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Exchange Traded Fund

Exchange Traded Fund (CSUSS)

Chiuso 21 Marzo 5:30PM

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Lucky77Dice Lucky77Dice 57 secondi fa
Yep…It is agreed..The shares remain..intact ..uncancelled and safe…Yep…That is settled long time now…No one can show otherwise..That”s what matters here…nothing else…
Babubd Babubd 1 minuto fa
Patience is the key in investing.
janice shell janice shell 2 minuti fa
A great deal depends on John Roberts and the rest of the Supremes now. I hope even the worst of them wake up and understand the danger. And then do something about it.

And it's been announced just now that tomorrow, none other than Elon will be briefed by top military officials on se
hedge_fun hedge_fun 2 minuti fa
It would be nice to see a Top 5 list…….

from SFRX, if they have thought that far ahead. I wouldn’t hold my breath.

Typically code names are used for the targets.

zerosnoop zerosnoop 3 minuti fa
The latest PR below reads great. The PROVEN AOT is a "GAME CHANGER" for the oil industry.

redspeed redspeed 3 minuti fa
Well at least Duane Forrester acknowledge the hard crash.

No wonder why he beat feet and ran away.

Now the only thing we don't know is who ran away faster

Alice or Duane?

Alice being the ex rent-o-CEO MONI brought in in their Girl Power pha
KngmAz KngmAz 3 minuti fa
NAME CHANGE - Premier Biomedical is now NOVE GRAPHENE BALLISTICS INC. and they have a web-site. Huge.
dinogreeves dinogreeves 3 minuti fa
This is going to get very interesting. Keep your eyes glued for an epic run, might take a few days to weeks but it will happen.
GetRichLong GetRichLong 4 minuti fa
Ceo had nothing of value to say per usual this evening. Just word salad 🥗
zerosnoop zerosnoop 4 minuti fa
So a U.S. government-supported financial institution specializing in global trade financing is backing the PROVEN AOT as per the FACTS in the RECENT PR below.
MiamiGent MiamiGent 5 minuti fa
And smart!
Thanks for that slice of South Florida, Bull.
zerosnoop zerosnoop 6 minuti fa
The SHORT SQUEEZE is fast approaching. The PROVEN AOT is going GLOBAL.

NAKED SHORT SELLING gets reported differently & isn't part of Finra reporting. Experts that know their job tell me there is a HUGE SHORT position in QS.

This is why I do my own d/d. I only take advic
Slojab Slojab 7 minuti fa
It doesn't matter. Trump will have them deported as enemies of the state.
dinogreeves dinogreeves 7 minuti fa
Business Description on AZRH on the OTC Market website

"Azure Holding Group Corp. is an acquisition corporation focused on Oil Field Services and Construction, Oil & Gas Exploration & Production, and Oil & Gas Distribution. Azure Holding Group Corp. has completed Reverse Mergers with
RIOgrande44 RIOgrande44 7 minuti fa
He can buy or sell stock in his own company, thats legal. He has to file it with the SEC. I thinks its a form 4.That gives us a heads up. Its definitely a sign of confidence.
zerosnoop zerosnoop 7 minuti fa
Is it just me or are others noticing the PAID BASHERS & NAKED SHORT SELLERS seem to be getting more desperate with their NONSENSE & LIES. The SHORT SQUEEZE will be fun to watch when QS puts material news out.

The company is in final negotiations on a series of multi-year, government-b
jonestint jonestint 9 minuti fa
I'm not a fool! I was smart enough to sell this scam at 12 cents on Wednesday, February 22, 2023! I'M STILL LAUGHING!!!
Where's Steve1978?
Schrodingers Cat Schrodingers Cat 10 minuti fa
Mar 20 short volumes: CODX 0%, FLGT 63%, QDEL 51%, VERU 54%.
gfp927z gfp927z 10 minuti fa
Ombow, Here's another great song from 'back in the day' :o)

Optimist101 Optimist101 11 minuti fa
I don't know for sure but I believe the judge swap is not a solid thing to appeal on as the judge is just there to overlook the proceeding and police the testimonies. The jury is technically all that matters and there is no damages over this proceeding and just fighting over jdla termination
RickNagra RickNagra 11 minuti fa
Start at the 1:23:00 mark and listen to the end.  Lutnick is very smart.  I see now why he was picked.  He loves warrants that's for sure.  Basically Lutnick is implying that government will release the GSEs which will quadruple the stock price.  In return he wants a piece of the pie for the Soverei
Risk vs Reward Risk vs Reward 11 minuti fa
Yeah it's called 5.60 down to 1.57
arizona1 arizona1 11 minuti fa
You are one evil motherfucker! Where's Hamas in this story?

Israel's Takeovers of Gaza Hospitals Amount to 'War Crimes,' Says Human Rights Watch

"The Israeli military's denial of water and electricity left sick and wounded people to die, while soldiers mistreated and f
rogers711 rogers711 12 minuti fa
YOU DONT GET PHASE 2 without the SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF PHASE 1... I don't think there is a single person on here waiting for safety data to my knowledge 😂😂 it is implied that it's safe with phase 2 started...
CaptainObvious CaptainObvious 12 minuti fa
This my cynical scenario