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OSAI Automation System SpA

OSAI Automation System SpA (WOSA25)

Chiuso 23 Marzo 5:30PM

Discussioni in tempo reale e idee di trading: Fai trading con fiducia con la nostra potente piattaforma.

Notizie su WOSA25

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0 articoli trovati
fuagf fuagf 2 minuti fa
gfp927z gfp927z 3 minuti fa
Bigworld, Rickards says the Fed may be considering a rate cut at their next meeting (May 6, 7), so another data point for active traders to consider. Some key dates are emerging for the period ahead (below). Since the tariffs are only just begining, their effects on the economic numbers may not
jimr1717 jimr1717 3 minuti fa
✅ Any IFUS note holders should be very nervous about getting their money back. I've noticed many that are very old still on the books. What kind of excuses is Walthers giving??

Energy Supreme Complaint: This case was quite the mess... DO NOT do business with Marc Walthers!
Renorocker Renorocker 5 minuti fa
School is in session and I have perfect attendance = LFG
MrMike241 MrMike241 5 minuti fa
That does look very good! Every one of those recipes looks very good. The French Onion-Stuffed Onions looks very unusual and special!
Renorocker Renorocker 6 minuti fa
School in in session and I have perfect attendance = LFG
zab zab 9 minuti fa
That's why you live in West Virginia. 
arizona1 arizona1 9 minuti fa
Election turnout is dismal in America,

That's because MAGAS have purged MILLIONS from the voter rolls. It would be a lot higher if the voters weren't canceled.

The 2024 election is in danger: 40,000 self-proclaimed vigilante vote-fraud hunters have already challenged
crazy horse 0 crazy horse 0 9 minuti fa
Trump pulls plug on government's 8,000 EV chargers
Lauren Fix
March 21, 2025

The free ride for Biden's EV mandate comes to a screeching halt.

The word has come down from on high: Shut down the power, and sell the fleet.

The Trump administrat
Brysh Brysh 9 minuti fa
Here’s a link to CEO’s patents, Position Estimating Lighting System and Position Estimating Method:
955 955 10 minuti fa
Corrupt Judges Including SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts[nbCorruptJudges.jpg
iateclube iateclube 10 minuti fa
Okay, that is eerie. This morning I put in a small open order for .053, really have had no desire to own more of these shares, but willing to catch this falling knife and hold for another year on news, if I can't cash out at least half my shares on the way up. Seems I am in weird company here. Y
jammy32 jammy32 11 minuti fa
I’m hoping that Nasrat does the right thing on Monday and sells the company
getmenews getmenews 13 minuti fa
You might here a lot of talk of inflows this week, inflows due to margin calls are not inflows

Nice day
bb8675309 bb8675309 14 minuti fa
Blarcamesine is the safest Alzheimer's drug with over nine years of proven drug trial result in the CNS space. Mabs kill people and the FDA is on record approving these drugs currently in use to this day. No brain bleeding here. That is everything you need to know. Imo
Renorocker Renorocker 16 minuti fa
Shotsky for the WIN = I say the next 60 days will tell the story.
Steady_T Steady_T 16 minuti fa
The situation is quite different. MMs have resources and something to hide. NWBO not so much.

If the suit goes to trial, you are quite correct that is will be years before there is a result.
The question is, do the MMs have something to hide or not? Discovery can unearth a lo
dstock07734 dstock07734 17 minuti fa
How could the discussions be off-topic? DCVax-L also falls in the category of cell therapy, does it not? Its approval could be next month/quarter or even next week. There could be hundreds of mediocre treatments. But in terms of revolution, there is only one and that one is DCVax-L.

Green Leaf Smoker Green Leaf Smoker 18 minuti fa
B & W facts can't hide past / current & future direction this company MJNA is headed ....
NO FILINGS AVAILABLE thus nothing of validity substance to
zab zab 19 minuti fa
Posting means nothing, everyone sees life the way they do, but every once in awhile someone posts like they actually believe their answers are above reproach,  or that their insight is worthy of altering someone's thought. When nothing changes, that poster gets angry and believes he being attacked b
tschussmann1 tschussmann1 20 minuti fa
Hoskuld, I also would have preferred that the Rett trial was successful and approved to help with this disease. I had invested with this as my expected outcome, so both financial and in support of Anavex providing help for those cursed with Rett. There was enough positive results with the trial, a
Steady_T Steady_T 21 minuti fa
If the company does as little as you say it will after approval, a lawsuit will be a waste of time. The company has no money and according to the naysayers has no intellectual property worth anything.

So how would a law suit recover any money for the investors?

Renorocker Renorocker 21 minuti fa
Right there with ya - LFG
oldstocks oldstocks 22 minuti fa
December 31, 2021 Revenue Income $935,220

I went back and read there was revenues for that on time filing.
Renorocker Renorocker 22 minuti fa
Perfect Storm is brewing - Beaches & Coffee incoming.... NFA \m/