Baronsmead VCT 4 plc 
Half Yearly Financial Report Announcement 
11 August 2009 
Investment Objective 
Baronsmead VCT 4 is a tax efficient listed company which aims to achieve 
long-term capital growth and generate tax-- free dividends for private 
Unaudited Half Yearly Financial Report Announcement - 
Six months ended 30 June 2009 
Baronsmead VCT 4 plc 
Financial Headlines 
3.0p    Interim dividend of 3.0p per share (unchanged from prior year) payable 
        on 7 September 2009 to shareholders on the register at 21 August 2009. 
3.6%    NAV per share increased by 3.6 per cent over the six month period to 30 
        June 2009 from 90.68p to 93.92p before payment of the 3.0p interim 
31.7%   NAV total return to shareholders since inception in 2001, equivalent to 
        an annualised total return of 3.7 per cent before the 20  per cent 
        income tax relief (on subscription, at launch) and 4.6  per cent 
8.3%    Dividend yield of 8.3 per cent tax free to qualifying shareholders 
        (gross equivalent yield for a higher rate taxpayer is 12.3  per cent). 
        This is based on the 3.0p interim dividend payable in September 2009 
        plus the 4.0p dividend paid in December 2008 divided by the mid 
        ordinary share price of 84.0p at 30 June 2009. 
Chairman's Statement - for the six months ended 30 June 2009 
The Net Asset Value per share has increased by 3.6 per cent in the last six 
months, mainly as the value of AIM shares in the portfolio has shown some 
recovery from 2008 lows. 
The 3p interim dividend reflects this positive total return in the period and 
is payable largely out of capital reserves accumulated from successful unquoted 
exits in prior years. The 18 strong unquoted portfolio is showing resilience 
and has maintained its value in a challenging trading environment. Furthermore, 
the Company is well positioned to make new investments at an advantageous point 
in the cycle. 
In the six months to 30 June 2009, the Net Asset Value (NAV) per share 
increased by 3.6  per cent from 90.68p to 93.92p before payment (due on 7 
September 2009) of a 3p per share interim dividend. This dividend comprises 
2.7p per share of undistributed capital profits and 0.3p per share of net 
revenue. The capital dividend is paid from the reserves accumulated from net 
profits realised in previous years. The increase in NAV per share is nearly all 
represented by a rise in the AIM portion of the portfolio, up 19 per cent since 
the year end. The FTSE All-Share Index fell 2 per cent over the same period. 
The performance of the unquoted portfolio has been robust and its collective 
valuation has been sustained. This validates the quality of the portfolio and 
the effectiveness of close cooperation with the investee companies. 
At the period end, over 70 per cent of the ordinary capital raised (net of 
launch costs) prior to 31 December 2006 was invested in VCT qualifying 
investments and the 5 other VCT qualifying tests had also been met. 
The interim dividend will take the cumulative dividends paid (tax free to 
qualifying shareholders) for founder shareholders to 34p per share and compares 
to their original GBP1 investment. 
There have been two prospectus fund raisings by Baronsmead VCT 4. All 
shareholders from these prior offers have to date achieved positive absolute 
total returns. The returns are also ahead of the FTSE All-Share Index over 1, 3 
and 5 years. The results compare favourably with other VCTs and fuller 
comparisons have recently been facilitated by the Association of Investment 
Companies (AIC) who publish monthly data on their website, www.theaic.co.uk. 
The returns to shareholders are enhanced by the tax benefits available to VCT 
investors. At a time of lower and sometimes negative investment returns, the 
proportional benefit from these reliefs is greater. For instance the tax free 
nature of dividends for qualifying shareholders is significant when deposit 
rates on cash are presently at a historic low. 
The Board reviews the relative health of the portfolio companies quarterly, in 
terms of financial performance and reference to market values. 
Following the write off of three AIM investments and one unquoted company, the 
total portfolio comprises 65  companies. 55  per cent of the portfolio by value 
was invested in unquoted companies, 19  per cent in AIM investees and the 
balance of 26  per cent remained in cash or government securities. 
The Company has endeavoured to prepare for the current downturn over the last 
two years by selecting new investments in sub-sectors that are less cyclical 
and with growth strategies that are intended to be less reliant on general 
economic growth. The charts on page 7 of the interim report show the proportion 
of the portfolio by value (including AIM-- traded companies). Healthcare & 
Education which tends to be more public sector dependent has almost doubled to 
19  per cent and IT & Media has increased significantly from 8  per cent to 28 
per cent. In contrast the proportion invested in Consumer Markets has remained 
relatively low at around 15 per cent and the exposure to Financial Services at 
this stage in the cycle is modest at 6 per cent. 
Unquoted portfolio 
On average, the current portfolio of unquoted investments is valued at some 
35 per cent higher than original cost. Thirteen  companies are valued at a 
level greater than cost and whilst five are valued below cost only two of these 
have a provision against cost of greater than 25  per cent. 
In addition, in the unquoted portfolio financial structures have been designed 
to be prudent wherever possible with relatively low levels of external debt. 
There are several ways of measuring borrowings but the most common relates to 
the level of net borrowings divided by annual operating profits defined as 
EBITDA - earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation. At an 
average ratio of 1.8 times across the unquoted portfolio, the level of debt 
within the portfolio as a whole is relatively low and considerably less than 
those typically used in larger private equity transactions. 
The Manager is actively involved in its private equity investments and tight 
control of overheads, a focus on efficient working capital management and early 
communication with each investee company's banks have all helped to manage risk 
and minimise issues. Presentations by investee companies at each AGM have 
illustrated the close relationship between the executive management of unquoted 
companies and the Manager. 
AIM-traded portfolio 
The AIM market was oversold towards the end of 2008 and this portion of the 
portfolio has bounced back during the period with 19 per cent growth in value. 
While returns from AIM investments were poor throughout 2008, this part of the 
portfolio is now making a positive contribution. 
The market for investing in new unquoted transactions remains relatively 
depressed at present with overall M&A volumes significantly down. No new 
investments have been completed during the six months under review. The quality 
of proposals at present remains mixed as the market adjusts to revised asset 
pricing and the Manager is rightly focused on high quality businesses with good 
management. The M&A market will turn as confidence starts to return and we 
intend to benefit when making investments from asset prices lower than the 
peaks of recent years. In the meantime, the Manager has an active programme of 
directly approaching prospective investee companies in selected sectors, and 
this is building a strong pipeline of entrepreneurs that would like to work 
with the Manager when timing is right. This continues to be a significant 
investment for the future. 
The volume of qualifying AIM opportunities has increased from very low levels 
earlier in the year. However, conversion rates have so far remained low as the 
Manager seeks to maintain a high quality threshold for new investments. 
With capital still scarce for smaller AIM companies and support from the recent 
recovery in equity markets, prospects for new AIM investment during the 
remainder of the year are improving. As previously stated the intention is to 
take more influential stakes in a smaller number of AIM investments, where a 
likely exit strategy to a trade buyer can be envisaged. 
The top up offer in March/April 2009 raised gross proceeds of GBP600,000. Of the 
102 total subscribers, we welcome 21 new shareholders to those 81 shareholders 
that invested again. The Directors continue to believe that it is an 
advantageous time in the UK economic cycle to be investing in smaller companies 
and that it is appropriate for the Company to raise further funds in order to 
fund future investments. The Board's current intention is that there will be a 
significant fundraising in the current tax year under the existing shareholder 
authorities and it is considering making such an offer on a joint basis with 
Baronsmead VCT 3. 
During the six months to 30 June 2009 1.35 million shares were bought back at 
an average discount to NAV of 11 per cent. This compares against the rest of 
the VCT sector where discounts to NAV were generally much higher at the period 
The Company's former broker, Teathers, ceased to operate as a market maker 
during March 2009. However, several other firms became market makers during 
that month thereby minimising the impact this could have had on the discount to 
NAV at which the Company's shares were traded. Currently the Company's shares 
have three market makers, namely Matrix Corporate Capital, Winterflood and 
Singer Capital Markets. Following a review of brokers the Board agreed to 
appoint Matrix Corporate Capital as the new broker to the Company from the 
beginning of August 2009. 
In the April 2009 Budget there were only minor changes to the VCT rules and 
regulations. However, the proposed 50 per cent income tax rate and restriction 
of tax relief on pension contributions may mean that VCTs become increasingly 
attractive. In the autumn, the Manager will seek to articulate these changes as 
a follow up to the letter on utilising VCTs in retirement and estate planning 
sent to shareholders in March 2009. 
Again it is important to stress the need to consult professional advisers for 
all investment decisions. Please email Michael.probin@isisep.com if you wish to 
contribute to these topics and state what is important from your perspective as 
an interested shareholder. 
Equity markets have rallied in recent weeks anticipating that the pace of 
decline in the UK economy over the past 12 months may have slowed. There is 
some evidence that our portfolio companies are also trading more steadily. 
Balance sheets of our investees are in general a little stronger, which should 
enable many of them to anticipate and benefit from the upswing when it comes. 
The Board and Manager share the belief that once greater stability has returned 
to UK financial and industrial markets our Company should be well placed to 
capitalise on a potentially more favourable investment environment. 
There are other external issues which may impact on the company and its 
prospects. The proposed increase in the higher rate of Income Tax in the UK to 
50 per cent from April 2010 will make tax-free dividends more valuable in the 
hands of our shareholders. Your Board believes it will be important to 
demonstrate the positive benefit of such tax concessions to the UK economy from 
investing in entrepreneurial growth businesses. We shall seek to measure the 
increased employment and consequent increase in tax revenue to the Treasury by 
investee companies that have benefited from our investment. For example the ten 
largest investee companies have on average increased the number of employees by 
over 50  per cent during the first 3  years following our investment. 
Another external factor which we regard with concern is the proposed 
Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFM) Directive which may impose 
restrictions on the Manager and/or the Company over the manner in which 
investments are made and funds raised. It is too early to tell how significant 
the impact of these measures will be to the way your Company functions, but we 
are alert to the issues and will comment further on this Directive in the 
Annual Report. 
Philip Dunne 
11 August 2009 
Company         Location   Sector       Activity                Investment 
                                                                cost (GBP'000) 
follow on 
Ffastfill plc   Sevenoaks  IT Support   Trading platform        106 
                           Services     software provider 
IDOX plc        London     IT Support   Public sector software  118 
                           Services     and services 
Total AIM-traded                                                224 
follow on 
Occam           Bath       Business     Integrated data         6 
                           Services     services 
Total Unquoted investments                                      6 
Total Investments in the                                        230 
                            First        Value at       Realised     Multiple 
                          investment                  profit/(loss)   return* 
                             date      31 December 
                                           2008        this period 
Company                                    GBP'000          GBP'000 
Craneware    Part sale      Sep 07          175            10           1.7 
EBTM plc     Written off    Mar 07          51            (51)           - 
Fishworks    Written off    Jun 05          14            (14)           - 
IPT Holdings Written off    Nov 04           4             (4)           - 
MBL Group    Part sale      Jan 03           9              8           0.6 
Total AIM-traded                            253           (51) 
Green Issues Written off    Dec 05           -              -           0.2 
Scriptswitch Partial        May 07          361             -           1.3 
             loan note 
Total Unquoted                              361             - 
Total divestments in the                    614           (51) 
In addition deferred proceeds of GBP16,000 were received on the sale of the 
unquoted investment Language Line realised in a prior period. 
*Includes interest/dividends received, loan note redemptions and partial 
realisations accounted for in prior periods. 
Responsibility statement of the Directors in respect of the half-yearly 
financial report 
We confirm that to the best of our knowledge: 
*the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance with 
the Statement `Half-yearly financial reports' issued by the UK Accounting 
Standards Board; 
*the Chairman's Statement (constituting the interim management report) includes 
a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and 
Transparency Rules, being an indication of important events that have occurred 
during the first six months of the financial year and their impact on the 
condensed set of financial statements; 
*the Statement of Principal Risks and Uncertainties on page 12 of in interim 
report is a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2. 7R; and 
*the financial statements include a fair review of the information required by 
DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related party 
transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current 
financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or 
performance of the entity during that period; and any changes in the related 
party transactions described in the last annual report that could do so. 
Unaudited Income Statement 
For the six months ended 30 June 2009 
                  Six months to 30 June  Six months to 30 June    Year to 31 December 
                          2009                   2008|                  2008*| 
                  Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total   Revenue Capital Total 
                  GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
Unrealised gains/ 
(losses) on 
investments       -       1,849   1,849 -       (5,255) (5,255) -       (7,319) (7,319) 
Realised (losses) 
/gains on 
investments       -       (42)    (42)  -       1,944   1,944   -       (259)   (259) 
Income            563     -       563   996     -       996     1,762   -       1,762 
Recoverable VAT   1       (3)     (2)   -       -       -       198     749     947 
Investment        (151)   (454)   (605) (185)   (555)   (740)   (330)   (989)   (1,319) 
management fee 
Other expenses    (174)   -       (174) (173)   -       (173)   (427)   -       (427) 
Profit/(loss) on 
activities before 239     1,350   1,589 638     (3,866) (3,228) 1,203   (7,818) (6,615) 
Taxation on       (34)    34      -     (143)   143     -       (306)   306     - 
Profit/(loss) on 
activities after  205     1,384   1,589 495     (3,723) (3,228) 897     (7,512) (6,615) 
Return per 
ordinary share: 
Basic ordinary 
and C share 
combined          0.39p   2.64p   3.03p 0.93p   (7.03)p (6.10)p 1.72p   (14.42) (12.70) 
                                                                        p       p 
*These figures are audited. 
|Ordinary and C share combined. 
Unaudited Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds 
For the six months ended 30 June 2009 
                                      Six months to Six months to       Year to 
                                       30 June 2009  30 June 2008   31 December 
                                              GBP'000         GBP'000       GBP'000*| 
Opening shareholders' funds                  47,896        58,599        58,599 
Profit/(loss) for the period                  1,589       (3,228)       (6,615) 
Issue of shares                                 601         1,526         1,526 
Expenses of share issue/C share                (42)          (22)          (34) 
Purchase of shares for Treasury/            (1,111)         (646)       (1,002) 
Dividends paid                                    -       (1,658)       (4,758) 
Closing shareholders' funds                  48,933        54,571        47,896 
Unaudited Balance Sheet 
                                As at 30 June    As at 30 June         As at 31 
                                         2009             2008    December 2008 
                                        Total            Total            Total 
                                        GBP'000           GBP'000|          GBP'000*| 
Fixed assets 
Unquoted investments                   27,055           25,005           27,047 
Traded on AIM and Listed                9,350           11,586            7,833 
Interest bearing securities            10,300           15,020            9,497 
                                       46,705           51,611           44,377 
Current assets 
Debtors                                   217              535            1,693 
Cash at bank and on deposit             2,439            2,932            2,352 
                                        2,656            3,467            4,045 
Creditors (amounts falling due          (428)            (507)            (505) 
within one year) 
Net current assets                      2,228            2,960            3,540 
Total assets less current                   -                -           47,917 
Creditors (amounts falling due              -                -             (21) 
after one year) 
Net assets                             48,933           54,571           47,896 
Capital and reserves 
Called-up share capital                 5,589           13,923           13,923 
Share premium account                  14,322           13,844           13,826 
Capital redemption reserve              8,623              224              224 
Revaluation reserve                     2,902            2,799              131 
Profit and loss account                17,497           23,781           19,792 
Equity shareholders' funds             48,933           54,571           47,896 
                                As at 30 June    As at 30 June         As at 31 
                                         2009             2008    December 2008 
                                     Ordinary  Ordinary Shares Ordinary Shares* 
Net asset value per share              93.92p          108.27p           90.68p 
Number of ordinary shares in       52,099,126       31,214,339       30,837,886 
Treasury net asset value per           93.25p          107.72p           90.19p 
Number of ordinary shares in       52,099,126       31,214,339       30,837,886 
Number of ordinary shares held      3,793,593        2,065,000        2,441,453 
in Treasury 
Number of listed ordinary          55,892,719       33,279,339       33,279,339 
*These figures are audited. 
|Ordinary and C share combined. 
Unaudited Statement of Cash Flows 
                                    Six months   Six months to       Year to 31 
                                    to 30 June    30 June 2008    December 2008 
                                         GBP'000          GBP'000|          GBP'000*| 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from             722              91              613 
operating activities 
Capital expenditure and financial         (74)         (2,533)            (861) 
Equity dividends paid                        -         (1,658)          (4,578) 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before           648         (4,100)          (4,826) 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from           (561)             344              490 
(Decrease)/increase in cash                 87         (3,756)          (4,336) 
Reconciliation of net cash flow 
to movement in cash 
(Decrease)/increase in cash                 87         (3,756)          (4,336) 
Opening net cash                         2,352           6,688            6,688 
Net cash at 30 June/31 December          2,439           2,932            2,352 
Reconciliation of operating 
profit before taxation to 
net cash flow from operating 
Profit on ordinary activities            1,589         (3,228)          (6,615) 
before taxation 
Unrealised (gains)/losses on           (1,849)           5,255            7,319 
(Profit)/losses on realisation of           42         (1,944)              259 
Changes in working capital and             940               8            (350) 
other non-cash items 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from             722              91              613 
operating activities 
*These figures are audited. 
|Ordinary and C share combined. 
Principal Risks and Uncertainties 
The Company's assets consist of equity and fixed interest investments, cash and 
liquid resources. Its principal risks are therefore market risk, credit risk 
and liquidity risk. Other risks faced by the Company include economic, loss of 
approval as a Venture Capital Trust, investment and strategic, regulatory, 
reputational, operational and financial risks. These risks, and the way in 
which they are managed, are described in more detail under the heading 
Principal risks, risk management and regulatory environment within the Business 
Review in the Company's Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 
December 2008. The Company's principal risks and uncertainties have not changed 
materially since the date of that report. 
Related Parties 
ISIS EP LLP (`the Manager') manages the investments of the Company. The Manager 
also provides or procures the provision of secretarial, accounting, 
administrative and custodian services to the Company. Under the management 
agreement, the Manager receives a fee of 2.5 per cent per annum of the net 
assets of the Company. This is described in more detail under the heading 
Management within the Report of the Directors in the Company's Annual Report 
and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2008. During the period the Company 
has incurred management fees of GBP605,000 and secretarial fees of GBP51,000 
payable to the Manager. 
1. The unaudited interim results which cover the six months to 30 June 2009 
have been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards and 
adopting the accounting policies set out in the statutory accounts of the 
Company for the period ended 31 December 2008. 
2. Return per ordinary share is based on a weighted average of 52,515,200 
ordinary shares in issue (31 December 2008 - 31,200,831, 30 June 2008 - 
3. Earnings for the first six months should not be taken as a guide to the 
results of the full year. 
4. During the six months ended 30 June 2009 the Company bought back 1,352,140 
ordinary shares at a cost of GBP1,111,252. At 30  June 2009 the Company held 
3,793,593 ordinary shares in Treasury. These shares may be re-issued below Net 
Asset Value as long as the discount at issue is narrower than the average 
discount at which the shares were bought back. 
Excluding Treasury shares there were 52,099,126 ordinary shares in issue at 
30 June 2009 (31 December 2008 - 30,837,886 ordinary and 21,191,442 C shares, 
30  June 2008 - 31,214,339 ordinary and 21,191,442 C shares). 
During the six months ended 30 June 2009 the Company issued 632,306 ordinary 
shares in addition to 21,980,574 ordinary shares issued on conversion of the 
C shares. 
5. The interim dividend of 3.0 pence per ordinary share (0.30 pence revenue and 
2.70 pence capital) will be paid on 7 September 2009 to shareholders on the 
register on 21 August 2009. The ex-dividend date is 19 August 2009. 
6. The financial information contained in this half year report does not 
constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 434 of the Companies Act 
2006. The information for the year ended 31 December 2008 has been extracted 
from the latest published audited financial statements. The audited financial 
statements for the year to 31 December 2008, which were unqualified, have been 
filed with the Registrar of Companies. No statutory accounts in respect of any 
period after 31 December 2008 have been reported on by the Companies auditors 
or delivered to the Registrar of Companies. 
7. Copies of the Interim Report will be mailed to shareholders and are 
available from the Registered Office of the Company at 100 Wood Street, London 
EC2V 7AN. 
                                                               Date: 11/08/2009 

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