RNS Number : 7950R
GGG Resources PLC
10 November 2011
GGG Resources plc
(the "Company" or "GGG")
Bullabulling Gold Project - Resource Drilling Update
-- 59 drill holes totalling 11,163m were completed in October and early November 2011.
-- Phase Two programme has drilled 319 holes (57,657m) out of a
planned 70,000m development programme which commenced in May
-- Total Phase One and Two development drilling since Q4 2010
now stands at 93,913m in 565 drill holes.
-- Approximately 99% of drill holes have intersected gold
mineralisation with only 7 not mineralised.
-- Drilling results continue to reconcile well against the
latest gold JORC resource model and give confidence for the next
JORC upgrade due in Q1 2012.
-- Principle goal is to increase the 711,000 ounces of existing
indicated resource by moving a significant portion of the 1.9m
ounces of inferred resource into the higher indicated category out
of the current 2.6m JORC ounces.
-- New higher grade intersections include:
o 1m @ 48.80 g/t Au from 182m and
16m @ 1.75 g/t Au from 63m in hole BJ1297,
o 9m @ 13.32 g/t Au from 195m and
15m @ 1.39 g/t Au from 161m in hole BJ0371,
o 1m @ 12.50 g/t Au from 61m in hole BJ2012,
o 2m @ 5.01 g/t Au from 55m in hole BJ2085,
o 2m @ 3.99 g/t Au from 76m in hole BJ2338,
o 9m @ 3.52 g/t Au from 113m in hole BJ1945,
o 2m @ 3.48 g/t Au from 82m in hole BJ2160,
o 13m @ 3.45 g/t Au from 92m in hole BJ1257,
o 20m @ 3.45 g/t Au from 21m with
12m @ 1.97 g/t Au from 58m and
12m @ 1.77 g/t Au from 133m in hole BJ0405,
o 10m @ 2.61 g/t Au from 125m and
14m @ 1.94 g/t Au from 44m in hole BJ0261,
o 14m @ 2.51 g/t Au from 130m in hole BJ2083,
o 10m @ 2.48 g/t Au from 45m in hole BJ0466,
o 19m @ 2.48 g/t Au from 19m in hole BJM024,
o 14m @ 2.41 g/t Au from 21m and
26m @ 0.83 g/t Au from 62m in hole BJ0381,
o 14m @ 2.40 g/t Au from 65m in hole BJ2066,
-- A new exploration programme has been planned to test regional
structures and anomalies identified by recent regolith mapping.
-- Raw data has been received from the recently competed
airborne magnetic survey aimed at assessing deeper mineralisation
and is currently being reviewed.
Jeff Malaihollo, Managing Director of GGG Resources
"These latest results continue to confirm the resource and
geological model with approximately 99% of the drill holes hitting
gold mineralisation.
"The drilling also continues intersecting regularly higher grade
mineralisation within the broad low grade halo which provide
encouragement for targeting high grade ore shoots within the
Bullabulling Trend beneath the low grade, open pittable
Resource drilling programme update
The Phase Two RC resource drilling programme is nearing
completion. There are currently three drill rigs working on the
Phase Two programme infilling the historic drilling between Phoenix
and Hobbit to increase the confidence in the current resource base
(Figure 1).
A key aim of the Phase Two resource drilling programme is to
infill the current and historic drilling to a drill spacing that
allows the Inferred resources in the recently announced resource
estimate to be reclassified to an Indicated resource category, and
in turn enable initial JORC compliant reserves to be established
for the project. The current reported JORC compliant mineral
resource is 78,836,000 tonnes at 1.03 g/t Au (2.60 million ounces
contained gold) at a 0.5 g/t Au cut off.
The Phase Two drilling programme started on May 14 and since the
last announcement where results were reported to September 30,
there has been a total of 11,163 metres drilled in 59 holes (Table
1). Total drilling for the Phase Two programme is 57,657m in 319
holes and production since work started on the project by the JV is
93,913m from 565 holes. Drilling during the reporting period
focussed on infill drilling of the areas between Hobbit and
Bonecrusher (Figure 1).
Assays from the infill drilling continue to confirm the resource
estimate and geological model (Table 2).
Better intersections from the Phase Two drilling results
received during the reporting period include:
16m @ 1.75 g/t Au from 63m and 1m @ 48.80 g/t Au from 182m in
hole BJ1297,
15m @ 1.39 g/t Au from 161m and 9m @ 13.32 g/t Au from 195m in
hole BJ0371,
1m @ 12.50 g/t Au from 61m in hole BJ2012,
2m @ 5.01 g/t Au from 55m in hole BJ2085,
2m @ 3.99 g/t Au from 76m in hole BJ2338,
9m @ 3.52 g/t Au from 113m in hole BJ1945,
2m @ 3.48 g/t Au from 82m in hole BJ2160,
13m @ 3.45 g/t Au from 92m in hole BJ1257,
20m @ 3.45 g/t Au from 21m, 12m @ 1.97 g/t Au from 58m and 12m @
1.77 g/t Au from 133m in hole BJ0405,
10m @ 2.61 g/t Au from 125m and 14m @ 1.94 g/t Au from 44m in
hole BJ0261,
14m @ 2.51 g/t Au from 130m in hole BJ2083,
10m @ 2.48 g/t Au from 45m in hole BJ0466,
19m @ 2.48 g/t Au from 19m in hole BJM024,
14m @ 2.41 g/t Au from 21m and 26m @ 0.83 g/t Au from 62m in
hole BJ0381,
14m @ 2.40 g/t Au from 65m in hole BJ2066,
18m @ 1.60 g/t Au from 146m and 11m @ 1.19 g/t Au from 237m in
hole BJ2070,
12m @ 1.55 g/t Au from 94m in hole BJ1921,
14m @ 1.45 g/t Au from 35m and 12m @ 1.17 g/t Au from 126m in
hole BJ1996,
19m @ 1.31 g/t Au from 123m in hole BJ0384,
12m @ 1.30 g/t Au from 90m in hole BJ0370,
17m @ 1.15 g/t Au from 42m in hole BJ2106 and
25m @ 0.98 g/t Au from 28m in hole BJ0718.
There have been only seven drill holes that have not intersected
mineralisation out of the 565 holes drilled since the programme
started (approximately 99% of the holes are hitting
As in the previously announced holes, there are generally at
least 4 intersections per drill hole relating to the multiple
stacked lodes defined by the structural mapping. Approximately 60%
of the intersections to date are better than estimated by the
model, 34% are similar to the model and 6% are worse or missing as
predicted by the new model developed by Snowden. High grade
mineralisation continues to be intersected within the broad low
grade halo with intersections such as 9m @ 13.32 g/t Au from 195m
in hole BJ03711, 9m @ 3.52 g/t Au from 113m in hole BJ1945, 13m @
3.45 g/t Au from 92m in hole BJ1257, 20m @ 3.45 g/t Au from 21m in
hole BJ0405 and 10m @ 2.61 g/t Au from 125m in hole BJ0261
providing encouragement for targeting high grade ore shoots within
the Bullabulling Trend beneath the currently mineralised
Near Surface Exploration Follow up Drill Planning
The review of the soil geochemistry database completed using
historical soil data in combination with photo-mapping of regolith
identified six regional scale targets that require follow up
exploration drilling. Drill planning for this work has been
completed. The exploration drilling will follow on from the current
Phase Two infill drilling programme and exploration along the
Gibraltar Trend and to the south of the Bullabulling Trend have
been incorporated into the exploration work plan. The aim of the
exploration drilling is to test for regional extensions to known
mineralisation and to better define the geology, especially in the
south. The programme will consist of 340m at Kraken, 1,520m at
Gryphon, 700m at Edwards, 2,500m on the southern Exploration
Licence (Rhea) and 2,000m along strike from Gibraltar (Figure 1).
Two separate "Programme of Works" have been lodged with the
Department of Mines covering these prospects and these are
anticipated to be approved by the New Year, with drilling expected
to take between 46 and 60 days and that will extend into late
Deeps Exploration Programme
Planning the Deeps exploration programme continued with magnetic
and radiometric data acquisition completed over the Bullabulling
shear zone. The new data are significantly more detailed than
previously available and will lead to a better understanding of the
geology and structure of the Bullabulling region (Figure 2). The
data will now be analysed to produce a number of filtered
geophysical images, unconstrained inversions over the Bullabulling
Trend and a geological and structural interpretive map of the study
The study of the seismic reflectance properties of the host
rocks to assess the potential for using 2D seismic geophysics to
map the geology of Bullabulling at depth has been completed and
recommendations received. Large variations in both elastic and
acoustic impedances, the product of compressional velocity and
sample density, were found throughout the Bullabulling Trend
stratigraphy. Reflection values in the rock suite encompass a wide
range of adequately reflective values (2.9% through to +30%). From
the results of the petrophysical analysis undertaken by Curtin
University of Technology's Geophysics Department, it appears that
adequate reflection can be determined across many of the dominant
lithological interfaces in the Bullabulling region such that the
major geological structure is likely to image clearly to a depth of
1,500m. Detailed planning of the survey lines will now be finalised
and a detailed work plan and timeline for data delivery will be
A combination of the detailed magnetic data will be used in
combination with 2D seismic and gravity to develop a detailed 3D
model of the structure and geology of the Bullabulling Trend. This
model will then be used to target mineralisation at depth.
David McArthur David Brook
GGG Resources plc (Australia) Professional Public Relations
41 Stirling Highway (Australia Media)
Nedlands, WA, 6009
Australia Email: david.brook@ppr.com.au
Tel: +61 8 9423 3200 Tel: +61 8 9388 0944 / +61 433
112 936
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Dr. Jeffrey Malaihollo Westhouse Securities Limited
Managing Director, GGG Resources (UK Nominated Adviser)
plc (UK) Tom Price / Martin Davison
Email: jeff.malaihollo@gggresources.com Tel: +44 20 7601 6100
Tel: +44 1992 531820
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Neil Boom Collins Stewart Europe Limited
MD, Gresham PR Ltd (UK media) (Broker)
Tel: +44 7866 805 108 John Prior / Adam Miller
Email:neil.boom@greshampr.co.uk Tel: +44 20 7523 8350
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Bullabulling Overview
The Bullabulling Gold project (Bullabulling) is a large tonnage,
low grade deposit with high grade shoots, associated with the
regional Bullabulling shear zone which extends over tens of
kilometres. The mineralised structure is 500m wide, consisting of
multiple west dipping low grade stacked zones with narrower higher
grade gold mineralisation. Bullabulling is located near Coolgardie
and approximately 65km south-west of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.
Bullabulling has been previously mined producing 371k oz Au in the
1990's. The current programme focuses on the 6km portion of the
shear zone known as the Bullabulling Trend where previous
operations were concentrated. The focus for the Bullabulling joint
venture between Auzex Resources Ltd and GGG Resources plc is to
establish an initial reserve exceeding one million ounces gold to
commence production in 2015.
Competent Person Statement
The information in this report that relates to Exploration
Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves is based on information
compiled by Jeff Malaihollo PhD who is a full-time employee of the
Company and Member of The Australasian Institute of Mining and
Metallurgy and the Geological Society of London. He is qualify as a
Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the
"Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral
Resources and Ore Reserves".
Maps and graphics ("Figures") referred to in this announcement
are available on the version of this release available on the
Company's website www.gggresources.com.
Table 1: Collar data for RC drilling completed between
30September and 3November 2011
Prospect Hole Easting Northing RL Dip AZ Date Length Comments
HB BJ0402 299,958 6,568,336 455 -55 90 30/09/2011 151 Pending
HB BJ0475 300,048 6,568,875 453 -60 90 30/10/2011 121 Pending
HB BJ0478 299,914 6,568,875 453 -60 90 30/10/2011 184 Pending
HB BJ0479 299,871 6,568,875 430 -60 90 01/11/2011 199 Pending
DK BJ0523 300,035 6,569,501 447 -60 90 05/10/2011 199 Pending
DK BJ0527 299,850 6,569,502 448 -60 90 03/10/2011 181 Pending
DK BJ0528 299,809 6,569,502 447 -60 90 03/10/2011 151 Mineralised
DK BJ0539 299,784 6,569,574 444 -60 90 06/10/2011 151 Pending
DK BJ0541 299,700 6,569,576 444 -60 90 07/10/2011 187 Pending
DK BJ0544 300,019 6,569,647 447 -60 90 08/10/2011 181 Mineralised
DK BJ0567 300,040 6,569,723 447 -60 90 09/10/2011 199 Pending
DK BJ0568 300,114 6,569,877 443 -60 90 12/10/2011 169 Pending
DK BJ0571 299,986 6,569,875 442 -60 90 13/10/2011 241 Pending
DK BJ0624 299,780 6,570,175 440 -60 90 14/10/2011 211 Pending
DK BJ0633 299,852 6,570,250 440 -60 90 15/10/2011 175 Pending
DK BJ0662 299,784 6,570,400 440 -60 90 17/10/2011 229 Pending
DK BJ0663 299,742 6,570,400 440 -60 90 19/10/2011 253 Pending
BC BJ0680 300,009 6,570,475 438 -62 90 13/10/2011 172 Mineralised
BC BJ0683 299,911 6,570,475 438 -60 90 15/10/2011 199 Pending
BC BJ0686 299,825 6,570,475 438 -58 90 17/10/2011 175 Pending
BC BJ0688 299,743 6,570,475 435 -60 90 19/10/2011 253 Pending
BC BJ0694 299,904 6,570,550 438 -60 90 22/10/2011 193 Pending
BC BJ0697 299,778 6,570,550 438 -60 90 24/10/2011 228 Pending
BC BJ0716 300,032 6,570,626 436 -60 90 07/10/2011 187 Mineralised
BC BJ0718 299,909 6,570,626 432 -60 90 09/10/2011 181 Mineralised
BC BJ0720 299,822 6,570,626 437 -60 90 13/10/2011 229 Pending
BC BJ0731 299,931 6,570,700 433 -60 90 02/11/2011 187 Pending
BC BJ0785 299,944 6,570,850 436 -60 90 20/10/2011 181 Pending
BC BJ0791 299,902 6,570,850 432 -60 90 21/10/2011 199 Pending
BC BJ0792 299,860 6,570,850 435 -60 90 23/10/2011 223 Pending
BC BJ0816 299,932 6,570,925 430 -60 90 24/10/2011 157 Pending
HB BJ1297 299,617 6,567,916 441 -60 90 02/10/2011 205 Mineralised
HB BJ1380 299,716 6,568,114 446 -66 90 30/09/2011 205 Mineralised
HB BJ1924 299,825 6,568,735 455 -60 90 03/11/2011 211 Pending
HB BJ1925 299,783 6,568,735 455 -60 90 03/11/2011 230 Pending
HB BJ1948 299,728 6,568,785 455 -60 90 31/10/2011 259 Pending
BE BJ1993 299,784 6,566,424 428 -60 90 11/10/2011 120 Pending
BE BJ1994 299,739 6,566,426 428 -60 90 12/10/2011 131 Pending
BE BJ1996 299,654 6,566,425 429 -60 90 15/10/2011 180 Mineralised
BE BJ2003 299,822 6,566,625 430 -60 90 16/10/2011 128 Pending
TI BJ2021 299,523 6,567,150 435 -60 90 29/10/2011 211 Pending
PH BJ2051 299,647 6,567,274 434 -60 90 30/09/2011 211 Mineralised
PH BJ2055 299,506 6,567,272 433 -62 90 02/10/2011 247 Pending
PH BJ2065 299,462 6,567,347 433 -60 90 04/10/2011 241 Mineralised
TI BJ2096 299,874 6,566,782 431 -90 0 30/09/2011 132 Mineralised
BE BJ2112 299,698 6,566,550 429 -60 90 21/10/2011 192 Pending
BE BJ2113 299,656 6,566,550 429 -80 90 01/11/2011 211 Pending
BE BJ2114 299,623 6,566,550 429 -60 90 24/10/2011 216 Pending
DK BJ2118 299,888 6,569,723 447 -60 90 11/10/2011 199 Pending
BC BJ2125 299,988 6,570,550 437 -60 90 23/10/2011 151 Pending
TI BJ2160 299,473 6,566,926 431 -60 90 04/10/2011 192 Pending
PH BJ2188 299,428 6,567,476 435 -60 90 10/10/2011 252 Pending
BE BJ2198 299,738 6,566,625 431 -60 90 18/10/2011 168 Pending
BE BJ2200 299,654 6,566,625 431 -60 90 19/10/2011 210 Pending
BE BJ2276 299,820 6,566,318 428 -60 90 02/11/2011 78 Pending
BE BJ2277 299,773 6,566,325 428 -60 90 02/11/2011 90 Pending
TI BJ2341 299,557 6,566,850 430 -65 90 29/10/2011 235 Pending
BE BJ2343 299,595 6,566,475 427 -80 90 29/10/2011 204 Pending
BC BJ2344 299,903 6,570,522 437 -90 0 05/10/2011 108 Mineralised
----------- --------- --------- ----------- ----- ----- ---- ------------ -------- -------------
Table 2: Intersection summary from drill assays received between
30 September and 3 November 2011
Hole From To Width Au Includes
BJ0045 47.00 52.00 5.00 0.67
includes 1 m @ 16.00 g/t Au from
BJ0045 58.00 70.00 12.00 1.97 58m
BJ0045 75.00 77.00 2.00 0.48
BJ0045 96.00 101.00 5.00 0.79
BJ0045 133.00 141.00 8.00 0.70
BJ0045 159.00 161.00 2.00 1.45
BJ0045 177.00 179.00 2.00 0.45
BJ0173 42.00 44.00 2.00 0.40
BJ0173 81.00 83.00 2.00 3.09
BJ0196 148.00 151.00 3.00 0.87
BJ0196 152.00 165.00 13.00 1.03
BJ0196 170.00 172.00 2.00 1.57
BJ0196 189.00 191.00 2.00 0.37
BJ0196 194.00 197.00 3.00 0.42
BJ0196 237.00 239.00 2.00 0.62
BJ0196 241.00 243.00 2.00 0.32
BJ0196 244.00 258.00 14.00 0.82
includes 7 m @ 3.12 g/t Au from
BJ0261 44.00 58.00 14.00 1.94 44m
BJ0261 75.00 80.00 5.00 1.09
BJ0261 82.00 85.00 3.00 0.45
BJ0261 100.00 103.00 3.00 2.42
includes 1 m @ 17.30 g/t Au from
BJ0261 125.00 135.00 10.00 2.61 125m
BJ0342 63.00 65.00 2.00 0.47
BJ0361 19.00 28.00 9.00 0.83
BJ0361 52.00 54.00 2.00 0.48
BJ0363 19.00 21.00 2.00 0.38
BJ0363 22.00 41.00 19.00 0.86
BJ0363 67.00 75.00 8.00 0.42
BJ0363 83.00 88.00 5.00 0.62
BJ0363 109.00 111.00 2.00 0.71
BJ0370 90.00 102.00 12.00 1.30
BJ0370 105.00 110.00 5.00 0.57
BJ0370 117.00 119.00 2.00 0.69
BJ0370 135.00 147.00 12.00 0.69
BJ0370 155.00 164.00 9.00 0.72
BJ0370 166.00 172.00 6.00 0.49
BJ0371 30.00 42.00 12.00 0.72
BJ0371 96.00 99.00 3.00 1.04
BJ0371 136.00 138.00 2.00 2.00
BJ0371 161.00 176.00 15.00 1.39
includes 6 m @ 19.72 g/t Au from
BJ0371 195.00 204.00 9.00 13.32 195m
BJ0371 216.00 220.00 4.00 0.58
BJ0381 21.00 35.00 14.00 2.41 includes 4 m @ 5.99 g/t Au from28m
BJ0381 55.00 57.00 2.00 0.87
BJ0381 62.00 88.00 26.00 0.83
BJ0381 96.00 111.00 15.00 0.70
BJ0381 120.00 123.00 3.00 0.48
BJ0381 126.00 132.00 6.00 1.51
includes 1 m @ 8.92 g/t Au from
BJ0381 154.00 162.00 8.00 1.54 156m
BJ0384 68.00 92.00 24.00 0.56
BJ0384 99.00 101.00 2.00 0.91
BJ0384 111.00 113.00 2.00 0.46
BJ0384 123.00 142.00 19.00 1.31
BJ0384 161.00 173.00 12.00 0.95
BJ0384 178.00 185.00 7.00 1.19
BJ0398 28.00 30.00 2.00 1.54
BJ0398 44.00 48.00 4.00 1.09
BJ0398 52.00 54.00 2.00 0.46
BJ0398 63.00 66.00 3.00 0.95
BJ0398 80.00 86.00 6.00 0.47
BJ0398 100.00 102.00 2.00 1.16
BJ0398 120.00 129.00 9.00 1.32
BJ0398 163.00 170.00 7.00 0.93
BJ0398 178.00 181.00 3.00 1.01
BJ0398 192.00 216.00 24.00 0.58
BJ0402 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.63
BJ0402 48.00 57.00 9.00 0.60
BJ0402 65.00 70.00 5.00 0.50
BJ0402 77.00 99.00 22.00 0.62
BJ0402 111.00 114.00 3.00 1.56
BJ0402 119.00 124.00 5.00 0.80
BJ0404 23.00 27.00 4.00 2.06
BJ0404 59.00 62.00 3.00 0.64
BJ0404 76.00 82.00 6.00 1.38
BJ0404 92.00 106.00 14.00 0.61
BJ0404 125.00 139.00 14.00 0.66
BJ0405 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.78
includes 3 m @ 11.54 g/t Au from
BJ0405 21.00 41.00 20.00 3.45 27m
BJ0405 44.00 46.00 2.00 0.38
BJ0405 53.00 55.00 2.00 0.62
BJ0405 68.00 71.00 3.00 1.41
BJ0405 89.00 92.00 3.00 0.53
BJ0405 115.00 122.00 7.00 0.44
includes 1 m @ 16.40 g/t Au from
BJ0405 133.00 145.00 12.00 1.77 143m
BJ0405 148.00 154.00 6.00 0.67
BJ0405 160.00 162.00 2.00 0.32
BJ0405 170.00 177.00 7.00 0.82
BJ0405 181.00 183.00 2.00 0.38
BJ0405 185.00 187.00 2.00 0.34
BJ0406 137.00 143.00 6.00 0.60
BJ0406 159.00 170.00 11.00 0.51
BJ0452 124.00 133.00 9.00 0.83
BJ0452 161.00 163.00 2.00 0.62
BJ0452 177.00 181.00 4.00 0.50
BJ0452 187.00 189.00 2.00 0.34
BJ0452 192.00 196.00 4.00 0.79
BJ0461 18.00 21.00 3.00 0.56
BJ0461 34.00 45.00 11.00 1.08
BJ0461 47.00 49.00 2.00 0.32
BJ0461 52.00 54.00 2.00 3.20
BJ0461 65.00 99.00 34.00 0.59
includes 5 m @ 4.13 g/t Au from
BJ0466 45.00 55.00 10.00 2.48 50m
BJ0466 100.00 113.00 13.00 0.73
BJ0466 144.00 154.00 10.00 0.45
BJ0466 172.00 176.00 4.00 0.60
BJ0466 179.00 188.00 9.00 0.69
BJ0467 59.00 62.00 3.00 0.68
BJ0467 146.00 149.00 3.00 0.65
BJ0467 163.00 171.00 8.00 0.71
BJ0467 194.00 196.00 2.00 0.43
BJ0467 203.00 206.00 3.00 1.50
BJ0467 211.00 214.00 3.00 1.35
BJ0473 29.00 36.00 7.00 1.01
BJ0473 41.00 73.00 32.00 0.51
BJ0523 65.00 67.00 2.00 1.81
BJ0523 98.00 105.00 7.00 0.39
BJ0523 147.00 150.00 3.00 1.11
BJ0523 154.00 156.00 2.00 0.49
BJ0527 44.00 55.00 11.00 0.44
BJ0528 49.00 65.00 16.00 0.86
BJ0541 125.00 129.00 4.00 0.88
BJ0541 136.00 138.00 2.00 0.72
BJ0541 144.00 148.00 4.00 1.63
BJ0680 64.00 69.00 5.00 0.46
BJ0716 153.00 155.00 2.00 0.77
BJ0718 28.00 53.00 25.00 0.98
BJ0718 79.00 85.00 6.00 1.43
BJ0718 104.00 110.00 6.00 0.72
BJ0718 117.00 119.00 2.00 1.05
BJ1219 38.00 43.00 5.00 0.57
BJ1219 46.00 49.00 3.00 0.55
BJ1219 54.00 56.00 2.00 0.38
BJ1219 62.00 64.00 2.00 1.92
BJ1219 86.00 88.00 2.00 0.41
BJ1219 98.00 104.00 6.00 0.40
BJ1219 159.00 165.00 6.00 0.70
BJ1223 47.00 51.00 4.00 0.42
BJ1223 67.00 73.00 6.00 0.80
BJ1225 79.00 83.00 4.00 0.65
BJ1225 94.00 98.00 4.00 0.50
BJ1227 106.00 108.00 2.00 1.56
BJ1253 13.00 23.00 10.00 1.11
BJ1253 80.00 82.00 2.00 1.31
BJ1254 20.00 30.00 10.00 0.75
BJ1254 38.00 40.00 2.00 0.33
BJ1254 41.00 44.00 3.00 0.76
BJ1254 58.00 65.00 7.00 0.68
BJ1254 105.00 107.00 2.00 0.55
BJ1255 31.00 37.00 6.00 1.24
BJ1255 42.00 48.00 6.00 0.75
BJ1255 75.00 97.00 22.00 0.70
BJ1256 75.00 77.00 2.00 0.92
BJ1256 110.00 113.00 3.00 0.43
BJ1256 120.00 128.00 8.00 0.91
BJ1256 130.00 132.00 2.00 0.37
includes 4 m @ 10.25 g/t Au from
BJ1257 92.00 105.00 13.00 3.45 92m
BJ1257 116.00 118.00 2.00 0.44
BJ1257 135.00 139.00 4.00 1.17
BJ1257 159.00 172.00 13.00 0.46
BJ1295 39.00 44.00 5.00 1.39
BJ1295 99.00 108.00 9.00 0.56
BJ1295 116.00 121.00 5.00 1.69
BJ1295 188.00 190.00 2.00 1.39
BJ1295 209.00 212.00 3.00 0.53
BJ1295 226.00 229.00 3.00 0.53
includes 3 m @ 7.46 g/t Au from
BJ1297 63.00 79.00 16.00 1.75 69m
BJ1297 90.00 93.00 3.00 0.34
BJ1297 116.00 122.00 6.00 0.48
BJ1297 127.00 138.00 11.00 1.08
BJ1297 182.000 183.000 1.000 48.800
BJ1297 187.00 199.00 12.00 0.67
BJ1303 43.00 45.00 2.00 0.37
BJ1303 56.00 59.00 3.00 0.73
BJ1303 73.00 78.00 5.00 0.57
BJ1303 115.00 119.00 4.00 1.58
BJ1303 144.00 147.00 3.00 0.44
BJ1303 161.00 167.00 6.00 0.80
includes 1 m @ 7.19 g/t Au from
BJ1303 172.00 176.00 4.00 2.21 175m
BJ1303 198.00 200.00 2.00 0.73
BJ1353 57.00 60.00 3.00 0.57
BJ1353 94.00 97.00 3.00 0.57
BJ1353 101.00 105.00 4.00 2.09
BJ1353 107.00 109.00 2.00 0.33
BJ1353 115.00 122.00 7.00 0.38
BJ1353 162.00 164.00 2.00 0.92
BJ1353 166.00 168.00 2.00 0.36
BJ1353 170.00 172.00 2.00 0.71
BJ1353 185.00 187.00 2.00 0.38
BJ1353 192.00 209.00 17.00 0.58
BJ1377 78.00 80.00 2.00 0.40
BJ1377 92.00 95.00 3.00 0.63
BJ1377 98.00 105.00 7.00 0.66
BJ1377 138.00 140.00 2.00 0.66
BJ1377 147.00 160.00 13.00 0.52
BJ1380 102.00 104.00 2.00 0.75
BJ1380 139.00 144.00 5.00 0.43
BJ1380 148.00 173.00 25.00 0.63
BJ1401 34.00 36.00 2.00 1.99
BJ1401 47.00 51.00 4.00 0.53
BJ1401 140.00 143.00 3.00 0.79
BJ1401 188.00 191.00 3.00 0.89
BJ1401 197.00 215.00 18.00 0.42
BJ1585 45.00 50.00 5.00 0.67
BJ1585 89.00 95.00 6.00 0.81
BJ1585 113.00 116.00 3.00 0.58
BJ1585 156.00 158.00 2.00 0.58
BJ1585 164.00 166.00 2.00 0.38
BJ1585 168.00 170.00 2.00 0.97
BJ1585 186.00 188.00 2.00 0.50
BJ1585 198.00 201.00 3.00 1.40
BJ1921 27.00 30.00 3.00 0.52
BJ1921 51.00 54.00 3.00 0.55
BJ1921 62.00 64.00 2.00 0.57
BJ1921 78.00 84.00 6.00 0.49
BJ1921 94.00 106.00 12.00 1.55
BJ1922 56.00 73.00 17.00 0.70
BJ1922 82.00 84.00 2.00 0.57
BJ1922 113.00 124.00 11.00 0.66
BJ1922 136.00 142.00 6.00 0.78
BJ1945 82.00 84.00 2.00 0.79
BJ1945 92.00 94.00 2.00 0.55
BJ1945 105.00 107.00 2.00 0.86
includes 1 m @ 28.50 g/t Au from
BJ1945 113.00 122.00 9.00 3.52 119m
BJ1945 161.00 163.00 2.00 0.49
BJ1945 171.00 174.00 3.00 1.75
BJ1947 58.00 61.00 3.00 0.42
BJ1947 116.00 118.00 2.00 0.58
BJ1947 136.00 139.00 3.00 1.29
BJ1947 149.00 157.00 8.00 0.72
includes 1 m @ 12.50 g/t Au from
BJ1957 96.00 100.00 4.00 0.72 99m
BJ1957 105.00 113.00 8.00 0.47
BJ1957 160.00 171.00 11.00 0.45
BJ1993 44.00 54.00 10.00 0.73
BJ1993 77.00 79.00 2.00 0.92
includes 1 m @ 8.32 g/t Au from
BJ1996 35.00 49.00 14.00 1.45 43m
BJ1996 60.00 68.00 8.00 0.47
BJ1996 93.00 100.00 7.00 0.43
includes 1 m @ 7.65 g/t Au from
BJ1996 115.00 121.00 6.00 1.88 115m
BJ1996 126.00 138.00 12.00 1.17
BJ2010 42.00 45.00 3.00 0.65
BJ2010 52.00 55.00 3.00 0.64
BJ2010 72.00 74.00 2.00 0.81
BJ2010 93.00 98.00 5.00 1.21
BJ2010 117.00 123.00 6.00 0.87
BJ2012 28.00 42.00 14.00 0.50
BJ2012 61.000 62.000 1.000 12.500
BJ2012 101.00 111.00 10.00 0.42
BJ2012 157.00 164.00 7.00 0.65
BJ2020 85.00 91.00 6.00 0.47
BJ2020 103.00 106.00 3.00 2.13
BJ2020 159.00 163.00 4.00 0.43
BJ2020 167.00 172.00 5.00 0.38
BJ2020 184.00 186.00 2.00 0.42
BJ2020 197.00 199.00 2.00 0.49
BJ2020 211.00 213.00 2.00 1.83
BJ2029 13.00 22.00 9.00 0.80
BJ2029 27.00 33.00 6.00 0.71
BJ2029 35.00 37.00 2.00 0.38
BJ2029 50.00 53.00 3.00 0.39
BJ2029 57.00 72.00 15.00 0.43
BJ2029 76.00 78.00 2.00 0.46
BJ2029 116.00 137.00 21.00 0.63
BJ2031 38.00 40.00 2.00 0.47
BJ2031 46.00 67.00 21.00 0.54
BJ2031 73.00 77.00 4.00 1.82
BJ2031 86.00 93.00 7.00 0.54
BJ2031 98.00 112.00 14.00 0.44
BJ2031 167.00 171.00 4.00 0.63
BJ2040 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.41
BJ2040 46.00 48.00 2.00 0.59
BJ2040 85.00 93.00 8.00 0.72
BJ2040 97.00 103.00 6.00 1.03
BJ2040 126.00 131.00 5.00 1.39
BJ2040 171.00 173.00 2.00 0.46
BJ2040 175.00 179.00 4.00 0.74
BJ2040 197.00 199.00 2.00 0.46
BJ2051 56.00 62.00 6.00 0.52
BJ2051 71.00 73.00 2.00 0.48
BJ2051 93.00 96.00 3.00 1.34
BJ2051 114.00 117.00 3.00 0.54
BJ2051 129.00 133.00 4.00 1.15
BJ2051 175.00 178.00 3.00 2.15
BJ2053 79.00 81.00 2.00 0.52
BJ2053 88.00 98.00 10.00 0.62
BJ2053 157.00 161.00 4.00 2.68
BJ2065 90.00 93.00 3.00 0.35
BJ2065 154.00 159.00 5.00 1.00
BJ2065 194.00 197.00 3.00 0.92
BJ2065 206.00 210.00 4.00 0.54
BJ2066 45.00 55.00 10.00 0.54
includes 1 m @ 10.65 g/t Au from
78m and 2 m @ 9.38 g/t Au from
BJ2066 65.00 79.00 14.00 2.40 73m
BJ2066 116.00 120.00 4.00 0.58
BJ2066 127.00 143.00 16.00 0.82
BJ2066 184.00 188.00 4.00 0.63
includes 2 m @ 8.76 g/t Au from
BJ2070 146.00 164.00 18.00 1.60 146m
BJ2070 171.00 173.00 2.00 0.74
BJ2070 181.00 184.00 3.00 0.53
BJ2070 186.00 188.00 2.00 0.32
BJ2070 189.00 192.00 3.00 1.23
BJ2070 229.00 231.00 2.00 0.47
BJ2070 237.00 248.00 11.00 1.19
BJ2083 35.00 47.00 12.00 0.81
BJ2083 66.00 68.00 2.00 0.47
BJ2083 71.00 78.00 7.00 1.11
BJ2083 83.00 86.00 3.00 0.61
includes 2 m @ 10.68 g/t Au from
BJ2083 130.00 144.00 14.00 2.51 141m
BJ2083 149.00 152.00 3.00 0.37
BJ2083 155.00 162.00 7.00 0.48
includes 1 m @ 7.33 g/t Au from
BJ2083 165.00 171.00 6.00 1.48 170m
BJ2085 47.00 49.00 2.00 0.40
includes 1 m @ 9.39 g/t Au from
BJ2085 55.00 57.00 2.00 5.01 56m
BJ2085 79.00 84.00 5.00 0.76
BJ2085 93.00 96.00 3.00 0.89
BJ2085 110.00 113.00 3.00 0.89
BJ2085 121.00 123.00 2.00 0.67
BJ2085 196.00 198.00 2.00 0.72
BJ2095 33.00 39.00 6.00 0.39
BJ2095 46.00 50.00 4.00 0.38
BJ2095 55.00 58.00 3.00 0.81
BJ2095 69.00 73.00 4.00 2.62
BJ2096 37.00 48.00 11.00 0.87
BJ2096 51.00 55.00 4.00 0.44
BJ2096 60.00 64.00 4.00 0.53
BJ2096 86.00 93.00 7.00 1.53
BJ2106 42.00 59.00 17.00 1.15
BJ2106 106.00 118.00 12.00 0.54
BJ2106 122.00 124.00 2.00 0.39
BJ2106 127.00 131.00 4.00 0.80
BJ2106 139.00 142.00 3.00 1.58
BJ2106 149.00 151.00 2.00 1.73
BJ2140 94.00 97.00 3.00 0.84
BJ2140 157.00 159.00 2.00 0.46
BJ2145 57.00 60.00 3.00 1.24
BJ2145 127.00 129.00 2.00 0.48
BJ2145 183.00 186.00 3.00 1.40
BJ2151 100.00 106.00 6.00 0.72
BJ2151 114.00 118.00 4.00 0.62
BJ2151 175.00 195.00 20.00 0.77
BJ2151 203.00 212.00 9.00 0.73
BJ2160 82.00 84.00 2.00 3.48
BJ2162 95.00 104.00 9.00 1.06
BJ2162 150.00 156.00 6.00 0.74
BJ2162 176.00 180.00 4.00 0.99
BJ2162 193.00 202.00 9.00 0.62
BJ2162 210.00 213.00 3.00 0.70
BJ2188 169.00 174.00 5.00 0.68
BJ2188 179.00 199.00 20.00 0.52
BJ2188 209.00 220.00 11.00 0.85
BJ2188 250.00 252.00 2.00 0.52
BJ2337 61.00 69.00 8.00 0.87
BJ2337 126.00 133.00 7.00 2.04
BJ2338 76.00 78.00 2.00 3.99
BJ2338 116.00 122.00 6.00 0.38
BJ2338 124.00 126.00 2.00 0.42
BJ2338 148.00 151.00 3.00 0.72
BJ2344 39.00 46.00 7.00 0.86
BJ2344 58.00 76.00 18.00 0.56
BJ2344 81.00 93.00 12.00 0.90
BJM009 37.00 39.00 2.00 0.54
BJM009 70.00 73.00 3.00 0.61
BJM009 82.00 87.00 5.00 0.85
BJM013 37.00 45.00 8.00 0.64
BJM022 38.00 42.00 4.00 0.40
BJM022 45.00 47.00 2.00 0.33
BJM024 8.00 10.00 2.00 0.85
includes 4 m @ 8.04 g/t Au from
BJM024 19.00 38.00 19.00 2.48 24m
BJM029 26.00 30.00 4.00 0.46
BJM029 36.00 40.00 4.00 0.65
BJM031 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.41
BJM032 1.00 3.00 2.00 0.75
--------- --------- --------- ------- -------- ------------------------------------
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
Grafico Azioni GGG Resources (LSE:GGG)
Da Feb 2025 a Mar 2025
Grafico Azioni GGG Resources (LSE:GGG)
Da Mar 2024 a Mar 2025