Latin American Minerals Inc. (TSX VENTURE:LAT)(OTCQX:LATNF) (the "Company")
announces results for the Tacuru target, part of the X-Mile Gold Trend located
within the Company's 100% owned exploration concession at Paso Yobai, Paraguay.
Twelve holes totalling 1712 metres have been drilled at the Tacuru target to
date, all of which intersected gold mineralization. Highlights from the most
recent drilling include:

--  DDH-BT-08: 
    --  true width 22.0 m with 4.20 gpt gold including 5.69 m with 11.24
        gpt, beginning at surface; 
    --  true width 2.13 m with 94.6 gpt gold including 0.7 m with 271.2 gpt
        at 34.6 m vertical depth; and 
    --  true width 2.7 m with 107.7 gpt gold including 0.47 m with 611.07
        gpt at 83.3 m vertical depth.

Results from the first five drill holes were announced in the Company's press
release of March 6th, 2012. The final results from these five drill holes are
being presented following the receipt of new fire screen assay duplicate
analyses. Some of the notable results include:

--  DDH-BT-02: true width 20.88 m with 4.09 gpt gold beginning at surface,
    including 3.77 m with 16.19 gpt gold at 4.9 m vertical depth which
    includes 1.06 m with 25.6 gpt at 7.61 m vertical depth; 
--  DDH-BT-04: true width 13.27 m with 3.35 gpt gold, including 2.95 m with
    5.27 gpt beginning at surface and 0.45m with 10.4 gpt at 37.68 m
    vertical depth; 
--  DDH-BT-05: true width 8.93 m with 2.97 gpt gold, including 3.0 m with
    6.48 gpt beginning at surface and 5.16 m with 1.9 gpt at 39.07 m
    vertical depth.

Tacuru is an extensive target area with a prominent surface gold soil anomaly of
700 metres diameter, initially explored with a reconnaissance trench that showed
3.8 gpt gold over 30.55 metres (LAT press release Dec. 15, 2011). The 12 drill
holes comprising Tacuru's drill program to date were inclined -55 degrees and
penetrated to a vertical depth of approximately 120 metres. The drill results
have tentatively defined four types of gold mineralization:

--  Disseminated bulk tonnage gold mineralization near surface ranging from
    approximately 1 to 4 gpt at surface in the residual soils, the
    underlying soft saprolite layer and near surface sandstones to a
    vertical depth of approximately 30 metres; 
--  Higher Grade (visible) gold mineralization (from 1 gpt up to 272 gpt) in
    kaolinized sandstones immediately below the saprolite and extending to a
    vertical depth of approximately 45 m; 
--  High Grade (visible) gold mineralization (from 1 gpt up to 611 gpt)
    hosted in a horizontal 25 metre thick basalt sill located 70 m below
--  Low Grade gold mineralization (1.5 to 2 gpt) hosted in a shale unit
    below the basalt at 110 to 120 metres below surface. 

Miles Rideout, President and CEO of the Company stated: "The Tacuru target is
now validated as a major epithermal system with significant gold occurrences
identified in several geological rock types. These results are impressive both
for the high grades and that we continue to intersect gold mineralization from
surface to 115 metres true depth. Expanded and deeper drilling will be required
to fully evaluate this target." 

A summary of mineral intersections from all Tacuru drilling is presented in the
following table. The summary table, a plan presentation of collar positions and
drill-sections are also posted on the news page at Results from the first five drill holes
were announced in the Company's press release of March 6th, 2012. The final
results from these five drill holes are being presented following the receipt of
new fire screen assay duplicate analyses.

Tacuru Drill Results Summary Table                                          
Drill                                    Gold Value (gpt) over Interval     
Hole:     Depth Range (metres):          (metres)                           
DDH-BT-01 from 4.80 to 9.06 m,           0.91 gpt over 4.26 m, true width   
                                         3.49 m;                            
          including 7.39 to 8.40 m,      1.21 gpt over 1.17 m, true width   
                                         0.96 m;                            
DDH-BT-02 from 0.0 to 25.5 m,            4.09 gpt over 25.5m, true width    
                                         20.88 m;                           
          including 6.0 to 10.6 m,       16.19 gpt over 4.6 m, true width   
          including 9.3 to 10.6 m,       25.6 gpt over 1.3 m, true width    
                                         1.06 m;                            
DDH-BT-03 from 6.95 to 12.9 m,           1.09 gpt over 5.95 m, true width   
                                         4.87 m;                            
          From 42.64 to 44.50 m,         1.14 gpt over 1.86 m, true width   
                                         1.52 m;                            
DDH-BT-04 from 0.0 to 16.2 m,            3.35 gpt over 16.2 m, true width   
                                         13.27 m;                           
          including 4.0 to 7.60 m        5.27 gpt over 3.6 m, true width    
                                         2.95 m;                            
          from 30.0 to 30.85 m           1.38 gpt over 0.85 m, true width   
                                         0.7 m;                             
          from 46.0 to 46.55 m           10.4 gpt over 0.55 m, true width   
                                         0.45 m;                            
DDH-BT-05 from 5.6 to 16.50 m            2.97 gpt over 10.9 m, true width   
                                         8.93 m;                            
          including 7.32 to 10.98 m,     6.48 gpt over 3.66 m, true width   
                                         3.0 m;                             
          from 42.53 to 43.40 m,         1.64 gpt over 0.87 m, true width   
                                         0.71 m;                            
          from 47.7 to 54.0 m,           1.9 gpt over 6.3 m, true width 5.16
          including 50.33 to 52.15 m,    3.68 gpt over 1.8 m, true width    
                                         1.47 m;                            
          from 57.18 to 61.5 m,          1.86 gpt over 4.32 m, true width   
                                         3.54 m;                            
          including 59.15 to 61.5 m,     2.97 gpt over 2.35 m, true width   
                                         1.92 m;                            
          from 111.87 to 112.94 m,       1.09 got over 1.07 m, true width   
DDH-BT-06 from 3.0 to 9.0 m,             0.77 gpt over 6.0 m, true width    
                                         4.91 m;                            
          from 119.0 to 119.9 m,         1.15 gpt over 0.9 m, true width    
                                         0.74 m;                            
DDH-BT-07 from 0.0 to 14.4 m             1.68 gpt over 14.4 m, true width   
                                         11.79 m;                           
          including from 5.97 to 10.0 m, 2.79 gpt over 4.0 m, true width    
                                         3.28 m;                            
DDH-BT-08 from 0.0 to 26.86 m,           4.20 gpt over 26.86 m, true width  
                                         22.0 m;                            
          including 9.0 to 15.95 m,      11.24 gpt over 6.95 m, true width  
                                         5.69 m;                            
          including 13.95 to 15.95 m,    20.23 gpt over 2.0 m, true width   
                                         1.64 m;                            
          from 42.2 to 44.75 m,          94.6 gpt over 2.6 m, true width    
                                         2.13 m;                            
          including 43.15 to 44.0 m,     271.20 gpt over 0.85 m, true width 
                                         0.70 m;                            
          from 101.7 to 105.5 m,         107.7 gpt over 3.3 m, true width   
                                         2.70 m;                            
          including 104.48 to 105.05 m,  611.07 gpt over 0.57 m, true width 
                                         0.47 m;                            
          from 106.33 to 107.18 m,       1.64 gpt over 0.85 m, true width   
                                         0.70 m;                            
DDH-BT-09 from 3.0 to 10.2 m,            0.62 gpt over 7.2 m, true width    
                                         5.90 m;                            
DDH-BT-10 from 0.0 to 10.0 m             1.0 gpt over 10.0 m, true width    
                                         8.19 m;                            
          from 98.95 to 100.8 m,         1.36 got over 1.85 m, true width   
                                         1.52 m;                            
          from 119.17 to 121.2 m,        0.93 gpt over 2.03 m, true width   
                                         1.66 m;                            
DDH-BT-11 from 0.0 to 12.68 m,           0.69 gpt over 12.68 m, true width  
                                         10.38 m;                           
          including 6.0 to 9.2 m,        0.96 gpt over 3.2 m, true width    
                                         2.62 m;                            
          from 114.8 to 116.25 m,        2.56 gpt over 1.45 m, true width   
                                         1.19 m;                            
          from 129.5 to 130.5 m,         1.53 gpt over 1.0 m, true width    
                                         0.82 m;                            
          from 141.27 to 141.7 m,        2.07 gpt over 0.43 m, true width   
                                         0.35 m;                            
DDH-BT-12 from 1.95 to 11.96 m,          0.49 gpt over 10.01 m, true width  
                                         8.20 m.                            
(The reported true interval width is derived for the horizontal geology and 
horizontal alteration observed at site.)                                    

The Tacuru Target is currently the most advanced exploration area on the 14.8
kilometre long X-Mile Trend, a linear feature defined by five gold soil
geochemical anomalies ranging to over one kilometre in diameter each. The Tacuru
target is the first of these targets to be drilled. 

The X-Mile Trend runs parallel to the 4.5 kilometer Discovery Trend where the
Company has constructed its Independencia Mine pilot operation. These trends,
separated by 3.5 kilometres, and other outlying target areas suggest an
epithermal mineralizing system approaching 100 square kilometre area. 

About the Paso Yobai Gold Project:

The Company is operating the Independencia Mine Pilot Plant on the Company's
99%-owned mining concession, part of the Company's larger Paso Yobai Gold
Project. The objective of the new pilot plant is to facilitate resource
evaluation through bulk-sampling on the Discovery Trend, which is characterised
by coarse gold mineralization extending from surface to greater than 100 m

The X-Mile Trend at Paso Yobai is located on exploration licences that are 100%
owned by the Company. The results of the Company's 2011 work to define drill
targets suggest that bulk tonnage potential could exist at several target zones
along this extensive structure. The Company continues to focus 2012 exploration
on these targets.

About the Company: 

Latin American Minerals Inc. is a mineral exploration company whose core
projects include the Company's Independencia Mine and satellite targets in the
new Paso Yobai gold district.

Dr. Waldo Perez is the Company's internal "Qualified Person" under the
requirements of National Instrument 43-101 and has approved this press release.

Sampling and Analytical Protocols: 

The sampling and analytical protocols were established, implemented and
supervised by or under the direction of Dr. Waldo Perez, the Company's internal
Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. At the drill site,
the core was placed in core boxes and delivered to a secure field core
processing centre. The core was "split" using a diamond saw by experienced
exploration technicians and logged by professional geologists. The nominal
sample interval was approximately 1m, though locally the interval might be
increased to 2m or decreased to 0.5m, the interval being determined by the
logging geologists based on geologic indicators. Half of the core was left in
the core box as a permanent reference of the interval sampled and half of the
designated sample interval was delivered to the Company's sample preparation
facility, operated by Company technicians. The core samples were crushed, dried
and split. A portion of the split sample was tagged and archived as coarse
reject and the remaining portion ground to minus 200 mesh and shipped by bonded
courier to the Alex Stewart Argentina S.A. laboratory in Mendoza, Argentina. All
samples were assayed for gold and multi-elements by ICP. Gold was analyzed by
Fire Assay with Atomic Absorption finish using 50 gram sample. For the
multi-elements, the samples were dissolved in aqua regia and read in ICP-OES.
Accuracy of results is tested through the systematic inclusion of blanks,
duplicates and certified reference standards. 

Metallic or Screen Fire Assays: Many exploration samples exhibit a pronounced
"nugget" effect due to the presence of particulate gold in coarse fragments. The
net result is a pronounced and unacceptable scatter in the gold analytical
results making it difficult to assess the true gold concentration. To improve
the analytical reproducibility a Metallic or "Screen" Assay is recommended. In
the screen fire assay the sample is crushed, 400gr of pulp is sieved and the
plus 100 micron (150 mesh) portion of the sample is screened out and assayed in
its entirety. The minus 100 micron (150 mesh) portion of the sample is
homogenized and a 50 gram fusion is used to determine its grade. Then the final
assay reported is the weighted average of both fractions, coarse and fine. 

The statements made in this press release that are not historical facts contain
forward-looking information that involves risk and uncertainties. All
statements, other than statements of historical facts, which address Latin
American Minerals' expectations, should be considered forward-looking
statements. Such statements are based on management's exercise of business
judgment as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to
management. When used in this document, the words "may", "will", "anticipate",
"believe", "estimate", "expect", "intend" and words of similar import, are
intended to identify any forward-looking statements. You should not place undue
reliance on these forward-looking statements. These statements reflect our
current view of future events and are subject to certain risks and uncertainties
as contained in Latin American Minerals' filings with Canadian securities
regulatory authorities. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties
materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, our actual
results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking
statements. We undertake no obligation, and do not intend, to update, revise or
otherwise publicly release any revisions to these forward-looking statements to
reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof, or to reflect the
occurrence of any unanticipated events, unless required under applicable
securities laws. Although we believe that our expectations are based on
reasonable assumptions, we can give no assurance that our expectations will

Grafico Azioni Latin American Minerals (TSXV:LAT)
Da Feb 2025 a Mar 2025 Clicca qui per i Grafici di Latin American Minerals
Grafico Azioni Latin American Minerals (TSXV:LAT)
Da Mar 2024 a Mar 2025 Clicca qui per i Grafici di Latin American Minerals