EnerVest Diversified Management Inc. (TSX:EIT.UN), the Manager of EnerVest
Diversified Income Trust ("EnerVest"), is pleased to announce the financial
results for the six month period ended June 30, 2007. The following is an
excerpt from the interim management report of fund performance and interim
financial statements of EnerVest for the six month period ended June 30, 2007.
The interim report, which includes the entire interim management report of fund
performance and interim financial statements, can be found on our website at or on SEDAR at


Results of Operations

After a tumultuous 2006 caused primarily by the surprise announcement of the
Conservative Government's "Tax Fairness Plan" and the resulting volatility in
the sector, the income trust sector stabilized during the first half of 2007.
The portfolio's overweight position in real estate investment trusts ("REIT")
and underweight position in oil & gas trusts at the beginning of the year served
EnerVest well. As merger and acquisition activity increased in the sector, most
notably in the Business Trust subsector, EnerVest's portfolio was well
positioned to capitalize on such activity. EnerVest's return based on its net
asset value per unit was 12.1% for the period, higher than both the BMO Capital
Markets Trust Composite Index and S&P/TSX Income Trust Index returns of 11.2%
and 10.1%, respectively. EnerVest's return was 19.6% based on its market price,
the result of a decrease in the discount between the trust's market price and
its net asset value. Compared to December 31, 2006 when units traded at a 16.3%
discount, the discount decreased to 10.7% at June 30, 2007.

After rising significantly over the first two months of 2007, REIT valuations
have declined resulting in an average return of 4.0% for the period as measured
by the BMO Capital Markets REIT Index. The anticipation of an increase in
interest rates, which occurred on July 10th, was the largest factor weighing on
the subsector. Benefiting from higher oil prices and increased activity, returns
in the Oil & Gas subsector rose sharply during the second quarter resulting in a
7.2% return year to date as measured by the BMO Capital Markets Royalty Trust
Index. Total returns for Business Trusts were 16.7% according to the BMO Capital
Markets Income Trust Index, significantly higher than the equity market as
investors are focusing more on the merger and acquisition activity in the
subsector than on the interest rate and currency risk. EnerVest's portfolio has
taken advantage of this recent activity and has positioned the portfolio to
include those companies that appear as likely candidates for takeover.


With the exception of the Oil & Gas sector, the portfolio composition did not
change dramatically during the period. The portfolio weighting for Oil & Gas
increased to 28.6% from 22.0% to take advantage of favourable valuations and to
provide higher yields on the portfolio. In order to take advantage of the
increased merger and acquisition activity, exposure to consumer products,
industrial products and pipelines has increased as these have better
fundamentals and contain companies the market may construe as good takeover
candidates. The portfolio is currently yielding 7.8%.

Financial Performance

Approximately $91.3 million was received in distributions from portfolio assets
during the period, an increase of $13.0 million over 2006. This increase is
mainly the result of the investments received on the October 2006 exchange offer
and the resulting distributions received on those assets.

Total expenses were $23.3 million for the period, of which management fees and
interest and charges on the credit facility combined accounted for 81.9%.
Management fees totalled $10.6 million, an increase of approximately $1.0
million over 2006. Approximately $8.5 million was incurred in interest and
credit facility charges to date, an increase of $5.3 million over 2006 as a
result of a higher average balance outstanding.

EnerVest had net realized capital gains of $99.5 million for the period.
Unrealized gains in the portfolio increased by $54.1 million, the majority
attributable to Business Trusts.

The increase in net assets from operations for the period was $208.2 million, or
$0.77 per unit. Distributions of $113.0 million were paid to unitholders during
the period. Opening net assets decreased by $7.7 million due to a fair value
adjustment to revalue December 31, 2006 investments to bid prices as required
under a new accounting standard. As a result of the increase from operations of
$208.2 million, distribution payments of $113.0 million and the $7.7 million
fair value adjustment, net assets have increased $87.4 million. As at June 30,
2007, EnerVest's net assets totalled $2.0 billion, or $7.44 per unit.

One element of EnerVest's investment strategy is the use of leverage. EnerVest
does not consider substantial levels of debt financing appropriate and its
Declaration of Trust limits borrowing to 20% of the value of total assets after
giving effect to the leverage. The maximum borrowings during the period were
$376.0 million while the minimum amount drawn was $279.0 million. As at June 30,
2007, $376.0 million was utilized.

Cash Distributions

EnerVest distributed $0.42 per unit during the period, consistently distributing
$0.07 per unit per month. These distributions represent an annualized pre-tax
yield of 13.1% based on EnerVest's weighted average market price of $6.40 per
unit in 2007.

It is estimated that 37.5% of the distributions paid during 2007 will be
non-taxable. This equates the 13.1% yield on EnerVest units to an equivalent
pre-tax interest rate of 16.8%, assuming a 46.41% tax rate and payment of
capital gains tax on the return of capital upon disposition of EnerVest units.
Since inception EnerVest has paid a monthly distribution to unitholders on the
last trading day of the month.

Trading Volume

The daily average trading volume of EnerVest units on the TSX was 496,081 units.
With a market capitalization of approximately $1.8 billion at June 30, 2007,
EnerVest is both the largest and most liquid closed-end fund in Canada,
providing our investors with the ability to easily move in and out of the market
without a discernible effect on the price of EnerVest units.

Recent Developments

Special Meeting of Unitholders

A Special Meeting of Unitholders was held on July 5, 2007 to approve amendments
to EnerVest's Declaration of Trust. The amendments included broadening the
investment strategy to allow for greater flexibility of investing in debt and
equity securities of publicly traded corporations and amendments required as a
result of recent regulatory changes. These amendments were approved by EnerVest
Unitholders at the Special Meeting. The investment objectives and policies of
EnerVest were amended in response to the taxation changes of publicly traded
income trusts to ensure that EnerVest can continue to meet its stated investment
objective of maximizing monthly distributions to Unitholders relative to risk,
particularly amidst the flurry of takeover and merger activity in the sector.

Income Trust Tax

Bill C-52, an Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in
Parliament on March 19, 2007, was given Royal Assent on June 22, 2007 thereby
passing into law the Conservative's "Tax Fairness Plan" including the proposed
tax on income trusts. Though this has removed some of the uncertainty on this
issue since its October 31st announcement, further clarification is required on
such areas as conversion of trusts into corporate structures, REIT exemptions
and allowable growth. Until these issues are clarified many trusts will not be
able to make strategic decisions on their future direction.

Repurchase of EnerVest Units

During November, EnerVest announced its intention to repurchase units under its
normal course issuer bid. By year end, EnerVest purchased 2,711,100 units in the
open market for cancellation at a net cost of $16.2 million. EnerVest has
continued purchasing units during 2007 pursuant to the terms of its normal
course issuer bid, purchasing 589,625 units for cancellation at a net cost of
$3.8 million.

Credit Facility

On January 30, 2007, EnerVest entered into a syndicated credit facility
evidenced by a Credit Agreement between EnerVest, as borrower, and Canadian
Imperial Bank of Commerce and Bank of Montreal for an amount up to $400 million.
This facility replaced the then existing $350 million facility. The new facility
allows EnerVest the opportunity to borrow at lower interest rates, thereby
decreasing interest expense charged to EnerVest.

Investment Fund Governance Legislation

During 2006, Canadian securities regulators passed legislation requiring
independent oversight over the management of Canadian investment funds. National
Instrument 81-107 Independent Review Committee for Investment Funds ("NI
81-107") came into effect on November 1, 2006. Under NI 81-107, an Independent
Review Committee ("IRC") was required to be established by May 1, 2007. The
initial members appointed to EnerVest's IRC are Allen Clarke (Chairman), Dr.
William Byrne, and Catherine Brown. The main responsibility of the IRC is to
govern over perceived conflicts of interest between investment funds, their
managers and related third parties. Policies and procedures are to be adopted no
later than November 1, 2007 and investment funds must be in full compliance of
NI 81-107 at that time. EnerVest has made significant strides in the formation
of its IRC and its policies and will meet each implementation date requirement.

New CICA Financial Instrument Standards

On April 1, 2005, the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants issued new
financial reporting standards for the accounting and disclosure of financial
instruments. Of importance to investment funds are new definitions and
requirements for determining the fair value of financial instruments,
particularly investments. Since current securities regulations require that
investment funds calculate Net Asset Value Per Share ("NAVPS") in accordance
with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ("GAAP"), these new standards
impact the way in which net asset value is determined. For securities quoted on
an open market, the new standards require the use of bid prices as opposed to
the closing prices currently used. Bid prices are normally less than closing
prices which will result in lower net asset values. Under the old rules,
transaction costs such as broker commissions could be added to the cost base of
investments purchased and deducted from the proceeds of investments sold. The
new rules require that these costs be expensed. These new standards were
effective for fiscal years beginning on or after October 1, 2006, therefore
effective January 1, 2007 for EnerVest. Securities regulators have granted
relief from the requirement to calculate NAVPS in accordance with GAAP. This
relief is in effect until the earlier of September 30, 2007 and the date on
which legislation with respect to calculating net asset value for purposes other
than financial statements is changed. The Canadian Securities Administrators are
currently seeking comments on proposed amendments to National Instrument 81-106
Investment Fund Continuous Disclosure, Form 81-106F1, Companion Policy 81-106CP
and other related consequential amendments. The proposed amendments modify the
requirements regarding the calculation of net asset value following the
introduction of the new accounting standards. Specifically it allows for
investment funds to have two different net asset values: one for financial
statements using bid prices (referred to as "net assets" or "net assets per
unit"); and another for all other purposes using closing prices (referred to as
"net asset value" or "net asset value per unit"). The comment period expires on
August 31, 2007. During the temporary relief period, EnerVest calculates NAVPS
under the old method, specifically using closing rather than bid prices, for all
purposes other than financial statements. This Management Report of Fund
Performance has been completed based on the proposed amendments and the 2007
interim financial statements have been presented in accordance with the new
accounting rules.


The following tables show selected key financial information about EnerVest and
are intended to help you understand EnerVest's financial performance for the
past five years.

EnerVest's Net Assets per Unit (1)
                                    2007   2006   2005   2004   2003   2002
Net assets, beginning of period     7.12   8.22   8.01   7.22   6.50   6.85

Increase (decrease) from
 Total revenue                      0.34   0.73   0.77   0.73   0.75   0.78
 Total expenses                    (0.09) (0.15) (0.15) (0.15) (0.15) (0.17)
 Realized gains for period          0.37   0.18   0.24   0.18   0.07   0.25
 Unrealized gains (losses) for
  period                            0.20  (0.68)  0.68   1.49   1.56   0.17
 Return of capital                 (0.05) (0.13) (0.20) (0.24) (0.26) (0.30)
Total increase (decrease) from
 operations(2) :                    0.77  (0.05)  1.34   2.01   1.97   0.73

 From net investment income        (0.26) (0.58) (0.60) (0.58) (0.59) (0.59)
 From capital gains                (0.16) (0.17) (0.24) (0.17) (0.07) (0.24)
 Return of capital                     -  (0.09)     -  (0.09) (0.18) (0.01)
Total distributions(3)             (0.42) (0.84) (0.84) (0.84) (0.84) (0.84)

Net assets, end of period (4)       7.44   7.12   8.22   8.01   7.22   6.50

(1) This information is derived from EnerVest's audited annual financial
    statements, except for 2007 which is derived from the unaudited interim
    financial statements. The net assets per unit presented in the financial
    statements differs from the net asset value calculated for fund pricing
    purposes. An explanation of these differences can be found in the notes
    to the financial statements.
(2) Net assets and distributions are based on the actual number of units
    outstanding at the relevant time. The increase/decrease from operations
    is based on the weighted average number of units outstanding over the
    financial period.
(3) Distributions were paid in cash, reinvested in additional units of
    EnerVest, or both.
(4) This information is provided as at December 31 of the year shown, except
    2007 which is provided as at June 30.
(5) This schedule is not a reconciliation of net assets since it does not
    reflect unitholder transactions as shown on the Statement of Changes in
    Net Assets. Columns may therefore not add.

Ratios and Supplemental Data
                                             2007         2006         2005
Total net asset value ($000s)(1)        2,013,229    1,914,596    1,597,955
Number of units outstanding (000s)(1)     269,003      269,010      194,329
Management expense ratio ("MER")
 excluding issue costs and
 interest (2)                                1.31%        1.32%        1.37%
MER including issue costs and
 interest (2)                                2.18%        2.12%        2.45%
Trading expense ratio(3)                     0.18%        0.12%        0.10%
Portfolio turnover rate(4)                  22.17%       23.99%       17.27%
Net asset value per unit              $      7.48  $      7.12  $      8.22
Closing market price                  $      6.68  $      5.96  $      8.23

Ratios and Supplemental Data
                                             2004         2003         2002
Total net asset value ($000s)(1)        1,187,695      723,366      392,607
Number of units outstanding (000s)(1)     148,300      100,205       60,392
Management expense ratio ("MER")
 excluding issue costs and
 interest (2)                                1.49%        1.68%        2.08%
MER including issue costs and
 interest (2)                                3.14%        3.72%        5.35%
Trading expense ratio(3)                     0.15%        0.33%        0.26%
Portfolio turnover rate(4)                  20.52%       37.61%       33.65%
Net asset value per unit              $      8.01    $    7.22    $    6.50
Closing market price                  $      8.40    $    6.77    $    6.58

(1) This information is provided as at December 31 of the year shown, except
    2007 which is provided as at June 30.
(2) Management expense ratio is based on total expenses (excluding
    commissions and other portfolio transaction costs) for the stated period
    and is expressed as an annualized percentage of daily average net asset
    value during the period. The MER has been presented excluding and
    including the cost of issuance of EnerVest units and interest expense on
    the credit facility.
(3) The trading expense ratio represents total commissions and other
    portfolio transaction costs expressed as an annualized percentage of
    daily average net asset value during the period.
(4) EnerVest's portfolio turnover rate indicates how actively EnerVest's
    portfolio advisor manages its portfolio investments. A portfolio
    turnover rate of 100% is equivalent to EnerVest buying and selling all
    of the securities in its portfolio once in the course of the year. The
    higher a fund's portfolio turnover rate in a year, the greater the
    trading costs payable by the fund in the year and the greater the chance
    of an investor receiving taxable capital gains in the year. There is not
    necessarily a relationship between a high turnover rate and the
    performance of a fund.


The performance data provided assumes that all distributions made by EnerVest in
the periods shown were reinvested in additional units of EnerVest and does not
take into account sales, distribution or other optional charges that would have
reduced returns or performance. Past performance does not necessarily indicate
how EnerVest will perform in the future.

Year-by-Year Returns

The table below shows EnerVest's annual performance for each of the years shown
and illustrates how EnerVest's performance has changed from year to year. This
table shows in percentage terms how much an investment made on January 1 of each
year (except 1997 which uses the inception date of August 7, 1997) would have
grown or decreased by December 31 of the same year (except 2007 which ends June

                                Returns Based              Returns Based on
                              on Market Price               Net Asset Value
1997                                   (22.7%)                       (10.8%)
1998                                   (25.7%)                       (10.5%)
1999                                    24.6%                         37.6%
2000                                    36.0%                         47.3%
2001                                    31.3%                         30.3%
2002                                    10.6%                          9.2%
2003                                    18.0%                         25.9%
2004                                    41.3%                         26.3%
2005                                    11.3%                         16.5%
2006                                   (17.7%)                        (1.6%)
2007                                    19.6%                         12.1%

Annual Compound Returns

The below table shows annual compound returns for the periods ended June 30,
2007 for EnerVest based on market price and net asset value and compared to the
BMO Capital Markets Trust Composite Index.

                                  EnerVest                      BMO Capital
                    ---------------------------------------   Markets Trust
                      Returns Based      Returns Based on         Composite
                    on Market Price       Net Asset Value           Index(1)
Six months                     19.6%                 12.1%             11.2%
One year                        6.2%                  7.6%              1.8%
Three years                    12.1%                 16.5%             20.2%
Five years                     12.2%                 15.7%             20.2%
Since Inception                10.0%                 11.3%             15.6%

(1) BMO Capital Markets Trust Composite Index returns have been adjusted to
    reflect the reinvestment of distributions on securities in the index.


Portfolio Breakdown
 Oil & Gas                                                           28.61%
 Business Trusts                                                     27.61%
 Real Estate Investment Trusts                                       24.36%
 Pipeline & Utilities                                                22.44%
 Industrials                                                         14.09%
 Cash and Cash Equivalents                                            2.86%
 Other Assets less Liabilities                                      (19.97%)
 Net Assets                                                         100.00%

Top 25 Holdings
Issuer Name                                                 % of Net Assets
Canadian Oil Sands Trust                                               6.44%
Yellow Pages Income Fund                                               5.03%
AltaGas Income Trust                                                   4.56%
Canadian REIT                                                          4.38%
BFI Canada Income Fund                                                 4.10%
CI Financial Income Fund                                               4.03%
Inter Pipeline Fund                                                    3.39%
Fort Chicago Energy Partners L.P.                                      3.32%
Newalta Income Fund                                                    3.27%
RioCan REIT                                                            3.07%
Dundee REIT                                                            3.01%
H&R REIT                                                               2.72%
TELUS Corporation                                                      2.62%
Vermilion Energy Trust                                                 2.62%
Boardwalk REIT                                                         2.47%
Crescent Point Energy Trust                                            2.39%
Bonavista Energy Trust                                                 2.28%
Penn West Energy Trust                                                 2.26%
Bell Aliant Regional Communications Income Fund                        2.25%
ARC Energy Trust                                                       2.24%
Enerplus Resources Fund                                                2.19%
Keyera Facilities Income Fund                                          2.04%
Chartwell Seniors Housing REIT                                         1.97%
Labrador Iron Ore Royalty Income Fund                                  1.95%
Cominar REIT                                                           1.85%

The summary of investment portfolio may change due to ongoing portfolio
transactions of the investment fund. A quarterly update is available on our
website at or can be requested by calling 1-800-459-3384 or
writing to EnerVest Diversified Management Inc., Suite 2800, 700 9th Avenue SW,
Calgary, Alberta, T2P 3V4.

Statements of Net Assets

As at                                     June 30, 2007       Dec. 31, 2006
($ thousands except per unit amounts)                 $                   $

 Investments                                  2,344,537           2,169,141
 Cash                                            57,279              27,106
 Distributions receivable                        15,461              15,519
 Promissory note receivable                       9,433               9,433
 Prepaid interest                                 1,096                   -
 Interest receivable                                257                   -

                                              2,428,063           2,221,199
 Credit facility                                376,000             284,000
 Liability for purchase of portfolio
  assets                                         29,094                   -
 Distributions payable                           18,830              18,831
 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities         2,171               3,772
                                                426,095             306,603

NET ASSETS                                    2,001,968           1,914,596

UNITS ISSUED AND OUTSTANDING (000s)             269,003             269,010

NET ASSETS PER UNIT                           $    7.44           $    7.12

Statements of Operations
For the Six Month Periods Ended June 30, 2007 and 2006

(Unaudited)                                        2007                2006
($ thousands except per unit amounts)                 $                   $

 Distribution income                             91,348              78,359
 Securities lending revenue                         622                   -
 Interest income                                    257                  81

                                                 92,227              78,440

 Management fees                                 10,553               9,603
 Interest and charges on credit facility          8,537               3,204
 General and administrative                       1,295                 948
 Brokerage commissions                            1,783                   -
 Goods and services tax                             735                 768
 Securityholder reporting costs                     144                 239
 Legal fees                                         112                 102
 Custodial fees                                      76                  67
 Directors' fees                                     27                  34
 Audit fees                                          25                   4
 Trustees' fees                                      21                  28

                                                 23,308              14,997

NET INVESTMENT INCOME                            68,919              63,443

 Net realized gains on sale of portfolio
  assets                                         99,506              33,219
 Net change in unrealized portfolio gains        54,106             (26,915)
 Return of capital                              (14,352)            (16,236)

                                                139,260              (9,932)

INCREASE IN NET ASSETS FROM OPERATIONS          208,179              53,511

WEIGHTED AVERAGE UNITS OUTSTANDING (000s)       268,937             221,814

 UNIT                                         $    0.77           $    0.24

Statements of Changes in Net Assets
For the Six Month Periods Ended June 30, 2007 and 2006

(Unaudited)                                        2007                2006
($ thousands)                                         $                   $

NET ASSETS, BEGINNING OF PERIOD               1,914,596           1,597,955

 Value adjustment as at December 31, 2006 to
  bid prices                                     (7,746)                  -

INCREASE IN NET ASSETS FROM OPERATIONS          208,179              53,511

 Net proceeds on issuance of units                  (25)            281,628
 Proceeds from distribution reinvestment plan     3,693               3,184
 Amounts paid for repurchase of units            (3,765)                  -
 Distributions to unitholders
  - from net investment income                  (68,919)            (62,106)
  - from realized gains on sale of portfolio
    assets                                      (44,045)            (33,219)
  - from return of capital                            -                   -

                                               (113,061)            189,487

NET ASSETS, END OF PERIOD                     2,001,968           1,840,953

Statements of Cash Flows
For the Six Month Periods Ended June 30, 2007 and 2006

(Unaudited)                                        2007                2006
($ thousands)                                         $                   $

 Net investment income                           68,919              63,443
 Proceeds on disposition of portfolio assets    507,480             111,654
 Purchase of portfolio assets                  (551,365)           (333,807)
 Net change in non-cash working capital items    26,197               5,665

                                                 51,231            (153,045)

 Cash proceeds on issuance of units                   -             285,755
 Compensation paid on issuance of units             (25)             (4,127)
 Repurchase of units                             (3,765)                  -
 Cash proceeds from distribution reinvestment
  plan                                                3                  43
 Drawings on credit facility                    140,000             403,500
 Repayments on credit facility                  (48,000)           (443,072)
 Cash distributions to unitholders             (109,271)            (92,184)

                                                (21,058)            149,915

NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH                  30,173              (3,130)

CASH, BEGINNING OF PERIOD                        27,106              21,894

CASH, END OF PERIOD                              57,279              18,764

 Interest paid                                    9,133               2,914

Statement of Investment Portfolio
June 30, 2007
                                            ($ thousands)
                                      Units /   Average      Fair  % of Net
                                       Shares      Cost     Value    Assets

OIL & GAS (28.61%)

Conventional Oil & Gas
ARC Energy Trust                    2,058,087    34,663     44,743     2.24%
Baytex Energy Trust                   655,000    13,984     13,873     0.69%
Bonavista Energy Trust              1,490,699    37,755     45,615     2.28%
Crescent Point Energy Trust         2,442,924    34,759     47,930     2.39%
Daylight Resources Trust            2,309,129    30,064     23,507     1.18%
Enerplus Resources Fund               880,440    39,896     43,881     2.19%
Fairborne Energy Trust              2,480,347    25,651     20,438     1.02%
Focus Energy Trust                  1,864,244    31,235     32,643     1.63%
Paramount Energy Trust              1,085,000    13,239     12,597     0.63%
Pengrowth Energy Trust                483,085    10,231      9,758     0.49%
Penn West Energy Trust              1,273,159    46,837     45,223     2.26%
Progress Energy Trust               2,752,577    34,784     35,178     1.76%
Trilogy Energy Trust                  698,265    12,545      6,682     0.33%
Vermilion Energy Trust              1,471,802    15,518     52,529     2.62%
                                                381,161    434,597    21.71%

Unconventional Oil & Gas
Canadian Oil Sands Trust            3,916,396    99,432    128,889     6.44%
Freehold Royalty Trust                636,075     7,437      9,185     0.46%
                                                106,869    138,074     6.90%


Consumer Services/Restaurants
A&W Revenue Royalties Income Fund     224,782     1,915      3,100     0.16%
Boston Pizza Royalties Income Fund     35,344       314        515     0.03%
The Consumers' Waterheater Income
 Fund                               1,164,090    13,346     19,266     0.96%
Gateway Casinos Income Fund           864,003    12,567     21,678     1.08%
                                                 28,142     44,559     2.23%

Cineplex Galaxy Income Fund         1,618,814    24,801     28,329     1.41%
Yellow Pages Income Fund            7,249,040   103,286    100,617     5.03%
                                                128,087    128,946     6.44%

Telcommunications Services
Bell Aliant Regional Communications
 Income Fund                        1,437,371    47,692     45,062     2.25%
TELUS Corporation                     839,200    50,452     52,475     2.62%
                                                 98,144     97,537     4.87%

Consumer Staples
Connors Bros. Income Fund           2,542,589    36,153     28,553     1.42%
Menu Foods Income Fund              1,255,190    17,008      3,577     0.18%
Rogers Sugar Income Fund            2,673,452     9,795     11,576     0.58%
                                                 62,956     43,706     2.18%

Canfor Pulp Income Fund             1,267,400    19,600     19,518     0.98%
Labrador Iron Ore Royalty Income
 Fund                               1,186,094    18,562     39,046     1.95%
Noranda Income Fund                   998,509     8,476     11,253     0.56%
PRT Forest Regeneration Income Fund   392,500     3,799      3,391     0.17%
Royal Utilities Income Fund         1,248,400    15,038     15,418     0.77%
SFK Pulp Fund                       3,264,355    14,897     16,191     0.81%
Supremex Income Fund                1,501,286    15,013     14,277     0.71%
                                                 95,385    119,094     5.95%

Diversified Financials
Davis + Henderson Income Fund       1,744,035    19,423     33,573     1.67%
CI Financial Income Fund            2,980,364    88,807     80,619     4.03%
                                                108,230    114,192     5.70%

Information Technology
Teranet Income Fund                   477,400     4,542      4,745     0.24%
                                                  4,542      4,745     0.24%


AltaGas Income Trust                3,606,263    83,789     91,347     4.56%
Essential Energy Services Trust     1,595,739    12,319     10,835     0.54%
Fort Chicago Energy Partners L.P.   6,359,909    64,481     66,461     3.32%
Inter Pipeline Fund                 7,292,227    55,838     67,818     3.39%
Keyera Facilities Income Fund       2,215,080    30,132     40,780     2.04%
Pembina Pipeline Income Fund          754,134     7,832     11,983     0.60%
Spectra Energy Income Fund          1,443,350    13,060     14,809     0.74%
Taylor NGL Limited Partnership      3,499,154    25,410     31,492     1.57%
                                                292,861    335,525    16.76%

Energy Equipment and Services
Trinidad Energy Services Income
 Trust                                498,462     7,020      7,457     0.37%
                                                  7,020      7,457     0.37%

Algonquin Power Income Fund           855,400     7,345      7,485     0.37%
EPCOR Power L.P.                    1,215,000    30,716     31,833     1.59%
Great Lakes Hydro Income Fund       1,595,704    20,613     32,616     1.63%
Innergex Power Income Fund          1,454,353    12,542     18,019     0.90%
Macquarie Power & Infrastructure
 Income Fund                        1,555,131    15,088     16,329     0.82%
                                                 86,304    106,282     5.31%


Capital Goods
Badger Income Fund                    669,609    10,080     11,591     0.58%
                                                 10,080     11,591     0.58%

Commercial Services & Supplies
BFI Canada Income Fund              2,926,485    50,171     82,146     4.10%
Newalta Income Fund                 2,557,215    69,843     65,490     3.27%
Resolve Business Outsourcing Income
 Fund                               2,186,470    21,579     19,394     0.97%
                                                141,593    167,030     8.34%

Contrans Income Fund                1,057,693    13,735     11,846     0.59%
Livingston International Income
 Fund                               1,275,214    26,023     25,823     1.29%
Westshore Terminals Income Fund     2,658,508    16,777     37,033     1.85%
                                                 56,535     74,702     3.73%

Income Deposit Securities
Atlantic Power Corporation          1,669,500    16,697     17,947     0.90%
Primary Energy Recycling
 Corporation                        1,607,900    15,963     10,886     0.54%
                                                 32,660     28,833     1.44%

Allied Properties REIT              1,514,350    21,741     32,619     1.63%
Boardwalk REIT                      1,027,175    15,075     49,438     2.47%
Canadian Hotel Income Properties
 REIT                                 556,407     6,080      8,613     0.43%
Canadian REIT                       3,008,734    74,704     87,644     4.38%
Chartwell Seniors Housing REIT      2,633,695    32,395     39,347     1.97%
Cominar REIT                        1,724,411    34,547     36,971     1.85%
Crombie REIT                        1,609,450    15,912     21,084     1.05%
Dundee REIT                         1,337,468    32,137     60,293     3.01%
H&R REIT                            2,379,260    42,729     54,509     2.72%
Morguard REIT                         960,800    14,288     13,028     0.65%
Northern Property REIT                985,694    15,931     22,681     1.13%
RioCan REIT                         2,610,004    39,715     61,440     3.07%
                                                345,254    487,667    24.36%

                                              1,985,823  2,344,537   117.11%
BROKERAGE COMMISSIONS (Note 2)                     (360)         -        -
TOTAL INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO                    1,985,463  2,344,537   117.11%
CASH & CASH EQUIVALENTS                                     57,279     2.86%
LIABILITIES, NET OF OTHER ASSETS                          (399,848) (19.97)%
NET ASSETS                                               2,001,968   100.00%

EnerVest is an actively managed, closed-end trust which invests in a diversified
portfolio of income, royalty and real estate investment trusts, limited
partnerships and debt and equity securities, all of which trade on the Toronto
Stock Exchange. EnerVest's objectives are to maximize monthly distributions
relative to risk, reduce investment risk, and maximize net asset value over its
life. EnerVest currently has 269,091,776 units outstanding, a net asset value of
approximately $1.8 billion and a daily average trading volume of 480,303 units
for the first seven months of 2007.

This news release contains certain forward looking statements that involve
substantial known and unknown risks and uncertainties, some of which are beyond
our control, including the impact of general economic conditions in Canada and
the United States, industry conditions, changes in laws and regulations,
including the Canadian Income Tax Act, fluctuations in interest rates, commodity
prices and foreign exchange, stock market volatility, and market valuations of
income and royalty trusts. Our actual results, performance or achievement could
differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these forward looking
statements and, accordingly, no assurances can be given that any of these events
anticipated by the forward looking statements will transpire or occur, or if any
of them do, what benefits, including the amount of proceeds, that we will derive

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