Notification of Major Interests in Shares

TR-1:               notification of major interests in shares

| 1. Identity of the issuer or    |                                 |
| the underlying issuer of        | Puma VCT plc                    |
| existing shares to which voting |                                 |
| rights are attached:            |                                 |
| 2. Reason for the notification     (please tick |                 |
| the appropriate box or boxes)                   |                 |
| An acquisition or disposal of voting rights     |                 |
| An acquisition or disposal of financial         |                 |
| instruments which may result in the acquisition |                 |
| of shares already issued to which voting rights |                 |
| are attached                                    |                 |
| An event changing the breakdown of voting       |                 |
| rights                                          |                 |
| Other (please specify): Transfer into Nominees  |         X       |
| 3. Full name of person(s)       | Rensburg Sheppards Investment   |
| subject to the notification     | Management Limited              |
| obligation:                     |                                 |
| 4. Full name of shareholder(s)  | N/A                             |
| (if different from 3.):         |                                 |
| 5. Date of the transaction (and |        31st October 2008        |
| date on which the threshold is  |                                 |
| crossed or reached if           |                                 |
| different):                     |                                 |
| 6. Date on which issuer         |        3rd November 2008        |
| notified:                       |                                 |
| 7. Threshold(s) that is/are     | 4%                              |
| crossed or reached:             |                                 |
| 8. Notified details:            | Nominee Holdings       |        |

|A: Voting rights attached to shares                                                 |
|Class/type of shares |Situation previous |Resulting situation after the triggering  |
| if possible using   |to the Triggering  |transaction                               |
|the ISIN CODE        |transaction        |                                          |
|                     |-------------------+------------------------------------------|
|                     |Number of|Number of|Number|Number of voting|% of voting rights|
|                     |Shares   |Voting   |of    |rights          |                  |
|                     |         |Rights   |shares|                |                  |
|                     |         |         |------+----------------+------------------|
|                     |         |         |Direct|Direct |Indirect|Direct  |Indirect |
|                     |         |         |      |       |        |        |         |
|Ordinary Shares      |440,000  |440,000  |      |       |570,000 |        |4.72%    |
|GB00B0634L13         |         |         |      |       |        |        |         |

| B: Financial Instruments                                          |
| Resulting situation after the triggering transaction              |
| Type of    | Expiration | Exercise/    | Number of       | % of   |
| financial  | date       | Conversion   | voting rights   | voting |
| instrument |            | Period/ Date | that may be     | rights |
|            |            |              | acquired if the |        |
|            |            |              | instrument is   |        |
|            |            |              | exercised/      |        |
|            |            |              | converted.      |        |
|            |            |              |                 |        |

| Total (A+B)                                  |
| Number of voting rights | % of voting rights |
| 570,000                 | 4.72%              |

| 9. Chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting      |
| rights and/or the financial instruments are effectively held, if  |
| applicable:                                                       |
| Client holdings registered in the name of Nominee companies 100%  |
| owned by Rensburg Sheppards Investment Management Limited.        |

| Proxy Voting:                                                     |
| 10. Name of the proxy holder:                         |   N/A     |
| 11. Number of voting rights proxy holder will cease   |   N/A     |
| to hold:                                              |           |
| 12. Date on which proxy holder will cease to hold     |   N/A     |
| voting rights:                                        |           |

| 13. Additional information:   | N/A  |
| 14. Contact name:             | N/A  |
| 15. Contact telephone number: | N/A  |

Annex Notification Of Major Interests In Shares

| A: Identity of the person or legal entity subject to the          |
| notification obligation                                           |
| Full name (including legal form for     | Rensburg Sheppards      |
| legal entities)                         | Investment Management   |
|                                         | Limited                 |
| Contact address (registered office for  | Quayside House          |
| legal entities)                         | Canal Wharf             |
|                                         | Leeds LS11 5PU          |
| Phone number                            | 0113 236 4171           |
| Other useful information (at least      | Mike Rigby              |
| legal representative for legal persons) | (Head of Compliance)    |

| B:        Identity of the notifier, if applicable                 |
| Full name                                     | Philip Martin     |
|                                               | Beardwell         |
| Contact address                               | 2 Gresham Street  |
|                                               | London            |
|                                               | EC2V 7QN          |
| Phone number                                  | 020 7597 1356     |
| Other useful information (e.g. functional     | Senior Compliance |
| relationship with the person or legal entity  | Manager           |
| subject to the notification obligation)       |                   |

| C:        Additional information                                  |
| This disclosure is made by Rensburg Sheppards Investment          |
| Management Limited based on Nominee holdings in accordance with   |
| DTR 5.2.1(F).                                                     |


This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

Grafico Azioni Puma Vct (LSE:PUA)
Da Feb 2025 a Mar 2025 Clicca qui per i Grafici di Puma Vct
Grafico Azioni Puma Vct (LSE:PUA)
Da Mar 2024 a Mar 2025 Clicca qui per i Grafici di Puma Vct