Baronsmead VCT 4 plc 
Annual report & accounts for the year ended 31 December 2012 
The Directors present the Annual Financial Report of the Company for the year 
ended 31 December 2012. The full Annual Report and Accounts will shortly be 
available via the Company's website at www.baronsmeadvct4.co.uk 
Investment Objective 
Baronsmead VCT 4 is a tax efficient listed company which aims to achieve 
long-term investment returns for private investors. 
Investment policy 
? To invest primarily in a diverse portfolio of UK growth businesses, whether 
unquoted or traded on AIM. 
? Investments are made selectively across a range of sectors in companies that 
have the potential to grow and enhance their value. 
Full details on the Company's published investment policy and risk management 
are contained in the Report of the Directors. 
Dividend policy 
The Board of Baronsmead VCT 4 has the objective to sustain a progressive 
dividend policy for shareholders but this depends primarily on the level of 
profitable realisations and it cannot be guaranteed. There may be variations in 
the amount of dividends paid year on year. 
Financial Highlights 
+11.6% Net asset value ("NAV") per share increased 11.6 per cent to 104.92p at 
31 December 2012, before deduction of the interim dividend. 
7.0p Dividends totalled 7.0p for the year to 31 December 2012, including the 
proposed final dividend of 4.0p. 
7.2% Net annual dividend yield of 7.2 per cent and gross annual yield of 9.6 
per cent. 
183.5p NAV total return to shareholders for every 100.0p invested at launch. 
Chairman's Statement 
In the year to 31 December 2012 the Net Asset Value ("NAV") grew by 10.9p per 
share (11.6 per cent) before payments of dividends. A final divided of 4p per 
share is proposed resulting in a total dividend per share of 7p for the year. 
The dividend will be paid predominantly out of profits from successful 
realisations over the past three years. 
The growth in the NAV per share over the year has been set out in the table 
                                                         Pence per 
NAV as at 1 January 2012                                     94.01 
Valuation uplift (11.61 per cent)                            10.91 
Interim dividend paid on 21 September 2012                   (3.00) 
Proposed final dividend of 4p, payable after shareholder 
approval, on 19 April 2013                                   (4.00) 
NAV as at 31 December 2012 assuming final dividend paid       97.92 
We are pleased with the consistent performance of the portfolio despite the 
poor economic environment since 2008. The valuations of the unquoted and AIM 
portfolios increased by 8 and 32 per cent respectively over the year. The 
largest gains came from the investments in IDOX and ILS, which increased in 
value by GBP2.3 million and GBP2.0 million respectively based on significantly 
better trading results. The overall portfolio of 64 companies remains in good 
health with 55 demonstrating steady to strong growth. 
This strong performance has resulted in a steady flow of successful 
realisations which has enabled the Company to maintain a consistent tax free 
annual dividend of 7p since 2007. This dividend equates to an annual tax free 
dividend yield of 7.23 per cent on the mid share price of 96.88p on 31 December 
Over the past three years the top ten investments, representing 53 per cent of 
the portfolio, have generated average annual growth of 17 per cent in sales and 
15 per cent in profits. Since Baronsmead VCT 4's investment, the jobs created 
by these ten companies have increased by 15 per cent thereby validating the 
wider aims of the VCT legislation to assist in generating growth in the UK 
In order to meet the Company's investment objective, the Directors have sought 
to provide shareholders with consistent investment returns over the long term 
by investing in a diverse portfolio of established and profitable companies 
capable of strong growth. 
The NAV total return over ten years has been 182.1p for each 100p invested in 
Baronsmead VCT 4 compared with 172.9p for the VCT generalist sector (source: 
Association of Investment Companies). Over the same period, cumulative tax free 
dividends paid to shareholders, including the proposed final dividend of 4p, 
amount to 58p per share. Founder shareholders will have received 59p per share 
in dividends on their original net cost of 80p per share in 2002. Dividends are 
tax free for qualifying private investors. 
The Board considered the amount of cash required by the Company for investment 
over the next few years as well as the need to maintain sufficient liquidity to 
pay dividends and costs and raised funds in February and November 2012. 
The Company raised gross proceeds of GBP4.1 million (GBP3.9 million net) in 
February 2012 by way of a top up offer and made a further offer for 
subscription by way of a prospectus launched in November 2012 which had raised 
GBP3.9 million gross proceeds by 21 December 2012. This offer closed on 28 
January 2013 on reaching the target of GBP5.0 million (before costs). 
Since inception the Board has maintained a policy of buying back its own shares 
through the market in order to maintain a mid-share price discount of 
approximately 10 per cent to NAV. The number of shares bought back by the 
Company has been low at an average of 1.88 per cent of shares in issue. The 
shareholder survey carried out in October 2012 confirmed that a significant 
majority of shareholders intend to hold their shares for the long term. As a 
consequence, the Directors have decided to seek to buy back shares at a 5 per 
cent discount to NAV in order to enable those shareholders who wish to sell 
their shares to achieve a return closer to net asset value and to improve the 
share price valuation for remaining shareholders and so increase the 
attractiveness of the Company's shares. 
The number of shares bought back over the next 12 months will be kept under 
review and the revised policy may be subject to revision. Shares are only 
bought back when the Directors believe it is in the best interests of all 
shareholders and in consideration of market conditions prevailing at the time. 
I look forward to meeting as many shareholders as possible at our 11th Annual 
General Meeting to be held on Tuesday 16 April 2013 at the Plaisterers' Hall, 
One London Wall, EC2Y 5JU at 11.00 a.m. This will be followed by presentations 
from the Manager and an investee company, after which we will be delighted if 
shareholders join us for a light lunch. 
As anticipated in my interim report the continued scarcity of bank lending in 
the UK and concerns regarding the European economy have resulted in uncertainty 
and slower growth for the UK economy. 
However against this backdrop there has been steady growth across many of the 
Baronsmead VCT 4's portfolio companies as evidenced by the 'top ten' investee 
companies showing increases in both turnover and profits. In addition the 
relatively low levels of debt ensures that our investments are more resilient 
if trading conditions continue to be difficult. 
We view the year ahead with some caution but remain optimistic that our 
portfolio of good quality companies can prosper even in the current tough 
Robert Owen 
15 February 2013 
Manager's Review 
Considering the ongoing uncertainty during the period under review in the 
national and European economies, the progress made by the Company's investee's 
is creditable overall. The portfolio performed very well including significant 
gains by a number of quoted shareholdings. 
The net assets of GBP66 million were invested as follows: 
                               % of Number of   Annual 
Asset class                NAV  NAV investees return % 
Unquoted           GBP36,971,000   56        24        8 
Quoted             GBP18,893,000   29        41       32 
Cash and near cash GBP10,382,000   15       N/A      N/A 
During the year in total there were; 
? New investments of GBP7.2 million in six new companies and eight follow ons; 
? Divestments of GBP2.6 million from six full investments and a partial loan note 
Each quarter the direction of general trading and profitability of all investee 
companies is recorded so that  the Board can monitor the overall health and 
trajectory of the portfolio. At 31 December 2012, 86 per cent of the 65 
companies in the portfolio were progressing steadily or better. 
Unquoted Private Equity 
The unquoted portfolio has again performed well and there has been a steady 
increase in unquoted values of 8 per cent. The unquoted portion of the 
portfolio is valued using a consistent process every three months which the 
Board oversees and approves. Almost all of the value creation in unquoted 
investments has come from operational improvements (revenue and margin growth), 
rather than financial leverage. For example, external bank debt within the top 
ten investments on average is only 0.7 times earnings, which is very low within 
the Private Equity arena. 
The sale of TVC to the Economist Group realised GBP1.32 million in March 2012. 
Quoted (AIM traded and other listed investments) 
There has also been a significant uplift in the quoted portfolio of 32 per cent 
partially reflecting a positive re-rating of the small cap sector during 2012. 
This recovery has been helpful to the quoted portfolio following several years 
of headwinds from a challenging AIM market environment and weak share prices. 
The largest contributor to the uplift in the quoted portfolio was IDOX, a 
supplier of document management software to the UK local government, and global 
engineering sectors. The IDOX share price appreciated by 125 per cent during 
the period aided by a combination of good organic growth and accretive 
acquisitions which led to successive earnings forecast upgrades. 
Over the three years to 31 December 2012, the approach in quoted investments 
has been to concentrate on making a smaller number of larger AIM investments 
and becoming a more engaged shareholder where possible and appropriate. This 
has taken time to implement as only a small minority of AIM companies qualify 
for VCT purposes. The average size by value of the AIM investments in the 
portfolio in December 2009 was GBP230,000 but this had increased by 100 per cent 
to GBP461,000 by December 2012. 
Realisations of GBP881,000 came from divesting six AIM-traded companies resulting 
in an overall total loss of GBP251,000. 13 per cent of the IDOX holding was sold 
at a total profit of GBP475,000. Of the rest, two were sold through trade sales 
(Clarity Commerce and Prologic), one through market sales (Real Good Food 
Group) and two written off (Adventis and Music Festivals). A number of these 
realisations were legacy holdings that were valued below cost and were divested 
largely to reduce the tail of older and poorer performing investments as more 
favourable market conditions presented the opportunity to do so. 
Liquid assets (cash and near cash) 
Baronsmead VCT 4 had cash and near cash resources of approximately GBP10 million 
at the year-end. This asset class is conservatively managed to take minimal or 
no capital risk. 
Unquoted Investments 
During the year GBP5.2 million was invested in six unquoted companies including 
three new acquisition companies of which one was used to make the investment in 
Impetus Holdings described below. Three new unquoted investments were; 
* Happy Days, a children's nursery business, is based in the South West of the 
UK. The business has 17 sites already and the investment will help accelerate 
growth in new sites. This is a sector that the Manager has invested in before 
with a successful investment in Kidsunlimited which was realised in 2008. 
* Pho is a group of traditional Vietnamese restaurants based in London. The Pho 
sites are informal, fast casual environments, specialising in Vietnam's 
national dish of Pho, a tasty and nutritious noodle soup. Pho was awarded 'Best 
Emerging Concept' at this year's Retailer of the Year Awards. The first Pho 
location opened on St. John Street, Clerkenwell, London, in June 2005 and the 
group now has a total of seven sites across London and the South East. The new 
investment enables the team to open new sites, but with each site retaining a 
unique and independent feel. 
* Impetus Holdings is a specialist business consultancy, supplying Sales and 
After Sales support services to the automotive industry. The business delivers 
a diverse range of programmes and projects for vehicle manufacturers, with much 
of their work taking place within Dealerships and National Sales Companies. 
Impetus Holdings has achieved strong growth in recent years with revenues 
increasing by 50 per cent since 2010. Clients include VW, Land Rover, Audi, 
Toyota, BMW, Citroen, Fiat, Ford and Jaguar. Approximately 15 per cent of work 
is delivered outside of the UK. The investment by ISIS will support the 
business in its continued expansion into new markets, building on the strong 
presence established in the UK and further development of new services to 
Top Ten investments 
The average investment value of the top ten companies held by Baronsmead VCT 4 
is GBP3 million per company. Because these investments are normally held by the 
other four Baronsmead VCTs, the total managed by ISIS in each investee is 
significantly larger than this, which enables ISIS to dedicate significant 
resource to manage each investment and their progress. The top ten investees 
employ some 2,800 people, which is an increase of 15 per cent over the last 
year. Their turnover and profits had also grown by some 15 per cent annually 
for the last three years. In this year's Annual Report, each of the top ten 
companies are described in more detail. 
Investment Management 
ISIS continues to invest in its skills and capacity with over 40 of its total 
team of 60 devoted to investment management activities across all its investing 
activities. Its focus is on generating strong investment returns from its 
portfolio through a mixture of intelligent investment selection and hands on 
portfolio management. Its ability to select good investments owes much to its 
in depth sector research and specialisation and to its strong origination team 
that help the team to generate proprietary deal flow. 
Its investments are supported from the outset by an experienced internal value 
enhancement team together with a panel of proven Operating Partners that work 
exclusively with ISIS to assist management teams to deliver both strategic 
development and operational efficiencies. Both have enabled ISIS to build a 
strong track record of producing consistent returns from its unquoted 
ISIS has pursued a strategy of sector specialisation over the past fourteen 
years and in that time its executives have developed in-depth knowledge of 
these sectors and valuable networks of contacts which have enabled it to 
capitalise on opportunities that have presented themselves in an ever changing 
environment. Its key sectors are: 
* Business services 
* Financial services 
* Consumer markets 
* Healthcare & Education 
* Technology, Media and Telecommunications 
A number of commentators believe that the UK economy is unlikely to experience 
significant growth in the next decade. At this stage of the recovery, this is 
hard to dispute and it is a fair working assumption for investors. 
However many of our portfolio companies and their management teams are now more 
experienced at handling the economic uncertainties including managing their 
growth and operations in a tougher environment than in previous decades. Low 
bank borrowings within the portfolio give them robust financial structures. 
ISIS is an active investment manager who partners with our investee to help 
them to grow revenue and earnings whilst continuing to enhance customer service 
and build resilient businesses with good momentum. Our intention is to seek out 
the best opportunities where growth is driven by innovation and gaining market 
share through differentiation rather than relying on favourable economic 
growth. We continue to be confident that good levels of performance can be 
maintained despite the ongoing challenging environment. 
Investment Manager 
15 February 2013 
Table of Investments and Realisations 
Investments in the year to 31 December 2012 
Company                 Location   Sector         Activity                                         (GBP'000) 
Unquoted investments 
Impetus Holdings        London     Business       Automotive consultancy and outsourced service     1,057 
Limited                            Services       provider 
Consumer Investment     London     Consumer       Company seeking to acquire businesses in the      1,000 
Partners Limited                   Markets        consumer markets sector 
Riccal Investments      London     Business       Company seeking to acquire businesses in the      1,000 
Limited                            Services       business services sector 
Pho Holdings Limited    London     Consumer       Restaurant group specialising in Vietnamese         987 
                                   Markets        street food. 
Happy Days Consultancy  Newquay    Healthcare &   Provider of nursery based childcare in Cornwall     833 
Limited                            Education      & Plymouth across 16 settings 
Follow on 
Crew Clothing Holdings  London     Consumer       Multi-channel retailer                              360 
Limited                            Markets 
Total unquoted                                                                                      5,237 
AIM-traded & listed investments 
Zattikka plc            London     TMT*           Online games development                            316 
Follow on 
Dods (Group) plc        London     TMT*           Political information & communication               678 
Hangar8 plc             Oxford     Business       Business jet management                             344 
Tangent Communications  London     Business                                                           215 
plc                                Services       Digital direct marketing 
Accumli plc             Salford    TMT*           Managed IT security                                 133 
Inspired Energy plc     Kirkham    Business       Energy Consultancy focused on corporate 
                                   Services       customers                                           100 
Electric Word plc       London     TMT*           Business to business publisher                       80 
Driver Group plc        Rossendale Services       Dispute resolution                                   61 
Total AIM-traded & listed 
investments                                                                                         1,927 
Total investments in the year                                                                       7,164 
* Technology, Media & Telecommunications ("TMT") 
Realisations in the year to 31 December 2012 
                                                              31 December            Realised 
                                                    First            2011        profit/(loss)    Overall 
                                               investment       valuation            this year   multiple 
Company                                              date           GBP'000                GBP'000   return * 
Unquoted realisations 
TVC Group Limited             Full trade sale      Jul 08           1,298                   26          ^ 
MLS Limited                   Loan repayment       Jul 06             417                    -       1.00 
Total unquoted realisations                                         1,715                   26 
AIM-traded & listed realisations 
IDOX plc                      Market sale          May 02             356                  236       5.04 
Real Good Food Company (The)  Full market 
plc                           sale                 Dec 03             101                   41       0.42 
Prologic plc                  Full trade sale      Jun 04              78                   36       0.49 
Clarity Commerce Solutions 
plc                           Full trade sale      Oct 99              29                    3       0.63 
Adventis Group plc            Written off          Jun 04               9                   (8)      0.00 
Music Festivals plc           Written off          Jun 11              87                  (87)      0.00 
Total AIM-traded & listed realisations                                660                  221 
Total realisations in the year                                      2,375                   247| 
^ Not disclosed. 
| Proceeds of GBP7,000 were also received in respect of Getting Personal Limited, 
which had been sold in the year ended 31 December 2011. 
Summary Investment Portfolio 
Investment Classification at 31 December 2012 
By Sector*                                     Percentage 
Business Services                                     31% 
Consumer Markets                                      19% 
Financial Services                                     2% 
Healthcare & Education                                15% 
Technology, Media & Telecommunications ("TMT")        33% 
Total Assets*                           Percentage 
Unquoted - loan stock                          38% 
Unquoted - ordinary & preference shares        18% 
AIM & Listed                                   29% 
Listed interest bearing securities              4% 
Net current assets                             11% 
Time Investments Held* Percentage 
Less than 1 year               9% 
Between 1 and 3 years         26% 
Between 3 and 5 years         15% 
Greater than 5 years          50% 
* As at 31 December 2012 valuation 
Ten Largest Investments 
The top ten investments by current value at 31 December 2012 illustrate the 
diversity and size of investee companies within the portfolio. This financial 
information is taken from publicly available information, which has been 
audited by the auditors of the investee companies. 
All ISIS EP LLP managed funds 
First investment:  February 2008 
Total cost:        GBP9,500,000 
Total equity held: 56.00% 
Baronsmead VCT 4 only 
Cost:             GBP2,367,000 
Valuation:        GBP4,768,000 
Valuation basis:  Earnings multiple 
% of equity held: 12.32% 
Year ended 30 September      2011      2010 
                        GBP million GBP million 
Revenue                      38.3      33.5 
EBITA:                        4.3       4.0 
Net Assets:                   1.7       0.8 
No of employees:               90        73 
(Source: Nexus Vehicle Holdings Limited, Report & Financial Statements 2011). 
All ISIS EP LLP managed funds 
First investment:   May 2007 
Total cost:         GBP5,600,000 
Total equity held:  48.00% 
Baronsmead VCT 4 only 
Cost:             GBP1,381,000 
Valuation:        GBP4,328,000 
Valuation basis:  Earnings Multiple 
% of equity held: 10.56% 
Year ended 30 September      2011      2010 
                        GBP million GBP million 
Revenue:                    12.2        8.2 
EBITA:                       1.4        0.9 
Net Assets:                  0.3        0.5 
No of employees               61         52 
(Source:CableCom Networking Holdings Limited,  Report and Financial Statements 
30 September 2011) 
3. IDOX PLC - London 
All ISIS EP LLP managed funds 
First investment:   May 2002 
Total cost:         GBP2,460,000 
Total equity held:  7.51% 
Baronsmead VCT 4 only 
Cost:              GBP620,000 
Valuation:         GBP3,744,000 
Valuation basis:   Traded 
% of equity held:  1.99% 
Year ended 31 October      2011       2010 
                      GBP million  GBP million 
Reserve:                   38.6       31.3 
EBITA:                      9.5        7.5 
Net Assets:                34.4       31.0 
No of employees             363        332 
(Source: IDOX plc, Directors' Report and Financial Statements 31 October 2011) 
All ISIS EP LLP managed funds 
First investment:  September 2005 
Total cost:        GBP5,829,000 
Total equity held: 65.68% 
Baronsmead VCT 4 only 
Cost:             GBP1,599,000 
Valuation:        GBP3,322,000 
Valuation basis:  Earnings Multiple 
% of equity held: 15.60% 
Year ended 30 September      2011       2010 
                        GBP million  GBP million 
Revenue:                     20.1       17.2 
EBITA:                        0.4        0.1 
Net Liabilities:             (1.9)      (0.7) 
No of employees:            1,468      1,254 
(Source: ILS Group Limited, Annual Report for the year ended 30 September 
All ISIS EP LLP managed funds 
First investment:  November 2006 
Total cost:        GBP5,395,000 
Total equity held: 25.51% 
Baronsmead VCT 4 only 
Cost:             GBP1,344,000 
Valuation:        GBP3,020,000 
Valuation basis:  Earnings Multiple 
% of equity held: 6.08% 
Year ended 30 October      2011      2010 
                      GBP million GBP million 
Revenue:                   40.7      34.6 
EBITA:                      3.3       2.7 
Net Assets:                 5.7       3.8 
No. of employees            311       284 
(Source: Crew Clothing Holdings Limited, Report and Financial Statements 30 
October 2011) 
All ISIS EP LLP managed funds 
First investment:  October 2005 
Total cost:        GBP5,024,000 
Total equity held: 66.50% 
Baronsmead VCT 4 only 
Cost:             GBP1,252,000 
Valuation:        GBP2,956,000 
Valuation basis:  Earnings Multiple 
% of equity held: 15.79% 
Year ended 30 September      2011      2010 
                        GBP million GBP million 
Revenue:                     18.4      15.6 
EBITA:                        1.9       2.0 
Net Assets:                   1.5       1.2 
No. of employees:             105        95 
(Source: Kafévend Holdings Limited, Directors' Report and Financial Statements 
30 September 2011) 
7. CSC (WORLD) LIMITED - Pudsey, Leeds 
All ISIS EP LLP managed funds 
First investment:  January 2008 
Total cost:        GBP6,450,000 
Total equity held: 40.03% 
Baronsmead VCT 4 only 
Cost:             GBP1,607,000 
Valuation:        GBP2,410,000 
Valuation basis:  Earnings Multiple 
% of equity held: 8.81% 
Year ended 31 March      2012       2011 
                    GBP million  GBP million 
Revenue:                  7.9        7.3 
EBITA:                    2.4        2.3 
Net Liabilities:         (2.0)      (1.3) 
No. of employees:          59         58 
(Source: Cobco 867 Limited, Financial Statements 31 March 2012) 
All ISIS EP LLP managed funds 
First investment:  January 2011 
Total cost:        GBP6,475,000 
Total equity held: 39.84% 
Baronsmead VCT 4 only 
Cost:             GBP1,617,000 
Valuation:        GBP1,754,000 
Valuation basis:  Earnings Multiple 
% of equity held: 8.76% 
Year ended 31 March      2012      2011 
                    GBP million GBP million 
Revenue:                  7.1       6.3 
EBITA:                    0.8       0.9 
Net Assets:               0.8       0.6 
No. of employees:         137       126 
(Source: Valldata Services Limited, Directors Report and Financial Statements 
31 March 2012) 
All ISIS EP LLP managed funds 
First investment:   June 2006 
Total cost:         GBP5,700,000 
Total equity held:  44.00% 
Baronsmead VCT 4 only 
Cost:             GBP1,423,000 
Valuation:        GBP1,656,000 
Valuation basis:  Earnings Multiple 
% of equity held: 10.45% 
Year ended 31 July      2011²      2010¹ 
                   GBP million  GBP million 
Sales:                  43.6       26.5 
EBITA:                   2.7        2.3 
Net Assets:              1.2        1.4 
No. of employees:        110         96 
(Source: Fisher Outdoor Leisure Holdings Limited, Directors Report and 
Financial Statements 31 July 2011) 
¹ 12 month period ended 31 January 2010 
² 18 month period ended 31 July 2011. The Company changed its year end from 31 
January to 31 July. 
All ISIS EP LLP managed funds 
First investment:   May 2010 
Total cost:         GBP3,200,000 
Total equity held:  22.50% 
Baronsmead VCT 4 only 
Cost:             GBP796,000 
Valuation:        GBP1,571,000 
Valuation basis:  Earnings Multiple 
% of equity held: 4.95% 
Year ended 31 August      2011      2010 
                     GBP million GBP million 
Sales:                    21.5      12.9 
EBITA:                     1.4       1.0 
Net Assets:                0.8       0.9 
No. of employees:          117        96 
(Source: Inspired Thinking Group Holdings, Report of the Directors and 
Consolidated Financial Statements for year ended 31 August 2011) 
Extract from the Report of the Directors 
The Chairman's Statement and the Corporate Governance statement in the Annual 
report and accounts form part of the Report of the Directors. 
Results and Dividends 
The Directors present the Eleventh Report and audited financial statements of 
the Company for the year ended 31 December 2012. 
Ordinary Shares                               GBP'000 
Profit on ordinary activities after taxation  6,606 
Interim dividend of 3.0p per ordinary share 
paid on 21 September 2012                    (1,856) 
Total dividends for the year                 (1,856) 
Subject to approval at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting the final 
proposed dividend in respect of the year ended 31 December 2012 of 4.0p per 
ordinary share will be paid on 19 April 2013 to shareholders recorded on the 
register on 8 March 2013. 
Principal Activity and Status 
The Company is registered as a Public Limited Company (Registration Number 
04313537) under the Companies Act 2006. The Directors have managed and intend 
to continue to manage the Company's affairs in such a manner so as to comply 
with Section 274 of the Income Tax Act 2007 which grants approval as a Venture 
Capital Trust ("VCT"). A review of the Company's business during the period is 
contained in the Chairman's Statement and Manager's Review. 
Business Review 
The Business Review has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of 
Section 417 of the Companies Act 2006 and best practice. 
The purpose of this review is to provide shareholders with a summary setting 
out the business objectives of the Company, the Board's strategy to achieve 
those objectives, the risks faced, the regulatory environment and the key 
performance indicators (KPIs) used to measure performance. 
Strategy for achieving objectives 
Baronsmead VCT 4 plc is a company listed on the London Stock Exchange's main 
market for listed securities. 
Investment objective 
Baronsmead VCT 4 plc is a tax efficient listed company which aims to achieve 
long-term investment returns for private investors. 
Investment policy 
The Company's investment policy is to invest primarily in a diverse portfolio 
of UK growth businesses, whether unquoted or traded on AIM. 
Investments are made selectively across a range of sectors in companies that 
have the potential to grow and enhance their value. 
Investment securities 
The Company invests in a range of securities including, but not limited to, 
ordinary and preference shares, loan stock, convertible securities, and 
fixed-interest securities, as well as cash. Unquoted investments are usually 
structured as a combination of ordinary shares and loan stock, while AIM 
investments are primarily held in ordinary shares. Pending investment in 
unquoted and AIM traded securities, cash is held in interest bearing accounts, 
UK gilts or government securities and may be invested in interest bearing money 
market open ended investment companies. 
UK companies 
Investments are primarily made in companies which are substantially based in 
the UK, although many of these investees may have some trade overseas. 
VCT regulation 
The investment policy is designed to ensure that the Company continues to 
qualify and is approved as a VCT by HM Revenue and Customs. Amongst other 
conditions, the Company may not invest more than 15 per cent. by value of its 
investments calculated in accordance with Section 278 of the Income Tax Act 
2007 (as amended) ("VCT Value") in a single company or group of companies and 
must have at least 70 per cent. of its investments by VCT Value throughout the 
period in shares and securities comprised in qualifying holdings. At least 70 
per cent. by VCT Value of qualifying holdings must be in "eligible shares", 
which are ordinary shares which have no preferential rights to assets on a 
winding up and no rights to be redeemed, but may have certain preferential 
rights to dividends. For funds raised before 6 April 2011, at least 30 per 
cent. by VCT Value of qualifying holdings must be in "eligible shares" which 
are ordinary shares which do not carry any rights to be redeemed or 
preferential rights to dividends or to assets on a winding up. At least 10 per 
cent. of each qualifying investment must be in "eligible shares". 
The companies in which investments are made must have no more than GBP15 million 
of gross assets at the time of investment to be classed as a VCT qualifying 
Asset mix 
The Company aims to be at least 90 per cent invested in growth businesses, 
subject always to the quality of investment opportunities and the timing of 
realisations. Any uninvested funds are held in cash and interest bearing 
securities. It is intended that at least 75 per cent of funds raised by the 
Company will be invested in VCT qualifying investments. 
Risk diversification and maximum exposures 
Risk is spread by investing in a number of different businesses within 
different qualifying industry sectors using a mixture of securities. Generally 
no more than GBP2.5 million, at cost, is invested in the same company. The 
maximum the Company will invest in a single company (including a collective 
investment vehicle) is 15 per cent. of its investments by VCT value. The value 
of an individual investment is expected to increase over time as a result of 
trading progress and a continuous assessment is made of its suitability for 
Investment style 
Investments are selected in the expectation that the application of private 
equity disciplines, including an active management style for unquoted 
companies, will enhance value and enable profits to be realised from planned 
Co-investment scheme 
The Company aims to invest in larger, more mature unquoted and AIM companies 
and to achieve this it invests alongside the other Baronsmead VCTs. Currently 
ISIS EP LLP ("the Manager") and its executive members and certain staff are 
mandated to invest in unquoteds alongside the Company on terms which align the 
interests of shareholders ad the Manager. 
Borrowing powersThe Company's Articles permit borrowing to give a degree of investment 
flexibility. The Company's policy is to use borrowing for short-term liquidity 
purposes only. The Company's borrowings are restricted to 25 per cent of the 
value of the gross assets of the Company. As at 31 December 2012 the Company 
had no borrowings (2011: nil). 
The Board has delegated the management of the investment portfolio to the 
Manager. The Manager also provides or procures the provision of company 
secretarial, accounting, administrative and custodian services to the Company. 
The Manager has adopted a 'top-down, sector-driven' approach to identifying and 
evaluating potential investment opportunities, by assessing a forward view of 
firstly the business environment, then the sector and finally the specific 
potential investment opportunity. Based on its research, the Manager has 
selected a number of sectors that it believes will offer attractive growth 
prospects and investment opportunities. Diversification is also achieved by 
spreading investments across different asset classes and making investments for 
a variety of different periods. 
The Manager's Review provides a review of the investment portfolio and of 
market conditions during the year. 
Principal risks, risk management and regulatory environment 
The Board believes that the principal risks faced by the Company are: 
- Economic risk - events such as an economic recession and movement in interest 
rates could affect smaller companies' valuations. 
- Loss of approval as a Venture Capital Trust - the Company must comply with 
Section 274 of the Income Tax Act 2007 which allows it to be exempted from 
capital gains tax on investment gains. Any breach of these rules may lead to 
the Company losing its approval as a VCT, qualifying shareholders who have not 
held their shares for the designated holding period having to repay the income 
tax relief they obtained and future dividends paid by the Company becoming 
subject to tax. The Company would also lose its exemption from corporation tax 
on capital gains. 
- Investment and strategic - inappropriate strategy, poor asset allocation or 
consistent weak stock selection might lead to under performance and poor 
returns to shareholders. Therefore the Company's investment strategy is 
periodically reviewed by the Board which considers at each meeting the 
performance of the investment portfolio. 
- Regulatory - the Company is required to comply with the Companies Act 2006, 
the rules of the UK Listing Authority and United Kingdom Accounting Standards. 
Breach of any of these might lead to suspension of the Company's Stock Exchange 
listing, financial penalties or a qualified audit report. 
- Reputational - inadequate or failed controls might result in breaches of 
regulations or loss of shareholder trust. 
- Operational - failure of the Manager's and administrator's accounting systems 
or disruption to its business might lead to an inability to provide accurate 
reporting and monitoring. 
- Financial - the Board has identified the Company's principal financial risks 
which are set out in the notes to the Financial Statements below. Inadequate 
controls might lead to misappropriation of assets. Inappropriate accounting 
policies might lead to misreporting or breaches of regulations. 
- Market Risk - Investment in AIM-traded and unquoted companies, by its nature, 
involves a higher degree of risk than investment in companies traded on the 
main market. In particular, smaller companies often have limited product lines, 
markets or financial resources and may be dependent for their management on a 
smaller number of key individuals. In addition, the market for stock in smaller 
companies is often less liquid than that for stock in larger companies, 
bringing with it potential difficulties in acquiring, valuing and disposing of 
such stock. 
- Liquidity Risk - The Company's investments may be difficult to realise. The 
fact that a share is traded on AIM does not guarantee its liquidity. The spread 
between the buying and selling price of such shares may be wide and thus the 
price used for valuation may not be achievable. 
- Competitive Risk - Retention of key personnel is vital to the success of the 
Company. Appropriate incentives are in place to ensure retention of such 
The Board seeks to mitigate the internal risks by setting policy, regular 
review of performance, enforcement of contractual obligations and monitoring 
progress and compliance. In the mitigation and management of these risks, the 
Board applies rigorously the principles detailed in the FRC's "Internal 
Control: Guidance to Directors". Details of the Company's internal controls are 
contained in the Corporate Governance section of the Annual Report. 
Performance and key performance indicators (KPIs) 
The Board expects the Manager to deliver a performance which meets the 
objective of achieving long-term investment returns, including tax free 
A review of the Company's performance during the financial year, the position 
of the Company at the year end and the outlook for the coming year is contained 
within the Chairman's Statement above. 
The Board assesses the performance of the Manager in meeting the Company's 
objective against the primary KPIs highlighted in Annual Report. 
Issue and Buy-Back of Shares 
As a result of an offer for subscription launched on 20 February 2012, the 
Company allotted 4,118,232 new ordinary shares at a price of 100.4p per share 
representing 6.01 per cent of the Company's issued share capital, with an 
aggregate nominal value of GBP411,823.20 raising GBP4,135,000 of new funds (before 
expenses). The terms of issue were set out in the offer document dated 12 
January 2012 and the offer price was set on 20 February 2012. 
On 20 November 2012 the Company announced an offer for subscription for new 
ordinary shares of 10p each to raise up to GBP5 million. As a result, on 24 
December 2012 the Company allotted 3,669,585 new ordinary shares representing 
5.08 per cent of the Company's issued share capital, with an aggregate nominal 
value of GBP366,958.50, raising GBP3,945,105 of new funds (before expenses). The 
Company's offer for subscription became fully subscribed on 28 January 2013 and 
a further allotment of shares is expected to take place on or around 11 March 
2013 following the announcement of the Company's net asset value as at 28 
February 2013. 
During the year the Company bought back 1,061,537 ordinary shares of 10p each 
to be held in Treasury, representing an aggregate cost of GBP952,000. Shares held 
in Treasury will not be sold at a discount wider than the discount prevailing 
at the time the shares were initially bought back by the Company. 
As at 31 December 2012, the Company held 7,190,130 ordinary shares in Treasury, 
representing 9.96 per cent of the Company's issued ordinary share capital. 
In accordance with the independence provisions of the Listing Rules (LR), and 
in particular 15.2.12A, the Company should have a majority of the Board who are 
not also Directors of another company managed by the Manager. All Directors are 
independent of the Manager and therefore the Board fully complies with this 
Board succession 
The Board confirms that following performance evaluations, the performance of 
each of the Directors seeking re-election continues to be effective, strongly 
independent and demonstrates commitment to the role, and believes that it is 
therefore in the best interest of shareholders that each of these Directors be 
The Directors who held office during the year, and their beneficial interests 
in the ordinary shares of the Company, were: 
                     31 December 2012    31 December 2011 
                  Ordinary 10p shares Ordinary 10p shares 
Robert Owen                   115,703             115,703 
Ian Kirkpatrick                11,699              11,314 
Alan Pedder CBE               110,271              70,499 
Robin Williams                  9,627                   - 
Total shares held             247,300             197,516 
Other than disclosed in the table above, there have been no changes in the 
holdings of the Directors between 31 December 2012 and 15 February 2013. 
No Director has a service contract with the Company. 
As explained in more detail under the Corporate Governance Review in the Annual 
Report and in accordance with the provisions of the AIC Code of Corporate 
Governance, the Board has agreed that Directors who have held office for more 
than nine years will retire annually. Accordingly, Mr Robert Owen and Mr Alan 
Pedder will retire at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting of the Company 
and, being eligible, offer themselves for re-election. Mr Ian Kirkpatrick will 
not stand for re-election and will retire at the AGM. 
In addition to those directors who have held office for more than nine years, 
and in accordance with the Company's Articles of Association, one third of the 
Directors who are subject to retirement by rotation, shall retire from office 
at the Annual General Meeting. As a result, Mr Robin Williams will retire at 
the forthcoming AGM and, being eligible, offers himself for re-election. 
All the Directors are members of the Audit, Nomination, Management Engagement 
and Remuneration, and Valuation Committees. 
The Directors who held office at the date of approval of this Directors' Report 
confirm that, so far as they are each aware, there is no relevant audit 
information of which the Company's auditors are unaware; and each Director has 
taken all the steps that they ought to have taken as a Director to make 
themselves aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the 
Company's auditors are aware of that information. 
Companies Act 2006 Disclosures 
In accordance with Schedule 7 of the Large and Medium Size Companies and Groups 
(Accounts and Reports) Regulations 2008 the Directors disclose the following 
- the Company's capital structure and voting rights are summarised in note 11, 
and there are no restrictions on voting rights nor any agreement between 
holders of securities that result in restrictions on the transfer of securities 
or on voting rights; 
- there exist no securities carrying special rights with regard to the control 
of the Company; 
- the rules concerning the appointment and replacement of Directors, amendment 
of the Articles of Association and powers to issue or buy back the Company's 
shares are contained in the Articles of Association of the Company and the 
Companies Act 2006; 
- there exist no agreements to which the Company is party that may affect its 
control following a takeover bid; and 
there exist no agreements between the Company and its Directors providing for 
compensation for loss of office that may occur because of a takeover bid; 
The Board recognises the requirement under Section 417(5) of the Act to detail 
information about environmental matters (including the impact of the Company's 
business on the environment), any Company employees and social and community 
issues; including information about any policies it has in relation to these 
matters and effectiveness of these policies. As the Company has no employees or 
policies in these matters, this requirement does not apply. 
Directors Professional Development 
When a new director is appointed he or she is offered an induction programme 
that is arranged by the Manager. Directors are also provided on a regular basis 
with key information on the Company's policies, regulatory and statutory 
requirements and internal controls. Changes affecting directors' 
responsibilities are advised to the Board as they arise. Directors also 
regularly participate in industry seminars. 
Directors' Indemnity 
Directors' and officers' liability insurance cover is in place in respect of 
the Directors. The Company's Articles of Association provide, subject to the 
provisions of UK legislation, an indemnity for Directors in respect of costs 
which they may incur relating to the defence of any proceedings brought against 
them arising out of their positions as Directors, in which they are acquitted 
or judgement is given in their favour by the Court. 
Save for such indemnity provisions in the Company's Articles of Association and 
in the Directors' letters of appointment, there are no qualifying third party 
indemnity provisions. 
Conflicts of Interest 
The Directors have declared any conflicts or potential conflict of interest to 
the Board of Directors which has the authority to approve such situations. The 
Company Secretary maintains the Register of Directors' Conflicts of Interests 
which is reviewed quarterly by the Board and when changes are notified. Any new 
conflicts are notified promptly to the Board and Company Secretary. Directors 
who have conflicts of interest will not take part in any discussions which 
relate to any of their conflicts. 
The Board has considered the UK Corporate Governance Code's recommendations in 
respect of arrangements by which staff of the Manager or the Secretary of the 
Company may, in confidence, raise concerns about possible improprieties in 
matters of financial reporting or other matters. It has concluded that adequate 
arrangements are in place for the proportionate and independent investigation 
of such matters and, where necessary, for appropriate follow-up action to be 
ISIS EP LLP manages the investments for the Company. The liquid assets within 
the portfolio (being cash, interest bearing securities, gilts and other assets, 
which are not categorised as venture capital investments for the purpose of the 
FSA's rules) have been managed by FPPE LLP. This is a limited liability 
partnership, which is authorised and regulated by the FSA and which has the 
same controlling members as the Manager. The Manager has continued to act as 
the Manager of the Company and as the Investment Manager of the Company's 
illiquid assets (being all AIM-traded and other venture capital investments). 
The Manager also provides or procures the provision of accounting, company 
secretarial, administrative and custodian services to the Company. The 
management agreement may be terminated at any date by either party giving 
twelve months' notice of termination. Under the management agreement, the 
Manager receives a fee of 2.5 per cent per annum of the net assets of the 
Company.  In addition, the Manager receives an annual accounting and 
secretarial fee that was initially fixed at GBP44,724 in 2006 and is revised 
annually to reflect the movement in RPI plus a variable fee of 0.125 per cent 
of the net assets of the Company which exceed GBP5 million. 
This fee is capped at GBP100,000 per annum (and revised annually to reflect the 
movement in RPI). 
Annual running costs are capped at 3.5 per cent of the average net assets of 
the Company during the period (excluding any performance fee payable to the 
Manager and irrecoverable VAT), any excess being refunded by the Manager by way 
of an adjustment to its management fee. 
It is the Board's opinion that the continuing appointment of ISIS EP LLP on the 
terms agreed is in the best interests of shareholders as a whole. 
Co-investment Scheme 
The co-investment scheme was introduced in November 2004. Members of the 
Manager's investment team invest their own capital into a proportion of the 
ordinary shares of each and every unquoted investment made by the Baronsmead 
VCTs. The shares held by the members of the Co-investment Scheme in any 
portfolio company can only be sold at the same time as the investment held by 
the Baronsmead VCTs is sold. In addition, any prior ranking financial 
instruments, such as loan stock, held by the Baronsmead VCTs have to be repaid 
in full together with the agreed priority annual return before any gain accrues 
to the ordinary shares. This ensures that the Baronsmead VCTs achieve a good 
priority return before profits accrue to the co-investment scheme. 
The Board is keen to ensure that the Manager continues to have one of the best 
investment teams in the VCT and private equity market place and considers the 
scheme to be essential in order to attract, retain and incentivise the best 
talent. The scheme is in line with current market practice in the private 
equity industry and the Board believes that it aligns the interests of the 
Manager with those of the Baronsmead VCTs since executives have to invest their 
own capital in every unquoted transaction and cannot decide selectively in 
which investments to participate. In addition the co-investment only delivers a 
return after each VCT has realised a priority return built into the structure. 
The executives participating in the co-investment scheme subscribe jointly for 
a proportion (currently 12 per cent) of the ordinary shares available to the 
Baronsmead VCTs in each unquoted investment. The level of participation was 
increased from 5 per cent in 2007 when the Manager's performance fee was 
reduced from 20 per cent to its current level of 10 per cent. 
Since the formation of the scheme in 2004, 52 executives have invested a total 
of GBP696k in 32 companies. At 31 December 2012 nine of these investments have 
been realised generating proceeds of GBP81m for the Baronsmead VCTs and GBP4.7m for 
the co-investment scheme. For Baronsmead VCT 4 the average money multiple on 
these nine realisations was 2.3 times cost. Had the co-investment shares been 
held instead by the Baronsmead VCTs that money multiple would have been 2.4 
times cost. Over the period of eight years (based upon the current number of 
shares in issue) this equates to approximately 1.8p a share. 
Performance Incentive 
A performance fee will not be payable to the Manager until the total net return 
on net proceeds of the ordinary share offers exceeds 8 per cent per annum 
(simple) on net funds raised. 
To the extent that the Total Return exceeds this threshold, a performance fee 
(plus VAT) will be paid to the Manager of 10 per cent of the excess. 
No performance fee is payable for the year to 31 December 2012 (2011:GBPnil). 
ISIS Equity Partners - Advisory Fees 
During the year to 31 December 2012, ISIS EP LLP received net income of GBP96,550 
(2011: GBP71,250) in connection with advisory fees and incurred abort fees of 
GBP59,382 (2011: GBP15,246) with respect to investments attributable to Baronsmead 
VCT 4. 
VCT Status Adviser 
The Company has retained PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP ('PwC') as their VCT Tax 
Status Advisers to advise it on compliance with VCT requirements. PwC review 
new investment opportunities, as appropriate, and review regularly the 
investment portfolio of the Company. PwC work closely with the Manager but 
report directly to the Board. 
Creditor Payment Policy 
The Company's payment policy is to settle investment transactions in accordance 
with market practice and to ensure settlement of supplier invoices in 
accordance with stated terms. 
At 31 December 2012 there were no outstanding supplier invoices (2011: none). 
The Company seeks to conduct its affairs responsibly and environmental factors 
are, where appropriate, taken into consideration with regard to investment 
Substantial Interests 
As at 31 December 2012 and since 31 December to the date of this report, the 
Company was not aware of any beneficial interest exceeding 3 per cent of the 
issued share capital. 
Going Concern 
After making enquires, and bearing in mind the nature of the Company's business 
and assets, the Directors consider that the Company has adequate resources to 
continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. In arriving at 
this conclusion the Directors have considered the liquidity of the Company and 
its ability to meet obligations as they fall due for a period of at least 
twelve months from the date that these financial statements were approved. As 
at 31 December 2012 the Company held cash balances and investments in  Interest 
Bearing Securities with a combined value of GBP6,743,000. Cash flow projections 
have been reviewed and show that the Company has sufficient funds to meet both 
its contracted expenditure and its discretionary cash outflows in the form of 
the share buy back programme and dividend policy. The Company has no external 
loan finance in place and therefore is not exposed to any gearing covenants. 
By Order of the Board, 
100 Wood Street 
London EC2V 7AN 
15 February 2013 
The full Annual Report contains the following statements regarding 
responsibility for the Annual Report and financial statements (references in 
the following statements are to pages in the Annual Report). 
Statement of Directors' Responsibilities 
Statement of Directors' Responsibilities in respect of the Annual Report and 
the Financial Statements. 
The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and the financial 
statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations. 
Company law requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for each 
financial year. Under that law they have elected to prepare the financial 
statements in accordance with UK Accounting Standards and applicable law (UK 
Generally Accepted Accounting Practice). 
Under company law the Directors must not approve the financial statements 
unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the state of 
affairs of the Company and of the profit or loss of the Company for that 
In preparing these financial statements, the Directors are required to: 
? select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 
? make judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 
? state whether applicable UK Accounting Standards have been followed, subject 
to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements; 
? prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is 
inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business. 
The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are 
sufficient to show and explain the Company's transaction and disclose with 
reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Company and 
enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Companies 
Act 2006. They have general responsibility for taking such steps as are 
reasonably open to them to safeguard the assets of the Company and to prevent 
and detect fraud and other irregularities. 
Under applicable law and regulations, the Directors are also responsible for 
preparing a Directors' Report, Directors' Remuneration Report and Corporate 
Governance Statement that complies with that law and those regulations. 
The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the 
corporate and financial information included on the Company's website. 
Legislation in the UK governing the preparation and dissemination of financial 
statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions. 
Responsibility statement of the Directors in respect of the annual financial 
We confirm that to the best of our knowledge: 
? the financial statements, prepared in accordance with the applicable set of 
accounting standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, 
financial position and profit or loss of the Company; and 
? the Report of the Directors includes a fair review of the development and 
performance of the business and the position of the issuer together with a 
description of the principal risks and uncertainties that they face. 
On behalf of the Board, 
Robert Owen 
15 February 2013 
The financial information set out below does not constitute the Company's 
statutory accounts for the years ended 31 December 2012 and 2011 but is derived 
from those accounts. Statutory accounts for 2011 have been delivered to the 
Registrar of Companies, and those for 2012 will be delivered in due course. The 
Auditors have reported on those accounts; their report was (i) unqualified, 
(ii) did not include a reference to any matters to which the Auditors drew 
attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report and (iii) did not 
contain a statement under Section 498 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. The 
text of the Auditors' report can be found in the Company's full Annual Report 
and Accounts at www.baronsmeadvct4.co.uk 
Income Statement 
For the year ended 31 December 2012 
                                           2012                    2011 
                                Revenue Capital   Total Revenue Capital   Total 
                          Notes  GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
Unrealised gains on 
investments                 8        -   7,150   7,150       -   1,508   1,508 
Realised gains on 
investments                 8        -     254     254       -   1,817   1,817 
Income                      2    1,132       -   1,132   1,885       -   1,885 
Investment management fee   3     (385) (1,155) (1,540)   (362) (1,086) (1,448) 
Other expenses              4     (390)      -    (390)   (369)      -    (369) 
Profit on ordinary 
activities before 
taxation                           357   6,249   6,606   1,154   2,239   3,393 
Taxation on ordinary 
activities                  5      (30)     30       -    (243)    243       - 
Profit on ordinary 
activities after taxation          327   6,279   6,606     911   2,482   3,393 
Return per ordinary 
Basic                       7     0.53p  10.22p  10.75p   1.55p   4.23p   5.78p 
The 'Total' column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the 
All revenue and capital items in this statement derive from continuing 
No operations were acquired or discontinued in the year. 
There are no recognised gains and losses other than those disclosed in the 
Income Statement, therefore a separate statement of total recognised gains and 
losses has not been prepared. 
Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds 
For the year ended 31 December 2012 
                                                 2012    2011 
                                         Notes  GBP'000   GBP'000 
Opening shareholders' funds                    54,786  58,704 
Profit for the year                             6,606   3,393 
Gross proceeds of share issues           11/12  8,080       - 
Purchase and sale of shares for Treasury    12   (952)   (850) 
Expenses of share issue and buybacks        12   (418)     (6) 
Dividends paid                               6 (1,856) (6,455) 
Closing shareholders' funds                    66,246   54,786 
Balance Sheet 
As at 31 December 2012 
                                                        2012    2011 
                                                Notes  GBP'000   GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments                                       8   58,763  52,124 
Current assets 
Debtors                                           9    4,236     562 
Cash at bank                                           1,344   2,528 
Cash on deposit                                        2,500       - 
                                                       8,080   3,090 
Creditors (amounts falling due within one year)  10     (597)    428 
Net current assets                                     7,483   2,662 
Net assets                                            66,246  54,786 
Capital and reserves 
Called-up share capital                          11    7,219   6,440 
Share premium account                            12   28,078  21,190 
Capital redemption reserve                       12    8,622   8,622 
Revaluation reserve                              12   11,660   4,103 
Capital reserve                                  12   10,324  14,415 
Revenue reserve                                  12      343      16 
Equity shareholders' funds                            66,246  54,786 
Net asset value per share 
- Basic                                          13   101.92p  94.01p 
- Treasury                                       13   101.41p  93.08p 
The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 15 February 
2013 and were signed on its behalf by: 
Robert Owen (Chairman) 
Cash Flow Statement 
For the year ended 31 December 2012 
                                                                2012      2011 
                                                       Notes   GBP'000     GBP'000 
Operating activities 
Investment income received                                     1,276     1,706 
Deposit interest received                                         12         8 
Other income received                                              -        62 
Investment management fees                                    (1,490)   (1,472) 
Other cash payments                                             (382)     (409) 
Net cash outflow from operating activities              15      (584)     (105) 
Capital expenditure and financial investment 
Purchases of investments                                     (70,018) (127,474) 
Disposals of investments                                      70,813   135,962 
Net cash inflow from capital expenditure and financial 
investment                                                       795     8,488 
Equity dividends paid                                         (1,856)   (6,455) 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before financing                    (1,645)     1,928 
Gross proceeds of share issues                                 4,135         - 
Purchase of shares for Treasury                                 (952)     (851) 
Expenses of shares issue and buybacks                           (222)       (5) 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing                       2,961      (856) 
Increase in cash                                               1,316     1,072 
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net 
Increase in cash                                               1,316     1,072 
Opening cash at bank and on deposit                            2,528     1,456 
Closing cash at bank and on deposit                     14     3,844     2,528 
Notes to the Accounts 
1. Accounting polices 
(a) Basis of accounting 
These financial statements have been prepared under UK Generally Accepted 
Accounting Practice ("UK GAAP") and in accordance with the Statement of 
Recommended Practice ("SORP") for investment trust companies and venture 
capital trusts issued by the Association of Investment Companies ("AIC") in 
January 2009, and on the assumption that the Company maintains VCT status. 
The Company is no longer an investment company as defined by Section 833 of the 
Companies Act 2006, as investment company status was revoked on 15 December 
2004 in order to permit the distribution of capital profits. 
The principle accounting policies adopted are set out below. 
Presentation of the Income Statement 
In order to better reflect the activities of a VCT and in accordance with the 
SORP, supplementary information which analyses the income statement between 
items of a revenue and capital nature has been presented alongside the income 
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities after taxation is the measure the 
Directors believe appropriate in assessing the Company's compliance with 
certain requirements set out in Section 274 of the Income Tax Act 2007. 
(b) Valuation of investments 
Purchases or sales of investments are recognised at the date of transaction. 
Investments are valued at fair value. For AIM traded and listed securities this 
is either bid price or the last traded price, depending on the convention of 
the exchange on which the investment is traded. 
In respect of unquoted investments, these are fair valued by the Directors 
using methodology which is consistent with the International Private Equity and 
Venture Capital Valuation ("IPEV") guidelines. This means investments are 
valued using an earnings multiple, which has a discount or premium applied 
which adjusts for points of difference to appropriate stock market or 
comparable transaction multiples. Alternative methods of valuation will include 
application of an arm's length third party valuation, a provision on cost or a 
net asset value basis. 
Gains and losses arising from changes in the fair value of the investments are 
included in the Income Statement for the period as a capital item. Transaction 
costs on acquisition are included within the initial recognition and the profit 
or loss on disposal is calculated net of transaction costs on disposal. 
(c) Income 
Interest income on loan stock and dividends on preference shares are accrued on 
a daily basis. Provision is made against this income where recovery is 
doubtful. Where the terms of unquoted loan stocks only require interest or a 
redemption premium to be paid on redemption, the interest and redemption 
premium is recognised as income once redemption is reasonably certain. Until 
such date interest is accrued daily and included within the valuation of the 
Income from fixed interest securities and deposit interest is included on an 
effective interest rate basis. 
Dividends on quoted shares are recognised as income on the date that the 
related investments are marked ex dividend and where no dividend date is 
quoted, when the Company's right to receive payment is established. 
(d) Expenses 
All expenses are recorded on an accruals basis. 
(e) Revenue/capital 
The revenue column of the Income Statement includes all income and expenses. 
The capital column accounts for the realised and unrealised profit and loss on 
investments and the proportion of management fee charged to capital. 
(f) Issue costs 
Issue costs are deducted from the share premium account. 
(g) Deferred taxation 
Deferred taxation is recognised in respect of all timing differences that have 
originated but not reversed at the balance sheet date where transactions or 
events that result in an obligation to pay more, or the right to pay less, tax 
in future have occurred at the balance sheet date. This is subject to deferred 
tax assets only being recognised if it is considered more likely than not that 
there will be suitable profits from which the future reversal of the underlying 
timing differences can be deducted. Timing differences are differences arising 
between the Company's taxable profits and its results as stated in the 
financial statements which are capable of reversal in one or more subsequent 
(h) Capital reserves 
(i) Capital Reserve 
Gains and losses on realisation of investments of a capital nature are dealt 
with in this reserve. Purchase of the Company's own shares to be either held in 
Treasury or cancelled are also funded from this reserve. 75 per cent of 
management fees are allocated to the capital reserve in accordance with the 
Board's expected split between long term income and capital returns. 
(ii) Revaluation Reserve 
Changes in fair value of unrealised investments, are dealt with in this 
2. Income 
                                 2012  2011 
                                GBP'000 GBP'000 
Income from investments| 
UK franked                        232   222 
UK unfranked                      812 1,218 
UK Unfranked - reinvested          30     - 
Redemption premium                 45   374 
                                1,119 1,814 
Other income+ 
Deposit interest                   13     9 
Other income                        -    62 
Total income                    1,132 1,885 
Total income comprises: 
Dividends                         232   223 
Interest                          900 1,662 
                                1,132 1,885 
Income from investments: 
AIM-traded & listed securities    248   270 
Unquoted securities               871 1,544 
                                1,119 1,814 
| All investments have been designated fair value through profit or loss on 
initial recognition, therefore all investment income arises on investments at 
fair value through profit or loss. 
+ Other income on financial assets not designated fair value through profit or 
3. Investment management fee 
                           2012  2011 
                          GBP'000 GBP'000 
Investment management fee 1,540 1,448 
Performance fee               -     - 
                          1,540 1,448 
For the purposes of the revenue and capital columns in the Income Statement, 
the management fee has been allocated 25 per cent to revenue and 75 per cent to 
capital, in line with the Board's expected long-term return in the form of 
income and capital gains respectively from the Company's investment portfolio. 
The management agreement may be terminated by either party giving 12 months 
notice of termination. The Manager, ISIS EP LLP, receives a fee of 2.5 per cent 
per annum of the net assets of the Company, calculated and payable on a 
quarterly basis. 
The Manager is entitled to a performance fee when the total return on net 
proceeds of the ordinary share offers exceeds 8 per cent per annum (on a simple 
basis) on net funds raised. To the extent that the Total Return exceeds this 
threshold, a performance fee (plus VAT) will be paid to the Manager for 10 per 
cent of the excess. The performance fee payable in any one year will be capped 
at 5 per cent of Shareholders' funds at the end of the calculation period. No 
performance fee is payable for the year ended 31 December 2012. 
ISIS EP LLP receives an annual accounting and secretarial fee initially fixed 
at GBP44,724 (and revised annually to reflect the movement in RPI), plus a 
variable fee of 0.125 per cent of the net assets of the Company which exceed 
GBP5 million. The fee is capped at GBP100,000 (per annum), revised annually to reflect 
the movement in RPI. It is chargeable 100 per cent to revenue. 
Amounts payable to the Manager at the year end are disclosed in note 10. 
4. Other expenses 
                                                                   2012   2011 
                                                                  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Directors' fees                                                      79     70 
Secretarial and accounting fees                                     122    119 
Remuneration of the auditors and their associates: 
 - audit                                                             21     22 
 - other services supplied pursuant to legislation (interim           5      5 
 - other services supplied relating to taxation                       7      9 
Trail Commission                                                      -     (1) 
Other                                                               156    145 
                                                                    390    369 
The Chairman received GBP24,500 per annum (2011: GBP22,000). Each of the other 
Directors received GBP18,000 per annum (2011: GBP16,000). 
Charges for other services provided by the auditors in the year ended 31 
December 2012 were in relation to the interim review and tax compliance work 
(including iXBRL). The Directors consider the auditors were best placed to 
provide these services. The Audit Committee reviews the nature and extent of 
non-audit services to ensure that independence is maintained. 
5. Tax on ordinary activities 
5a. Analysis of charge for the year 
                    2012   2011 
                   GBP'000  GBP'000 
UK corporation tax     -      - 
The Income Statement shows the tax charge allocated between revenue and 
5b. Factors affecting tax charge for the year 
The tax charge for the year is lower than the standard rate of corporation tax 
in the UK for a company. The differences are explained below: 
                                         2012                      2011 
                             Revenue  Capital   Total  Revenue  Capital  Total 
                               GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000 
Profit on ordinary 
activities before tax            357    6,249   6,606    1,154    2,239  3,393 
Corporation tax at rate of 
24.5% (2011: 26.5%)               87    1,531   1,618      306      593    899 
Effect of: 
Non-taxable dividend income      (57)       -     (57)     (59)       -    (59) 
Non-taxable gains on               -   (1,814) (1,814) 
investments                                                  -     (881)  (881) 
Marginal tax relief                -        -       -       (4)       4      - 
Losses carried forward/            -      253     253        -       41     41 
Tax charge/ (credit) for the 
year (note 5a)                    30      (30)      -     243 `    (243)     - 
At 31 December 2012 the Company had surplus management expenses of GBP2,016,000 
(2011: GBP923,000) which have not been recognised as a deferred tax asset. This 
is because the Company is not expected to generate taxable income in a future 
period in excess of the deductible expenses of that future period and, 
accordingly, the Company is unlikely to be able to reduce future tax 
liabilities through the use of existing surplus expenses. Due to the Company's 
status as a VCT, and the intention to continue meeting the conditions required 
to obtain approval in the foreseeable future, the Company has not provided 
deferred tax on any capital gains and losses arising on the revaluation or 
disposal of investments. 
6. Dividends 
                                          2012                     2011 
                              Revenue  Capital  Total  Revenue  Capital  Total 
                                GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000 
Amounts recognised as 
distributions to shareholders 
for the year ended to 31 
December 2012 
- interim dividend for the 
year ended 31 December 2012 
of 3.0p per share                   -    1,856  1,856 
For the year ended 31 
December 2011 
- first interim dividend for 
the year ended 31 December 
2011 of 3.0p per share              -        -      -      380    1,375  1,755 
- second interim dividend of 
the year ended 31 December 
2011 of 4.0p per share              -        -      -      524    1,806  2,330 
For the year ended 31 
December 2010 
- final dividend for the year 
ended 31 December 2010 of 
4.0p per share                      -        -      -      326    2,044  2,370 
                                    -    1,856  1,856    1,230    5,225  6,455 
7. Returns per share 
The 10.75p return per ordinary share (2011: 5.78p) is based on the net profit 
from ordinary activities after tax of GBP6,606,000 (2011: GBP3,393,000) and on 
61,474,340 (2011: 58,693,578) ordinary shares, being the weighted average 
number of shares in circulation during the year. 
8. Investments 
All investments are designated fair value through profit or loss at initial 
recognition, therefore all gains and losses arise on investments designated at 
fair value through profit or loss. 
Financial Reporting Standard 29 'Financial Instruments: Disclosures' (the 
Standard) requires an analysis of investments valued at fair value based on the 
reliability and significance of the information used to measure their fair 
value. The level is determined by the lowest (that is the least reliable or 
independently observable) level of input that is significant to the fair value 
measurement for the individual investment in its entirety as follows: 
? Level 1 - investments whose prices are quoted in an active market. 
? Level 2 - investments whose fair value is based directly on observable 
current market prices or indirectly being derived from market prices. 
? Level 3 - investments whose fair value is determined using a valuation 
technique based on assumptions that are not supported by observable current 
market prices or based on observable market data. 
                                     2012   2011 
                                    GBP'000  GBP'000 
Level 1 
Listed interest bearing securities  2,899  8,199 
Investments traded on AIM          18,001 12,548 
Investments listed on LSE             892    704 
                                   21,792 21,451 
Level 2                                        - 
Level 3 
Unquoted investments               36,971 30,673 
                                   58,763 52,124 
                          2012   2011 
                         GBP'000  GBP'000 
Equity shares           30,673 23,030 
Preference shares           78      - 
Loan notes              25,113 20,895 
Fixed income securities  2,899  8,199 
                        58,763 52,124 
                                           Level 1            Level 3 
                                   Interest          Listed 
                                    Bearing  Traded      On 
                                 Securities  on AIM     LSE   Unquoted    Total 
                                      GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
Opening book cost                     8,199  14,731   1,203    23,888    48,021 
Opening unrealised                        -  (2,813)   (499)    6,785     4,103 
Opening valuation                     8,199  12,548     704    30,673    52,124 
Movements in the year: 
Purchases at cost                    62,884   1,927       -     5,237    70,048 
Sales - Proceeds                    (68,184)   (881)      -    (1,748)  (70,813) 
      - Realised gains on sales           -     221       -        33       254 
Unrealised (losses)/gains 
realised during the year                  -    (472)      -        65     (407) 
Increase in unrealised                    -   4,658     188     2,711    7,557 
Closing valuation                     2,899  18,001     892    36,971   58,763 
Closing book cost                     2,899  15,526   1,203    27,475   47,103 
Closing unrealised appreciation/          -   2,475    (311)    9,496   11,660 
                                      2,899  18,001     892    36,971   58,763 
During the year the Company incurred brokerage costs on purchases of GBP1,542 
(2011: GBP1,835) and brokerage costs on sales of GBP1,987 (2011: GBP937) in respect 
of ordinary shareholder interests. 
The gains and losses included in the above table have all been recognised in 
the Income Statement. 
The Standard requires disclosure, by class of financial instruments, if the 
effect of changing one or more inputs to reasonably possible alternative 
assumptions would result in a significant change to the fair value measurement. 
The information used in determination of the fair value of Level 3 investments 
is chosen with reference to the specific underlying circumstances and position 
of the investee company. The portfolio has been reviewed and both downside and 
upside reasonable possible alternatives have been identified and applied to the 
valuation of each of the unquoted investments. Applying the downside 
alternatives the value of the unquoted investments would be GBP2.5 million or 6.8 
per cent lower. Using the upside alternative the value would be increased by 
GBP2.6 million or 7.0 per cent. 
9. Debtors 
                                2012  2011 
                               GBP'000 GBP'000 
Prepayments and accrued income   374   562 
Amounts due from fundraising   3,862     - 
                               4,236   562 
10. Creditors (amounts falling due within one year) 
                                                              2012  2011 
                                                             GBP'000 GBP'000 
Management, secretarial & accounting fees due to the manager   423   373 
Fundraising costs                                              113     - 
Other creditors                                                 61    55 
                                                               597   428 
11. Called-up share capital 
Allotted, called-up and fully paid: 
Ordinary shares                                                          GBP'000 
64,402,829 ordinary shares of 10p each listed at 31 December 2011        6,440 
7,787,817 ordinary shares of 10p each issued during the year               779 
72,190,646 ordinary shares of 10p each listed at 31 December 2012        7,219 
6,128,593 ordinary shares of 10p each held in Treasury at 31 December     (613) 
1,061,537 ordinary shares of 10p each repurchased during the year and     (106) 
held in Treasury 
7,190,130 ordinary shares of 10p each held in Treasury at 31 December     (719) 
65,000,516 ordinary shares of 10p each in circulation at 31 December     6,500 
The capital of the Company is managed in accordance with its investment policy, 
in pursuit of its investment objectives, both of which are detailed in the 
Report of the Directors. 
Treasury shares 
The Companies (Acquisition of Own Shares) (Treasury Shares) Regulations 2003 
came into force on 1 December 2003 and allowed the Company to hold shares 
acquired by way of market purchase as Treasury shares, rather than having to 
cancel them. Shareholders have previously approved a resolution permitting the 
Company to issue shares from Treasury at a discount to the prevailing NAV if 
the Board considers it in the best interests of the Company to do so. However, 
Treasury shares will not be sold at a discount wider than the discount 
prevailing at the time the shares were initially bought back by the Company. It 
is the Board's intention only to use the mechanism of re-issuing Treasury 
shares when demand for the Company's shares is greater than the supply 
available in the market place. Such issues would be captured under the terms of 
the Prospectus Directive and subject to the annual cap of 2.5 million Euros on 
funds raised before requiring a full prospectus, although they would not be 
considered by HM Revenue & Customs to be new shares entitling the purchaser to 
initial income tax relief, and therefore shares are unlikely to be issued from 
Treasury in the same year as a "top up" offer for subscription. 
The Company does not have any externally imposed capital requirements. 
Where shares are bought back but not cancelled the share capital remains 
unchanged. The NAV is calculated by using the number of shares in issue less 
those bought back and held in Treasury. 
12. Reserves 
                                   Share redemption Capital Revaluation Revenue 
                                 premium    reserve reserve     Reserve reserve 
                                   GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000       GBP'000   GBP'000 
At 31 December 2011               21,190      8,622  14,415       4,103      16 
Premium on issue ordinary shares   7,301          -       -           -       - 
Purchase and sale of shares for        -          -    (952)          -       - 
Expenses of share issue & 
buybacks                            (413)         -      (5)          -       - 
Reallocation of prior year 
unrealised losses                      -          -    (407)        407       - 
Realised gain on disposal of 
investments*                           -          -     254           -       - 
Net increase in value of 
investments*                           -          -       -       7,150       - 
Management fee capitalised*            -          -  (1,155)          -       - 
Taxation relief from capital 
expenses*                              -          -      30           -       - 
Revenue return on ordinary 
activities after taxation*             -          -       -           -     327 
Dividends paid in the year             -          -  (1,856)          -       - 
At 31 December 2012              28,078      8,622  10,324      11,660     343 
At 31 December 2012, reserves distributable by way of dividend amounted to 
GBP10,667,000 (2011: GBP11,749,000), comprising the capital reserve, revenue reserve 
and the net unrealised loss on those investments whose prices are quoted in an 
active market and deemed readily realisable. 
* The total of these items is GBP6,606,000 which agrees to the total profit on 
ordinary activities. 
13. Net asset value per share 
The net asset value per share and the net asset values attributable to the 
ordinary shares at the year end are calculated in accordance with their 
entitlements in the Articles of Association and were: 
                                              Net asset value per Net asset value 
                           Number of shares    share attributable    attributable 
                               2012       2011      2012     2011    2012    2011 
                             number     number     pence    pence   GBP'000   GBP'000 
Ordinary shares (basic)  65,000,516 58,274,236    101.92    94.01  66,246  54,786 
Ordinary shares          72,190,646 64,402,829    101.41    93.08  73,212  59,949 
Basic net asset value per share is based on net assets at the year end, and on 
65,000,516 (2011: 58,274,236) ordinary shares, being the respective number of 
shares in circulation at the year end. 
The Treasury net asset value per share as at 31 December 2012, included 
ordinary shares held in Treasury valued at the mid share price of 96.88p at 31 
December 2012 (31 December 2011: 84.25p). 
14. Analysis of changes in cash 
                         2012  2011 
                        GBP'000 GBP'000 
Beginning of year       2,528 1,456 
Net cash inflow         1,316 1,072 
As at 31 December 2012  3,844 2,528 
15. Reconciliation of profit on ordinary activities before taxation to net cash 
outflow from operating activities 
                                                2012    2011 
                                               GBP'000   GBP'000 
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation  6,606   3,393 
Gains on investments                          (7,404) (3,325) 
Decrease/(increase) in debtors                   188    (115) 
Increase/(decrease) in creditors                  56     (58) 
Income reinvested                                (30)      - 
Net cash outflow from operating activities      (584)   (105) 
16. Contingencies, guarantees and financial commitments 
There were no contingencies, guarantees or financial commitments of the Company 
as at 31 December 2012 (31 December 2011: nil) 
17. Significant interests 
There are no interests of 20 per cent or more of any class of share capital. 
Further information on the significant interests is disclosed in the Annual 
18. Financial instruments 
The Company's financial instruments comprise equity and fixed interest 
investments, cash balances and liquid resources including debtors and 
creditors. The Company holds financial assets in accordance with its investment 
policy to invest in a diverse portfolio of UK growth businesses, whether 
unquoted or traded on AIM. 
Fixed asset investments (see above) are valued at fair value. For quoted 
securities this is either bid price or the last traded price, depending on the 
convention of the exchange on which the investment is quoted. In respect of 
unquoted investments, these are fair valued by the Directors (using rules 
consistent with the International Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation 
The fair value of all other financial assets and liabilities is represented by 
their carrying value in the Balance Sheet. 
The Company's investing activities expose it to various types of risk that are 
associated with financial instruments and markets in which it invests. The most 
important types of financial risk to which the Company is exposed are market 
risk, credit risk and liquidity risk. 
The nature and extent of the financial instruments outstanding at the balance 
sheet date and the risk management policies employed by the Company are 
discussed below. 
19. Market risk 
Market risk embodies the potential for both loss and gains and includes 
interest rate risk and price risk. 
The Company's strategy on the management of investment risk is driven by the 
Company's investment objective as outlined above. 
The management of market risk is part of the investment management process and 
is typical of private equity investment. The portfolio is managed in accordance 
with policies and procedures in place as described in more detail in the Report 
of the Directors in the Annual Report, with an awareness of the effects of 
adverse price movements through detailed and continuing analysis, with an 
objective of maximising overall returns to shareholders. Investments in 
unquoted stocks and AIM listed companies, by their nature, involve a higher 
degree of risk than investments in the main market. Some of that risk can be 
mitigated by diversifying the portfolio across business sectors and asset 
classes. The Company's overall market positions are monitored by the Board on a 
quarterly basis. 
Details of the Company's investment portfolio at the balance sheet date are 
disclosed in the schedule of investments set out above. An analysis of 
investments between debt and equity instruments is disclosed in note 8. 
32 per cent (2011: 25 per cent) of the Company's investments are listed on the 
London Stock Exchange or traded on AIM. A 5 per cent increase in stock prices 
as at 31 December 2012 would have increased the net assets attributable to the 
Company's shareholders and the total profit for the year by GBP945,000 (2011: GBP 
663,000); an equal change in the opposite direction would have decreased the 
net assets attributable to the Company's shareholders and the total profit for 
the year by an equal amount. 
63 per cent (2011: 59 per cent) of the Company's investments are in unquoted 
companies held at fair value. Valuation methodology includes the application of 
earning multiples derived from either listed companies with similar 
characteristics or recent comparable transactions. Therefore the value of the 
unquoted element of the portfolio may also be indirectly affected by price 
movements on the listed exchanges. A 5 per cent increase in the valuations of 
unquoted investments at 31 December 2012 would have increased the net assets 
attributable to the Company's shareholders and the total profit for the year by 
GBP1,849,000 (2011: GBP1,534,000); an equal change in the opposite direction would 
have decreased the net assets attributable to the Company's shareholders and 
the total profit for the year by an equal amount. 
20. Interest rate risk 
At 31 December 2012 GBP2,899,000 (2011: GBP8,199,000) fixed rate securities were 
held by the Company. As a result, the Company is subject to exposure to fair 
value interest rate risk due to fluctuations in the prevailing levels of market 
interest rates. However the effect of these interest rate changes is not 
materially significant. 
At 31 December 2012 GBP25,113,000 (2011: GBP20,895,000) fixed rate loan notes were 
held by the Company. The weighted average coupon rate for the loan note 
securities is 9.38 per cent as at 31 December 2012 (2011: 9.34 per cent). Due 
to complexity of the instruments and uncertainty surrounding timing of 
redemption the weighted average time for which the rate is fixed has not been 
The table below summarises weighted average effective interest rates for the 
fixed interest-bearing financial instruments: 
                             2012                          2011 
                                      Weighted                      Weighted 
                     Total Weighted    average     Total Weighted    average 
                     fixed  average   time for     fixed  average   time for 
                      rate interest which rate      rate interest which rate 
                 portfolio     rate   is fixed portfolio     rate   is fixed 
                     GBP'000        %       days     GBP'000        %       days 
Fixed rate 
Financial assets     2,899     0.12         21     8,199     0.21          3 
Floating rate 
When the Company retains cash balances, the majority of cash is ordinarily held 
on interest bearing deposit accounts and, where appropriate, within interest 
bearing securities. The benchmark rate which determines the interest payments 
received on interest bearing cash balances is the bank base rate which was 0.5 
per cent as at 31 December 2012 (2011: 0.5 per cent). 
                   2012  2011 
                  GBP'000 GBP'000 
Floating rate 
Cash at bank      1,344 2,528 
Cash on deposit   2,500     - 
                  3,844 2,528 
21. Credit risk 
Credit risk is the risk that a counterparty to a financial instrument will fail 
to discharge an obligation or commitment that it has entered into with the 
Company. The Investment Manager has in place a monitoring procedure in respect 
of counterparty risk which is reviewed on an ongoing basis. The carrying 
amounts (value) of financial assets best represents the maximum credit risk 
exposure at the balance sheet date. 
At the reporting date, the Company's financial assets exposed to credit risk 
amounted to the following: 
                                            2012   2011 
                                           GBP'000  GBP'000 
Investments in fixed rate instruments      2,899  8,199 
Cash at bank                               1,344  2,528 
Cash on deposit                            2,500      - 
Interest, dividends and other receivables  4,236    562 
                                          10,979 11,289 
Credit risk arising on unquoted loan notes is considered in conjunction with 
the associated equity investment in the portfolio company. 
Credit risk arising on fixed interest instruments is mitigated by investing in 
UK Government Stock. 
Credit risk on unquoted loan stock held within unlisted investments is 
considered to be part of market risk as disclosed in note 19. 
Credit risk on fixed interest investments in unlisted companies is managed as 
part of the Company's main investment management procedures. 
Credit risk arising on transactions with brokers relates to transactions 
awaiting settlement. Risk relating to unsettled transactions is considered to 
be small due to the short settlement period involved and the high credit 
quality of the brokers used. 
All the assets of the Company which are traded on a recognised exchange are 
held by JP Morgan Chase ("JPM"), the Company's custodian. The Board monitors 
the Company's risk by reviewing the custodian's internal control reports as 
described in the Corporate Governance section of the Annual Report. 
The cash held by the Company is held by JPM and Lloyds TSB. The Board monitors 
the Company's risk by reviewing regularly the internal control reports of these 
banks. Should the credit quality or the financial position of either bank 
deteriorate significantly the Investment Manager will seek to move the cash 
holdings to another bank. 
There were no significant concentrations of credit risk to counterparties at 31 
December 2012 or 31 December 2011. No individual investment exceeded 7.2 per 
cent of the net assets attributable to the Company's shareholders at 31 
December 2012 (2011: 10.3 per cent). 
22. Liquidity risk 
The Company's financial instruments include investments in unquoted companies 
which are not traded in an organised public market and AIM-traded equity 
investments which generally may be illiquid. As a result, the Company may not 
be able to liquidate quickly some of its investments in these instruments at an 
amount close to their fair value in order to meet its liquidity requirements, 
or to respond to specific events such as deterioration in the creditworthiness 
of any particular issuer. 
The Company's liquidity risk is managed on an ongoing basis by the Investment 
Manager in accordance with policies and procedures in place as described in the 
Report of the Directors. The Company's overall liquidity risks are monitored on 
a quarterly basis by the Board. 
The Company maintains sufficient investments in cash and readily realisable 
interest bearing securities to pay accounts payable and accrued expenses. At 31 
December 2012 these investments were valued at GBP6,743,000 (2011: GBP10,727,000). 
23. Related parties 
Related party transactions include Management, Secretarial, Accounting and 
Performance fees payable to the Manager, ISIS EP LLP, as disclosed above, and 
fees paid to the Directors as disclosed above. In addition, the Manager 
operates a Co-Investment Scheme, detailed in the Report of the Directors in the 
Annual Report, whereby employees of the Manager are entitled to participate in 
certain unquoted investments alongside the Company. 
24. Post balance sheet event 
On 20 November 2012 the Company launched an offer for subscription to raise up 
to GBP5 million. This offer became fully subscribed on 28 January 2013. 
National Storage Mechanism 
A copy of the Annual Report and Financial Statements will be submitted shortly 
to the National Storage Mechanism ("NSM") and will be available for inspection 
at the NSM, which is situated at: www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/nsm 
Annual General Meeting 
The Company's Annual General Meeting will be held on 16 April 2013 at 11.00 am 
at the Plaisterers' Hall, One London Wall, London, EC2Y 5JU. 
Neither the contents of the Company's website nor the contents of any website 
accessible from hyperlinks on this announcement (or any other website) is 
incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement. 

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