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Unicredit Bank AG

Unicredit Bank AG (UC3C8E)

Chiuso 27 Marzo 5:30PM

Discussioni in tempo reale e idee di trading: Fai trading con fiducia con la nostra potente piattaforma.

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janice shell janice shell 1 minuto fa
This is great!!
janice shell janice shell 3 minuti fa
That is really great!!
bar1080 bar1080 4 minuti fa
The original meme stocks are being forgot. So far, the market hates the conv bond issue idea.
BTW, AMC is at $3.
Gman3343 Gman3343 5 minuti fa
I agree, hope they cancel the RS until merger is complete. Then we have a possible monster on our hands.
MrSmith18 MrSmith18 5 minuti fa
GS is spinning his wheels with those Israeli hostage tweets—almost like he’s as frustrated as we are with the lack of progress. It reinforces the idea that any merger deal is out of his hands, likely being navigated by Israeli partners or well-connected insiders shopping his shells.

janice shell janice shell 8 minuti fa
Not yet. But he needs to be very careful.
janice shell janice shell 8 minuti fa
How can ANYONE--yes, even people who unaccountably thought Trump was wonderful-- not see that this has gone terribly wrong??
boi568 boi568 9 minuti fa
I saw at least some of that Reddit thread. Those commenters were hopeless. Shkreli the Felon was being cited as an authority, others were using SAVA as a talking point, there were posts citing the (nonexistent) serious side effects of blarcamesine -- and my favorite, the guy who was ignoring the May
dinogreeves dinogreeves 10 minuti fa
Yes, if they saw either a day before or a week before the "Super 8K" before the public did. Today's manipulation and many times before is Talisman or someone with a huge load, anyone with a reasonable amount of shares easily over a million shares can do that all day long. The stock pumps on a good
BREAKER098 BREAKER098 11 minuti fa
RON - I just had an idea. Perhaps the perpetual conservatorship all along was to make the CDS whole by milking Fannie and Freddie profits until someone stops them. Nonetheless - the pressure cooker is redlining. Go figure…
Dabeav Dabeav 11 minuti fa
Below 6.39 will be a entry point
Steady_T Steady_T 13 minuti fa
The shorts must have a strategy to deal with a sudden SP increase. They have been at the shorting biz way to long to have not figured a way out.
They have $150 - $200 million cash to work with. Obviously they also have a huge liability to go with that.

Even so, Gamestop was a
BREAKER098 BREAKER098 14 minuti fa
Further evidence of the ongoing shenanigans.

PIMCO is a massive bond investment firm that holds a lot of GSE securities (such as mortgage-backed securities and junior preferred shares). The PSPA changes protected PIMCO’s investments by keeping the status quo, ensuring continued govern
chazzy1 chazzy1 14 minuti fa
Thanks for sharing, rapz! The winds are shifting dramatically in our direction!
I think that these shocking new developments bode well for VPLM.
Almosthere Almosthere 14 minuti fa
That is ancient news only those who invested at IPO and lost their house would bring up now 23 years later.

Kang is gone, and LQMT is a different company today. Thank goodness!
Treshold Treshold 14 minuti fa
Apple files Patent for "Foldable Apple watch with 2 Screens"!!!
nwsun nwsun 17 minuti fa
We should be able to get at least an investigation into Mackay and Van Noy and that company that helped run up the stock in Sept/October of 2023.
kund kund 18 minuti fa
Misleading exercised his stock options:
DrivenByPain DrivenByPain 19 minuti fa
L2s Are Thin 100 Here 100 There 10Ks Are Up 🤠
Zorax Zorax 19 minuti fa
Yarvin... meet seal 6.
Saving Grace Saving Grace 19 minuti fa
Immediate Measures to Increase American Mineral Production Executive Orders March 20, 2025

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 301 of title 3, United States Code, it is hereby ordered:
Guido2 Guido2 20 minuti fa