30 September 2014

                          PowerHouse Energy Group plc

                 ("PowerHouse", the "Group" or the "Company")

             Interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2014

PowerHouse Energy Group plc, (AIM: PHE) announces its unaudited results for the
six months ended 30 June 2014.

Chairman's Statement

The first six months of FY2014 have allowed us to engage in a number of
commercial, technical and organizational advancements for the Company.

In the six months ended 30 June 2014, the Group incurred an unaudited loss
before and after taxation of $547,567 (2013: $403,707).

The integration of the Pyromex companies, the purchase of which was completed
in August 2013, into PowerHouse has continued in the period under review. The
team we have created through the acquisition has achieved new technical
milestones with the testing, thermal cycling and commissioning of our nominal 5
tonne per day (tpd) unit in Schwartzenbach Switzerland. This facility has
continued to generate significant commercial interest; the team has hosted
several dozen interested parties in utilizing the technology for the creation
of syngas and the conversion of that syngas into electricity. We have
demonstrated the Ultra High Temperature Gasification process of converting
multiple waste streams into clean synthesis gas on multiple occasions.

We have continued to operate "under the radar" as we have begun the front-end
engineering and design of various feed systems to integrate with our reactor
and identifying the ideal mechanisms for the conversion of our gas into both
electricity and synthetic natural gas - through a catalytic process. Given the
challenges facing the Continental natural gas supplies and some of the
geopolitical problems we are beginning to see in eastern Europe, we realize
that the inexpensive conversion of our synthesis gas into artificial natural
gas (through a straight-forward Nickel catalyst conversion) - which can be
delivered directly to the main natural gas infrastructure in any country - in
many cases, may provide greater economic advantages for our customers than the
simple generation of electricity.

The first six months of 2014 have allowed us to work more closely with
potential customers. During this process we have been broadening our
understanding of our customers' needs and the entire commercial ecosystem which
needs be developed to deliver a successful outcome and expanding our network
for the identification of mechanisms to finance the acquisition of our units.
We continue to work with a Polish Group in the design and development of the
complex hospital waste system it envisages in Warsaw but no firm order has been
made yet. The Directors expect this system would begin with a nominal 5 tpd
system and grow with the addition of a 25 tpd system as the customer acquires
additional hazardous waste streams for its enterprise. To date we have been
advised that it has identified four medical waste streams for processing as
well as another abundant stream of hazardous waste.

Concurrent with our potential customer activities in Poland, we have been
engaged in active discussions with groups from the UK, Switzerland, Germany,
Slovakia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Oman, Brazil and the United States.

Additionally, the first six months of 2014 have allowed us to have our team in
Eiting Germany (Munich) begin to integrate the newly engineered heating
mechanism, feed system, gas handling system and electrical generation into the
early design documents for the re-commissioned 25 tpd system. Our Senior
Project Manager for the re- commissioning of the Eiting facility as a
commercial enterprise is currently in Munich to begin the process of bringing
the system back on-line. By early 2015, the Directors anticipate having a
commercially operational facility operating in Munich which is capable of
demonstrating the economic viability of the technology.

In talking to prospective customers from around the world, and those here in
the UK, it is clear that the Group's Ultra High Temperature Gasification system
is an ideal solution for enterprises, communities and local councils. With a
small physical foot-print, the fact that our system creates no smoke or ash,
and the fact that we can create clean electricity - efficiently, economically,
and in an environmentally sustainable manner, exactly where the energy is
needed - positions us well in the Waste-to-Energy space.

The Directors believe that while there are over 130 companies that operate in
the Waste to Energy field, we believe that none possess the value proposition
that we bring to the table.

Our team continues to expand our knowledge-base with enhancements to the system
on a regular basis. The Directors believe that the efficiency of our reactor,
the ability to create a synthesis gas that is tuned to provide the ideal
constituent make-up for either electrical generation or catalytic methanation,
and the successful re-commissioning of our commercial facility in Munich will
move us forward as a competitive enterprise.

During FY2014, we have continued to rely exclusively on the financial support
of Hillgrove Investments Pty Limited ("Hillgrove") and during the period the
Company was advanced a further £104,352 under the convertible loan facility
dated 19 June 2012 which allows Hillgrove, at its discretion, to further fund
company operations as it has been doing to date. Furthermore, on 27 June 2014
Hillgrove provided a Letter of Support to ensure that the Company's debts are
paid as and when they are due and within the normal course of business.
Finally, on the 27 June 2014 Hillgrove extended the maturity date of the
convertible loan note from 8 October 2014 to 7 October 2015. At 30 June 2014,
the amount owing to Hillgrove under the convertible loan note was $2,185,899

The entire team and I will continue to make our best efforts to see that
Shareholders' faith in the Company is rewarded.

Keith Allaun
30 September 2014

For additional information please contact:

PowerHouse Energy Group plc
Keith Allaun - Executive Chairman
Phone: +44 (0)20 7079 4407
Email: inquire@powerhousegroup.co.uk

Sanlam Securities UK Limited (Nomad and Joint Broker)
David Worlidge
Phone: +44 (0)20 7628 2200

Allenby Capital Limited (Joint Broker)
Nick Harriss/Nick Naylor
Phone:+44 (0) 20 3328 5656

Statement of Comprehensive Income

                                           (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)      (Audited)
                                            Six months   Six months          Year
                                                 ended        ended         ended
                                               30 June      30 June   31 December
                                   Note           2014         2013          2013

                                                   US$          US$           US$

Revenue                                             -             -         3,330

Cost of sales                                       -             -       (46,825)

Gross Loss                                          -             -       (43,495)

Administrative expenses                      (437,587)     (208,626)     (614,132)

Operating loss                               (437,587)     (208,626)     (657,627)

Finance income                                      -            -              1

Finance costs                                (109,980)     (195,081)     (386,556)

Loss before and after taxation               (547,567)     (403,707)   (1,044,182)

Foreign exchange arising on                   (99,539)       73,310      (160,183)

Total comprehensive expense                  (647,106)     (330,397)   (1,204,365)

Total comprehensive expense
attributable to:

Owners of the Company                        (647,106)     (330,397)   (1,204,365)

Non-controlling interests                           -             -             -

Loss per share (US$)                 3          (0.01)        (0.01)    less than(0.01)

The notes numbered 1 to 6 are an integral part of the interim financial information.

Statement of Changes in Equity

                           Shares and   Accumulated      Other           Total
                                stock        losses    reserves

                                  US$           US$        US$             US$

Balance at 1 January 2013  80,162,619  (19,697,145)  (62,767,508)  (2,302,034)

Total comprehensive

  * Loss after taxation            -      (403,707)            -     (403,707)

  * Foreign exchange               -             -        73,310       73,310
    arising on

Balance at 30 June 2013    80,162,619 ( 20,100,852)  (62,694,198)  (2,632,431)

Transactions with equity

  * Shares issued to          998,864             -            -       998,864
    settle liabilities

  * - Shares issued to         26,558             -            -        26,558
    settle liabilities

  * - Conversion of                18             -           310          328

Total comprehensive

  * Loss after taxation             -     (800,658)            -      (800,658)

  * Foreign exchange                -            -       (233,493)    (233,493)
    arising on

Balance at 31 December     81,188,059  (20,901,510)   (62,927,381)  (2,640,832)
2013 (audited)

Transactions with equity

  * Shares issued to          311,642            -        668,772      980,414
    settle liabilities

  * - Shares issued to        195,500            -        344,655      540,155
    settle liabilities

Total comprehensive

  * Loss after taxation            -      (547,567)             -     (547,567)

  * Foreign exchange               -             -        (99,539)     (99,539)
    arising on

Balance at 30 June 2014    81,695,201  (21,449,077)   (62,013,493)  (1,767,369)

The notes numbered 1 to 6 are an integral part of the interim financial information.

Statement of Financial Position

                                          (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited)
                                          As at       As at        As at
                                          30 June     30 June      31 December
                                   Note   2014        2013         2013

                                          US$         US$          US$


Non-current assets

Intangible assets                         2,086,154                 2,087,081

Property, plant and equipment             664,675      486          665,160

Investment in associate                   -            -            -

Total non-current assets                  2,750,829    486          2,752,241

Current Assets

Trade and other receivables               50,238       6,690        54,311

Cash and cash equivalents                 55,573       31,867       69,617

Total current assets                      105,811      38,557       123,928

Total assets                              2,856,640    39,043       2,876,169


Non-current liabilities

Loans                               4     -            (549,463)    -

Total non-current liabilities             -            (549,463)    -

Current liabilities

Loans                               4     (2,185,899)  (551,231)    (2,542,038)

Trade and other payables            5     (2,438,110)  (1,570,780)  (2,974,963)

Total current liabilities                 (4,624,009)  (2,122,011)  (5,517,001)

Total liabilities                         (4,624,009)  (2,671,474)  (5,517,001)

Net liabilities                           (1,767,369)  (2,632,431)  (2,640,832)


Shares and stock                    2     81,695,201   80,162,619   81,188,059

Other reserves                            (62,013,493) (62,694,198) (62,927,381)

Accumulated losses                        (21,449,077) (20,100,852) (20,901,510)

Total deficit                             (1,767,369)  (2,632,431)  (2,640,832)

The notes numbered 1 to 6 are an integral part of the interim financial

Statement of Cash Flows

                                            (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited)
                                            Six months  Six months  Year ended
                                            ended       ended       31
                                      Note  30 June     30 June     December
                                            2014        2013        2013

                                            US$         US$         US$

Cash flows from operating activities

Loss before taxation                        (547,567)   (403,707)   (1,204,365)

Adjustments for:

  * Finance income                          -           -           (1)

  * Finance costs                           109,980     195,081     386,556

  * Depreciation and amortisation           1,412       448         322

  * Foreign exchange revaluations           (99,539)    -           (160,183)

Changes in working capital:

  * (Increase) / Decrease in trade          4,073       (3,033)     (50,251)
    and other receivables

  * Increase / (Decrease) in trade          619,113     15,044      1,371,489
    and other payables

  * Taxation paid                           -           -           -

Net cash used in operations                 87,472      (196,197)   343,567

Cash flows from financing activities

Share/stock issues (net of issue            -           -           (756,919)

Finance income                              -           -           1

Finance costs                               (109,980)   (195,081)   (386,556)

Loans received                              185,085     412,651     861,212

Net cash flows from financing               75,105      217,570     (282,262)

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents   12,367      21,403      61,295

Cash and cash equivalents at                69,617      11,492      11,492
beginning of period

Foreign exchange on cash balances           1,677       (1,028)     (3,170)

Cash and cash equivalents at end of         55,573      31,867      69,617

The notes numbered 1 to 6 are an integral part of the interim financial

Notes (forming part of the interim financial information)


The following accounting policies have been applied consistently in dealing
with items which are considered material in relation to the financial

 1.1. Basis of preparation

This interim consolidated financial information is for the six months ended 30
June 2014 and has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting
Standard 34 "Interim Financial Statements". The accounting policies applied are
consistent with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") adopted
for use by the European Union. The accounting policies and methods of
computation used in the interim consolidated financial information are
consistent with those expected to be applied for the year ending 31 December

The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's
statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2013, but is derived from
those accounts. Statutory accounts for 2013 have been delivered to the
Registrar of Companies. The auditors have reported on those accounts: their
report was qualified and contained a disclaimer of opinion and contained
statements under section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

 1.2. Going concern

The Directors have considered all available information about the future events
when considering going concern. The Directors have reviewed cash flow

The convertible loan obtained from Hillgrove Investments Pty Limited is
considered sufficient to settle outstanding creditors, maintain the Group's
overhead and other planned events. In addition, the Company is in receipt of a
letter of intention of financial support from Hillgrove Investments Pty Limited
to ensure the Company continues to meet its obligations as they fall due and to
ensure it operates as a going concern until at least 27 June 2015. Based on
this, the Directors continue to adopt the going concern basis of accounting for
the preparation of the annual financial statements.

 1.3. Functional and presentational currency

This interim financial information is presented in US dollars which is the
Group's functional currency. The principal rates used for translation are:

                                                   30 June      30 June
                                                      2014         2014

                                                   Closing      Average

British Pounds                                        $1.7        $1.68


                                       1.0 p Ordinary       4.5 p         4.0 p
                                               shares    Deferred      Deferred
                                                           shares        shares

Balance at 1 January                      348,307,920  17,373,523     9,737,353

  * Issue of shares for                                         -             -

  * Issue of shares to                     40,188,674
    settle liabilities

  * Conversion of

Balance at 30 June 2014                   388,496,594  17,373,523     9,737,353

The deferred shares have no voting rights and do not carry any entitlement to
attend general meetings of the Company. They will carry only a right to
participate in any return of capital once an amount of £100 has been paid in
respect of each ordinary share. The Company will be authorised at any time to
affect a transfer of the deferred shares without reference to the holders
thereof and for no consideration.


                                          (Unaudited) (Unaudited)        (Audited)

                                                As at       As at           As at

                                              30 June     30 June     31 December

                                                 2014        2013            2013

Total comprehensive expense (US$)           (403,707)   (403,707)     (1,204,365)

Weighted average number of shares         286,534,426 286,534,426     285,425,948

Loss per share (US$)                           (0.01)      (0.01)    less than(0.01)


                                             (Unaudited) (Unaudited)  (Audited)

                                                 As at      As at        As at
                                               30 June    30 June  31 December
                                     Notes        2014       2013         2013

                                                   US$        US$          US$

Accrued dividends on preferred         4.1           -     33,000            -

Citi bank business loan                4.2           -     26,913            -

Aspermont loan                         4.3           -    491,318      550,036

Hillgrove Investments Pty              4.4   2,185,899    549,463    1,992,002

Total loans                                  2,185,899  1,100,694    2,542,038

Classified as:

  * Current                                  2,185,899    551,231    2,542,038

  * Non-current                                      -    549,463            -

The Aspermont loan consists of Aspermont Ltd, Dilato Holdings Pty Ltd and Tesla
Nominees Pty Ltd. These parties collectively provided a facility of $165,640 to
the Company repayable by 18 May 2012, which incurs interest at a default rate
of 7 per cent per month. On 2 April 2014 the Company negotiated a settlement to
repay the loan in full by way of issue and allotment for 11,500,000 1 pence
shares in the Company.

 4.1. Accrued dividends on preferred stock

The accrued dividends were fully settled during the year to 31 December 2013.

 4.2. Citi bank business loan

The loan from Citi Bank was fully settled during the year to 31 December 2013.

 4.3. Aspermont loan

The Aspermont loans consist of Aspermont Ltd, Dilato Holdings Pty Ltd and Tesla
Nominees Pty Ltd. These parties collectively provided a facility of £100,000 to
the Group repayable by 18 May 2012, which incurs interest at a default rate of
7 per cent per month.

On 2 April 2014 the Company has negotiated for the loan to repaid in full by
way of issue and allotment for 11,500,000 1 pence shares in the Company.

 4.4. Hillgrove Loan

Hillgrove Investments Pty Limited ("Hillgrove") has provided the PowerHouse
Energy Group plc with a convertible loan agreement amounting to $2,185,899 -
which can be increased at Hillgrove's option. The loan is secured by a
debenture over the assets of the company and carries interest of 15 per cent
per annum.

Hillgrove have provided a letter of support indicating they are willing to
increase the loan amount pending any unforeseeable or material changes to the
Group's current circumstances until at least 27 June 2015.

 5. Trade and other payables

                                     (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited)
                                          As at       As at         As at
                                        30 June     30 June   31 December
                                           2014        2013          2013

                                            US$         US$           US$

Trade creditors                       1,913,640     240,369     1,445,921

Salary and wage                               -           -

RenewMe                                 275,039    1,011,120    1,155,966

Customer deposits                             -      150,000            -

Other accruals                          249,431      169,291      373,076

Total trade and other                 2,438,110    1,570,780    2,974,963

Classified as:

  * Current                           2,438,110    1,570,780    2,974,963

  * Non-current                               -            -            -

 5.1. RenewMe

RenewMe Limited had been granted exclusive rights by Pyromex to use, own,
assemble and install and operate Pyromex systems in territories also licensed
to the Company's subsidiary PowerHouse Energy, Inc. The Company entered into a
settlement agreement with RenewMe whereby the parties agreed to change the
respective exclusive rights pertaining to the Pyromex technology. Under the
original settlement agreement Powerhouse Energy, Inc. had the obligation to pay
five instalments of EUR 200,000 annually beginning 30 June 2011. The Company
guaranteed the obligations under the agreement of PowerHouse Energy, Inc. As
PowerHouse Energy, Inc is unable to meets its obligations, all remaining
amounts (EUR 800,000) due under the original settlement agreement have been
recognised as a liability.

On 3 March 2014 the Company announced that a settlement had been reached with
Renewme to release its claimed geographical licenses to use our technology
under a disputed royalty agreement with Pyromex and other claims against the
Company in return for EUR 211,000 and the issue of 18,331,996 new Ordinary Shares
in the Company. While the equity portion of that settlement has been satisfied,
the cash payment has not been settled and the agreement has not been completed.
The Company is in active discussion with Renewme to finalize an agreement.


A copy of this announcement will be available at the Company's registered
office (16 Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5DG) and on its website -
www.powerhouseenergy.net. A copy of the interim results will not be sent to

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