NOVEMBER 2006 TO 30 APRIL 2007

Chairman's Statement

At The New Zealand Investment Trust's Annual General Meeting held on 10 May
2007 shareholders supported the Board of Directors' recommendation on all
resolutions, including that they should vote against the Company's continuation
as a UK investment trust. This significant development needs to be seen in the
light of my earlier communications to shareholders that the Directors have
concluded that a UK investment trust is no longer the optimal structure for the
Company due to major tax reforms in New Zealand.

The fact that the Company will no longer continue as an investment trust is not
admission of failure as is the case when most continuation votes fail to pass.
On the contrary, as shown below in the Investment Manager's Report, the Company
continues to perform strongly and the share price and net asset value are
trading around their all time highs. This latest set of Interim Results extends
the record of building value for shareholders and outperforming the markets in
which the Company invests. However, tax changes and the constitution of the
Company's shareholder register with a large body of our investors based in New
Zealand means that it is no longer ideal to operate as an investment trust.
Accordingly the Board are actively engaging with advisers in evaluating the
options for the Company, and to enable those shareholders wishing to do so to
opt for cash at close to net asset value. I will make further announcements
about proposals to put to shareholders as soon as I am in a position to do so.

Donald M. Campbell


27 June 2007

Investment Manager's Report covering the period from 1 November 2006to 30 April


The New Zealand Investment Trust performed strongly over the six-month period
ended 30 April

2007. Measured in New Zealand dollars the diluted net asset value rose by
11.5%, a result that compares favourably with the change in the Company's
Benchmark, the NZX All Index, which rose 9.1%.

While our New Zealand investments continued to perform well, the Australian
component of the portfolio once again made a strong contribution to the good
results. In particular the large holdings in the Australian Stock Exchange and
QBE Insurance did well, with 36% and 25% rises in their respective share prices
over the six month period ended 30 April 2007. Among the largest holdings in
New Zealand companies, those in Auckland International Airport and CanWest
MediaWorks stood out with their share prices gaining 22% and 27%. The largest
holding in the portfolio, Fletcher Building, maintained its strong run, with a
further 20% rise in its share price over the period under review. Among the
weaker performing shares during the period were those whose businesses were
affected negatively by the strength of the New Zealand dollar. Notable among
these were Fisher & Paykel Healthcare, whose share price dropped by 11%. Fisher
& Paykel has a rapidly growing business in the US, but while its products
continue to sell well the New Zealand dollar value of those sales has been
severely undermined by the sharp fall in the value of the US dollar.

Portfolio activity

The most significant change made to the portfolio during the period under
review was a switch from the Australian listed specialist buildings materials
company James Hardie, into Cabcharge Australia.

Although James Hardie has a number of high quality products that should enable
it to increase its market share and profits over the long term, it is
significantly exposed to the ailing US housing market. By contrast, Cabcharge
Australia's business has less cyclical growth characteristics. Cabcharge
Australia is growing rapidly by offering its market leading services in the
highly fragmented taxi and transport industries.

Other deals during the period included taking small positions in two new
placements, RP Data and Flexigroup. Both of these holdings were sold three 
months after they had been acquired at substantial
profits. Holdings in Sky TV and Contact Energy were added to, funded by a
reduction in the holding of Guinness Peat Group. Sky TV is a beneficiary of 
the strong New Zealand dollar due to the fact that much of its programming is 
purchased from US providers, while much of Guinness Peat Group's businesses 
are based outside New Zealand.

Economic background

The period under review saw contrasting fortunes for global economies. Globally
the picture was one of pessimism about the outlook for the US, with worries
that the sharp deterioration in the housing market would have a damaging impact
on the wider US economy. The focus on the US tended to overshadow the
remarkable performance of emerging economies, notably China's economy, which
along with most other Asian economies continued to grow at a rapid pace.

The growing influence of emerging economies was felt in commodity markets.
Despite the slowdown in the US, commodity prices remained firm. Strong prices
were not restricted to the markets for metals and energy. Increasingly the
prices of soft commodities are being buoyed by growing demand from emerging
markets for food and materials, and due to the growing use of crops in biofuel
production that were previously predominately used for food stuffs. Soft
commodities are crucial in New Zealand's economy and terms of trade, even
though there are comparatively few quoted soft commodity specialist companies.
Nevertheless, the growing strength of the markets for soft commodities is
boosting incomes in New Zealand, and is likely to be a powerful positive
support for the economy in the future. The Australian economy also continues to
benefit from strong commodity markets, and has provided a propitious background
for corporate profitability during the period under review.

Helped in part by its proximity to Asia, New Zealand's economy has been
stronger than most commentators have expected. Recent economic indicators have
shown little sign that New Zealand is being affected negatively by the slowdown
in the US. Indeed, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand has had to raise interest
rates to 8.0%, by some way the highest level in the developed world, to dampen
inflationary pressures. In May it was reported that retail sales for the first
quarter of 2007 rose by 3.8% from the previous quarter, far above economists'
expectations. The strength of the New Zealand dollar, which has been largely
driven by the country's high interest rates, is having a negative impact on
business confidence in the exporting sector, but has had surprisingly little
impact on tourism. Indeed, it appears that the growing affluence of Asian
consumers, and the unsurpassed attractions of New Zealand as a tourist
destination, is more than offsetting the impact of a strong New Zealand dollar.


The uncertain future of The New Zealand Investment Trust is inevitably having
an impact on investment strategy. New positions in illiquid stocks are being
avoided, and the portfolio is being focussed in a relatively concentrated list
of medium and large companies' shares that combine attractive investment
fundamentals with decent liquidity. Until such time as there is a clear and
agreed restructuring programme the majority of the portfolio will continue to
be invested in the shares of New Zealand and Australian companies rather than
cash. We are confident that these remain attractive long term investments.

Richard Scott

Exeter Asset Management

(A subsidiary of iimia Investment Group plc)

Acting on advice from

Brook Asset Management Ltd

27 June 2007

The Directors announce the unaudited statement of interim results for the six
months ended 30 April 2007 as follows:


(incorporating the profit and loss account* of the Company)

                      1 November 2006              1 November 2005       
                      to 30 April 2007             to 30 April 2006      
                  Revenue  Capital    Total    Revenue  Capital    Total 
                    �'000    �'000    �'000      �'000    �'000    �'000 
Gains on                -    6,782    6,782          -    2,033    2,033 
at fair value                                                            
Realised                -      (19)     (19)         -       14       14 
on capital                                                               
Unrealised              -       36       36          -      (93)     (93)
exchange gains/                                                          
(losses) on                                                              
capital items                                                            
Unfranked             744        -      744        639        -      639 
Bank interest          52        -       52         72        -       72 
Investment            (87)       -      (87)       (77)       -      (77)
Manager's fee                                                            
Investment            (96)       -      (96)       (88)       -      (88)
Adviser's fee                                                            
Cost of share           -        -        -         (1)       -       (1)
Other expenses       (149)       -     (149)      (134)       -     (134)
Return on             464    6,799    7,263        411    1,954    2,365 
before taxation                                                          
Taxation on          (131)       -     (131)       (89)       -      (89)
Return on                                                                
taxation for          333    6,799    7,132        322    1,954    2,276 
the period                                                               
Basic return         3.21p   65.45p   68.66p      3.03p   18.38p   21.41p
per Ordinary                                                             
Diluted return       3.20p   65.27p   68.47p      3.02p   18.33p   21.35p
per Ordinary                                                             

* The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the
Company. The supplementary revenue and capital columns are prepared under
guidance published by the Association of Investment Companies.

A separate statement of total recognised gains and losses has not been prepared
as all gains and losses are included in the income statement.

These accounts have been prepared using the accounting standards and policies
adopted at the year end.

All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing

These accounts are unaudited and are not the Company's statutory accounts.


                                          As at          As at         As at 
                                       30 April     31 October      30 April 
                                           2007           2006          2006 
                                          �'000          �'000         �'000 
                                    (Unaudited)      (Audited)   (Unaudited) 
Fixed assets                                                                 
Investments at fair value through        43,216         38,538        39,002 
profit or loss                                                               
Current assets                                                               
Debtors                                   1,319             32            47 
Cash at bank                              2,705          2,140         2,026 
                                          4,024          2,172         2,073 
Creditors : amounts falling due          (2,759)          (273)         (615)
one year                                                                     
Net current assets                        1,265          1,899         1,458 
Total assets less current                44,481         40,437        40,460 
Provision for deferred taxation              (4)             -             - 
Total net assets                         44,477         40,437        40,460 
Share capital and reserves                                                   
Share capital                             2,688          2,688         2,686 
Share premium                             9,192          9,192         9,184 
Capital redemption reserve                   89             89            89 
Capital reserve                          34,716         27,917        27,298 
Own shares held                          (3,818)          (726)         (370)
Share options reserve                         1              1             1 
Revenue reserve                           1,609          1,276         1,572 
Total net assets                         44,477         40,437        40,460 
Retained revenue for the current           (333)             -          (322)
Total net assets for the purpose         44,144          40,437       40,138 
of calculating the net asset value                                           
per Ordinary share                                                           
Basic net asset value per Ordinary       453.95p        384.20p       377.69p
Fully diluted net asset value per        452.20p        383.10p       376.53p
Ordinary share                                                               
Basic net asset value per Ordinary                                           
including current period revenue         457.38p        384.20p       380.72p
Fully diluted net asset value per        455.60p        383.10p       379.54p
share including current period                                               

The basic net asset value per Ordinary share is based on net assets of �
44,144,000 (31 October 2006: �40,437,000 and 30 April 2006: �40,138,000) and on
9,724,350 Ordinary shares (31 October 2006: 10,525,060 and 30 April 2006:
10,627,187) being the number of Ordinary shares in issue at the period end
(excluding 1,025,870 Ordinary shares held in Treasury as at 30 April 2007,
225,160 as at 31 October 2006 and 117,033 as at 30 April 2006 respectively).

The fully diluted net asset value per Ordinary share has been calculated on the
assumption that the options granted are exercised at 161.47p, 173.53p, 189.30p,
239.23p and 319.38p respectively. The figure is therefore based on adjusted net
assets of �44,322,000 and on 9,801,350 Ordinary shares being the adjusted
number of Ordinary shares that would result from the exercise of the options.

At 30 April 2007 the issued share capital of the Company was 10,750,220
Ordinary shares of 25 pence each (of which 1,025,870 Ordinary shares were held
in Treasury) (31 October 2006:10,750,220 and 30 April 2006: 10,744,220,
including 225,160 and 117,033 Ordinary shares held in Treasury respectively).

On 12 September 2001 the Directors were each issued an option for 3,000
Ordinary shares of the Company. The options are exercisable at 161.47p each
(being the latest available net asset value at that date) at any date after 12
September 2004 but before 20 June 2011.

On 5 March 2002 the Directors were each issued with a further option for 3,000
Ordinary shares of the Company. The options are exercisable at 173.53p each
(being the latest available net asset value at that date) at any date after 5
March 2005 but before 5 March 2012.

On 16 May 2003 the Directors were each issued with a further option for 3,000
Ordinary shares of the Company. The options are exercisable at 189.30p each
(being the latest available net asset value at that date) at any date after 16
May 2006 but before 16 May 2013.

On 23 March 2004 the Directors were each issued with a further option for 2,000
Ordinary shares of the Company. The options are exercisable at 239.23p each
(being the latest available net asset value at that date) at any date after 23
March 2007 but before 23 March 2014.

On 14 April 2005 the Chairman, Mr Campbell was issued with a further option for
3,000 Ordinary shares of the Company and the other Directors were each issued
with a further option for 2,000 Ordinary shares of the Company. The options are
exercisable at 319.38p each (being the latest available net asset value at that
date) at any date after 14 April 2008 but before 14 April 2015.

On 27 April 2006 the Chairman, Mr Campbell was issued with a further option for
3,000 Ordinary shares of the Company and the other Directors were each issued
with a further option for 2,000 Ordinary shares of the Company. The options are
exercisable at 370.48p each (being the latest available net asset value at that
date) at any date after 27 April 2009 but before 27 April 2016.


In the period the Company purchased for Treasury 800,710 Ordinary shares for a
total cost of �3,092,000. At the period end the Company held 1,025,870 Ordinary
shares in Treasury.

As at the date of this report the issued share capital of the Company was
10,750,220 Ordinary shares of 25 pence each (of which 1,025,870 Ordinary shares
were held in Treasury).


for the period 1 November 2006 to 30 April 2007

                                  Capital              Own    Share                  
               Share    Share  redemption  Capital  shares  options  Revenue         
             capital  premium     reserve  reserve    held  reserve  reserve   Total 
               �'000    �'000       �'000    �'000   �'000    �'000    �'000   �'000 
Six months                                                                           
to 30 April                                                                          
31 October     2,688    9,192          89   27,917    (726)       1   1,276   40,437 
Net return         -        -           -    6,799      -         -      333   7,132 
for the                                                                              
Costs of           -        -           -        -  (3,092)       -        -  (3,092)
for Treasury                                                                         
30 April       2,688    9,192          89   34,716  (3,818)       1    1,609  44,477 
Year ended                                                                           
31 October                                                                           
At 31          2,686    9,184          89   25,344    (322)       -    1,250  38,231 
October 2005                                                                         
Net return         -        -           -    2,573       -        -      717   3,290 
for the                                                                              
Dividends          -        -           -        -       -        -     (691)   (691)
Cost of            -        -           -        -       -        1        -       1 
options to                                                                           
Options            2        8           -        -       -        -        -      10 
to Ordinary                                                                          
Cost of            -        -           -        -    (404)       -        -    (404)
for Treasury                                                                         
31 October     2,688    9,192          89   27,917    (726)       1    1,276  40,437 
Six months                                                                           
to 30 April                                                                          
31 October     2,686    9,184          89   25,344    (322)       -    1,250  38,231 
Net return         -        -           -    1,954       -        -      322   2,276 
for the                                                                              
Cost of            -        -           -        -       -        1        -       1 
options to                                                                           
Cost of            -        -           -        -     (48)       -        -     (48)
for Treasury                                                                         
30 April       2,686    9,184          89   27,298    (370)       1    1,572  40,460 


                              1 November 2006   1 November 2005 
                             to 30 April 2007  to 30 April 2006 
                                        �'000             �'000 
Operating activities                                            
Investment income received                651               568 
Interest received                          52                80 
Investment Manager's fees                 (40)              (75)
Investment Adviser's fees                 (96)              (88)
Secretarial fees paid                     (28)              (28)
Directors' fees paid                      (18)              (12)
Other cash payments                       (77)              (51)
Net cash inflow from                      444               394 
operating activities                                            
Tax recovered                               -                26 
Capital expenditure and                                         
financial investment                                            
Purchases of investments               (3,551)           (1,177)
Sales of investments                    4,376                -  
Exchange (losses)/gains on                (19)              14  
Net cash inflow/(outflow)                 806            (1,163)
from capital expenditure and                                    
financial investment                                            
Equity dividends paid                       -                 - 
Net cash inflow/(outflow)               1,250              (743)
before financing                                                
Cost of shares purchased for             (722)              (48)
Net cash outflow from                    (722)              (48)
Increase/(decrease) in cash               528              (791)


The above financial information for the six months to 30 April 2007 and 30
April 2006 is unaudited and does not constitute statutory accounts as defined
in Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts for the year
to 31 October 2006, which contained an unqualified auditors report, have been
lodged with the Registrar of Companies and did not contain a statement under
Section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.


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