RNS Number:1411N
Baronsmead VCT 4 PLC
03 July 2003

To:       RNS

From:     Baronsmead VCT 4 plc

Date:     3 July 2003

Investment Objective

To achieve long-term capital growth and generate tax free dividends for private

Interim Results - For the six months ending 31 May 2003

  * NAV increased by 1.6 per cent to 95.6p

  * Interim dividend of 0.9p per share declared

  * Investments in period increased to 12 companies

  * Total return since launch 2.7 per cent

Philip Dunne, the Chairman, said:

"Investment performance has remained steady over the half year, which has been a
volatile period for quoted equity markets, encompassing as it did the Iraq war
and some market improvement following its swift resolution.

The successful sale of the Company's first investment, AIMS Group announced in
June 2003, subsequent to the end of the reporting period, is an encouraging sign
of what can be achieved in generating value for shareholders.


During the six months to 31 May 2003, the Net Asset Value per share increased by
1.6% to 95.6p per share. An interim dividend of 0.9p per share has been declared
by the Board for payment on 29 August 2003 to shareholders that are on the
register at the close of business on 15 August 2003.

Portfolio activity

Seven new investments were made in the six months to 31 May 2003 spread across
media, IT services and business services sectors. In summary these investments
are as follows:

Air Music and Media - Publishers of budget priced CDs and DVDs I Based in Tring,
this company acquires and licenses music copyrights in the production and sales
to music wholesalers and distributors internationally. This Aim-traded company
raised #750,000 in January 2003 as part payment for an acquisition.

Brownsword - Providers of road accident investigation services I Based in
Manchester, Brownsword provides outsourced services to insurance companies
nation-wide. It raised #4m for a replacement capital transaction in December

Cardpoint - Operators of independent ATM I Cardpoint is based in Manchester and
owns and/or operates automated teller machines in the UK. It is traded on Aim
and raised #5m towards funding an acquisition in May 2003.

Huveaux - Group of specialist publishing companies I Based in London, Huveaux
has made two acquisitions of Vacher Dod (parliamentary directories) and Lonsdale
(school revision guides). This Aim-traded company raised #7m in March 2003
towards funding the second purchase.

RLA Media - Regional marketing services agency I Based in Bournemouth, RLA
services multinational brands selling through local outlets. It raised #2.4m for
a replacement capital transaction in December 2002.

Universe Group - Retail and information systems I Based in London, Universe has
two main activities providing (1) payment and loyalty systems and (2) operating
bureaux de change outlets. This Aim-traded company raised #1.3m working capital
in May 2003

Xpertise - IT training services I Based in Altrincham, Xpertise has acquired a
number of IT training companies to provide a national network for its customers.
This Aim-traded company raised #2.2m in December 2002 towards funding its latest
purchase. Due to working capital difficulties driven by a market downturn, a
further fund raising took place during June 2003 at a lower valuation to our
entry price.

VCT legislation requires that at least 70% of the value of the Company's net
assets be invested in VCT qualifying holdings. The cumulative amount invested as
at 31 May 2003 was #3.0m with #1.7m being invested in the last six months, which
represented 17% of initial funds raised. To increase the rate of new investment,
ISIS Equity Partners opened a new office in Manchester last autumn and has added
to its team in London and Birmingham.

As a measure of portfolio progress, the latest year-end results of each investee
are compared with previous performance to give a better sense of 'direction of
travel'. Overall 10 of the 12 strong portfolio have reported better or steady
results by 31 May 2003.

Realisation (after period end)

The first investment made by Baronsmead VCT 4 in February 2002 was in AIMS Group
based in Towcester. This environmental consultancy specialises in advice and
audit of the 'built environment' such as supermarket sites. The company was sold
to Alfred McAlpine plc on 6 June 2003, which resulted in a return of twice
cost.This generated an unusually high annual rate of return of over 70%, due to
the relatively short holding period of this single investment, which cannot be
expected across the portfolio as a whole.

Meeting shareholder needs

Since launch, performance measured in terms of total return has been some way
ahead of the FTSE ALL-Share Index. Baronsmead VCT has returned positive 2.7%
since launch compared to a fall of 16.6% in the FTSE All-share index. The
relatively high level of cash balances has helped and this performance
differential improves further if the VCT tax reliefs are also taken into

The Company continues to raise funds with the aim of reaching the original
investment target of #30m. This is in order to increase steadily the size of the
Company both to improve cost efficiencies and enable greater portfolio diversity
in the long term. During the six months to 31 May 2003, the Company raised
#491,000 through additional subscriptions and #27,000 through the Dividend
Reinvestment Scheme. Existing and potential shareholders have the opportunity to
subscribe if they wish either via a series of offer letters or via the Dividend
Reinvestment Scheme.


Baronsmead VCT4 intends to build a diversified portfolio of over 30 investments
in qualifying unquoted and Aim-traded companies. There are some signs of
increasing corporate activity from trade purchasers, of which the AIMS Group
transaction is an example, although buoyant economic conditions may take some
years to return.

The Board's focus is on building the level of new investments within our
criteria and we are confident of achieving the required investment qualifying
status. Once companies join the portfolio we aim to create increased shareholder
value from these investments in assisting them to fulfil their growth plans."

Enquiries:     David Thorp      0207 506 1100, ISIS Equity Partners

        Gary Fraser     0131 465 1000, ISIS Asset Management plc

Unaudited Statement of Total Return (Incorporating the Revenue Account)

                                                                            Six months to 31 May 2003
                                                                    Revenue         Capital            Total
                                                                      #'000           #'000            #'000
Gains on investments                                                      -             392              392
Income                                                                  468               -              468
Investment management fee                                              (54)           (161)            (215)
Other expenses                                                        (139)               -            (139)
Return on ordinary activities
Before tax                                                              275             231              506
Tax on ordinary activities                                             (77)              48             (29)
Return attributable to
Equity shareholders                                                     198             279              477
Dividends in respect of equity shares                                 (181)               -            (181)
Transfer to reserves                                                     17             279              296
Return per ordinary share:
Basic                                                                 1.00p           1.41p            2.41p

Unaudited Statement of Total Return (Incorporating the Revenue Account)

                                                                   Period from 30 October 2001 to 31 May 2002

                                                                    Revenue         Capital            Total
                                                                      #'000           #'000            #'000
Gains on investments                                                      -              50               50
Income                                                                  129               -              129
Investment management fee                                              (22)            (64)             (86)
Other expenses                                                         (65)               -             (65)
Return on ordinary activities
Before tax                                                               42            (14)               28
Tax on ordinary activities                                             (11)              11                -
Return attributable to
Equity shareholders                                                      31             (3)               28
Dividends in respect of equity shares                                     -               -                -
Transfer to/(from) reserves                                              31             (3)               28
Return per ordinary share:
Basic                                                                 0.37p         (0.04p)            0.33p

Unaudited Statement of Total Return (Incorporating the Revenue Account)

                                                                Period from 30 October 2001 to 30 November 2002

                                                                    Revenue         Capital            Total
                                                                      #'000           #'000            #'000
Loss on investments                                                       -            (15)             (15)
Income                                                                  532               -              532
Investment management fee                                              (75)           (224)            (299)
Other expenses                                                        (199)               -            (199)
Return on ordinary activities
before tax                                                              258           (239)               19
Tax on ordinary activities                                             (50)              45              (5)
Return attributable to
equity shareholders                                                     208           (194)               14
Dividends in respect of equity shares                                 (192)               -            (192)
Transfer to/(from) reserves                                              16           (194)            (178)
Return per ordinary share:
Basic                                                                 1.49p         (1.39p)            0.10p

Unaudited Balance Sheet
                                                                         As at             As at                  As at
                                                                        31 May            31 May            30 November
                                                                          2003              2002                   2002
                                                                         #'000             #'000                  #'000
Fixed assets
Unquoted investments                                                     2,261               543                    925
Quoted on the Alternative Investment Market                              1,141               250                    441
Listed fixed interest investments                                        8,503                 -                 10,686
                                                                        ______            ______                 ______
                                                                        11,905               793                 12,052
Current assets
Debtors                                                                    609               634                    260
Cash at bank and on deposit                                              7,253            17,167                  6,670
                                                                         _____            ______                  _____
                                                                         7,862            17,801                  6,930
Creditors (amounts falling due within one year)                          (586)             (870)                  (573)
                                                                         _____             _____                  _____
Net current assets                                                       7,276            16,931                  6,357
                                                                        ______            ______                 ______
Total assets less current liabilities                                   19,181            17,724                 18,409
                                                                        ______            ______                 ______
Financed by
Equity shareholders' funds                                              19,181            17,724                 18,409
                                                                        ______           _______                _______
Net asset value per share                                               95.63p            95.18p                 94.12p

Summarised Unaudited Statement of Cash Flows

                                                              Six months             Period from             Period from
                                                                      to         30 October 2001         30 October 2001
                                                             31 May 2003          to 31 May 2002          to 30 Nov 2002
                                                                   #'000                   #'000                   #'000

Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities                   75                     (6)                    (39)
Capital expenditure and financial investment                         574                   (743)                (12,067)
Equity dividends paid                                              (118)                       -                    (74)
                                                                  ______                  ______                  ______

Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing                           531                   (749)                (12,180)
Financing                                                             52                  17,916                  18,850
                                                                  ______                  ______                  ______

Increase in cash                                                     583                  17,167                   6,670
                                                                  ______                  ______                  ______

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net cash

Increase in cash                                                     583                  17,167                   6,670
Opening net cash                                                   6,670                       -                       -
                                                                  ______                  ______                  ______

Net cash at 31 May / 30 November                                   7,253                  17,167                   6,670
                                                                  ______                  ______                  ______

Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash flow from operating activities

Net revenue return before taxation                                   275                      42                     258
Investment management fee charged to capital                       (161)                    (64)                   (224)
Increase in other debtors                                           (48)                   (120)                   (236)
Increase in other creditors                                            9                     136                     163
                                                                  ______                  ______                  ______

Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities                   75                     (6)                    (39)

                                                                  ______                  ______                  ______


      1. The unaudited interim results which cover the six months to 31
         May 2003 have been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting
         standards adopting the Statement of Recommended Practice for Financial
         Statements of Investment Trust Companies.

 2. Earnings for first six months should not be taken as a guide to the results
    for the full year.

 3. Return per ordinary share is based on a weighted average of 19,832,808
    ordinary shares in issue (31 May 2002 - 8,488,356, 30 November 2002 -

 4. During the six months ended 31 May 2003 the Company issued 519,566 ordinary
    shares and bought for cancellation 20,000 ordinary shares at a cost of
    #17,103. There were 20,058,694 ordinary shares in issue at 31 May 2003 (31
    May 2002 - 18,621,786, 30 November 2002 - 19,559,128).

 5. The interim dividend of 0.9 pence per ordinary share will be paid on 29
    August 2003 to ordinary shareholders on the register on 15 August 2003.

 6. These are not statutory accounts in terms of Section 240 of the Companies Act
    1985 and are unaudited. The full audited accounts for the period to 30
    November 2002, which were qualified, have been lodged with the Registrar of
    Companies. No statutory accounts in respect of any period after 30 November
    2002 have been reported on by the Company's auditors or delivered to the
    Registrar of Companies.

 7. Copies of the Interim Report, which has been reviewed by the Company's
    auditors, will be mailed to shareholders and available from the Registered
    Office of the Company at 100 Wood Street, London EC2V 7AN.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange