June 2024

SIMEC Atlantis Energy
Renewables", "SAE" or the "Company")
Application for up to 300MW /
1.2GWh Scotland BESS project
SAE is pleased to announce that it
has submitted an application for Section 36 consent to the Scottish
Government's Energy Consents Unit for a battery energy storage
system ("BESS") project of up to 300MW, sized for up to 4 hours
duration (1.2GWh). The project, named "Mey BESS", will be located
inland, 5.5km southwest of SAE's MeyGen tidal project, 0.5 km
southeast of the village of Mey in Caithness and located adjacent
to the planned and fully consented SSE Gills Bay 132kV substation
SAE has secured all the necessary
land rights and 287MW of both import and export grid capacity to
allow for the BESS project to be built. The grid capacity is
planned to be shared between Mey BESS and the Company's MeyGen
tidal array with 207MW being utilised exclusively for BESS and the
balance of 80MW secured for the expansion of the MeyGen tidal
stream project. The consent application is sized at 300MW to allow
for further expansion from 207MW to 300MW which would be subject to
future grid applications.
The grid connection and all
infrastructure is consented and ready to be built, with an
anticipated completion of April 2027.
It is expected that the Mey BESS
project will initially be built using 2 hour duration batteries to
give an output capacity of 414MWh, with the site layout sized in
the planning application to allow for expansion using 4-hour
duration batteries of up to 300MW/1.2GWh.
The development rights in the
project are held by Mey Energy Storage Limited, which is owned 84%
by SAE and 16% by Scottish Enterprise.
SAE have significant presence and
operations experience in the local area, having been operating the
MeyGen tidal array in Caithness for many years.
The dedicated project page will be
available at: www.saerenewables.com/mey-BESS
further information, please contact:
Sean Parsons, Director of External
(0)7739 832 446
Strand Hanson Limited (Nominated and Financial
Richard Johnson
Rory Murphy
David Asquith
+44 (0)20
7409 3494
Zeus Capital Limited (Broker)
Louisa Waddell
Simon Johnson
+44 (0)20
3829 5000
Notes to Editors
SAE Renewables is a global
developer, owner and operator of sustainable energy projects. SAE
owns the world's flagship tidal stream project, MeyGen. SAE is also
the owner of the Uskmouth Power Station site that is being
repurposed into a sustainable energy park, initially housing one of
the UK's largest battery energy storage projects.