IMPALA PLATINUM HOLDINGS LTD - Request for cancellation of listing on the LSE
                       IMPALA PLATINUM HOLDINGS LIMITED                        

                (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)                 

                     (Registration Number 1957/001979/06)                      

                                 JSE code: IMP                                 

                                LSE code: IPLA                                 

                                ADR code: IMPUY                                

                              ISIN: ZAE 000083648                              


                  OFFICIAL LIST OF THE LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE                   

Impala Platinum Holdings Limited ("the Company") has requested the UK Financial Services Authority to cancel the listing of the Company's ordinary shares of 2.5 South African cents each ("Ordinary Shares") on the UK Official List and to cancel the admission of the Ordinary Shares to trading on the London Stock Exchange's market for listed securities. It is expected that the cancellation of the UK listing and of the admission of the Ordinary Shares to trading on the London Stock Exchange ("LSE") will take effect at 8.00 a.m. (UK time) on 14 January 2013 (the "effective date").

The Ordinary Shares have been listed on the UK Official List since February 1973. Currently, shareholders holding approximately 0.12% of the total issued capital of the Company appear on the Company's UK register of members.

However, since listing on the LSE, only a small amount of trading in the Ordinary Shares has been conducted on the LSE and taking into account the high costs associated with being admitted to the UK Official List, the board of directors of the Company consider that there is no longer any significant benefit to the Company in maintaining this listing.

Following cancellation of the listing and the admission to trading in London, the UK register maintained by Computershare Investor Services PLC will continue. However, subject to putting the appropriate arrangements in place, shareholders will only be able to trade their shares on the JSE Limited ("JSE") after the effective date. It should be noted that in order to trade their shares on the JSE, shareholders will be required to dematerialise their shareholding. For further information in this regard shareholders should contact Computershare at the address or telephone number below.


10 December 2012


Deutsche Securities (SA) Proprietary Limited

Registered Office                          United Kingdom Secretaries          
2 Fricker Road                             St James's Corporate Services Limited
Illovo, 2196                               6 St James's Place                  
Private Bag X18                            London                              
Northlands, 2116                           SW1A 1NP                            
South Africa                               Telephone: 020 7499 3916            
Telephone: +27 (11) 731 9000                                                   
South African Transfer Secretaries         United Kingdom Registrars           

Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Computershare Investor Services PLC Limited

70 Marshall Street                         The Pavilions                       
Johannesburg, 2001                         Bridgwater Road                     
PO Box 61051, Marshalltown 2107            Bristol                             
South Africa                               BS99 7NH                            
Telephone: +27 (11) 370 5000               Telephone: 0870 707 1081

Copyright r 10 PR Newswire

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Grafico Azioni Impala Platinum (LSE:IPLA)
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