RNS Number : 0785A

Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp Ld

21 March 2017

14 Investments in subsidiaries

The principal subsidiaries of the Bank are:

                                                                                                         The group's 
                                                                                                        / registered 
                                                                          Place             Principal     or charter 
                                                               of incorporation              activity        capital 
Hang Seng Bank Limited 
 ..................................................                      Hong 
 .............                                                           Kong                 Banking         62.14% 
HSBC Bank (China) Company 
 Limited ..........................................                    PRC(1)                 Banking           100% 
HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad 
 .......                                                             Malaysia                 Banking           100% 
HSBC Bank Australia Limited(2) 
 ....                                                               Australia                 Banking           100% 
HSBC Bank (Taiwan) Limited(2) 
 ....                                                                  Taiwan                 Banking           100% 
HSBC Bank (Singapore) Limited..................... 
 ................................                                     Singapore               Banking           100% 
 HSBC Life (International) 
  Limited(2) ...................................... 
  .........                                                           Bermuda              Retirement           100% 
                                                                                       life insurance 
   1    People's Republic of China 
   2    Held indirectly 

All the above subsidiaries are included in the group's consolidated financial statements. All these subsidiaries make their financial statements up to 31 December.

The principal places of business are the same as the places of incorporation except for HSBC Life (International) Limited which operates mainly in Hong Kong.

The proportion of voting rights held is the same as the proportion of ownership interest held.

The principal subsidiaries are regulated banking and insurance entities in the Asia-Pacific region and, as such, are required to maintain certain minimum levels of capital and liquid assets to support their operations. The effect of these regulatory requirements is to limit the extent to which the subsidiaries may transfer funds to the Bank in the form of repayment of shareholder loans or cash dividends.

Subsidiary with material non-controlling interest

                                                                                                     2016       2015 
Hang Seng Bank Limited 
Ownership interest and voting rights 
 held by non-controlling interests 
 ...................................                                                               37.86%     37.86% 
                                                                                                     HK$m       HK$m 
Profit attributable to non-controlling 
 interests .......................................................................                  6,138     10,409 
Accumulated non-controlling interests 
 of the subsidiary .........................................................                       50,601     51,231 
Dividends paid to non-controlling 
 interests ............................................................................             6,297      4,053 
Summarised financial information 
 (before intra-group eliminations): 
  *    Assets 
       .......................                                                                  1,377,242  1,334,429 
  *    Liabilities 
       ..................                                                                       1,236,556  1,192,448 
  *    Net operating income before loan impairment 
       ...............                                                                             30,563     41,950 
  *    Profit for the 
       .........                                                                                   16,204     27,494 
  *    Other comprehensive income 
       ........................................                                                     (582)   (13,700) 
  *    Total comprehensive income 
       ........................................                                                    15,622     13,794 

15 Interests in associates and joint ventures

                                                                                                       2016     2015 
                                                                                                       HK$m     HK$m 
Share of net assets 
 ....................                                                                               121,985  118,328 
 ...................................                                                                  3,787    4,042 
Intangible assets 
 ........................                                                                                58      123 
Deferred tax on intangible assets 
 ................................................................................................      (14)     (31) 
 ..............................                                                                        (24)     (24) 
                                                                                                    -------  ------- 
                                                                                                    125,792  122,438 
                                                                                                    -------  ------- 

At 31 December 2016, the group's interests in associates amounted to HK$125,792m (2015: HK$121,929m).

(i) Principal associate

                                                                                                The group's 
                                                                                               issued share 
                                                                       Place of incorporation       capital 
Bank of Communications Co.,                                                   People's Republic 
 Ltd. ..........................................................                       of China        19.03% 

Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. is listed on recognised stock exchanges. The fair value represents valuation based on the quoted market price of the shares held (Level 1 in the fair value hierarchy) and amounted to HK$79,160m at 31 December 2016 (2015: HK$77,039m).

Bank of Communications Co., Limited ('BoCom')

The group's significant influence in BoCom was established via representation on BoCom's Board of Directors, and a Technical Cooperation and Exchange Programme ('TCEP'). Under the TCEP, a number of HSBC staff have been seconded to assist in the maintenance of BoCom's financial and operating policies.

Impairment testing

At 31 December 2016, the fair value of HSBC's investment in BoCom had been below the carrying amount for approximately 56 months. As a result, the group performed an impairment test on the carrying amount, which confirmed that there was no impairment at 31 December 2016.

                                  At 31 December 2016                      At 31 December 2015 
                     -------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
                                    Carrying          Fair                    Carrying                    Fair 
                           VIU        amount         value           VIU        amount                   value 
                         HK$bn         HK$bn         HK$bn         HK$bn         HK$bn                   HK$bn 
Bank of 
 Co., Limited 
 ........                124.8         122.8          79.2         132.1         119.5      5             77.0 

Basis of recoverable amount

The impairment test was performed by comparing the recoverable amount of BoCom, determined by a value in use ('VIU') calculation, with its carrying amount. The VIU calculation used discounted cash flow projections based on management's estimates of earnings. Cash flows beyond the short to medium-term were then extrapolated in perpetuity using a long-term growth rate. An imputed capital maintenance charge ('CMC') is calculated to reflect expected regulatory capital requirements, and is deducted from forecast cash flows. The principal inputs to the CMC calculation include estimates of asset growth, the ratio of risk-weighted assets to total assets, and the expected regulatory capital requirements. Management judgement is required in estimating the future cash flows of BoCom.

15 Interests in associates and joint ventures (continued)

Key assumptions in VIU calculation

-- Long-term profit growth rate: 5% (2015: 5%) for periods after 2019, which does not exceed forecast GDP growth in mainland China.

-- Long-term asset growth rate: 4% (2015: 4%) for periods after 2019, which is the rate that assets are expected to grow to achieve long-term profit growth of 5%.

-- Discount rate: 13% (2015: 13%) which is derived from a range of values obtained by applying a capital asset pricing model ('CAPM') calculation for BoCom, using market data. Management also compares rates derived from the CAPM with discount rates from external sources and the Group's discount rate for evaluating investments in mainland China. The discount rate used was within the range of 10.2% to 15.0% (2015: 10.1% to 14.2%) indicated by the CAPM and external sources.

-- Loan impairment charge as a percentage of customer advances: a range from 0.72% to 0.87% (2015: 0.71% to 0.78%) in the short to medium-term and are based on the forecasts disclosed by external analysts. For periods after 2019, the ratio is 0.7% (2015: 0.7%), slightly higher than the historical average.

-- Risk-weighted assets as a percentage of total assets: 62% for all forecast periods (2015: 67% for all forecast periods). This is consistent with medium-term forecasts disclosed by external analysts.

-- Cost-income ratio: 40% (2015: 41%) in the short to medium-term. The ratios were consistent with the short to medium-term range forecasts of 39.9% to 40.2% (2015: 40.3% to 40.7%) disclosed by external analysts.

The following table shows the change to each key assumption in the VIU calculation that on its own would reduce the headroom to nil.

Key assumption                                               Changes to key assumption 
                                                              to reduce headroom to nil 
  *    Long-term profit growth rate                            *    Decrease by 10 basis points 
  *    Long-term asset growth rate                             *    Increase by 11 basis points 
  *    Discount rate                                           *    Increase by 13 basis points 
  *    Loan impairment charge as a percentage of customer      *    Increase by 2 basis points 
                                                               *    Increase by 74 basis points 
  *    Risk-weighted assets as a percentage of total assets 
                                                               *    Increase by 47 basis points 
  *    Cost-income ratio 
-----------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 

The following table further illustrates the impact on VIU of reasonably possible changes to key assumptions. This reflects the sensitivity of the VIU to each key assumption on its own and it is possible that more than one favourable and/or unfavourable change may occur at the same time.

15 Interests in associates and joint ventures (continued)

                           Favourable change                    Unfavourable change 
                    -------------------------------   --------------------------------------- 
                                  Increase                                  Decrease 
                                    in VIU      VIU                           in VIU      VIU 
                           bps       HK$bn    HK$bn           bps              HK$bn    HK$bn 
At 31 December 
Long-term profit 
 growth rate 
 ..                          -           -    124.8          -150             (25.7)     99.1 
Long-term asset 
 growth rate 
 ...                       -80        13.6    138.4             -                  -    124.8 
 Discount rate 
  .........               -100        18.1    142.9             -                  -    124.8 
                                                         to 2019: 
Loan impairment 
 charge as a 
 percentage of 
 customer advances 
 .............               -           -    124.8         0.80%              (8.4)    116.4 
 assets as a 
 percentage of 
 total assets 
 ....                      -30         0.8    125.6          +170              (4.7)    120.1 
 ..                       -170         7.3    132.1          +250             (10.6)    114.2 
At 31 December 
Long-term profit 
 growth rate 
 ..                       +100        25.1    157.2          -210             (36.5)     95.6 
Long-term asset 
 growth rate 
 ...                       -50         9.1    141.2          +100             (21.4)    110.7 
Discount rate 
 .........                -150        32.2    164.3          +110             (16.4)    115.7 
                                                         to 2018: 
Loan impairment 
 charge as a 
 percentage of 
 customer advances 
 .................       0.70% 
 ............       throughout         1.1    133.2         0.75%              (5.3)    126.8 
 assets as a 
 percentage of 
 total assets 
 ....                     -350         9.0    141.1           +10              (0.2)    131.9 
 ..                       -250        11.5    143.6          +120              (5.4)    126.7 

Considering the interrelationship of the changes set out in the table above, management estimates that the reasonably possible range of VIU is HK$84bn to HK$147bn.

15 Interests in associates and joint ventures (continued)

Selected financial information of BoCom

The statutory accounting reference date of BoCom is 31 December. For the year ended 31 December 2016, the group included the associate's results on the basis of financial statements made up for the 12 months to 30 September 2016, but taking into account the financial effect of significant transactions or events in the period from 1 October 2016 to 31 December 2016.

                                                                      At                               At 
                                                                       30 September                     30 September 
                                                                       2016                             2015 
                                                               HK$m                              HK$m 
Selected balance sheet information 
 of BoCom 
Cash and balances at central banks 
 ......................................                                   1,069,067                        1,121,481 
Loans and advances to banks and 
 other financial institutions 
 ...............................................                            786,695                          859,625 
Loans and advances to customers 
 ........................................                                 4,390,644                        4,344,068 
Other financial assets 
 .........                                                                2,413,593                        1,896,670 
Prepayment, accrued income and other 
 .....................                                                      382,370                          384,827 
                                                    -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Total assets 
 ........................                                                 9,042,369                        8,606,671 
                                                    -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Deposits by banks and other financial 
 ...............                                                          2,306,842                        2,024,465 
Customer accounts 
 .............                                                            5,280,905                        5,362,887 
Other financial liabilities 
 ....                                                                       542,533                          363,737 
Other liabilities 
 ..................                                                         216,071                          227,311 
Total liabilities 
 ...................                                                      8,346,351                        7,978,400 
                                                    -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Total equity 
 .......................                                                    696,018                          628,271 
                                                    -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Total equity attributable to: 
  *    ordinary 
       ..........                                                           625,727                          606,772 
  *    non-controlling 
       ..                                                                     3,417                            3,687 
- preference 
 ...............                                                             66,874                           17,812 
  Reconciliation of BoCom's net assets 
  to carrying amount in the group's 
  financial statements 
The group's share of net assets 
 ...........................................                                119,104                          115,497 
Add: Goodwill 
 .....................                                                        3,681                            3,934 
Add: Intangible assets 
 .........                                                                       44                               92 
 .......................                                                    122,829                          119,523 
                                                    -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
                                                                           For the 12 months 
                                                                              30 September 
                                                                               2016                             2015 
                                                                               HK$m                             HK$m 
Selected income statement information 
 of BoCom 
Net interest income 
 ...........                                                                160,016                          173,631 
Net fee and commission income 
 ..........................................                                  42,641                           42,115 
Loan impairment charges 
 ...                                                                       (33,252)                         (29,245) 
Depreciation and amortisation 
 ............................................                               (9,437)                          (7,842) 
Tax expense 
 ......................                                                    (21,734)                         (23,073) 
Profit for the year 
 .............                                                               78,796                           82,437 
Other comprehensive income 
 .............................................                                6,795                            2,919 
Total comprehensive income 
 ..............................................                              85,591                           85,356 
Dividends received from BoCom 
 .........................................                                    4,503                            4,841 

15 Interests in associates and joint ventures (continued)

(ii) Other associates

Summarised aggregate financial information in respect of associates not individually material

                                                                                                        2016    2015 
                                                                                                        HK$m    HK$m 
Carrying value 
 ................                                                                                      2,963   2,407 
The group's share of: 
  *    Assets                                                                                          6,213   2,777 
  *    Liabilities.......................................... 
       .....................                                                                           3,357     370 
  *    Profit or loss from continuing operations 
       ..............                                                                                    167     229 
  *    Total comprehensive 
       .......................................                                                           167     229 
Other expense related to investment 
 in an associate: 
  *    Impairment of an associate 
       ...................................                                                                24      24 

At 31 December 2016, the group's share of associates' contingent liabilities incurred relating to the group's interest in associates was HK$273,500m (2015: HK$303,980m).

During the year, Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance Company Limited has been changed from a joint venture to an associate.

16 Goodwill and intangible assets

Goodwill and intangible assets includes goodwill arising on business combinations, the present value of in-force long-term insurance business, and other intangible assets.

                                                                                                        2016    2015 
                                                                                                        HK$m    HK$m 
 .............................                                                                         6,201   6,344 
Present value of in-force long-term 
 insurance business............................................................                       44,077  36,897 
Other intangible assets 
 ........                                                                                              6,658   6,327 
                                                                                                      ------  ------ 
                                                                                                      56,936  49,568 
                                                                                                      ------  ------ 
   a    The present value of in-force long-term insurance business ('PVIF') 

(i) PVIF specific assumptions

The following are the key long term assumptions used in the computation of PVIF for Hong Kong, being the main life insurance operations:

                                                                                                           2016   2015 
Weighted average risk free rate 
 .................................................................................                        2.09%  1.82% 
Weighted average risk discount 
 rate ..........................................................................                          6.34%  6.81% 
Expenses inflation 
 ....................................................................................................     3.00%  3.00% 

16 Goodwill and intangible assets (continued)

   (ii)                               Movement in PVIF for the year ended 31 December 
                                                                                                       2016     2015 
                                                                                                       HK$m     HK$m 
At 1 
 .......................................                                                             36,897   32,389 
Value of new business written 
 during the year ............................................................                         6,048    4,972 
Movements arising from in-force 
  *    expected return 
       ................................................                                             (2,622)  (2,518) 
  *    experience variances 
       ........................................                                                         225    (136) 
  *    changes in operating assumptions 
       ....................                                                                           2,675      752 
Investment return variances 
 .....                                                                                                2,004    1,592 
Changes in investment assumptions 
 ..........................................................................                         (1,062)      (9) 
Other adjustments 
 .....................                                                                                   38       36 
                                                                                   ------------------------  ------- 
Changes in 
 ............................                                                                         7,306    4,689 
Exchange differences and other 
 ................................................................................                     (126)    (181) 
                                                                                   ------------------------  ------- 
At 31 December 
 .......................                                                                             44,077   36,897 
                                                                                   ------------------------  ------- 

17 Property, plant and equipment

   a    Property, plant and equipment 
                                                      2016                                            2015 
                                        --------------------------------  -------------------------------- 
                                             Land  Investment                  Land  Investment 
                                              and                               and 
                                        buildings  properties  Equipment  buildings  properties  Equipment 
                                             HK$m        HK$m       HK$m       HK$m        HK$m       HK$m 
Cost or valuation 
At 1 January 
 ..............................            94,000      10,716     24,539     86,753      12,784     23,826 
Exchange and 
 other adjustments                          (480)         (2)      (218)      (580)        (16)      (581) 
 ...................................          489           -      2,520        554         699      2,434 
 ....................................        (20)           -    (4,749)       (28)           -    (1,091) 
 of accumulated 
 on revalued 
 land and buildings 
 ....................                     (2,575)           -          -    (2,428)           -          - 
Surplus on revaluation 
 ................                           3,825          36          -      6,601         480          - 
 .........................                  (105)       (121)          -      3,128     (3,231)       (49) 
                                        ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  --------- 
At 31 December 
 .........................                 95,134      10,629     22,092     94,000      10,716     24,539 
                                        ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  --------- 
At 1 January 
 ..............................               167           -     19,024         74           -     18,610 
Exchange and 
 other adjustments                            (3)           -      (167)         86           -      (452) 
Charge for the 
 year ....................                  2,598           -      1,895      2,456           -      1,924 
 ....................................        (18)           -    (4,706)       (25)           -    (1,054) 
 of accumulated 
 on revalued 
 land and buildings 
 ....................                     (2,575)           -          -    (2,428)           -          - 
 .........................                      -           -          -          4           -        (4) 
                                        ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  --------- 
At 31 December 
 .........................                    169           -     16,046        167           -     19,024 
                                        ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  --------- 
Net book value 
 31 December 
 ..........................                94,965      10,629      6,046     93,833      10,716      5,515 
                                        ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  --------- 
Total at 31 
 December ................                                       111,640                           110,064 
                                                               ---------                         --------- 

17 Property, plant and equipment (continued)

b The carrying amount of land and buildings, had they been stated at cost less accumulated depreciation, would have been as follows:

                                                                                        2016    2015 
                                                                                        HK$m    HK$m 
Cost less accumulated depreciation 
 ..................................................................................   21,967  22,027 
                                                                                      ------  ------ 
   c    Valuation of land and buildings and investment properties 

The group's land and buildings and investment properties were revalued in November 2016 and updated for any material changes at 31 December 2016. The basis of valuation for land and buildings and investment properties

was open market value, depreciated replacement cost or surrender value as noted in note 1(a)(vii). The resultant values are Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy. There were no transfers in to or out of Level 3 during the year (2015: nil). The fair values for land and buildings are determined by using direct comparison approach which values the properties in their respective existing states and uses, assuming sale with immediate vacant possession and by

making reference to comparable sales evidence. The valuations take into account the characteristics of the properties (unobservable inputs) which include the location, size, shape, view, floor level, year of completion and other factors collectively. The premium or discount applied to the characteristics of the properties is within minus 20 percent and plus 20 percent. In determining the open market value of investment properties, expected future cash flows have been discounted to their present values. The net book value of 'Land and buildings' includes HK$12,249m

(2015: HK$12,627m) in respect of properties which were valued using the depreciated replacement cost method or surrender value.

Land and buildings and investment properties in Hong Kong, Macau and mainland China, represent 96% by value of the group's properties subject to valuation. The valuations were carried out by DTZ Cushman & Wakefield Limited who have recent experience in the location and type of properties and who are members of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors. Properties in eleven countries, representing 4% by value of the group's properties, were valued by different independent professionally qualified valuers.

18 Prepayments, accrued income and other assets

                                                                                                       2016     2015 
                                                                                                       HK$m     HK$m 
Prepayments and accrued income 
 ..........................................................................................          21,505   21,186 
 ..................................                                                                  69,894   47,105 
Acceptances and endorsements 
 ..............................................................................................      32,290   31,480 
Reinsurers' share of liabilities 
 under insurance contracts (note 
 24)..........................................                                                       11,368    8,543 
Current tax assets 
 .................                                                                                    3,537    1,013 
Other accounts 
 .....................                                                                               32,636   24,735 
                                                                                                    -------  ------- 
                                                                                                    171,230  134,062 
                                                                                                    -------  ------- 

Prepayments, accrued income and other assets included HK$84,162m (2015: HK$76,035m) of financial assets, the majority of which were measured at amortised cost.

19 Customer accounts

                                                                                                     2016       2015 
                                                                                                     HK$m       HK$m 
 ..................................                                                               991,562    949,169 
 ..................................                                                             2,946,379  2,645,151 
Other deposit 
 ........................                                                                         962,063  1,045,756 
                                                                                                ---------  --------- 
                                                                                                4,900,004  4,640,076 
                                                                                                ---------  --------- 

20 Trading liabilities

                                                                                       2016                     2015 
                                                                                       HK$m                     HK$m 
Certificates of deposit in issue 
 ................................                                                     1,341                    1,770 
Other debt securities in issue 
 ..................................                                                  24,361                   18,387 
Short positions in securities 
 ...................................                                                 79,048                   60,488 
Deposits by banks 
 ..................................................                                   9,557                   12,504 
Customer accounts 
 .................................................                                   74,163                   98,702 
                                                                     ----------------------  ----------------------- 
                                                                                    188,470                  191,851 
                                                                     ----------------------  ----------------------- 

Other debt securities in issue comprises of structured notes issued, for which market risks are actively managed as part of trading portfolios.

21 Financial liabilities designated at fair value

                                                                                          2016                  2015 
                                                                                          HK$m                  HK$m 
Debt securities in issue 
 .................................                                                      14,814                14,721 
Liabilities to customers under investment 
 contracts .................................................................            36,302                36,049 
                                                                               ---------------  -------------------- 
                                                                                        51,116                50,770 
                                                                               ---------------  -------------------- 

At 31 December 2016, the carrying amount of the debt securities in issue was HK$58m higher than the contractual amount at maturity (2015: HK$102m). At 31 December 2016, the accumulated gain in fair value attributable to changes in credit risk for debt securities in issue was HK$39m (2015: HK$26m loss).

22 Debt securities in issue

                                                                                                        2016    2015 
                                                                                                        HK$m    HK$m 
Certificates of deposit 
 .....................                                                                                 1,709   6,181 
Other debt securities 
 .......................                                                                              23,526  34,678 
                                                                                          ------------------  ------ 
                                                                                                      25,235  40,859 
                                                                                          ------------------  ------ 

23 Accruals and deferred income, other liabilities and provisions

                                                                                                        2016    2015 
                                                                                                        HK$m    HK$m 
Accruals and deferred income 
 ................................................................................................     24,409  25,425 
Acceptances and endorsements 
 ..............................................................................................       32,290  31,480 
Share based payment liability to 
 HSBC Holdings plc ...............................................................                     1,945   1,769 
Other liabilities 
 ...................                                                                                  39,676  27,043 
Provisions for liabilities and charges 
 (note 25) .......................................................................                     1,167   1,203 
                                                                                                      99,487  86,920 
                                                                                                      ------  ------ 

Accruals and deferred income, other liabilities and provisions included HK$91,602m (2015: HK$78,221m) of financial liabilities which were measured at amortised cost.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

March 21, 2017 07:55 ET (11:55 GMT)

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