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Vontobel Financial Products GmbH

Vontobel Financial Products GmbH (F13126)

Chiuso 20 Marzo 5:30PM

Potenzia il tuo portafoglio: Discussioni in tempo reale e idee di trading attuabili.

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jimr1717 jimr1717 5 minuti fa
✅ Any IFUS note holders should be very nervous about getting their money back. I've noticed many that are very old still on the books. What kind of excuses is Walthers giving??

Energy Supreme Complaint: This case was quite the mess... DO NOT do business with Marc Walthers!
badog badog 5 minuti fa
Yeah, but you haven't been correct with your naked short claims and from what I'm reading have lost a lot.

Well, lthat comment just put you on Kroms list of shorters. LOL I'm sure you don't care. I don't put any truth in what this guy says. He and his followers are STUCK and
236T568 236T568 6 minuti fa
Man deported to El Salvador under Alien Enemies Act because of soccer logo tattoo: Attorney
PennyMillions852 PennyMillions852 6 minuti fa
jimr1717 jimr1717 6 minuti fa
🏆️ That’s why Tesla vehicles are engineered to be the safest cars in the world.

Model S, Model 3, Model X and Model Y have achieved among the lowest overall probability of injury of any vehicles ever tested by the U.S.

Here’s a collection Zzzzzzzzz
saj saj 6 minuti fa
Yep when the urge is strong do the opposite lol
navycmdr navycmdr 7 minuti fa
Freddie Mac says no more work-from-home by May - report

Mar. 20, 2025 9:38 AM ET By: Max Gottlich, SA News Editor

The move comes as Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae are banking

on President Donald Trump's administration to dismantle the

Guido2 Guido2 7 minuti fa
Frankestin Frankestin 7 minuti fa
Authorized shares after the reverse split: 10 million
Outstanding shares: 6,434,881
Shares still available for issuance: 3,565,119
Potential capital that can be raised at the current price ($18): ~$64 million
Another reverse split cannot be done without first increasing t
81vette 81vette 7 minuti fa
PSTV,up 240%,energizer bunny mode! Nice to see them run freely! Turn my other ones Loose now 😂
Gmenfan Gmenfan 7 minuti fa
I'd bet with you not against ya!
jimr1717 jimr1717 7 minuti fa
Electrified vehicle sales will grow further in the year ahead, accounting for one out of every four vehicles sold in 2025.
Spuds McKenz66 Spuds McKenz66 7 minuti fa
ok Oregon good BOF Hot off the closing of its IPO on the Nasdaq Capital Market last week, Oregon-based dehydrated produce snacks maker BranchOut Food Inc. is expanding its business with new distribution and a U.S. Army contract to aid in the production of MREs (Meals Ready-to-Eat).

Cooldeliosis Cooldeliosis 8 minuti fa
I like reading this article when I start to second guess!
Did Zion find oil?
Zion says we can say with absolute confidence that we were successful in attaining that goal.
Stockman1010101 Stockman1010101 8 minuti fa
According to your few posts that I have seen. Your views about Fannie and Freddie is cynical at best. Saying that there is no chance DJT will free them or that they will never go to much higher levels as many have calculated here to be their true value, again is cynical at best. I would say your vie
rheddle rheddle 8 minuti fa
Sure a lot of shares trading at the .0005 bid. Maybe they need to buy back more shares quietly for another RM candidate before they can make shareholders aware of who that is, if there is anybody. Thorpe still has his Linkedin showing he's HIRU CEO and the only SEC filing this year was Truist increa
Babubd Babubd 8 minuti fa
Hold on folks! AABB shares were traded over $0.60 in 2021! It may go ballistic any day now.
imanjen13 imanjen13 8 minuti fa
As per NH we are a week or two from the launch of Percocet. News can hit at any time.
Current volume is meaningless although it permits MMs to F around until real buyers step in. The general stock market malaise doesn't help. I doubt we will reach your downside conjecture but you never know.
StayHumble StayHumble 9 minuti fa
💹77M+ XPERT .000001 BUYS✅insider BUYBACK Ongoing✅ 💹 💹
Truenorth2016 Truenorth2016 9 minuti fa
Todays Trades Buying The .0006s........0006 buys right after sells Hang in there!!!
FOFreddie FOFreddie 9 minuti fa
Good Question Rick - it does not make any sense at first glance. Perhaps he is not a Pulte guy or he doesn't go along with the plan. I am wondering if he doesnt turn up somewhere else - it would be great if he came back as the CEO of one of the GSEs or Chairman at some point in the future - seem
shurtha2000 shurtha2000 9 minuti fa
ONCO .13