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Banco Santander Totta Sa Bst 0639% 4mar29

Banco Santander Totta Sa Bst 0639% 4mar29 (BBSRC)

Chiuso 27 Marzo 5:30PM

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CatfishHunter CatfishHunter 2 minuti fa
And yet you still are only making personal blind accusations of something you known nothing about, unless you're an insider. 
janice shell janice shell 2 minuti fa
Well... Back in 1964, and for another 10 years or so--I think into the early '80s--telexes were pretty common. They actually looked kind of like the thing in Bullitt.
learningcurve2020 learningcurve2020 2 minuti fa

>>Alvotech SA MHRA Accepts Marketing Application For AVT23 Biosimilar To Xolair
joe_techi joe_techi 2 minuti fa
Merle Haggard - Mama Tried
jwood9207 jwood9207 3 minuti fa
America got the government it deserves.
SC8 SC8 3 minuti fa
Again, it's a moot point, since application was withdrawn before the 30 day consideration. All we know is MK screwed up and withdrew application rather than have FDA reject it.

Most likely the rabbit work didn't meet FDA standards, but we kmow there are other issues such as MK was
CatfishHunter CatfishHunter 3 minuti fa
You have no idea why the prior submission was withdrawn. You have no idea of during the prior submission, if FDA did in fact review the JHU animal studies.  You in fact, don't know much at all . Just blind accusations and speculation to create fear and discontent. We all know your objective.
dave79 dave79 3 minuti fa
Chen- I saw this as well. No need for Delfin to respond to these idiot environmental tree huggers!! That guy was a flat out idiot. MARAD has held up Delfin's license for like 5+ years, along with the bs the Biden admin pulled the prior 4 years and the last year of his term with the LNG pause, which
capgain capgain 4 minuti fa
crazy horse 0 crazy horse 0 4 minuti fa
Look at this thing
Denzel-72 Denzel-72 5 minuti fa
x993231 x993231 5 minuti fa
Maybe we see the future, why do you worry? Just focus on the future.

We are fine, look at exceeding  by 100 times the compute that was predicted just last year.   Tis a big deal.

janice shell janice shell 5 minuti fa
We'll see if it happens.
littlefishFMCC littlefishFMCC 6 minuti fa
Why positive? He proposed legislation in last trump term
The Night Stalker The Night Stalker 6 minuti fa
gemin in making
ombowstring ombowstring 7 minuti fa
You could ask them if anything promising has happened yet with the talks they are having. Anyway, enough from me.
IB_ IB_ 7 minuti fa
EVSX Project ........


Filterthenoise Filterthenoise 8 minuti fa
FOXO 10K March 31st, Q1 May 15th
blackhawks blackhawks 9 minuti fa
You can see why they awaited the downsizing that NASA's use of integrated chip technology provided.

The first version of what would become a traditional fax machine was invented by the Xerox Corporation in 1964. It was called long distance xerography, and it was replaced two years la
Wingsjr Wingsjr 10 minuti fa
Because they won’t be exercised. Not unless 47 doesn’t want to be the one that releases FnF. Fisher will have his judge slap down the quickest injunction and stop any plan of release.
CCSAB CCSAB 10 minuti fa
What if I were short FNMA against a long in FMCC or FMMAS? Would I need to leave this board? What if you knew I was a really hot, rich, former PM with a house in Malibu and an insane flat in Mayfair in London? Would you still kick me off?
ProfitScout ProfitScout 10 minuti fa
Review these 2 IVDN press announcements for more info on the company's patents:
Innovative Designs Receives Patent for Propriety Process With Low Density Foam
April 20, 2023
CatfishHunter CatfishHunter 10 minuti fa
Also, as FDA does review animal studies during IDE submission, you don't know if FDA did in fact review the JHU animal studies before it was decided to pull the submission.  Again just blind speculation on your part.  You don't know. None of us do. Only FDA and MK do.