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Bnp Paribas Issuance

Bnp Paribas Issuance (P10RL3)

Chiuso 30 Marzo 5:30PM

Potenzia il tuo portafoglio: Discussioni in tempo reale e idee di trading attuabili.

Notizie su P10RL3

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ladykiller50 ladykiller50 5 minuti fa
Researchfyi Researchfyi 5 minuti fa
I believe that is what was covered in the EOY call.
All we ever hear from this company is soon this or soon that year after year.

But if a supper megacap is going in the direction of this material in 12 to18 months without delay then soon means real soon. Like within a quarter
flipper44 flipper44 5 minuti fa
That isn’t a criminal regulation, it is civil.
timberwolf7 timberwolf7 5 minuti fa
hey scottie

Pebble and NAK are called a DEVELOPMENT... Look up what it MEANS (smile)
ombowstring ombowstring 6 minuti fa
Interesting historical footage just released -

Rare Color Footage of Berlin After WWII | UNCENSORED
Filterthenoise Filterthenoise 7 minuti fa
All my teacher friends have 'side hustles' This one is unique

And disgraceful
timberwolf7 timberwolf7 7 minuti fa
Been saying for quite a while now, this market is out of control, too many way
overvalued and it was due for a correction. Would have been justified for most of
last year.

So now a certain political party has decided to take down the market to hurt
the sitting P
Filterthenoise Filterthenoise 8 minuti fa
A teacher and a full time FUD
Walter4 Walter4 8 minuti fa
Jake likes to blame "market conditions" for the decline. Was it "market conditions" that pumped the stock on social media, deceived investors, and then dumped shares? Perhaps it's due to Jake's own poor choices and fraudulent behavior?
gfp927z gfp927z 9 minuti fa
>>> 'Not currently priced in': What Wall Street is saying about Trump's April tariff deadline

Yahoo Finance

by Josh Schafer

March 30, 2025
m0n m0n 9 minuti fa
Let's not forget the quote from SURAEC 
"Using bagasse in beef cattle diets as a hay substitute COULD BE beneficial in times of low hay inventory. However, competing on the open market with hay will be difficult given that bagasse would need chemical treatment and hauling to cattle locations
India already tested their bagasse with IFUS secret sauce..They would not be building a new manufacturing plant if they did not understand the science and results behind SGP+2.0 and Supreme AG fertilizer and mulch .

AGB had family members visit the plant Back in 2023.Their lab
ilovetech ilovetech 9 minuti fa
Yes of course, like let's pretend there wasn't, and still isn't spoofing. LP just operated under normal business conditions. You call that pumping, I call it facts matter, and the court agrees.
blackhawks blackhawks 10 minuti fa
Please, no one peddles fear like the conspiracy theory mongering, junk science promoting, recession producing maestro GOP.
jxyzobrien jxyzobrien 10 minuti fa
Flobewan Flobewan 10 minuti fa
Wow, that was so cool
gfp927z gfp927z 10 minuti fa
>>> 'Not currently priced in': What Wall Street is saying about Trump's April tariff deadline

Yahoo Finance

by Josh Schafer

March 30, 2025
Vector93 Vector93 12 minuti fa
They're not going to RS!  They're just going to convert their current SS at .00035 to shares of EVCO at 1.50.  Totally not a RS 😆
B RY B RY 13 minuti fa
A good read from 2022 imo janice.
PickStocks PickStocks 13 minuti fa
Yes but there is one who claims he is a special accredited investor because Hosen told him he is
prototype_101 prototype_101 14 minuti fa
did teddybear LIE and keep POUNDING THE TABLE to investors that Lebby had "failed to be able to make a generic 4x200 PIC"? listen to what Yves says about a generic 4x200 PIC from 17:30 to 18:00, he says there is not any significant difference between the two!!! This of course gives credence to what
TheHound TheHound 14 minuti fa
IPIX is dead. Bagholders are screwed
gitreal gitreal 15 minuti fa
Yes, I'll get it to you. Google Earth actually has it pinned already, I'll post that for you in a little bit.