RNS Number : 8696L 
Bank Hapoalim B.M. 
19 January 2009 

                               Bank Hapoalim B.M. (the "Company") 
Circular to Employees 
Regarding an offer of options to the Company's employees who are employed under 
a personal contract of employment pursuant to Section 15b of the Securities Law, 
5728-1968 and the Securities (Details of a Circular of an Offer of Securities to 
Employees) Regulations, 5760-2000 
There are hereby offered 
Up to 200,000 options (not-listed for trading) exercisable for up to 200,000 
ordinary registered shares of NIS 1.00 nominal value of the Company, subject to 
the adjustments, pursuant to a plan to issue options to the Company's employees 
who are employed under a personal contract of employment (the "Options"). The 
Options are offered without consideration, to employees of the Company who are 
employed under a personal contract of employment, as determined by the Company, 
being approximately 250 in number ("Employees"), as set out in the Circular, 
provided they are not and will not be interested parties in the Company as that 
term is defined in the Securities Law, 5728-1968 ("Interested Parties"). The 
number of Options that will be granted to each Employee will be determined by 
the Board of Directors according to criteria that take account of the Employee's 
salary and position. 
January 18, 2009 
Chapter 1 - General 
1.1The Options Offered 
    Up to 200,000 options, not listed for trading, are being offered without 
consideration and exercisable for up to 200,000 ordinary registered shares of 
NIS 1.00 nominal value each of the Company, subject to the adjustments set out 
in the Plan. The Options under this Circular may be allotted no later than the 
date on which the Periodic Report of the Company for the year 2008 is published 
or the date prescribed by law for publishing such report, whichever comes first. 
    The Options being offered (assuming the Options are exercised to shares), 
constitute approximately 0.015% of the Company's issued and paid-up share 
capital on the date they are granted and approximately 0.015% of the Company's 
issued and paid-up share capital, assuming full dilution (full dilution meaning 
on the assumption that all the Options that will have been granted to the 
Company's employees, its officers, directors of the Group, consultants and other 
service-providers of the Company, including the Options being offered under this 
Circular, will be exercised into shares, without taking into account the 
subordinated notes issued by the Company). 
    The Options are offered within the framework of an Options issue plan to the 
Company's Employees who are employed under a personal contract of employment 
(the "Plan") according to the capital gains track under Section 102(b)(2) (the 
"Capital Gains Track") of the Income Tax [New Version] Ordinance, 5721-1961 (the 
"Ordinance") and the rules enacted thereunder, as modified from time to time 
(the "Rules"). Allocation of the Options will be implemented in accordance with 
the approval granted to the Company by the Taxes Authority on 15th February, 
    According to the Plan, Options will be allotted to Employees to purchase 
ordinary registered shares of NIS 1.00 nominal value each of the Company. The 
total number of Options to be granted under the Plan and in each year of the 
Plan's existence, shall be determined by the Board of Directors of the Company, 
in its sole discretion, and the Board of Directors is not obliged to allot a 
certain or any number of Options under the Plan. In each year of the Plan's 
existence, a circular or other report will be published, as required by law, 
regarding the offer of the options allotable in such year, according to the 
Plan, as aforesaid and to the approval of the Stock Exchange for the listing of 
the shares arising from the unregistered Options. 
    The offer of Options under the Circular will be subject to the sole 
discretion of the Board of Directors, as set forth in paragraph 1.2 hereof. 
    The Options are offered without consideration, in the forth year of the 
existence of the Plan, 2009, at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors, 
to all the Entitled Employees (as defined in Clause 1.2 below). Each Option will 
be exercisable into one ordinary registered share of NIS 1.00 nominal value of 
the Company, in exchange for payment of an exercise price equal to NIS 1.00. The 
exercise price will not be linked to the CPI or to any other index. 
    The vesting period of the Options will be such as to enable the Options to 
be exercised during the 12 month period starting 48 months after the 1st day of 
January in the year in which the Options were allotted (the "Exercise Period"). 
The vesting period will, unless otherwise directed by the Board of Directors, 
only include those periods during which the Employee was employed by the Company 
or is on unpaid leave for a period of one year or less. Notwithstanding the 
foregoing, the Company's board of management (or a person empowered by it) is 
authorized to determine, in individual cases, at its sole discretion, that the 
vesting period will also include those periods during which the Employee is on 
unpaid leave for a period exceeding one year. The Board of Directors may, at any 
time, at its sole discretion, make provision for the acceleration of the vesting 
period for all or any of the Options or for the removal of the restrictions 
pertaining to the exercise of the Options, all subject to law. 
    In the event of the expiry and/or cancellation of a right to exercise an 
option into a share according to the Plan for any reason, the share in question 
will revert to the pool of shares retained in the Company's registered capital 
for purposes of the Plan (the "Retained Shares"), and the Company will, subject 
to the remaining terms of the Plan, allot a new Option exercisable for the same 
share at another time, subject to the provisions of any law and subject to the 
approval of the Stock Exchange. The exercise mentioned above will only be made 
on a Business Day (as defined in paragraph 2.3 hereof). 
    These Options are offered pursuant to the resolutions of the Company's Board 
of Directors of 6th December, 2005, to adopt the Plan and its resolution of 30th 
December, 2008 regarding the granting of the Options in accordance with the Plan 
and this Circular on 17th February, 2009. 
    For further details regarding the Options offered and the exercise shares - 
see Chapters 2 and 3 below. 
    For details concerning the exercise of voting rights and rights to dividends 
attached to the Exercise Shares (as defined in paragraph 1.3 hereof), so long as 
the Exercise Shares are deposited with the Trustee, as explained below - see 
paragraphs 2.8.3, 2.8.4 and 2.8.5. For details concerning the provisions of the 
Company's Articles of Association in connection with the rights attaching to the 
Company's shares (and to the Exercise Shares) - see Chapter 3 below. 
1.2Eligible employees and defining their entitlement 
    The offer of Options under this Circular is subject to the sole discretion 
of the Board of Directors, and the Company may, but is not obliged, to offer 
Options as provided in the Circular, to Employees up to the rank/job title of 
Assistant Managing Director at the Head Office or the holder of a corresponding 
job title, employed under a personal contract of employment in Israel, who have 
completed at least one year's employment on December 31, 2008 (even if in the 
course of this year, in whole or in part, they worked at the Company under the 
status of a tenured employee) and are Employees on the date of the actual 
allotment, and whose salary is payable on a monthly basis by the Company (or by 
a corporation that is controlled by the Company, to which they are posted) 
except for an Employee who, on the allotment date, is on unpaid leave for more 
than 12 months (for this purpose, an Employee who is on unpaid leave for a 
period of a year or less will be deemed to be an Employee of the Company), 
provided they are not and will not be Interested Parties of the Company, as set 
forth in Chapter 2 hereof. The number of Options offered to each Employee was 
determined by the Board of Directors on the basis of criteria that take into 
account the Employee's salary and his position. The eligible Employees hold 
positions at various levels within the Company. The group of Offerees shall not 
include Employees who are included in the group of Offerees under any other plan 
for granting options, or option warrants, which are exercisable into shares of 
the Company or the equivalent of shares in the Company, whether realizable in 
specie or in cash, or any similar benefit, howsoever called (hereinafter - a 
"Corresponding Benefit"). Furthermore, the group of Offerees shall not include 
employees who were or may be offered, on terms prescribed for them, to receive a 
Corresponding Benefit by contract with the Company, or from any other source, 
all irrespective of whether the offer to receive a Corresponding Benefit exists 
at the time that this Plan is adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company, 
or if it exists at some other time ("the Offerees" or "the Employees" or "the 
Eligible Employees"). Notwithstanding the foregoing, according to the Plan, the 
Board of Directors may determine at any time, at its sole discretion, additional 
Offerees who may participate in the allotment of Options under the Plan. 
    Each Eligible Employee is offered to receive without consideration the 
number of Options specified in the allotment document that will be submitted to 
each Eligible Employee. 
1.3Permits obtained in connection with the Circular and the Listing for Trading 
of the Exercise Shares 
    The Company has obtained all necessary approvals for offering the Options to 
the Eligible Employees according to this Circular, except for the approval of 
the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange Ltd., ("the Stock Exchange") to list for trading the 
shares resulting from exercising the Options offered under this Circular (the 
"Exercise Shares"). 
    On 30th December, 2008, the Board of Directors of the Company adopted a 
resolution for the submission of the Circular. 
    On December 31, 2008 the Company filed a request to the Stock Exchange to 
list for trading the Exercise Shares. 
    The Company's shares are listed for trading on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange 
The aforesaid approval of the Stock Exchange shall not be deemed to be 
confirmation of the details set out in the Circular or their reliability or 
completeness, nor as the expression of any opinion with respect to the Company 
or the quality of the Options offered under the Circular and the Exercise Shares 
or the price at which they are being offered. 
    The Options offered under this Circular will not be listed for trading on 
any stock exchange. 
Chapter 2 - Details of the Offer 
    Up to 200,000 Options, not listed for trading, are being offered to the 
Company's Eligible Employees, without consideration, as set out in paragraph 1.2 
above, subject to the adjustments set out in the Plan. 
    Each Option may be realized for one ordinary registered share of NIS 1.00 
nominal value of the Company, against payment of the exercise price on the dates 
and under the conditions detailed in this Chapter. 
    Without derogating from the generality of the foregoing, the Board of 
Directors will be authorized, at any time, and without requiring the consent of 
the Eligible Employee, to determine that Options that have been granted to the 
Eligible Employee according to the Plan will be cancelled and replaced by other 
compensation by way of the allotment of shares of the Company, subject to the 
provisions of any law, payment in cash or by such other method as the Board of 
Directors may determine ("Other Compensation"), provided that the value of the 
benefit inherent in Other Compensation will not be less than the value of the 
benefit inherent in the Options cancelled or which have been returned to the 
Company, as measured on the date of the cancellation or return, as the case may 
be. In such a case, the value of the benefit inherent in the Options and the 
Other Compensation will be determined by the Company and approved by an 
independent outside advisor to be selected by the Company prior to replacing the 
Options with Other Compensation, as aforesaid. 
2.2Allotment of the Options 
    After fourteen days have passed from the delivery of the Offering Circular, 
the Company will allot the Options to the Eligible Employees and will deliver an 
allotment document, duly signed by the Company, to each Eligible Employee. The 
Options will be deposited with a trustee (the "Trustee") pursuant to the 
provisions of Section 102 of the Ordinance and the Rules. 
    The Company will publish, on the date of, or shortly after the publication 
of this Circular, notice in the work places where the Eligible Employees are 
employed regarding the publication of this Circular or employ such other method 
as may be permitted by law. 
2.3Exercise of the Options 
    The Options offered under this Circular may be realized into ordinary 
registered shares of NIS 1.00 nominal value each (for details regarding the 
Exercise Shares - see Chapter Three hereof), in a manner whereby each existing 
Option may be exchanged for a single registered ordinary share of NIS 1.00 
nominal value, subject to the adjustments set out below, in exchange for an 
exercise price equal to NIS 1.00. The exercise price will not be linked to the 
CPI or any index. 
    The vesting period of the Options conferred upon each Eligible Employee (as 
defined in Clause 1.2 hereof) will be such that the Options may be realized 
during the 12-month period commencing 48 months after the first day of January 
in the year in which the Options were allotted, unless otherwise directed by the 
Board of Directors. The vesting period only includes those periods during which 
the Eligible Employee was employed by the Company or was on unpaid leave for a 
period of one year or less. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company's board 
of management (or a person empowered by it for that purpose) is authorized to 
determine, in individual cases, at its sole discretion, that the vesting period 
will also include those periods during which the Eligible Employee is on unpaid 
leave for a period exceeding one year. The Board of Directors may, at any time, 
at its sole discretion, establish guidelines for the acceleration of the vesting 
period for all or any of the Options that have been granted according to the 
Plan, or regarding the lifting of restrictions pertaining to the exercise of the 
Options, all subject to any law. 
    An Eligible Employee will be entitled to exercise all or any of the Options 
allotted to him, on any Business Day, at his discretion, commencing from the 
date on which the Options will be exercisable, as provided above, but in no 
event after 31st December, 2013, provided that the Exercise Notice (as 
hereinafter defined) has been submitted to the Company 10 Business Days prior to 
such date. 
    In this paragraph "Business Day" means a day on which trading takes place on 
the TASE. 
2.4Exercise procedure, release of the Options or shares from the Trustee and 
sale of the Exercise Shares 
    An Eligible Employee wishing to exercise his right to exercise, in whole or 
in part, the Options allotted to him, shall send the Company and the Trustee 
written notice in the form to be prescribed by the Company from time to time 
("Exercise Notice") and which will include, inter alia, the number of Options 
the Eligible Employee wishes to exercise, provided that such number will not be 
less than 50% of the Options that have been allotted to such Employee 
(notwithstanding the foregoing, the number of Options actually exercised may be 
smaller than this figure due to the sale procedure of the Exercise Shares 
subject to the Options), accompanied by a power of attorney in favor of the 
Trustee and/or the Company, as explained below, and shall pay an amount equal to 
the Exercise Price multiplied by the number of the Exercise Shares, in the 
manner to be fixed by the Company. Shortly after receiving the Exercise Notice 
and the full amount of the consideration for the Exercise from any Eligible 
Employee and subject to review of the right of the Eligible Employee to exercise 
the Options granted to him, the Company will allot to the party giving a due 
Exercise Notice, the Exercise Shares due to him in respect thereof, which shares 
will be deposited with the Trustee pursuant to the provisions of Section 102 of 
the Ordinance. 
    Notwithstanding the foregoing, if no Exercise Notice reaches the Company 
within10 Business Days prior to the expiration of the Exercise Period, the 
Eligible Employee to whom the Option was granted will be regarded as having 
submitted an Exercise Notice and sale of the Exercise Shares on the same date. 
Accordingly, the Option will be automatically exercised for an Exercise Share, 
which will be sold on the Eligible Employee's behalf by the Trustee and/or the 
Company. The proceeds obtained from the sale of the Exercise Share will be 
remitted to the Eligible Employee after deducting the Exercise Price of the 
Option, which will be remitted to the Company, and after deducting the 
commissions involved in such Exercise and sale, and deduction of tax at source 
as required by law. For this purpose, in the allotment document to be issued by 
the Company to the Eligible Employee, the Employee will declare that he agrees 
to the mechanism set out in this paragraph, and empowers the Trustee and/or the 
Company to act in accordance therewith. 
    An option which has been exercised and for which an Exercise Share has been 
allotted, will cease to be valid. Until the date of exercise, holders of the 
Options will not be regarded as shareholders of the Company (by virtue of the 
Options), save that they will be granted the protection set out below, and 
become shareholders of the Company only if the Options will have been exercised 
pursuant to the conditions prescribed in this Circular. Commencing on the date 
of exercise, the Exercise Shares will rank pari passu with all the ordinary 
shares of the Company's capital. 
    Pursuant to a written request of the Eligible Employee, in a form agreed to 
by the Company and the Trustee, and which will be delivered to the Trustee, the 
Trustee will release the Options held in trust by him or the Exercise Shares 
arising from the exercise thereof, provided that prior to the release of such 
Options or Exercise Shares, the Eligible Employee has transferred to the Trustee 
and/or the Company, to their satisfaction, the amount of tax payable or a 
confirmation as to the payment of all taxes the payment of which is required 
upon the release of the Options or the Exercise Shares as the case may be. 
    In the alternative, the Company or the Trustee may sell on the Eligible 
Employee's behalf, the Exercise Shares arising from the exercise of the Options 
held in trust by the Trustee, pursuant to the Eligible Employee's instructions 
and an appropriate arrangement between the employee, the Trustee and the 
    If the Trustee continues to hold any Exercise Shares after 24 months have 
passed from the last date of exercise of the Options conferred according to the 
Plan (namely 31st December, 2015) (the "Trust Termination Date"), the Company 
and/or the Trustee will sell such shares, deduct tax at source, deduct and pay 
the commissions involved in the sale and remit the balance to the Eligible 
Employee. For this purpose, each Eligible Employee will sign a power of attorney 
in favor of the Company and/or the Trustee, in such form as will be decided by 
the Company and the Trustee, which power of attorney will enable the Company 
and/or the Trustee to act on the Eligible Employee's behalf and sell the 
Exercise Shares held by the Trustee on the Trust Termination Date. 
2.5Adjustment of rights 
    Until the issue of the Exercise Shares as aforesaid, the holder of the 
Options will have no voting rights nor the right to receive dividends or any 
other right of a shareholder (save for the right to exercise the Options). 
    No adjustments in respect of dividends or other rights will be made during 
the period preceding the issue of the Exercise Shares, except for the following: 
2.5.1    If the Company distributes bonus shares and the determination date for 
the distribution thereof (the "Bonus Date") falls after the date of allotment of 
the Options but before the date of exercise, the exercise price for each option 
will remain unchanged, but the number of shares which each Eligible Employee is 
entitled to receive at the time of exercise will increase by the number of 
shares that the Eligible Employee would have been entitled to as bonus shares 
had he exercised the option immediately before the Bonus Date, and the number of 
the Retained Shares will correspondingly increase, and the Company will make the 
necessary adjustments to its capital as required by law. Similar adjustments to 
those stated in this paragraph will be made in the event of a split (or 
consolidation) of the Company's shares. 
2.5.2    In the event of a rights offer by the Company to its shareholders 
following the allotment date of the Options but before the date of exercise, the 
number of shares which each Eligible Employee is entitled to receive at the time 
of exercise will increase to reflect the element of benefit inherent in the 
rights, and the number of Retained Shares will correspondingly increase. In such 
a case, the value of the benefit inherent in such rights as well as the 
necessary adjustment required according to the foregoing will be fixed by the 
Company pursuant to the terms of Rule 91.C 4(b) of Schedule A of Part Two of the 
Stock Exchange Rules, and will be approved by an independent outside advisor who 
will be selected by the Company. 
2.5.3    Notwithstanding the provisions of Clauses 2.5.1 and 2.5.2 above, an 
employee will not be entitled to exercise an option for a fractional share, and 
the number of shares to which the employee will be entitled at the time of 
exercise of the Option according to the Plan will be rounded (up or down, as the 
case may be) to the nearest whole number. 
2.5.4    It is clarified that a distribution of a dividend by the Company (in 
cash or in specie) will not affect in any way the number of Exercise Shares or 
the Exercise Price, nor obligate the Company to make any adjustment in 
connection with the Option and/or the Exercise Shares. 
2.5.5    In the event of a structural change in the Company ("Structural 
Change"), the merger of the Company with or into another company, either by way 
of a share exchange, cash purchase or otherwise ("Merger") or sale of all or 
most of the Company's assets or its issued capital to any third party ("Sale"), 
the Board of Directors may, inter alia, at its election, and subject to any law:    Determine that each option will be replaced or converted into an 
option of equal value in the New Company following the Merger or the Sale, and 
implement for such purpose changes in the exercise price (if and to the extent 
these will be required), all subject to the discretion of the Board of 
Directors; or    Determine that each option will be adopted by the New Company in a 
manner whereby it will be exchangeable for a share of the New Company, subject 
to the adjustments and changes that will be determined by the Board of 
Directors; or    Determine that each option will be cancelled or be returned to the 
Company, and the Company shall pay the Eligible Employee financial compensation 
for such cancellation or return of the Option, as the case may be, provided that 
the value of the benefit inherent in the compensation will not be less than that 
inherent in the Options which have been cancelled or returned to the Company, as 
measured on the date of the cancellation or return, as the case may be; and    Perform any act and/or adjustment relating to the Options and the 
terms thereof as may be required in its discretion. 
For the purpose of the provisions of this Clause, the term "New Company" shall 
refer to the company with whom a Merger or a transaction of Sale has been made 
or which steps into the shoes of the Company after the Structural Change. 
2.5.6    Unless otherwise prescribed by the Board of Directors, in the event of 
a winding-up of the Company, all options that have been allotted to the Eligible 
Employees will immediately expire prior to the winding-up of the Company. In 
such event, the Board of Directors may declare that all or some of the Options 
will expire on a certain pre-determined date, and enable all or part of the 
Eligible Employees to have the right to exercise the Options conferred upon 
them, and the Board of Directors may determine that the ability to exercise such 
Options will similarly apply with respect to options which, according to the 
terms thereof, were not exercisable on the date so fixed. 
2.6Exceptions to the Exercise of the Options - Termination of Employment 
    In the event an Eligible Employee ceases for any reason whatsoever to be 
employed by the Company under a personal contract of employment ("Termination of 
Employment"), (in this Clause 2.6 the term "Company" also includes a subsidiary 
or an affiliate of the Company), the Options to which this Circular relates will 
expire, as detailed below, unless otherwise determined by the Board of 
2.6.1    The date of the Termination of Employment will be the date on which the 
employer-employee relationship between the Eligible Employee and the Company 
will cease ("Termination of Employment Date"). 
2.6.2    On the Termination of Employment Date, all the Options that have been 
allotted to the Eligible Employee under this Circular, for which the vesting 
period is still pending, will expire. Upon the expiry of the Options, all the 
Eligible Employee's rights and/or those of his heirs in connection with the 
Options, including the right to purchase the Exercise Shares, will expire. The 
Options that have been allotted to the Eligible Employee and for which the 
vesting period has ended by the Termination of Employment Date, may be exercised 
by the Eligible Employee during the 60-day period following the Termination of 
Employment Date, unless otherwise provided by the Board of Directors. 
    If no Exercise Notice reaches the Company before 60 days have passed 
following the Termination of Employment Date, the Eligible Employee will be 
regarded as having submitted an exercise and sale notice of the Exercise Shares 
on such date. Accordingly, the Options that were allotted to an Eligible 
Employee where the vesting period ended on or prior to the Termination of 
Employment Date will be exercised automatically, and the Exercise Shares will be 
sold on behalf of the Eligible Employee by the Trustee and/or the Company. The 
consideration obtained from the sale of the Exercise Shares will be remitted to 
the Eligible Employee after deducting the exercise price of the Options, which 
will be remitted to the Company, after deducting the commissions involved in 
such exercise and sale, and deduction of tax at source as required by law. For 
such purpose, in the allotment document to be issued by the Company to the 
Eligible Employee, the Eligible Employee will declare that he agrees to the 
mechanism set out above and empowers the Trustee and/or the Company to act in 
accordance therewith. 
2.6.3 Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Termination of Employment of the 
Eligible Employee by the Company results from God forbid, death or Loss of 
Earning Capacity (as defined below), all the Options allotted to the Eligible 
Employee until the Termination of Employment Date of the Employee will be 
exercisable by the Employee or his legal heirs (as the case may be) at the end 
of the vesting period, as if the employment of the Eligible Employee in the 
Company had not ended. 
    "Loss of Earning Capacity" shall mean for purpose of this sub-clause the 
inability of the Eligible Employee to carry out his job function as a result of 
injury and/or sickness for a period of at least 6 consecutive months. 
2.6.4    Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Eligible Employee has been 
dismissed in circumstances which do not entitle him to severance pay as provided 
by the Severance Pay Law, 5723-1963, and subject to any law, all the Options 
allotted to him will expire, including Options for which the vesting period has 
2.6.5    An Eligible Employee who takes unpaid leave for a period of one year or 
less, will continue to be regarded as an employee for purposes of the Plan, 
while an Eligible Employee who takes unpaid leave for a period exceeding one 
year will be regarded as having terminated his employment, and ceases to be an 
employee for purposes of the Plan, as of the first day following one year on 
unpaid leave. 
2.6.6    Notwithstanding the foregoing, the board of management of the Company 
or such person authorized on its behalf, shall be authorized to determine, in 
individual cases, at its sole discretion, that an Eligible Employee taking 
unpaid leave for a period exceeding one year will continue to be regarded as an 
employee for purposes of the Plan. 
2.6.7 Subject to the provisions of the Plan regarding an adverse change in the 
conditions of allotted Options, the Board of Directors may prescribe, at any 
time and in its sole discretion, time periods and conditions with respect to any 
particular employee or generally which may be different from those set forth 
2.6.8    It is clarified that in no event will it be possible to exercise an 
Option after the expiration of the Exercise Period. 
2.7Transferability of the Options and Exercise Shares 
2.7.1    Unless otherwise prescribed by the Board of Directors, the Options will 
not, in any event, be transferable and/or assignable, save for transmission to 
legal heirs. In the event of such transmission, the terms of the Option and the 
provisions of the Plan will be binding upon the heirs. 
2.7.2      The Exercise Shares are subject to limitations regarding its sale and 
transferability, as shall be determined by the Board of Directors, from time to 
time, subject to applicable law including the limitation of use of inside 
information. According to the Israeli Securities Authority's approach as 
received by the Company, the execution of the automatic sale procedure specified 
in sections 2.4 and 2.6.2 in this Circular, shall not constitute a valid defense 
from criminal indictment of misuse of inside information. 
2.8Tax Implications on Allotment of Options, Their Exercise into Shares and Sale 
of Shares Realized 
    On 15th February, 2006, the Taxes Authority approved the Plan as a share 
allotment plan through a trustee, pursuant to the provisions of Section 102 of 
the Ordinance. 
    The Company's duty to allot Exercise Shares at the time the Options are 
realized or to carry out any other act in connection with or in respect of 
Options or Exercise Shares is subject to the full compliance with all duties to 
pay income tax or other compulsory payments that apply (to the extent they 
apply) including deduction of any tax or compulsory payment required by law. 
    In the event of any liability for tax or any other compulsory payment 
(National Insurance, State Health Tax, etc.) in respect of and/or as a result of 
the Plan (whether in Israel or abroad), including in respect of the allotment of 
the Options to the Eligible Employees, the exercise thereof into shares, the 
sale of the Exercise Shares, receipt of dividend or any other benefit in respect 
of the Options or the Exercise Shares, it will be borne by the Eligible 
Employees in accordance with law (to the extent it applies by law to such 
Employee). The Eligible Employees will indemnify the Company and/or the Trustee 
in respect of any payment or claim for payment of any tax payable as aforesaid, 
if payable, and the Company may deduct from the sums becoming due to the 
Employee any balance of the Eligible Employee's debt to the Company, to the 
extent that such a debt exists in respect of such indemnity. 
2.8.2Taxes Applicable to Options Offered Within the Scope of Section 102 to 
Israeli Employees 
    The grant of Options in accordance with this Circular is made subject to the 
provisions contained in Section 102 of the Ordinance and is also subject to the 
Rules. Accordingly, the Company has elected the capital gains track prescribed 
by Section 102(b)(2) of the Ordinance for the purpose of taxing the income of 
Eligible Employees from the Options. The Options will be exercised subject to 
the provisions of paragraph 2.4 of the Circular. The Exercise Shares (as defined 
below) obtained from exercising the Options will be deposited with the Trustee. 
    In accordance with Section 102 and the Regulations, the following provisions 
will apply: 
[a]Date of liability for tax 
    The Eligible Employee's income from the allotment of the Options is 
tax-exempt at the time of allotment, but will be liable for tax at the time the 
shares resulting from the exercise of the Options are sold ("Exercise Shares") 
or the Options or Exercise Shares are transferred from the Trustee into the name 
of the Employee ("Transfer"). 
[b]Rate of tax 
    Pursuant to the capital gains track, if the Options or the Exercise Shares 
are held by the Trustee until the expiration of the period required by the 
Ordinance for the capital gains track, or until the expiration of such other 
period as may be approved by the Tax Authority (the "Trust Period"), part of the 
benefit inuring to the Eligible Employee from the sale of the Exercise Shares up 
to no higher than the average value of the Company's shares on the Stock 
Exchange at the end of the 30 day trading period preceding the allotment of the 
Options, will be regarded as income from work under Section 2(2) of the Income 
Tax Ordinance, such income to be adjusted to the Consumer Price Index up until 
the date of sale of the Exercise Shares or the execution of a Transfer, and the 
balance of the value of the benefit will be regarded as a capital gain liable to 
tax at the rate of 25%. 
    The Eligible Employee will not be entitled to sell Exercise Shares or 
execute a Transfer prior to the expiration of the Trust Period. Moreover, the 
rights conferred by virtue of the Exercise Shares, including bonus shares, but 
excluding dividends paid in cash ("Rights"), will be deposited with the Trustee 
until the expiration of the Trust Period, and the capital gains track will apply 
2.8.3    The Trustee will not execute any transaction or act in connection with 
the Options and/or the Exercise Shares held by him, and will not transfer, 
assign, withdraw, attach or charge them voluntarily and will not grant with 
respect thereto any power of attorney or instrument of transfer, of either 
immediate effect or which will come into effect at a future date, except for a 
transfer based on a will or by operation of law, until after the applicable tax 
as aforesaid has been paid or until payment of the tax has been secured. 
2.8.4    So long as the Exercise Shares are held by the Trustee in trust for an 
Eligible Employee, the voting rights attaching to the Exercise Shares will be 
vested solely in the Trustee. The Trustee will not vote in respect of Exercise 
Shares that are held by him on behalf of the Eligible Employee, and such 
Employee will be entitled to vote in respect of the Exercise Shares at meetings 
of the Company's shareholders only in accordance with a power of attorney from 
the Trustee. 
2.8.5    So long as the Exercise Shares are held by the Trustee in trust for an 
Eligible Employee, cash dividends which may be distributed in respect thereof 
will be transferred directly to the Eligible Employee, all as determined by the 
Company's Board of Directors, at its sole discretion and subject to any law, 
prior to implementing the distribution of such dividend. 
The terms of Clause 2.8 above reflect the law in force on the date of the 
Circular. The legal provisions relating to the compulsory payments and tax 
aspects in relation to the Options granted under this Circular are liable to 
change from time to time. The foregoing does not purport to be an authoritative 
interpretation of the tax provisions mentioned above, or an exhaustive 
description of the general provisions of law pertaining to taxes which may apply 
in connection with the Options being offered to the Eligible Employees, and does 
not serve as a substitute for legal and professional advice on the subject. As 
is usual when deciding on an investment, each Eligible Employee receiving 
Options who decides to exercise them must consider the various tax aspects and 
tax implications that his investment will have. The Eligible Employee must 
consult his professional advisors, including legal and tax counsel, having 
regard to his own particular circumstances. 
2.9Consideration for the Options Offered 
    The Options offered are offered for no consideration. Assuming all the 
offered Options are exercised, the Company will receive proceeds amounting to 
NIS 200,000, without linkage to the CPI. The amount to be received by the 
Company was determined according to the exercise price determined by the Board 
of Directors on the date it resolved to grant the Options, multiplied by the 
number of Options offered at such exercise price, as set out in this Chapter. 
2.10The Economic Value of the Options 
2.10.1    The Company applies Accounting Standard No. 24 "Share Based Payment". 
The main provisions of the Standard are to require the recognition of expenses 
in respect of the Options in the financial statements of the Company according 
to their economic value at the time the Options are actually allotted. The 
expense will be recorded in the financial statements of the Company over the 
vesting period of the Options and according to the number of options to be 
2.10.2    The calculation of the economic value of each Option reflected in the 
financial statements of the Company will be made according to the Black and 
Scholes model, according to the terms of the Plan and according to the 
principles embodied in Accounting Standard No. 24, as aforesaid. 
2.10.3    By way of illustration only, there follows a calculation of the 
economic value of each Option were it to have been actually granted at about the 
time of submission of this Circular: 
[a]    The price of the share for the purpose of the calculation is the closing 
price of the share of the Company on the Stock Exchange at the close of trading 
on 15th January 2009 (NIS 8.37). 
[b]    The exercise price is NIS 1.00, unlinked. 
[c]    Until the Exercise Shares are issued, the holder of the Option will have 
no right to receive any dividend. 
[d]    The calculation is made subject to the following assumptions: 
-    the standard deviation is calculated according to the daily yield according 
to the price of the share of the Company on the Stock Exchange over the last 
four years; accordingly, the standard deviation is about 33.77%. 
-    the life expectancy of the Options is four years. 
-    the annual rate of capitalization is determined according to the yield to 
maturity of unlinked bonds ("Shahar"), which corresponds to the life expectancy 
of the Options, and accordingly, the calculation assumes a rate of interest for 
capitalization of 2.96%. 
-    the yield on account of dividend which the shareholders of the Company 
expect to receive is 8.28%. 
[e]    The calculation of the economic value does not take into account the fact 
that the Options will not be listed for trading on the Stock Exchange, and also 
does not take into account the vesting periods of the Options as provided in the 
Plan and the tax likely to apply at the time of sale of the Exercise Shares. 
On the basis of the above assumptions, the value of each Option is 
NIS 5.12. 
It is emphasized that the calculations presented above were made as of 15 
January 2009. The determination date for calculating the value of the Options 
for the purpose of the financial statements of the Company, according to 
Accounting Standard No. 24, is the date on which the Options are granted (and 
not the submission date of the Circular). Therefore, the value of the Option 
which will serve for the recognition of the amounts of the expense to be 
actually recorded and reflected in the financial statements of the Company will 
be different from the data presented above, and will be subject to computation 
by the Company on the basis of similar assumptions. 
Chapter 3 - The Exercise Shares 
The Exercise Shares will rank equally with all the ordinary shares of the 
Company's capital. All the shares in the Company's capital are registered 
shares, having a nominal value of NIS 1.00. 
Details concerning the provisions contained in the Company's Articles of 
Association, relating to the rights attaching to the Company's shares (and to 
the Exercise Shares), are set out below: 
3.1Voting rights 
    Each ordinary registered share confers upon the holder thereof the right to 
receive notices of and to attend general meetings of the shareholders of the 
Company, and the right to one vote in respect of each ordinary share whenever 
votes are cast at any general meeting of the Company attended by the holder 
3.2Rights to dividend and distribution of bonus shares 
    All ordinary shares in the Company's capital rank equally among themselves 
and confer upon the holders thereof the right to receive dividends (if and when 
distributed), the right to receive bonus shares (if and when distributed), and 
the right to participate in the distribution of surplus assets of the Company 
after the winding-up thereof according to the proportionate share thereof in the 
Company's issued share capital. 
    Shareholders entitled to dividends are the shareholders on the date of the 
resolution regarding the dividends or on such later date as may be determined by 
the resolution. The Company's resolution to distribute dividends or bonus shares 
shall be adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company. 
    Subject to any special rights or restrictions attaching to any shares, 
dividends in cash and bonus shares will be paid and distributed to the 
shareholders in proportion to the capital amount paid on the nominal value of 
the shares held by them, disregarding any premium paid thereon. 
    No dividend or monies or benefits in respect of a share will bear interest. 
    The Board of Directors may deduct from any dividend or monies or benefits in 
respect of a share, such sums as the holder of such share owes the Company on 
account of calls at such time. 
    The Board of Directors may withhold any dividend or bonus shares or monies 
or benefits in respect of a share over which the Company has a charge, and apply 
such dividend or bonus shares or monies or benefits in discharge of the debts or 
liabilities in respect of which the Company holds a charge. 
    In order to execute any resolution regarding a distribution as defined in 
the Companies Law, 5759-1999 (the "Companies Law") the Board of Directors may, 
as it deems fit, settle any difficulty arising in relation to the distribution, 
and take such steps as are required for that purpose. Shares of a value less 
than that resolved by the Board of Directors will not be taken into account for 
the purpose of adjusting the rights of shareholders. 
    The Board of Directors may determine from time to time the manner of paying 
the dividend or the distribution of the bonus shares and the arrangements 
relating thereto to registered shareholders or with respect to those holding 
share warrants. Without derogating from the generality of the foregoing, the 
Board of Directors may pay any dividend or monies in respect of shares by 
sending a cheque by post to the address of the shareholder as registered in the 
register of shareholders of the Company. The dispatch of any such cheque will be 
at the risk of the shareholder. 
    In the event of a declaration of dividend, distribution of shares or 
debentures following a capitalization or grant of any rights to members, for 
subscription to shares as yet unissued, the Board of Directors will publish a 
notice thereof at least once in two daily newspapers in Israel. 
    A dividend, the payment of which has not been claimed within a period of 
seven (7) years from the date of the resolution to distribute the same, will be 
regarded as having been waived by the person entitled thereto and such dividend 
will revert to the ownership of the Company. 
3.3Increase of Capital and Modification of the Rights Attaching to the Company's 
    A general meeting of the shareholders may decide upon the following matters 
by a resolution passed by a simple majority: 
1.    To increase its registered share capital by such amount as will be 
resolved, by creating new shares on such conditions and with such rights as the 
resolution prescribes. Such resolution may be adopted whether or not all the 
shares for the time being have been issued or a resolution exists for the issue 
thereof and whether or not they have yet to be issued or resolved to be issued. 
2.    To cancel any registered capital which has not been allotted, provided no 
undertaking, including a contingent undertaking, on the part of the Company 
exists to allot such registered share capital. 
3.    To vary, cancel, convert, extend, add to or otherwise modify the rights, 
privileges, advantages, restrictions and terms whether or not for the time being 
related to the Company's shares. 
4.    To consolidate and redistribute its share capital into shares of larger or 
smaller denominations than those of the existing shares. 
5.    To reduce its share capital in such manner and on such terms and subject 
to obtaining such approvals as are required by law. 
6.    To make any other change in the Company's share capital or the rights 
attaching to its shares, to the extent that such power is not vested in any 
other organ of the Company. 
The rights conferred upon the holders of any shares, including preference shares 
(as defined in the Securities Law, 5728-1968), will not be deemed to have been 
varied by the creation or issue of additional shares ranking pari passu with 
them, unless otherwise stipulated by the terms of issue of such shares. 
The Board of Directors of the Company may: 
1.    Issue shares and other securities, including convertible or realizable 
securities, up to the amount of the Company's registered share capital, and may 
similarly allot the same (or otherwise deal therewith) to such persons, in 
exchange for cash or other non-cash consideration, on such exceptions and 
conditions, at a premium or at par or at a discount, at such times as it deems 
fit; and grant any person the right to demand the allotment of any shares during 
such time period and against such consideration as the Board of Directors may 
2.    Issue redeemable securities and redeem the same in such manner and on such 
conditions as it may resolve from time to time. 
3.    Resolve to issue a series of debentures within the scope of its authority 
to borrow on the Company's behalf, and to the limit of such power. 
Upon the issue of shares the Board of Directors may establish different 
conditions for the shareholders in relation to the consideration, the amounts of 
the calls and/or the dates of payment thereof. 
3.4Transfer of Shares 
    No transfer of shares of the Company will be registered without a proper 
instrument of transfer being delivered to the Company. The instrument of 
transfer of a share in the Company will be signed by the transferor and 
transferee, and the transferor will be deemed to remain the shareholder until 
the transferee's name is registered in the register of shareholders in respect 
of the share transferred. 
    Any document (including the certificate of the share being transferred) that 
the Board of Directors may require in connection with the transfer must be 
submitted to the Company together with the instrument of transfer. 
    The Board of Directors may decline to recognize the instrument of transfer 
until the certificate of the share being transferred is attached thereto, 
together with such other evidence as the Board of Directors may demand to prove 
the transferor's right to transfer the share, and payment of a transfer fee if 
prescribed by the Board of Directors. 
3.5Notices to Shareholders of General Meetings 
    A notice convening a general meeting will be published in at least two 
Hebrew daily newspapers having a broad circulation, and will include the agenda 
fixed for the meeting, the proposed resolutions and arrangements regarding poll 
cards as the case may be. 
    The Company is not bound to personally serve notice of a general meeting on 
a shareholder registered in the register of shareholders. 
3.6General Meetings of the Company's Shareholders 
    There will be a quorum for holding a general meeting when at least two 
shareholders holding at least twenty-five per cent (25%) of the voting rights 
are present, within half an hour of the time appointed for the meeting to 
proceed to business. 
    If within half an hour of the time appointed for the meeting to proceed to 
business a quorum is not present at the general meeting, the meeting will stand 
adjourned to the same day in the next week at the same time and place, or to 
such other time if specified in the invitation to the meeting or the notice of 
the meeting. If no quorum is present at the adjourned meeting within half an 
hour of the time appointed therefore, the meeting will take place with such 
number of participants as are present. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the 
general meeting has been convened upon requisition by shareholders as provided 
in Sections 63(b)(2) or 64(a) of the Companies Law, the adjourned meeting will 
be held only if there are present at least that number of shareholders required 
to convene a meeting as provided in those sections of the Law. 
    A general meeting at which a quorum is present may resolve to adjourn the 
meeting to such other time and place as it may determine. At the adjourned 
meeting, only the business appearing on the agenda of the original meeting and 
for which no resolution has been passed, will be transacted. If the general 
meeting is adjourned for a period exceeding 21 days, notices of the adjourned 
meeting will be given as stated in Clause 3.5 of this Circular. 
3.7Election of the Members of the Board of Directors 
    The number of members of the Board of Directors will be fixed from time to 
time by a resolution of the general meeting of the Company. The number of 
members of the Board of Directors will not be less than seven (7) nor greater 
than fifteen (15). 
    The directors of the Company will be appointed by a resolution adopted by a 
general meeting of the shareholders present at the meeting personally or by 
proxy. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Board of Directors may resolve, from 
time to time, to appoint an additional director or directors whether as an 
additional director, or in order to fill the position of a director that has 
fallen vacant for any reason, provided that every such appointment and any 
change in such appointment will be made in accordance with the provisions of a 
voting agreement between the shareholders of the Company entitled to appoint 
directors, a signed copy of which has been given to the Board of Directors. 
    A director will take up office on the date of his appointment or at such 
later date in the future, in accordance with the resolution of the general 
meeting or of the Board of Directors, as the case may be, which appointed the 
director. Such appointment will continue until it is terminated or discontinued. 
    A director may resign by written notice given to the Board of Directors, the 
chairman of the Board of Directors or the Company, and such resignation will 
enter into effect on the date the notice is given, unless a later date is 
prescribed in the notice. The director's notice of resignation will contain the 
reasons for his resignation. 
    Upon notice of a director's resignation being received, notice thereof and 
the reasons given therefore shall be submitted to the Board of Directors, and 
they shall be recorded in the minutes of the next meeting convened after the 
    The general meeting may, at any time, remove a director from office. In 
addition, the Board of Directors may remove from office a director that it 
appointed, provided that such termination of service shall be made with the 
consent of the shareholders. A director removed from office will be given a 
reasonable opportunity to present his case to the general meeting or the Board 
of Directors, as the case may be. 
    Without derogating from the causes enumerated in the Companies Law, the 
office of a director will be vacated in any of the following cases: if he has 
resigned his office, been removed from office, been convicted of an offence 
under the law, by a decision of a court of law made according to the law, if the 
director has been adjudicated bankrupt, and, if a corporate body, a resolution 
has been passed for its voluntary liquidation or a winding-up order is made 
against it, upon the date of adoption of a resolution by the Board of Directors 
terminating his office, if he has become legally incompetent, upon the 
expiration of the period for which he was elected and if the director was absent 
from six consecutive meetings of the Board of Directors or from eight 
non-consecutive meetings of the Board of Directors during one year, provided, 
however, that the Board of Directors may allow a director's membership to 
continue if the absences occurred during a period of time not exceeding six 
    A director who has ceased to hold office may be re-appointed. If no director 
is appointed or if the office of a director is vacated, the remaining directors 
may act in all matters so long as their number has not fallen below the minimum 
prescribed for the time being for meetings of the Board of Directors. 
Chapter 4 - Details Regarding the Company's Share Prices 
The following sets out details of the highest and lowest prices at which the 
Company's shares were traded in 2007 and 2008, and during the period between 
January 1st, 2009 and January 15th, 2009 on the Stock Exchange (without taking 
into account dividend distributed during the same period): 
| Stock     | In the Period     | 2008             | 2007                       | 
| Exchange  | Between January   |                  |                            | 
| Price     | 1st 2009 and      |                  |                            | 
|           | January 15th 2009 |                  |                            | 
|           | Date      | NIS   | Date     | NIS   | Date           | NIS Price | 
|           |           | Price |          | Price |                |           | 
| High      | 07.01.09  | 8.85  | 02.01.08 | 19.55 | 10.05.07       | 23.45     | 
| Low       | 01.01.09  | 8.27  | 12.03.08 | 7.13  | 04.12.07       | 18.11     | 
The share price on the Stock Exchange on January 15, 2009 (the last trading day 
before the date of this Circular) was NIS 8.37. 
Chapter 5 - Reference to Financial Statements 
Eligible employees are referred to the Company's financial statements as at 
December 31, 2007, published on March 31, 2008, the Company's financial 
statements as at March 31, 2008, published on May 29, 2008, the Company's 
financial statements as at June 30, 2008, published on August 28, 2008, and the 
Company's financial statements as at September 30, 2008, published on November 
25, 2008. 
The Company also refers the Eligible Employees to the Immediate Reports that 
were published by it commencing 25th November, 2008 (excluding those reports 
regarding changes in the holdings of institutional bodies), as follows: 
| Date of Publication   |   Subject Matter                                 | 
| of                    |                                                  | 
|  Immediate Report     |                                                  | 
| 18/01/09              | Event or Matter that are not within the scope of | 
|                       | Corporate's ordinary business                    | 
| 06/01/09              | Transaction with Controlling Shareholder         | 
| 04/01/09              | Changes in Securities of the Corporation         | 
| 01/01/09              | Holdings of Senior Office Holders                | 
| 01/01/09              | Cessation of Service as Senior Office Holder     | 
| 31/12/08              | Transaction with Controlling Shareholder         | 
| 31/12/08              | Filing of Preliminary Circular                   | 
| 31/12/08              | Filing of Preliminary Circular                   | 
| 23/12/08              | Board of Management and office holders -schedule | 
|                       | as at 23/12/08                                   | 
| 23/12/08              | Senior office holder- ceased to hold office Ido  | 
|                       | Yosef Disenchik                                  | 
| 3/12/08               | Changes and Schedule of Capital - Option         | 
|                       | exercise.                                        | 
Date: January 18, 2009 
Respectfully yours, 
Bank Hapoalim B.M. 
Name of signatory on behalf of the Corporation: Doron Klauzner 
Title: Member of the Board of Management, Head of Human Resources, Logistics and 
Name of signatory on behalf of the Corporation: Eli Eisdorfer 
Title: Manager of Human Resources Division 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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