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Aurumin Limited

Aurumin Limited (AUNOA)

Chiuso 20 Marzo 6:00AM

Discussioni in tempo reale e idee di trading: Fai trading con fiducia con la nostra potente piattaforma.

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0 articoli trovati
MartinLutherKing MartinLutherKing 38 secondi fa
Snapped a couple more for goodluck
LetGoodTimesRoll LetGoodTimesRoll 38 secondi fa
jt, SEAMUS would NEVER forget about you and your MODEST purchase of $RNVA shares.

The MAN has yo
haha11 haha11 44 secondi fa
found_it2 found_it2 51 secondi fa
10.15...nice! Let's see if it lasts and not a head fake
$Gambler $Gambler 55 secondi fa
Excellent news...Boys are working hard behind the scenes as Bitcoin is still slated to be at 250k by years end - - numbers will be staggering by then. Big picture is coming into focus!
vlispxpert vlispxpert 1 minuto fa
QXO deal went thru, still early:
toastturtle toastturtle 1 minuto fa
$SNNAF Sienna Resources Drills Significant Sulphide Intersections at the Case Lake Project...
Sounds good to me... The drill core images look positive. Doesn't mention cesium but they clearly hit something. Copper/Gold/Silver would not be surprising in this area. Clearly the anomalies were h
ace65 ace65 1 minuto fa
Nice ask slap .0017s up now...
urge2surge urge2surge 1 minuto fa
Hi_Lo Hi_Lo 1 minuto fa
Where's the lawsuit against the TA? The stock is dead until he gets the books and the TA is saying that it's not happening.

No books then no business. No business then no scam.
trader59 trader59 1 minuto fa
That's pure fluffy pumping BS, just like the other commodities they claimed they were fixing to get ready to plan to possibly consider trying to be a useless middleman for. This is and will always be a scam. 
vlispxpert vlispxpert 2 minuti fa
QXO still on starting line:
Slojab Slojab 2 minuti fa
International stock markets are having the best start of the year so far this century, as the U.S. trade war rattles the global trade landscape

Through Monday's closing quotes, the outperformance of foreign indexes was evident in year-to-date results:

The S&P 500 down 3
vlispxpert vlispxpert 2 minuti fa
QXO deal went thru!!
stockprofitter stockprofitter 2 minuti fa
So, only you are allowed to speak?
Ecomike Ecomike 3 minuti fa
Exactly. The trial on chickens could be set up and done in weeks IMO.

Zero reason it would not work. Then partner with a firm like Archer Danial Midland to distribute it to all chicken raising and Egg facilities to add daily to the water the drink. Maybe even spray atomize / mist it
ElectricJester54 ElectricJester54 3 minuti fa
Bid at 0.17 and Ask at 0.175. Definitely prefer a tighter margin like this compared to days where we see at least a nickel wide spread. Hopefully we get some good volume in anticipation of tomorrow and then some real action tomorrow after the news drops.
vlispxpert vlispxpert 3 minuti fa
AMDG love on Nvidia CEO Will Spend Hundreds Of Billions On US-Made Chips
Genz2 Genz2 3 minuti fa

Now if this is happening you would think that Trump and the SEC would be overturning the SEC’s case ruled against Steven K Sprague!!! I THINK Donald
Lolo12 Lolo12 3 minuti fa
All the garbage still here after 3 years,what a lowlife 
jacklanvo99 jacklanvo99 3 minuti fa
Slap that Ask for 10 cents more will be up trend, ha ha
MartinLutherKing MartinLutherKing 3 minuti fa
Bust down that wall of fame 🚀🚀🚀🚀
Uncle Monkey Uncle Monkey 3 minuti fa
let's not blame mgmt, let's deflect on board posters... hahahahaha
BigBadWolf BigBadWolf 3 minuti fa
for future comparison
Outstanding Shares 5,178,096,670 03/19/2025
Restricted 503,137,622 03/19/2025
Unrestricted 4,674,959,048 03/19/2025
Held at DTC 3,703,884,428 03/19/2025
x993231 x993231 3 minuti fa
Something to think about, autonomous vehicles. There will be the actual vehicle, then there will be a 'virtual' twin that is running in the background at the same time. It is computing the proper turning radius, brakes acceleration, how to swerve if a child runs out in front of the car, park the c