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Leonteq Securities AG

Leonteq Securities AG (Q00362)

Chiuso 28 Marzo 5:30PM

Potenzia il tuo portafoglio: Discussioni in tempo reale e idee di trading attuabili.

Notizie su Q00362

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0 articoli trovati
johnnytrader33 johnnytrader33 2 minuti fa
I mean pure 100% FACTS. Its not like you cannot dispute it. CEO Tim "POS" Dixon is a pure criminal. A LIAR a thief and a FRAUD. Care to dispute there guy with absolutely ZERO for this board?
dukeb dukeb 2 minuti fa
George was dropped from the suit before the suit was dismissed without prejudice.

The judge did not find in his favor.
zino zino 2 minuti fa
Rumors has it yer trying get cheap shares
zab zab 3 minuti fa
How long will Republicans allow this carnage to continue,  Americans will never become trump supporters. 
zino zino 3 minuti fa
Why Calling Aitan Trasher WTF ???
janice shell janice shell 3 minuti fa
Are Trump's IRS audits done yet?

Not that I know of. I do not believe they'll ever be done.
Bayguy Bayguy 3 minuti fa
DewDiligence DewDiligence 4 minuti fa
Rob David—>Rob Davis (MRK CEO). Good (but easy) catch by the algorithm.
zino zino 4 minuti fa
Why You Bashing ? You are Trash Not Ceo Aitan
AtlasQ AtlasQ 4 minuti fa
Have a great weekend everyone 
Get ready for some fireworks next week 
Energy Manager Energy Manager 4 minuti fa
Improved accuracy from 10ng/ml down to 5ng/ml
elks elks 5 minuti fa
Exactly big weeks coming. Have good weekend everyone.
3Angels120702 3Angels120702 5 minuti fa
I think a scam is a company with no revenue selling shares to pay for a stock promo
researcher59 researcher59 5 minuti fa
GTEC -.43 to 1.74 after hitting 2.58 yesterday .... would have made a nice short if you could find shares. Currently none available at IB despite a borrow rate of 237%.

Glad I got out yesterday ! My GTC orders are waiting to buy back in the $1.40's and lower .....
Teliz2009 Teliz2009 5 minuti fa
About time for you to breakup again 
TrendTrade2016 TrendTrade2016 5 minuti fa
B RY B RY 5 minuti fa
Hi janice, yes they did! Though it's important to understand everyone of us is looking out for our interests. Whether it's a politician, a common thief, a stock trader, a billionaire, or two people arguing their points in a political debate. I'm not for or against any politicians personally. I truly
dukeb dukeb 5 minuti fa
I read it perfectly fine and I understand that George would be the plaintiff in this instance.

The lawsuit ended in the plaintiff’s favor;

The lawsuit did not end in the plaintiff's favor.

louieforpar louieforpar 5 minuti fa
My comment would have been where I would like the see you in 5 days. 
(Insert at will)
Energy Manager Energy Manager 6 minuti fa
Pushed it out to 2026
Atown62 Atown62 6 minuti fa
It's Monday. The ceo said so. Or should be expect another ceo lie? Like 100% of the time?
RickNagra RickNagra 6 minuti fa
Sadly this is true.  I have now switched to unicorns.

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