Baronsmead VCT 4 plc

                         Interim Management Statement

For the three month period from 1 July 2013 to 30 September 2013


  * 4.0p second interim dividend declared, payable on 20 December to
    shareholders on the register on 4 December 2013

  * +3.4 per cent. increase in Net Asset Value per share

  * £1.1 million invested in two unquoted and two quoted investments

Performance Summary

Capital return                        As at       As at    Movement
                                30 Sep 2013 30 Jun 2013

Total net assets                    £65.97m     £65.76m

Net asset value per share           101.04p     97.71p*        3.4%

Share price                          94.75p      96.88p       (2.2%)

Discount to NAV                      (6.2%)      (0.8%)

                            3 month (%)  1 year (%) 5 years (%)   10 years (%)

Net asset value                     3.3         9.9        46.6          85.6
total return (1)

* Adjusted for 3.0p interim dividend for comparative purposes paid on 20
September 2013. NAV at 30 June 2013 excluding effect of dividend was 100.71p
per share.


(1) NAV total return = NAV + reinvested dividends; Source: ISIS EP LLP

These total returns are stated before the inclusion of VCT tax
reliefs which are designed to mitigate the higher risks and costs associated
with investing in smaller companies and the constraints of the VCT legislation.
The front end income tax reliefs available at the time of subscription were 20
per cent. prior to the end of the 2003/04 tax years, 40 per cent. in the 2004/
05 and 2005/06 tax years and 30 per cent. since then, so any adjusted
performance measure including this relief will vary depending on the date of
subscription. There is the additional benefit of receiving VCT dividends tax

Investment Performance

In the three months to 30 September 2013, Baronsmead VCT 4's net asset value
per share increased by 3.4 per cent. When capitalised interest recognised as
income is included, the unquoted portfolio valuation increased by 0.4 per cent.
in the quarter and the AIM portfolio increased by 11.4 per cent.

The Company's net assets as at 30 September 2013 were £65.97 million. This
figure takes account of the valuation of the Company's investments as at 30
September 2013 and is stated after the payment of the interim dividend of 3.0p
per share paid on 20 September 2013 (£1.96 million).

Top Ten Investment Holdings

Position at Position at                Company                   Percentage
30 Sep 2013 30 Jun 2013                                              of NAV
                                                                      as at
                                                                30 Sep 2013

     1           1       CableCom Networking Holdings                   8.3

     2           2       Nexus Vehicle Holdings Limited                 7.2

     3           3       CSC (World) Limited                            4.3

     4           4       Kafevend Holdings Limited                      3.9

     5           5       Crew Clothing Holdings Limited                 3.0

     6           7       Netcall plc                                    3.0

     7           8       Inspired Thinking Group Limited                2.8

     8           9       IDOX plc                                       2.7

     9           10      Fisher Outdoor Leisure Holdings                2.6

    10           6       Valldata Group Limited                         2.5

   Total                                                               40.3

Analysis of Total Assets

                                 Percentage of total    Percentage of total
                                              assets                 assets

                                         30 Sep 2013            30 Jun 2013

                                                   %                      %

Unquoted investments                              55                     56

AIM & listed investments                          32                     28

Listed interest bearing                5                       8

Net current assets                     8                       8

Total cash portfolio                              13                     16

Total Assets                                     100                    100

Analysis of Investment Portfolio by Sector

(excluding cash and interest bearing securities)

                                    Percentage of total Percentage of total
                                         investments at      investments at
                                            30 Sep 2013         30 Jun 2013

                                                      %                   %

Business Services                                    36                  35

Consumer Markets                                     17                  18

Financial Services                                    2                   2

Healthcare & Education                               12                  12

Technology, Media &                                  33                  33

Total                                               100                 100

Investment Activity

During the three months to 30 September 2013, Baronsmead VCT 4 invested a total
of approximately £1.13 million in one new and three follow on investments as
set out in the table below:

Investments Made

Company                                 Date             Cost (£'000)

EG Solutions plc                        Jul 2013                   78

Key Travel Limited                      Jul 2013                  954

Paragon Entertainment Limited           Jul 2013                   45

Valldata Group Limited                  Aug 2013                   54

Total Investments                                               1,131

During the quarter, a new unquoted investment of £0.95 million was made in Key
Travel, a travel management company focused on the not-for profit sector.
Follow-on investments were made in one unquoted company, Valldata Group
Limited, and two quoted companies, EG Solutions plc and Paragon Entertainment
Limited, totalling £0.18 million.

After the end of the period, Baronsmead VCT 4 invested £0.95 million in an
unquoted investment, Carousel Logistics Limited, a provider of bespoke
logistics and supply chain solutions.


During the period under review Baronsmead VCT 4 received a total of £0.71
million in proceeds as set out in the table below:

Company                                  Date          Cost   Proceeds Multiple
                                                    (£'000)    (£'000)  on cost

Active Risk Group plc (Full trade sale)  Sep 2013       159        126      0.8

Consumer Investment Partners Limited     Jul 2013        45         45      1.0
(Loan Repayment)

Valldata Group Limited (Loan repayment)  Aug 2013       450        540      1.2

Total Realisations                                      654        711

Following the period end, there has been a further significant realisation.
The unquoted investment in Cablecom has been sold via a secondary management
buy-out, realising 4.8 times the original cost of investment, an excellent
result.  In addition, a £5m investment (£1.25k for BVCT 4) has been negotiated
in the new transaction on the same terms as the lead private equity buyer as
ISIS believes there is an opportunity for further growth.

Dividend Declaration

Following recent profitable sales of investments, the Directors have declared a
second interim dividend of 4.0p per share in lieu of a final dividend for the
year to 31 December 2013. This dividend will be paid on 20 December to
shareholders on the register as of 4 December 2013. Dividends totalling 7.0p
per share for the year to 31 December 2013 have either been paid or declared.

Net Asset Value as at 31 October 2013

The net asset value as at 31 October 2013 was 103.11p per share. This is stated
before taking account of the second interim dividend of 4.0p per share payable
on 20 December 2013.

Fundraising Update

An offer for subscription is currently expected to be launched in early 2014 to
raise gross proceeds of up to £5 million.  The securities note, which will
contain the subscription form and the full terms and conditions, will be sent
to existing shareholders as soon as it is published.

Events after the period end

Other than the events described above, the Board is not aware of any
significant events or transactions which have occurred between 1 July 2013 and
the date of publication of this statement which would have a material impact on
the financial position of the Company.

Investment objective

Baronsmead VCT 4 plc is a tax efficient listed company which aims to achieve
long-term investment returns for private investors.

Further information

Further information regarding the Company, including net asset values published
since the end of the period and quarterly factsheets, can be found at the
Company's website


For further information please contact:

The Company's Investment Manager, ISIS EP LLP as follows:


Telephone:     020 7506 5717

Facsimile:     020 7506 5718

Post:          100 Wood Street, London, EC2V 7AN

Neither the contents of the Company's website nor the contents of any website
accessible from hyperlinks on this announcement (or any other website) is
incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement.

Copyright r 18 PR Newswire

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