RNS Number : 5616I

Athol Gold Limited

16 June 2011

Athol Gold Limited 16 June 2011 (formerly Hameldon Resources Limited.)

Final Results

For the year ended 31 December 2010

Dear Shareholders,

I would like to introduce myself as your new Chairman and am pleased to announce the results of your Company for the year ended 31 December 2010 and other news. As most of the events mentioned occurred prior to my joining the board, I will provide an overview for 2010 and then give a guide to what we expect for 2011.


For the first nine months of the year the directors continued their search for suitable investment opportunities in the natural resources sector. Then in October 2010 the board decided to bring in a new management team and appointed Tom Winnifrith, manager of the SF t1ps Smaller Companies Gold Fund, as the Company's Chief Investment Officer with a mandate to invest in the shares of principally gold and precious metal companies quoted on stock exchanges in the UK, Canada and Australia, and at the same time the Gold Fund participated in a GBP500,000 fund raising by the Company. Then in November the Company raised an additional GBP670,000 through a private placing.

The Company's first investment was in Ascot Mining Plc ("Ascot ") via a subscription for GBP430,000 of convertible loan stock with attached warrants. Ascot Mining has a focus on gold production in Costa Rica, its flagship asset being the Chassoul Gold Mine, where gold production is targeted to reach 1,200 ounces per month in 2011. The market value of Athol's investment in Ascot at the year-end was GBP1.7 million.


During the year Athol's net assets have grown from GBP318,000 to GBP2,512,000, and the net asset value per share has gone up by 278% from 0.23p to 0.64p. After allowing for the performance related investment management charge of GBP236,000 there has been a small reduction in overhead costs from GBP258,000 in 2009 to GBP247,000 for 2010. We expect there to be a much greater reduction in overhead costs in 2011.


Our largest investment remains Ascot Mining Plc. It continues to make progress both operationally and with its proposed move from Plus to AIM, which we believe will result in a material re-rating of its shares.

In February the Company made its second largest investment to date acting as a cornerstone investor in a GBP1.1 million placing by Ariana Resources Plc at 4.75p (each share coming with one warrant at 4.75p). Ariana is just over a year away from production and needs no further equity funding, so we are extremely optimistic about its prospects.

We remain positive about the outlook for gold prices, gold equities and our portfolio in particular. In addition to our two largest holdings, Ascot and Ariana, a number of our other investments are also entering exciting phases in their development. So far in 2011 the gold price has held up well but gold equities have performed poorly. However, as the gold price rises further and as M & A activity in the sector picks up we expect a substantial re-rating of mid cap gold equities which will inevitably boost your company's net asset value.

Jennifer Allsop, Chairman


                                                        2010       2009 
                                             Notes   GBP'000    GBP'000 
------------------------------------------  ------  --------  --------- 
 Continuing operations: 
 Net gain on disposal of investments                      23          - 
 Change in fair value of investments                   1,525          - 
 Total income                                          1,548          - 
 Operating expenses                                    (483)      (258) 
------------------------------------------  ------  --------  --------- 
 Operating profit                              3       1,065      (258) 
 Finance cost                                            (2)          - 
 Profit/(loss) before taxation                         1,063      (258) 
 Taxation expense                              5           -          - 
 Profit/(loss) from continuing operations              1,063      (258) 
 Discontinued Operations: 
 (Loss) from discontinued operations           6           -   (16,770) 
------------------------------------------  ------  --------  --------- 
 Profit/(loss) for the year and total 
  comprehensive income, attributable to 
  owners of the Company                                1,063   (17,028) 
 Earnings/(loss) per share attributable 
  to owners of the Company during the 
  year                                         7       pence      pence 
 Continuing operations                                  0.62     (0.19) 
 Discontinued operations                                   -    (12.20) 
------------------------------------------  ------  --------  --------- 
 Total                                                  0.62    (12.39) 
------------------------------------------  ------  --------  --------- 
 Continuing operations                                  0.56     (0.19) 
 Discontinued operations                                   -    (12.20) 
------------------------------------------  ------  --------  --------- 
 Total                                                  0.56    (12.39) 
------------------------------------------  ------  --------  --------- 
                                                     2010       2009 
                                         Notes    GBP'000    GBP'000 
--------------------------------------  ------  ---------  --------- 
 Financial assets                          8        2,869          - 
 Trade and other receivables               9           28         16 
 Cash and cash equivalents                             42        462 
--------------------------------------  ------  ---------  --------- 
                                                    2,939        478 
--------------------------------------  ------  ---------  --------- 
 Trade and other payables                 10          290        160 
--------------------------------------  ------  ---------  --------- 
                                                      290        160 
--------------------------------------  ------  ---------  --------- 
 NET CURRENT ASSETS                                 2,649        318 
 Convertible unsecured loan notes         11          137          - 
                                                      137          - 
--------------------------------------  ------  ---------  --------- 
 NET ASSETS                                         2,512        318 
--------------------------------------  ------  ---------  --------- 
    Share capital                         12          981        343 
    Share premium                                   2,838      2,391 
    Loan note equity reserve              11           45          - 
    Capital reserve                                15,736     15,736 
 Retained earnings                               (17,088)   (18,152) 
--------------------------------------  ------  ---------  --------- 
 Equity attributable to owners of the 
  Company and total equity                          2,512        318 
--------------------------------------  ------  ---------  --------- 
                   Share     Share  Loan note   Capital  Accumulated     Total 
                 capital   premium    reserve   reserve       losses    equity 
                 GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000 
--------------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  -----------  -------- 
At 1 January 
 2009                343     2,391          -    15,736      (1,174)    17,296 
Loss for the 
 year                  -         -          -         -     (17,028)  (17,028) 
 income for 
 the year              -         -          -         -     (17,028)  (17,028) 
--------------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  -----------  -------- 
Share based 
 payments              -         -          -         -           50        50 
At 31 December 
 2009                343     2,391          -    15,736     (18,152)       318 
Profit for the 
 year                  -         -          -         -        1,063     1,063 
 income for 
 the year              -         -          -         -        1,063     1,063 
--------------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  -----------  -------- 
Share based 
 payments              -         -          -         -            1         1 
Issue of loan 
 notes                 -         -         45         -            -        45 
Share issues         638       505          -         -            -     1,143 
Share issue 
 expenses              -      (58)          -         -            -      (58) 
    At 31 
     2010            981     2,838         45    15,736     (17,088)     2,512 
--------------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  -----------  -------- 
                                                       2010      2009 
                                                    GBP'000   GBP'000 
-------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Continuing operations: 
 Profit/(Loss) before taxation                        1,063     (258) 
 Adjustments for: 
 Share based payment charge                               1        50 
 Profit on disposal of trading investments             (23)         - 
 Fair value gain on trading investments             (1,525)         - 
 Finance costs                                            2 
-------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Operating cashflow before working capital 
  changes                                             (482)     (208) 
 (Decrease) in trade and other receivables             (12)       (2) 
 Increase/(decrease) in trade and other payables        130     (339) 
-------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Net cash outflow from operating activities 
  from continuing operations                          (364)     (549) 
 Discontinued operations: 
 Net cash flow from operating activities 
  from discontinued operations                            -         - 
-------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Net cash outflow from operating activities           (364)     (549) 
-------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Continuing operations: 
 Purchases of investments                           (1,548)         - 
 Disposals of investments                               227         - 
-------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Net cash outflow from investing activities 
  from continuing operations                        (1,321)         - 
 Discontinued operations: 
 Net cash inflow from investing activities 
  from discontinued operations                            -     1,006 
 Net cash (outflow)/inflow from investing 
  activities                                        (1,321)     1,006 
-------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Continuing operations: 
 Proceeds from share issues                           1,143         - 
 Share issue expenses                                  (58)         - 
 Proceeds from issue of convertible loan 
  notes                                                 180         - 
 Net cash inflow from financing activities 
  from continuing operations                          1,265         - 
-------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                         (420)       457 
 Cash and cash equivalents as at 1 January              462         5 
 Cash and cash equivalents as at 31 December             42       462 
-------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 1              GENERAL INFORMATION 
     The Company was incorporated as a Corporation in the Cayman 
      Islands which does not prescribe the adoption of any particular 
      accounting framework. The Board has therefore adopted International 
      Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union 
      (IFRSs). The Company's shares are listed on the AIM market of 
      the London Stock Exchange. 
      The Company is an investment company, investing in natural resources, 
      minerals, metals, and oil and gas projects. 
     The principal accounting policies of the Company, which are 
      consistent with those applied in the 2009 financial statements 
      are set out in the annual report and financial statements. 
      The Directors have prepared cash flow forecasts through to 30 
      June 2012 which assume no significant investment activity is 
      undertaken unless sufficient funding is in place to undertake 
      the investment activity. The expenses of the Company's continuing 
      operations are minimal and the cash flow forecasts demonstrate 
      that the Company is able to meet these liabilities as they fall 
      due. On this basis, the Directors have a reasonable expectation 
      that the Company has adequate resources to continue operating 
      for the foreseeable future. For this reason they continue to 
      adopt the going concern basis in preparing the Company's financial 
                                                       2010      2009 
                                                    GBP'000   GBP'000 
     --------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
      Profit/(loss) from operations is arrived 
       at after charging/(crediting): 
      Investment management fee                         236         - 
  Foreign exchange losses                                 -        29 
      Auditors' remuneration: 
  - fees payable to the Company's auditors 
   and its 
   associates for the audit of the Company's 
   statements                                            15        15 
     No provision has been made in respect of current taxation or 
      deferred taxation as the Company is domiciled in the Cayman 
      Islands and no corporation tax is applicable,. 
      The basic and diluted earnings per share is calculated by 
       dividing the profit/(loss) attributable to owners of the Company 
       by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue 
       during the year. 
                                                          2010          2009 
                                                       GBP'000       GBP'000 
     -------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
      Profit/(loss) attributable to owners 
       of the Company 
  - Continuing operations                                1,063         (258) 
  - Discontinued operations                                  -      (16,770) 
 -----------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                                         1,063      (17,028) 
 -----------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                                          2010          2009 
 -----------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
  Weighted average number of shares 
   for calculating basic earnings per 
   share                                           171,156,251   137,401,194 
 -----------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
  Weighted average number of shares 
   for calculating fully diluted earnings 
   per share                                       190,070,885   137,401,194 
 -----------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                       2010      2009 
                                      pence     pence 
-----------------------------------  ------  -------- 
 Basic earnings/(loss) per share 
 - Continuing operations               0.62    (0.19) 
 - Discontinued operations                -   (12.20) 
-----------------------------------  ------  -------- 
                                       0.62   (12.39) 
-----------------------------------  ------  -------- 
 Fully diluted earnings/(loss) per 
 - Continuing operations               0.56    (0.19) 
 - Discontinued operations                -   (12.20) 
-----------------------------------  ------  -------- 
                                       0.56   (12.39) 
-----------------------------------  ------  -------- 

The diluted loss per share for 2009 was the same as the basic loss per share as the effect of exercise of the outstanding share options, which were cancelled in October 2009, was anti-dilutive.

                                                            2010       2009 
                                                         GBP'000    GBP'000 
 ---------------------------------------------------  ----------  --------- 
  Level 1 - Quoted investments: 
  At beginning of year                                         -          - 
  Cost of share purchases                                  1,498          - 
  Proceeds of share disposals                              (227)          - 
  Profit on disposal of shares                                14          - 
  Fair value adjustment                                    1,534          - 
 ---------------------------------------------------  ----------  --------- 
  At end of year                                           2,819          - 
 ---------------------------------------------------  ----------  --------- 
  Level 3 - Unquoted investments: 
  At beginning of year                                         -          - 
  Cost of share purchases                                     50          - 
 ---------------------------------------------------  ----------  --------- 
  At end of year                                              50          - 
 ---------------------------------------------------  ----------  --------- 
  Total financial assets at end of year                    2,869          - 
  The Company has adopted fair value measurements using the 
   IFRS 7 fair value hierarchy 
   Categorisation within the hierarchy has been determined on 
   the basis of the lowest level of input that is significant 
   to the fair value measurement of the relevant asset as follows: 
   Level 1 - valued using quoted prices in active markets for 
   identical assets 
   Level 2 - valued by reference to valuation techniques using 
   observable inputs other than quoted prices included in Level 
   Level 3 - valued by reference to valuation techniques using 
   inputs that are not based on observable market criteria. 
      The convertible loan notes were issued in October. They are 
       zero coupon and unsecured. Unless previously purchased, redeemed 
       or converted they are redeemable at their principal amount 
       on 31 October 2015. 
       The net proceeds from the issue of the loan notes have been 
       split between the liability element and an equity component, 
       representing the fair value of the embedded option to convert 
       the liability into equity of the Company as follows: 
                                                             2010       2009 
                                                          GBP'000    GBP'000 
 -----------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
  Nominal value of convertible loan notes                     180          - 
  Equity component                                           (45)          - 
 -----------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
                                                              135          - 
  Interest charged                                              2          - 
 -----------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
  Liability component at 31 December                          137          - 
  The interest charged during the period is calculated by applying 
   an effective average interest rate of 10% to the liability 
   component for the period since the loan notes were issued. 
   The Directors estimate the fair value of the liability component 
   of the loan notes at 31 December 2010 to be approximately 
   GBP135,000. This fair value has been calculated by discounting 
   the future cash flows at the market rate of 10%. 
                                                       Number of 
                                                        ordinary      Value 
                                                          shares    GBP'000 
     -------------------------------------------  --------------  --------- 
      Authorised (par value of 0.25p): 
  At 31 December 2009 and 31 December 2010         4,000,000,000     10,000 
 -----------------------------------------------  --------------  --------- 
      Issued and fully paid (par value of 0.25p 
  At 31 December 2009                                137,401,194        343 
  Shares issued in year                              254,883,672        638 
 -----------------------------------------------  --------------  --------- 
  At 31 December 2010                                392,284,866        981 
 -----------------------------------------------  --------------  --------- 
  On 26 October 2010, 27,480,000 shares were issued at 0.25p 
   each for cash, as a result of a private placing. 
   On 22 November 2010, 15,217,008 shares were issued at 1p each 
   in lieu of directors fees. 
   On 25 November 2010, 80,000,000 shares were issued at 0.25p 
   each as a result of the conversion of loan notes. 
   On 2 December 2010, 111,666,664 shares were issued at 0.6p 
   each for cash as the result of a private placing. 
   Between 17 December and 22 December 2010, a total of 20,520,000 
   shares were issued at 0.25p each as a result of the conversion 
   of loan notes. 
         The Company adopted an employee Share Option Scheme in order 
          to incentivise key management and staff. The fair value of 
          options granted was determined using Black-Scholes valuation 
          models. Significant inputs into the calculations were as follows: 
          -- 15% volatility based on expected share price (ascertained 
          by reference to historic share prices of the Company for the 
          12 months prior to the date of grant) 
          -- share price of 0.82p per share at date of grant of options 
          -- exercise price of 0.82p per share 
          -- a risk free interest rate of 3.5% 
          -- 0% dividend yield 
          -- estimated option life of five years. 
          The Company had 5,487,804 options outstanding at the end of 
          2010 (2009: Nil). The share based payment charge for the year 
          was GBP1,000 (2009: GBP50,000). The options outstanding at 
          the year-end vest on the third anniversary of the date of 
          grant and if not previously exercised lapse on the tenth anniversary 
          of the date of grant. 
    The movements on share options and their weighted average 
     exercise price are as follows: 
                                             2010                         2009 
                                         Weighted                     Weighted 
                                          average                      average 
                                         exercise                     exercise 
                                            price                        price 
                               Number     (pence)         Number       (pence) 
    ---------------------  ----------  ----------  -------------  ------------ 
 Outstanding at 1 January           -           -     13,677,084         13.32 
 Granted                    5,487,804        0.82              -             - 
    Lapsed                          -           -              -             - 
 Cancelled                          -           -   (13,677,084)       (13.32) 
 ------------------------  ----------  ----------  -------------  ------------ 
 Outstanding at 31 
  December                  5,487,804        0.82              -             - 
 ------------------------  ----------  ----------  -------------  ------------ 
     Since the balance sheet date the Company has issued further 
      shares as follows: 
      Between 11 January and 18 January 2011, 54,000,000 shares were 
      issued at 0.25p each as a result of the conversion of loan 
      Between 31 January and 3 February 2011, 72,996,988 shares were 
      issued for cash at 0.83p each as the result of a private placing. 
      On 21 February 2011, 32,901,200 shares were issued at 1p each 
      as a result of the conversion of loan notes 
      Also on 21 February 2011, 19,156,627 shares were issued at 
      0.83p each as a result of the conversion of loan notes 
      The chief investment officer and investment manager of the 
       Company are also responsible for the investment management 
       of SF t1ps Smaller Companies Gold Fund and SF t1ps Smaller 
       Companies Growth Fund, which have major shareholdings in the 
       Company, as detailed in the Directors' report. The fee due 
       to t1ps Investment Management in respect of 2010 was GBP236,000 
       which has been charged in the Income statement and included 
       in accrued expenses at the year-end. There was no equivalent 
       amount in 2009. 
       In February 2011 GBP329,012 convertible loan notes (convertible 
       at 1p per share) were issued to t1ps Investment Management 
       (IOM) Ltd in settlement of fees due for the period to 25 January 
      The financial information set out in this preliminary announcement 
       does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 
       434 of the Companies Act 2006. 
       The statement of financial position at 31 December 2009 and 
       the statement of comprehensive income, the statement of changes 
       in equity, the statement of cash flows and the associated notes 
       for the year then ended have been extracted from the Company's 
       financial statements upon which the auditor's opinion is unqualified 
       and does not include any statement under section 498 of the 
       Companies Act 2006. 
       The accounts for the year ended 31 December 2010 will be posted 
       to shareholders and laid before the Company at the Annual General 
       Meeting in due course. Copies will also be available from the 
       registered office of the Company and via the Company's website 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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