RNS No 5946m
23rd April 1998


During the first quarter of 1998, the BBV Group's net attributable profit was
30,778 million pesetas, an increase of 28.1% over 1Q97. Net income clearly
continues to be on an upward path, and this has enabled the Group to post an
18.7% ROE.

The BBV Group's gross lending totalled more than 8.8 trillion pesetas, nearly 
21% over the figure registered in 1Q97. Secured and personal loans were among
the most dynamic in the quarter, no doubt as a result of the marketing campaigns
undertaken. Growth in resident sector loans was up by 13.5%, again above the
sector average. There was also strong lending growth in our Latin American
affiliates, which accounts for the over 45% increase in non-resident lending.

Yet another positive point in the lending portfolio was the continued decline of
non-performing loans, which were down by 0.75 percentage points over March 97
for a non-performing loan ratio of 2.81%. This stems from the drop both in
domestic NPLs as well as an intense decline in the Americas.

In addition, customer funds managed performed quite satisfactorily, increasing
the volume by 28.1% over 1Q97. Funds recorded on the balance sheet increased
by 14.3%, and within that figure the resident sector accounted for 5.7%,
surpassing the average of banks and savings banks. Domestically, the BBV Group
gained market share in transactional liabilities, that is in the aggregate of
current and savings accounts, while the 'flight' from traditional time deposits
to mutual funds continues. In the first three months of the year, the Group
asset management affiliates companies have obtained the greatest growth within
the domestic financial system, boosting market share by 0.29 percentage points
over December 1997 and almost one full point above 1Q97. Pension funds in Spain
registered a year-on-year growth rate of 54.2%. Adding funds managed in Latin
America, the figure increases to 1.2 trillion pesetas for a total increase of
70.3% over March 1997.

Net interest margin increased from 2.92% to 3.26%, which is in sharp contrast to
the strong shrinking of margins that is being experienced by banks and savings
banks over all in Spain. This is due, among other reasons, to above-average
business growth and the adequate response to the lower-rate environment in
Spain. Also contributing to this margin growth was the higher margins coming
from our Latin American affiliates.

Recurrent profits were very positively affected by commission activity, which
was up over 68%. The most dynamic commission activity was again seen in mutual
and pension fund products, as well as commissions stemming from stock-related
services offered to clients (notably those associated with privatizations and
IPOs). Greater activity in traditional banking business is also contributing
positively to this heading.

BBV's efficiency ratio of 52.9% has improved by 1.7% from 54.6% in December;
operating income was up more than 39% over 1Q97. Notable on the lower half of
the income statement was the net income coming from Group transactions which
totalled 36.026 million pesetas and includes capital gains obtained in the
strong environment of the domestic stock market of the first quarter. Net
provisions increased by 74,515 million pesetas, 40,000 million of which were of
extraordinary nature. 26,677 million pesetas were set aside for net loan loss
provisions, 92% more than 1Q97 in spite of a further decline of NPL ratio both
domestic and international. Within this category were certain extraordinary
country-risk provisions derived from the reclassification that has been carried
out for some countries. The coverage ratio as of March 31 1998 was 119.2%, or
147.6% if we include mortgage guarantees.

In line with the Group's investment activities in the field of pension fund
management in Latin America, "Consolidar", the pension fund management firm in
Argentina in which BBV has a stake through Banco Frances, will acquire Fecunda,
thereby creating the 'number one' pension manager in Argentina with a market
share of 19%. Similarly, 'AFP Prevision' will begin operating in El Salvador in

As of 31 March 1998, the capital base of BBV reached 1,396,786 million pesetas,
in accordance with Bank of Spain regulations. This represents a capital ratio in
the order of 13.0% and a capital surplus which reached 470,151 million pesetas.
The main component of the capital base continues to be Tier 1 equity, which
totalled 1,092,005 million pesetas equivalent to a TIER 1 ratio of 10.1 %.

This is another example of BBV's stated policy of actively managing its capital
base, issuing eligible equity when market conditions are adequate and constantly
maintaining a relatively high capital ratio that provides the Group with enough
flexibility to manage ahead with its growth strategy - both domestic and
international - whose ultimate objective is to maximize shareholder return.

Investor relations office

(Spain/34) 94 487 65 87
(Spain/34) 91 374 42 22
(USA/212) 339 43 60
(UK/171) 397 60 76         Internet info (http:/www.bbv.es)


(millions of pesetas)

                                                                     US $
                                      MAR. 98    MAR.97   % Change   (millions)

Financial revenues                    412.884    351.513     17.46     2.635
Financial costs                      -244.043   -227.868      7.10    -1.557

NET INTEREST INCOME                   168.841    123.645     36.55     1.078

Fees & Commissions                     72.538     42.946     68.91       463
Collection and payment services        26.263     18.888     39.00       168
Investment securities services         14.035      7.481     87.60        90
Mutual and pension funds management    24.807     11.247       n.m.      158
Other Commissions                       7.433      5.330     39.50        47

BASIC MARGIN                          241.379    166.591     44.90     1.541

Market operations                      24.180     19.103     26.58       154

ORDINARY REVENUE                      265.559    185.694     43.01     1.695

Administrative Costs                 -140.404    -97.595     43.86      -896
Personnel                             -91.897    -67.342     36.46      -587
Wages and other                       -88.016    -65.427     34.53      -562
Pensions                               -3.881     -1.915      n.m.       -25
General expenses                      -48.507    -30.253     60.34      -309
Other income-costs                     -5.141     -1.610      n.m.       -33
DGF annual fee                         -5.078     -1.992      n.m.       -32
Other items                               -63        382      n.m.        -1
Depreciation                          -12.643     -9.653     30.97       -81

OPERATING INCOME                      107.371     76.836     39.74       685

Income from associates                 38.667      6.430       n.m.      247
Group Net transactions                 36.026      3.569       n.m.      230
Income by the equity method             2.641      2.861      -7.69       17

Loan Loss Provisions (net)            -26.677    -13.897      91.96     -170
Gross                                 -43.741    -27.331      60.04     -279
Reversals                              12.333     10.243      20.40       79
Bad debts' recoveries                   4.731      3.191      48.26       30

Securities writedowns                     -61        171        n.m.      -1

Goodwill amortization                 -26.917     -3.218        n.m.    -172

Extraordinary items                   -21.783    -15.011       45.11    -139
  Disposals                             1.707        826        n.m.      11
  Other                               -23.490    -15.837       48.32    -150

PROFIT BEFORE TAX                      70.600     51.311       37.59     450

Corporate Tax                         -28.360    -18.496       53.33    -181

NET INCOME                             42.240     32.815       28.72     269

Minority interests                    -11.462     -8.787       30.44     -73
Preference shares                      -3.455     -2.190       57.76     -22
Other                                  -8.007     -6.597       21.37     -51

NET ATTRIBUTABLE                       30.778     24.028       28.09     196

*)l US$ ptas.156.7 Consolidated accounts are presented in accordance with Bank
of Spain 4/91 (and ensuing circulars) and follow generally accepted accounting

                          BBV GROUP BALANCE SHEET (*)
                            (millions of pesetas)

                                                                      MAR. 98
ASSETS                        MAR. 98             MAR. 97   % Change  (US$ 

Cash and Central Banks        426,124             324,024   31.51       2,720
Government Debt             1,214,431           1,418,792  -14.40       7,751
Due from Banks              6,415,204           5,081,181   26.25      40,944
Total lending (Gross)       8,858,097           7,325,298   20.92      56,536 
- Reserves                   -297,040            -275,521    7.81      -1,896
Investment Portfolio        3,092,912           2,756,205   12.22      19,740
  Fixed income              2,420,912           2,145,183   12.85      15,451
  Securities                  672,000             611,022    9.98       4,289
Premises and Equipment        597,206             553,256    7.94       3,812
Other Assets Account          613,633             305,499    n.m.       3,917
Accrual Accounts              290,539             342,929  -15.28       1,854

TOTAL                      21,211,106          17,831,663   18.95     135,378


Capital                       175,903             129,220   36.13       1,123
Reserves                      780,247             638,210   22.26       4,980 
Minority Interests            506,919             370,216   36.93       3,235
Due to Banks                6,039,448           4,834,707   24.92      38,546
Customer Funds             12,861,244          11,255,777   14.26      82,086
Other Liabilities Accounts    481,268             272,823   76.40       3,072
Accrual Accounts              323,837             297,895    8.71       2,067
Net Income                     42,240              32,815   28.72         269

TOTAL                      21,211,106          17,831,663   18.95     135,378 

(*) 1 US$ ptas. 156.7. Consolidated accounts are presented in accordance with
    Bank of Spain Circular 4/91 (and ensuing circulars) and follow generally
    accepted accounting principles.

Average Total Assets       19,809,328          15,651.351   26.57     126,431 
Average shareholders'funds    734,143             654,085   12.24       4,686 
BIS Ratio (Tier 1)         13.9(10.1)          14,5(10.4) 
Risk weighted assets       10,042,310           7,716,066   30.15      64,094

                                        BBV                 BBV (1)
                           ------------------------------   -------   
                              MAR. 98             MAR. 97   MAR. 98

Lending quality (B. of Spain's regulations)
NPL as % Lending                 2.81                3.56    2.38
  Initial                     257,980             227,203   135,374 
  MARCH 31st                  249,248             260,797   126,697 
  Net Change                   -8,732              33,594    -8,677 
  % Net Change                  -3.38               14.79     -6.41 
NPL's Reserves 
  Last                        297,040             275,521   155,905 
  % Coverage NPL               119.17              105.65    123.05
Lending quality (International regulations)
  NPL as % Lending               1.59                1.74      0.80 
  % Coverage NPL               183.95              181.55    220.04

(1) Excluding Probursa (Mexico), Continental (Peru), Ganadero (Colombia),
Frances (Argentina) and Provincial (Venezuela).

(millions of pesetas)

                                       MAR. 98          MAR. 97       % Change

Due from Public Sector               436,177          448,941            -2.84
Due from residents                 5,136,848        4,526,737            13.48
Commercial bills                     637,802          687,662            -7.25
Borrowers with collateral          1,546,937       1,261,880            22.59
Personal loans                     1,725,043       1,515,977            13.79
Credit accounts                      527,948          520,126            1.50
Other term loans                     223,220          130,464            71.10
Others                               230,613          195,845            17.75
Leasing                              245,285          214,783            14.20
Due from non residents             3,035,824       2,088,823            45.34
Non performing loans                 249,248          260,797            -4.43

TOTAL LENDING (GROSS)              8,858,097       7,325,298            20.92
(-) Reserves                        -297,040         -275,521           7.81
TOTAL LENDING (NET)                8,561,057       7,049,777            21.44
Pesetas                            5,437,351       4,866,251            11.74
Foreign currencies                 3,123,706       2,183,526            43.06

                                      MAR. 98          MAR. 97       % Change

Public Sector                        590,547          515,984            14.45
Other resident sectors             6,477,830        6,127,211            5.72
Current accounts                   1,567,307       1,353,593            15.79
Savings accounts                   1,083.497         987,955            9.67
Time deposits                      2,019,672       2,047,696            -1.37
Sales with repurchase agreements   1,784,404       1,698,138            5.08
Others                                22,950           39,829          -42.38
Non-residents                      4,478,713       3,556,614            25.93
Marketables Debt Securities        1,025,252         769,950            33.16
Subordinated Debt                    288,902          286,018            1.01

TOTAL CUSTOMER FUNDS              12,861,244      11,255,777            14.26
Pesetas                            7,456,046       7,046,555            5.81
Foreign currencies                 5,405,198       4,209,222            28.41

Mutual funds                       4,533,061       2,886,042            57.07
Pension funds                      1,217,771         715,267            70.25
Portfolio management               2,007,851       1,243,439            61.48

OFF-BALANCE FUNDS                  7,758,683       4,844,748            60.15

TOTAL MANAGED CUSTOMER FUNDS      20,619,927      16,100,525            28.07

(millions of pesetas and %)

                    MARCH 98                         MARCH 97
               Average       Average              Average         Average
               Balance Yield  Rates               Balance  Yield  Rates

Total lending 8,868,228  227,628  10.41         7,003,801    180,775   10.47
Pesetas       5,662,716  100,147   7.17         4,958,419    112,121    9.17
 currencies   3,205,512  127,481  16.13         2,045,382     68,654   13.61
 securities   3,206,543   74,306   9.40         3,242,237     77,612    9.71
Pesetas         945,117   13,737   5.89         1,356,842     22,236    6.65
 currencies   2,261,426   60,569  10.86         1,885,395     55,376    11.91
Equity method 
securities      570,226   15,115  10.75           532,297     12,565     9.57
 securities     124,644      859    2.79          89,521        855      3.87 
entities      6,744,030   87,974    5.29       5,183,155     76,541      5.99 
Pesetas       2,832,311   29,821    4.27       2,332,886     36,048      6.27
currencies    3,911,719   58,153    6.03       2,850,269     40,493      5.76
Bank of Spain   145,851    2,247    6.25         187,824      2,926      6.32
 assets        1,363,755                         962,078 
Other financial products   4,755                                239

 REVENUES     21,023,277 412,884    7.96      17,200,913    351,513     8.29
                   MARCH 98                                     MARCH 97
                Average           Average          Average        Average
                Balance   Cost    Rates           Balance   Cost  Rates

Customers'funds 13,189,904 155,473 4.78        10,637,269  146,370   5.58
Pesetas          7,822,907  59,094 3.06         7,126,612   76,512   4.35
deposits         5,839,228  35,783 2.49         5,258,201   47,806   3.69
Repo assets      1,877,023  21,500 4.65         1,779,138   27,146   6.19
Marketable debt 
 securit.          106,656   1,811 6.89            89,273    1,560   7.09
 currencies      5,366,997  96,379 7.28         3,510,657   69,858   8.07
Due to cre.ent. and B. of Spain  
                 5,666,477  86,381 6.18         4,890,371   78,230   6.49 
Pesetas          2,129,937  26,174 4.98         2,115,674   33,645   6.45
Foreign currencies
                 3,536,540  60,207 6.90         2,774,697   44,585    6.52
                   825,555                        729,781
Funds without cost  
                 1,341,341                        943,492
Other interest expenses      2,189                           3,268

                21,023,277  244,043 4.71        17,200,913  227,868   5.37

NET INTEREST INCOME         168,841 3.26                    123,645   2.92

(consolidated figures)

                                          MAR. 98         MAR. 97     %Change

Balance sheet (Millions of pesetas)

Total assets                           21,211,106      17,831,663          19.0
Total lending                           8,858,097       7,325,298          20.9
Customer funds recorded on the balance 
 sheet                                 12,861,244      11,255,777          14.3
Other Customer funds managed            7,758,683       4,844,748          60.1
Shareholders' funds                       820,604         718,828          14.2

Income statement (Millions of pesetas)

Basic Margin                              241,379          166,591         44.9
Operating income                          107,371          76,836          39.7
Income before taxes                        70,600          51,311          37.6
Net attributable profit                    30,778          24,028          28.1

Data per share (Pesetas)

Net attributable profit                        46              36          27.7
Book value                                  1,213           1,066          13.8
Share price                                 7,370           2,860         157.7

Key ratios (%)

R.O.A. (Net income/Average total assets)    0.96              0.84           -
RORWA ((Net income/Risk weighted assets)    1.89              1.71           -
R.O.E. (Net attributable/Average equity)    18.7              16.5            -

Other relevant figures

Number of employees                       60,940           58,071            -
Spain                                     24,971           24,909            -
Abroad                                    35,969           33,162            -
Number of branches                         4,285           4,048             -
Spain                                      2,833           2,841             -
Abroad                                     1,452           1,207              -



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