RNS No 5133t
17th March 1998



  Financial highlights for the 6 and 12 months ended 31 December 1997.

  Operational highlights for the 6 months ended 31 December 1997.

  Chairmen's comments.

  Trading review for the 6 months ended 31 December 1997.

  Financial statements for the 6 and 12 months ended 31 December 1997.

  Supplementary information including schedules to assist in understanding
  the changes in financial period; memorandum accounts for the 12 months
  ended 30 June 1997; and accounting policies.

                               INTERIM STATEMENT
                     FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 1997
                             FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS


  Operating profit from continuing operations increased to #1,186 million up
  8% at level exchange

  Organic operating profit growth at level exchange in all businesses:

  3% at UDV; 14% at Pillsbury; 8% at Guinness; 19% at Burger King

  Profit before exceptionals and tax (PBET) #1,201 million up 10% at level

  Adverse currency movements impacted PBET by #97 million

  Profit before tax after exceptionals #716 million

  EPS excluding exceptionals up 2% to 20.6p


  Operating profit from continuing operations increased to #1,983 million up
  8% at level exchange

  Organic operating profit growth at level exchange in all businesses:

  4% at UDV; 14% at Pillsbury; 9% at Guinness; 14% at Burger King

  PBET #1,950 million up 9% at level exchange

  Adverse currency movements impacted PBET by #138 million

  Profit before tax after exceptionals #1,401 million

  EPS excluding exceptionals up 3% to 33.3p


  Interim dividend of 7.2 pence plus one-off additional amount of 5.3 pence,
  paid as a Foreign Income Dividend

                                DIAGEO plc
                              TO 31 DECEMBER 1997
        Percentage movements for sales, operating profit and marketing
            expenditure are organic increases (at level exchange).

       Sales from continuing businesses up 3%
       Operating profit growth 8%

       Sales up 2%
       Operating profit growth 3%
         - operating profit up 8% excluding Asia Pacific
       Volumes in line with prior year at 75 million cases
       Marketing investment up 5%


       Sales up 3%
       Operating profit growth 14%
         - including benefits from lower raw material costs and phasing
       Margins up 1.5 percentage points

       Sales up 4%
       Operating profit growth 8%
         - in line with expectations
       Volumes up 4% with Guinness brand volumes up 5%

Burger King

       Sales up 1%
       Operating profit growth 19%
         - due mainly to turnaround in European operations
       Worldwide comparable store sales down 1.5% with Europe up 6.5%
       Total units worldwide up 5% to 9,599 units

                                  DIAGEO plc
                              CHAIRMEN'S COMMENTS

Tony Greener and Sir George Bull, Joint Chairmen of Diageo, commenting on  the
6 months ended 31 December 1997 said:

"Each  of our businesses has continued to achieve good organic growth and  the
results  for  the  6  months to December 1997 are in line  with  expectations.
These results show that during the period leading up to the merger none of our
businesses  lost  their focus on generating organic growth.   Underlying  cash
flow  remains  strong  supporting  our decision  to  return  #2.9  billion  to
shareholders in February.

The successful formation of Diageo, through a no-premium merger, was the first
part of our strategy to produce superior shareholder returns.  The integration
of  the  Head Office functions is complete and UDV's integration is  underway.
The  work which has been carried out will deliver a transformation within UDV,
opening up new opportunities to create value from our drinks brands.   We  are
encouraged by the progress of the merger and the way the management teams  are
working together to a common purpose to raise substantially the rate of growth
in  shareholder  value  for  the whole group.  We remain  confident  that  the
annualised cost savings, as previously estimated, will be achieved.

We  are  now  moving  into the next stage to generate sustainable  incremental
value  from  our  portfolio of leading food and drink brands by  applying  our
managing for value disciplines throughout the group.  We understand the way in
which our brands, with their inherent competitive advantage, create value  and
we  will  deliver  this  incremental value through  making  our  great  brands

Commenting on the disposal of Dewar's Scotch whisky and Bombay Sapphire gin to
comply with regulatory requirements they said:

"The  auction  process  is proceeding satisfactorily  and  to  timetable.   No
announcements are due to be made in the immediate future."

Commenting on trading since 31 December they said:

"At  UDV,  current  trading  is  in  line  with  expectations.   The  strong
performance  in North America driven by Smirnoff and Jose Cuervo  continues.
Spain  and the United Kingdom are trading well, as is Australia where  price
rises  were  implemented  in  February.   Trading  conditions  for  domestic
products  in Brazil and Venezuela are difficult and will continue to  impact
volume performance in these areas.

The  situation in Asia remains in line with the comments made in our trading
statement in January.  The economic situation there began to impact  trading
performance  on  spirits from October 1997.  The impact was  immediate,  and
local  currency profits from that area fell as a consequence.  The 6  months
to  30  June 1998 will be the first reporting period in which the  situation
will  be fully reflected in our financial performance.  Also in the 6 months
to  30  June  1998,  reported profits in Asia will be  impacted  by  further
exchange rate movements as hedging arrangements, which in part mitigated the
effect  on  reported performance in the July to December 1997  period,  fall
below their previous levels.

We  are  managing our businesses in Asia to ensure that our brands  maintain
their  premium  market positions and will therefore be best placed  to  take
advantage  of  any recovery.  As part of this strategy, price increases  are
being progressively implemented on major brands across the region.

Pillsbury   continues  to  generate  strong  growth  in  retail   sales   in
refrigerated  baked  goods,  breakfast  and  the  value  added  Green  Giant
products,  although shipments into retail were lower than consumer  off-take
in the first two months.  The Mexican category is still very competitive but
while  this has lead to lower sales for Old El Paso it has not significantly
affected  the  sales from higher value added products in  the  Old  El  Paso

At Burger King, the strong performance in Europe and Latin America continues
and in January and February US comparable store sales were up 5%.

Guinness  continues  to grow both in volume and profitability.   Significant
investment in brand building activities is being supported across all of the
key  markets  which continue to demonstrate great potential for the  future.
In Asia Pacific, volumes have recently been impacted by economic conditions,
but sales are down only slightly against the same period last year.

The strength of sterling and the economic situation in Asia will continue to
impact  reported performance in the next 6 months.  However, as a result  of
the  merger  Diageo  is  now well positioned to achieve  long  term  organic

The detailed interim statement follows:

                                  DIAGEO plc
                         TRADING AND FINANCIAL REVIEW
                    for the 6 months ended 31 December 1997

United Distillers & Vintners

Operating profit for United Distillers & Vintners was #674 million, up 3% at
level  exchange.  The adverse impact of exchange movements was  #48  million
and  profits  were down 4% from #703 million.  Performance in North  America
and  Europe continued to improve with operating profit at level exchange  up
8%  and 6%, respectively.  Excluding Asia Pacific, UDV operating profit grew

Marketing investment at level exchange was up 5% overall, with increases  in
Europe and North America partly offset by reductions in Asia in response  to
the trading situation there.

Combined  spirits and wines volume at 75 million cases was in line with  the
prior  period.  Most major brands achieved good volume growth:  J&B  was  up
1%,  Gordon's gin was up 2%, Smirnoff and Baileys were both up 5%,  and  the
Malts  were  up 14%.  Jose Cuervo volumes were up in the United  States  and
continued  to  show  strong growth.  In Thailand,  volumes  were  down  31%,
particularly impacting Johnnie Walker Black.  Difficult economic  conditions
in Brazil resulted in a decline of 0.8 million cases in Dreher volumes.

In North America, operating profit growth at level exchange was 8%.  Spirits
volumes  were  maintained, although wine volumes were down 5%.   The  region
benefited  from the effect of price increases implemented on Johnnie  Walker
Red and Black, Dewar's and Tanqueray in the first 6 months of 1997.

In Europe, operating profit growth at level exchange was 6% and volumes were
up  2%.   Spain, Portugal and the United Kingdom performed well.  In  Spain,
all  key  brands  showed strong growth and in the United  Kingdom,  Baileys,
Malibu and Smirnoff achieved growth in excess of 5%.

Profits  in  Asia Pacific declined by #35 million due to lower  volumes  and
reduced  margins, and to adverse exchange movements.  Price  increases  were
taken  in markets across the region but were more than offset by the  impact
of currency devaluation.

In the Rest of the World, improved performance across a number of developing
markets has more than offset the poor performance of Dreher in Brazil.


Organic  profit  growth  at level exchange was 14%.   Operating  profit  for
Pillsbury  grew  11%  from  #247  million  to  #273  million.  In  important
categories  such  as  refrigerated baked goods, breakfast  and  Green  Giant
frozen,  Pillsbury continued to outperform the market in terms  of  consumer
off-take and grew share.  Margins increased 1.5 percentage points due to mix
improvements  further  enhanced  by lower raw  material  costs  and  phasing
benefits.  Sales of Old El Paso declined in the period due to lower sales of
low  margin sauces.  Price rises were achieved on Progresso soup  and  Green
Giant frozen vegetables in the period.


Organic operating profit rose by 8% at level exchange.  Operating profit for
Guinness  was  #140 million, a reduction from the comparable period  due  to
adverse currency movements of #17 million.

Marketing  investment behind the brands increased by 9% at  level  exchange.
Productivity continued to improve with output per employee increasing by 12%
helped by significant improvement in Jamaica, Ireland and Spain.

Total volumes increased by 4% with Guinness brand volumes up 5%.  Volumes in
Ireland  increased  by 2% and in Great Britain, Draught  Guinness  shipments
were 3% ahead of 1996.  In the United States, Guinness brand depletions were
up 25%.

In  Continental Europe, Guinness brand volumes increased by  9%  above  last
year  driven  by  continued Irish pub expansion and distribution  gains.  In
Spain,  Cruzcampo achieved strong profit growth reflecting higher net prices
and the impact of further cost reductions.

Total  volumes in Asia Pacific increased by 12% with significant  growth  in
Malaysia,  Australia and Indonesia. In Africa, total volumes were  7%  above
1996, despite overall beer market declines.

Burger King

Operating profit for Burger King was #99 million, up 19% on an organic basis
at  level  exchange.  European operations were profitable in the  period,  a
significant  turnaround  against the same period  last  year.   Burger  King
opened  482  stores in the period, an increase of 5%.  76  new  stores  were
opened in Europe, 38 in Latin America and 46 in Asia Pacific.

Comparable store sales growth was 6.5% in Europe, driven by 9% growth in the
United  Kingdom due to improved management focus and against the  comparable
period  which had been adversely affected by concerns about BSE.   In  Latin
America,  comparable  store  sales  grew  by  6%.   In  the  United  States,
aggressive competitor discounting continues.  Burger King was also  affected
in  the  period by the voluntary recall of product by a supplier  in  August
1997.   Worldwide  comparable sales were down 1.5% due to a  3%  decline  in
comparable  store sales in the United States.  Performance in  Asia  Pacific
continued to improve with good performance in Australia more than offsetting
lower comparable store sales in Korea.

Burger  King has introduced two major new products in the United  States  in
the period - the Big King sandwich and the new French fries.  Both have been
very  successful  with  the percentage of customers  ordering  French  fries

Moet Hennessy (MH)

The  group's share of the operating profit before exceptionals of MH for the
six month period was #74 million, down from #76 million.  At level exchange,
this was an increase of 21%.


Income  from  associates, other than Moet Hennessy, for the period  was  #57
million against #43 million in the same period last year.  This was  due  to
increased income from Jose Cuervo, Cantrell and Cochrane and Haagen-Dazs  in

Discontinued operations

Discontinued operations comprise Pearle, which was sold in November 1996,  and
the national food businesses in Europe, which were disposed of by August 1997.

Exchange rates

Exchange  rate movements during the 6 month period adversely impacted  profit
before  exceptionals  and  tax  by #97 million  primarily  from  the  adverse
translation impact on overseas operating profit of #70 million.  The  adverse
impact  of  exchange  rate movements on transactions in  the  period  was  #7
million,  giving a total exchange impact on operating profit of #77  million.
Share  of  profits of associates was adversely impacted by  #18  million  and
interest benefited by #8 million.  There was a #2 million gain on translation
hedging  operations, against a gain of #12 million in the  same  period  last

The  group's expected transaction exposure is over 95% hedged forward for the
6 months ending 30 June 1998.

US dollar net assets excluding cash and borrowings were on average 50% hedged
by  US  dollar denominated borrowings and currency swaps.  During  1998  this
hedge has been increased to 75%.

Exceptional items

Exceptional charges in the period amounted to #485 million.  The main  items
were  merger  related costs including transaction expenses of  #85  million,
integration costs of #44 million and costs of #250 million relating  to  the
agreement  reached with LVMH.  In addition, there is a charge in respect  of
the  sale  of the investment in Gonzalez Byass of #23 million.  Other  major
charges include #54 million relating to the sale of IPCL and #22 million for
the  national food businesses in Europe, both of which were reported in  the
GrandMet results for the year ended 30 September 1997.


The  interest charge in the period fell to #115 million from #142 million  in
the  comparable  period.  The conversion of the 6.5% convertible  loan  notes
accounted  for  #12  million of this reduction.   The  interest  charge  also
benefited  by #8 million from exchange rate movements and by #4 million  from
lower  interest rates.  The interest charge now includes #4 million  relating
to  associates and joint arrangements for the six months and #6  million  for
the comparable period.


The  effective  rate of taxation on profit before exceptional items  for  the
period  was  27.2%,  compared with 27.1% for the 6 months ended  31  December


As  previously announced, Diageo will pay an interim dividend of  12.5  pence
payable  to holders of the ordinary shares on 24 April 1998.  Payment  to  US
ADR  holders  will be made on 7 May 1998.  This dividend will consist  of  an
amount  of  7.2  pence paid as a normal interim dividend, and  an  additional
payment of 5.3 pence, a one-off amount to reflect the change in year end  and
consequent  change in dividend payment patterns.  The record  date  for  this
dividend  will  be  3 April 1998.  This dividend will be paid  as  a  Foreign
Income Dividend (FID).

Cash flow

Free  cash  flow generated in the period was #114 million.  Cash  flow  from
operating  activities  excluding merger related  costs  was  #1,040  million
against operating profit of #1,185 million.  Merger related payments in  the
period  were  #324 million including costs of #250 million relating  to  the
agreement  reached with LVMH.  Capital expenditure in the  period  was  #232
million and tax payments amounted to #354 million.

Accounting policy changes and alignments

Adjustments  have  been  made to comply with the new accounting  standard  on
associates  and  joint  ventures  and to  achieve  uniformity  of  accounting
policies.  The principal accounting policy alignment is in respect  of  stock
which  now does not include the financing costs on maturing whisky and  other
spirits  stocks.   This has resulted in a reduction of #563  million  in  the
combined  stock figure at 31 December 1997.  These changes have no effect  on
profit and details are set out in the appendices.

Copies  of  the  group's results presentation to be  made  to  analysts  and
investors are available upon request.

Enquiries to:                 Catherine James     Investor enquiries  
                                                  0171 927 5272
           Murray Loake       Media enquiries     0171 927 5967

                                  DIAGEO plc

                    for the 6 months ended 31 December 1997

                           Before                   Before                
                           excep-  Excep-           excep-  Excep-        
                           tional  tional    1997   tional  tional    1996
                            items   items   Total    items   items   Total
                               #m      #m      #m       #m      #m      #m
  Continuing operations     6,714           6,714    7,019           7,019
  Discontinued operations       3               3      297             297
  Group turnover            6,717           6,717    7,316           7,316
Operating costs           (5,532)   (294) (5,826)  (6,111)       - (6,111)
Operating profit                                                          
  Continuing operations     1,186   (294)     892    1,185       -   1,185
  Discontinued operations     (1)       -     (1)       20       -      20
  Group operating profit    1,185   (294)     891    1,205       -   1,205
Share of profits of           131    (17)     114      119    (24)      95
Group trading profit        1,316   (311)   1,005    1,324    (24)   1,300
Disposal of fixed assets        -      12      12        -    (12)    (12)
Sale of businesses              -   (101)   (101)        -   (542)   (542)
Merger expenses                 -    (85)    (85)        -       -       -
Interest payable (net)      (115)       -   (115)    (142)        -   (142)
Profit before taxation      1,201   (485)     716    1,182   (578)     604
Taxation                    (327)      11   (316)    (320)    (24)   (344)
Profit after taxation         874   (474)     400      862   (602)     260
Minority interests                                                        
  Equity                     (30)       -    (30)     (26)       -    (26)
  Non-equity                 (18)       -    (18)     (19)        -    (19)
Profit for the period         826   (474)     352      817   (602)     215
Ordinary dividends          (446)       -   (446)    (429)        -   (429)
Transferred to reserves       380   (474)    (94)      388   (602)   (214)
Earnings per share          20.6p (11.8)p    8.8p    20.2p (14.9)p    5.3p
Average number of shares                   4,007m                   4,035m

                                  DIAGEO plc

                   for the 12 months ended 31 December 1997
                            Before                     Before                 
                            excep-  Excep-            excep-  Excep-         
                            tional  tional     1997   tional  tional     1996
                             items   items    Total    items   items    Total
                                #m      #m       #m       #m      #m       #m
  Continuing operations     12,280           12,280    12,753           12,753
  Discontinued operations      106              106       687              687
  Group turnover            12,386           12,386    13,440           13,440
Operating costs            (10,403)   (294) (10,697)   (11,439)     - (11,439)
Operating profit                                                              
  Continuing operations      1,983   (294)    1,689     1,965       -    1,965
  Discontinued operations        -       -        -        36       -       36
  Group operating profit     1,983   (294)    1,689     2,001       -    2,001
Share of profits of            208    (17)      191       205    (24)      181
Group trading profit         2,191   (311)    1,880     2,206    (24)    2,182
Disposal of fixed assets         -       5        5         -    (13)     (13)
Sale of businesses               -   (158)    (158)         -   (549)    (549)
Merger expenses                  -    (85)     (85)         -       -        -
Interest payable (net)       (241)       -    (241)     (288)       -    (288)
Profit before taxation       1,950   (549)    1,401     1,918   (586)    1,332
Taxation                     (533)      29    (504)     (523)    (23)    (546)
Profit after taxation        1,417   (520)      897     1,395   (609)      786
Minority interests                                                            
  Equity                      (50)       -     (50)      (44)       -     (44)
  Non-equity                  (36)       -     (36)      (38)       -     (38)
Profit for the period        1,331   (520)      811     1,313   (609)      704
Ordinary dividends           (671)       -    (671)     (629)       -    (629)
Transferred to reserves        660   (520)      140       684   (609)       75
Earnings per share           33.3p (13.0)p    20.3p     32.4p (15.0)p    17.4p
Average number of shares                     4,002m                     4,052m

                                  DIAGEO plc

                          CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET
                              at 31 December 1997
                                                    1997                 1996
                                           #m         #m         #m        #m
Fixed assets                                                                 
Intangible assets                                  4,995                4,925
Tangible assets                                    3,118                3,264
Investments                                        1,508                1,598
                                                   9,621                9,787
Current assets                                                               
Stocks                                  2,349                 2,349          
Debtors - due within one year           2,674                 2,746          
Debtors - due after more than one       1,035                   920          
Investments                               647                   605          
Cash at bank and in hand                1,593                 1,448          
                                        8,298                 8,068          
Creditors - due within one year                                              
Borrowings (including convertible     (3,060)               (1,681)          
Other creditors                       (3,626)               (3,388)          
                                      (6,686)               (5,069)          
Net current assets                                 1,612                2,999
Total assets less current                         11,233               12,786
Creditors - due after more than                                              
one year
Borrowings                            (2,989)               (4,578)          
Other creditors                         (287)                 (304)          
                                                 (3,276)              (4,882)
Provisions for liabilities and                     (661)                (747)
                                                   7,296                7,157
Shareholders' funds                                                          
Called up share capital                            1,007                1,021
Reserves                                           5,742                5,634
                                                   6,749                6,655
Minority interests                                                           
Equity                                               178                  142
Non-equity                                           369                  360
                                                   7,296                7,157

                                  DIAGEO plc

                       for the periods ended 31 December

                                              6 months 12 months 12 months
                                              ended 31  ended 31  ended 31
                                              December  December  December
                                                  1997      1997      1996
                                                    #m        #m        #m
Net cash inflow from operating activities          716     1,919     2,215
Dividends received from associates                  22        64        50
Interest paid (net)                               (97)     (274)     (330)
Dividends paid to equity minority interests       (10)      (27)      (40)
Returns on investments and servicing of          (107)     (301)     (370)
Taxation                                         (354)     (585)     (606)
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                (232)     (393)     (454)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                       69        90        59
Capital expenditure and financial investment     (163)     (303)     (395)
                                                   114       794       894
Purchase of subsidiaries                          (31)      (39)     (226)
Purchase of long term investments                    -         -       (6)
Sale of subsidiaries                                14        59       346
Sale of long term investments                       74        74         -
Acquisitions and disposals                          57        94       114
Equity dividends paid                            (225)     (642)     (599)
Cash (outflow)/inflow before management of                                
liquid resources and financing                    (54)       246       409
Management of liquid resources                    (53)     (162)     (444)
Issue of share capital                              40        86        42
Repurchase of shares                                 -     (195)     (466)
Increase in borrowings excluding overdrafts         74        71       282
Other financing inflows                              -        75         -
Financing                                          114        37     (142)
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period            7       121     (177)
Free cash flow                                     114       794       972

Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period            7       121     (177)
Cash inflow from borrowings excluding             (74)      (71)     (282)
overdrafts                                          53       162       444
Cash outflow from liquid resources
Change in net borrowings from cash flows          (14)       212      (15)
Non-cash items                                      39        32      (18)
Exchange adjustments                                23        83       422
Decrease in net borrowings                          48       327       389
Net borrowings at beginning of period          (3,770)   (4,049)   (4,438)
Net borrowings at end of period                (3,722)   (3,722)   (4,049)

                                  DIAGEO plc

                   for the 12 months ended 31 December 1997
                                                              1997        1996
                                                                #m          #m
Profit for the period                                          811         704
Exchange adjustments                                          (67)       (363)
Total recognised gains and losses for the period               744         341

                   for the 12 months ended 31 December 1997
There  is  no  material difference between the reported profit  shown  in  the
consolidated  profit and loss account and the profit for the relevant  periods
restated on an historical cost basis.
                   for the 12 months ended 31 December 1997

                                                              1997        1996
                                                                #m          #m
Profit for the period                                          811         704
Ordinary dividends                                           (671)       (629)
                                                               140          75
Exchange adjustments                                          (67)       (363)
New share capital issued                                       132          43
Repurchase of shares                                         (195)       (466)
Adjustment in respect of share dividend                         12          16
Goodwill written off                                           (8)       (147)
Goodwill transferred to the profit and loss account                           
in respect of disposals of businesses                           80         497
Net movement in shareholders' funds                             94       (345)
Shareholders' funds at beginning of the period               6,655       7,000
Shareholders' funds at end of the period                     6,749       6,655

                                  DIAGEO plc

1.   Segmental analysis of turnover and operating profit

                             6 months ended     6 months ended
                           31 December 1997   31 December 1996

                                      Operating            Operating
                            Turnover     profit  Turnover     profit
                                  #m         #m        #m         #m
Spirits & wines - UD           1,367        406     1,538        420
            - IDV              1,782        268     1,819        283
                               3,149        674     3,357        703
Food        - Pillsbury        1,963        273     1,995        247
Brewing     - Guinness         1,166        140     1,213        150
Food        - Burger King        436         99       454         85
Continuing operations          6,714      1,186     7,019      1,185
Discontinued operations            3        (1)       297         20
                               6,717      1,185     7,316      1,205

                                12 months ended     12 months ended
                               31 December 1997    31 December 1996

                                      Operating            Operating
                            Turnover     profit  Turnover     profit
                                  #m         #m        #m         #m
Spirits & wines - UD           2,394        662     2,598        673
            - IDV              3,090        444     3,232        465
                               5,484      1,106     5,830      1,138
Food        - Pillsbury        3,723        449     3,784        412
Brewing     - Guinness         2,212        254     2,262        254
Food        - Burger King        861        174       877        161
Continuing operations         12,280      1,983    12,753      1,965
Discontinued operations          106          -       687         36
                              12,386      1,983    13,440      2,001
Discontinued  operations comprise Pearle and the national food  businesses  in
Europe.  Operating profit is before exceptional items.

2.   Geographical analysis of turnover and operating profit

                                6 months ended        6 months ended
                              31 December 1997      31 December 1996

                                       Operating             Operating
                             Turnover     profit   Turnover     profit
                                   #m         #m         #m         #m
Europe                          2,459        336      2,603        345
North America                   3,011        551      3,081        519
Asia Pacific                      547        121        668        155
Rest of World                     697        178        667        166
Continuing operations           6,714      1,186      7,019      1,185

                                12 months ended       12 months ended
                               31 December 1997      31 December 1996

                                       Operating             Operating
                             Turnover     profit   Turnover     profit
                                   #m         #m         #m         #m
Europe                          4,299        543      4,556        543
North America                   5,648        933      5,790        913
Asia Pacific                    1,105        227      1,260        251
Rest of World                   1,228        280      1,147        258
Continuing operations          12,280      1,983     12,753      1,965

The  above  analysis is based on the location of the third  party  customers.
Operating profit is before exceptional items.

3.   Share of profits of associates

The group's profit and loss accounts for the 6 months and 12 months ended  31
December  1997 include its share of Moet Hennessy's operating profit  of  #74
million  (1996  -  #76  million)  and #110 million  (1996  -  #119  million),
respectively.  The #17 million associate exceptional charge in  1997  relates
to reorganisation costs at MH.

4.   Exceptional items

The  exceptional  items of #485 million before tax in the 6 months  ended  31
December 1997 comprise:

                                                               #m      #m
Charged to operating       - Agreement with LVMH              250 
                           - Merger integration costs          44 
Charged to associates      - Share of MH reorganisation                17
Disposal of fixed assets   - Gain on sales                           (12)
Sale of businesses         - Inntrepreneur Pub Company         54        
                           - National food businesses in       22        
                           - Gonzalez Byass                    23        
                           - Other                              2        
Merger expenses            - Transaction costs                         85

Exceptional  items of #64 million before tax in the 6 months  ended  30  June
1997  comprised a loss of #7 million on the disposal of fixed  assets  and  a
charge  of  #57 million on the sale of businesses (Pillsbury's Aunt  Nellie's
Farm  Kitchens  -  #39  million; Burger King's operations  in  France  -  #20
million; and other - credit #2 million).

5.   Taxation

The total taxation charge for the year ended 31 December 1997 of #504 million
comprises UK taxation of #169 million, overseas taxation of #266 million, and
tax on associates of #69 million.

6.   Segmental analysis of net assets

                                      31 December         31 December
                                             1997                1996
                                               #m                  #m
Spirits & wines - UD                        3,570               3,586
           - IDV                            1,978               2,097
                                            5,548               5,683
Food       - Pillsbury                      3,008               2,979
Brewing    - Guinness                       1,100               1,117
Food       - Burger King                    1,181               1,150
                                           10,837              10,929
Tax, dividends and other                      181                 277
corporate items
Net borrowings                            (3,722)             (4,049)
                                            7,296               7,157

7.   Net borrowings                    31 December         31 December
                                              1997                1996
                                                #m                  #m

Borrowings: Due within one year            (3,060)             (1,681)
        Due after more than one year       (2,989)             (4,578)
        Net obligations under                 (33)                (37)
           finance leases                  (6,082)             (6,296)
Less:   Cash at bank and in hand            1,593               1,448
        Current asset investments             647                 605
        Interest/foreign exchange rate
           swaps                              120                 194
Net borrowings                             (3,722)             (4,049)
8.   Cash flow statement

Reconciliation  of  operating  profit  to  net  cash  inflow  from  operating

                                         6 months 12 months 12 months
                                         ended 31  ended 31  ended 31
                                         December  December  December
                                             1997      1997      1996
                                               #m        #m        #m
Operating profit before exceptional         1,185     1,983     2,001
Restructuring and integration payments       (33)      (59)     (139)
Agreement with LVMH                         (250)     (250)         -
Merger expenses                              (68)      (68)         -
Acquisition and disposal provision           (28)      (59)      (25)
Depreciation charge                           162       323       342
Working capital                             (238)        76        74
Other items                                  (14)      (27)      (38)
Net cash inflow from operating                716     1,919     2,215

Free  cash flow does not include the capital gains tax paid on major business
disposals (#78 million in the 12 months ended 31 December 1996 in respect  of
Alpo, included in taxation).
9.   Repurchase of shares

Guinness  PLC  purchased,  and subsequently cancelled,  44  million  ordinary
shares  on 17 January 1997 at a price of 414 pence per share and 100  million
ordinary  shares  on 22 March 1996 at a price of 463 pence  per  share.   The
repurchase  on  17  January  1997  arose  following  the  sale  by  LVMH   of
approximately 135 million ordinary shares of the company.

10.  Capital repayment

On  28  January  1998,  the  shareholders approved  a  capital  repayment  to
shareholders  equivalent to 70 pence per share, which took the  form  of  the
issue  of  redeemable  B shares and the consolidation  of  existing  ordinary
shares.   On  30  January  1998,  for every 1,000  existing  ordinary  shares
shareholders received 864 consolidated ordinary shares and 136 B shares,  the
redemption  value  of  the 136 B shares being #700.  At  9  March  1998,  525
million  B shares had been redeemed at a cost of #2.7 billion and 35  million
were still outstanding.

11.  Basis of preparation

The  interim financial statements have been prepared under merger  accounting
principles  and using the accounting policies set out in Appendix  9.   Under
merger  accounting,  the results and cash flows of Grand Metropolitan  Public
Limited  Company  and  Guinness PLC are combined from the  beginning  of  the
financial  period in which the merger occurred.  Profit and loss account  and
balance sheet comparatives are restated on the combined basis and adjustments
are  made to achieve uniformity of accounting policies.  As Guinness  PLC  is
the new parent company, its financial periods are initially the relevant ones
for Diageo.

The statements are unaudited but have been reviewed by the auditors and their
report  is  set  out  below.  The statements do not  comprise  the  statutory
accounts  of the group.  The statutory accounts of Guinness PLC for the  year
ended  31 December 1996 and of Grand Metropolitan Public Limited Company  for
the  year  ended  30  September 1997 have been filed with  the  registrar  of
companies.   Price  Waterhouse and KPMG Audit Plc, the  respective  auditors,
have reported on these accounts;  their reports were unqualified and did  not
contain any statement under section 237 of the Companies Act 1985.

12.  Accounting policy change

These interim financial statements reflect compliance with the new accounting
standard FRS 9 - Associates and joint ventures.  This standard requires  that
the  share of associate and joint venture operating profit be shown after the
group's  operating  profit  and the share of their interest  aggregated  with
group   interest.   The  standard  also  creates  a  new  category  of  joint
arrangement  where  each  party has its own separate interest  in  particular
risks  and rewards; for these each party should account for its own share  of
the  assets,  liabilities and cash flows of the joint  arrangement,  measured
according  to  the  terms  of  that  arrangement.   Previously,  such   joint
arrangements  were  accounted for using equity  accounting  principles.   The
adjustments  required to comply with this new standard are  detailed  in  the
appendices.   The application of the new standard has had no  impact  on  the
group's profit before taxation.

13.  Accounting policy alignment

The  adjustments  made to achieve uniformity of accounting  policies  are  as

Tangible  assets:  Computer software costs on major projects  complying  with
specific  criteria are capitalised and amortised over a maximum of  3  years.
This  has  resulted in a reduction in combined tangible fixed  assets  at  31
December 1997 of #12 million.

Stocks:  The cost of stocks on the balance sheet no longer includes financing
costs  on maturing whisky and other spirits stocks.  This has resulted  in  a
reduction of #563 million in the combined stock at 31 December 1997.

Provisions:   The  policies of the two groups in respect  of  provisions  for
vacant properties have been aligned to provide for the estimated exposure  on
a  discounted  basis.   This  has resulted in additional  provisions  of  #31

Profit  and  loss account:  The only impact from the alignment of  accounting
policies  on the profit and loss accounts is in respect of the definition  of
turnover  in  UDV, particularly the treatment of discounts.   These  changes,
which  are  detailed in Appendices 1 and 3, have no impact on  profit  before



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