RNS Number : 1194Z 
Alkane Energy PLC 
16 September 2009 

16 September 2009 
Alkane Energy plc 
("Alkane", "the Group" or "the Company") 
Unaudited interim results for the half year to 30 June 2009 
Alkane Energy plc (AIM: ALK) the profitable alternative energy company that owns 
and operates power generation plants using coal mine methane as fuel, today 
announces its unaudited interim results for the six months to 30 June 2009. 
Financial Highlights 
  *  Revenue up 9% to GBP2.85m (2008: 2.60m) 
  *  EBITDA up 26% to GBP1.40m (2008: GBP1.10m) 
  *  Strong operating cash flow 
  *  Receipts from sale of Pro2 currently GBP5.16m 
  *  PBT before exceptional non cash accounting movements relating to the sale of 
  Pro2 was GBP0.79 million (H1 2008: GBP0.87 million) 
Operational Highlights 
  *  Good progress towards achieving target of 50MW capacity 
  *  Proceeds from sale of Pro2 funding expansion programme 
  *  Development of new natural gas for standby facilities 
  *  New project pipeline progressing well 
Commenting on the interim results, Chief Executive Officer, Neil O'Brien, said: 
"It has been a very encouraging six months as we remain on track to reach our 
medium term target of 50MW of installed coal mine methane capacity. Our strong 
balance sheet, high cash generation and proceeds from the disposal of Pro2 
provide a sound base to progress further." 
For more information please contact: 
| Alkane Energy plc                 |    020 7796 4133 (today), then 01623 | 
| Neil O'Brien, Chief Executive     |                               827927 | 
| Officer                           |    020 7796 4133 (today), then 01623 | 
| Steve Goalby, Finance Director    |                               827927 | 
|                                   |                                      | 
| Altium Capital Limited            |                        0161 831 9133 | 
| Adrian Reed - Financial Advisory  |                        020 7484 4040 | 
| Chloe Ponsonby - Corporate        |                                      | 
| Broking                           |                                      | 
|                                   |                                      | 
| Hudson Sandler                    |                        020 7796 4133 | 
| Nick Lyon                         |                                      | 
| Hugo Jenkins                      |                                      | 
Alkane is pleased to announce its unaudited interim results for the six months 
ended 30 June 2009. The first half of 2009 has been a busy and constructive 
period for the Group. The disposal of our German subsidiary, Pro2, has provided 
Alkane with the financial resources to accelerate the Group's investment 
programme in our core Coal Mine Methane ('CMM') business. Alkane's flexible low 
cost operating model gives us significant competitive advantage over other 
energy generators and we continue to invest in profitable projects even in these 
difficult economic times. 
The Group's entire minority interest in Pro2 was sold on 1 March 2009. The total 
receipts are expected to be GBP6.63 million of which GBP5.16 million was 
received in this half year; the balance is due within 18 months on loan 
repayment schedules and the clearance of an escrow account.  The capital 
receipts from the disposal and continued strong operating cash flow have allowed 
us to accelerate the expansion of the Group's operations and GBP4.76 million has 
been invested in new projects during the six months to June 2009. This 
investment programme is a key feature of our strategy as we strive to reach our 
medium term target of 50MW of installed CMM capacity. 
The following table shows our progress towards the 50MW target: 
|                     |              |  CATEGORY    |              |              | 
|                     |   Current    |  Projects    |  Pipeline    |    Total     | 
|                     |  installed   |    being     |  projects    |              | 
|                     |  capacity    |commissioned  |    under     |              | 
|                     |              |              |construction  |              | 
|                     |      MW      |      MW      |      MW      |      MW      | 
| Electricity         |      11      |      6       |     7.5      |    24.5      | 
| Generation sites    |              |              |              |              | 
|                     |              |              |              |              | 
| Gas supply sites    |      6       |      -       |     0.5      |     6.5      | 
| (equivalent MW)     |              |              |              |              | 
|                     |              |              |              |              | 
| Total               |      17      |      6       |      8       |      31      | 
During the first half the output from the Group's UK sites was 39.3GWh 
(H1 2008: 40.8GWh). Output levels were slightly down due to a drop in production 
at our Bevercotes site where, as previously announced, lower gas volumes have 
resulted in the move of some capacity to other operating sites.  Also during the 
period we withdrew from the Group's only overseas site at Joarin in Germany. 
Following a reduction in gas flows at the site and due to a lack of scale in 
Germany the decision was made to redeploy the power generation plant back to the 
UK where higher rates of return are available. 
The first half saw revenue increase from GBP2.60 million (H1: 2008) to GBP2.85 
million this year representing a 9% increase. The Company benefitted from 
forward electricity contracts entered into in 2008 and achieved a 21% increase 
in average selling price to GBP59.5/MWh (H1 2008: GBP49.3/MWh).  Over the past 
18 months market electricity prices have been volatile, and have fallen 
considerably from the peaks reached in 2008. Unless there is a significant 
upturn in market prices, our average selling price in 2010 will be lower than 
this year.  Output in the UK in the period was 39.3GWh (2008: 40.8GWh).  The 
decision to exit Joarin resulted in a revenue loss of GBP0.13 million compared 
to the same period last year. Gas sales in the period were 1.7 million therms 
(H1 2008: 1.8 million). The average gas selling price moved up by 16% to 
29.4p/therm (H1 2008: 25.3p/therm). 
The Group adopts a flexible but prudent policy on forward contracting for 
electricity sales, ensuring that there is an even spread of rolling renewals 
over any twelve month period to limit Group exposure to individual low price 
periods. The Group has contracts in place for the next twelve months covering 
58% of our current installed capacity at an average price of GBP48/MWh. Our 
development and capital expenditure programmes are carefully managed to reflect 
these external factors. 
An important characteristic of the Group is the strong cash flow generated by 
the Alkane business model, demonstrated by EBITDA from continuing operations for 
the first half of GBP1.40 million (H1 2008:GBP1.10 million). The 2009 figure 
shows EBITDA from continuing operations running at 49% of revenue (H1 2008: 
42%). This cash flow is one of the major sources of finance for our investment 
programme in new plant in the UK. 
Following the disposal of Pro2, there are a number of exceptional, 
non-cash, accounting movements related to the Group's holding in Pro2 and 
certain loans made to Pro2 which were sold or rescheduled as part of the 
disposal process. The profit before tax for the six months to June 2009 before 
these exceptional items was GBP0.79 million (H1 2008: GBP0.87 million). The fall 
in profit before tax is due to a rescheduling of depreciation charges so that 
costs relating to major overhauls are now depreciated over a shorter period than 
the plant itself. Total depreciation in H1 2009 was GBP0.59 million compared to 
GBP0.28 million in H1 2008. 
Earnings per share from continuing operations in the first half amounted to 
0.45p (H1 2008: 1.08p).  Excluding the impact of the Pro2 exceptional items 
described above, earnings per share were 0.85p (H1 2008: 0.92p) 
As at 30 June 2009, the Group had no net debt and cash balances of GBP3.51 
million, the majority of which has been committed to funding future growth in 
the Group's CMM portfolio. 
The UK operations have performed creditably after a difficult start to the year. 
Output levels in the UK were slightly down due to a drop in gas production at 
our Bevercotes site where we have reduced capacity to 2.7MW. 
The other UK sites have performed well. As previously indicated, the Group 
withdrew from its one German site, from where the 1.35MW engine has been 
redeployed for use in the UK. Current installed capacity, as set out above, 
totals 17MW. 
The cash receipts from the Pro2 disposal plus the Group's strong operating cash 
flow has allowed the Group to push ahead with the rollout programme with GBP4.76 
million invested in projects during the six months to June 2009. The projects 
currently being commissioned, set out above, refers to the Group's new 
Bilsthorpe and Shirebrook sites. The new site at Bilsthorpe is currently 
operating at 3.1MW; maximum capacity at this site is 4.65MW dependent upon 
future operating performance. It was first drilled in January of this year and 
started exporting to the electricity network from June. This project was 
delivered ahead of schedule and on budget and is one of our fastest ever 
construction phases. Shirebrook has been a further project success. Until 
recently it had been a 'gas only' site for the Group. After drilling a new 
access pipe, output has been restored to the site and we have upgraded 
facilities to operate our own electricity generators. 
The new project pipeline, with sites under construction set out above, is 
progressing extremely well. The Group has drilled and is gas testing at three 
sites in Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire and Staffordshire. Whilst there is still a 
large amount of administration and construction work to complete, we are hopeful 
that all three sites will be exporting electricity within 9 to 18 months. 
The Group's recent excellent performance on new projects shows the strength of 
our project portfolio. Nonetheless, there are unavoidable uncertainties within 
the business in respect of land acquisition and planning and also in respect of 
the level and life span of gas reserves. One example of this is that the Group 
has yet to find economically viable gas reserves within our South Wales licence 
area, however work continues to identify commercially viable reserves. 
The Group continues to work on a number of additional projects which will 
provide us with a portfolio of potential new sites for 2010 and beyond. 
At the start of 2009, we set ourselves a target of reaching, within the medium 
term, 50MW of installed CMM capacity. The table above shows that we are already 
making excellent progress towards this strategic target, with capacity set to 
rise to 31MW as the projects currently under construction are commissioned. The 
Group remains committed to delivering on this target from within our current CMM 
licence portfolio and from the existing resources available to the Group. The 
Board firmly believe that the first half of 2009 has been a major step forward 
in delivering on the potential of the Alkane Group. 
Alkane also continues to look at other opportunities to improve the quality of 
earnings of the Group. Work has started on creating an 8MW portfolio of natural 
gas fired standby facilities using surplus capacity at Shirebrook and Markham. 
When available, Alkane will be able to provide these facilities to utilise our 
valuable grid and generating capacity to provide electricity, generated from 
mains natural gas, at times of peak demand and associated electricity pricing. 
The Group has a highly flexible engine fleet and expertise in remote management 
facilities which enable us to support this new operating model and allow us to 
extend the life of a site beyond the CMM reserve period. 
The Group continues to research other areas of activity for Alkane to deploy our 
expertise and asset management skills. As stated with our full year results, we 
are committed to maximising the value of our current CMM operations whilst 
looking at additional complementary and proven technology areas to expand the 
As previously announced, Cameron Davies is retiring as an executive director on 
31 October 2009. I am pleased to confirm that Cameron has agreed that upon his 
retirement he will take on the role of non-executive director, thus ensuring 
that the Group continues to benefit from his knowledge and experience. Also as 
previously announced, David Oldham is to retire as Technical Director on 31 July 
2010. We are pleased to have appointed Neil Shailer to the non-Board role of 
managing director of the CMM business, and he is taking over the day-to-day 
operations in an orderly handover from David. 
2009 is benefiting from stable capacity and strong pricing from forward 
contracts entered into in 2008, alongside the shift change in the speed of 
development of the new project pipeline. With new capacity already on line we 
expect to see a rise in output in the second half. While pricing volatility is 
likely to lead to lower power prices in 2010, an increase in output would 
provide an offsetting factor. 
Our balance sheet is robust with no net debt and a business model which 
generates strong operating cash flows. Together with the funds from the disposal 
of Pro2 this has allowed us to undertake the largest ever investment programme 
for the Group, the benefit of which we will start to see during the rest of this 
year and in the years to come. 
Subject to any unforeseen operating changes, we remain confident of meeting City 
expectations for the full year. 
John Lander 
for the 6 months ended 30 June 2009 
|                                    |       |    For the |    For the |    For the | 
|                                    |       |        six |        six |       year | 
|                                    |       |     months |     months |      ended | 
|                                    |       |      ended |      ended |            | 
|                                    |       |    30 June |    30 June |         31 | 
|                                    |       |            |            |   December | 
|                                    |       |       2009 |       2008 |       2008 | 
|                                    |       |  Unaudited |            |   Audited  | 
|                                    |       |            |  Unaudited |            | 
|                                    |       |            |            |            | 
|                                    |Notes  |    GBP'000 |    GBP'000 |    GBP'000 | 
|                                    |       |            |            |            | 
| Revenue                            |       |      2,845 |      2,604 |      5,191 | 
| Cost of sales                      |       |      (952) |      (826) |    (2,093) | 
|                                    |       |            |            |            | 
| Gross profit                       |       |      1,893 |      1,778 |      3,098 | 
|                                    |       |            |            |            | 
| Administrative expenses            |       |    (1,142) |      (915) |    (1,862) | 
| Non-recurring costs                |  3    |          - |       (72) |      (108) | 
|                                    |       |            |            |            | 
| Return on operations               |       |        751 |        791 |      1,128 | 
|                                    |       |            |            |            | 
| Other operating income             |       |         54 |         30 |         63 | 
| Proceeds from surrender of leases  |       |          - |          - |        350 | 
| Impairment of gas assets           |       |          - |          - |      (200) | 
|                                    |       |            |            |            | 
| Profit on activities before        |       |        805 |        821 |      1,341 | 
| finance income/(costs)             |       |            |            |            | 
|                                    |       |            |            |            | 
| Finance income                     |       |         65 |        139 |        294 | 
| Exchange (loss)/gain arising from  |       |      (365) |        145 |        495 | 
| financing                          |       |            |            |            | 
| Finance costs                      |       |       (85) |       (87) |      (182) | 
|                                    |       |            |            |            | 
| Net finance (costs)/income         |       |      (385) |        197 |        607 | 
|                                    |       |            |            |            | 
|                                    |       |            |            |            | 
| Profit before tax                  |  4    |        420 |      1,018 |      1,948 | 
|                                    |       |            |            |            | 
| Tax (charge)/credit                |  5    |          - |       (21) |         60 | 
|                                    |       |            |            |            | 
| Profit for the period from         |       |        420 |        997 |      2,008 | 
| continuing operations              |       |            |            |            | 
|                                    |       |            |            |            | 
| Discontinued operations:           |       |            |            |            | 
| Net profit on disposal of          |  6    |        767 |          - |          - | 
| associate                          |       |            |            |            | 
| Share of loss/(profit) of          |       |          - |      (475) |        383 | 
| associate                          |       |            |            |            | 
|                                    |       |            |            |            | 
| Profit for the period attributable |       |      1,187 |        522 |      2,391 | 
| to equity holders of the parent    |       |            |            |            | 
|                                    |       |            |            |            | 
| Other comprehensive income         |       |            |            |            | 
| Exchange differences on            |       |          - |        122 |        814 | 
| translation of foreign operations  |       |            |            |            | 
| Exchange difference on long-term   |       |          - |        109 |        433 | 
| loan                               |       |            |            |            | 
| Exchange difference transferred to |       |      (927) |          - |          - | 
| profit or loss on disposal of      |       |            |            |            | 
| foreign operation                  |       |            |            |            | 
|                                    |       |            |            |            | 
| Total comprehensive income for the |       |            |            |            | 
| period                             |       |            |            |            | 
| attributable to equity holders of  |       |        260 |        753 |      3,638 | 
| the parent                         |       |            |            |            | 
|                                    |       |            |            |            | 
| Earnings per share                 |       |            |            |            | 
|                                    |       |            |            |            | 
| From continuing operations:        |       |            |            |            | 
| Basic, for profit for the period   |  7    |      0.45p |      1.08p |      2.17p | 
| attributable to equity holders of  |       |            |            |            | 
| the parent                         |       |            |            |            | 
| Diluted, for profit for the period |  7    |      0.45p |      1.07p |      2.15p | 
| attributable to equity holders of  |       |            |            |            | 
| the parent                         |       |            |            |            | 
|                                    |       |            |            |            | 
| From continuing and discontinued   |       |            |            |            | 
| operations:                        |       |            |            |            | 
| Basic, for profit for the period   |  7    |      1.28p |      0.57p |      2.59p | 
| attributable to equity holders of  |       |            |            |            | 
| the parent                         |       |            |            |            | 
| Diluted, for profit for the period |  7    |      1.26p |      0.56p |      2.56p | 
| attributable to equity holders of  |       |            |            |            | 
| the parent                         |       |            |            |            | 
at 30 June 2009 
|                                    |        |   30 June |    30 June |         31 | 
|                                    |        |           |            |   December | 
|                                    |        |      2009 |       2008 |       2008 | 
|                                    |        | Unaudited |  Unaudited |    Audited | 
|                                    |        |           |            |            | 
|                                    | Notes  |   GBP'000 |    GBP'000 |    GBP'000 | 
|                                    |        |           |            |            | 
| NON-CURRENT ASSETS                 |        |           |            |            | 
| Property, plant and equipment      |   8    |     6,953 |      5,291 |      5,932 | 
| Gas assets                         |   9    |     6,566 |      3,754 |      4,477 | 
| Investments accounted for using    |        |         - |      3,495 |          - | 
| the equity method                  |        |           |            |            | 
|                                    |        |    13,519 |     12,540 |     10,409 | 
|                                    |        |           |            |            | 
| CURRENT ASSETS                     |        |           |            |            | 
| Inventories                        |        |       188 |        101 |        144 | 
| Trade and other receivables        |        |     3,980 |      3,019 |      5,334 | 
| Other financial assets             |        |         - |        350 |        350 | 
| Cash and short-term deposits       |        |     3,507 |      2,133 |      1,826 | 
|                                    |        |     7,675 |      5,603 |      7,654 | 
| Assets held for sale               |   6    |         - |          - |      3,322 | 
|                                    |        |     7,675 |      5,603 |     10,976 | 
|                                    |        |           |            |            | 
| TOTAL ASSETS                       |        |    21,194 |     18,143 |     21,385 | 
|                                    |        |           |            |            | 
| CURRENT LIABILITIES                |        |           |            |            | 
| Trade and other payables           |        |   (1,663) |    (2,282) |    (2,799) | 
| Financial liabilities              |        |     (652) |      (412) |      (402) | 
| Provisions                         |        |      (17) |        (6) |          - | 
|                                    |        |   (2,332) |    (2,700) |    (3,201) | 
|                                    |        |           |            |            | 
| NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES            |        |           |            |            | 
| Financial liabilities              |        |   (1,965) |    (1,625) |    (1,507) | 
| Provisions                         |        |   (1,346) |    (1,459) |    (1,399) | 
|                                    |        |   (3,311) |    (3,084) |    (2,906) | 
|                                    |        |           |            |            | 
| TOTAL LIABILITIES                  |        |   (5,643) |    (5,784) |    (6,107) | 
|                                    |        |           |            |            | 
| NET ASSETS                         |        |    15,551 |     12,359 |     15,278 | 
|                                    |        |           |            |            | 
|                                    |        |           |            |            | 
| EQUITY                             |        |           |            |            | 
| Share capital                      |        |       464 |        463 |        464 | 
| Share premium                      |        |        72 |     33,318 |         72 | 
| Cumulative translation adjustment  |        |         - |        235 |        927 | 
| Other reserves                     |        |     8,544 |        107 |      8,531 | 
| Retained earnings                  |        |     6,471 |   (21,764) |      5,284 | 
|                                    |        |           |            |            | 
| TOTAL EQUITY                       |        |    15,551 |     12,359 |     15,278 | 
for the six months ended 30 June 2009 
|                          |  |                        Attributable to equity holders of the parent | 
|                          |  Issued   |  Share   |Translation  |       Other | Retained |  Total   | 
|                          |  capital  | premium  |     of      | reserves(1) | earnings |  equity  | 
|                          |           |          |  foreign    |             |          |          | 
|                          |           |          | operations  |             |          |          | 
|                          |           |          |             |             |          |          | 
|                          |   GBP'000 |  GBP'000 |     GBP'000 |     GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | GBP'000  | 
|                          |           |          |             |             |          |          | 
|                          |           |          |             |             |          |          | 
| At 1 January 2009        |       464 |       72 |         927 |       8,531 |    5,284 |   15,278 | 
|                          |           |          |             |             |          |          | 
| Total comprehensive      |         - |        - |       (927) |           - |    1,187 | 260      | 
| income and expense for   |           |          |             |             |          |          | 
| the period               |           |          |             |             |          |          | 
|                          |           |          |             |             |          |          | 
| Share-based payment      |         - |        - |           - |          13 |        - | 13       | 
|                          |           |          |             |             |          |          | 
| At 30 June 2009          |       464 |       72 |           - |       8,544 |    6,471 | 15,551   | 
| (Unaudited)              |           |          |             |             |          |          | 
|                          |           |          |             |             |          |          | 
|                          |           |          |             |             |          |          | 
| At 1 January 2008        |       460 |   33,259 |         113 |         107 | (22,395) | 11,544   | 
|                          |           |          |             |             |          |          | 
| Total comprehensive      |         - |        - |         122 |           - |      631 | 753      | 
| income and expense for   |           |          |             |             |          |          | 
| the period               |           |          |             |             |          |          | 
|                          |           |          |             |             |          |          | 
| Issue of share capital   |         3 |       59 |           - |           - |        - | 62       | 
|                          |           |          |             |             |          |          | 
| At 30 June 2008          |       463 |   33,318 |         235 |         107 | (21,764) | 12,359   | 
| (Unaudited)              |           |          |             |             |          |          | 
|                          |           |          |             |             |          |          | 
|                          |           |          |             |             |          |          | 
| At 1 January 2008        |       460 |   33,259 |         113 |         107 | (22,395) | 11,544   | 
|                          |           |          |             |             |          |          | 
| Total comprehensive      |         - |        - |         814 |           - |    2,824 | 3,638    | 
| income and expense for   |           |          |             |             |          |          | 
| the period               |           |          |             |             |          |          | 
|                          |           |          |             |             |          |          | 
| Share-based payment      |         - |        - |           - |           5 |        - | 5        | 
|                          |           |          |             |             |          |          | 
| Cancellation of share    |         - | (33,274) |           - |       8,419 |   24,855 | -        | 
| premium                  |           |          |             |             |          |          | 
|                          |           |          |             |             |          |          | 
| Issue of share capital   |         4 |       87 |           - |           - |        - | 91       | 
|                          |           |          |             |             |          |          | 
| At 31 December 2008      |       464 |       72 |         927 |       8,531 |    5,284 | 15,278   | 
| (Audited)                |           |          |             |             |          |          | 
 (1) Other reserves comprise share-based payments of GBP125,000 (30 June 2008: 
GBP107,000; 31 December 2008: GBP112,000), and a distributable reserve of 
GBP8,419,000 (30 June 2008: nil; 31 December 2008: GBP8,419,000) created 
following cancellation of the share premium account. 
for the six months ended 30 June 2009 
|                                      |       |    For the |    For the |    For the | 
|                                      |       |        six |        six |       year | 
|                                      |       |     months |     months |      ended | 
|                                      |       |      ended |      ended |            | 
|                                      |       |    30 June |    30 June |         31 | 
|                                      |       |            |            |   December | 
|                                      |       |       2009 |       2008 |       2008 | 
|                                      |       |  Unaudited |  Unaudited |    Audited | 
|                                      | Notes |    GBP'000 |    GBP'000 |    GBP'000 | 
|                                      |       |            |            |            | 
| Operating activities                 |       |            |            |            | 
| Profit before tax from continuing    |       |        420 |      1,018 |      1,948 | 
| operations                           |       |            |            |            | 
| Adjustments to reconcile operating   |       |            |            |            | 
| profit to net cash flows:            |       |            |            |            | 
| Depreciation and impairment of       |       |        589 |        281 |      1,261 | 
| property, plant and equipment and    |       |            |            |            | 
| gas assets                           |       |            |            |            | 
| Share-based payments expense         |       |         13 |          - |          5 | 
| Proceeds from surrender of leases    |       |          - |          - |      (350) | 
| Finance income                       |       |       (65) |      (139) |      (294) | 
| Finance expense                      |       |         85 |         87 |        182 | 
| Movements in provisions              |       |       (36) |       (57) |      (123) | 
| Decrease/(increase) in trade and     |       |      1,271 |         29 |      (377) | 
| other receivables                    |       |            |            |            | 
| Increase in inventories              |       |       (44) |          - |       (43) | 
| (Decrease)/increase in trade and     |       |       (78) |         17 |       (25) | 
| other payables                       |       |            |            |            | 
| Income tax refunded                  |       |         19 |          9 |         16 | 
|                                      |       |            |            |            | 
| Net cash flows from operating        |       |      2,174 |      1,245 |      2,200 | 
| activities                           |       |            |            |            | 
|                                      |       |            |            |            | 
| Cash flows from investing activities |       |            |            |            | 
| Proceeds from sale of investment in  |       |      3,161 |          - |          - | 
| associate                            |       |            |            |            | 
| Proceeds from surrender of leases    |       |          - |          - |        350 | 
| Interest received                    |       |        129 |        198 |        401 | 
| Dividends received                   |       |          - |          - |        182 | 
| Purchase of property, plant and      |       |    (2,911) |      (855) |    (1,784) | 
| equipment                            |       |            |            |            | 
| Purchase of gas assets               |       |    (1,845) |      (429) |    (1,230) | 
|                                      |       |            |            |            | 
| Net cash flows used in investing     |       |    (1,466) |    (1,086) |    (2,081) | 
| activities                           |       |            |            |            | 
|                                      |       |            |            |            | 
| Cash flows from financing activities |       |            |            |            | 
| Issue of share capital               |       |          - |         62 |         92 | 
| Proceeds from sale and finance       |       |        957 |        402 |        402 | 
| leaseback                            |       |            |            |            | 
| Sale and finance leaseback rentals   |       |      (249) |      (153) |      (355) | 
| Interest paid                        |       |       (85) |       (87) |      (182) | 
|                                      |       |            |            |            | 
| Net cash flows from/(used in)        |       |        623 |        224 |       (43) | 
| financing activities                 |       |            |            |            | 
|                                      |       |            |            |            | 
| Net increase in cash and cash        |       |      1,331 |        383 |         76 | 
| equivalents                          |       |            |            |            | 
|                                      |       |            |            |            | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at         |       |      2,176 |      2,100 |      2,100 | 
| beginning of period                  |       |            |            |            | 
|                                      |       |            |            |            | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at close   |  11   |      3,507 |      2,483 |      2,176 | 
| of period                            |       |            |            |            | 
The interim condensed consolidated financial statements of the Group for the six 
months ended 30 June 2009 were authorised for issue in accordance with a 
resolution of the directors on 15 September 2009. 
Alkane Energy plc is a public limited company incorporated and domiciled in 
England whose shares are publicly traded. The Company's registered number is 
The principal activities of the Group are described in Note 4. 
Basis of preparation 
The interim condensed financial statements are unaudited and do not constitute 
statutory financial statements within the meaning of section 435 of the 
Companies Act 2006. 
The comparative figures for the year ended 31 December 2008 were derived from 
the statutory accounts for that year which have been delivered to the Registrar 
of Companies. Those accounts received an unqualified audit report which did not 
contain statements under section 498(2) or (3) (accounting records or returns 
inadequate, accounts not agreeing with records and returns or failure to obtain 
necessary information and explanations) of the Companies Act 2006. 
The interim condensed financial statements have been prepared in accordance with 
IAS 34 'Interim Financial Reporting' as adopted by the European Union. This 
report should be read in conjunction with the Group's Annual Report and Accounts 
2008, which have been prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the 
European Union. 
Accounting policies 
The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the interim condensed 
consolidated financial statements are consistent with those presented in the 
Group's Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2008. 
The preparation of interim financial statements requires management to make 
judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of policies and 
reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expenses. There have been 
no significant changes in the bases upon which estimates have been determined 
compared to those applied at 31 December 2008, and no change in estimate has had 
a material effect on the current period. All significant estimates and judgments 
have been disclosed in the Group's Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 
31 December 2008. Actual results may differ from these estimates. 
These condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared on 
the basis of IFRSs in issue that are effective at the Group's annual reporting 
date as at 31 December 2009. 
      The following table is an analysis of non-recurring costs: 
|                                     |  |  Six months |        Six |       Year  | 
|                                     |  |             |     months |             | 
|                                     |  |       ended |     ended  |       ended | 
|                                     |  |     30 June |   30 June  | 31 December | 
|                                     |  |        2009 |       2008 |        2008 | 
|                                     |  |   Unaudited |  Unaudited |     Audited | 
|                                     |  |     GBP'000 |    GBP'000 |     GBP'000 | 
|                                     |  |             |            |             | 
| Costs of corporate transactions     |  |           - |         72 |         108 | 
      Operating segments 
The directors consider that there is only one operating segment being the 
extraction of gas from coal measures for power generation and burner tip use. 
The disclosures for this operating segment have already been given in these 
financial statements. 
      Seasonality of operations 
There is no significant seasonal nature to the Group's business of the 
extraction and use of gas. 
There is no tax charge for the current period. The tax charge of GBP21,000 for 
the six months ended 30 June 2008 and tax credit of GBP60,000 for the year ended 
31 December 2008 relate to our site in Germany and comprise advance payments to 
the German tax authorities net of a refund received that relates to prior years. 
On 2 March 2009 the Group completed the sale of its 38% equity interest in Pro2 
Anlagentechnik GmbH for a consideration of EUR3,600,000. The net profit on 
disposal is GBP767,000. 
The economic effective date for the sale is 1 January 2009. Calculation of the 
net profit on disposal is therefore based on the net assets of Pro2 
Anlagentechnik GmbH at 31 December 2008. 
|                                           |                      |  GBP'000 | 
|                                           |                      |          | 
| Book value of net assets at 31 December   |                      |    2,617 | 
| 2008                                      |                      |          | 
| Goodwill                                  |                      |      705 | 
| Assets held for sale at 31 December 2008  |                      |    3,322 | 
| Sale proceeds received                    |                      |    3,212 | 
| Loss on disposal before costs             |                      |    (110) | 
| Cost of disposal                          |                      |     (50) | 
|                                           |                      |    (160) | 
| Release of translation reserves from      |                      |      927 | 
| equity                                    |                      |          | 
| Net profit on disposal                    |                      |      767 | 
Alkane has placed EUR720,000 from the consideration into an escrow account to act 
as collateral against any warranties or other claims. Subject to no claims, the 
sum in escrow will be released to Alkane in 2010. 
The shareholder loan of EUR1,960,000 made to Pro2 Anlagentechnik GmbH has been 
treated as follows: 
EUR1,000,000 was sold at face value on 2 March 2009. The balance is repayable in 
two instalments, EUR460,000 on 31 December 2009 and EUR500,000 on 31 December 2010. 
Repayment of these instalments is dependent on the continuing success of Pro2 
Anlagentechnik GmbH. There are no indications that the instalments will not be 
recovered when due. 
The EUR2,000,000 outstanding balance of the EUR3,000,000 working capital loan made 
to Pro2 in 2005 was repaid in full on 10 February 2009. 
Basic earnings per share amounts are calculated by dividing net profit for the 
period attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent by the weighted 
average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period. 
Diluted earnings per share amounts are calculated by dividing net profit for the 
period attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent by the weighted 
average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period plus the 
weighted average number of ordinary shares that would be issued on the 
conversion of all the dilutive potential ordinary shares into ordinary shares. 
The following reflects the income and share data used in the basic and diluted 
earnings per share computations: 
|                                      |  Six months | Six months | Year ended | 
|                                      |    ended 30 |   ended 30 |         31 | 
|                                      |        June |       June |   December | 
|                                      |        2009 |       2008 |       2008 | 
|                                      |   Unaudited |  Unaudited |    Audited | 
|                                      |             |            |            | 
|                                      |     GBP'000 |    GBP'000 |    GBP'000 | 
|                                      |             |            |            | 
| Profit for the period from           |         420 |        997 |      2,008 | 
| continuing operations                |             |            |            | 
|                                      |             |            |            | 
| Profit attributable to equity        |       1,187 |        522 |      2,391 | 
| holders of the parent                |             |            |            | 
|                                      |             |            |            | 
|                                      |         No. |        No. |        No. | 
|                                      |             |            |            | 
| Basic weighted average number of     |  92,883,878 | 92,146,067 | 92,488,613 | 
| ordinary shares                      |             |            |            | 
| Dilutive effect of share options     |     952,106 |    977,006 |    765,596 | 
| Diluted weighted average number of   |  93,835,984 | 93,123,073 | 93,254,209 | 
| ordinary shares                      |             |            |            | 
There have been no other transactions involving ordinary shares or potential 
ordinary shares between the reporting date and the date of completion of these 
financial statements. 
      Acquisitions and disposals 
During the six months ended 30 June 2009, the Group acquired assets with a cost 
of GBP1,494,000 (six months ended 30 June 2008: GBP1,542,000; year ended 31 
December 2008: GBP2,801,000). There were no disposals during the period (six 
months ended 30 June 2008: nil; year ended 31 December 2008: nil). 
 Sale and finance leaseback 
During the six months ended 30 June 2009, the Group entered into a new lease 
agreement for two items of plant with a total cost of GBP969,000. 
Acquisitions and disposals 
During the six months ended 30 June 2009, the Group acquired assets with a cost 
of GBP2,204,000 (six months ended 30 June 2008: GBP581,000; year ended 31 
December 2008: GBP1,666,000). There were no disposals during the period (six 
months ended 30 June 2008: nil; year ended 31 December 2008: nil). 
At 30 June 2009, the Group had the following capital commitments contracted for 
but not provided in the financial statements: 
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment GBP1,382,000 (30 June 2008: 
GBP133,000; 31 December 2008 GBP1,142,000); 
Acquisition of gas assets GBP263,000 (30 June 2008: GBP334,000; 31 December 
2008: GBP284,000). 
Analysis of net funds 
|                               |        1 |     Cash |    Exchange |   30 June | 
|                               |  January |     flow |        rate |      2009 | 
|                               |     2009 |          | differences |           | 
|                               |  Audited |          |             | Unaudited | 
|                               |          |          |             |           | 
|                               |  GBP'000 |  GBP'000 |     GBP'000 |   GBP'000 | 
|                               |          |          |             |           | 
| Cash at bank and in hand      |    1,826 |    1,727 |        (46) |     3,507 | 
| Liquid resources              |      350 |    (350) |           - |         - | 
| Cash and cash equivalents     |    2,176 |    1,377 |        (46) |     3,507 | 
| Sale and finance leaseback    |  (1,909) |    (753) |          45 |   (2,617) | 
| Net funds                     |      267 |      624 |         (1) |       890 | 
| Securities                    |      305 |      509 |        (29) |       785 | 
| Adjusted net funds*           |      572 |    1,133 |        (30) |     1,675 | 
|                               |        1 |     Cash |    Exchange |   30 June | 
|                               |  January |     flow |        rate |      2008 | 
|                               |     2008 |          | differences |           | 
|                               |  Audited |          |             | Unaudited | 
|                               |          |          |             |           | 
|                               |  GBP'000 |  GBP'000 |     GBP'000 |   GBP'000 | 
|                               |          |          |             |           | 
| Cash at bank and in hand      |    1,750 |      349 |          34 |     2,133 | 
| Liquid resources              |      350 |        - |           - |       350 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents     |    2,100 |      349 |          34 |     2,483 | 
| Sale and finance leaseback    |  (1,788) |    (249) |           - |   (2,037) | 
| Net funds                     |      312 |      100 |          34 |       446 | 
| Securities                    |      443 |    (115) |           - |       328 | 
| Adjusted net funds*           |      755 |     (15) |          34 |       774 | 
|                               |        1 |     Cash |    Exchange |        31 | 
|                               |  January |     flow |        rate |  December | 
|                               |     2008 |          | differences |      2008 | 
|                               |  Audited |          |             |   Audited | 
|                               |          |          |             |           | 
|                               |  GBP'000 |  GBP'000 |     GBP'000 |   GBP'000 | 
|                               |          |          |             |           | 
| Cash at bank and in hand      |    1,750 |       76 |           - |     1,826 | 
| Liquid resources              |      350 |        - |           - |       350 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents     |    2,100 |       76 |           - |     2,176 | 
| Sale and finance leaseback    |  (1,788) |     (47) |        (74) |   (1,909) | 
| Net funds                     |      312 |       29 |        (74) |       267 | 
| Securities                    |      443 |    (138) |           - |       305 | 
| Adjusted net funds*           |      755 |    (109) |        (74) |       572 | 
*This includes the effect of securities paid on finance lease transactions that 
are closely related to those items. 
Transactions entered into and trading balances outstanding with related parties 
are as follows: 
|                                  |  Six months |  Six months | Year ended | 
|                                  |    ended 30 |    ended 30 |         31 | 
|                                  |        June |        June |   December | 
|                                  |        2009 |        2008 |       2008 | 
|                                  |   Unaudited |   Unaudited |    Audited | 
|                                  |     GBP'000 |     GBP'000 |    GBP'000 | 
| (a) Sales of goods and services  |             |             |            | 
| *  Associate1                    |           - |          23 |        230 | 
| *  A-TEC Anlagentechnik GmbH2    |           - |         141 |         48 | 
|                                  |           - |         164 |        278 | 
|                                  |             |             |            | 
| (b) Purchases of goods and       |             |             |            | 
| services                         |             |             |            | 
| *  Associate1                    |           - |       1,351 |      1,525 | 
| *  A-TEC Anlagentechnik GmbH2    |           - |          97 |        174 | 
|                                  |           - |       1,448 |      1,699 | 
|                                  |             |             |            | 
| (c) Period-end balances arising  |     30 June |     30 June |         31 | 
| from sales/purchases of          |        2009 |        2008 |   December | 
| goods/services                   |             |             |       2008 | 
|                                  |   Unaudited |   Unaudited |    Audited | 
|                                  |     GBP'000 |     GBP'000 |    GBP'000 | 
| Receivables from related         |             |             |            | 
| parties:                         |             |             |            | 
| *  Associate1                    |           - |          23 |         48 | 
| *  A-TEC Anlagentechnik GmbH2    |           - |          10 |         14 | 
|   Payments to related parties:   |             |             |            | 
| *  Associate1                    |           - |       1,354 |      1,532 | 
| *  A-TEC Anlagentechnik GmbH2    |           - |          10 |         12 | 
Outstanding balances arising from the sale and purchase of goods and services 
between related parties are unsecured and interest free. 
|                                  |  Six months |  Six months | Year ended | 
|                                  |    ended 30 |    ended 30 |         31 | 
|                                  |        June |        June |   December | 
|                                  |        2009 |        2008 |       2008 | 
|                                  |   Unaudited |   Unaudited |    Audited | 
| (d) Key management compensation  |     GBP'000 |     GBP'000 |    GBP'000 | 
|                                  |             |             |            | 
| Salaries and other short-term    |         363 |         267 |        562 | 
| employee benefits                |             |             |            | 
|   Long-term benefits             |          29 |          23 |         42 | 
|   Share-based payments           |          13 |           - |          5 | 
|                                  |         405 |         290 |        609 | 
| (e) Loans to associate           |     30 June |    30 June  |         31 | 
|                                  |        2009 |        2008 |   December | 
|                                  |             |             |       2008 | 
|                                  |     GBP'000 |     GBP'000 |    GBP'000 | 
|                                  |   Unaudited |   Unaudited |    Audited | 
|   At 1 January                   |       3,847 |       3,086 |      3,086 | 
| No longer classed as a related   |     (3,847) |           - |          - | 
| party1                           |             |             |            | 
|   Interest charged               |           - |          85 |        195 | 
|   Interest received              |           - |       (143) |      (307) | 
|   Exchange difference            |           - |         220 |        873 | 
| At period end                    |           - |       3,248 |      3,847 | 
The loans to associate relate to Pro2 Anlagentechnik GmbH which was a 38.01% 
associate undertaking up to 31 December 2008 (see note 6). 
1Up to 31 December 2008 Pro2 Anlagentechnik GmbH was a 38.01% associate company. 
Effective from 1 January 2009, the investment in Pro2 Anlagentechnik GmbH was 
2Achim Wörsdörfer, a director and shareholder of Pro2 Anlagentechnik GmbH, an 
associate company up to 31 December 2008, is also a director of A-TEC 
Anlagentechnik GmbH. 
Copies of this interim report will be sent to registered shareholders and 
further copies will be available from the Company's registered office. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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