                          PowerHouse Energy Group plc 
                 ("PowerHouse", the "Group" or the "Company") 
             Interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2012 
PowerHouse Energy Group plc, (AIM: PHE) announces its unaudited results for the 
six months ended 30 June 2012. 
Chairman's Statement 
These Interim Results are being announced immediately following the 
announcement of the results for the year ended 31 December 2011 and represent 
the first six months of trading of 2012 - a very difficult time for the 
company. The 2011 Annual Results includes a detailed Chairman's Report and I 
ask that you review that statement to avoid repetition in this statement. 
As you are aware, trading in the company's ordinary share were suspended on 12 
April 2012 pending clarification of the company's financial position. I am 
pleased to advise that following the publication of the 2011 Annual Results and 
this announcement of the Interim Results, the company expects that the 
suspension of trading will be lifted and trading its shares will resume. 
On 8 May 2012, the company announced that the option to acquire the remaining 
70% interest in Pyromex had lapsed. Due to the expiry of the option, Pyromex is 
no longer accounted for as a subsidiary of the group. These results show the 
impact of the "loss of control" of Pyromex. 
In the last four months since my appointment, we have made every effort to 
reorganise the company and to begin building in a direction of success. Certain 
of the Directors and the former directors released all claims to accrued 
salaries and fees, and we have worked closely with our creditors to reduce and 
resolve nearly all outstanding debts. We were also able to settle the lawsuit 
that been pending against the company on satisfactory terms. 
As we prepare to launch into the final few months of 2012, we are poised with 
secure funding, developing strategic relationships, a more agile management 
structure, specific projects under evaluation and an environment which is in 
even greater need of the Pyromex Waste-to-Energy solutions. 
The Board and I look forward to continuing to work through the challenges which 
face the company with optimism for the future of PowerHouse Energy Group. 
Keith Allaun 
9 October 2012 
For additional information please contact: 
PowerHouse Energy Group plc 
Keith Allaun 
Level 3, 8 Cavendish Square | London | W1G OPD 
Phone: +44 (0)20 7079 4407 
Email: inquire@powerhousegroup.co.uk 
Merchant Securities Limited (Nominated Adviser & Broker) 
David Worlidge/Simon Clements 
Phone: +44 (0) 20 7628 2200 
Statement of Comprehensive Income 
                                        (unaudited)  (unaudited)  (Audited) 
                                         Six months   Six months   Year 
                                         ended        ended        ended 
                                         30 June      30 June      31 December 
                                  Note   2012         2011         2011 
                                         US$          US$          US$ 
Revenue                                  15,805       -            62,379 
Cost of sales                            -            (13,319)     (73,416) 
Gross profit / (loss)                    15,805       (13,319)     (11,037) 
Administrative expenses                  (1,511,949)  (1,748,270)  (7,790,179) 
Operating loss                           (1,496,144)  (1,761,589)  (7,801,216) 
Finance income                           4            -            848 
Other income                             -            -            - 
(Loss of control) / Fair value           (1,309,296)  6,209,876    6,209,876 
gain on step acquisition 
Equity accounted loss                    (129,600)    -            - 
Finance costs                            (7,862)      (292,307)    (310,231) 
Impairment of non-current assets         -            (35,000)     (33,387,720) 
(Loss) / Profit before taxation          (2,942,899)  4,120,980    (35,288,443) 
Income tax benefit                       10,942       -            3,028,883 
(Loss) / Profit after taxation           (2,931,957)  4,120,980    (32,259,560) 
Foreign exchange arising on              56,321       -            (3,621,791) 
Foreign exchange included in             1,095,440 
profit and loss arising from 
loss of control 
Total comprehensive (expense)/           (1,780,196)  4,120,980    (35,881,351) 
Total comprehensive (expense)/ 
income attributable to: 
Owners of the Company                    (1,224,542)  4,120,980    (13,588,143) 
Non-controlling interests                (555,654)    -            (22,293,208) 
Earnings per share (US$)            3    (0.01)       0.03         (0.05) 
Diluted earnings per share (US$)    3    (0.01)       0.02         (0.05) 
The notes numbered 1 to 6 are an integral part of the interim financial 
Statement of Changes in Equity 
                             Shares and   Accumulated Other        Non-controlling  Total 
                             stock        losses      reserves     interests        US$ 
                             US$          US$         US$          US$ 
Balance at 1 January 2011    6,218,365   (5,516,668)  -            -                701,697 
Transactions with equity 
  * Issue of common stock    10,199,941  -            -            -                10,199,941 
  * Costs related to issue   (1,486,802) -            -            -                (1,486,802) 
    of common stock 
  * Common stock issued for  206,250     -            -            -                206,250 
    services received 
  * Equity issued for        -           -            2,019,736    -                2,019,736 
  * Equity reclassification  64,780,459  -            (64,780,459) -                - 
    arising from reverse 
  * Shares issued for        48,054      -            -            -                48,054 
    services received 
  * Acquisition of Pyromex   -           -            -            23,951,661       23,951,661 
Total comprehensive income: 
  * Profit after taxation    -           4,120,980    -            -                4,120,980 
Balance at 30 June 2011      79,966,267  (1,395,688)  (62,760,723) 23,951,661       39,761,517 
Transactions with equity 
  * Costs related to issue   (35,000)    -            -            -                (35,000) 
    of common stock 
  * Shares issued for        119,438     -            -            -                119,438 
    services received 
  * Exercise of warrants     188         -            -            -                188 
Total comprehensive income: 
  * Loss after taxation      -           (16,695,218) -            (19,685,322)     (36,380,540) 
  * Foreign exchange arising                          (1,020,946)  (2,600,845)      (3,621,791) 
    on consolidation 
Balance at 31 December 2011  80,050,893  (18,090,906) (63,781,669) 1,665,494        (156,188) 
Transactions with equity 
  * Exercise of warrants     67,876      -            -            -                67,876 
  * Pyromex, loss of control                                       (1,109,840)      (1,109,840) 
Total comprehensive income: 
  * Loss after taxation      -           (2,331,486)  -            (600,471)        (2,931,957) 
  * Foreign exchange         -           -            1,095,441    -                1,095,441 
    included in profit and 
    loss arising from loss 
    of control 
  * Foreign exchange arising -           -            11,504       44,817           56,321 
    on consolidation 
Balance at 30 June 2011      80,118,769  (20,422,392) (62,674,724) -                (2,978,347) 
The notes numbered 1 to 6 are an integral part of the interim financial information. 
Statement of Financial Position 
                                          (unaudited)  (unaudited) (audited) 
                                          As at        As at        As at 
                                          30 June      30 June      31 December 
                                   Note   2012         2011         2011 
                                          US$          US$          US$ 
Non-current assets 
Intangible assets                         -            31,247,927   2,062,838 
Property, plant and equipment             2,910        7,916,033    1,825,636 
Investment in associate                   346,046      -            - 
Total non-current assets                  348,946      43,232,289   3,888,474 
Current Assets 
Inventory                                 -            719,279      637,601 
Trade and other receivables               28,118       237,265      278,384 
Cash and cash equivalents                 68,317       2,948,543    382,455 
Total current assets                      96,435       3,905,087    1,298,440 
Total assets                              445,381      47,137,376   5,186,914 
Non-current liabilities 
Deferred taxation                         -            (3,822,980)  (372,277) 
Loans                               4     (207,022)    (420,045)    (376,973) 
Trade and other payables            5     (582,750)    (608,692)    (777,000) 
Total non-current liabilities             (789,772)    (4,851,717)  (1,526,250) 
Current liabilities 
Loans                               4     (366,906)    (66,000)     (57,996) 
Trade and other payables            5     (2,267,050)  (2,458,142)  (3,758,856) 
Total current liabilities                 (2,633,956)  (2,524,142)  (3,816,852) 
Total liabilities                         (3,423,728)  (7,375,859)  (5,343,102) 
Net assets                                (2,978,347)  39,761,517   (156,188) 
Shares and stock                          80,118,769   79,957,267   80,050,893 
Other reserves                            (62,674,724) (62,760,723) (63,781,669) 
Non-controlling interests                 -            23,951,661   1,665,494 
Accumulated losses                        (20,422,392) (1,395,688)  (18,090,906) 
Total equity                              (2,978,347)  39,761,517   (156,188) 
The notes numbered 1 to 6 are an integral part of the interim financial 
Statement of Cash Flows 
                                           (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) 
                                           Six months  Six months  Year ended 
                                           ended       ended       31 
                                     Note  30 June     30 June     December 
                                           2012        2011        2011 
                                           US$         US$         US$ 
Cash flows from operating 
(Loss)/Profit before taxation              (2,942,899) 4,120,980   (35,288,443) 
Adjustments for: 
  * Finance income                         (4)         -           (848) 
  * Finance costs                          7,862       292,307     310,231 
  * Loss of control / (fair value          1,309,296   (6,209,876) (6,209,876) 
    gain on step acquisition) 
  * Equity accounted loss                  129,600     -           - 
  * Impairment of non-current              -           35,000      33,387,720 
  * Depreciation and amortisation          123,467     100,212     1,824,241 
  * Common stock and shares issued         -           254,304     373,742 
    for services 
  * Foreign exchange revaluations          (18,330)                140,581 
Changes in working capital: 
  * Decrease / (Increase) in trade         202,097     (230,611)   (178,542) 
    and other receivables 
  * Increase / (Decrease) in trade         685,174     (182,306)   1,588,261 
    and other payables 
  * Taxation paid                          (800)       -           (800) 
Net cash used in operations                (504,535)   (1,819,990) (4,053,733) 
Cash flows from investing 
Purchase of other non-current              1,356       (85,000)    (85,000) 
Purchase of intangible assets              -           (490,840)   (494,429) 
Loss of control / reverse            1.2   (11,010)    (779,243)   (949,660) 
Net cash flows used in investing           (9,654)     (1,355,083) (1,529,089) 
Cash flows from financing 
Common stock purchase advance              -           - 
Share/stock issues (net of issue           67,876      8,713,139   8,678,326 
Finance income                             4           -           848 
Finance costs                              (7,862)     (292,307)   (310,231) 
Loans (repaid) / received                  138,959     (2,494,386) (2,596,592) 
Net cash flows from financing              198,977     5,926,446      5,772,351 
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents  (315,212)   38,969      189,529 
Cash and cash equivalents at               382,455     197,170     197,170 
beginning of period 
Foreign exchange on cash balances          1,074       -           (4,244) 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of        68,317      2,948,543   382,455 
The notes numbered 1 to 6 are an integral part of the interim financial 
Notes (forming part of the interim financial information) 
 1. Summary of significant accounting policies 
The following accounting policies have been applied consistently in dealing 
with items which are considered material in relation to the financial 
 1.1 Basis of preparation 
This interim consolidated financial information is for the six months ended 30 
June 2012 and has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting 
Standard 34 "Interim Financial Statements". The accounting policies applied are 
consistent with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") adopted 
for use by the European Union. The accounting policies and methods of 
computation used in the interim consolidated financial information are 
consistent with those expected to be applied for the year ending 31 December 
The financial information set out above does not constitute the company's 
statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2011, but is derived from 
those accounts. Statutory accounts for 2011 have been delivered to the 
Registrar of Companies. The auditors have reported on those accounts: their 
report was qualified and contained a disclaimer of opinion and contained 
statements under section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
 1.2. Consolidation 
Pyromex loss of control 
Intangible assets                                                   2,005,446 
Property, plant and equipment                                       1,869,045 
Inventory                                                           656,418 
Trade and other receivables                                         55,642 
Cash                                                                11,012 
Trade and other payables                                            (2,424,114) 
Intercompany payables                                               (216,527) 
Deferred taxation                                                   (371,437) 
Net assets disposed                                                 1,585,485 
Attributable to: 
  * Non-controlling interests                                       1,109,839 
  * Owners of the Company - recognised as investment in             475,646 
Investment in associate consists of: 
  * Initial amount recognised after loss of control                 475,646 
  * Equity accounted losses                                         (129,600) 
 1.3. Judgements and estimates 
The accounting for the Pyromex acquisition has been based on estimated values 
due to lack of access to its records accordingly, the  Group has reported, in 
this interim financial information, its estimates for profit and loss, and 
balance sheet items related to Pyromex. 
 1.4 Going concern 
The directors have considered all available information about the future events 
when considering going concern. The directors have reviewed cash flow forecasts 
for twelve months following the date of these accounts. The cash flow forecasts 
assume no further funding of Powerhouse Energy, Inc. and Pyromex. The GBP380,000 
convertible loan obtained from Hill Grove Investments Pty Limited ("Hill 
Grove"), secured prior to these accounts being signed, together with the 
$250,000 convertible loan advanced by Linc Energy Limited on 19 June 2012 is 
considered sufficient to settle outstanding creditors of the company and 
maintain the company's reduced overhead and other limited unforeseen events for 
at least the next twelve months. In addition, the company is in receipt of a 
letter of intention of financial support from Hill Grove to ensure the company 
continues to meet its obligations as they fall due and to ensure it operates as 
a going concern for a period of at least 12 months. Based on this, the 
Directors continue to adopt the going concern basis of accounting for the 
preparation of these interim accounts. 
 1.5. Functional and presentational currency 
This interim financial information is presented in US dollars which is the 
Group's functional currency. The principal rates used for translation are: 
                                                     30 June     30 June 
                                                     2012        2012 
                                                     Closing     Average 
British Pounds                                       $1.554      $1.577 
Swiss Franc                                          $1.043      $1.077 
                   1.0 p       4.5 p      4.0 p 
                   Ordinary    Deferred   Deferred 
                   shares      shares     shares 
Balance at 31      284,271,197 17,373,523 9,737,353 
January 2012 
  * Exercise of    243,229     -          - 
Balance at 30 June 283,514,426 17,373,523 9,737,353 
The deferred shares have no voting rights and do not carry any entitlement to 
attend general meetings of the Company. They will carry only a right to 
participate in any return of capital once an amount of GBP100 has been paid in 
respect of each ordinary share. The Company will be authorised at any time to 
affect a transfer of the deferred shares without reference to the holders 
thereof and for no consideration. 
                                           (unaudited) (unaudited)   (audited) 
                                           As at       As at       As at 
                                           30 June     30 June     31 December 
                                           2012        2011        2011 
Total comprehensive income                 (2,331,486) 4,120,980   (2,384,162) 
(expense) (US$) 
Weighted average number of shares          284,499,626 190,956,619 117,474,385 
Weighted average number of                 -           4,322,980   - 
dilutive  potential shares 
Earnings per share (US$)                  (0.01)        0.02      (0.02) 
Diluted earnings per share (US$)          (0.01)        0.02      (0.02) 
 4. LOANS 
                                      (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) 
                                      As at       As at     As at 
                                      30 June     30 June   31 December 
                    Notes             2012        2011      2011 
                                      US$         US$       US$ 
Accrued dividends    4.1              33,000      66,000    33,000 
on preferred stock 
Management loans     4.2              352,322     357,722   349,885 
Citi bank business   4.3              39,580      62,323    52,084 
Aspermont loan       4.4              149,026     -         - 
Total loans                           573,928     486,045   2,980,432 
Classified as: 
  * Current                           207,022     66,000    57,996 
  * Non-current                       366,906     420,045   376,973 
 4.1. Accrued dividends on preferred stock 
The accrued dividends on the preferred stock became due on 31 March 2012. 
 4.2. Management loans 
Loans from management incur interest at 5% per annum. The loans are repayable 
as PowerHouse Energy, Inc. generates gross profits or, if earlier, within 30 
days of termination of management's employment contract. Subsequent to balance 
sheet date these loans have been settled through a Mutual release agreement. 
 4.3. Citi bank business loan 
Loan from Citi bank incurs interest at the prime rate as published by The Wall 
Street Journal plus 3% and is repayable in equal monthly installments of 
 4.4. Aspermont loan 
On 18 April 2012 Aspermont Ltd, Dilato Holdings Pty Ltd and Tesla Nominees Pty 
Ltd collectively provided a facility of GBP100,000 to the group. The facility is 
repayable on demand and incurs interest at 1 per cent. per month. The group is 
currently in productive negotiations to revise the terms of the loan. 
 4.5. Hill Grove Loan 
On 19 June 2012 the group entered into a convertible loan agreement with Linc 
Energy Limited under which Linc agreed to advance $250,000 to the Group. The 
loan is unsecured, repayable on 18 June 2014 and carries interest of 15 per 
cent. per annum. Linc has the option at any time to convert the loan in part or 
whole at a conversion price of 1p per share. On 8 October 2012, the group was 
advised that all rights under this agreement have been assigned to Hill Grove. 
On 8 October 2012, the group entered into a further convertible loan agreement 
with Hill Grove under which Hill Grove has agreed to advance GBP380,000 to the 
group. The loan is unsecured, repayable on 5 October 2014 and carries interest 
of 15 per cent. per annum. Hill Grove has the option at any time to convert the 
loan in part or whole at a conversion price of 1p per share. 
 5. Trade and other payables 
                                     (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) 
                                     As at       As at     As at 
                                     30 June     30 June   31 December 
Trade creditors                      263,474     1,592,549 856,924 
Salary and wage                      1,203,186   821,619   1,445,926 
RenewMe                              1,036,000   -         1,036,000 
Customer deposits                    153,202     337,293   939,236 
Other accruals                       193,938     315,373   257,770 
Total trade and other                2,849,800   3,066,834 4,535,856 
Classified as: 
  * Current                          2,267,050   2,458,142 3,758,856 
  * Non-current                      582,750     608,692   777,000 
 5.1. Salary and wage accruals 
The difference between salaries and wages paid and the amounts due under 
service agreements has been accrued. Certain of the US employees filed a 
lawsuit in the US District Court (Nevada) against Powerhouse Energy, Inc. and 
Powerhouse Energy Group plc for accrued salaries and amounts due to the end of 
their service contracts to the value of $1,961,938, plus interest, damages and 
legal costs. After the lawsuit was filed an agreement was reached with the 
employees whereby in exchange for a cash settlement of $25,000, 520,000 shares 
in the company and settlement of their legal fees incurred (approximately 
$12,000) the case would be withdrawn and the company and its subsidiary 
released from all obligations to the employees. The case was withdrawn on 1 
October 2012. Post balance sheet salary and wage accruals were cleared to nil. 
 5.2. RenewMe 
RenewMe Limited had been granted exclusive rights by Pyromex to use, own, 
assemble and install and operate Pyromex systems in territories also Licensed 
to Powerhouse Energy, Inc. The group entered into a settlement agreement with 
RenewMe whereby the parties agreed to change the respective exclusive rights 
pertaining to the Pyromex technology. Under the settlement agreement the group 
has the obligation to pay five instalments of Euro 200,000 annually beginning 
30 June 2011. All amounts due under the contract have been recognised as a 
liability on the balance sheet for 30 June 2012 The Directors are currently in 
productive negotiations with RenewMe regarding the existing licensing 
A copy of this announcement will be available at the Company's registered 
office (16 Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5DG) 14 days from the date of this 
announcement and on its website - www.powerhouseenergy.net. A copy of the 
interim results will not be sent to shareholders. 

Grafico Azioni Powerhouse Energy (LSE:PHE)
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Grafico Azioni Powerhouse Energy (LSE:PHE)
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