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Total Capital International SA

Total Capital International SA (NSCIT1139319)

Chiuso 20 Marzo 5:30PM

Strumenti di livello professionale, per investitori individuali

Notizie su NSCIT1139319

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0 articoli trovati
oldstocks oldstocks 3 minuti fa
Tj there definitely is no dilution today.

We all should boycott buying and selling any shares. Maybe they will get out some good news faster.
tedpeele tedpeele 3 minuti fa
100% agree GP
sharkey1 sharkey1 3 minuti fa
New from yesterday, Purdue vs Elite,_et_al

So this is coming around whilst Purdue is trying to settle.

As the say,
You start getting the most flak wh
dshade dshade 3 minuti fa
We're bidding .54 come on down for the fill
linkvest linkvest 3 minuti fa
Well, they are a couple real ASKHOLDs. It's almost 90 degrees out and the pool look pretty good right now. It's just not worth communicating with them at all. Will do a few laps and hit the gym... Have a great day my man...
stockprofitter stockprofitter 3 minuti fa
Whalatane Whalatane 3 minuti fa
RZLT is trading like they have failed the interim ...or at least required to add more patients .
As posted previously
There was an interim analysis scheduled for their P 3 trial this Qt with results etc released early in Q2
Interim results will determine if trial is stopped for
Spuds McKenz66 Spuds McKenz66 3 minuti fa
I think they will be scrambling to keep up with demand so dill pickle will have to be on the back burner for now BOF they need to get that 15% deal with Trumps tax cuts for new biz in the states and go to Texas / Florida maybe better for shipping , screw LA
navycmdr navycmdr 4 minuti fa
All looking for new Jobs ...
Spyke37 Spyke37 4 minuti fa
I have never been in these kinds of negotiations before (RICO) but in most high level negotiations both parties agree to complete secrecy. I know it seems stupid, but the last thing anyone wants to do is foul up the works with a misplace statement.
oldstocks oldstocks 4 minuti fa
I think the debt of the OneMind Technologies purchase and keeping it operating is what is being converted into new shares. They had gotten loans to pay for all that. That comes at a cost.
Now to get that of the books as debt the loans are getting converted to shares.
Now there should
Seems to be a pretty big acquisition here. 
Qwyit LLC is a cybersecurity company focused on developing advanced cryptographic solutions for secure digital communications. It offers a technology called Qwyit™, which is described as an authentication and data encryption cryptosystem built on un
Kool Aid Man Kool Aid Man 4 minuti fa
"Additionally, the gold b2b business model for the Gold USA Citizen Visa Investment has been activated and will constitute approximately 25% of the $2,800,000,000 total sales. Details to follow" "Gold Visa" took a nanosecond for Park to jump on that. For years he has tried to peddle schem
liamtoh liamtoh 5 minuti fa
Ha, it was our Teddy who sold....
Stockman1010101 Stockman1010101 5 minuti fa
How do you know he has taken a position in the GSEs. Is there a SEC filing for his buy/sell position action?
mick mick 5 minuti fa
what a day bob
Lone Clone Lone Clone 5 minuti fa
ATHA Energy: Independent Report Confirms Uranium Discovery and Expansion Potential at Angilak - Highlights 31 KM Rib-Nine Iron Trend With Grades up to 30.3% U3O8 & Mushroom Lake With Grades of up to 47.8% U3O8 in Outcrops
georgejjl georgejjl 6 minuti fa
AVXL is currently trading in the green. Expect AVXL stock price to increase into the close of trading today!!!

Good luck and GOD bless,
Ayock Ayock 6 minuti fa
SO in brand...
closetokathy closetokathy 7 minuti fa
Wow. The day started off with so much promise.
peniiespincher12345 peniiespincher12345 7 minuti fa
Bro how is it badgering if they just come out and say. Hey we are making progress with a settlement. Or hey we are working on xyz. Like what?

In what world would the companies see that as bad taste? Especially if these RICO charges were so meaningful.
JPetroInc JPetroInc 7 minuti fa
the F’er is built…!

that’s the importance of this particular milestone acquisition

I suspect certain things will remain on-pause and any PulseWire AI holding cash outlay curtailed

at least until MONI can get done what needs to be done

I re
Paulie Cashews Paulie Cashews 7 minuti fa
🍆 "Just came. Was a beauty."
Jeez! No one wants to know the status of your ability to procreate.

Save this kind of news for someone who would appreciate it - like newmedman. Thanks.
