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UniCredit Bank AG

UniCredit Bank AG (UV8BRM)

Chiuso 30 Marzo 5:30PM

Potenzia il tuo portafoglio: Discussioni in tempo reale e idee di trading attuabili.

Notizie su UV8BRM

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gimmegimmeminemine gimmegimmeminemine 15 minuti fa
Did KBLB explain why they only produced 0.84% of what they were expecting to? Nope. Do we have any explanation for the shortfall? Nope
But they did say, in atleast two different occasions, that they were ahead of schedule.

But somehow they fell way short of their goal. And
CanItBThisEZ2Make CanItBThisEZ2Make 15 minuti fa
BEST SELLERS RANK (BSR) IS 342 85 Estimated Sold on Amazon Since JAN 1 - 1ST Quarter 2025

NOTE: In theory, when BSR Value Dec
arizona1 arizona1 17 minuti fa
You're just so lucky to live there. I don't know your story or where you're from but you must feel so unbelievably fortunate to be there.
k9uwa k9uwa 22 minuti fa
Had a little time this evening to look about a bit. Lets see where we stand relative to who owns Anaxex shares.
Fintel says: Institutional Shares (Long) 34,715,010 - 40.81% (ex 13D/G) - change of 1.78MM shares 5.40% MRQ
So whatever their sources are they say we are UP 1.78MM shares
blackcat blackcat 22 minuti fa
Nice! I can think of a few people that would work for if they were passengers.
jttcomm jttcomm 23 minuti fa
Good turn of a phrase on a nice come backer. But that is all you are is a come backer. Just say it. Your name says it all git-real? That just says your intent here is disrupt and cause opposition. Everyone in here knows it. When this company moves forward you will move on and jag off somewhere else.
CrimsonNightRider CrimsonNightRider 34 minuti fa
Dead stock and worthless to convertible notes lenders and flip traders equally now. Fools paradise.
connectingdots connectingdots 36 minuti fa
Don't try tell me what to do or you might get embarrassed. You can mute me if you like by learning how to click the 3 dots if you wish and I will carry on and keep responding to nonsense... .
DMC8 DMC8 39 minuti fa
janice shell janice shell 45 minuti fa
Some photos here:
BDEZ BDEZ 46 minuti fa
Likewise my friend....

JamesLH JamesLH 47 minuti fa
All your constant whining and crying hasn't changed anything. You are the least credible person on these forums.

You never delivered one single thing you claimed, keep crying. LMFAO
catani catani 50 minuti fa
Funny, great region then. We used to be in Klosters, just a hillside away. Davos is not only the place for the WEF but also the place of one of the world most famous books. The Zauberberg. Great literature, I love it
arizona1 arizona1 56 minuti fa
That's just so sad and I'm really sorry. WTF has Trump done to this country?
rooster rooster 59 minuti fa
All a scam…
ListenToTheTrees ListenToTheTrees 60 minuti fa
Konaploinks Konaploinks 1 ora fa
Ok Doc. Where do we go from here? OAM ? HETEROGENEOUS? Combined? Qudits? All the above? Everything moving very fast now. Hard to keep up. Keep posting. Chat got😍gpt us talking a long time to answer now. lol. We’re stumping it. Imagine that!😱😳😂
arizona1 arizona1 1 ora fa
It shouldn't be a problem then to get a dutch passport. Just a formality.

Well, you have to speak a little Dutch for the passport so she watches Dutch cartoons with her kids to try and learn. Fingers crossed she'll pass. She's smart so I have every confidence she will. They have s
Elroy Jetson Elroy Jetson 1 ora fa
One of Putin's Aurus Senat limousines was fleet blown up in Moscow tonight, but Putin not in that limo.

In Murmansk, Putin's elite security guards patted down a military honor guard, unloaded and inserted barrel plugs into their weapons.
wetscent wetscent 1 ora fa
Let's put our 1 billion OS in perspective...there are 250 trading days in a year..if an investor bought 1000 shrs every day for a year..well, that's 250,000 reach 1 billion he would have to continue to buy every day for 4000 years...(of course 'topping off" along the way every chance he g
rooster rooster 1 ora fa
You didn’t see he played a character with the last name Trumper?
nowwhat2 nowwhat2 1 ora fa
Your crypto charts are glitching ma'am.....
They're glitching right on out.

They're glitching right on out.

Gus1212 Gus1212 1 ora fa
I can't help thinking that Merck will either buy us out or buy access.

The latest discover about subcutaneous Keytruda says it all.

Keytruda patents will be extended!

I hope we get shares

This is my opinion and it will not change unt
JohnnyHydrogen JohnnyHydrogen 1 ora fa
I'm interested that nobody is interested.