RNS Number : 0443M

Alkane Energy PLC

12 September 2012

12 September 2012

Alkane Energy plc

Unaudited interim results for the half year to 30 June 2012

Alkane Energy plc ("Alkane" "the Group" or "the Company") (AIM: ALK) the independent gas to power producer, today announces its unaudited interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2012.

Operational Highlights

-- Transformational Greenpark acquisition completed in the period, adding six operational sites and several development opportunities to the Group

-- Enlarged Group now has 70MW of installed power generation across 19 operating sites with an enlarged development pipeline of sites and licences

-- Alkane now the largest coal mine methane operator in UK

-- Planned major refurbishment programme nearing completion

-- Newly acquired and developed sites delivering in line with expectations

-- Commissioning of new site at Gedling adding 3.1MW to capacity

-- Commenced work on second biogas contract with total biogas capital contracts signed in excess of GBP4m during 2012

-- Power response capacity increased to 31MW (2011: 8MW)

-- 58% increase in weekly output figure from 2.4GWh prior to acquisition to 3.8GWh at the start of September

Financial Highlights

-- Revenue increased 6% to GBP5.3m (2011: GBP5.0m)

-- Group profit before tax pre exceptionals increased 7.5% to GBP0.96m (2011:GBP0.89m)

-- Operating margins pre exceptionals improved to 22.1% (2011: 20.2%)

-- Average power prices of GBP56/MWh (H1 2011: GBP49/MWh) achieved in the period, benefitting from contracts placed during 2011

Commenting on the interim results, Chief Executive Officer, Neil O'Brien, said:

"The highlight of the period was the transformational acquisition of Greenpark which provides us with a significant increase in operating capacity and in our project pipeline.

We have also made good progress in the existing business with output now running at record levels and our upgraded sites well positioned for the start of the peak winter demand period. The full benefits of the Greenpark acquisition which will be seen in the second half of this year."

For more information please contact:

     Alkane Energy plc 
      Neil O'Brien, Chief Executive           020 7796 4133 (today), then 
      Officer                                 01623 827927 
      Steve Goalby, Finance Director          020 7796 4133 (today), then 
                                              01623 827927 
     VSA Capital Limited 
      Andrew Raca                             020 3005 5000 
     Altium Capital Limited 
      Adrian Reed 
      Andrew Clarke                           0845 505 4343 
     Hudson Sandler 
      Nick Lyon                               020 7796 4133 
     Alex Brennan 

More information is available on our website www.alkane.co.uk

Notes to Editors:

Alkane Energy is one of the UK's fastest growing independent power generators. The Company operates mid-sized "gas to power" electricity plants providing both predictable and fast response capacity to the grid. Following the acquisition of Greenpark Energy Limited ("Greenpark"), Alkane now has a total of 70MW of installed generating capacity and an electrical grid capacity of 89MW.

Alkane's main operations are based on a portfolio of Coal Mine Methane ("CMM") sites. Alkane has the UK's leading portfolio of CMM licences, enabling the Company to extract gas from abandoned coal mines.

As CMM declines at any one site Alkane retains valuable generating capacity and a grid connection which we can move to power response. Power response sites are connected to mains gas and produce electricity at times of high electrical demand or in order to balance the electricity grid. Alkane now operates 25MW of power response on conventional gas post the Greenpark acquisition.

The Group operates from 19 mid-size (up to 10MW) power plants across the UK, 12 CMM, 4 conventional gas and 3 using both fuel sources, and sells this power through the electricity network, using standard modular reciprocating engines to generate the electricity. The engine units and other plant are designed to be flexible and transportable and this allows additional capacity to be brought onto growing sites and underutilised plant to be moved to new sites to maximise efficiency.

The biogas market also provides a potential new business stream where we are making progress. Running on gas generated from the processing of organic waste will require exactly the same power assets and core gas and electricity skills as CMM.

Coal bed methane ("CBM") is a longer term opportunity where Alkane has 500km(2) under licence and contingent resource estimates of circa 350 billion cubic feet. In February 2012 the Company signed a partnership agreement with Aberdeen Drilling Management Limited who are assessing the exploitation potential of two of our licences with CBM potential.


Alkane is pleased to announce its unaudited interim results for the first half of 2012, which has been a transformational period for the Group as a result of the acquisition of Greenpark Energy Limited ("Greenpark"). The integration plan is on track and the enlarged Group is performing well with the benefits of site improvements already being demonstrated in the second half.

Following the Greenpark acquisition, Alkane is now the largest CMM operator in the UK, with installed generation capacity of 70MW and an electrical grid capacity of 89MW. As a consequence of the acquisition and site improvements we have seen the weekly output figure expand from 2.4GWh prior to the acquisition to 3.8GWh in the first week in September. This represents a 58% increase.


The half year results include the consolidation of Greenpark from completion on 26 April 2012. There are a number of exceptional items relating to the acquisition and also to an impairment of biogas costs identified in the published figures but which have been excluded from the adjusted figures below to provide a clearer comparison.

Revenue is GBP5.3m (2011: GBP5.0m) representing a 6% increase predominantly due to the higher selling prices achieved for the period. Operating profit pre exceptionals has grown to GBP1.2m (2011: GBP1.0m) resulting in an improved operating margin of 22%, up from 20% in the first half of 2011. This improved margin is due to higher average selling prices. EBITDA was GBP2.1m (2011: GBP1.9m) representing a 40% margin (2011: 39%). Profit before tax pre exceptionals has risen 7.5% to GBP958k (2011: GBP891k) after allowing for higher interest costs following the financing of the acquisition. Earnings per share pre exceptionals is 1.06pps (2011: 1.15pps) after a reduction in the amount of the deferred tax asset recognised, from GBP200k in the first half of 2011 to GBP100k in the first half of 2012.

Average power prices achieved in the period were GBP56/MWh (2012: GBP49/MWh) as we benefitted from contracts placed during 2011. We expect to see a full year average price for 2012 of approximately GBP52/MWh with 90% of our expected 2012 output already contracted. The ongoing economic conditions have depressed pricing in the energy market and we have as at the time of this statement contracted 33% of expected 2013 output at an average price of GBP51/MWh.

The exceptional items in the published figures are the expenses relating to the acquisition of Greenpark (GBP500k), and the credit of negative goodwill on the acquisition (GBP539k); and an impairment of GBP313k in respect of capitalised development costs relating to the biogas business, principally for the unsuccessful joint tender bid for the NE Wales Council Anaerobic Digestion contract. Finally there have been cash receipts totalling GBP328k in respect of deferred loans from the 2009 disposal of Pro2, which are shown as a reversal of impairment within discontinued operations.

The published figures with all of these one off items included show profit before tax from continuing and discontinued operations of GBP1,012k (2011: GBP739k) and earnings per share of 1.11pps (2011: 0.99pps).

The Greenpark acquisition was completed with the maximum consideration of GBP5.7m funded by a GBP3m additional bank facility with Lloyds TSB Bank and a GBP2m Shareholder Convertible Loan Note.

Group cashflow generated an operating inflow of GBP1.8m (2011: GBP2.1m) with capital expenditure increasing to GBP3.5m (2011: GBP1.9m) to build the new facilities at Gedling and Pontycymmer and to complete the site improvements at Calverton and Bilsthorpe. In addition the cash outflow in acquiring Greenpark and the associated costs was GBP4.8m.

Net assets are GBP22.5m (2011: GBP19.9m) with a strong asset base in engine capacity, site infrastructure, 89MW of grid capacity and capitalised gas extraction costs (planning and drilling costs). Overall the Group net debt at 30 June 2012 was GBP10.3m (2011: GBP3.4m) with gearing being 46% (2011: 17%). We have met all the bank covenant tests and since the period end we have commenced the scheduled repayment of the acquisition facility.


Existing CMM Assets

Alkane has the UK's leading portfolio of CMM licences, enabling the Company to extract gas from abandoned coal mines.

     Number of operational              2007       2008       2009       2010       2011       H1 2012 
---------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------ 
     CMM                                 7          7          8          10         11          15 
     Power response                      -          -          1          2          2            7 
     Gas supply (equivalent 
      MW)                                2          2          2          2          2            1 
---------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------ 
     Total                               8          8          9          12         13          19 
---------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------ 
     (note - total does not 
      sum as some sites operate 
      in more than one category) 
     Installed capacity                 2007       2008       2009       2010       2011       H1 2012 
---------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------ 
                                         MW         MW         MW         MW         MW          MW 
     CMM                                12.5       14.0       17.0       23.5       27.0        37.0 
     Power response                      -          -         7.0        8.0        8.0         31.0 
     Gas supply (equivalent 
      MW)                               6.0        6.0        6.0        6.0        6.0          2.0 
---------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------ 
     Total                              18.5       20.0       30.0       37.5       41.0        70.0 
---------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------ 

Output was 65GWh in the first half (H1 2011: 70GWh) with the Greenpark acquisition having added 6GWh to output in the nine weeks from completion to the period end. The decline in output from existing Alkane sites reflects the previously reported accelerated maintenance work that was carried out during the period at all but two of the Group's existing assets in order to lay the foundations for the successful integration of Greenpark. The value of this work can already be seen at Bilsthorpe and Calverton where both sites have been brought back on stream with improved gas flows.

New Sites

We have carried out a review of the entire operations and the development pipeline of the Group in order to prioritise the allocation of funds so as to optimise returns. The enlarged Group has a greater number of potential development sites and additional exploration licences which will extend the development pipeline irrespective of the scale and timing of the next licensing round.

Alkane has commenced operations at a 3.1MW two engine site at Gedling, Nottinghamshire, which was fully commissioned in June 2012, and a further 0.7MW site at Pontycymmer, South Wales, is expected to open in the second half of the year.

Greenpark Acquisition

The Greenpark acquisition has added nine sites of which one is a CMM site, three are power response, two are combined CMM and power response, and the remaining three sites were non-operational at the time of the acquisition. The total installed engine capacity of Greenpark was 29MW and these sites have been delivering in line with expectations.

The integration of Greenpark is proceeding to plan. Work continues integrating these sites and we are pleased with progress to date. We are installing new pump capacity at Cadeby which is increasing engine utilisation. We are progressing well with plans to complete similar upgrades at Houghton Main and potentially Askern.

We are now seeing the benefit across the enlarged Group with record production months and this will be reflected in the full year results.

Seven Star

We have also started the preparation to drill at Nooks Farm, Staffordshire, on a conventional gas reserve acquired within Seven Star Natural Gas in 2011. The estimated contingent resources at this site were 1.5bcf which we are targeting for the development of a 2MW facility.

Following a site survey, an agreement has been reached with Shell UK Limited, a previous licence holder, under which we will carry out restoration work on two previously abandoned wells, including re-drilling and plugging. The value of the work to be carried out has been agreed with Shell at up to GBP5.8m. Work is underway and is expected to continue into 2013.

Power Response

Power response is the provision of standby capacity for the national grid short term operating reserve ("STOR") and peak load generation. As CMM declines at any one site Alkane retains valuable generating capacity and a grid connection which we move to power response when appropriate. Power response sites are connected to mains gas and produce electricity at times of high electrical demand or in order to balance the electricity grid. Alkane now allocates 31MW of generating capacity to power response post the Greenpark acquisition. Revenue from power response was GBP592k in the period (2011: GBP211k), an increase of 181%.


The biogas market also provides a potential new business stream. Running on gas generated from the processing of organic waste requires exactly the same power assets and core gas and electricity skills as CMM.

During the period we commenced work on our second design, build, operate ("DBO") contract to supply power plant to an anaerobic digestion biogas site.

We continue to bid for biogas DBO contracts which provide us with profitable supply margins. Together with a joint venture partner we had been appointed preferred bidder for a council based contract in North East Wales but, as previously reported, it was not possible to agree contractual terms with the funder that were satisfactory to the joint venture and we therefore withdrew from the project.

Alkane has signed biogas contracts to the value of GBP4.0 million so far this year, covering a range of projects in the food processing, agricultural and council waste. This builds on the successful commissioning of our first biogas site at Glenfarg in Scotland.

Coal Bed Methane

CBM is a longer term opportunity where Alkane has 605km(2) under licence and contingent resource estimates of circa 385 billion cubic feet. In February 2012 the Company signed a partnership agreement with Aberdeen Drilling Management Limited under which they are exploring two of our licences with CBM potential.


The first half performance reflects our continuing focus on improving operational efficiency. The acquisition of Greenpark extends our development pipeline of new operations over the short to medium term and now with 15 operating CMM sites we are by far the largest CMM operator in the UK.

Our strategy remains to develop the business both within the CMM sector and related areas of power response, biogas and onshore gas markets.

With the UK power market expecting 25% of industry capacity to be retired in the next decade, Alkane is strongly placed to take advantage of this trend with its increasing capacity to produce reliable energy for the national grid.

We look forward to reporting a further six months of progress at our preliminary results for the year ending 31 December 2012.


for the 6 months ended 30 June 2012

                                                                           For the         For the           For the 
                                                                               six             six              year 
                                                                      months ended          months             ended 
                                                                           30 June         30 June       31 December 
                                                                              2012            2011              2011 
                                                                         Unaudited       Unaudited           Audited 
                                                          Notes            GBP'000         GBP'000           GBP'000 
 Revenue                                                                     5,287           4,995             9,501 
     Cost of sales                                                         (2,862)         (2,781)           (5,278) 
                                                                 -----------------  --------------  ---------------- 
 Gross profit                                                                2,425           2,214             4,223 
     Administrative expenses                                               (1,255)         (1,205)           (2,010) 
     Exceptional administrative expenses                   12                (274)           (173)             (334) 
                                                                 -----------------  --------------  ---------------- 
     Total administrative expenses                                         (1,529)         (1,378)           (2,344) 
 Return on Group operations                                                    896             836             1,879 
     Other operating income                                                     15               3                31 
 Profit on activities before finance 
  costs                                                                        911             839             1,910 
     Finance income                                                             27              36                71 
     Exchange loss arising from financing                                      (3)            (11)               (1) 
     Finance costs                                                           (251)           (146)             (314) 
                                                                 -----------------  --------------  ---------------- 
 Net finance costs                                                           (227)           (121)             (244) 
 Profit before tax                                                             684             718             1,666 
     Taxation                                               4                  100             200               200 
 Profit for the period from continuing 
  operations                                                                   784             918             1,866 
                                                                 -----------------  --------------  ---------------- 
     Discontinued operations: 
     Impairment reversal                                    5                  328              21                64 
     Profit for the period attributable 
      to equity holders of the parent                                        1,112             939             1,930 
     Other comprehensive income                                                  -               -                 - 
                                                                 -----------------  --------------  ---------------- 
     Total comprehensive income for the 
      period attributable to equity holders 
      of the parent                                                          1,112             939             1,930 
                                                                 -----------------  --------------  ---------------- 
     Earnings per share 
     From continuing operations: 
     Basic, for profit for the period attributable 
      to equity holders of the parent                       6                0.78p           0.97p             1.92p 
     Diluted, for profit for the period 
      attributable to equity holders of the 
      parent                                                6                0.76p           0.95p             1.89p 
     From continuing and discontinued operations: 
     Basic, for profit for the period attributable 
      to equity holders of the parent                       6                1.11p           0.99p             1.98p 
     Diluted, for profit for the period 
      attributable to equity holders of the 
      parent                                                6                1.08p           0.98p             1.96p 


at 30 June 2012

                                                        30 June         30 June       31 December 
                                                           2012            2011              2011 
                                                      Unaudited       Unaudited           Audited 
                                          Notes         GBP'000         GBP'000           GBP'000 
     Property, plant and equipment          7            19,415          11,594            12,488 
     Gas assets                             8            17,178          13,260            14,909 
     Intangible assets                     11             1,209           1,207             1,209 
     Deferred tax asset                                     800             700               700 
                                                 --------------  --------------  ---------------- 
                                                         38,602          26,761            29,306 
     Inventories                                            543             285               505 
     Trade and other receivables                          2,788           1,741             1,685 
     Cash and cash equivalents                              560           1,471               745 
                                                 --------------  --------------  ---------------- 
                                                          3,891           3,497             2,935 
     TOTAL ASSETS                                        42,493          30,258            32,241 
                                                 --------------  --------------  ---------------- 
     Trade and other payables                           (2,918)         (2,920)           (1,989) 
     Finance lease obligations                            (787)           (904)             (838) 
     Long-term borrowings                               (1,500)               -                 - 
     Provisions                                            (21)            (20)              (15) 
                                                 --------------  --------------  ---------------- 
                                                        (5,226)         (3,844)           (2,842) 
     Finance lease obligations                            (736)         (1,526)           (1,123) 
     Long-term borrowings                               (7,864)         (2,460)           (4,852) 
     7.5% Convertible loan stock           13           (1,853)               -                 - 
     Deferred payments                                  (1,125)           (900)             (900) 
     Provisions                                         (3,140)         (1,647)           (1,612) 
                                                 --------------  --------------  ---------------- 
                                                       (14,718)         (6,533)           (8,487) 
                                                 --------------  --------------  ---------------- 
     TOTAL LIABILITIES                                 (19,944)        (10,377)          (11,329) 
                                                 --------------  --------------  ---------------- 
 NET ASSETS                                              22,549          19,881            20,912 
                                                 --------------  --------------  ---------------- 
     Share capital                         14               504             498               499 
     Share premium/merger relief 
      reserve                                             1,461           1,203             1,216 
     Other reserves                                       8,904           8,603             8,629 
     Retained earnings                                   11,680           9,577            10,568 
 TOTAL EQUITY                                            22,549          19,881            20,912 
                                                 --------------  --------------  ---------------- 


for the six months ended 30 June 2012

                                                              Attributable to equity holders of 
                                                                          the parent 
                                          Issued       Share premium/              Other        Retained         Total 
                                         capital               merger        reserves(2)        earnings        equity 
                                         GBP'000              GBP'000            GBP'000         GBP'000       GBP'000 
 At 1 January 2012                           499                1,216              8,629          10,568        20,912 
     Profit and total 
      income for the period                    -                    -                  -           1,112         1,112 
     Equity component of 
      loan notes                               -                    -                232               -           232 
     Share-based payment                       -                    -                 43               -            43 
     Issue of share capital                    5                  245                  -               -           250 
     At 30 June 2012 (Unaudited)             504                1,461              8,904          11,680        22,549 
                                   -------------  -------------------  -----------------  --------------  ------------ 
 At 1 January 2011                           470                  208              8,587           8,638        17,903 
     Profit and total 
      income for the period                    -                    -                  -             939           939 
     Share-based payment                       -                    -                 16               -            16 
     Issue of share capital                   28                  995                  -               -         1,023 
     At 30 June 2011 (Unaudited)             498                1,203              8,603           9,577        19,881 
                                   -------------  -------------------  -----------------  --------------  ------------ 
 At 1 January 2011                           470                  208              8,587           8,638        17,903 
     Profit and total 
      income for the year                      -                    -                  -           1,930         1,930 
     Share-based payment                       -                    -                 42               -            42 
     Issue of share capital                   29                1,008                  -               -         1,037 
     At 31 December 2011 
      (Audited)                              499                1,216              8,629          10,568        20,912 
                                   -------------  -------------------  -----------------  --------------  ------------ 

(1) During the six months ended 30 June 2012 GBP245,000, being the premium on issue of shares as consideration for the acquisition of

Greenpark Energy Limited (see note 10), has been credited against merger relief reserve. During the six months ended 30 June 2011, GBP98,000 was written off against the share premium account in respect of costs relating to the issue of shares.

(2) Other reserves comprise the equity component of convertible loan notes of GBP232,000 (30 June 2011: nil, 31 December 2011: nil), share-

based payments of GBP253,000 (30 June 2011: GBP184,000; 31 December 2011: GBP210,000) and a distributable reserve of GBP8,419,000 (30 June and 31 December 2011: GBP8,419,000) created following cancellation of the share premium account.


for the six months ended 30 June 2012

                                                                     For the            For the           For the 
                                                                         six                six              year 
                                                                months ended       months ended             ended 
                                                                     30 June            30 June       31 December 
                                                                        2012               2011              2011 
                                                                   Unaudited          Unaudited           Audited 
                                                    Notes            GBP'000            GBP'000           GBP'000 
 Operating activities 
 Profit before tax from continuing 
  operations                                                             684                718             1,666 
 Adjustments to reconcile operating 
  profit to net cash flows: 
     Depreciation and impairment of 
      property, plant and equipment 
      and gas assets                                                     812              1,107             2,312 
     Share-based payments expense                                         43                 16                42 
     Finance income                                                     (27)               (36)              (71) 
     Finance expense                                                     251                146               314 
     Movements in provisions                                             123                (1)              (41) 
     Increase in trade and other receivables                           (490)               (49)               (9) 
     (Increase)/decrease in inventories                                 (38)                139              (81) 
     Increase in trade and other payables                                456                 22               242 
 Net cash flows from operating 
  activities                                                           1,814              2,062             4,374 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
     Payments received                                                   328                 21                64 
     Interest received                                                    16                 37                89 
     Purchase of property, plant and 
      equipment                                                      (2,019)              (838)           (3,308) 
     Purchase of gas assets                                          (1,503)            (1,086)           (3,541) 
     Purchase of subsidiaries                       10/11            (4,761)              (309)             (311) 
 Net cash flows used in investing 
  activities                                                         (7,939)            (2,175)           (7,007) 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
     Issue of share capital                                                -              1,023             1,037 
     Issue of 7.5% convertible loan                                    2,060                  -                 - 
     Sale and finance leaseback rentals                                (435)              (427)             (895) 
     Proceeds from long-term borrowing                                 4,512                709             3,101 
     Interest paid                                                     (197)              (148)             (292) 
                                                           -----------------  -----------------  ---------------- 
 Net cash flows from financing 
  activities                                                           5,940              1,157             2,951 
     Net (decrease)/increase in cash 
      and cash equivalents                                             (185)              1,044               318 
     Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
      of period                                                          745                427               427 
                                                           -----------------  -----------------  ---------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at close 
  of period                                          15                  560              1,471               745 
                                                           -----------------  -----------------  ---------------- 


   1.             CORPORATE INFORMATION 

The interim condensed consolidated financial statements of the Group for the six months ended 30 June 2012 were authorised for issue in accordance with a resolution of the directors on 11 September 2012.

Alkane Energy plc is a public limited company incorporated and domiciled in England whose shares are publicly traded. The Company's registered number is 2966946.

The principal activities of the Group are described in Note 3.


Basis of preparation

The interim condensed financial statements are unaudited and do not constitute statutory financial statements within the meaning of section 435 of the Companies Act 2006.

The comparative figures for the year ended 31 December 2011 were derived from the statutory accounts for that year which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. Those accounts received an unqualified audit report which did not contain statements under section 498(2) or (3) (accounting records or returns inadequate, accounts not agreeing with records and returns or failure to obtain necessary information and explanations) of the Companies Act 2006.

The interim condensed financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 'Interim Financial Reporting' as adopted by the European Union and the AIM rules of the London Stock Exchange. This report should be read in conjunction with the Group's Annual Report and Accounts 2011, which have been prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union.

Accounting policies

The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the interim condensed consolidated financial statements are consistent with those presented in the Group's Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2011, with the addition of one new policy as follows:

Compound Financial Instruments

Compound financial instruments issued by the Group comprise convertible loan notes that can be converted to share capital at the option of the holder, and the number of shares to be issued does not vary with changes in their fair value.

The liability component of a compound financial instrument is recognised initially at the fair value of a similar liability that does not have an equity conversion option. The equity component is recognised initially at the difference between the fair value of the compound financial instrument as a whole and the fair value of the liability component. Any directly attributable transaction costs are allocated to the liability and equity components in proportion to their initial carrying amounts.

Subsequent to initial recognition, the liability component of a compound financial instrument is measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. The equity component of a compound financial instrument is not re-measured subsequent to initial recognition except on conversion or expiry.

Borrowings are classified as current liabilities unless the Group has unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability for at least 12 months after the end of the reporting period.

The preparation of interim financial statements requires management to make judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of policies and reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expenses. During the period the Group completed the acquisition of Greenpark Energy Limited and management carried out a fair value assessment and a calculation of the liability component of convertible loan notes which were issued to partly fund the acquisition. These assessments and calculations are based on estimates and judgments of:

   --      the present value of future revenue in respect of non-current assets; 
   --      the expected costs and the present value of such costs in respect of site restoration; and 

-- the present value of the total sum payable over the full term of the convertible loan notes.

There have been no other significant changes in the bases upon which estimates have been determined compared to those applied at 31 December 2011, and no other change in estimate has had a material effect on the current period. All other significant estimates and judgments have been disclosed in the Group's Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2011. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

These condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared on the basis of IFRSs in issue that are effective at the Group's annual reporting date as at 31 December 2012.


Operating segments

The directors consider that there are two operating segments:

   --              The extraction of gas for power generation and for direct sale; 
   --              The development and operation of biogas projects. 

Seasonality of operations

There is no significant seasonal nature to the Group's business segments.

                                                Six months       Six months        Year ended 
                                                     ended            ended       31 December 
                                                                    30 June 
                                              30 June 2012             2011              2011 
                                                 Unaudited        Unaudited           Audited 
                                                   GBP'000          GBP'000           GBP'000 
     Extraction of gas 
     Total segment revenue                           4,486            4,297             8,417 
                                         -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
     Depreciation                                  (1,220)          (1,117)           (2,333) 
                                         -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
     Segment profit before tax                       1,171            1,168             2,288 
                                         -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
     Development and operation of 
      biogas projects 
     Total segment revenue                             801              698             1,084 
                                         -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
     Impairment                                      (312)                -                 - 
                                         -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
     Segment loss before tax                         (287)             (97)              (99) 
                                         -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
     Total revenue                                   5,287            4,995             9,501 
                                         -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
     Total depreciation/impairment                 (1,532)          (1,117)           (2,333) 
                                         -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
     Profit before tax from operating 
      segments                                         884            1,071             2,189 
                                         -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
     Corporate centre                                (748)            (363)             (544) 
     Consolidation adjustment                          548               10                21 
                                         -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
     Profit before tax from continuing 
      operations                                       684              718             1,666 
     Discontinued operations                           328               21                64 
                                         -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
     Profit before tax                               1,012              739             1,730 
                                         -----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 

The following table reconciles total segment assets, total segment liabilities and segment additions to non-current assets.

                                                   30 June         30 June       31 December 
                                                      2012            2011              2011 
                                                 Unaudited       Unaudited           Audited 
                                                   GBP'000         GBP'000           GBP'000 
     Extraction of gas                              40,940          28,082            30,413 
     Development and operation of 
      Biogas projects                                  435             447               780 
                                            --------------  --------------  ---------------- 
     Total segment assets                           41,375          28,529            31,193 
     Corporate centre                                  359             954               243 
     Intangible assets                               1,209           1,207             1,209 
     Consolidation adjustments                       (450)           (432)             (404) 
                                            --------------  --------------  ---------------- 
     Total consolidated assets                      42,493          30,258            32,241 
                                            --------------  --------------  ---------------- 
     Extraction of gas                            (22,032)        (17,340)          (18,550) 
     Development and operation of 
      biogas projects                                (993)           (716)           (1,051) 
                                            --------------  --------------  ---------------- 
     Total segment liabilities                    (23,025)        (18,056)          (19,601) 
     Corporate centre                              (6,152)         (1,288)           (1,202) 
     Consolidation adjustments                       9,233           8,967             9,474 
                                            --------------  --------------  ---------------- 
     Total consolidated liabilities               (19,944)        (10,377)          (11,329) 
                                            --------------  --------------  ---------------- 
     Extraction of gas                              10,642           3,654             7,135 
     Development and operation of 
      biogas projects                                  111              36               168 
                                            --------------  --------------  ---------------- 
     Total segment additions to 
      non-current assets                            10,753           3,690             7,303 
     Deferred tax asset                                100             200               200 
     Corporate centre                                    3               8               143 
     Consolidation adjustment: Intangible 
      assets                                             -           1,207             1,209 
                                            --------------  --------------  ---------------- 
     Total consolidated additions 
      to non-current assets                         10,856           5,105             8,855 
                                            --------------  --------------  ---------------- 
   4.      TAXATION 

There is no tax charge for the current period (six months ended 30 June 2011: nil, year ended 31 December 2011: nil). A deferred tax asset of GBP100,000 has been recognised in the period in accordance with a prudent estimate of the extent to which future taxable profits will be available to be utilised against unused tax losses and other temporary differences (six months ended 30 June 2011: GBP200,000, year ended 31 December 2011: GBP200,000).


On 2 March 2009 the Group sold its 38 per cent equity interest in Pro2 Anlagentechnik GmbH. An impairment charge was made in respect of deferred payments due to the Company, of which EUR1,055,000 (GBP854,000) was in respect of shareholder loans made to Deutsche KWK GmbH, the holding company of Pro2 Anlagentechnik GmbH. Repayments of EUR100,000 (GBP81,000) have subsequently been received and credited to the Statement of Comprehensive Income as impairment reversals, leaving an outstanding balance of EUR955,000 (GBP773,000) at 31 December 2011.

During the period the Company agreed a revised repayment schedule of the outstanding loans. A revised principal amount of EUR755,000 (GBP611,000) was agreed in return for repayment of EUR610,000 (GBP494,000) during 2012. The remaining EUR145,000 (GBP117,000) will remain on the original repayment schedule and is due to be repaid on 31 December 2013. Repayments of EUR300,000 (GBP247,000) were received in the six months to 30 June 2012 (six months to June 2011: EUR25,000 (GBP21,000), year to 31 December 2011: EUR75,000 (GBP64,000)). In the period from 30 June 2012 up to the completion of these interim statements a further EUR100,000 (GBP81,000) has been received. An impairment reversal of EUR400,000 (GBP328,000) has therefore been made in the period. There remains a fundamental uncertainty in respect of the recovery of the outstanding balance of EUR355,000 (GBP287,000) and consequently there has been no further reversal of the impairment charge.


Basic earnings per share amounts are calculated by dividing net profit for the period attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period.

Diluted earnings per share amounts are calculated by dividing net profit for the period attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period plus the weighted average number of ordinary shares that would be issued on the conversion of all the dilutive potential ordinary shares into ordinary shares.

The following reflects the income and share data used in the basic and diluted earnings per share computations:

                                                     Six months       Six months        Year ended 
                                                       ended 30         ended 30       31 December 
                                                           June             June 
                                                           2012             2011              2011 
                                                      Unaudited        Unaudited           Audited 
                                                        GBP'000          GBP'000           GBP'000 
     Profit for the period from continuing 
      operations                                            784              918             1,866 
     Profit for the period from discontinued 
      operations                                            328               21                64 
                                               ----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
     Profit attributable to equity 
      holders of the parent                               1,112              939             1,930 
                                               ----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
                                                            No.              No.               No. 
     Basic weighted average number 
      of ordinary shares                            100,115,933       95,079,389        97,405,275 
     Dilutive effect of share options                 2,380,782        1,119,371         1,252,221 
                                               ----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
     Diluted weighted average number 
      of ordinary shares                            102,496,715       96,198,760        98,657,496 
                                               ----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 

There have been no other transactions involving ordinary shares or potential ordinary shares between the reporting date and the date of completion of these financial statements that would have changed significantly the number of ordinary shares or potential ordinary shares outstanding at the end of the period if those transactions had occurred before the end of the period.


Acquisitions and disposals

During the six months ended 30 June 2012, the Group acquired assets with a cost of GBP7,800,000 (six months ended 30 June 2011: GBP1,781,000; year ended 31 December 2011 GBP3,543,000). This includes GBP5,600,000 (after fair value adjustments) acquired as part of the acquisition of Greenpark Energy Limited. There were no disposals during the period (30 June and 31 December 2011: nil).

   8.      GAS ASSETS 

Acquisitions and disposals

During the six months ended 30 June 2012, the Group acquired assets with a cost of GBP3,000,000 (six months ended 30 June 2011: GBP1,916,000; year ended 31 December 2011: GBP3,903,000). This includes GBP1,500,000 (after fair value adjustments) acquired as part of the acquisition of Greenpark Energy Limited. There were no disposals during the period (30 June and 31 December 2011: nil).


At 30 June 2012, the Group had the following capital commitments contracted for but not provided in the financial statements:

Acquisition of property, plant and equipment GBP319,000 (30 June 2011: GBP277,000; 31 December 2011 GBP325,000);

Acquisition of gas assets GBP104,000 (30 June 2011: GBP564,000; 31 December 2011: GBP378,000).

   10.   Acquisition of Greenpark Energy Limited 

On 26 April 2012 the Group completed the purchase of the entire issued share capital of Greenpark Energy Limited, a company with seven coal mine methane (CMM) extraction licences and six operational sites generating from both CMM and natural gas.

The total consideration for the shares is as follows:

     Cash(1)(2)                         4,761 
     Deferred consideration(3)            225 
     Issue of shares(4)                   250 
     Total consideration                5,236 

(1) Financed by way of the issue of GBP2,000,000 convertible loan notes (see note 12) and an increase in borrowing facilities. The Group has extended its borrowing facilities with Lloyds TSB Bank. A term loan of GBP3,000,000, secured by way of legal charges over the Group's assets, has been provided to finance the acquisition, to be repaid in quarterly payments over two years. At the same time the existing revolving credit facility was reduced from GBP7,500,000 to GBP6,500,000.

(2) The cash consideration includes GBP500,000 paid into escrow. GBP250,000 will be released to the seller on 30 September 2012 provided that certain property issues are satisfied by that date. GBP250,000 is held in escrow in order to allow for any claims under the warranties included in the Share Purchase Agreement; the warranty period runs until 30 September 2012. The effect of discounting the deferred consideration has not been reflected within the cost of the investment as the Directors do not consider it to be material given the payment date.

(3) The deferred amount of GBP225,000 is due to be paid on 30 September 2013. The effect of discounting the deferred consideration has not been reflected within the cost of the investment as the Directors do not consider it to be material given the payment date.

(4) Part of the consideration was the issue of 1,162,237 new Ordinary Shares at a price of 21.51 pence per share.

Net assets with a book value of GBP11,911,000 were acquired at the date of acquisition. The Directors have carried out a fair value assessment of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of Greenpark Energy Limited and concluded that the net fair value at the date of acquisition is GBP5,775,000. The following table shows the identifiable material assets and liabilities acquired, the fair value adjustments, the fair value and the resulting negative goodwill.

                                              Acquired         Fair value       Fair Value 
                                           on 26 April        adjustments 
                                               GBP'000            GBP'000          GBP'000 
     Buildings                                   1,166              (391)              775 
     Plant                                       8,061            (3,162)            4,899 
     Gas assets                                  3,135            (1,596)            1,539 
     Receivables                                   602                  -              602 
     Payables                                    (444)              (185)            (629) 
     Site restoration provision(1)               (609)              (802)          (1,411) 
                                     -----------------  -----------------  --------------- 
                                                11,911            (6,136)            5,775 
                                     -----------------  -----------------  --------------- 
     Fair value as above                                                             5,775 
     less Consideration                                                              5,236 
     Negative goodwill                                                                 539 

(1) The site restoration provision is recognised for the expected costs of the restoration of operating sites. The fair value adjustment represents a reassessment of the amount required to meet the expected costs. A discount factor is applied to the expected costs in order to arrive at the present value reflected in the provision.

As a result of the fair value assessment negative goodwill of GBP539,000 arises in respect of the transaction. Costs of GBP500,000 were incurred in advisory, professional and other fees in order to effect the acquisition, and the net amount of GBP39,000 has been credited to the Statement of Comprehensive Income under the heading of exceptional administrative expenses.

The revenue of the acquired company during the period from the date of acquisition to 30 June 2012 was GBP668,000, and the profit before tax was GBP286,000.

On 10 May 2012 the name of Greenpark Energy Limited was changed to Regent Park Energy Limited.


On 26 May 2011 the Group completed the purchase of the entire issued share capital of Seven Star Natural Gas Limited ("Seven Star"), a company with two petroleum extraction and development licences covering previously identified onshore gas extraction prospects.

The total consideration for the shares is as follows:

     Cash                                               309 
     Contingent consideration - see note (i)            900 
     Total consideration                              1,209 

(i) The agreement requires the Group to pay the vendors an additional amount of GBP900,000 split as follows:-

-- GBP250,000 within 15 business days of the satisfaction of certain conditions with respect to the site at Calow (PL213);

-- GBP250,000 within 15 business days of the satisfaction of certain conditions with respect to the site

at Nooks Farm (PEDL141); and

-- GBP400,000 once Seven Star has produced in aggregate 1 bcf of natural gas from either or both of the Seven Star sites under the licences.

Net assets with a book value of GBP2,000 were acquired at the date of acquisition, together with the two licences which were not recognised in the accounts of Seven Star. The directors have carried out a fair value assessment of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of Seven Star and concluded that the net fair value is GBP1,207,000, and this amount has been included in the statement of financial position as an intangible asset. No goodwill arises on the acquisition.

The acquisition was funded by the proceeds of a share placing. 5,605,370 new ordinary shares were issued at a placing price of 20p per share, raising GBP1,121,000. Expenses of GBP166,000 were incurred in respect of the placing. These costs have been written off against the share premium arising on the issue of the shares.

Costs of GBP173,000 were incurred in advisory, professional and other fees in order to effect the acquisition, and these costs have been expensed in the statement of comprehensive income.

   12.    Exceptional Administrative Expenses 
                                                     Six months       Six months               Year 
                                                          ended            ended              ended 
                                                        30 June          30 June        31 December 
                                                           2012             2011               2011 
                                                      Unaudited        Unaudited            Audited 
                                                        GBP'000          GBP'000            GBP'000 
     Costs related to the acquisition of 
      Greenpark Energy Limited (see note 
      10)                                                 (500)                -              (156) 
     Negative goodwill arising from the                     539                -                  - 
      acquisition of Greenpark Energy Limited 
      (see note 10) 
     Impairment of biogas development costs               (313)                -                  - 
     Acquisition of Seven Star Natural Gas 
      Limited (see note 11)                                   -            (173)              (178) 
                                                ---------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                                          (274)            (173)              (334) 
                                                ---------------  ---------------  ----------------- 

On 26 April 2012 the Company issued GBP2,000,000 convertible loan notes, with the proceeds being utilised to partly fund the acquisition of Greenpark Energy Limited (see note 10). Interest is at a fixed rate of 7.5% per annum, which is rolled up quarterly in arrears and included as principal to be repaid or converted. The convertible loan is unsecured. The convertible loan notes are convertible at any time prior to repayment or automatic conversion at the holder's option, at a conversion price, fixed at 17.5 pence. If any element of the convertible loan is not converted, it is otherwise repayable on the date which is 3 years and 1 day after the issue date.

The liability component of the convertible loan notes is GBP1,768,000. This has been calculated by discounting the total sum payable over the full term of the loan notes by an effective interest rate of 12%. The equity component of GBP232,000 has been taken to other reserves.

                                                  30 June         30 June       31 December 
                                                     2012            2011              2011 
                                                Unaudited       Unaudited           Audited 
                                                  GBP'000         GBP'000           GBP'000 
     1,000,000,000 ordinary shares of 0.5p 
      each                                          5,000           5,000             5,000 
     Allotted, called up and fully paid                     thousands       GBP'000 
     Ordinary Shares of 0.5p each 
 At 1 January 2012                                             99,701           499 
     Issued as part of consideration for acquisition            1,162             5 
                                                       --------------  ------------ 
     At 30 June 2012 (Unaudited)                              100,863           504 
                                                       ==============  ============ 
 At 1 January 2011                                             93,995           470 
     Issued as a result of share placings                       5,606            28 
     At 30 June 2011 (Unaudited)                               99,601           498 
                                                       ==============  ============ 
 At 1 January 2011                                             93,995           470 
     Issued on exercise of share options                          100             1 
     Issued as a result of share placings                       5,606            28 
                                                       --------------  ------------ 
     At 31 December 2011 (Audited)                             99,701           499 
                                                       ==============  ============ 

Analysis of net funds

                             1 January            Cash            Other           Exchange         30 June 
                                  2012            flow         non-cash               rate            2012 
                                                              movements        differences 
                               Audited                                                           Unaudited 
                               GBP'000         GBP'000          GBP'000            GBP'000         GBP'000 
     Cash at bank and 
      in hand                      745           (185)                -                  -             560 
     Sale and finance 
      leaseback                (1,961)             435                -                  3         (1,523) 
     Long-term loan            (4,852)         (4,512)                -                  -         (9,364) 
     Net debt                  (6,068)         (4,262)                -                  3        (10,327) 
     Securities                    222              12               61                  -             295 
                          ------------  --------------  ---------------  -----------------  -------------- 
     Adjusted net debt*        (5,846)         (4,250)               61                  3        (10,032) 
                                             1 January             Cash           Exchange         30 June 
                                                  2011             flow               rate            2011 
                                               Audited                                           Unaudited 
                                               GBP'000          GBP'000            GBP'000         GBP'000 
     Cash at bank and in hand                      427            1,044                  -           1,471 
     Sale and finance leaseback                (2,857)              437               (10)         (2,430) 
     Long-term loan                            (1,751)            (709)                  -         (2,460) 
                                        --------------  ---------------  -----------------  -------------- 
     Net debt                                  (4,181)              772               (10)         (3,419) 
     Securities                                    256                -                  -             256 
                                        --------------  ---------------  -----------------  -------------- 
     Adjusted net debt*                        (3,925)              772               (10)         (3,163) 
                                        --------------  ---------------  -----------------  -------------- 
                                     1 January          Cash           Exchange       31 December 
                                          2011          flow               rate              2011 
                                       Audited                                            Audited 
                                       GBP'000       GBP'000            GBP'000           GBP'000 
     Cash at bank and in hand              427           318                  -               745 
     Sale and finance leaseback        (2,857)           895                  1           (1,961) 
     Long-term loan                    (1,751)       (3,101)                  -           (4,852) 
     Net debt                          (4,181)       (1,888)                  1           (6,068) 
     Securities                            256          (34)                  -               222 
                                  ------------  ------------  -----------------  ---------------- 
     Adjusted net debt*                (3,925)       (1,922)                  1           (5,846) 
                                  ------------  ------------  -----------------  ---------------- 

*This includes the effect of securities paid on finance lease transactions that are closely related to those items.

   16.    GENERAL NOTE 

Copies of this interim report will be sent to registered shareholders and further copies will be available from the Company's registered office. It will also be available on the Company's website, www.alkane.co.uk.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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