RNS Number : 3635X
BlueCrest BlueTrend Limited
28 August 2015
BlueCrest BlueTrend Limited
Interim Condensed Financial Statements
For the period ended 30 June 2015 (Unaudited)
The Company was incorporated in Guernsey on 10 February 2012 as
a non-cellular company limited by shares under the Companies
(Guernsey) Law, 2008, as amended, with registration number
From launch on 23 March 2012 until 17 July 2014 the Company had
Sterling and US$ Share classes in issue.
Following completion of the tender offer for up to 100 per cent
of each class of share in issue (excluding treasury shares)
announced on 5 June 2014 (the 'Tender Offer'), the US$ underlying
investments in the BlueTrend Fund Limited and BlueTrend 2x
Leveraged Fund Limited were redeemed.
On 18 July 2014, the US$ Share Class was delisted from the
Official List of the UK Listing Authority and closed. All remaining
US$ Shares which were not tendered pursuant to the Tender Offer
were compulsorily converted into the Sterling Share Class on that
The Sterling Share Class remains admitted to trading on the main
market of the London Stock Exchange and listed on the Premium
Listing of the Official List of the UK Listing Authority.
As at 8 August 2015, the last practicable date prior to the
publication of this report, the Company's total issued share
capital consisted of 39,054,052 Ordinary Sterling Shares, of which
3,773,924 Shares were held in treasury, resulting in total voting
rights of 35,280,128.
Investment Objective and Policy
The Company's investment objective is to seek to achieve long
term appreciation in the value of its assets.
The Company is a feeder fund and pursues its investment
objective by principally investing its assets in BlueTrend Fund
Limited ("BlueTrend Fund") which in turn invests into the market
through an investment in BlueTrend Master Fund Limited ("BlueTrend
Master Fund"). The Company is permitted to retain up to 19.9 per
cent of its total assets in cash or cash equivalents for working
capital purposes and to enable it to fund its discount management
Notwithstanding the retention of assets in cash or cash
equivalents, it is the intention of the Company to maintain a
substantially similar economic exposure to that which would be
achieved by investing 100 per cent of its available net assets in
BlueTrend Fund. The Company seeks to maintain such a substantially
similar economic exposure by investing an amount broadly equivalent
to its total assets held in cash or cash equivalents (up to 19.9
per cent of its total assets) in BlueTrend 2x Leveraged Fund
Limited ("BlueTrend Leveraged Fund") which in turn invests into the
market through an investment in BlueTrend 2x Leveraged Master Fund
Limited ("BlueTrend Leveraged Master Fund").
BlueTrend Leveraged Master Fund has a substantially similar
investment strategy to BlueTrend Master Fund, save for the fact its
aggregate investment exposure is approximately twice that of
BlueTrend Master Fund. BlueTrend Leveraged Master Fund may not
always be invested in an identical investment portfolio to that of
BlueTrend Master Fund (together, the "Master Funds") which may
result in differing investment returns for the Company compared to
a 100 per cent investment in BlueTrend Fund. In addition, BlueTrend
Leveraged Master Fund and BlueTrend Leveraged Fund incur different
ongoing costs and expenses to those incurred by BlueTrend Master
Fund and BlueTrend Fund.
BlueTrend Fund Limited
BlueTrend Fund was incorporated with limited liability in the
Cayman Islands on 16 March 2004 as an exempted company under the
provisions of the Companies Law (2011 Revision) of the Cayman
Islands. It is organised as a feeder fund. All assets of BlueTrend
Fund (to the extent not retained in cash) are invested in the
ordinary shares of BlueTrend Master Fund, a fund incorporated in
the Cayman Islands. Investors in the Company are therefore offered
an opportunity to participate indirectly in BlueTrend Master Fund's
investment portfolio.
The principal investment objective of BlueTrend Master Fund is
to seek to achieve long-term appreciation in the value of its
assets. BlueTrend Master Fund seeks to achieve its investment
objective through the implementation of a systematic trading model
or portfolio of systematic trading models. Such model(s) trade in a
number of debt, equity, foreign exchange and commodity instruments,
and derivatives relating to those instruments, including swaps,
indices, forwards, futures and option contracts.
BlueTrend Master Fund has maximum flexibility to invest in a
wide range of instruments, including listed and unlisted equities,
debt securities (which may be below investment grade), other
collective investment schemes (which may be open-ended or
closed-ended, listed or unlisted and which may employ leverage),
currencies, futures, options, warrants, swaps and other derivative
instruments. Derivative instruments may be exchange-traded or
over-the-counter. BlueTrend Master Fund may engage in short sales.
BlueTrend Master Fund may also retain amounts in cash or cash
equivalents, including money market and similar funds pending
reinvestment or if this is considered appropriate to the investment
BlueTrend Master Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective
through the implementation of a systematic trading model or
portfolio of systematic trading models. Such model(s) trade in a
number of debt, equity, foreign exchange and commodity instruments,
and derivatives relating to those instruments, including swaps,
indices, forwards, futures and option contracts.
BlueTrend Master Fund may, as part of its investment policy
and/or for hedging purposes, utilise both exchange traded and
over-the-counter derivatives, including but not limited to futures,
forwards, swaps, options and contracts for differences.
BlueTrend Master Fund has not imposed a limit on the extent to
which borrowing or leverage may be employed.
Sterling Share Class Sterling Share Class
(as at 30 June 2015) (as at 31 December
Total Net Assets GBP35,095,783 GBP37,053,382
NAV per Share GBP0.995 GBP1.039
NAV performance (4.23%) 16.43%
Mid-Market Share Price GBP1.02375 GBP1.0025
to NAV 2.89% (3.51%)
BlueCrest Capital Management LLP ("BlueCrest")
BlueCrest Capital Management Limited ("BlueCrest CML")
At launch and until 1 July 2014, the appointed investment
manager of the Master Funds was BlueCrest Capital Management LLP
(the "Initial Investment Manager"), an English-incorporated limited
liability partnership operating solely out of its permanent
establishment in Guernsey.
In order to align the operations of the investment manager of
the Master Funds with its place of establishment and thereby
achieve greater legal and regulatory certainty going forward, it
was proposed and approved that the Initial Investment Manager
transfer its assets and liabilities to a newly established
Guernsey-domiciled investment manager, BlueCrest Capital Management
Limited (the "New Investment Manager"), a Guernsey domiciled
company, acting solely in its capacity as general partner of
BlueCrest Capital Management LP, a Guernsey-domiciled limited
partnership. The New Investment Manager was established in
Guernsey. As was the case for the Initial Investment Manager, the
New Investment Manager is licensed by the Guernsey Financial
Services Commission ("GFSC"), registered as an investment adviser
with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, registered as a
commodity pool operator and commodity trading advisor with the US
Commodity Futures Trading Commission and registered or licensed
with other regulatory authorities, as appropriate.
The existing sub-investment managers, appointed by the Initial
Investment Manager on behalf of the Master Funds to manage a
portion of the assets of the Master Funds in the Initial Investment
Manager's place, each as an agent of the Company and the Master
Fund, will retain their roles as sub-investment managers.
The New Investment Manager has assumed the Initial Investment
Manager's responsibility for the supervision and ongoing monitoring
of the sub-investment managers in the performance of their duties
as agents of the Funds, and retains the responsibility for
performing risk management functions for the Master Funds.
Investments ("Systematica")
On 29 September 2014 the Company noted the announcement by
BlueCrest CML of its intention to launch an independent firm,
Systematica Investments ("Systematica"), which would comprise its
systematic investment management business, under the leadership and
management of Leda Braga. The launch of Systematica took place
during January 2015 at which time it took over the management of
the BlueTrend programme. BlueCrest retain an economic interest in
the business and the two organisations continue to co-operate in
areas of mutual benefit and where operating efficiencies can be
achieved, thus the day to day management of the Company and its
investment strategy is unaffected.
Currency Risk Management
The Directors do not intend that the Company will carry out any
currency hedging arrangements. The base currency of BlueTrend Fund
and BlueTrend Leveraged Fund (the "Feeder Funds") and the Master
Funds is US Dollars. Accordingly, the administrator of the Feeder
Funds may seek to hedge the foreign exchange exposure of the assets
of the Master Funds attributable to the Sterling denominated shares
of the Feeder Funds in order to neutralise, so far as possible, the
impact of fluctuations in the Sterling/US Dollar exchange
Dividend Policy
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August 28, 2015 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)
The investment objective of the Company is directed towards
long-term capital appreciation. Accordingly, it is not envisaged
that any dividends will be paid by the Company. This does not
however preclude the Directors from declaring a dividend at any
time in the future subject always to the relevant terms of the
Articles and the relevant provisions of The Companies (Guernsey)
Law, 2008 (the 'Companies Law').
Discount management provisions
Share repurchases
The Directors will implement a Share buyback programme, subject
to sufficient portfolio liquidity, to buy back Shares in the market
if they trade at a discount of two per cent or more to the latest
published Net Asset Value ("NAV"). The price at which Shares are
repurchased may be at a wider discount than two per cent to the
latest published NAV to reflect market volatility. In accordance
with the Listing Rules, the Directors sought shareholder authority
to buy back up to 14.99 per cent of the Shares in issue approved at
the extraordinary general meeting ('EGM') held on 19 January
This authority expired on 30 June 2015 when shareholders
resolved to permit the maximum number of shares authorised to be
purchased as 5,288,491 Ordinary Shares denominated in Sterling
("Sterling Shares") or if less, such number of Sterling Shares
which is equal to the 14.99 per cent. of the Sterling Shares,
excluding shares held in treasury, as at the date of the Annual
General Meeting ('AGM').
This authority will expire within 15 months of the annual
general meeting date or, if earlier, at the end of the next annual
general meeting of the Company to be held in 2016. During the six
month period ended 30 June 2015 the Company repurchased 385,000
Sterling Shares; 200,000 for treasury and 185,000 for cancellation.
The average discount for the Sterling Share Class during the six
months to 30 June 2015 was 1.24 per cent.
Treasury Shares
The Company's Articles allow it to hold up to 10 per cent of its
issued Shares in treasury when those Shares have been purchased by
the Company. As at 30 June 2015, the Company had 3,773,924 Sterling
Shares in treasury (31 December 2014: 3,573,924 Sterling Shares).
As at 8 August 2015 the Company held 3,773,924 Sterling Shares in
Further issues of Shares
Subject to the terms of the Companies Law, the Listing Rules and
the Articles, in order to manage any Share price premium to NAV if
the Directors believe there is investor demand that cannot be
satisfied through the secondary market to raise additional capital
for investment, the Company may seek to issue additional Shares or
sell Shares out of treasury. Further issues or sales of Shares
would only be made if the Directors determine such issues or sales
to be in the best interests of shareholders, and the Company as a
whole, and access to BlueTrend Fund and BlueTrend Leveraged Fund is
available. Relevant factors in making such determination and the
price at which Shares will be issued or sold include NAV
performance, share price rating and perceived investor demand. In
the case of further issues or sales of Shares of an existing class,
the Directors' authority to allot and issue or sell out of treasury
shall only be exercised at prices which are greater than the then
latest published NAV of the relevant Share class. The Directors
have shareholder authority to dis-apply pre-emption rights in
connection with the allotment and issue of up to 7,301,936 Sterling
Shares. This authority will expire 15 months from 30 June 2015 or,
if earlier, at the end of the next annual general meeting to be
held in 2016.
Going Concern
The preparation of the unaudited condensed interim financial
statements (the "financial statements") requires management to make
judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application
of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets and
liabilities, income and expense. Actual results may differ from
these estimates. In preparing these financial statements, the
significant judgements made by management in applying the Company's
accounting policies and the key sources of estimation uncertainty
were the same as those that applied to the financial statements for
the year ended 31 December 2014. The Company's Articles state that
at the start of each calendar year the Company shall calculate the
average of the monthly NAVs as at the end of each of October,
November and December in the previous year. If that average is less
than US$100 million the Company shall call a general meeting at
which the Directors shall propose an Ordinary Resolution for the
continuation of the Company (the 'Continuation Vote'). The average
NAV for the last three months of 2014 was less than US$100 million.
Accordingly, on 26 February 2015 the Company issued a Shareholder
Circular convening an Extraordinary General Meeting which was held
on 25 March 2015. The sole resolution proposed was an ordinary
resolution to seek Shareholder approval for the Company to continue
its business as a closed ended investment company. The Continuation
Vote was passed and the results were announced on 25 March 2015.
Since the Continuation Vote passed, the share price discount to NAV
has narrowed and at times the shares have traded at a premium to
NAV. As a result the buy back has not operated since March 2015.
The Directors have been working closely with the Corporate Broker
with a view to growing the assets under management from their
current position. The cash being kept available for the purpose of
own share buybacks (approx. GBP5m.) has now largely been
re-invested in the BlueTrend Fund. In the absence of further fund
raising, the average of the monthly NAV for the fourth quarter of
2015 is likely to be below US$100 million. The directors anticipate
a further Continuation Vote being triggered however we are
confident that the outcome will once again be favourable.
Having considered the Company's investment objective, risk
management and capital management policies, the nature of the
portfolio and expenditure projections, the Directors believe that
the Company is able to meet its liabilities as they fall due, as it
has adequate cash resources to continue in operational
The Board reviews risks each quarter and monitors the existing
risk control activity designed to mitigate these risks. The
principal risks associated with the Company are:
Operational risk: The Board is ultimately responsible for all
operational facets of performance including cash management, asset
management, regulatory and listing obligations. The Company has no
employees and so enters into a series of contracts/legal agreements
with a series of service providers to ensure both operational
performance and the regulatory obligations are met. The Company
uses well established, reputable and experienced service providers
and their continued appointment is assessed at least annually.
Investment risk: Although the Board is responsible for the
investment policy, due to the nature of the Company the Board has
little discretion in such management. The success of the Company
depends on the diligence and skill of the Investment Manager of the
Company's primary investment in the Feeder Funds. There is a risk
that any underperformance of funds which the Company's capital is
invested in would lead to a reduction of the NAV or of the share
price rating. The Board formally monitors the investment
performance each quarter, periodically meets the Investment Manager
and attends regular investment update calls to further supplement
their knowledge of the investment process and strategy.
Concentration risk: The Company's principal exposure is to the
Feeder Funds, therefore, the Company is exposed to concentration
risk through these two funds. The Board considers that both funds
are highly diversified in their exposures to the underlying assets
of the Master Funds. The Board believes that this mitigates certain
aspects of concentration risk. The Board actively monitors the
exposures of BlueTrend Fund, BlueTrend Leveraged Fund and the
underlying assets.
Leverage risk: The Company does not undertake structural
borrowings but will not maintain exactly 1:1 economic exposure to
BlueTrend Fund at all times because of factors including, but not
limited to, Share issuance and buybacks, general expenses and the
exact level of leverage embedded in BlueTrend Leveraged Fund from
time to time. The Board regularly monitors the exposure to
BlueTrend Fund and rebalances when required. BlueTrend Fund does
not undertake structural leverage. BlueTrend Leveraged Fund seeks
to maintain a position which is approximately 2X times leveraged to
BlueTrend Fund. This leverage may not be maintained or be constant
because of changes to the leverage facility made available to
BlueTrend Leveraged Fund. The Board monitors the performance of the
Company against the performance of BlueTrend Fund. Leverage exists
in the underlying funds either through formal borrowing facilities
or embedded in derivative positions. Some of the underlying funds
held by BlueTrend Fund will be exposed to significant gross
leverage. The Board monitors the performance and strategies of each
underlying fund and the exposure of BlueTrend Fund to each
underlying fund.
Counterparty risk: The Company is exposed to counterparty risk
directly and indirectly via BlueTrend Fund, BlueTrend 2x Leveraged
Fund and the underlying funds. Systematica provide reporting to the
Board of the counterparty exposures of BlueTrend Fund and the
controls exercised around counterparty exposure. The Company seeks
to ensure that it does not have undue direct counterparty exposures
in line with market practices. BlueTrend Leveraged Fund has
counterparty exposure to the leverage provider.
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August 28, 2015 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)
Credit risk: The Company is exposed to credit risk both directly
through cash and cash equivalents and applies controls accordingly.
The Company is also exposed to credit risk more broadly through the
Feeder Fund investments in the Master Funds and their ultimate
underlying investments. The Board believes that credit risk is well
diversified through the exposures taken by BlueCrest.
Regulatory risk: The Company is required to comply with the UK
Listing Authority ('UKLA') rules and the Financial Conduct
Authority ('FCA') disclosure and transparency rules and the
requirements imposed by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission.
Any failure to comply could lead to criminal or civil proceedings.
Although responsibility ultimately lies with the Board, the
Secretary also monitor compliance with regulatory requirements.
Associated Risk:
Share price discount risk. The Company has a discount control
mechanism provision which is designed to mitigate this risk. In the
event the Sterling Shares have traded at an average discount to NAV
of more than 5 per cent in any calendar quarter, the Directors will
consider, subject to any legal or regulatory requirements,
implementing a redemption offer of up to 25 per cent of the
Sterling Shares in issue. The Directors will implement a share
buyback programme, subject to sufficient portfolio liquidity, to
buy back shares in the market if they trade at a discount of two
per cent or more to the latest published NAV.
The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge:
-- the interim financial statements have been prepared in
accordance with IAS 34 'Interim Financial Reporting' as adopted by
the European Union; and
-- the interim financial report meets the requirements of an
interim management report (as defined below), and includes a fair
review of the information required by:
a) DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an
indication of important events that have occurred during the first
period of the financial year; and their impact on the interim
financial report; and a description of the principal risks and
uncertainties of the remaining six months of the year; and
b) DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being
related party transactions that have taken place in the first
period of the current financial year and that have materially
affected the financial position or performance of the Company
during the period; and any changes in the related parties
transactions described in the last annual report that could have a
material effect on the financial position or performance of the
Company in the first six months of the current financial year.
Huw Salter
Chairman of the Audit Committee
27 August 2015
On behalf of the Board, I present Shareholders with the Interim
Financial Report and Accounts of BlueCrest BlueTrend Limited (the
'Company') for the period ended 30 June 2015.
Financial Results and performance
It has been a volatile first half year with the Company
delivering a Sterling Share Class Net Asset Value ('NAV')
performance of between +10.61% as at 31 March 2015 to -4.23% for
the period ended 30 June 2015.
As at 31 July 2015, the latest practicable date prior to the
publication of this report, the Company's NAV per share had
increased 1.49% to GBP1.0546 per share since 1 January 2015.
Corporate Actions
Two Extraordinary General Meetings were held in the first half
Renewal of Buyback Authority
In accordance with the Listing Rules, the Directors sought
shareholder authority to buy back up to 14.99 per cent of the
Shares in issue approved at the extraordinary general meeting
('EGM') held on 19 January 2015.
This authority expired on 30 June 2015 when shareholders
resolved to permit the maximum number of shares authorised to be
purchased as 5,288,491 Ordinary Shares denominated in Sterling
("Sterling Shares") being 14.99 per cent. of the Sterling Shares in
issue, excluding shares held in treasury, as at the date of the
Annual General Meeting.
Continuation Vote
As the average of the Company's monthly net asset value as at
the end of October, November and December 2014 was less than
US$100m.,in accordance with the Company's Articles of
Incorporation, your Board proposed that a continuation vote be put
to Shareholders by way of ordinary resolution. The vote was passed
by Shareholders on 25 March 2015.
Going Concern
The Directors consider it appropriate to prepare the unaudited
Interim Financial Statements on the Going Concern basis. The
analysis of the Directors' decision is explained on Page 6 of this
report. Since the Continuation Vote passed, the share price
discount to NAV has narrowed and at times the shares have traded at
a premium to NAV. As a result the buy back has not operated since
March 2015. The Directors have been working closely with the
Corporate Broker with a view to growing the assets under management
from their current position. The cash being kept available for the
purpose of own share buybacks (approx. GBP5m.) has now largely been
re-invested in the BlueTrend Fund. In the absence of further fund
raising, the average of the monthly NAV for the fourth quarter of
2015 is likely to be below US$100 million. The directors anticipate
a further Continuation Vote being triggered however we are
confident that the outcome will once again be favourable.
The Company continues with its investment objective and policy
and as stated above is working with its Corporate Broker with a
view to growing the assets under management from their current
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting was held on 30 June 2015. All
resolutions were passed and announced to the market on 30 June
Wayne Bulpitt
27 August 2015
Over the period from 1 January 2015 to 30 June 2015 BlueTrend
Class B Sterling Shares was -4.26%
Q1 Performance Review
Net performance for BlueTrend Class B Sterling Shares in the
first quarter was +10.61%. BlueTrend's performance for the quarter
was strong, with six of the seven sectors posting positive returns.
The largest contributions to performance came from the bonds and
equities sectors. The Margin to Equity of the fund finished the
quarter lower, having stood at 16.2% at the end of December, and
finishing the quarter at 14.9%. The most significant changes to the
distribution of risk within the portfolio (in terms of VaR) were a
decrease to the fixed income sectors and an increase to the
equities sector. At the end of the period the two largest
contributions to risk were the equities sector at 36% and the bonds
sector at 22%. Looking at the performance by month:
January resulted in all seven sectors seeing positive
performance. Long positioning across fixed income markets continued
through January, across both the bonds and short interest rates
sectors. Price action resulted from a host of monetary policy
interventions by major central banks that led to a strong rally in
bonds. The bond sector contained the majority of the best
performing individual markets, with the US 5 YR Note posting the
strongest gains. The long exposure to equities maintained
relatively constant over the month and resulted in positive
performance contribution to the fund, particularly from long
positions in European equity markets. The commodities complex
contributed positively to performance, with gains being driven by
the energies sector. For the most part, commodities continued their
trends from the previous year, with a variety of factors such as
the continued strength of the dollar, as well as OPEC-induced over
supply, leading to further declines in energy prices. The currency
sector also contributed positively. The dollar staged its largest
rally since June 2012, with the fund benefitting from a short EUR
position. The program had largely removed the Swiss Franc from its
core strategies avoiding the negative impact from the decision by
the Swiss National Bank to remove the currency cap against the
February saw a difficult start to the month, however, BlueTrend
recovered strongly towards the end of the month, led by returns
from equities and to a lesser extent some gains in the currencies
space. BlueTrend entered the month of February with long exposure
in global equity indices and continued to increase exposure over
the month as equity markets discounted GREXIT risk and potential
contagion effects. The MSCI World Index was up 5.68%. European
equities led the way, especially after a short term solution was
found for Greece with a 6.85% gain in the STOXX Europe 600 Index.
However, all regions contributed to performance, with Europe &
Asia strongest while US equities made a late comeback to new highs
towards the end of the month.
It was a difficult month for fixed income, which saw very weak
performance at the start of February. However, after the Greek saga
found some resolution, European bonds once again traded to new lows
in yield terms with the German Bund trading of 0.30% while Italian
BTPs touched yields of 1.327%. Elsewhere, both the US and UK saw
weakness in fixed income throughout the month with yields rallying
back to where they were at the start of the year, with the US 10
Year Yield finishing at 1.99% and the UK 10 Year Yield at 1.80%.
After the strong gains in fixed income in January, BlueTrend
suffered a small relative loss on its fixed income positioning in
February, demonstrating the effectiveness of the risk control that
the program has in place.
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August 28, 2015 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)
The currencies sector contributed positively to returns with the
Dollar index finishing the month higher, albeit in a relatively
tight range over the month. The fund generated gains from both a
short JPY position as well as a long NZD position. The commodities
space also suffered reversals in most sectors with only metals
avoiding losses. Energy markets continued the rally which started
in late January, hurting the fund's short positioning in the
sector. Similarly short positioning in crops was to the detriment
of fund performance. Despite a somewhat volatile month, BlueTrend
finished March with positive returns as gains from fixed income,
energies and FX offset losses in equities and crops. It was a tough
start to the month for fixed income which saw yields initially go
higher. However, with the ECB ratcheting up bond purchases and a
commitment to buying bonds even with negative yields, European
bonds once again traded to new lows. In yield terms, the German
Bund made new all-time low of 0.18%, Italian BTP'S also touched new
lows at 1.12%. Despite all the hubris regarding rate rises in the
US, treasuries once again found a buyer in the medium to long term
part of the curve, 10 year yields fell again below 2% and traded as
low as 1.87% while 30 year bonds traded as low as 2.45%.
Accordingly, BlueTrend benefitted from its continued long bias to
the sector. In equities, we saw a continuation of the theme of US
equities underperforming their European counterparts. March saw
plenty of speculation and discussion on the timing of rates rise in
the US with Yellen turning somewhat dovish towards the end of the
month. US equities suffered from profit taking as investors feared
a tightening cycle after a long period of easy monetary policy.
BlueTrend retained a long bias over the course of the month and,
although the exposure moved around intra month, the fund suffered
modest losses from long positioning in a number of markets
including the S&P as well as the FTSE Index.
The currencies sector was a source of gains for the fund as the
dollar index continued to rally against a number of currencies as
it continued a long uptrend since July of last year. Eventually the
DXY traded at around 100, a level not seen since 2003 which led to
an element of profit taking as the month drew to a close. Monetary
policy divergences are becoming more evident causing volatility in
the space and creating ample opportunities.
BlueTrend made positive returns from the currency space despite
this profit taking into month end and, in particular, short
exposure to the Euro and Swedish krona were a source of gains. The
commodities space also contributed to the fund returns although, as
in other sectors, it was a volatile ride. The energy markets saw
tremendous volatility throughout March. West Texas Intermediate
(WTI) made fresh lows only to be driven sharply higher on geo
political concerns. Despite this choppy range, BlueTrend produced
positive performance in the energy space with a short Brent crude
position being a significant source of profits. Elsewhere in
commodities the fund experienced modest losses in crops from a
short bias to the sector while the metals sector contribution was
essentially flat.
Q2 Performance Review
Net performance for BlueTrend Class B Sterling Shares in the
second quarter was -13.44%.
It was a tough quarter for BlueTrend, with only positive
performance coming from one of the seven sectors traded, metals.
The quarter was dominated by events surrounding the Greek debt
crisis resulting in investor malaise and confusion. The positive
contribution from metals was eclipsed by negative returns mainly in
the bonds and equities sectors. The margin to equity of the fund
finished lower from the previous quarter, having stood at 14.9% at
the end of March, and finishing the quarter at 11.9%.
There were significant changes to the distribution of risk
within the portfolio (in VaR terms) throughout the quarter. Risk in
all sectors fluctuated throughout the quarter with six of the seven
sectors seeing a reduction in risk by the end of the quarter. The
bond and equities sectors led the way in terms of significant risk
decreases and metals ended the quarter with increased risk. The
commodities complex was the highest overall risk contributor by
quarter end with energies providing most of the risk.
Looking at performance by month:
Despite a good start to April, BlueTrend finished the month with
negative performance, led by losses in the bonds and FX sectors, as
the end of the month saw an aggressive reversal in the US Dollar
(USD) and major fixed income markets.
Long positioning across fixed income markets continued through
April. The fixed income sector saw a positive start to the month as
yields fell in all major developed bond markets, most notably in
the German ten year bond with yields at a record low of 6bps.
However, a dramatic reversal towards the end of the month erased
performance, with yields in Germany rallying off the lows to end
the month yielding 36 bps.
Price action was fierce and resulted from over positioning in EU
bonds due to QE related monetary policy from the ECB. In the U.S.,
yields followed a similar path although less violently than in
BlueTrend maintained long exposure to the equities sector
throughout the month of April, favouring Asian and US equities over
EU equities for the majority of the month. This regional
diversification benefitted performance, and despite an aggressive
sell off towards the end of the month, the equities space posted a
positive return in April. European indices saw negative monthly
performance with notable indices like the DAX having one of their
worst monthly losses since 2011.
The commodities complex was relatively flat in April, albeit
with extreme volatility, especially in the metals space. Gold and
silver were down on the month in the face of USD weakness. In the
sector, USD weakness and tensions in the Middle East led to a
positive environment for energy prices. WTI continued to put
pressure on short positions as it was squeezed to a new high for
the year. The agriculture space was strong with gains seen in short
corn and wheat positions, where both trended lower in the face of
good supply and higher yields due to better weather.
The currency sector saw negative performance in April. Large
volatility due to over positioning in short EUR and long USD
against many other currencies contributed to negative performance.
The DXY index showed the USD completely reversing previous gains
and posting the worst performance since 2011. Large crosses like
EURUSD squeezed aggressively as a result of interpretation that
recent soft data from the US will force the FED to delay the
timeline of rate rises. Elsewhere, the Reserve Bank of Australia
and Reserve Bank of New Zealand contributed to volatility and USD
weakness, by not cutting rates as many expected.
Long positioning across fixed income markets continued through
May. The month started with aggressive price moves to the downside
and continued to get worse throughout the month, albeit at a much
slower pace. Yields traded sharply higher in all major developed
bond markets. Most notably, the German 10 YR continued to see
historic moves in daily volatility, while yields traded back to the
0.72% level, despite the ongoing QE programme by the ECB.
Volatility was not just confined to Europe, as we saw very large
moves in Asian, Australian, and US bonds as well. Long position in
JPN 10 YR and AUST 3 YR positions were amongst the largest
detractors in the fund in May.
BlueTrend maintained long exposure to the equities sector
throughout the month of May. It was a volatile month for equities,
with no real direction in the space. Equities finished the month
slightly negative in this range bound environment. Exposure
remained fairly balanced across the three major regions, the US,
Europe, and Asia. US equities posted positive performance, with
both Asian and European equities detracting from performance
The currency sector contributed positively in May. USD strength
against other currencies resulted in positive contribution from the
sector. The short JPY and SEK forward positions were top
contributors for the fund. The long NZD forward position withdrew
from these gains and resulted in the fund's largest detractor for
the month.
The commodities complex also detracted from performance in May.
Energies was the largest detractor of the three sectors with metals
following closely behind. The crops sector was only a slight
detractor for the month. BlueTrend ended May with short exposure in
the three sectors. Despite the overall negative contribution from
the complex, short corn and short copper positions added positively
on this month's return.
BlueTrend experienced a challenging month in June with six out
of seven sectors posting negative returns, with only the metals
sector contributing positively. The bonds and equities sectors were
the largest negative contributor. European bond yields continued to
trade in a volatile fashion throughout June amid investor concerns
regarding liquidity and QE distortions. Equity markets around the
world also saw large levels of volatility throughout the month. For
example, China saw -10% moves intraday and the Eurostoxx gaped down
nearly -5% on the open after the Greek Prime Minister called a
referendum to accept creditor proposals.
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August 28, 2015 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)
Long positioning across fixed income markets continued through
June. Further confusion around US interest rate hikes saw the US 10
YR yield close out the month near 2.35%. German bonds continued to
sell off, with yields settling at 0.75% by the end of June.
Investor concerns over liquidity and inventory levels across the
street played out in volatile short term moves. Long positioning in
the Japanese 10 YR accounted for the biggest losses in the bond
sector. Eurodollar was the largest detractor in the rates sector
with varied exposure throughout June, ending the month with long
exposure. BlueTrend maintained mixed exposures to equities
throughout the month, but ended June with an overall aggregate
short exposure. General weakness throughout the month was apparent.
The close of the month brought about a downturn in European and US
equities resulting from concerns over Greece. Asian equities
struggled to contain the moves seen in China. The Shanghai
Composite displayed large daily swings in both directions. Short
positioning in the VIX was amongst the worst performing markets in
Currencies was one of our worst performing sectors in June. For
the most part, the USD traded sideways throughout the month.
This was largely due to absolute malaise in EUR/USD, whereby
EUR/USD appeared stuck in a small range for much of June despite
equities and bonds both moving aggressively on Greek headlines. In
aggregate, BlueTrend continues to be long USD in the face of this
choppy trading. The short SEK forward position was the largest
detractor in the sector.
The commodities bucket continued to face difficulties in June.
Crops served as the biggest laggard on performance, followed by
energies, whilst metals contributed positively in June. Short
positioning in crops in the beginning of the month largely
contributed to the negative performance as adverse weather
conditions fuelled a large rally towards the end of the month.
Short wheat and corn positions were large contributors to the
negative performance in the crop sector. Short positioning in
energies also proved difficult, with short natural gas positions
causing a drag on performance after prices came off their lows from
early in the month. Metals was the lone positive performing sector,
with copper and palladium amongst the top performing markets in the
fund in June.
While disappointing, the drawdown experienced over the second
quarter was not beyond the bounds of expectations when looking at
the live trading history. As noted above, BlueTrend has reacted to
the increased volatility in markets and the uncertainty surrounding
the end game for Greece seen throughout the quarter by
substantially reducing risk in the majority of the sectors traded.
The overall fund VaR dropped from 1.11% as of 30 March 2015 to
0.79% as of 30 June 2015.
For the six months ended 30 June 2015
Ordinary Shares
Note GBP
Interest income from cash and
cash equivalents 2,762
Net loss on financial assets
at fair value through profit
or loss 6 (1,191,499)
Total net income (1,188,737)
Directors' fees 3 45,000
Transaction costs 185,933
Administration and secretarial
fees 3 48,310
Legal and professional fees 46,703
Other operating expenses 3,407
Audit fees 10,590
Regulatory fees 9,899
Total operating expenses 349,842
Operating loss and total comprehensive loss for the
period (1,538,579)
Loss per share Pence (GBP)
Basic and diluted 4 (4.346)
All items in the above statement derive from continuing
There are no items in other comprehensive income for the period
other than those disclosed above.
The notes form an integral part of these unaudited condensed
interim financial statements.
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
Ordinary Shares
Sterling US$ Share
Share Class Class Total
Note GBP $ GBP
Interest income from cash
and cash equivalents 12,141 6,508 16,104
Net gain on financial assets
at fair value through profit
or loss 6 4,477,210 2,704,284 6,009,287
Total net income 4,489,351 2,710,792 6,025,391
-------------- -------------- --------------
Directors' fees 3 31,224 23,720 45,217
Transaction costs 31,483 23,426 45,325
Administration and secretarial
fees 3 24,292 24,159 38,520
Legal and professional fees 10,969 8,415 15,944
Other operating expenses 8,178 6,112 11,786
Audit fees 11,291 5,850 14,710
Audit related fees 5,454 4,014 7,801
Regulatory fees 8,637 8,038 13,353
Total operating expenses 131,528 103,734 192,656
-------------- -------------- --------------
Finance income:
Gain on Company share buy backs 615,247 229,527 753,163
Gain on redemptions through the
Tender Offer 1,205,435 948,157 1,759,719
Finance charge:
Profit allocated to shares classified
as liabilities 1 (6,178,505) (3,784,742) (7,228,656)
-------------- -------------- --------------
Net Finance charge (4,357,823) (2,607,058) (4,715,774)
Profit for the year
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit
and loss
Currency aggregation adjustment 1 - - (1,116,961)
-------------- -------------- --------------
Other Comprehensive Income - - (1,116,961)
-------------- -------------- --------------
Total Comprehensive Income - - (1,116,961)
-------------- -------------- --------------
Earnings per share Pence (GBP) Cents ($) Pence (GBP)
Basic and diluted 4 6.218 5.011 4.133
The Earnings per share for the US$ Class for the period ended 30
June 2014 was US$0.05011. The Class closed on 30 June 2014.
All items in the above statement derive from continuing
There are no items in other comprehensive income for the period
other than those disclosed above.
As at 30 June 2015
Ordinary Shares
As at As at
30 June 2015 31 December
(Unaudited) (Audited)
Sterling Share Sterling Share
Class Class
Non-Current Assets
Investments designated as fair
value through profit or loss 6 29,641,970 33,110,774
Current Assets
Other receivables and prepayments 5 13,328 7,245
Cash and cash equivalents 5,501,564 4,237,721
Total assets 35,156,862 37,355,740
---------------- ----------------
Current Liabilities
Payables 7 61,079 302,358
---------------- ----------------
Net Assets 35,095,783 37,053,382
---------------- ----------------
Stated Capital and Reserves 9 35,095,783 37,053,382
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August 28, 2015 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)
35,095,783 37,053,382
---------------- ----------------
Number of ordinary shares (GBP
class, excluding treasury shares) 35,280,128 35,665,128
Net asset value per share Pence (GBP) Pence (GBP)
0.995 1.039
The NAV per share per the financial statements is equal to the
published NAV per share. The published NAV per share represents the
NAV per share attributable to shareholders in accordance with the
The unaudited condensed interim financial statements on pages 16
to 21 were approved and authorised for issue by the Board of
Directors on 27 August 2015 and are signed on its behalf by:
Huw Salter
The notes form an integral part of these unaudited condensed
interim financial statements.
For the six months ended 30 June 2015
Ordinary Shares
Sterling Share US$ Share
Class Class Total
Note GBP $ GBP
Net assets at the beginning
of the
period attributable to holders
redeemable ordinary shares 37,053,382 - 37,053,382
Treasury shares purchased
and cancelled 10 (205,350) - (205,350)
Treasury shares purchased
and held in treasury 10 (213,670) - (213,670)
Share issue costs 11 - - -
--------------- ---------- ------------
Net decrease from share transactions 36,634,362 36,634,362
Decrease in net assets attributable
holders of redeemable ordinary
shares 11 (1,538,579) (1,538,579)
Balance at 30 June 2015 35,095,783 - 35,095,783
--------------- ---------- ------------
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
Ordinary Shares
Sterling Share US$ Share
Class Class Total
Note GBP $ GBP
Net assets at the beginning
of the
period attributable to holders
redeemable ordinary shares 93,380,488 81,394,948 142,540,933
Treasury shares purchased
and cancelled 10 (15,806,642) (6,714,330) (19,845,704)
Share conversions 11 7,061,386 (11,563,670) -
Share issue costs 11 (10,583) (4,553) (13,592)
--------------- ------------- -------------
Net decrease from share transactions (8,756,109) (18,282,553) (19,859,296)
Increase in net assets attributable
holders of redeemable ordinary
shares 11 6,178,505 3,784,742 8,345,617
Currency aggregation adjustment - - (1,116,961)
--------------- ------------- -------------
Net assets prior to transfer
to equity 90,802,884 66,897,137 129,910,293
--------------- ------------- -------------
Shares redeemed awaiting settlement 57,029,172 44,812,388 83,226,055
US$ Shares awaiting compulsory
conversion - 22,084,749 12,910,526
--------------- ------------- -------------
Balance at 30 June 2014 33,773,712 - 33,773,712
--------------- ------------- -------------
For the period ended 30 June 2015
Note GBP
Cash flows from operating
Interest received 1,381
Operating expenses paid (175,337)
Proceeds from disposal of
investments 1,857,113
Net cash generated from operating
activities 1,683,157
Cash flows from financing
Purchase of treasury shares (419,020)
Share issue & Share redemption
costs (294)
Net cash used in financing
activities (419,314)
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents during the
period 1,263,843
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 4,237,721
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 5,501,564
For the period ended 30 June 2014
Ordinary Shares
Sterling US$
Share Class Share Class Total
Note GBP $ GBP
Cash flows from operating
Interest received 12,047 6,507 16,003
Operating expenses paid (141,380) (109,631) (207,244)
Purchase of investments (12,343,847) (5,388,009) (15,552,787)
Proceeds from disposal of
investments 36,543,460 29,821,678 54,541,722
Net cash generated from operating
activities 24,070,280 24,330,545 38,797,694
------------- ------------- -------------
Cash flows from financing
Purchase of treasury shares (15,540,880) (6,499,934) (19,450,048)
Conversions between
share classes 7,061,386 (11,563,670) -
Share issue costs (10,645) (4,553) (13,381)
------------- ------------- -------------
Net cash used in financing
activities (8,490,139) (18,068,157) (19,463,429)
------------- ------------- -------------
Net increase/ (decrease)
in cash and cash equivalents
during the period 15,580,141 6,262,388 19,334,265
Cash and cash equivalents
at the beginning of the period 3,691,585 7,884,089 8,453,371
Effect of exchange rate changes
on cash and cash equivalents - - (246,018)
------------- ------------- -------------
Cash and cash equivalents
at the end of the period 19,271,726 14,146,477 27,541,618
------------- ------------- -------------
The notes form an integral part of these unaudited condensed
interim financial statements.
For the period ended 30 June 2015
Reporting Entity
The Company is a self-managed closed-ended investment company
incorporated in Guernsey on 10 February 2012 with registered number
54646 with an unlimited life. Effective from 18 July 2014, the
Company has one class of shares in issue, being Sterling Shares
(the "Shares").
Basis of Preparation
These unaudited interim condensed financial statements
("financial statements") for the period 1 January 2015 to 30 June
2015 have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting
Standard 34 (Interim Financial Reporting) issued by the
International Accounting Standard ("IAS") and adopted by the EU
("IAS 34") and the Disclosure and Transparency Rules ("DTR's") of
the UK's Financial Conduct Authority and in accordance with
applicable Guernsey law.
The financial statements do not include all of the information
required for full financial statements, and should be read in
conjunction with the financial statements of the Company as at and
for the year ended 31 December 2014. The financial statements of
the Company as at and for the year ended 31 December 2014 were
prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting
Standards ("IFRS").
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August 28, 2015 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)
The information for the year ended 31 December 2014 is derived
from the Financial Statements delivered to the UK Listing
Authority, and does not constitute Statutory Accounts as defined by
Guernsey Law. A copy of the Statutory Accounts for that year has
been delivered to the Shareholders. The Auditor's Report on those
Financial Statements was not qualified.
The accounting policies applied by the Company in these
financial statements are consistent with those applied by the
Company in its financial statements for the year ended 31 December
The preparation of the financial statements requires management
to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the
application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of
assets and liabilities, income and expense. Actual results may
differ from these estimates.
In preparing these condensed unaudited interim financial
statements, the significant judgements made by management in
applying the Company's accounting policies and the key sources of
estimation uncertainty were the same as those that applied to the
financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2014.
New standards, interpretations and amendments adopted
The accounting policies in the preparation of the financial
statements are consistent with those followed in the preparation of
the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2014.
Standards or Interpretations not yet adopted
A number of new standards, amendments to standards and
interpretations have been issued or amended by the IASB, are not
yet effective and have not been applied in preparing these
financial statements. The following standards will in the future
apply to the Company:
IFRS 9 - Financial Instruments: Classification and measurement
of financial assets
IFRS 9 - Financial Instruments is effective for accounting
periods beginning on or after 1 January 2018 (EU endorsement
pending). The Board have reviewed the impact of IFRS9 on the
Company and they do not expect there to be any changes to the
measurement of items in the Financial Statements but recognise
additional disclosure may be required.
Summary of significant accounting policies
Interest income
Interest income is recognised in the statement of comprehensive
income for all interest-bearing financial instruments using the
effective interest method.
Net gain/loss on financial assets at fair value through profit
or loss
Net gain/loss on financial assets at fair value through profit
or loss includes all realised and unrealised fair value changes and
foreign exchange differences, but excludes interest and dividend
income. Net realised gain/loss on financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss is calculated using the average cost
All expenses are accounted for as the related services are
performed. Expenses relating to the Company are allocated across
the share classes proportionally based on the relative Net Asset
Values ("NAV") of each share class.
The Company has been granted exemption under the Income Tax
(Exempt Bodies) (Guernsey) Ordinance, 1989 from Guernsey Income
Tax, and is charged an annual fee of GBP1,200. (2014: GBP600).
Cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents are defined as call deposits and short
term deposits readily convertible to known amounts of cash and
subject to insignificant risk of changes in value, together with
bank overdrafts. For the purposes of the Statement of Cash Flows,
cash and cash equivalents consist of cash and deposits at bank,
together with bank overdrafts.
Due from and due to brokers
Amounts due from and to brokers represent receivables for
securities sold and payables for securities purchased that have
been contracted but not yet settled or delivered respectively on
the statement of financial position date.
Financial instruments
Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognised in the
Company's Statement of Financial Position when the Company becomes
a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument.
Financial assets
The classification of financial assets at initial recognition
depends on the purpose for which the financial asset was acquired
and its characteristics. All financial assets are initially
recognised at fair value. All purchases of financial assets are
recorded at trade date, being the date on which the Company became
party to the contractual requirements of the financial asset. The
Company's financial assets comprise only of loans and receivables
and investments designated at fair value through profit or
Loans and receivables
Loans and receivables assets are non-derivative financial assets
with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an
active market. They principally comprise trade and other
receivables and cash and cash equivalents. They are initially
recognised at fair value plus transaction costs that are directly
attributable to the acquisition, and subsequently carried at
amortised cost using the effective interest rate method, less
provision for impairment. The effect of discounting on these
financial instruments is not considered to be material.
Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss
upon initial recognition
Classification - All investments are designated upon initial
recognition as financial assets at "fair value through profit or
loss" on the basis that they are part of a group of financial
assets which are managed, and have their performance evaluated, on
a fair value basis in accordance with risk management and
investment strategies of the Company as set out in the Company's
offering document.
Recognition and measurement - Investments are initially
recognised on the date of purchase (on 'trade date' basis) at cost,
being the fair value of the consideration given, excluding
transaction costs associated with the investment.
De-recognition - A financial asset (in whole or in part) is
derecognised either when the Company has transferred substantially
all the risks and rewards of ownership; or when it has neither
transferred nor retained substantially all the risks and rewards
and when it no longer has control over the assets or a portion of
the asset; or when the contractual right to receive cash flows from
the asset has expired.
Fair value estimation - In order to assess the fair value of
unquoted investments the NAVs of the underlying funds are taken
into consideration. The investments in the unquoted investments,
BlueTrend Fund Limited and BlueTrend 2x Leveraged Fund Limited
(together the "Feeder Funds"), are primarily valued based on the
latest available redemption price of such units for each fund, as
determined by the Feeder Funds' administrators.
The Company reviews the details of the reported information
obtained and considers the liquidity of the Feeder Funds or their
underlying investments, the value date of the NAV provided, any
restrictions on redemptions, and the basis of accounting and, in
instances where the basis of accounting is other than fair value,
fair valuation information provided by the Feeder Funds'
administrators. If necessary, the Company makes adjustments to the
NAV of the Feeder Funds to obtain the best estimate of fair
Financial liabilities
Classification - The classification of financial liabilities at
initial recognition depends on the purpose for which the financial
liability was issued and its characteristics. The Company's
financial liabilities consist of only financial liabilities
measured at amortised cost and these include trade payables and
other short-term monetary liabilities.
Recognition and measurement - All financial liabilities are
initially recognised at fair value net of transaction costs
incurred. Financial liabilities are recorded on trade date, being
the date on which the Company becomes party to the contractual
requirements of the financial liability.
Financial liabilities at amortised cost are initially recognised
at fair value and subsequently carried at amortised cost using the
effective interest rate method.
De-recognition - A financial liability (in whole or in part) is
derecognised when the Company has extinguished its contractual
obligations, it expires or is cancelled. Any gain or loss on
de-recognition is taken to the statement of comprehensive
Foreign currency translation
The Company's total financial statements are presented in
Sterling, which is the Company's functional and presentation
currency. Operating expenses in foreign currencies are initially
recorded at the functional currency rate ruling at the date of the
transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign
currencies are translated at the functional currency rate of
exchange ruling at the reporting date. Previously, investments in
the US$ share class were initially recorded in US Dollars and
translated into the Company's functional currency at the reporting
date. The US$ assets were sold during the year ended 31 December
2014. All differences on these foreign currency translations are
taken to the Statement of Comprehensive Income.
The foreign currency translation differences on aggregation of
the historical US$ Class were taken to the currency aggregation
adjustment in the Statement of Comprehensive Income.
Significant shareholdings
The Company has applied the exemption available under IAS 28 to
account for the investments in the Feeder Funds under IAS 39,
Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement. In accordance
with IAS 39, the Company has accounted for the holding in the
Feeder Funds at fair value, with changes in fair value recognised
in profit or loss.
Segment information
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August 28, 2015 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)
For management purposes, the Company is organised into one main
operating segment, which invests in the share classes of the Feeder
Funds which are incorporated in the Cayman Islands. All of the
Company's activities are interrelated, and each activity is
dependent on the others. Accordingly, all significant operating
decisions are based upon the Company as one segment. The financial
statements from this segment are equivalent to the financial
statements of the Company as a whole.
The shares in issue have been previously classified as
liabilities in accordance with IAS 32 because of the provisions
contained in the Company's Articles of Incorporation.
This treatment did not result in the shares being treated as a
liability for the purpose of applying the solvency test set out in
Section 527 of the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008 (the "Law").
Following the closure of all the US$ dollar share class in 2014,
the Sterling Shares no longer met the definition of a financial
liability in accordance with IAS 32 and as such were classified and
accounted for as equity. In the Statement of Comprehensive Income
for the period ended 30 June 2014 and year ended 31 December 2014,
the profit from the beginning of the year until the closure of the
US$ share class was included in 'Profit allocated to shares
classified as liabilities' for shares classified as liabilities
whereas profit after the closure of the US$ share class was
included in 'Profit for the year' for shares classified as equity.
The movement in the net assets until the closure of the US$ share
class was presented in the Statement of Changes in Net Assets
Attributable to Holders of Redeemable Ordinary Shares whilst the
movement in net assets from the time the shares were classified as
equity was presented in the Statement of Changes in Shareholders'
In line with the Prospectus, the expenses incurred for the
initial placing were borne by the Company up to a maximum of 1 per
cent of the gross issue proceeds. The initial placing expenses
included placing fees and commissions, registration, listing and
admission fees, the cost of settlement and escrow arrangements,
printing, advertising and distribution costs, legal fees, and any
other applicable expenses incurred in connection with the offering
of shares. All such expenses were recognised in the Statement of
Changes in Net Assets attributable to holders of redeemable
ordinary shares, reducing the issue proceeds received.
The preparation of the Company's financial statements requires
management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that
affect the reported amounts recognised in the financial statements
and disclosure of contingent liabilities. However, uncertainty
about these assumptions and estimates could result in outcomes that
require a material adjustment to the carrying amount of the asset
or liability affected in future periods.
Estimates and assumptions
The key assumptions concerning the future and other key sources
of estimation uncertainty at the reporting date, that have a
significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying
amounts of assets and liabilities are discussed below. The
management of the Company based its assumptions and estimates on
parameters available when the financial information was prepared.
However, existing circumstances and assumptions about future
developments may change due to market changes or circumstances
arising beyond the control of the Company. Such changes are
reflected in the assumptions when they occur.
Fair value of financial assets at fair value through profit or
The Directors consider that the confirmed NAVs for the
investments in the Feeder Funds, as described in Note 1 and
produced by the Feeder Funds' administrators, represent the fair
value of the investments held by the Company.
The Company's investments include holdings of:
BlueTrend Fund Limited Class BlueTrend 2x Leveraged Fund
B as a % of the total fund Limited Class A as a % of
value the total fund value
30 June 2015 0.91% 23.96%
30 June 2014 1.8% 33.3%
These transactions are transactions with related parties as
defined within IAS 24, Related Party Disclosures. The totals of
such transactions are shown in Note 6.
Administration agreement
The Company has appointed Dexion Capital (Guernsey) Limited as
Secretary and Administrator (or Designated Manager) pursuant to the
Administration Agreement. In such capacity, the Administrator is
responsible for the general secretarial functions required by the
Law and for ensuring that the Company complies with its continuing
obligations as an investment company holding a premium listing on
the Official List and admitted to trading on the main market of the
London Stock Exchange. The Administrator is also responsible for
the Company's general administrative functions such as the
calculation of the NAV of the shares, the maintenance of accounting
and statutory records and, if required, the safekeeping of any
share certificates and other documents of title relating to the
investment of the Company's cash and other assets. In addition, at
the direction and request of the Board, the Administrator is
responsible for taking the required actions to adjust the Company's
portfolio in order that investments are made in accordance with the
Company's investment policy. The Administrator is entitled to an
annual fee in respect of administration services from the Company
calculated by reference to the NAV, such fee not to be less than
GBP3,750 per calendar month. In addition, the Administrator is paid
a minimum fee per annum of GBP25,000 in respect of company
secretarial services and GBP16,000 per annum (plus inflation in
each year).
For the period ended 30 June 2015, the Administration fee was
GBP22,315 (30 June 2014: GBP22,203) and the Secretarial fee was
GBP18,061 (30 June 2014: GBP24,118). Of these amounts an
Administration fee of GBP7,521 (30 June 2014: GBP3,822) and a
Secretarial fee of GBP6,233 (30 June 2014: GBP3,988) were unpaid at
the period end.
Directors' remuneration and other interests
The Directors are related parties and are remunerated for their
services at a fee not to exceed GBP35,000 per annum (GBP50,000 for
the Chairman). In addition, the chairman of the audit committee
receives an additional GBP5,000 per annum for his services in this
role. Andrew Dodd, the sole non-independent director, has waived
his fee for his services as a director. For the period ended 30
June 2015, the Directors' fees amounted to GBP45,000 (30 June 2014:
GBP45,217). Of this amount GBP7,500 (30 June 2014: GBP7,555) was
unpaid at the period end.
Wayne Bulpitt held 25,000 Sterling Class Shares at the period
end (30 June 2014: 25,000).
Huw Salter held 20,000 Sterling Class Shares at the period end
(30 June 2014: 20,000).
For the period ended 30 June 2015
Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the
profit/(loss) for the period by the weighted average number of
ordinary shares in issue during the year, excluding the average
number of shares purchased by the Company and held as treasury
For the period ended 30 June Share Class
Loss for the period (1,538,579)
Weighted average number of
ordinary shares in issue 35,401,951
Pence (GBP)
Loss per share (4.346)
Ordinary shares
Sterling US$ Share Total
For the period ended 30 June Share Class Class
Profit allocated to shares
classified as liabilities
for the period 6,178,505 3,784,742 7,228,656
Weighted average number of
ordinary shares in issue 99,355,372 75,535,925 174,891,297
------------- ----------- ------------
Pence (GBP) Cents ($) Pence (GBP)
Earnings per share 6.218 5.011 4.133
------------- ----------- ------------
As at 30 June As at 31 December
2015 2014
Directors indemnity insurance 7,790 2,066
Other 5,538 5,179
13,328 7,245
---------------- ------------------
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August 28, 2015 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)
As at 30 June 2015 Ordinary
Share Class
Unlisted managed funds
Cost brought forward 31,102,470
Disposals during the period (1,857,113)
Equalisation impact (420,193)
Unrealised gain on valuation
carried forward 816,806
Financial assets at fair
through profit or loss 29,641,970
Movement in unrealised
gains/(losses) on valuation (1,362,701)
Realised gains /(losses)
on disposals 171,202
Net gains on financial
at fair value through profit
or loss (1,191,499)
Ordinary shares
As at 31 December 2014 Sterling US$ Share Total
Share Class Class
Unlisted managed funds
Cost brought forward 101,320,899 80,810,692 151,649,178
Purchases at fair value 23,395,297 5,754,517 26,750,920
Disposals during the period (93,441,674) (86,513,415) (144,768,389)
Equalisation impact (172,052) (51,794) (30,205)
Currency aggregation adjustment - - (2,499,034)
Unrealised gain on valuation
carried forward 2,008,304 - 2,008,304
------------- ------------- --------------
Financial assets at fair
through profit or loss 33,110,774 - 33,110,774
------------- ------------- --------------
Movement in unrealised
gains/(losses) on valuation 13,341,302 7,487,326 17,583,149
Realised gains /(losses)
on disposals (6,773,451) (4,783,042) (9,483,221)
------------- ------------- --------------
Net gains on financial
at fair value through profit
or loss 6,567,851 2,704,284 8,099,928
------------- ------------- --------------
Ordinary shares
As at 30 June 2014 Sterling US$ Share Total
Share Class Class
Unlisted managed funds
Cost brought forward 101,320,899 80,810,692 151,649,178
Purchases at fair value 12,436,847 5,754,517 15,871,208
Disposals during the period (40,829,563) (34,678,929) (61,742,121)
Redemptions awaiting settlement (41,627,153) (51,886,280) (71,959,364)
Currency aggregation adjustment - - (2,517,871)
Unrealised losses on valuation
carried forward (2,397,176) - (2,397,176)
------------- ------------- -------------
Financial assets at fair
through profit or loss 28,903,854 - 28,903,854
------------- ------------- -------------
Unrealised gains on valuation 8,758,818 6,996,693 12,887,866
Realised (losses) on disposals (4,281,608) (4,292,409) (6,878,579)
------------- ------------- -------------
Net gains on financial
at fair value through profit
or loss 4,477,210 2,704,284 6,009,287
------------- ------------- -------------
As at 30 June As at 31 December
2015 2014
Contingent redemption fee
payable - 234,260
Directors' fees 7,500 7,500
Transaction costs 13,056 14,543
Administration and secretarial
fees 13,754 10,369
Accounts preparation 7,934 8,000
Other expenses 6,438 7,836
Audit fees 12,397 19,850
61,079 302,358
-------------- ------------------
Authorised share capital - An unlimited number of unclassified
shares of no par value.
Sterling Share Class
Number of shares in issue at 30
June 2015
(excluding treasury shares) 35,280,128
The movement in shares took place Number of Sterling Share
as follows: Class
Brought forward as at 31 December
(excluding treasury shares) 35,665,128
Redemption 2 January 2015 for treasury (200,000)
Redemption 31 March 2015 for cancellation (185,000)
As at 30 June 2015 35,280,128
Sterling Share Class
Number of shares in issue at
31 December 2014 35,665,128
The movement in shares took place Number of Sterling Share
as follows: Class
Brought forward as at 31 December
2013 104,641,389
Conversion 2 January 2014 (18,528)
Redemption 3 January 2014 (380,000)
Redemption 7 January 2014 (350,000)
Redemption 14 January 2014 (2,000,000)
Redemption 21 January 2014 (640,000)
Redemption 28 January 2014 (170,000)
Conversion 3 February 2014 9,650,596
Redemption 4 February 2014 (150,000)
Redemption 11 February 2014 (3,211,000)
Redemption 18 February 2014 (748,000)
Conversion 3 March 2014 (10,000)
Redemption 4 March 2014 (1,335,000)
Redemption 11 March 2014 (1,020,000)
Redemption 18 March 2014 (3,240,000)
Redemption 20 March 2014 (5,000,000)
Conversion 1 April 2014 (527,461)
Conversion 1 May 2014 (796,730)
Redemption 1 July 2014 (Tender
Offer) (60,271,795)
Conversion 1 July 2014 (Compulsory
conversion) 13,153,657
Redemption 22 July 2014 (100,000)
Redemption 29 July 2014 (250,000)
Redemption 4 August 2014 (255,000)
Redemption 12 August 2014 (1,190,000)
Redemption 27 August 2014 (2,025,000)
Redemption 2 September 2014 (1,050,000)
Redemption 9 September 2014 (962,000)
Redemption 16 September 2014 (1,000,000)
Redemption 23 September 2014 (1,300,000)
Redemption 30 September 2014 (1,700,000)
Redemption 14 October 2014 (75,000)
Redemption 21 October 2014 (425,000)
Redemption 28 October 2014 (235,000)
Redemption 25 November 2014 (100,000)
Redemption 2 December 2014 (100,000)
Redemption 9 December 2014 (660,000)
Redemption 22 December 2014 (485,000)
As at 31 December 2014 35,665,128
In order to manage any share price premium to net asset value,
if the Directors believe there is investor demand that cannot be
satisfied through the secondary market, the Company may seek to
issue additional shares ("tap issues") or sell shares out of
treasury, subject to access to the Feeder Funds being
As explained in Note 1, the Company's shares are recognised as
equity subsequent to the closure of the US$ Class.
(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires
August 28, 2015 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)
On return of capital or a winding-up of the Company, the surplus
assets attributable to a class of shares (as determined by the
Directors) and available for distribution shall be paid to holders
of shares of each class pro rata to the relative NAV of each of the
classes of shares calculated in accordance with the Articles.
Within each such class, such assets shall be divided pari-passu
among the holders of shares of that class in proportion to the
number of shares of such class held by them.
If, as at 31 March, 30 June, 30 September or 31 December in any
calendar year, the ordinary shares of any class in issue have, over
the last three calendar months preceding such date, traded at an
average discount to NAV of more than 5 per cent the Directors will
consider, subject to any legal or regulatory requirements,
implementing a redemption offer. The Company will offer to redeem
up to 25 per cent of the shares (excluding shares held in treasury)
of such class then in issue at the NAV per share at the redemption
date that occurs two months after the discount calculation period,
less costs attributable to the relevant redemption offer. When
made, the terms of the redemption offer will provide that
shareholders requesting in excess of 25 per cent of their shares to
be redeemed will have their redemption requests in respect of such
excess accepted pro rata to the size of their shareholding if, and
then only to the extent that, total redemption requests are made
for less than 25 per cent of the prevailing issued share capital of
the Company.
At the beginning of each calendar year, the management of the
Company shall calculate the average of the monthly NAVs as at the
end of each of October, November and December in the preceding
calendar year. If such average is less than US$100 million the
Company will, no later than the last business day of February in
that year, call a general meeting to be held by no later than the
date falling 28 days after the notice convening the general meeting
is published by the Company. At that general meeting, the Directors
will propose an ordinary resolution for the continuation of the
Company. If the continuation resolution is not passed by
shareholders, proposals will be put forward by the Directors to
conduct an orderly winding-up or reconstruction of the Company
which, for the avoidance of doubt, shall include an option that
allows shareholders to realise their entire holding for cash at NAV
less costs. The Directors will cause a general meeting of the
Company to be convened for a date not later than 180 days after the
date of the general meeting at which the continuation resolution is
not passed (or, if adjourned, the date of the adjourned
The Listing Rules require at least 25 per cent. of each class of
Shares of a listed company to be in "public
hands" (as defined in the Listing Rules) (the "Shares in Public
Hands Requirement"). In particular, any Shareholders with an
interest in 5 per cent. or more of the Shares of any class are
excluded from the definition of "public hands" in relation to that
class. In addition, the Shares held by the Directors are also
excluded from the number of Shares held in "public hands".
Due to the average NAV not meeting the requirements of the
Articles (noted above), on 26 February 2015, the Company issued a
Shareholder Circular convening an EGM to be held on 25 March 2015.
The sole ordinary resolution was to seek Shareholder approval for
the Company to continue its business as a closed ended investment
As described in the Chairman's statement, the Company passed its
Continuation Vote and the results were announced on 25 March
Ordinary shares
Total Total
30 June 2015 - Equity As at As at
30 June 2015 31 December
Equity 2014
Net Assets
to Holders
of Redeemable
Represented by:
Stated Capital - -
Treasury shares (3,523,838) (3,310,168)
Distributable reserves 38,619,621 40,363,550
35,095,783 37,053,382
-------------- ---------------
Ordinary shares
Sterling US$ Share
30 June 2015 Share Class Class Total
Brought forward as at 1 January
2015 3,310,168 - 3,310,168
Shares purchased for cancellation/treasury 419,020 - 419,020
Treasury shares sold - - -
Treasury shares cancelled (205,350) - (205,350)
(No. of Treasury Shares 3,773,924) 3,523,838 - 3,523,838
------------- ---------- ----------
Ordinary shares
Sterling US$ Share
31 December 2014 Share Class Class Total
Brought forward as at 1 January
2014 18,481,914 996,189 19,102,325
Shares purchased for cancellation/treasury 84,643,793 50,349,034 114,077,345
Treasury shares cancelled (99,815,539) (51,345,223) (129,869,502)
(No. of Treasury Shares 3,573,924) 3,310,168 - 3,310,168
------------- ------------- --------------
Ordinary shares
Sterling US$ Share
30 June 2014 Share Class Class Total
Brought forward as at 1 January
2014 18,481,914 996,189 19,102,325
Shares purchased for cancellation/treasury 15,806,642 6,714,330 19,731,774
Treasury shares cancelled (34,288,556) (7,710,519) (38,834,099)
(No. of Treasury Shares -
nil) - - -
------------- ------------ -------------
Ordinary shares
Sterling Total
30 June 2015 Note Share Class
Balance at 1 January 2015 40,363,550 40,363,550
Cancellation of Treasury
shares (205,350) (205,350)
Net change from share transactions
for the period 40,158,200 40,158,200
Decrease in net assets attributable
to holders of redeemable
shares - equity (1,538,579) (1,538,579)
------------- ------------
Balance at 30 June 2015 38,619,621 38,619,621
------------- ------------
Sterling US$ Share Total
31 December 2014 Note Share Class Class
Balance at 1 January 2014 111,862,402 82,391,137 161,643,258
Cancellation of Treasury
shares (99,815,539) (52,522,907) (130,665,382)
Share conversions (including
from Tender Offer) 19,978,425 (33,648,419) -
Share conversion & buy back
costs (18,877) (4,553) (21,616)
------------- ------------- --------------
Net change from share transactions
for the period (79,855,991) (86,175,879) (130,686,998)
Increase in net assets attributable
to holders of redeemable
shares - financial liabilities 6,178,505 3,784,742 7,228,656
Increase in net assets attributable
to holders of redeemable
shares - equity 2,178,634 - 2,178,634
------------- ------------- --------------
Balance at 31 December 2014 40,363,550 - 40,363,550
------------- ------------- --------------
(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires
August 28, 2015 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)
The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008 does not require share
premium to be held in a separate account and any share premium at
which the shares are issued can be used for all purposes, including
the buy- back of shares and the payment of dividends, provided that
the Company would after distribution still meet the solvency test
as such is defined in the 2008 Law. Accordingly, upon the issue of
shares the entire amount of share premium received on the issue of
such shares is immediately recognised in distributable
The Company's objective in managing risk is the creation and
protection of shareholder value. Risk is inherent in the Company's
activities, but it is managed through a process of ongoing
identification, measurement and monitoring, subject to risks limits
and other controls.
Risk management structure
The Company's Board of Directors is responsible for identifying
and controlling risks and is ultimately responsible for the overall
risk management of the Company.
Risk mitigation
So far as the Company is concerned, the only risk the Board can
monitor and control is the liquidity risk attaching to its ability
to realise shares in the Feeder Funds for the purpose of meeting
ongoing expenses of the Company. Thereafter the Board recognises
that the Company has, via its holding of shares in the Feeder
Funds, an indirect exposure to the risks summarised below. However
there is little or nothing which the Board can do to manage each of
these risks within the Feeder Funds or the Master Funds, in which
the Company invests under the current investment objective of the
Risk concentration
The main risks arising from the Company's financial instruments
concerns its holding of shares in the Feeder Funds and the risks
attaching to those shares, which are market price risk, credit
risk, liquidity risk, interest rate risk, and increased volatility
due to leverage employed by the Master Funds as explained
(a) Market risk
Market risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows
of financial instruments will fluctuate due to changes in market
variables such as interest rates, foreign exchange rates and
Interest rate risk
Interest rate risk arises from the possibility that changes in
interest rates will affect future cash flows or the fair values of
financial instruments. The prices of securities tend to be
sensitive to interest rate fluctuations.
Unexpected fluctuations in interest rates could cause the
corresponding prices of long positions and short positions adopted
to move in directions which were not originally anticipated. In
addition, interest rate increases generally increase the interest
or carrying costs of investments. However, the Company's
investments designated as at fair value through profit or loss are
non-interest bearing, and therefore are not exposed to interest
rate risk.
The Company's own cash balances are not materially exposed to
interest rate risk as cash and cash equivalents are held on
floating interest rate deposits with banks and the Company does not
rely on income from bank interest to meet day to day expenses.
Currency risk
Currency risk is the risk that the value of a financial
instrument will fluctuate due to changes in foreign exchange rates.
The Company previously invested in financial instruments and enters
into transactions that are denominated in US Dollars (USD) through
its US$ share class. Consequently, the Company was exposed to risk
that the exchange rate of Sterling, relative to the USD, may change
in a manner that has a favourable or adverse effect on the reported
value of the Company's financial assets or financial liabilities
that are denominated in USD. At the reporting date the carrying
value of the Company's net assets held in USD was Nil (31 December
2014: GBPnil).
Currency sensitivity
At 30 June 2015 the Company held no USD assets or liabilities
(31 December 2014: GBPnil).
Price risk
The success of the Feeder Funds and, therefore, the Company's
activities will be affected by general economic and market
conditions, such as interest rates, availability of credit,
inflation rates, economic uncertainty, change in laws, trade
barriers, currency exchange controls and national and international
political circumstances. These factors may affect the level and
volatility of securities' prices and the liquidity of the Master
Funds' investments. Volatility or illiquidity could impair the
Master Funds' profitability or result in losses.
Price sensitivity
The Company invests substantially all its assets in the Feeder
Funds and does not undertake any significant structural borrowing
or hedging activity at the Company level. Its performance is
therefore directly linked to the NAV of the Feeder Funds, which are
driven by the NAVs of the Master Funds. Overall portfolio
diversification by the Master Funds is achieved by trading in more
than 150 investments globally across a number of key asset
At 30 June 2015 (30 June 2014 for comparative), if the NAV of
the Feeder Funds had been 10% higher with all other variables held
constant, the Profit for the period and Equity in 2015 and the net
assets attributable to shareholders for the period ended June 2015
would have increased as stated below, arising due to the increase
in the fair value of financial assets at fair value through profit
or loss.
As at 30 As at 31
June 2015 December
Sterling shareholders 2,964,197 3,311,077
Total 2,964,197 3,311,077
----------- ----------
A 10% decrease in the NAV at 30 June 2015 (31 December 2014 for
comparative) would have resulted in an equal but opposite effect to
the amounts shown above.
(b) Credit risk
The Company is exposed to credit risk, which is the risk that
one party to a financial instrument will cause a financial loss for
the other party by failing to discharge an obligation.
The nature of commercial arrangements made in the normal course
of business between many prime brokers and custodians means that,
in the event of any one prime broker or custodian defaulting on its
obligations to the Master Funds the effects of such a default may
have negative effects on other prime brokers with whom the Master
Funds deal. The Master Funds, and by extension, the Feeder Funds
and the Company may, therefore, be exposed to systemic risk when
the Master Funds deal with prime brokers and custodians whose
creditworthiness may be interlinked.
The assets of the Master Funds may be pledged as margin with
prime brokers or other counterparties or held with prime brokers or
banks whereas the assets of the Feeder Funds, to the extent not
invested in the Master Funds are held with banks. In the event of
the default of any of these prime brokers, banks or counterparties,
the Feeder Funds may not recover back all or any of the assets
pledged or held with the defaulting party.
The Company's risk on liquid funds is minimised as all their
money is held by the Royal Bank of Scotland International Limited
at the Guernsey branch which has an S&P short term credit
rating of A-3.
The maximum credit risk to which the Company was exposed at the
period-end was:
Sterling Share Sterling Share
Class Class
As at 30 June As at 31 December
2015 2014
Investments 29,641,970 33,110,775
Cash and cash equivalents 5,501,564 4,237,721
35,143,534 37,348,496
--------------- -------------------
The main concentration of risk for the Company relates to the
investments. None of these amounts are impaired nor past due but
not impaired.
(c) Liquidity risk
Liquidity risk is the risk that the company may not be able to
generate sufficient cash resources to settle its obligations in
full as they fall due or can only do so on terms that are
materially disadvantageous.
The Company may redeem its shares in each of the Feeder Funds
only on a monthly basis. However, if the Feeder Funds receive
applications to redeem in respect of more than 25 per cent of their
aggregate shares in issue in respect of any redemption date, then
they are entitled to scale down the redemption requests on a pro
rata basis so as to carry out only sufficient redemptions which, in
aggregate, amount to 25 per cent of their shares in issue. As such,
in circumstances where the Company wishes to redeem part or all of
its holdings in the Feeder Funds, they may not be able to achieve
this on a single redemption date and the Company may not be able to
realise all of its investments through a single redemption
There can be no assurance that the liquidity of the investments
of the Feeder Funds will always be sufficient to meet redemption
requests as and when made. Any such lack of liquidity may affect
the ability of the Company to realise its shares in the Feeder
Funds and the value of shares in the Company. For such reasons the
Feeder Funds' treatment of redemption requests may be deferred in
exceptional circumstances including that of a lack of liquidity
which may result in difficulties in determining the NAV and the NAV
per share in the Feeder Funds. This in turn would limit the ability
of the Directors to realise the Company's investments should they
consider it appropriate to do so and may result in difficulties in
determining the NAV of a share in the Company. There was no
deferral of redemptions in respect of the Feeder Funds during the
(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires
August 28, 2015 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)
In some circumstances, investments held by underlying funds of
the Master Funds may be relatively illiquid making it difficult to
acquire or dispose of them at the prices quoted on the various
exchanges. Accordingly, the Master Funds' ability to respond to
market movements may be impaired and, consequently, the Master
Funds may experience adverse price movements upon liquidation of
its investments which may in turn affect the value of the Feeder
Fund's and hence the Company's investments. Settlement of
transactions may be subject to delay and administrative
The market prices, if any, for such illiquid investments tend to
be volatile and may not be readily ascertainable and the Master
Funds may not be able to sell them when it desires to do so or to
realise what it perceives to be their fair value in the event of a
The size of the Master Funds' positions may magnify the effect
of a decrease in market liquidity for such instruments. Changes in
overall market leverage, deleveraging as a consequence of a
decision by the counterparties with which the Master Funds enter
into repurchase/reverse repurchase agreements or derivative
transactions to reduce the level of leveraging, or the liquidation
by other market participants of the same or similar positions may
also adversely affect the Master Funds' portfolios.
The sale of restricted and illiquid securities often requires
more time and results in higher brokerage charges or dealer
discounts and other selling expenses than does the sale of
securities eligible for trading on national securities exchanges or
in the over-the-counter markets.
The Master Funds may not be able readily to dispose of such
illiquid investments and, in some cases, may be contractually
prohibited from disposing of such investments for a specified
period of time. Restricted securities may sell at a price lower
than similar securities that are not subject to restrictions on
The table below details the residual contractual maturities of
financial liabilities:
0-3 months Total
As at 30 June 2015:
Accrued expenses 61,079 61,079
61,079 61,079
----------- -------
0-3 months Total
As at 31 December 2014:
Accrued expenses 302,358 302,358
302,358 302,358
----------- --------
(d) Leverage by underlying funds
Each of the Master Funds may employ leverage for the purposes of
making investment, the funding of redemptions, the payment of
expenses and/or to fund the repayment of other borrowings. The
Master Funds may employ leverage (including through borrowings) in
order to increase investment exposure with a view to achieving
their target returns at target volatilities. The positions
maintained by the Master Funds may, in aggregate value be in excess
of the net asset value of the Master Funds. This leverage presents
the potential for a higher rate of total returns but will also
increase the volatility of the Master Funds and, as a consequence,
the Company, including the risk of a total loss of the amount
(e) Capital management
The investment objective of the Company is to achieve long term
appreciation in the value of its assets through an investment
policy of investing substantially all of its assets in the Feeder
Funds, which in turn invests into the market through investments in
the Master Funds.
The Company's shares are traded on the London Stock Exchange and
may trade at a discount to their NAV per share. However, in
structuring the Company, the Directors have given detailed
consideration to the discount risk and how this may be managed. The
Directors are authorised to buy back up to 14.99 per cent of the
aggregate number of each class of shares in issue. The Company's
authority was renewed as the annual general meeting held on 30 June
2015, to expire within 15 months of this date or, if earlier, at
the end of the next annual general meeting of the Company to be
held in 2016.
The Directors intend that purchases will only be made pursuant
to this authority through the market, for cash, at prices below the
prevailing NAV per share. In addition, if the Directors consider
the share buy-back programme has not been effective in correcting a
market imbalance, the Directors will, subject to the requirements
of the Law, make a redemption offer to shareholders of that
The Company's Articles allow it to hold up to 10 per cent of
each class of shares in issue in treasury when those shares have
been purchased by the Company. It is the intention of the Board
that any shares that might be held in treasury would be reissued
only at a price equal to or above the NAV per share.
The Company's authorised share capital is such that further
issues of new ordinary shares could be made. Subject to prevailing
market conditions, and only if the Board determines that such
issues are in the best interest of shareholders, the Board may
decide to make one or more further such issues or reissues of
shares for cash from time to time. Any further issues of new
ordinary shares or reissues of ordinary shares held in treasury
will rank pari-passu with ordinary shares in issue.
There are no provisions within the Law which confer rights of
pre-emption in respect of the allotment of shares. There are,
however, pre-emption rights contained in the Articles, but the
Directors have been granted the power to issue further Shares on a
non-pre-emptive basis for a period concluding immediately prior to
the first annual general meeting of the company. The Directors
intend to request that the authority to allot shares on a
non-pre-emptive basis is renewed at each subsequent general meeting
of the Company.
(f) Fair value statement
The carrying value of all financial instruments approximate the
fair value at the period end.
(g) Fair value estimation
At 30 June 2015, 100% of financial assets at fair value through
profit or loss comprise investments in the Feeder Funds that have
been fair valued in accordance with the policies set out in Note 2.
The shares of the Feeder Funds are not publicly traded and
redemption can be made by the Company only on the redemption dates
and subject to the required notice periods specified in the
offering documents of each of the Feeder Funds. As a result, the
carrying values of the Feeder Funds may not be indicative of the
values ultimately realised on redemption. The funds are managed by
portfolio managers who are compensated by the respective funds for
their services. Such compensation generally consists of an
asset-based fee and a performance-based incentive fee. Such
compensation is reflected in the valuation of the Company's
investment in each of the Feeder Funds.
The Feeder Funds are not traded on an active market and
therefore their fair value is determined using valuation
techniques. The value is primarily based on the latest available
redemption price of the Feeder Funds' shares as reported by the
administrators of the Feeder Funds. The Company may make
adjustments to the value based on considerations such as liquidity
of the Feeder Fund or the Master Funds, the valuation date of the
NAV, any restrictions on redemptions and the basis of
IFRS 13 requires fair value to be disclosed by the source of
inputs, using a three-level hierarchy:
- Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1);
- Inputs other than quoted prices included in Level 1 that are
observable for the asset or liability, either directly (as prices)
or indirectly (derived from prices) (Level 2); and
- Inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on
observable market data (unobservable inputs) (Level 3).
For financial instruments that are recognised at fair value on a
recurring basis, the Company determines whether transfers have
occurred between Levels in the hierarchy by re-assessing
categorisation (based on the lowest level input that is significant
to the fair value measurement as a whole) at the end of the
reporting period.
The investments held by the Company have been classified as
Level 2. This is in accordance with the fair value hierarchy.
On 17 July 2015, the Dexion Capital Group, including Dexion
Capital (Guernsey) Limited as administrator, was acquired by
Challenger Limited, an Australian listed life company. There is no
change to the services provided by the administrator as a result of
this acquisition.
As at 30 June 2015
Securities portfolio Nominal Holdings Valuation Valuation Total Assets
Source Currency
BlueTrend Fund Limited
* Class B Sterling Shares 98,521 GBP24,595,400 24,595,400 69.95
BlueTrend 2x Leveraged Fund Limited
* Series 33 GBP shares 27,971 GBP3,109,744 3,109,744 8.84
* Series 34 GBP shares 19,377 GBP1,936,826 1,936,826 5.51
5,046,570 14.35
----------- -------------
Portfolio value 29,641,970 84.30
----------- -------------
(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires
August 28, 2015 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)
Grafico Azioni Bluecrest BL £ (LSE:BBTS)
Da Feb 2025 a Mar 2025
Grafico Azioni Bluecrest BL £ (LSE:BBTS)
Da Mar 2024 a Mar 2025