Valeo Shareholders' Meeting 2024
Valeo Shareholders' Meeting
Valeo's Shareholders' Meeting was held today.
The Meeting was chaired by Gilles Michel, Chairman of the Board of
Directors. All the resolutions were adopted.
The shareholders approved the financial
statements for the year ended December 31, 2023 as well as a
dividend distribution of 0.40 euro per share. The ex-dividend date
is set at May 28, 2024, and the record date at May 29, 2024. The
dividend will be paid on May 30, 2024.
The shareholders renewed the term of office of
the Fonds Stratégique de Participations, represented by Julie
Avrane as (independent) director, and appointed Sascha Zahnd and
Beatriz Puente as (independent) directors, for a period of four
years. Following the expiry of Thierry Moulonguet and Ulrike
Steinhorst's terms of office at the end of the Shareholders'
Meeting, the Chairman of the Board reiterated his warm thanks for
their involvement and the remarkable work they have carried out
over more than 12 years as part of the Board of Directors and its
specialized Committees.
In addition, the Shareholders' Meeting also
appointed Eric Chauvirey as director representing employee
shareholders, for a period of four years, with Yann Le Pêcheur as
his substitute.
At the end of the Shareholders' Meeting, the
Board of Directors therefore comprises 15 directors, including
2 directors representing employees and one director representing
employee shareholders. 92% of the directors are independent and 42%
of the directors are women (excluding employee directors). The
composition of specialized Committees of the Board and their chairs
have also been reviewed to reflect these developments, with
Véronique Weill now chairing the Audit and Risks Committee and
Alexandre Dayon now chairing the Compensation Committee and the
Governance, Appointments and Corporate Social Responsibility
Committee (Patrick Sayer will continue to chair the Strategy
Committee). It should also be noted that Julie Avrane,
permanent representative of the Fonds Stratégique de
Participations, is now in charge of CSR matters within the
Governance, Appointments and Corporate Social Responsibility
Committee. The new composition of the Board of Directors and its
specialized Committees are set out in full in Appendix 1 below.
The Shareholders' Meeting also approved the
compensation paid or granted to Directors and Executive Corporate
Officers for the 2023 financial year (ex post votes) as well as the
compensation policies applicable to Directors and Executive
Corporate Officers for the 2024 financial year (ex ante votes).
Finally, the shareholders decided to appoint
Mazars, statutory auditors of the Company, as auditor in charge of
the certification of information related to sustainability. The
shareholders also approved the renewal of the authorisation to
allot free shares.
About Valeo
As a technology company and partner to all
automakers and new mobility players, Valeo is innovating to make
mobility cleaner, safer and smarter. Valeo enjoys technological and
industrial leadership in electrification, driving assistance
systems, reinvention of the interior experience and lighting
everywhere. These four areas, vital to the transformation of
mobility, are the Group's growth drivers.
Valeo in figures: 22 billion euros in sales in 2023 | 112,700
employees at December 31, 2023 | 29 countries, 175 plants, 66
research and development centers and 20 distribution platforms.
Valeo is listed on the Paris Stock Exchange.
Media Relations
Dora Khosrof | +33 7 61 52 82 75Caroline De Gezelle | + 33 7 62
44 17
Investor Relations
+33 1 40 55 37
Appendix 1
Composition of the Board of Directors and its
specialized Committees at the end of the Shareholders' Meeting
dated May 23, 2024
Composition of the Board of Directors
Gilles Michel, Chairman of the Board of Directors
Christophe Périllat, Chief Executive Officer
Bruno Bézard, independent director
Bpifrance Participations, represented by Alexandre Ossola,
independent director
Eric Chauvirey, director representing employee shareholders
Alexandre Dayon, independent director
Fonds Stratégique de Participations, represented by Julie
Avrane, independent director
Stéphanie Frachet, independent director
Mari-Noëlle Jégo-Laveissière, independent director
Eric Poton, director representing employees
Beatriz Puente, independent director
Patrick Sayer, independent director
Grzegorz Szelag, director representing employees
Véronique Weill, independent director
Sascha Zahnd, independent director
Composition of the Board of Directors' specialized
Audit and Risks Committee: Véronique Weill (Chair), Bruno
Bézard, Bpifrance Participations represented by Alexandre Ossola,
Eric Chauvirey, Fonds Stratégique de Participations represented by
Julie Avrane, Mari-Noëlle Jégo-Laveissière and Beatriz Puente
Governance, Appointments and Corporate Social Responsibility
Committee: Alexandre Dayon (Chair), Fonds Stratégique de
Participations represented by Julie Avrane in charge of CSR
matters, Stéphanie Frachet, Eric Poton and Patrick Sayer
Compensation Committee: Alexandre Dayon (Chair), Fonds
Stratégique de Participations represented by Julie Avrane,
Stéphanie Frachet, Eric Poton and Patrick Sayer
Strategy Committee: Patrick Sayer (Chair), Bpifrance
Participations represented by Alexandre Ossola, Alexandre Dayon,
Stéphanie Frachet, Grzegorz Szelag and Sascha Zahnd
- 20240523 Valeo - PR Shareholder Meeting 2024
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