30 July 2024
Unicorn Mineral Resources
("Unicorn" or the "Company")
Gravity Survey Results Identifies Five
Strong and High-Priority Drill Target Anomalies at
Mineral Resources Plc (LSE:UMR), a mineral
exploration and development company exploring for zinc, lead,
copper and silver, with its main focus at present being the
"Limerick Basin" in Ireland, is pleased to provide an update on the
key findings from the recently conducted gravity geophysical survey
at the Kilmallock Block Project located in southern County
Limerick ("Kilmallock").
Ø Kilmallock is situated 20km south of
Glencore's "Pallas Green lead and zinc" prospect and contiguous
with, and approx. 15km along strike to the west, from TSX-V listed
Group Eleven Resources Corporation's ("Group Eleven") newly
discovered Ballywire Zinc-Lead-Silver Deposit
Ø The gravity
geophysical survey was undertaken by
geophysical contractors BRG and has been completed over
the past two weeks
Ø A total of 174 gravity stations
survey points were established across the Kilmallock licence
Ø Data was collected using a
LaCoste and Romberg gravimeter and corrected for various factors
including instrument drift, elevation latitude, Bouguer and Free
Ø These results have been combined with
the historic regional data to generate a detailed grid across the
subcrop of the main target horizon, the Waulsortian
Ø The results from the gravity
survey have undergone detailed modelling and a number of
high-priority drill targets have now been generated from the five
main gravity anomalies identified from Bouguer
Anomaly, Residual, 1st Vertical Derivative, and Analytic Signal
Ø The five high-priority potential drill
targets are all located on discrete, strongly anomalous zones with
marked positive gravity responses located in regions underlain by
prospective stratigraphy and structure
Ø A comparison of the Kilmallock gravity
survey with that of Group Eleven's 2023 gravity survey at the
adjoining Ballywire Zinc-Lead-Silver Deposit confirms that they are
strongly analogous
Ø Group Eleven has been using their
gravity model to help target drill targets which led to the
discovery of the Ballywire Zinc-Lead-Silver Deposit and where the
best drill intersection to date has been reported
as 29.6m of 10.6% Zn+Pb (4.0% Zn and 6.6%
Pb), 78 g/t Ag and 0.15% Cu including
12.9m of 16.6% Zn+Pb (5.8% Zn and 10.8% Pb), 123
g/t Ag and 0.19% Cu, and 5.2m of 24.1%
Zn+Pb (2.8% Zn and 21.3% Pb), 76 g/t Ag and 0.10%
Paddy Doherty,
Chairman of Unicorn Mineral Resources Plc,
"The recent gravity geophysical programme on
Unicorn's Kilmallock property in the Limerick Basin has produced
some very positive results and identified a series of high-priority
drill target anomalies in areas underlain by prospective geology
and structure.
Our technical team led by Dave Blaney are
highly encouraged by these results, particularly given the progress
made by our neighbours, Group Eleven, who own licences contiguous
and immediately along strike from ours, and where similar survey
work led to a drill programme that confirmed robust lead and zinc
mineralisation, including some of the highest silver values ever
attained in Ireland. The exploration programme over the
coming months will be designed to develop and refine targeting for
the next phase of drilling on this exciting project."
Surveying Update
Unicorn Mineral Resources has just completed a
174 station gravity survey designed to test the region of
subcropping Waulsortian Reef at the Kilmallock licence block in
County Limerick. The Gravity surveying was carried out by
geophysical contractors, BRG Ltd., and the data was acquired using
a LaCoste and Romberg gravimeter, with each measurement point
surveyed using a Trimble R10 RTK unit with a TSC5 controller. The
data was merged with the historic, widely spaced dataset to produce
a grid with a nominal spacing of 250 x 250m. The newly acquired
data was levelled to tie in with the historical gravity dataset.
The data was then gridded, a third order regional trend was
removed, then filtered by calculation of the first vertical
derivative and the Analytic Signal, to supplement the target
generation process.
The rationale for gravity surveying was
two-fold. Firstly, the 2023 drilling by Unicorn Mineral Resources
at the Bulgaden and Ballycullane mineral occurrences intersected
zinc, lead rich sulphide mineralisation and ground preparation in
the form of well developed brecciation. Interpretation of the
drilling results indicate that the Bulgaden / Ballycullane
mineralisation could possibly be the distal part of a much larger
mineralising system. The prospective target, a basal Waulsortian
Reef, Pallas Green type analogy, lies at depths of less than 250m
across a large tract of the Kilmallock Block along strike to the
east and west of the Bulgaden / Ballycullane deposits. This is a
depth range where gravity surveying as an effective exploration
tool. Secondly, Group Eleven Resources have been using gravity
surveying to assist with the targeting of their recent drilling
campaign at the Ballywire deposit, located just 15km along strike
to the east. The most up to date published results from this
drilling programme are highly encouraging, with their best hole so
far being recently announced.
The location of the recent gravity survey, the
regional licence position and geological setting are presented as
Figure 1.

1: Kilmallock Gravity Survey and Regional
The combined Unicorn Mineral Resources and
regional historic gravity data was used to generate a gravity model
for the entire the Kilmallock Block. From this data a core area of
interest was identified straddling the three licences and centred
on the Bulgaden area on PL3249 (Figure 2).

2: Kilmallock Gravity - Residual - black polygon zoom in Figure

Figure 3: Kilmallock
Gravity - Residual Zoomed in
The residual gravity map shown in Figures 2 and
3 exhibits several blocks of elevated gravity that are well
constrained by the combined 2024 gravity data and the historical
data. These anomalous zones are labelled "A" to "E" in white on
Figure 3. The zones of elevated gravity outlined in Figure 3 extend
along strike over a length of approximately 7 km and are 1 to 1.5
km wide. Anomaly "E" is not as prominent as anomalies "A" to "D"
after filtering. The north-eastern portion of PL 3582 is underlain
by prospective Waulsortian Reef but is not as well covered by
gravity data so the eastern end of the series of gravity highs
remains open. Also of interest, is that the south-western area from
the 2024 data is not associated with a strong gravity
First vertical derivative modelling (Figure 4)
highlights the locations of the edges of bodies that give rise to
the observed residual gravity anomalies. Where the first vertical
derivative changes sharply from negative to positive (or from
positive to negative) it indicates the location of the edge of a
density anomalous body. At the exact locations of residual gravity
highs "A", "B" and "D", a bullseye high of the first vertical
derivative with steeply dropping edges is observed. The residual
gravity high marked "C" does not have a corresponding bullseye on
the first vertical derivative, and gravity high "E" is present but
less prominent.

Figure 4: Kilmallock Gravity First
Vertical Derivative
The Analytic Signal of the Bouguer Anomaly data
(Figure 5) is generated by advanced modelling of three directional
derivatives (in the x, y and z directions). Similar to the
first vertical derivative, the Analytic Signal is significantly
elevated at the locations of residual gravity highs "A", "B" and
"D", but is less prominent at "E" and very subdued at

Figure 5: Kilmallock Gravity Analytic
The recent gravity survey has been focused on
the region where the target horizon, the Waulsortian Reef,
sub-crops, and the modelled target depth is <250m. Within this
target depth range gravity surveying has the potential to define
anomalies that are related to density contrasts within the
underlying bedrock. These anomalies may be caused by zones of thick
sulphide mineralisation that have a high specific gravity and
contrast strongly with the surrounding rock mass. Further work is
required to ground truth and define these anomalies before diamond
drilling can commence.
Person Statement
The information in this release that relates to
exploration results is based upon information reviewed, assessed
and compiled by EurGeol Dave Blaney, B.Sc., M.Sc., P.Geo. who is a
Professional Geologist accredited by the Institute of Geologists of
Ireland. Mr Blaney is a Director, COO and shareholder of Unicorn
Mineral Resources Plc. Mr Blaney has sufficient relevant experience
with the style of mineralisation and types of deposit under
consideration and to the activity which has been undertaken, to
qualify as a Competent Person as defined by the Pan-European
Standard for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources
and Reserves (The PERC Reporting Standard).
This announcement contains information which, prior to its
disclosure, was inside information as stipulated under Regulation
11 of the Market Abuse (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019/310
(as amended).
further information, please visit www.UnicornMineralResources.com
Unicorn Mineral Resources Plc
John O'Connor, CFO
Tel: +353 86 259 5123
Novum Securities Limited - Financial Adviser and
David Coffman / George
Colin Rowbury
Tel: +44 (0)207 399 9400
Gathoni Muchai Investments
Faith Kinyanjui Mumbi