecast for the next 5 years is as follows:

                            WTI @ Cushing Edmonton Light Natural Gas at AECO
Year                          ($US / Bbl)   ($Cdn / Bbl)      ($Cdn / Mmbtu)
2014                                97.50          92.76                4.03
2015                                97.50          97.37                4.26
2016                                97.50         100.00                4.50
2017                                97.50         100.00                4.74
2018                                97.50         100.00                4.97

Forward-Looking Information

This press release contains forward-looking statements and forward-looking
information within the meaning of applicable securities laws. The use of any of
the words "expect", "anticipate", "continue", "estimate", "may", "will",
"should", "believe", "intends", "forecast", "plans", "guidance" and similar
expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements or information.

More particularly and without limitation, this document contains forward looking
statements and information relating to the Company's oil, NGLs and natural gas
production and reserves and reserves values, capital programs, and oil, NGLs,
and natural gas commodity prices. The forward-looking statements and information
are based on certain key expectations and assumptions made by the Company,
including expectations and assumptions relating to prevailing commodity prices
and exchange rates, applicable royalty rates and tax laws, future well
production rates, the performance of existing wells, the success of drilling new
wells, the availability of capital to undertake planned activities and the
availability and cost of labour and services.

Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in such
forward-looking statements and information are reasonable, it can give no
assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Since forward-looking
statements and information address future events and conditions, by their very
nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ
materially from those currently anticipated due to a number of factors and
risks. These include, but are not limited to, the risks associated with the oil
and gas industry in general such as operational risks in development,
exploration and production, delays or changes in plans with respect to
exploration or development projects or capital expenditures, the uncertainty of
estimates and projections relating to production rates, costs and expenses,
commodity price and exchange rate fluctuations, marketing and transportation,
environmental risks, competition, the ability to access sufficient capital from
internal and external sources and changes in tax, royalty and environmental
legislation. The forward-looking statements and information contained in this
document are made as of the date hereof for the purpose of providing the readers
with the Company's expectations for the coming year. The forward-looking
statements and information may not be appropriate for other purposes. The
Company undertakes no obligation to update publicly or revise any
forward-looking statements or information, whether as a result of new
information, future events or otherwise, unless so required by applicable
securities laws.

BOE Conversions

BOE's may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation. A BOE conversion
ratio of 6 Mcf: 1 Bbl is based on an energy equivalency conversion method
primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not represent a value
equivalency at the wellhead.

Crocotta Energy Inc.
Robert Zakresky
President and Chief Executive Officer
(403) 538-3736

Crocotta Energy Inc.
Nolan Chicoine
Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer
(403) 538-3738

Crocotta Energy Inc.
(403) 538-3737
(403) 538-3735 (FAX)

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