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Unicredit Bank AG

Unicredit Bank AG (UC5A5R)

Chiuso 26 Marzo 5:30PM

Discussioni in tempo reale e idee di trading: Fai trading con fiducia con la nostra potente piattaforma.

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0 articoli trovati
arizona1 arizona1 1 minuto fa
I'm with Janice, I've recently had nightmares of being in a swastitruck with mushbrain driving around Mars.

We're all suffering in our own ways; nightmares, insomnia, leg cramps, etc. At least it shows we care. 😒
Louie_Louie Louie_Louie 4 minuti fa
if up listed and a new capital rule (which I think both is being planned) the result would be hard to predict. There would be a mass type feeding frenzy because the big money would be arm wrestling with a lot of smaller guys to get into position. It would last days, I don't think one day would tel
dinogreeves dinogreeves 6 minuti fa
Tag and tag.
MadBadger MadBadger 9 minuti fa
Jhdf51, if I would have invested in Bitcoin back in July of 2009 @.39 cents what I invested in WAMU. I would be $4,427,600,000. Richer. As exaggerated as it may sound that is my Truth and I take accountability for my actions and Inactions for Procrastinating and not doing my own due diligence and L
Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar 9 minuti fa
RITE next leg up 0050+
Zorax Zorax 10 minuti fa
Let's get a class action lawsuit going to sue shitface and his administration for causing all this physical stress we're dealing with.

I've read about tonic water helping and if that's true, maybe that's what is in those pills.

I've also read that a bar of ivory soap or
dinogreeves dinogreeves 10 minuti fa
No, in the span of between 8-15 years, so give or take 2 billion yearly, by the time they work on the other contracts, assuming total contracts moving forward totals 60-80 billion, one can assume 5 billion annually, now I don't know what the profit is and the PE ratio runs between 20-25.
RickNagra RickNagra 11 minuti fa
More exposure.  We are on fire.  We are everywhere.  I have never seen anything like this before.
Hoghead7 Hoghead7 11 minuti fa
2 engineering positions in Texas
gitreal gitreal 14 minuti fa
How about getting MSHA permitted first? Not to mention BLM, County, and other permits.

Still listed as abandoned. 😢
littlejohn littlejohn 15 minuti fa
Are you still looking for 50 by Wednesday?...

SMCI has made daily intra day highs

above previous day for four days

in a row...

So the chart does show more interest...

high priced clunker companies for the

gitreal gitreal 16 minuti fa
Getting that mill was a brilliant coup. We own 70 % and likely that will increase to 100%.

Owning a small, outdated mill in the Mohave Desert 1200 miles from their "ore" is a "coup"?

Good lord.
Bright Boy Bright Boy 18 minuti fa
LP's a "Rock Star"!!!


arizona1 arizona1 20 minuti fa
In that case, what brand do you recommend.

Just anything that's tight. I guess Copper fit are the most popular brand, right? I've had leg cramps on and off for years and I have a few different ones. They come and go but I've been having them worse lately. They're a PIA to put on i
Bright Boy Bright Boy 20 minuti fa
Very cool !! Thanks a mil,


LEFTY1182 LEFTY1182 21 minuti fa
This guy isn’t going to get this going anywhere, they have no money to do anything and he hasn’t the slightest clue how to raise capital. I hope I’m wrong but this is definitely what it seems
DJPele DJPele 22 minuti fa
They just don't get it lol
Researchfyi Researchfyi 23 minuti fa
I think you have that in reverse. All of my downward price predictions have come to pass and the upper 0.02’s will be next. Whereas none of your long term price or hype predictions have never come true.

Also all of my wash rinse and repeat cycles have come to pass successfully.
rosemountbomber rosemountbomber 28 minuti fa
You are correct North.  It should be NVS.  They actually should have jumped on Amarin when their mixed omega product failed.
archilles archilles 28 minuti fa
ListenToTheTrees ListenToTheTrees 29 minuti fa
You spend all this time on a stock you’ve never bought? Seems like a waste of time, but I guess when you don’t have a life, you don’t have anything else to do.