18 January 2008


          Preliminary announcement of results in respect of the year           
                            ended 30 November 2007                             

Performance to 30 November 2007     3 Months   6 Months   Year ended
Net asset value (total return)        +21.6%     +20.5%       +55.5%  
Ordinary share price (total return)   +21.9%     +22.3%       +53.8%  

Source: BlackRock, Datastream.

  * The net asset value per share at 30 November 2007 was 158.05p (2006:
  * Net asset value total return of +55.5%.
  * Share price total return of +53.8%.
  * Total dividends per share were 5.25p for the year against a target of
  * Dividend target for the current year to 30 November 2008 raised to 5.25p
    per share.
For further information please contact:

Jonathan Ruck Keene, Managing Director Investment Trusts    020 7743 2178
Richard Davis, Fund Manager                                 020 7743 2668
Emma Philips, Media & Communications                        020 7743 2922
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited                             
William Clutterbuck                                         020 7379 5151             
The Maitland Consultancy                                    

The Chairman, Alan Hodson, comments:

I am pleased to present the second annual report to shareholders of the Merrill
Lynch Commodities Income Investment Trust plc, for the year ended 30 November 2007.

The exceptional volatility which has characterised securities markets
throughout 2007, particularly during the second half, has been mirrored in the
mining and energy sectors. Against this challenging background I am pleased to
report that over the year the Company's net asset value ("NAV") per share
increased by 55.5% and the share price increased by 53.8% (both percentages
calculated in sterling terms with income reinvested).

Earnings and dividends in the Company's investments grew strongly resulting in
a satisfactory total return to shareholders.

Revenue return and dividends

Revenue return per share for the year was 6.31 pence (2006: 5.28 pence). As set
out in the Company's prospectus dated 22 November 2005, it is the Company's
intention to pay four quarterly dividends, details of which are set out in note
8. It was the Company's aim to pay dividends amounting to at least 4.50 pence
for the year ended 30 November 2007 (2006: target of 4.25 pence) and we are
pleased to have exceeded this target by paying dividends amounting to 5.25
pence per share in total in respect of the year (2006: 4.50 pence).

It is the Company's aim to pay dividends amounting to at least 5.25 pence per
share for the year ending 30 November 2008. This is a target and should not be
interpreted as a profit forecast. This represents a yield of 3.5% based on the
share price as at close of business on 30 November 2007.

Tender offer

The Directors of the Company have the discretion to make semi-annual tender
offers at the prevailing NAV, less 2% for up to 20% of the issued share capital
in August and February of each year.

The Directors exercised their discretion to operate the half yearly tender
offer in August 2007 which was undersubscribed with 5,989,338 shares, (7.92% of
the shares in issue), being tendered. The tender price calculated as at close
of business on 31 August 2007 was 128.28 pence per share. All shares tendered
in August have been placed in treasury.

The Directors, having received feedback from a number of the Company's
shareholders, have concluded that there is insufficient appetite for them to
exercise their discretion to implement the February 2008 tender offer.

The current tender offer authority expires on the earlier of the Annual General
Meeting of the Company in 2008 or 30 April 2008. A resolution for its renewal
will be put to shareholders at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting.

Discount and share buybacks

The Directors recognise the importance to investors of ensuring that any
discount of the Company's share price to its underlying NAV is as small as
possible. Accordingly, the Directors will monitor the discount closely and will
consider share repurchases in the market if the discount to NAV widens

The Directors have the authority from shareholders to buyback up to 14.99% of
the Company's issued share capital. This authority, which has not so far been
utilised, expires at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting on 18 March 2008
when a resolution will be put to shareholders to renew it.


The Company operates a flexible gearing policy which depends on prevailing
conditions. The maximum gearing used during the period was 12.9% and at 30
November 2007 gearing amounted to 3.6%.

Company Name

Following the merger of Merrill Lynch Investment Managers with BlackRock in
September 2006, BlackRock became the master brand for the merged business.
Accordingly, a full product rebrand is under way and the Board now expects to
put forward proposals with regard to your Company's name in the Spring of 2008.


As mentioned in my interim report we are very pleased to welcome Jonathan Ruck
Keene who joined the Board on 23 April 2007, as an alternate Director to Dr
Graham Birch. Jonathan has wide-ranging experience in the investment industry
and he is currently a Managing Director of BlackRock Investment Management (UK)
Limited where he is head of its investment company business.


The Board welcomes the success of the Association of Investment Companies
("AIC") and JPMorgan Claverhouse Investment Trust plc who have won their
lengthy legal test case against HM Revenue & Customs ("HMRC") challenging the
imposition of VAT on management services supplied to investment trusts.

HMRC have now accepted the European Court of Justice's judgement of 28 June
2007 that management services supplied to investment trusts should be exempt
from VAT.

Total irrecoverable VAT incurred by the Company on management fees since
inception is estimated at �110,000 and the prospective cost saving for your
Company is estimated at �73,000 per annum. The Manager has already submitted
claims to recover from HMRC any amounts repayable as a result of the AIC and
JPMorgan Claverhouse case and is awaiting clarification from HMRC regarding the
basis on which repayments will be made, which may have an impact on the amounts
recovered. Given the volume of claims HMRC have to process it is likely to be a
significant period of time before any amounts are refunded. However, the
amounts involved will not have a material impact on the Company's NAV.


High equity market volatility looks set to continue in the immediate future and
your Company's investments will be affected by this. Demand should be
underpinned by economic growth in emerging markets whilst the supply side
constraints are set to continue. However, we remain confident in the long term
future of the mining and energy sectors.

Richard Davis of BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited, the Investment
Manager, comments:

Commodity market overview

For the year ended 30 November 2007, the Manager is pleased to report that the
Company's NAV and share price rose by 55.5% and 53.8% respectively. Over the
same period, the HSBC Global Mining Index and the MSCI World Energy Index rose
by 56.9% and 16.1% respectively, while the FTSE All-Share Index rose by 8.5%.
(All percentages are in sterling terms with income reinvested).

The positive returns generated by the Company reflect a generally robust set of
fundamentals in the commodities market. Demand is strong, driven by
urbanisation of emerging market economies, while supply growth remains
relatively weak. The US Dollar performance of the major commodities and indices
can be seen in the table below. The period under review was also characterised
by further "decoupling" of major economies. In the Company's latest interim
statement it was reported that the slowdown in the US economy had been absorbed
by growth in the emerging markets (including China). Not surprisingly, US
growth estimates were further downgraded in the summer, in the wake of the
ongoing credit crisis. It appears, for the moment at least, that the Chinese
economy, the world's largest consumer of commodities has been unscathed. It is
worth noting that exports represent only 6% of China's GDP and of these, 20% go
to the US.

The period was also a time of exceptional volatility in the equity markets,
notably during the credit crisis. Commodity equities were sold-off
significantly during the July-August period. This reflected investors' desire
to "de-risk" their portfolios rather than any significant deterioration in the
industry fundamentals. Another feature in the market has been the gyrations in
the value of the US Dollar, which weakened markedly against most major
currencies during the period under review.

                                              30        30     
                                        November  November        % 
Commodity                                   2006      2007   Change
Base Metals (US$/tonne)                                            
Aluminium                                  2,686     2,465     -8.2
Copper                                     6,936     6,956      0.3
Lead                                       1,674     3,048     82.0
Nickel                                    34,703    26,408    -23.9
Tin                                       10,688    16,988     59.0
Zinc                                       4,390     2,530    -42.4
Precious Metals (US$/oz)                                           
Gold                                       647.6     782.7     20.9
Silver                                     13.68     14.23      4.0
Platinum                                 1,171.0   1,440.0     23.0
Palladium                                  327.0     349.0      6.7
Oil (WTI) (US$/Bbl)                         63.1      88.7     40.5
Natural Gas (US$/MMBTU)                      8.3       7.3    -12.6
Uranium (US$/lb)                            64.0      93.0     45.3
Equity Indices (US$)                                               
HSBC Global Mining Index (US$)             463.2     743.6     60.5
HSBC Global Mining Index (�)               235.5     361.6     53.6
MSCI World Energy Index (US$)              239.6     284.3     18.7
MSCI World Energy Index (�)                246.6     286.3     16.1

Source: Datastream.

Base metals were a "mixed bag". The best performers were lead and tin, both of
which hit new all-time highs driven largely by production shortfalls at several
operations. The portfolio has one tin stock - the Peruvian producer Minsur.
While the portfolio does not hold any pure-play lead companies, our exposure to
this commodity is "hidden" in other companies such as Zinifex, which is
principally a zinc producer. On concerns about increasing supply, zinc prices
nearly halved during the period, making it the worst performing metal. Another
important development is the fact that Chinese authorities are looking to
remove a 5% tax rebate on zinc exports and instead impose a 5-10% tax. This
encouraged exports of the metal, which put further pressure on prices. However,
demand for zinc, which is primarily used for galvanising and alloying, remains
strong. It is worth noting that the U.S. only accounts for around of 10% of
global consumption.

Copper started the year weakly, falling back below US$2.40/lb in February 2007.
A series of strikes and production shortfalls together with a recovery in
Chinese imports resulted in inventory drawdowns and renewed price strength. The
portfolio's copper holdings included Freeport McMoran and Southern Copper. In
the nickel market, prices made huge gains in the first half of the year. With
London Metal Exchange inventories at extremely low levels, nickel exceeded
US$50,000/tonne at one point on strong demand and supply side disruptions.

A subsequent increase in inventories, in response to destocking by the
stainless steel producers, resulted in a sharp decline in prices. The
portfolio's key nickel investment was Jubilee Mines. In October, Xstrata made a
cash bid for the company, which is based in Western Australia. The bid valued
Jubilee at a 35% premium to the stock's closing price prior to the bid. The
portfolio had a significant holding in Jubilee, which was subsequently sold.

While the aluminium price drifted 8% lower in US$ terms, the aluminium equities
fared much better amidst a series of corporate transactions. In 2007, we saw
the three-way merger of the private Russian aluminium companies Rusal and Sual
with Glencore's aluminium division to create the world's largest aluminium
company. Alcoa then launched a hostile bid for Alcan, which was subsequently
topped by an all cash offer by Rio Tinto. The portfolio has a significant
holding in Alcoa.

In the bulk commodity market, iron ore benchmark prices were increased by 9.5%
in US$ terms for the year beginning April 2007. This was the fifth successive
annual price increase, which is unprecedented in the iron ore market. The
market has been driven by growth in the Chinese steel industry in combination
with constraints to supply. The market remains extremely tight and a sixth
price increase is expected for the April 2008 contract price. One of the key
metrics to consider is the difference between Chinese spot and Australian Cost,
Insurance and Freight prices, which have grown significantly this year. As a
result, some brokers are forecasting a 50% increase in contract prices for next
year. A similar situation has developed in the coking coal market. Spot sales
of Australian Hard Coking Coal into India have driven prices to US$150/tonne,
roughly 50% above contract prices. The Company is well exposed to the iron ore
market through its holdings in the diversified companies BHP Billiton, Rio
Tinto and Vale (formerly known as CVRD). In November, BHP Billiton announced
details of a proposal to merge with Rio Tinto. While the approach was quickly
rejected by Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton intends to pursue the potential
transaction, which if successful would be one of the largest corporate
transactions. BHP Billiton has until 6 February 2008 to make a formal bid or
walk away.

In the precious metals market, gold prices came within a whisker of surpassing
the 1980 high of US$850/oz. One of the key drivers behind the run in bullion
has been investment demand. This has grown strongly this year, particularly in
the wake of the credit crisis, as investors sought "safe haven" assets. In
terms of supply, some of the big producers such as South Africa and Australia
recorded significant falls in output. In 2006, South African gold mine
production hit its lowest level since 1922. Despite a 20.9% US$ gain in bullion
prices, gold equities, as measured by the FTSE Gold Mines Index, were
reasonably disappointing in only returning 17.7% in US$ terms. (Typically, gold
equities should provide leverage to movements in the gold price - for a 10%
move in bullion, the shares should move by 20-30%.) The portfolio's key gold
equities include Kinross Gold and Goldcorp. Platinum prices gained 23.0% in US$
terms. The key driver has been the growing use of platinum in autocatalysts,
particularly in diesel vehicles. The portfolios exposure to the Platinum Group
Metals is through the South African producers Anglo Platinum and Impala. 

In the energy market, we entered 2007 with a relatively sanguine view on the
oil price. We believed a handful of large projects, which had been delayed,
would come into production in 2007 resulting in higher than average volume
growth. Together with a relatively mild winter in the US, leading to lower
demand for heating oil, West Texas Intermediate fell back to the US$50/Bbl
level in January. The supply/demand fundamentals subsequently improved as
non-OPEC supply growth fell short of expectations. Meanwhile, geopolitical
tensions continued to influence prices. Prices came close to overtaking the
US$100/Bbl level in October before falling back to close the period at US$89/
Bbl. The portfolio's key energy plays include the integrated oil company
StatoilHydro. In November, Statoil completed the merger with Norsk Hydro's oil
and gas assets. The new entity renamed StatoilHydro is the largest operator on
the Norwegian continental shelf. The portfolio also has significant holdings in
CNOOC, Total and Chevron.

Uranium prices also performed strongly, largely due to supply disruptions. Last
year's flood at Cameco's Cigar Lake mine was followed in the spring by a flood
at ERA's Ranger mine in the Northern Territory, Australia. Prices peaked at
US$138/lb in June before drifting back to close the period at US$93/lb. In the
thermal coal market, the Australian contract price for April 2007 to April 2008
was set at US$55.5/tonne, up from US$52.5/tonne in the previous year. A sharp
reduction in Chinese exports has been a key factor in determining prices. Early
settlements between Australian producers and Korean power companies have been
set around US$66/tonne, while spot prices have topped US$70/tonne in August.


The portfolio is largely invested in established producing companies within the
mining and energy sectors, with little exposure to exploration and development
companies. At 30 November 2007, the Company had 59 stock holdings across a
broad range of mining and energy sub-sectors. Roughly 50% of the portfolio's
assets are invested in integrated energy and diversified mining companies.
These provide excellent diversification both in terms of geographic and
commodity risk. The remainder is invested in "purer play" equities.

The Company generated �4.8m in investment income during the year, a slight
increase compared with the previous period.

In the derivatives market, the Group can sell put and call options where the
Manager considers it appropriate to do so for efficient portfolio management
and to enhance income under guidelines set by the Board. During the period, the
portfolio generated �2.1m of income through option writing, up from �1.1m in
the previous period. As volatilities rose sharply during the credit crisis, the
cost of buying an option also increased. We took advantage of this by selling
puts in some of the UK mining shares in August, after their share prices had
fallen back significantly. The portfolio's other sources of income included
corporate bonds, stocklending and interest on cash. A full analysis of income
and expenses can be seen in the annual report.


The commodity market fundamentals remain positive in the long term
notwithstanding the slowdown in the US economy, economic growth in emerging
markets, such as China and India, is likely to drive demand going forward.

While these countries are already significant consumers of raw materials in
absolute terms, their per capita consumption is relatively modest. In China,
for example, oil consumption per capita is equal to US per capita oil
consumption in 1904. On the supply side of the equation, a lack of exploration
success, shortages of labour and equipment, infrastructure bottlenecks and
permitting delays are expected to persist. Supply growth, therefore, may remain
constrained. This year, we have witnessed signs of a positive re-rating of the
sector. However, commodity equities remain undervalued in our view. With
positive supply/demand fundamentals maintaining commodity prices at attractive
levels for the producers, we believe that this re-rating could continue. We
also believe that further corporate activity is likely to provide solid support
for equity valuations.

Ten Largest Investments

Rio Tinto - 5.4% (2006: 3.8%) is the world's second largest mining company. The
company has interests in aluminium, copper, diamonds, energy products, gold,
industrial minerals (borates, titanium dioxide, salt and talc), and iron ore.
This year, Rio Tinto successfully completed the acquisition of Alcan, the
Canadian aluminium company. In November 2007, BHP Billiton announced details of
a proposal to merge with Rio Tinto. The approach has been rejected by the

StatoilHydro - 5.2% (2006: n/a) was established in October 2007 following the
merger of Statoil with Norsk Hydro's oil and gas assets and is the leading
operator on the Norwegian continental shelf. The company is one of the world's
leading suppliers of gas and the largest supplier of petroleum products in
Scandinavia. StatoilHydro is also a world leader in the use of deepwater
technology and in carbon capture and storage.

BHP Billiton - 5.1% (2006: 5.1%) is the world's largest diversified natural
resources company. Formed in 2001 following the merger of UK's Billiton and
Australia's BHP, the company is a major producer of aluminium, iron ore,
copper, thermal and metallurgical coal, manganese, uranium, nickel, silver and
titanium minerals. The company also has significant interests in oil, gas,
liquefied natural gas and diamonds. In November 2007, BHP Billiton announced
details of a proposal to merge with Rio Tinto. While the approach was quickly
rejected by Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton intends to pursue the potential
transaction, which if successful would be the largest ever corporate takeover.

Vale - 4.4% (2006: 4.3%) in November 2007, CVRD changed its name to Vale. Based
in Brazil, the company is the third largest mining company in the world and the
largest producer of iron ore. The company has significant interests in other
commodities including aluminium, coal, copper and gold. Since the 2006
acquisition of Inco, Vale is also a leading producer of nickel. In addition to
its mining interests, Vale owns and operates transport infrastructure.

CNOOC - 3.6% (2006: n/a) is engaged primarily in oil and gas exploration and
production and is one of China's NOCs (National Oil Companies). The company is
the dominant producer of oil and gas offshore China. CNOOC also has assets in
Indonesia, Central Asia, Africa and Australia.

Total - 3.5% (2006: 1.9%) is one of the largest publicly traded integrated oil
and gas companies in the world. The company's key production regions are the
North Sea, Africa and the Middle East. Total is Western Europe's leader in
refining and marketing and one of the world's major traders of crude oil and
refined products. Total also produces petrochemical and fertilizer products and
has interests in coal mining and the power generation sector.

Chevron - 3.4% (2006: 3.2%) is one the world's largest integrated energy
companies with operations in more than 180 countries. One of the six "super
major" oil companies, Chevron is active in every aspect of the oil and gas
industry including exploration and production, refining, marketing and
transportation, chemicals manufacturing and sales, geothermal and power

Eni - 3.3% (2006: 6.2%) is an integrated energy company based in Italy. The
company engages in oil and gas exploration and production, refining and
marketing and the generation and sale of electricity. In Italy, the company is
the leader in the marketing of refined products under its Agip brand. Eni also
operates in the transport, distribution and sale of natural gas and is active
in the petrochemical, oilfield service and engineering industries.

Alcoa - 3.1% (2006: 2.9%) is the world's leader in alumina production and the
third largest producer of aluminium. Headquarted in the USA, Alcoa is also
active in other businesses including packaging and consumer products, fastening
systems, precision castings and electrical distribution systems for cars and
trucks. In May 2007, Alcoa made a hostile bid for Alcan, the Canadian aluminium
producer. Alcan was subsequently the target of a friendly takeover by Rio

Straits Resources - 3.0% (2006: 2.5%) is a diversified mining company based in
Perth, Western Australia. The company's assets include copper mines in
Australia and a gold mine in Indonesia. Straits also has an interest in a coal
mine in Indonesia through its subsidiary Straits Asia Resources, which is
listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange.

All percentages reflect the value of the holding as a percentage of total

CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT                                                                                       
for the year ended 30 November 2007                                                                                 
                                                             Revenue Revenue   Capital   Capital     
                                                              return  return    return    return     Total     Total
                                                                2007    2006      2007      2006      2007      2006
                                                    Notes      �'000   �'000     �'000     �'000     �'000     �'000
Income from investments held at fair value through                                                                  
profit or loss                                        3        4,832   4,763         -         -     4,832     4,763
Other operating income                                3        2,232   1,296         -         -     2,232     1,296
                                                             ------- ------- ---------   ------- --------- ---------
Total revenue                                                  7,064   6,059         -         -     7,064     6,059
Gains on investments held at fair value through                                                                     
profit or loss                                                     -       -    37,690     4,577    37,690     4,577
                                                             ------- ------- ---------   ------- --------- ---------
                                                               7,064   6,059    37,690     4,577    44,754    10,636
Investment management fees                            4        (305)   (227)     (913)     (682)   (1,218)     (909)
Other expenses                                        5         (69)   (326)         -         -      (69)     (326)
                                                             ------- ------- ---------   ------- --------- ---------
Total operating expenses                                       (374)   (553)     (913)     (682)   (1,287)   (1,235)
                                                             ------- ------- ---------   ------- --------- ---------
Profit before finance costs and taxation                       6,690   5,506    36,777     3,895    43,467     9,401
                                                             ------- ------- ---------   ------- --------- ---------
Finance costs                                         6        (135)    (77)     (369)     (193)     (504)     (270)
                                                             ------- ------- ---------   ------- --------- ---------
Profit before taxation                                         6,555   5,429    36,408     3,702    42,963     9,131
                                                             ------- ------- ---------   ------- --------- ---------
Taxation                                                     (1,874) (1,450)       385       263   (1,489)   (1,187)
                                                             ------- ------- ---------   ------- --------- ---------
Profit for the year                                            4,681   3,979    36,793     3,965    41,474     7,944
                                                               =====   =====    ======     =====    ======    ======
Earnings per ordinary share                           8        6.31p   5.28p    49.60p     5.26p    55.91p    10.54p
                                                               =====   =====    ======     =====    ======    ======

The total column of this statement represents the Group's Income Statement,
prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. The
supplementary revenue and capital return columns are both prepared under
guidance published by the Association of Investment Companies. All items in the
above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired
or discontinued during the year.

All income is attributable to the equity holders of Merrill Lynch Commodities
Income Trust plc. There are no minority interests.

STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY                                                                         
for the year ended 30 November 2007                                                                     
                                                    Share            Capital    Capital  
                                           Share  premium  Special   reserve    reserve  Revenue         
                                         capital  account  reserve  realised unrealised  reserve   Total
Group                                      �'000    �'000    �'000    �'000      �'000    �'000    �'000
For period ended 30 November 2006                                                                       
Net assets at launch on 13 December 2005     750   74,250        -        -          -        -   75,000
Profit for the period                          -        -        -      304      3,661    3,979    7,944
Launch costs*                                  -  (1,480)        -        -          -        -  (1,480)
Cancellation of share premium account          - (72,750)   72,750        -          -        -        -
Shares issued (note 9)                         6      717        -        -          -        -      723
Dividends paid (note 7)                        -        -        -        -          -  (2,403)  (2,403)

                                             ---      ---   ------      ---      -----    -----   ------
At 30 November 2006                          756      737   72,750      304      3,661    1,576   79,784

                                             ---      ---   ------      ---      -----    -----   ------ 

For year ended 30 November 2007                                                                         
At 30 November 2006                          756      737   72,750      304      3,661    1,576   79,784
Profit for the year                            -        -        -   18,017     18,776    4,681   41,474
Shares purchased (notes 9 & 11)                -        -  (7,684)        -          -        -  (7,684)
Share purchase costs (notes 9 & 11)            -        -     (79)        -          -        -     (79)
Dividends paid (note 7)                        -        -        -        -          -  (3,477)  (3,477)
                                             ---      ---   ------   ------     ------    -----  -------

At 30 November 2007                          756      737   64,987   18,321     22,437    2,780  110,018

                                             ---      ---   ------   ------     ------    -----  -------


For period ended 30 November 2006                                                                       
Net assets at launch on 13 December 2005     750   74,250        -        -          -        -   75,000
Profit for the period                          -        -        -      304      4,285    3,355    7,944
Launch costs*                                  -  (1,480)        -        -          -        -  (1,480)
Cancellation of share premium account          - (72,750)   72,750        -          -        -        -
Shares issued (note 9)                         6      717        -        -          -        -      723
Dividends paid (note 7)                        -        -        -        -          -  (2,403)  (2,403)

                                             ---      ---   ------      ---      -----  -------  -------
At 30 November 2006                          756      737   72,750      304      4,285      952   79,784

                                             ---      ---   ------      ---      -----  -------  -------
For year ended 30 November 2007                                                                         
At 30 November 2006                          756      737   72,750      304      4,285      952   79,784
Profit for the year                            -        -        -   18,017     19,321    4,136   41,474
Shares purchased 5,989,338 (notes 9 & 11)      -        -  (7,684)        -          -        -  (7,684)
Share purchase costs (notes 9 & 11)            -        -     (79)        -          -        -     (79)
Dividends paid (note 7)                        -        -        -        -          -  (3,477)  (3,477)
                                             ---      ---   ------   ------     ------    -----  -------

At 30 November 2007                          756      737   64,987   18,321     23,606    1,611  110,018

                                             ---      ---   ------   ------     ------    -----  -------         
* Restated - as set out in note 10.

BALANCE SHEETS                                                                                              
as at 30 November 2007                                                                                      
                                                                                            Group     Company
                                                                     Group    Company    Restated    Restated
                                                                      2007       2007        2006        2006
                                                        Notes        �'000      �'000       �'000       �'000
Non current assets                                                                                          
Investments held at fair value through profit or loss             112,861    114,030      81,110      81,734
Current assets                                                                                              
Other receivables                                                   1,438      1,438       3,310       3,310
Cash and cash equivalents                                           1,694          -         909           -
                                                               ---------- ----------   ---------   ---------
                                                                    3,132      1,438       4,219       3,310
                                                               ---------- ----------   ---------   ---------
Total assets                                                      115,993    115,468      85,329      85,044
                                                               ---------- ----------   ---------   ---------
Current liabilities                                                                                         
Other payables                                                    (1,969)    (1,444)     (2,219)     (1,934)
Bank overdrafts                                                   (4,006)    (4,006)     (3,326)     (3,326)
                                                                --------- ----------   ---------   ---------
                                                                  (5,975)    (5,450)     (5,545)     (5,260)
                                                               ---------- ----------   ---------   ---------
Net assets                                                        110,018    110,018      79,784      79,784
                                                               ---------- ----------   ---------   ---------
Equity attributable to equity holders                                                                       
Ordinary share capital                                   9            756        756         756         756
Share premium account                                    10           737        737         737         737
Special reserve                                          11        64,987     64,987      72,750      72,750
Capital reserve - realised                               11        18,321     18,321         304         304
Capital reserve - unrealised                             11        22,437     23,606       3,661       4,285
Revenue reserve                                          11         2,780      1,611       1,576         952
                                                               ---------- ----------   ---------   ---------
Total equity                                                      110,018    110,018      79,784      79,784
                                                               ---------- ----------   ---------   ---------
Net asset value per ordinary share                       8        158.05p    158.05p     105.53p     105.53p
                                                                   ======     ======      ======      ======

CASH FLOW STATEMENTS                                                                                        
for the year ended 30 November 2007                                                                         
                                                                   Group     Company       Group     Company
                                                                    2007        2007        2006        2006
                                                       Note        �'000       �'000       �'000       �'000
Operating activities                                                                                        
Profit before taxation                                            42,963      42,322       9,131       8,799
Add back interest paid                                               599         587         270         258
Gains on investments held at fair value                                                                     
through profit or loss including transaction costs              (37,690)    (38,235)     (4,577)     (5,201)
Increase in other receivables                                      (214)       (214)       (320)       (320)
(Decrease)/increase in other payables                              (167)       (167)         405         405
Decrease/(increase) in amounts due from brokers                    2,227       2,227     (2,829)     (2,829)
(Decrease)/increase in amounts due to brokers                      (412)       (412)       1,236       1,236
Net sales/(purchases) of investment held at fair                                                            
value                                                              6,021       6,021    (76,538)    (76,538)
through profit or loss                                                                                      
                                                              ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities                                                         
before interest and taxation                                      13,327      12,129    (73,222)    (74,190)
                                                              ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Interest paid                                                      (599)       (587)       (270)       (258)
Taxation paid                                                      (947)       (546)       (245)       (198)
Taxation on investment income included within gross                                                         
income                                                             (339)       (339)       (520)       (520)
                                                              ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities               11,442      10,657    (74,257)    (75,166)
                                                              ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Financing activities                                                                                        
Shares (repurchased)/issued                                      (7,778)     (7,778)      75,723      75,723
Launch costs paid                                                      -           -     (1,485)     (1,485)
Equity dividends paid                                   7        (3,477)     (3,477)     (2,403)     (2,403)
                                                              ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing activities             (11,255)    (11,255)      71,835      71,835
                                                              ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                    187        (598)      (2,422)     (3,331)
Cash and cash equivalents at start of the year/period            (2,417)     (3,326)           -           -
Effect of foreign exchange rate changes                             (82)        (82)           5           5
                                                               ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the                                                                 
year/period                                                      (2,312)     (4,006)     (2,417)     (3,326)
                                                               ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------
Comprised of:                                                                                               
Cash at bank                                                       1,694           -         909           -
Bank overdrafts                                                  (4,006)     (4,006)     (3,326)     (3,326)
                                                               ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------
                                                                 (2,312)     (4,006)     (2,417)     (3,326)
                                                               ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------


1. Principal activities

The principal activity of the Company is that of an Investment Trust Company
within the meaning of section 842 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988.

The principal activities of the subsidiary undertaking, Merrill Lynch Commodities
Securities Income Company Limited, are investment dealing and options writing.

2. Accounting policies

The principal accounting policies adopted by the Group and the Company are set
out below.

(a) Basis of preparation

The Group and Parent Company financial statements have been prepared in
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as adopted
by the European Union and as applied in accordance with the provisions of the
Companies Act 1985. The Company has taken advantage of the exemption provided
under section 230 of the Companies Act 1985 not to publish its individual
income statement and related notes.

The Group's financial statements are presented in sterling, which is the
currency of the primary environment in which the Group operates. All values are
rounded to the nearest thousand pounds (�'000) except where otherwise

Insofar as the Statement of Recommended Practice ("SORP") for investment trusts
issued by the Association of Investment Companies ("AIC") revised in December
2005 is compatible with IFRS, the financial statements have been prepared in
accordance with guidance set out in the SORP.

3. Income

                                            2007     2006
                                           �'000    �'000
Investment income:                                       
Overseas listed dividends                  4,320    4,074
Fixed interest                               204       93
UK listed dividends                          308      596
                                        -------- --------
                                           4,832    4,763
                                        -------- --------
Other operating income:                                  
Deposit interest                             105      138
Option premium income                      2,057    1,143
Underwriting commission                        -       15
Stock lending income                          70        -
                                        -------- --------
                                           2,232    1,296
                                        -------- --------
Total income                               7,064    6,059
                                        -------- --------

Option premium income is stated after deducting transaction costs incurred on
the purchases and sales of investments.  

At 30 November 2007 the total value of securities on loan by the Group for stock 
lending purposes was �2,066,000 (2006: Nil).  Cash collateral of �3,032,196 was held 
for these securities.  The maximum aggregate value of securities on loan at any one 
time during the year ended 30 November 2007 was �4,773,000 (2006: Nil).

4. Investment management fees

                            Revenue  Capital           Revenue  Capital   
                             return   return    Total   return   return   Total
                               2007     2007     2007     2006     2006    2007
                              �'000    �'000    �'000    �'000    �'000   �'000
Investment management fees      290      869    1,159      214      644     858
VAT                              15       44       59       13       38      51
                             ------   ------  -------   ------   ------  ------
                                305      913    1,218      227      682     909
                             ------   ------  -------   ------   ------  ------

The investment management fee is levied quarterly, based on the gross assets on
the last day of each quarter, and is charged 25% to the revenue account and 75%
to the capital account.

5. Other expenses

                                                      2007      2006
                                                     �'000     �'000
Custody fee                                           (63)        97
Auditor's remuneration:                                             
- audit services                                        18        22
- other                                                  5         9
Directors' emoluments                                   57        55
Registrar's fee                                         11        20
Other administrative costs                              41       123
                                                  --------  --------
                                                        69       326
                                                  --------  --------
The Company's total expense ratio, calculated                       
as a percentage of average net assets and using                     
expenses, excluding interest costs, after relief                    
for taxation, was:                                    1.0%      1.1%
                                                  --------  --------

Fees paid to the audit for non audit services comprise �4,500 (2006: �5,000),
relating to the review of the interim financial statements. In addition, in
2006 a fee of �4,000 was paid to the auditor for the review of the initial

An amount of �70,000 has been credited against operating expenses for the year
ended 30 November 2007 relating to the release of an overprovision for custody
fees for the period ended 30 November 2006.

6. Finance costs

                             Revenue  Capital          Revenue  Capital   
                              return   return   Total   return   return   Total
                                2007     2007    2007     2006     2006    2006    
                               �'000    �'000   �'000    �'000    �'000   �'000
Interest on bank overdrafts      135      369     504       77      193     270
                                 ---      ---     ---       --      ---     ---

7. Dividends

Under IFRS final dividends are not recognised until approved by shareholders.
They are also debited directly to reserves. Amounts recognised as distributions
to ordinary shareholders during the year to 30 November 2007 were as follows:

                                                                            2007       2006
                                                                           �'000      �'000
4th interim dividend for the period ended 30 November 2006 -  1.3125p        
(2005: nil)                                                                  992          -              
1st interim dividend for the period ended 28 February 2007 - 1.125p          
(2006: 1.0625p)                                                              851        797              
2nd interim dividend for the period ended 31 May 2007 - 1.125p               
(2006: 1.0625p)                                                              851        803              
3rd interim dividend for the period ended 31 August 2007 - 1.125p            
(2006: 1.0625p)                                                              783        803              
                                                                         -------   --------
                                                                           3,477      2,403
                                                                         -------   --------

For the year ended 30 November 2007, a fourth interim dividend of 1.875p (2006:
1.3125p) per ordinary share has been declared and will be paid on 25 January
2008, to shareholders on the Company's register on 28 December 2007.

The total dividends payable in respect of the period which form the basis of
section 842 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 are set out below:

                                                                      2007      2006
                                                                     �'000     �'000
1st interim paid on 27 April 2007 of 1.125p (2006: 1.0625p)            851       797
2nd interim paid on 27 July 2007 of 1.125p (2006: 1.0625p)             851       803
3rd interim paid on 26 October 2007 of 1.125p (2006: 1.0625p)          783       803

4th interim payable on 25 January 2008 of 1.875p (2006: 1.3125p)     1,305       992
                                                                   -------   -------
                                                                     3,790     3,395
                                                                   -------   -------

8. Consolidated earnings per ordinary share and net asset value per ordinary

Revenue and capital returns per share are shown below and have been calculated
using the following:

                                                                   2007        2006
Net revenue return attributable to ordinary shareholders
(�'000)                                                           4,681       3,979                  
Net capital return attributable to ordinary shareholders       
(�'000)                                                          36,793       3,965                
                                                                -------      ------
Total return attributable to ordinary shareholders (�'000)       41,474       7,944
                                                                -------      ------
Equity shareholders' funds (�'000)                              110,018      79,784
                                                                -------      ------
The weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue                            
during each period, on which the return per ordinary share                         
was calculated, was:                                         74,172,404  75,357,955
The actual number of ordinary shares in issue at the                               
year/period end, on which the net asset value                                      
was calculated, was:                                         69,610,662  75,600,000
The number of ordinary shares in issue including                                   
treasury shares at the year end, was:                        75,600,000  75,600,000
Revenue return per share                                          6.31p       5.28p
Capital return per share                                         49.60p       5.26p
                                                             ----------  ----------
Total return per share                                           55.91p      10.54p
                                                             ----------  ----------
Net asset value per share                                       158.05p     105.53p
Share price                                                     149.75p     101.25p
                                                             ----------  ----------

As the Company's share price at 30 November 2007 stood at a discount to the
NAV, shares could not be sold out of treasury and consequently there was no
dilution to the Company's NAV or return per share as a result.

9. Share Capital

                                                 Ordinary    Treasury          
                                                   shares      shares         Total                  
                                                   number      number        shares       �'000               
Authorised share capital comprised:                                                            
Ordinary shares of 1p each                    505,000,000           -  505,000,000        5,050
                                              -----------   ---------  -----------  -----------
Allotted, issued and fully paid:                                                               
Shares in issue at 30 November 2006            75,600,000           -   75,600,000          756
Shares transferred into treasury pursuant to                                                   
tender offer on 5 September 2007              (5,989,338)   5,989,338            -            -
                                              -----------   ---------  -----------  -----------
At 30 November 2007                            69,610,662   5,989,338   75,600,000          756
                                              -----------   ---------  -----------  -----------

During the year, 5,989,338 ordinary shares were purchased (2006: 600,000
issued) for a total consideration of �7,763,000. The number of ordinary shares
in issue at the year end was 75,600,000 (2006: 75,600,000) of which 5,989,338
were held in treasury (2006: nil). There were no sales of shares out of
treasury during the year (2006: nil).

10. Share premium account

                                              2007   (Restated)
                                             �'000       �'000
At start of the year/period                    737           -
Shares issued at launch                          -      74,250
Launch costs                                     -     (1,480)
Cancellation of share premium account            -    (72,750)
Share issued during the year/period              -         717
                                             -----    --------
At 30 November 2007                            737         737
                                             -----    --------

An amount of �20,000 credited to the special reserve during the period ended 30
November 2006 relating to the release of provisions for launch costs has been
reclassified to the share premium account and the balances on the special
reserve and the share premium account at 30 November 2006 have been restated

11. Reserves

Group                                               reserve    Capital     Revenue
                                                 (Restated)    reserve     reserve  
                                                      �'000      �'000       �'000                
At 1 December 2006                                   72,750      3,965       1,576
Movement during the year:                                                         
Net income for the year                                   -          -      41,474
Transfer from revenue reserve to capital reserve          -     36,793    (36,793)
Dividends paid                                            -          -     (3,477)
Purchase of ordinary shares                         (7,684)          -           -
Shares purchase costs                                  (79)          -           -
                                                  ---------   --------    --------
At 30 November 2007                                  64,987     40,758       2,780
                                                  ---------   --------    --------

The Group's capital reserve consists of �22,437,000 of unrealised appreciation
(2006: �3,661,000).

Company                                             reserve    Capital     Revenue
                                                 (Restated)    reserve     reserve  
                                                      �'000      �'000       �'000                 
At 1 December 2006                                   72,750      4,589         952
Movement during the year:                                                         
Net income for the year                                   -          -      41,474
Transfer from revenue reserve to capital reserve          -     37,338    (37,338)
Dividends paid                                            -          -     (3,477)
Purchase of ordinary shares                         (7,684)          -           -
Share purchase costs                                   (79)          -           -
                                                  ---------   --------    --------
At 30 November 2007                                  64,987     41,927       1,611
                                                  ---------   --------    --------

The Company's capital reserve consists of �23,606,000 of unrealised
appreciation (2006: �4,285,000).

The annual report and accounts will be posted to shareholders in late January
or early February 2008. Copies will also be available from the Company's
registered office at 33 King William Street, London, EC4R 9AS.

18 January 2008
33 King William Street
London EC4R 9AS


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