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Japan Registers Strong Growth.

- 07/6/2004 20:41
busterroody N° messaggi: 27 - Iscritto da: 20/5/2004
And a very upbeat government view on the prospect for future improvement. This is so great for the world ecomony.
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10 Commenti
1 di 10 - 10/6/2004 11:53
cody banks N° messaggi: 28 - Iscritto da: 17/3/2004
Terrible for our budget deficit thought.
2 di 10 - 10/6/2004 23:56
Aleman N° messaggi: 145 - Iscritto da: 24/10/2003
Will also increase pressure on interest rates leaving U.S. with some serious catching up to do that could lead to instability.
3 di 10 - 22/6/2004 11:32
tonman N° messaggi: 51 - Iscritto da: 19/3/2004
Intertest rate unchanged until after November. If Kerry wins interest rates up faster, if Bush wins again, rates up slower. Economic effect broadly the same. Economic Boom after election for sure.
4 di 10 - 25/6/2004 23:04
busterroody N° messaggi: 27 - Iscritto da: 20/5/2004
Japan is being to boom big time, strange you don't hear about it much. Probably we don't like to admit it. But their economy is in better shape than ours and was so even when it was in the dumps, which it had been for a long time
5 di 10 - 28/6/2004 22:45
penelope pitstop N° messaggi: 70 - Iscritto da: 17/3/2004
Yes Japan looks like it is entering a whole new period of growth that last a decade.
6 di 10 - 06/7/2004 11:06
loki1114 N° messaggi: 116 - Iscritto da: 22/6/2004
Yen dropped on monday, but shouldnt pose that big of a problem. But the uncertainty over the elections is causing a little bit of a stir
7 di 10 - 08/7/2004 11:12
VTHokie N° messaggi: 41 - Iscritto da: 02/6/2004
The Nikkei ended at a 5 week low yesterday down .6 percent. This election that they are having is kiilling their economy. Certianly hope it doesnt go the same way for us.
8 di 10 - 12/7/2004 21:15
plicker N° messaggi: 71 - Iscritto da: 19/3/2004
Its gonna dawn on everybody very soon, that the world economy is in very fine shape indeed, and the main world indexs will go crazy. This depressed uncertain market comes down to 3 things, Iraqi, Bush and Oil.
9 di 10 - 13/7/2004 09:24
benita2 N° messaggi: 130 - Iscritto da: 17/3/2004
Its does appear, regardless of the short term blip in the Nikkei, that Japan's economy is upbeat. Good for Asia, but not our balance of payments.
10 di 10 - 14/7/2004 10:49
amneskid N° messaggi: 112 - Iscritto da: 22/6/2004
I dont believe that Bush is part of this uncertain economy. Iraq.... sorta. Oil.... yea a big part. If anything, the US economy has been growing under Bush and making impressive gains. I believe that VT might be right, and that our economy will mimic the Nikkei. For the life of me, i can't name one economic policy proposed by Kerry. I think that if Kerry makes it to the White House the intial uncertainty will cause a big stir in the market
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