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Btp Fx 3.85% Feb35 Eur

Btp Fx 3.85% Feb35 Eur (3063566)

Chiuso 30 Marzo 5:30PM

Potenzia il tuo portafoglio: Discussioni in tempo reale e idee di trading attuabili.

Notizie su 3063566

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halbroke1 halbroke1 57 secondi fa
Dont think a R.S. will happen..They dont need to...They can Buy back shares and Retire Them...very Easily...And the ex-N*UKK CEO, Certainly has the money to do it so....TWOH $$$...Monster Move could be coming..
sukus sukus 4 minuti fa
Doc, I plan to follow his advice to sell my Nwbo stocks but only 1% of total holdings when Nwbo is about 4x than current price. ;)
rickn23 rickn23 4 minuti fa
RICHARD MARSDEN takes to the tracks - on Britain's first hydrogen train
krab krab 4 minuti fa
Then we wait again for Sept 2025. The neverending Story of FnF !!
ElectricJester54 ElectricJester54 5 minuti fa
He has been dealing with the loss of his friend. He made a couple posts on X about it. He will come back around when ready. Nothing can prepare you for the unexpected loss of someone so I'm sure he is taking some time to process what has happened.
Milesblue42 Milesblue42 6 minuti fa
Is Ceo Rudi cooking the Books??

Audited financials would be to uplist to QB but pink status has no need for that at this point. We just need some company communication. Mgm't sitting on tons of shares I'm sure they have confidence here.

This kinda doesn't make any sense
dennisdave dennisdave 7 minuti fa
. Powers is a lawyer and the same legal training that causes her to myopically focus on legal considerations
you seriously cant be this naive and childish? What you are saying is she is a lawyer and thus therefore she will be careful not to trespass any legal wrongdoing.
Then you cont
Who's Got Gold & SILVER? AABB does, and Plenty of it with a Stock-Pile of Ore READY to be Processed! Tequila is Already Producing and the New Processing Facility in Etzelan is Getting Ready to ROCK-IT! Management has a Plan to Succeed, MMs, Hedge Funds & Dark Pools Bet Against the Wrong Company IMHO
Scamdestroyer Scamdestroyer 9 minuti fa
Gitreal, do you have a gps pin or actual location for the plant? I'm in Mexico and might pay a local guy I know to drive me there. Can't decide if it is worth the risk of driving through cartel territory to see it. Around a 7 hour drive there and back from where I am. 3 days by an aabb mule if they
Mr. Bill Mr. Bill 10 minuti fa
Imagine the percentage move from 0.000001 ROTFLMAO

Why is news coming?

Towne Bancorp Inc (CE)
0.00 (0.00%)
Implanting Implanting 10 minuti fa
This is for those who want to be EDUCATED. Here's a recent interview with Mr. G. Edward Griffin, the man that wrote the "Creature from Jekyll Island" in 1994.

This interview is amazing and even at 94 years of age this Man has more wisdom in his big toe than most people could ever hope
manibiotech manibiotech 10 minuti fa
You are wrong as well. Laws are as good as interpreted by the judge , which is very subjected .
Eli's Gone Eli's Gone 11 minuti fa
MVP,,,MVP...good to see you Peg :-)
silvr_surfr silvr_surfr 12 minuti fa
Thank you JTFM. This certainly does not fully reflect all of the remedies that ANIP is seeking (e.g. pull all of the transferred assets).

CGON just filed a broad shelf registration statement. It is odd given the investor presentation that was just published (see below), where they s
robinandthe7hoods robinandthe7hoods 12 minuti fa
Retail investors seem stressed,while everyone at Verses is quite relaxed.
All in good hands...
Enjoy the weekend,the fireworks are about to begin!
Jiggy888 Jiggy888 13 minuti fa
Anyone one do any numbers for potential price predictions of the shares based on UMAV winning contracts at $20, $40 ,$60 million dollars etc? Can't locate any research
100lbStriper 100lbStriper 14 minuti fa
looking forward to it! ty..
Banjo50 Banjo50 15 minuti fa
Well, I was wondering, if Biel files for bankruptcy and then reorganizes under Chapter 11 how much will the current shareholders receive in the new company?
Eli's Gone Eli's Gone 15 minuti fa
Eli's Gone Eli's Gone 15 minuti fa
Eli's Gone Eli's Gone 15 minuti fa
Destiny Defined Destiny Defined 15 minuti fa
Eli's Gone Eli's Gone 15 minuti fa
Eli's Gone Eli's Gone 15 minuti fa
GetSeriousOK GetSeriousOK 15 minuti fa
I saw the 65M ASK during that six hours when there were no trades. In your data excerpt, it must have been between 09:31:59 and 13:22:03. Or maybe your data excerpt from FidelityTraderPro doesn't show the real ASK? Have to check that tomorrow.

But does it really matter whether the AS