Appleton Exploration Inc. (TSX VENTURE:AEX) provides a summary of Phase 1 Spring
2009 drilling program on the Manalo Gold Project in the Republic of Mali, West
Africa, complete with screen metallic check assays. The Phase 1 program
comprising 18 reverse circulation (RC) drill holes totalling 1800 metres, 7
diamond core tails (cored from the bottom of selected RC holes) totalling 385
metres, and 95 aircore drill holes totaling 4615 metres targeted gold-bearing
quartz veins within Birimian sediments, which host several deposits including
the Sadiola, Yatela and Morila gold mines. Initial evaluation of the northern
and southern segments of the 3 kilometre by 0.5 kilometre Dialafara gold soil
anomaly was the primary focus of the Phase 1 program. At the Northern segment, 5
of 13 holes returned intersections greater than 1 gpt Au over 5 metres with the
best intersection being 192 gpt Au over 10 metres including 640 gpt Au over 3
metres. At the Southern segment, 2 of 5 holes returned intersections greater
than 1 gpt Au over 5 metres with the best intersection being 3.32 gpt Au over 18
metres. A total of 455 samples were sent for metallic screen assays: 10.55% of
the samples returned the same gold value, 33.63% of the samples returned higher
gold values, 52.75% of the samples returned lower gold values and 3.08% of the
samples had insufficient material to complete a metallic screen assay. The
metallic screen assay results confirm that coarse gold particles (greater than
150 mesh) occur in sufficient quantity to influence sampling repeatability.
Based on the success of the 2009 Phase 1 program, planning for Phase 2 is now

Dialafara Northern Segment

Drilling Summary

Thirteen reverse circulation holes, six with core tails, testing the Dialafara
Northern Segment over a strike length of 700 metres, were aimed at determining
thickness and grade continuity beyond limited reverse circulation drilling in
the past, which included 15.64 gpt Au across 16 metres, 2.26 gpt Au across 10
metres from DL-08-036, and 1.61 gpt Au across 16 metres from DL-08-032.
Artisanal workings as well as trends of quartz subcrop are evident on surface in
this segment.

Drilling at the north end of the Dialafara Northern Segment has confirmed the
presence of gold mineralization discovered in 2008. MDL-09-042 intersected 7.5
metres grading 2.55 gpt Au. MDL-09-056 intersected 192 gpt Au over 10.0 metres
including 640 gpt Au over 3.0 metres and 1.27 gpt Au over 11.5 metres. Zones may
be related to a stratigraphic contact, which will require further drilling to
evaluate zone correlation and continuity. Approximately 500 metres further
south, MDL-09-049 scissored MDL-08-032 yielding 11.0 metres averaging 1.13 gpt
Au. Drilling in this area showed some continuity of grade and width along 100
metres. Between these two clusters, drilling showed some zone continuity. Drill
collar locations for the 2009 program can be found on the Company's website
( under the "Current Exploration Program" link on
the Manalo Project Page.

In addition, a single reconnaissance aircore fence of 11 angled holes totaling
582 metres was completed approximately 800 metres northwest of the main
Dialafara Northern Segment area to explore the projection of the trend where
soil values reached as high as 2.99 gpt Au. The aircore holes intersected
multiple 1 to 3m wide intervals of 20% to 100% quartz. Several individual one
metre values returned between 0.25 gpt Au to 1.25 gpt Au within graphitic
siltstone. Although gold grades were low, the Company is encouraged by the
alteration that aligns with the projection of the Dialafara Northern Segment
from this 800 metre step out.

Metallic Comparisons

The highlights of the drilling from the Northern Segment follow. All have been
previously announced by the Company, but now are accompanied with screen
metallic check assays. The screen metallic checks assays compared reasonably
well with most originally fire assayed intervals. Some intervals registered
slightly higher gold grades while some registered slightly lower gold grades.
The most significant positive variation was an improvement of the initial
intersection of 1.34 gpt Au over 5 metres in MDL-09-046 to 2.80 gpt Au over 11
metres. The most significant negative variation in this round of sampling was
the difficulty in reproducing the 3.0 metre or the 10.0 metre high-grade
interval in MDL-09-056. However, other testwork discussed below, did in fact
confirm the presence of nuggety or coarse gold in this interval.

Dialafara Northern Segment Drill Intersection Summary
                              m        m        m       gpt          gpt Au
DH           Sample        from       to   length     Au FA       Metallics
DL-09-041    RC            48.0     49.0      1.0     36.40           15.10
             Core         108.5    109.5      1.0      1.21              (i)
             Core         118.2    121.3      3.1      0.88            0.52
DL-09-042    Core         125.7    126.7      1.0      5.48            5.14
             Core         132.2    139.7      7.5      2.55            2.50
DL-09-043    RC            33.0     38.0      5.0      1.09            0.37
             including     35.0     36.0      1.0      4.85            1.55
DL-09-044    RC            43.0     46.0      3.0      0.90            0.74
DL-09-045    RC            27.0     28.0      1.0      0.65              (i)
DL-09-046    RC            94.0     95.0      1.0      1.18              (i)
             RC           139.0    144.0      5.0      1.34            5.13
             RC           139.0    150.0     11.0      0.69            2.80
DL-09-047    RC            50.0     56.0      6.0      0.17            0.71
DL-09-048    RC             5.0     14.0      9.0      0.45            1.00
             RC            43.0     49.0      6.0      0.67            1.00
             RC            70.0     71.0      1.0      1.12              (i)
             RC            95.0     96.0      1.0      1.30              (i)
DL-09-049    RC            66.0     77.0     11.0      1.14            0.46
DL-09-050    RC            58.0     62.0      4.0      0.61            0.24
DL-09-051    RC            25.0     26.0      1.0      0.32            0.35
DL-09-052    RC            21.0     24.0      3.0      1.89            1.84
DL-09-056    RC            53.0     63.0     10.0    192.17             (ii)
             including     60.0     63.0      3.0    640.19            0.75
             Core         138.2    149.7     11.5      1.27            0.53
(i)  - Not re-assayed
(ii) - Insufficient material to complete a metallic analysis on one of the
       10 samples making up the interval
FA   - Fire Assay
Metallics - Screen metallic assays are an industry accepted assay procedure
that identifies the presence and significance of coarse gold in a sample.
The assay procedure separates a fine and coarse pulverized sample fraction
which are weighed and assayed and subsequently recombined proportionally.

Discussion on High Grade Intersection in MDL-09-056

Extensive test work has been focused on the highest grade portion of the
reported interval. The original three 1.0 metre samples from 60-63 metres in
MDL-09-056 were first fire assayed, as shown in the first 3 columns in the
following table. These numbers were used in the compositing of the reported
intercept in NR-09-07. The highest grade sample was assayed three times with
consistent very high grade gold assays. The Company requested and subsequently
received re-assays of the original pulps from the same 3.0 metre interval which
produced mixed results as shown in the next three columns of the table. The
Company also requested ALS Bamako to prepare and assay a second pulp from the
coarse lab rejects which produced low gold values as shown in the last 2

                                 MDL-09-056 Fire Assay Results
                   Original Pulp           Original Pulp        Second Pulp
                      (gpt Au)           Re-assay (gpt Au)        (gpt Au)
Sample ID      Orig-     Re-    lab    Orig-             Re-   Orig-
 (depth)       inal   assay   QA/QC    inal   Check   assay    inal   Check
            greater                         greater
720436         than                            than
 (60-61m)       100    1895    1455    1.56     100    0.69    0.63    0.49
 (61-62m)      0.47            0.46    0.67    0.50            0.30    0.32
 (62-63m)      25.1                    21.9    39.4            1.24    0.57
Note: greater than 100 indicates a fire assay with an Atomic Absorption
      finish which has an upper detection limit of 100 gpt Au

Since the variability of the check assays indicated coarse nuggety gold in the
interval, the Company requested screen metallic assay checks on all significant
drill intervals. These results were discussed in the preceding section.

In addition, the Company had the remainder of the original field material for
the same three 1.0 metre samples air freighted to ALS North Vancouver. The
samples were split into 5 sub samples. Four of the 5 sub samples were analyzed
by screen metallics assays with the results shown in the following table. The
fine (-) fraction from the four sub samples of 720436 returned gold assays that
ranged from 0.51 gpt Au to 1.05 gpt Au. When the lab calculated in the coarse
gold fraction assays, all samples returned higher total gold values indicating
the presence and significance of coarse nuggety gold in the samples. For
example, the fine fraction assay in the first sub sample of 720436 was 1.05 gpt
Au and its total gold assay was 7.38 gpt Au when the coarse gold fraction was
calculated in.

                  MDL-09-056 ALS North Vancouver Screen Metallic Results
               Sub sample 1    Sub sample 2    Sub sample 3    Sub sample 4
                  (in gpt)        (in gpt)        (in gpt)        (in gpt)
                     - frac-         - frac-         - frac-         - frac-
              total    tion   total    tion   total    tion   total    tion
                 Au      Au      Au      Au      Au      Au      Au      Au
720436         7.38    1.05    0.71    0.51    2.58    0.97    0.90    0.52
720437         0.71    0.29    0.92    0.39
720438         0.35    0.20    0.50    0.23    0.26    0.20    0.34    0.27

The fifth sub sample was sent to G&T Metallurgical Services Ltd. of Kamloops for
scanning electron microscope analysis. G&T separated the gold by gravity and
mounted the gold particles on slides for examination and photographing. The
scanning electron microscope photographs clearly show the only gold particles
from sample 720436 in MDL-09-056 are crystalline in nature.

In conclusion, the test work confirms the coarse nature of the gold can create
spectacular bonanza grade intercepts, but also great variability of results.

Dialafara Southern Segment

Drilling Summary

Previous drilling in the 1.8km long northwest trending Southern Segment of the
Dialafara gold soil anomaly had been confined to limited cluster drilling under
artisanal workings and under higher gold values in soils. Highlights from past
drilling included 9.57 gpt Au across 9 metres from DL-07-01 and 29.07 gpt Au
across 6 metres from DL-07-02 from northeast trending zones (perpendicular to
main trend).

The 2009 drill program was aimed at improving the geological context, assessing
the broad potential of this large (300 to 500m wide) gold anomaly and
determining grade and thickness continuity, at least locally within the trend.

The Company conducted 5 reconnaissance level fences of angled aircore drill
holes to broadly, but systematically test the Dialafara South Segment over a
strike length of 1.5km. Fifty four angled holes totaling 3227 metres were
completed, each with an average depth of 60 metres. The 5 reconnaissance lines
intersected multiple northwest trending corridors of quartz veining. New
mineralizing controls have been identified. Most quartz veining is focused
within 50 metres either side of the key geological contact between a
sandstone/conglomerate and siltstone unit. The program provides important data
to aid correlations between intercepts from previous drilling and artisanal
workings and will significantly focus future drilling. Much of the contact area
is untested by drilling. Highlights include: AC-09-93 on Transect 5 with 1.50
gpt Au across 8.0 metres, AC-09-61 on Transect 2 intersecting 7.53 gpt Au over 1
metre and AC-09-75 on Transect 4 intersecting 0.72 gpt Au over 3 metres.

Also within the Southern Segment five reverse circulation holes, one with a core
tail, tested a 250 metre long strikelength of a northwest-trending structure
identified in recently excavated 450 metre long artisanal workings at the
Dialafara Southern Segment, adjacent to the areas tested by drilling in 2007 and
2008. All 5 holes were successful in delineating a gold mineralized
quartz-bearing structure in coarse-grained sandstone and micro-conglomerate
immediately west of the contact with the variably graphitic siltstone.
Highlights include 3.32 gpt Au over 18 metres in MDL-09-54 and 1.58 gpt Au over
10.0 metres in MDL-09-053.

Metallic Comparisons

Below are the previously reported highlights from the Southern Segment of the
Dialafara trend which have also been checked by screen metallic assays. In these
cases the screen metallic assays generally showed lower values to previous

Dialafara Southern Segment Reverse Circulation Drill Intersection Summary
DH            Sample  m from    m to  m length  gpt Au FA  gpt Au Metallics
DL-09-053     RC        43.0    53.0      10.0       1.58              0.73
DL-09-054     RC        36.0    54.0      18.0       3.32              0.91
DL-09-055     RC        13.0    14.0       1.0       1.18    less than 0.05
DL-09-055     RC        18.0    19.0       1.0       1.40              0.17
DL-09-057     RC        10.0    13.0       3.0       0.81              0.68
DL-09-058     RC        14.0    26.0      12.0       0.57              0.89

Dialafara Northeast

Two east-west reconnaissance aircore lines spaced 400 metres apart were
completed in the Dialafara NE gold soil anomaly, approximately 2 kilometres
northeast of the Dialafara Northern Segment. Thirty holes totaling 806 metres
were drilled. The western portion of both lines intersected sandstones and
granule-size conglomerate and individual holes were unable to reach planned
depths of 60 metres. The southern fence intersected quartz veining in the
easternmost holes and returned 3.04 gpt Au over 2 metres from hole AC-09-040.

QA/QC protocols of standards, duplicates and blanks were incorporated in the
sampling program. Assaying was completed by ALS Chemex in Bamako, Mali. All
samples were assayed for gold using a 30 gram fire assay (FA) technique with an
atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) finish or gravimetric finish. A suite of
"mineralized" samples were re-analyzed using a screen metallics gold, double
minus technique. The screen size used in the metallic procedure is 150 mesh (100
microns). The 3 samples that were shipped to ALS North Vancouver and G&T
Metallurgical Services followed proper chains of custody. The check assays by
ALS North Vancouver facility followed the same screen metallic technique.

The Company is encouraged by the presence of gold, the widths and the degree of
continuity in the northern and southern segments and will follow up with Phase 2
drilling in fall 2009. The Company will also focus on the other large soil
anomalies on the permit, in particularly, the Sirabada target, which
demonstrates extreme hydrothermal alteration and the most extensive artisanal
workings on the permit.

Appleton President, Tim Henneberry, states, "We have made great progress on
Manalo's evaluation in terms of new significant gold intercepts and geological
understanding from our spring 2009 drill program. We plan to immediately
mobilize at the conclusion of the rainy season to follow up on the exciting
results from the Dialafara anomalies. Drilling is expected to commence in late
September to early October once it is feasible to move the drill rig over the

Appleton is earning a 100% interest in the Manalo Gold Project, subject to a 2%
Net Smelter Return (NSR) Royalty, from Delta Exploration Inc. ("Delta") a
wholly-owned subsidiary of Rockgate Capital Corp. (RGT - TSX.V).

About Mali

Mali is the fastest growing gold producing country in Africa. Production in 2007
amounted to 2 million ounces of gold making Mali Africa's third-largest gold
producer after South Africa and Ghana. AngloGold Ashanti Limited, one of the
largest gold mining companies in the world, has interests in three operating
mines in Mali: Sadiola, Yatela and Morila.

On Behalf of the Board of Directors,

R.Tim Henneberry, P.Geo., President and CEO

R. Tim Henneberry, P.Geo., President and Director of Appleton Exploration Inc.,
is the Qualified Person as defined in National Instrument 43-101, who has
reviewed and approved the technical content of this news release.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements. All statements, other
than statements of historical fact, constitute "forward-looking statements" and
include any information that addresses activities, events or developments that
the Company believes, expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future
including the Company's strategy, plans or future financial or operating
performance and other statements that express management's expectations or
estimates of future performance.

Forward-looking statements are generally identifiable by the use of the words
"may", "will", "should", "continue", "expect", "anticipate", "estimate",
"believe", "intend", "plan" or "project" or the negative of these words or other
variations on these words or comparable terminology. All such forward-looking
information and statements are based on certain assumptions and analyses made by
the Company's management in light of their experience and perception of
historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well
as other factors management believes are appropriate in the circumstances. These
statements, however, are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and
other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance
or achievements of the Company to be materially different from those expressed,
implied by or projected in the forward-looking information or statements.
Important factors that could cause actual results to differ from these
forward-looking statements include but are not limited to: risks related to the
exploration and potential development of the Company's projects, risks related
to international operations, the actual results of current exploration
activities, conclusions of economic evaluations, changes in project parameters
as plans continue to be refined, future prices of gold, as well as those factors
discussed in the sections relating to risk factors of the Company set out in the
Company's MD&A filed on SEDAR.

There can be no assurance that any forward-looking statements will prove to be
accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those
anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, the reader should not place any
undue reliance on forward-looking information or statements. Except as required
by law, the Company does not intend to revise or update these forward-looking
statements after the date of this document or to revise them to reflect the
occurrence of future unanticipated events.

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