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Mircosoft Search Engine Crash (MSFT)

- 12/11/2004 17:23
hipshaker N° messaggi: 28 - Iscritto da: 17/3/2004
a fine way to launch a product, with a glitch so major it crashes the engine. feels like gates and allen feel a bit raw at googles success, and have rushed out a rival product

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msn search front page makes google look fussy. guess a lot of work went into its design, still seems to have too much stuff on it and looks thin

i would get rid of the date, the blue home page ad line and shorten the copyright line, while emboldening the box and removing the extra underline, actually i would change a lot
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1 di 1 - 18/11/2004 11:30
tycoontony N° messaggi: 514 - Iscritto da: 17/3/2004
What goes up must come down, its a law of gravity or something.

That which works must become broken and that which is broken then becomes fixed or transformed into something else; which is the same thing as being fixed, into a different form.

The key is how long something that works stays working, before it breaks and needs fixing, and secondly, when it breaks how long does it take to get fixed or changed into something different, which is more useful and robust.
1 Commenti
Titoli Discussi
NASDAQ:MSFT 424 -0.2%
Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft Corporation
Indici Internazionali
Australia -0.6%
Brazil 0.1%
Canada 0.1%
France 0.3%
Germany 0.1%
Greece -0.1%
Holland -0.1%
Italy 0.2%
Portugal -0.6%
US (DowJones) 0.0%
US (NASDAQ) 0.0%
United Kingdom 0.0%
Rialzo (%)
BIT:WERFO 0.10 29.3%
BIT:BES 0.69 14.3%
BIT:FRE 0.28 12.0%
BIT:1ELX 71.00 6.9%
BIT:ISC 2.22 5.7%
BIT:DATA 1.28 5.3%
BIT:MNL 1.63 5.2%
BIT:DIB 11.70 5.0%
BIT:1KHC 30.17 4.7%
BIT:AGAIN 1.66 4.4%

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