RNS Number : 4335A

Athol Gold and Value Limited

20 March 2013

Athol Gold and Value Limited

("Athol" or "the Company")

Final Audited Results

For the year ended 31 December 2012

Dear Shareholders,

I am pleased to present the audited results of your Company for the year ended 31 December 2012.


During the year in question the Company's Net Asset Value per share declined from 0.33p as at 25 January 2012 to 0.14p as at 31 December 2012. This drop in value stemmed primarily from a decision taken late in 2011 to change the Company's investment mandate from a focus on metals and mining to a much broader and more general mandate. The Company's name was also changed from Athol Gold to Athol Gold & Value.

Following this decision, the investment portfolio became heavily weighted in illiquid companies, many of which were listed on what was then known as Plus Markets. There was also a disproportionate holding in Ascot Mining, a company which faced some difficult issues with its assets in Costa Rica, and which significantly underperformed the wider market.

Then, in the spring of 2012, Athol made an opportunistic bid for the assets of Commodity Watch, specifically Minesite.com and Oilbarrel.com, two websites specialising in coverage of junior resources companies. However, shortly after the bid was made, the Company's investment manager resigned. The offer for Commodity Watch was withdrawn, and the Company requested repayment of the GBP575,000 refundable deposit that had been made to the owners of Commodity Watch, Rivington Street Holdings.

In July, Alastair Ford, who has been a leading London-based commentator on natural resources for more than ten years, and who is currently the editor of Minesite.com, was appointed as chief investment officer of Athol.

At that point it was agreed that a further change in the investment mandate was required, to return the Company to its earlier focus, and this was approved at an extraordinary general meeting held at the beginning of September.

At the same time it was agreed that the substantial portion of the illiquid stocks that had come into the Athol portfolio following the change of mandate in 2011 should be transferred out of the Company via an asset swap with Webb Capital, the Company's major shareholder, and also the holder of a significant portion of Athol Gold debt. Accordingly it was agreed that Athol would take units in Webb funds in exchange for its illiquid assets, and on redemption of those units on an agreed and staged basis would use a substantial portion of the moneys raised to pay down that debt. This agreement was implemented at the beginning of October.

In mid-September agreement was reached with Rivington Street Holdings for the refundable deposit of GBP575,000, relating to the aborted Commodity Watch acquisition, to be repaid in three instalments, together with interest at 7% per annum, and in early December, Athol received the third and final instalment from Rivington to complete the repayments due.

Accordingly, although the decline in Net Assets was deeply disappointing, Athol ended 2012 on a much surer footing than it entered it.


The Financial Statements are presented in the following pages.

The Company recorded a loss for the year of GBP2,264,000 (2011: GBP2,168,000).

The loss per share was 0.21p (2011: 0.38p)

During the year Athol's net assets declined from GBP3,147,000 to GBP1,611,000


The Company has entered 2013 with renewed optimism. Markets in the junior resources sector remain tough, but that also presents opportunities. We were early into the platinum space, ahead of the re-rating the sector enjoyed on the back of political and industrial problems in South Africa. And there will be other such opportunities. At the moment gold equities look oversold, as do explorers right across the commodities spectrum.

And although the structural problems in Europe remain, the economic news from China does seem to be brightening, albeit that the world will have to get used to slower growth rates than those we enjoyed in the last decade. Recent data showing increased Chinese exports points to the likelihood of more demand for the commodities in which Athol is invested, and in the long term that bodes well for an uplift in our Net Asset Value.

In the short-term though, it remains a stock-picker's market, and we are unlikely to see a major upturn across the board in junior resources until at least the autumn.

In the meantime, the Company continues to receive approaches from parties with unlisted vehicles looking for investment and/or an Aim listing. The board of Athol will consider each such proposal on its merits.

Finally, the Board of Athol has resolved that following the turbulent year we had in 2012, it would be appropriate to change the Company's name, and to adjust the share structure so that the shares can be priced more appropriately for a quoted company. Accordingly, resolutions will be put to the shareholders at the AGM to approve the change of the Company's name to Mineral & Financial Investments Limited, and a share consolidation on a 1-for-100 basis.

Jennifer Allsop,


Chief Investment Officer's Review

Since I was appointed Chief Investment Officer in July, the Company has commenced the process of reducing its exposure to illiquid stocks. Athol is now well into the process of realising cash from those assets via our agreement with Webb Capital, as outlined in the Company's announcement of 17 August 2012.

In addition, the Company sought and achieved the return of amounts owing from Rivington Street Holdings, with interest. This money is now being invested in accordance with our updated investment policy in the natural resources and energy sector, and as a result the catastrophic declines in net asset value that Athol suffered in 2011 and in the first half of 2012 have been stemmed.

That is not to say that further shocks relating to legacy assets may not be in store, but the Company's financial position is certainly a great deal more stable than it was a year ago.

During the past six months Athol has invested in a number of new opportunities. Sensing that the wind was changing in the platinum space the Company participated in a placing of Jubilee Platinum shares, and also took a position in Aquarius.

The Company also continues to be active in the gold space. We are long-term believers in the strength of gold, as currency wars continue to rage, paralysis in the Eurozone continues, Chinese demand picks up, supply continues to lag demand, interest rates remain low, and inflation looms.

With that in mind, Athol recently participated in a fundraising for Nyota Minerals and is already sitting on a small gain. The Company sees the current weakness in gold equities generally as presenting a buying opportunity, albeit that there might still be some weakness in the gold price ahead before strength returns to the market.

In base metals the outlook is more favourable, and the Company continues to be positive about our holdings in EMED mining and other companies exposed to the space.

Athol is continuing to seek opportunities in the oil and gas and uranium sectors.

A summary of the major holdings in Athol's portfolio follows:

SF Webb Capital Smaller Companies Growth Fund

Athol took a large position in the Growth fund as a result of the asset swap deal concluded with Webb Capital in October of last year. As outlined at the time, the rationale for the deal was to allow Athol to exit from non-core and illiquid investments, principally outside of the resources space, in a reasonable and orderly way. As a result, a series of staged redemptions of our units in the Growth fund has now commenced, the proceeds of which have been used to pay off substantial amounts of the debt that Athol has carried on its balance sheet for some time. These redemptions should complete in October of this year, as per our agreement with Webb Capital, at which point it is anticipated that Athol will no longer hold any units in the Growth Fund.

SF Webb Capital Smaller Companies Gold Fund

As a result of the October 2012 agreement with Webb Capital, the Company also took a significant stake in the Webb Gold Fund. Since it is in accordance with Athol's investment mandate to hold investments in the gold space, it was agreed with Webb Capital that Athol would be locked into its holding in the Gold Fund until October 2013. Accordingly we are holders of the Webb Gold Fund at least until then, and quite possibly for the longer-term too, as the portfolio is currently comprised of some of the more robust companies in the junior gold space.

Among the companies that Webb hold that look particularly attractive to us are Condor Gold, Minera IRL, Amara Mining and Archipelago Resources. Condor has just put out a positive preliminary economic assessment on its La India project in Nicaragua, Minera IRL has just raised C$15 million to continue work on developing its Ollachea project in Peru, Amara is progressing with work on all three of its major West African projects, and Archipelago's ramp up into mid-tier producer status is now complete. Also positioned strongly is Pan African Resources, which represents 4.23 per cent of the fund, notwithstanding the recent resignation of chief executive Jan Nelson.

Silvermere Energy

Athol holds a GBP330,000 loan note in Silvermere Energy and, notwithstanding that Silvermere has had a harder time than anticipated in bringing its I-1 well on stream, remains in close dialogue with the company as to likely further developments. Silvermere completed a small fundraising at the start of this year to tide it over, and most recently has just announced that it sold nearly 11.5 million cubic feet of gas in February alongside production of 1,845 barrels of oil, increases of 32 per cent and four per cent respectively month-on-month. The company understands that it is the intention of Silvermere to attempt to acquire another asset to give it critical mass, finance permitting, and will follow any such development with close interest.

Aquarius Platinum

The acquisition of our stake in Aquarius Platinum came as part of a wider appreciation that the platinum sector was oversold and looked ripe for recovery. And so it proved as the massacre at Lonmin's Marikana mine towards the end of last year reminded everyone how precarious the supply of platinum really is.

Aquarius has been weighed down somewhat by the anticipation in the market that it will need to raise new money at some stage, both to bring a new project back on stream, and to re-finance existing debt. Nonetheless, since we took our stake in Aquarius, just before the resignation and replacement of chief executive Stuart Murray, the value of our holding has increased by more than 10 per cent. We would anticipate further strength in the platinum space looking ahead.

Anglo Pacific

The value of our small investment in Anglo Pacific has improved modestly since we bought the shares on market back in the autumn of 2012. Anglo Pacific is London's only listed royalty specialist, and has a track record of success stretching back over two decades. Recently, however, Rio Tinto was forced to declare force majeure at the Kestrel mine in Australia, over which Anglo Pacific holds a significant royalty. This has held back Anglo Pacific's shares in a market that otherwise views the company as a safe haven in periods of uncertainty. But operations at Kestrel are now beginning to recover, and the benefits should flow through to Anglo Pacific.

Ascot Mining

Athol has now reduced the size of its stake in Ascot Mining by more than 66 per cent from its peak holding of 5.1 million shares. The decision to sell down our Ascot shares has largely been vindicated by the uncertainty which has continued to surround the company as it attempts to make a viable business of its projects in Costa Rica. Recent news about a stalled funding has hurt sentiment further, although investors will be pleased to know that the exit price achieved by Athol was at an average higher than the current price. Currently we hold 1.51 million Ascot shares, which comprises approximately three per cent of the portfolio.

Amara Mining

In common with many gold companies, Amara Mining has had a tricky few months as the gold price has fallen and investors have wondered where the capital for big projects is likely to come from. In Amara's case, the funding issue is less acute, partly because it is already in production from one of its projects, Kalsaka in Burkina Faso, and partly because a big backer has already made itself known in the shape of Samsung. Nonetheless, Amara has set itself a tight timetable as regards bringing a new source of ore into the Kalsaka plant, and there has been some market scepticism that it will achieve this, and hence a weaker share price. We remain strong advocates of the company, however, and believe it has one of the stronger management teams to be found on AIM.

Aureus Mining

Aureus has also suffered from negative sentiment in the gold space as a consequence of a falling gold price. However, the company is pressing on with development work at the New Liberty gold project in Liberia, with a view to achieving first production in 2014. Funding is not a pressing issue following the completion of an US$80 million raise at the end of last year, and we fully expect chief executive David Reading, a veteran in the space and in the region, to make a success of this one.

Carpathian Gold

Carpathian Gold is pressing on with the development of its Riacho dos Machados mine in Brazil, which is likely to come on stream later this year. Initially this will be a 100,000 ounce per year project with an eight year mine life, although the company is continuing to drill and further increases in the resource seem likely. If such increases do occur it could well be that output increases as well as mine life, since the company is building spare capacity into its plant. Meanwhile, in the background lies the multi-million ounce Rovina project in Romania, from which news is expected either at the end of the first quarter or in April. We remain buyers of Carpathian, on the anticipation of a production re-rating later in the year and positive progress at Rovina.

Chapel Down

Athol holds a GBP100,000 convertible loan note in Chapel Down, which pays a coupon of eight per cent. Athol does not regard this as a core holding, but will continue to retain the note either until a reasonable offer is made for it, or until expiry and conversion in 2014. The conversion price is currently in the money.

EMED Mining

The value of Athol's investment in EMED Mining has increased by around 25 per cent since we participated in a fundraising last autumn. EMED continues to make progress with its redevelopment plans for the famous old Rio Tinto mine in Spain, and nearly all regulatory and administrative hurdles have now been cleared. EMED plans to start plant construction this year, with a view to delivering first production in 2014 and then ramping up to an annualised 37,000 tonnes of copper-in-concentrate per year by the end of 2015.

Jubilee Platinum

Our investment in Jubilee Platinum has improved modestly since we participated in a fundraising last year, as part of a move into platinum-focussed equities. Jubilee has plenty on its plate, and has been apt to confuse investors with a plethora of different and complex projects. However, the nub of it is that following the acquisition of Platinum Australia, the company is now in the position independently to go from mining ore to producing platinum group metals, which is an almost unique position for a junior in the platinum space to be in. It also has its own power supply, and has been selling into the grid in South Africa for some months now. We are holders of Jubilee on the prospect of further strength in the platinum price.

Mwana Africa

Mwana's most recent news relates to an increased resource at its Zani-Kodo gold project in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo. This looks good, but investors immediately discounted the value of the 2.6 million ounces at 2.4 grams per tonne on the basis of political risk. Having said that, other major gold projects are being developed in the region. Meanwhile, production has now resumed the Freda Rebecca mine in Zimbabwe, after a short hiatus following a non-fatal accident. Freda Rebecca is a good little gold mine that should provide Mwana with plenty of cash flow as it seeks to develop Zani, and its other major undertaking, the restart of the Bindura nickel mining and smelting complex, also in Zimbabwe. Nickel may not be the flavour of the month right now, but most analysts are agreed that the nickel price ought to strengthen in around 18 months or so. If that's the case, the timing could prove propitious for Mwana. We remain buyers of a company that has consistently proved itself capable of operating in some of the world's most difficult, and most discounted jurisdictions.

Northland Resources

Northland suffered a catastrophic cost blow-out at its Kaunisvaara iron ore project in Sweden that sent its local subsidiaries into administration. In a market that currently favours iron ore and iron ore projects, this is particularly disappointing, and our modest stake in Northland has now dropped significantly in value. However, the company is now shipping product out from the port of Narvik, so there is a real possibility of recovery once the local financial issues are resolved.

Nyota Minerals

The company recently acquired 950,000 shares in Nyota Minerals, after participating in a fundraising. Nyota is pressing ahead with its Tulu Kapi gold project in Ethiopia, and is now optimising feasibility work as it continues to negotiate with the Ethiopian government for a mining licence. The recent placing put GBP4 million into Nyota's coffers, and was noteworthy because major shareholders Centamin and Resource Capital Fund both participated in a big way. Athol is already sitting on a gain of around five per cent on this investment, less than one month on.

Sutherland Health

Around three per cent of the Athol portfolio is taken up with a legacy investment in Sutherland Health Group. The company regards this as non-core and will seek to dispose of this stake when a suitable opportunity presents itself.

Toro Gold

Toro Gold is developing the Mako gold project in Senegal, and has been adding ounces at a rapid rate. The company's management is dynamic and consists of experienced industry players with access to deep pools of capital. In due course Toro will list on a recognised exchange, at which point Athol may choose either to crystallize some value, or stay in for the development phase. Athol acquired 14,000 shares in Toro Gold, and the investment comprises around three per cent of the portfolio.


Sentiment towards the base metals has been weak over the past few months and shares in ZincOx have suffered accordingly. In addition certain issues with the ramp up of the company's Korea Recycling Plant knocked sentiment. But that ramp up is now progressing well and the company is on course to hit design capacity in the final quarter of 2013. Once the market sees clear evidence that the plant works, we are confident the shares will re-rate.

Alastair Ford

Chief Investment Officer

For further information please call:

 Athol Gold and Value Limited 
 Jennifer Allsop                       +44 7788 451 744 
 Libertas Capital Corporate Finance 
 Sandy Jamieson                        +44 207 569 9650 

Athol Gold and Value Limited

Statement of Comprehensive Income

for the year ended 31 December 2012

                                                             2012      2011 
                                                  Notes   GBP'000   GBP'000 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  --------  -------- 
 Investment income                                             29         3 
 Net (losses)/gains on disposal of investments            (1,428)       103 
 Net change in fair value of investments                    (622)   (1,982) 
                                                          (2,021)   (1,876) 
 Operating expenses                                         (197)     (276) 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  --------  -------- 
 Operating loss                                     3     (2,218)   (2,152) 
 Finance cost                                      10        (46)      (16) 
 Loss before taxation                                     (2,264)   (2,168) 
 Taxation expense                                   5           -         - 
 Loss for the year from continuing operations 
  and total comprehensive income, attributable 
  to owners of the Company                                (2,264)   (2,168) 
 Loss per share attributable to owners 
  of the Company during the year from                6      Pence     Pence 
  continuing and total operations: 
 Basic (pence per share)                                   (0.21)    (0.38) 
 Diluted (pence per share)                                 (0.21)    (0.38) 

Athol Gold and Value Limited

Statement of Financial Position

as at 31 December 2012

                                                     2012       2011 
                                         Notes    GBP'000    GBP'000 
--------------------------------------  ------  ---------  --------- 
 Financial assets                          7        1,425      3,262 
 Trade and other receivables               8           17         73 
 Cash and cash equivalents                            633        295 
--------------------------------------  ------  ---------  --------- 
                                                    2,075      3,630 
--------------------------------------  ------  ---------  --------- 
 Trade and other payables                  9           29         49 
--------------------------------------  ------  ---------  --------- 
                                                       29         49 
--------------------------------------  ------  ---------  --------- 
 NET CURRENT ASSETS                                 2,046      3,581 
 Convertible unsecured loan notes         10          435        434 
                                                      435        434 
--------------------------------------  ------  ---------  --------- 
 NET ASSETS                                         1,611      3,147 
--------------------------------------  ------  ---------  --------- 
 Share capital                            11      2,859        1,543 
 Share premium                                      4,423      3,658 
 Shares to be issued                                    -      1,348 
 Loan note equity reserve                 12          104        109 
 Capital reserve                                   15,736     15,736 
 Retained earnings                               (21,511)   (19,247) 
--------------------------------------  ------  ---------  --------- 
 Equity attributable to owners of the 
  Company and total equity                          1,611      3,147 
--------------------------------------  ------  ---------  --------- 

Athol Gold and Value Limited

Statement of Changes in Equity

for the year ended 31 December 2011

                          Share     Share   Shares to  Loan note   Capital  Accumulated    Total 
                        capital   premium   be issued    reserve   reserve       losses   equity 
                        GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000  GBP'000 
---------------------  --------  --------  ----------  ---------  --------  -----------  ------- 
At 1 January 2011           981     2,838           -         45    15,736     (17,088)    2,512 
Loss for the year             -         -           -          -         -      (2,168)  (2,168) 
Total comprehensive 
 expense for the 
 year                         -         -           -          -         -      (2,168)  (2,168) 
---------------------  --------  --------  ----------  ---------  --------  -----------  ------- 
Share based payments          -         -           -          -         -            9        9 
Issue of loan notes           -         -           -        100         -            -      100 
Conversion of loan 
 notes                      145         -           -       (36)         -            -      109 
Acquisition of 
 share portfolio              -         -       1,348          -         -            -    1,348 
Share issues                417       888           -          -         -            -    1,305 
Share issue expenses          -      (68)           -          -         -            -     (68) 
At 31 December 
 2011                     1,543     3,658       1,348        109    15,736     (19,247)    3,147 
Loss for the year             -         -           -          -         -      (2,264)  (2,264) 
Total comprehensive 
 expense for the 
 year                         -         -           -          -         -      (2,264)  (2,264) 
---------------------  --------  --------  ----------  ---------  --------  -----------  ------- 
Repayment of loan 
 notes                        -         -           -        (5)         -            -      (5) 
Share issues              1,316       765     (1,348)          -         -            -      733 
At 31 December 
 2012                     2,859     4,423           -        104    15,736     (21,511)    1,611 
---------------------  --------  --------  ----------  ---------  --------  -----------  ------- 

Athol Gold and Value Limited

Statement of Cash Flows

for the year ended 31 December 2011

                                                        2012      2011 
                                                     GBP'000   GBP'000 
--------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 (Loss)/profit before taxation                       (2,264)   (2,168) 
 Adjustments for: 
 Share based payment charge                                -         9 
 Shares issued in settlement of directors 
  remuneration                                             -        23 
 Shares issued in settlement of professional 
  fees                                                    35        93 
 Loss/(profit) on disposal of trading investments      1,428     (103) 
 Fair value loss/(gain) on trading investments           622     1,982 
 Investment income                                      (29)       (3) 
 Finance costs                                            46        16 
--------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Operating cashflow before working capital 
  changes                                              (162)     (151) 
 Decrease in trade and other receivables                  64        20 
 Decrease in trade and other payables                   (20)       (5) 
--------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Net cash outflow from operating activities            (118)     (136) 
--------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Continuing operations: 
 Purchases of investments                            (1,298)   (1,773) 
 Disposals of investments                              1,775       875 
 Investment income                                        29         3 
--------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from investing 
  activities                                             506     (895) 
--------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Continuing operations: 
 Proceeds from share issues                                -       862 
 Share issue expenses                                      -      (68) 
 Proceeds from issue of convertible loan 
  notes                                                    -       490 
 Redemption of convertible loan notes                   (50)         - 
 Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing 
  activities                                            (50)     1,284 
--------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents               338       253 
 Cash and cash equivalents as at 1 January               295        42 
 Cash and cash equivalents as at 31 December             633       295 
--------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 

Athol Gold and Value Limited

Notes to the preliminary announcement

for the year ended 31 December 2012

 1   general information 
     The Company was incorporated as a Corporation in the Cayman 
      Islands which does not prescribe the adoption of any particular 
      accounting framework. The Board has therefore adopted International 
      Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union 
      (IFRSs). The Company's shares are listed on the AIM market of 
      the London Stock Exchange. 
      The Company is an investment company, investing in natural resources, 
      minerals, metals, and oil and gas projects. 
      The Directors have prepared cash flow forecasts through to 30 
      June 2014 which assume no significant investment activity is 
      undertaken unless sufficient funding is in place to undertake 
      the investment activity. The expenses of the Company's continuing 
      operations are minimal and the cash flow forecasts demonstrate 
      that the Company is able to meet these liabilities as they fall 
      due. On this basis, the Directors have a reasonable expectation 
      that the Company has adequate resources to continue operating 
      for the foreseeable future. For this reason they continue to 
      adopt the going concern basis in preparing the Company's financial 
                                                       2012      2011 
                                                    GBP'000   GBP'000 
     --------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
      Loss from operations is arrived at after 
  Investment management fee                               8       106 
  Foreign exchange losses                                 -         5 
      Auditors' remuneration: 
  - fees payable to the Company's auditors 
   and its 
   associates for the audit of the Company's 
   statements                                            13        12 
     No provision has been made in respect of current taxation or 
      deferred taxation as the Company is domiciled in the Cayman 
      Islands and no corporation tax is applicable. 
      The basic and diluted earnings per share is calculated by dividing 
       the profit/(loss) attributable to owners of the Company by 
       the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during 
       the year. 
                                                              2012            2011 
                                                           GBP'000         GBP'000 
     -------------------------------------------  ----------------  -------------- 
      (Loss)/profit attributable to owners 
       of the Company 
  - Continuing operations                                  (2,264)         (2,168) 
      - Discontinued operations                                  -               - 
     -------------------------------------------  ----------------  -------------- 
                                                           (2,264)         (2,168) 
 -----------------------------------------------  ----------------  -------------- 
                                                              2012            2011 
     -------------------------------------------  ----------------  -------------- 
  Weighted average number of shares 
   for calculating basic earnings per 
   share                                             1,087,086,528     566,723,074 
 -----------------------------------------------  ----------------  -------------- 
  Weighted average number of shares 
   for calculating fully diluted earnings 
   per share*                                        1,087,086,528     566,723,074 
 -----------------------------------------------  ----------------  -------------- 
                                                              2012            2011 
                                                             pence           pence 
     -------------------------------------------  ----------------  -------------- 
      (Loss)/earnings per share from continuing 
       and total operations 
  - Basic (pence per share)                                 (0.21)          (0.38) 
  - Fully diluted (pence per share)                         (0.21)          (0.38) 
 -----------------------------------------------  ----------------  -------------- 

* The weighted average number of shares used for calculating the diluted loss per share for 2011 and 2012 was the same as that used for calculating the basic loss per share as the effect of exercise of the outstanding share options was anti-dilutive.

                                                             2012      2011 
                                                          GBP'000   GBP'000 
     -------------------------------------------------  ---------  -------- 
  1 January 2012 - Investments at fair value                3,262     2,869 
  Cost of investment purchases                              1,988     3,146 
  Proceeds of investment disposals                        (1,775)     (875) 
  (Loss)/profit on disposal of investments                (1,429)       103 
  Fair value adjustment                                     (621)   (1,981) 
 -----------------------------------------------------  ---------  -------- 
  31 December 2012 - Investments at fair 
   value                                                    1,425     3,262 
 -----------------------------------------------------  ---------  -------- 
      Categorised as: 
  Level 1 - Quoted investments                                981     3,073 
  Level 3 - Unquoted investments                              444       189 
                                                            1,425     3,262 
  The Company has adopted fair value measurements using the IFRS 
   7 fair value hierarchy 
   Categorisation within the hierarchy has been determined on 
   the basis of the lowest level of input that is significant 
   to the fair value measurement of the relevant asset as follows: 
   Level 1 - valued using quoted prices in active markets for 
   identical assets 
   Level 2 - valued by reference to valuation techniques using 
   observable inputs other than quoted prices included in Level 
   Level 3 - valued by reference to valuation techniques using 
   inputs that are not based on observable market criteria. 
      The outstanding convertible loan notes are zero coupon, unsecured 
       and unless previously purchased, redeemed or converted they 
       are redeemable at their principal amount between 31 December 
       2013 and 31 October 2015. 
       The net proceeds from the issue of the loan notes have been 
       split between the liability element and an equity component, 
       representing the fair value of the embedded option to convert 
       the liability into equity of the Company as follows: 
                                                                 2012       2011 
                                                              GBP'000    GBP'000 
     -----------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
  Liability component at 1 January                                434        137 
  Nominal value of convertible loan notes 
   issued                                                           -        978 
  Equity component of convertible loan notes 
   issued during year                                               -      (100) 
      Repayment of loan notes                                    (50)          - 
  Loan notes converted into shares                                  -      (633) 
  Equity component of loan notes repaid or 
   converted                                                        5         36 
 ---------------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
                                                                  389        418 
  Interest charged                                                 46         16 
 ---------------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
  Liability component at 31 December                              435        434 
  The interest charged during the period is calculated by applying 
   an effective average interest rate of 10% to the liability 
   component for the period since the loan notes were issued. 
   The Directors estimate the fair value of the liability component 
   of the loan notes at 31 December 2012 to be approximately GBP435,000 
   (2011: GBP434,000). This fair value has been calculated by 
   discounting the future cash flows at the market rate of 10%. 
                                                       Number of 
                                                        ordinary      Value 
                                                          shares    GBP'000 
     -------------------------------------------  --------------  --------- 
      Authorised (par value of 0.25p): 
  At 31 December 2011 and 31 December 2012         4,000,000,000     10,000 
 -----------------------------------------------  --------------  --------- 
      Issued and fully paid (par value of 0.25p 
  At 31 December 2010                                392,284,866        981 
  Shares issued in year                              224,829,231        562 
 -----------------------------------------------  --------------  --------- 
  At 31 December 2011                                617,114,097      1,543 
  Shares issued in year                              526.392.157      1,316 
 -----------------------------------------------  --------------  --------- 
  At 31 December                                   1,143,506,254      2,859 
 -----------------------------------------------  --------------  --------- 
  On 25 January 2012, 305,432,127 shares were issued at 0.444p 
   in respect of the acquisition of the share portfolio of Worship 
   Street Investments Limited. 
   On 8 February 2012, 1,515,152 shares were issued at 0.33p 
   each in respect of the acquisition of an investment. 
   On 21 February 2012, 207,622,728 shares were issued at 0.33p 
   in respect of the acquisition of the share portfolio of Agneash 
   Soft Commodities plc. 
   On 1 March 2012, 3,662,743 shares were issued at 0.37p each, 
   in settlement of investment management fees. 
   On 20 September 2012, 7,326,073 shares were issued at 0.25p 
   each, in settlement of professional fees. 
    In November 2010 the Company granted 5,487,804 options to 
     directors and employees. The fair value of options granted 
     was determined using Black-Scholes valuation models. Significant 
     inputs into the calculations were as follows: 
      *    15% volatility based on expected share price 
           (ascertained by reference to historic share prices of 
           the Company for the 12 months prior to the date of 
      *    share price of 0.82p per share at date of grant of 
      *    exercise price of 0.82p per share 
      *    a risk free interest rate of 3.5% 
      *    0% dividend yield 
      *    estimated option life of five years. 
     At the year end all these options had vested and are exercisable 
     at any time prior to the fifth anniversary of the date of 
     grant. The share based payment charge for the year was nil 
     (2011: GBP9,000). 
    The movements on share options and their weighted average 
     exercise price are as follows: 
                                                    2012                  2011 
                                                Weighted              Weighted 
                                                 average               average 
                                                exercise              exercise 
                                                   price                 price 
                                       Number    (pence)     Number    (pence) 
    -----------------------------  ----------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Outstanding at 1 January           5,487,804       0.82  5,487,804       0.82 
    Granted                                 -          -          -          - 
    Lapsed                                  -          -          -          - 
    Cancelled                               -          -          -          - 
    -----------------------------  ----------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Outstanding at 31 December         5,487,804       0.82  5,487,804       0.82 
 --------------------------------  ----------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
     There have been no material post balance sheet events. 
      The chief investment officer and investment manager of the 
       Company, until his resignation in June 2012, was also at the 
       time responsible for the investment management of SF t1ps Smaller 
       Companies Gold Fund and SF t1ps Smaller Companies Growth Fund, 
       which have major shareholdings in the Company, as detailed 
       in the Directors' report. At 31 December 2011 management fees 
       of GBP13,552 were due and were settled on 1 March 2012 by the 
       issue of 3,662,743 shares at 0.37p each. 
       During the year Rivington Street Corporate Finance Limited 
       which was an associated company of t1ps Investment Management 
       (IOM) Ltd, charged the Company GBP18,315 for broking services 
       (2011: GBP5,000). 
       In January 2012 the Company made a loan of GBP25,000, by way 
       of a one year convertible loan, to Fast Bet Solutions plc, 
       a company of which Jennifer Allsop was a director. 

The accounts for the year ended 31 December 2012 have been posted to shareholders and will be laid before the Company at the Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday 12 April 2013 at 11.00am. Copies will also available via the Company's website www.atholgold.com.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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