Thursday, 13 March
Gem Diamonds Limited
Full Year 2024 Results
Gem Diamonds Limited (LSE: GEMD)
("Gem Diamonds", the "Company" or the "Group") announces its Full
Year Results for the year ending 31 December 2024 (the
· Revenue of US$154.2 million (US$140.3 million in
· Underlying EBITDA of US$29.7 million
(US$15.2 million in 2023)
· Profit for the year of US$8.1 million
(US$1.6 million in 2023)
· Attributable profit of US$2.9 million (loss of
US$2.1 million in 2023)
· Earnings per share of 2.1 US cents (loss per share of 1.5 US
cents in 2023)
· Net
debt of US$7.3 million as at 31 December 2024 (2023: net debt of
US$21.3 million)
· Carats recovered of 105 012 (109 656 carats in
· Waste
tonnes mined of 5.4 million tonnes (8.8 million tonnes in
· Ore
treated of 5.0 million tonnes (5.0 million tonnes in
· Average value of US$1 390 per carat achieved
(US$1 334 in 2023)
· The
highest dollar per carat achieved for a white rough diamond during
the year was US$41 007 per carat
Safety performance
The Group maintained and excellent
safety performance in 2024, achieving our lowest AIFR on record of
0.61 (2023: 0.67). The Group had zero fatalities (2023: zero),
three LTIs (2023: two) and an LTIFR of 0.18 (2023:
Financial performance
The global economic landscape in
2024 was marked by uncertainty, with persistent inflation, higher
interest rates for longer periods than expected, and geopolitical
tensions weighing on growth. As a result, the downward pressure on
the diamond market persisted. Despite these challenges, the Group
achieved a 10% increase in revenue, mainly driven by the 13
diamonds greater than 100 carats that were sold. The increase in
revenue, together with the implementation of numerous cost
reduction initiatives resulted in a 95% increase in underlying
EBITDA compared to 2023.
Operational performance
The benefits of the structural
changes implemented in 2023 and 2024
is evident in Letšeng's operational performance
during the year. The targeted initiative to control the ore feed
rate into the treatment plants resulted in a significant
improvement in plant stability and an increase in overall plant
utilisation to 80% in 2024 (up from 78% in 2023 and 75% in
The Group achieved a cumulative 27%
reduction of its Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon emissions compared to
its decarbonisation target of a 30% reduction by 2030, against a
2021 baseline.
Letšeng's updated long-term mine
A key focus for 2024 was
optimising Letšeng's long-term life of mine plan. A steeper
open-pit concept was approved for the final cutback of the
Satellite pit that will significantly reduce waste volumes, leading
to an updated mine plan that was communicated to the market in
December 2024.
Commenting on the results today,
Clifford Elphick, Chief Executive Officer of Gem Diamonds,
"2024 was another challenging year
for the diamond market with decreasing rough and polished diamond
prices. Our relentless focus on factors within our control - cost
containment, operational efficiencies and appropriate capital
allocation, has yielded pleasing results.
We are proud of our excellent
safety performance in 2024 and commend our management and workforce
for their daily commitment to operate safely and
Our focus now is on the safe
implementation of Letšeng's updated mine plan, which will
significantly reduce waste volumes. The next four years will be
challenging with limited access to higher-value Satellite ore. We
will continue to look for opportunities to further optimise our
mine plan to ensure the profitability of our operations.
2025 has begun with modest
improvements in prices of both rough and polished diamonds. We are
optimistic that this will continue throughout the year."
The Company will host a live audio
webcast of the full year results today, 13 March 2025, at 9:30
GMT. If you would like to attend the webcast please register using
this link:
2024 Full Year results webcast
The page references in this
announcement refer to the Annual Report and Accounts 2024 which can
be found on the Company's website:
The Gem Diamonds Limited LEI number
is 213800RC2PGGMZQG8L67
Gem Diamonds Limited
Kiki Constantopoulos, Company
Celicourt Communications
Mark Antelme / Felicity
Tel: +44 (0) 207 777
Gem Diamonds is a leading global
producer of high value diamonds. The Company owns 70% of the
Letšeng mine in Lesotho. The Letšeng mine is famous for the
production of large, exceptional white
diamonds, making it the highest
dollar per carat kimberlite diamond mine in the world.
In a year marked by significant
challenges, our commitment to strong governance and adaptability
enabled us to navigate the pressures of a downturn in the diamond
market while laying a solid foundation for sustainable growth in
the future.
Dear shareholders,
On behalf of the Board of
Directors, I am pleased to share with you the Gem Diamonds Annual
Report and Accounts for 2024, which outlines the Group's
performance during another challenging year for the diamond
The diamond industry continued to
face significant challenges amid global macro-economic headwinds.
Despite efforts by major producers to limit supply, both diamond
demand and prices remained under considerable pressure. Additional
factors, such as the high inventory levels in and the growing
prevalence of lab-grown diamonds, further exacerbated the
challenges facing the industry.
At Letšeng, the positive impact of
numerous initiatives implemented over the past 24 months is evident
in the 2024 results. These efforts included strengthening cost
controls, strategic workforce alignment, the insourcing of key
activities - such as mining services and processing - and a strong
focus on enhancing operational efficiencies. The financial results
are discussed in the CFO Review on page 33 and the financial
statements are available from page 106. The COO Review on page 40
contains the full details of Letšeng's operational performance
during 2024.
The terms for the relinquishment
of the mining licence and handover of the Ghaghoo mine site to the
Botswana Department of Mines have been agreed and, subject to final
approval, the process is expected to be finalised by the end of
March 2025. We would like to express our gratitude to the
Government of Botswana for their cooperation on this
We are pleased to report that no
significant environmental or social incidents were reported at any
of our operations during the year.
The Governance section from page
53 provides full details of all corporate governance matters
relevant to the Group in 2024.
No changes were made to the makeup
of the Board of Directors during 2024, and the governance structure
was aligned with the independence requirements of the UK Corporate
Governance Code. The Board was fully representative with respect to
both gender and ethnic minority groups.
Michael Lynch-Bell, the Senior
Independent Director (SID) and Chair of the Audit and Remuneration
Committees, is retiring in advance of the 2025 AGM. The Board will
appoint Janet Blas as the new non-Executive Director effective 1
April 2025. Janet will also take up the position of Chair of the
Audit Committee, while Rosalind Kainyah will succeed Michael as SID
and Chair of the Remuneration Committee.
We are aware of the changes
included in the UK Corporate Governance Code 2024 and will be
implementing these as relevant.
The findings from the internal
Board performance review concluded at the end of 2023 were
considered. The review offered only minor improvement
opportunities, which were implemented in 2024. These included a
modest refining of the Committee meeting structure and schedule to
improve efficiency and a review of ongoing training provided to
Directors to support them in their work.
Consistent with past practice, 99%
of the workforce at Letšeng is from within Lesotho. Enhancing
female representation in our workforce remains a key priority, and
we have implemented various initiatives in local communities and
schools to raise awareness of the diverse career opportunities
available in the mining sector. Through these efforts, we aim to
position Letšeng as an employer of choice for women.
· Ensuring that the Letšeng mine was operated in a safe and
effective manner and overseeing the development of the updated mine
plan and the associated steeper conventional slope design in the
Satellite pit.
· Preparing for the implementation of the recommendations of
both the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)
and the new S1 and S2 standards issued by the International
Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB).
· Overseeing the effective insourcing of the mining contract,
which was concluded towards the end of 2023, and preparing for a
similar transition in the processing operations, which was
concluded in the final quarter of 2024.
· Finalising the conditions under which the Ghaghoo mine in
Botswana is to be transferred back to the ownership of the
Government of Botswana.
· Implementing the various governance recommendations generated
by the Board performance review conducted in late 2023 and
preparing for the retirement of the Senior Independent
· Considering shareholder returns such as dividends or share
buyback programmes in the context of cash availability and the
investment required to deliver the updated mine plan.
The safety and health of our
workforce remains our highest priority. Letšeng maintained its
exceptional safety performance during 2024, and this consistency is
a testament to the efforts and commitment of the entire workforce
over many years. The Board would like to express its gratitude to
management for their strong leadership in this critical aspect. We
do, however, remain constantly vigilant and alert to both existing
and emerging risks as we strive to extend our strong and
collaborative safety culture.
The COO Review on page 40 contains
full details of Letšeng's safety performance during
Letšeng's NI 43-101 Technical
Report and 2024 Resource and Reserve Statement was published in
March 2024 and is available on the Group's website at
As reported in the Annual Report
and Accounts 2023, a number of different options to extend the life
of the Satellite pit had been under consideration for some time.
During 2024, a group of internationally recognised experts were
engaged to determine whether it would be viable to steepen the
slope angles in certain basalt sectors of the Satellite pit,
thereby allowing for a considerable reduction in waste stripping
required for an additional Satellite pit cutback. An intense review
process ensued, driven by senior Executive Management and overseen
by the Board, to evaluate the technical, safety, economic and
overall feasibility of the concept, which was completed in the last
quarter of 2024. Following sign-off by the external experts and the
Board, the Letšeng mine plan was updated, resulting in a
substantial reduction in waste volumes in the last open pit cutback
of the Satellite pit. After careful consideration of all key
factors, the Board approved the updated mine plan. An investor
presentation was made to the market on 3 December 2024 and is
available on the Group's website at
It is important to note that while
waste for the final cutback of the Satellite pit is being mined, no
Satellite ore will be available from 2026 to the end of 2029.
During this time, the business will be completely dependent on Main
Pipe ore, which typically produces diamonds of a lower value than
the Satellite Pipe, with higher-value ore from the Satellite Pipe
returning to the mix late in 2029. The Board will continue to
provide the necessary focus and oversight to navigate this
challenging period. We would like to thank our banking partners and
lenders, who have demonstrated their trust in our ability to manage
through this period by extending our revolving credit facilities,
which expired in December 2024, for a further 24-month
Refer to the COO Review for
details of the updated mine plan on page 43.
At the beginning of 2023 we
announced our decarbonisation strategy, which sets out our
commitment to reduce our Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon emissions by
30% (as measured against our 2021 emissions) by 2030. We are
pleased to report that we have already achieved a cumulative 27%
reduction against the 2021 baseline by the end of 2024 and that we
remain on track to meet our 2030 target.
A wide range of different
initiatives have been identified and implemented to reduce our
energy usage, aided by the refinement of the mine plan, which will
lead to a reduction in waste mining and thereby directly reduce our
Scope 1 carbon emissions. The carbon and energy footprint of the
Group in 2024 is detailed in the Climate Change Report on page
Our primary focus is to reduce our
reliance on high-carbon grid electricity supplied by Eskom and
diesel-generated electricity on site. We are actively exploring
alternative large-scale, long-term renewable energy solutions that
could be effective in the specific high-altitude geography of the
Maluti mountains of Lesotho.
The Government of the Kingdom of
Lesotho is a significant shareholder and our partner in the Letšeng
mine, and we remain committed to maintaining strong and
constructive relationships with officials across all departments.
The Board extends its gratitude to the Lesotho Government for its
cooperation and for its ultimate support of Letšeng's updated mine
plan. The new plan secures Letšeng's long-term sustainability,
reinforcing its role as a key employer and contributor to Lesotho's
We recognise the critical
importance of maintaining open and transparent communication with
all stakeholders. Dialogue based on mutual trust and respect
enables us to keep them informed of key developments in our
operations and to address any concerns they may have. Transparency
is essential to maintaining stakeholder trust, and this in turn
ensures that wider economic, social and political headwinds can be
navigated smoothly and in the best interests of all parties. To
this end, we have established a range of formal and informal
stakeholder engagement forums that meet regularly, ensuring that
key discussions and concerns are routinely relayed to the Board for
its consideration.
The primary focus of the Board in
2025 will be to support management and oversee the successful
implementation Letšeng's updated mine plan and further mine plan
optimisation efforts.
The Board will consider changes in
regulatory guidance that may impact the Group, such as the UK
Corporate Governance Code 2024 and the TNFD recommendations, and
oversee the implementation thereof.
We will stay abreast of
developments in the diamond market and respond appropriately both
operationally and by selling Letšeng's rough diamonds through
appropriate channels to achieve the highest obtainable market
As certain members of the Board
approach retirement, we are committed to overseeing a seamless
transition by selecting new members who possess the necessary
skills and expertise to navigate the challenges ahead. At the same
time, we remain dedicated to fostering diversity and ensuring a
well-rounded leadership team that can effectively guide the Group
into the future.
On behalf of the Board, I would
like to extend my deepest gratitude, first and foremost, to our
people. Our executive and senior management led the operations with
unwavering focus through yet another challenging year for the
diamond market, and every member of our workforce played a vital
role in the Group's success in 2024. We also sincerely appreciate
the ongoing support of our community partners, the Government of
the Kingdom of Lesotho, the Government of Botswana, and our
shareholders. Lastly, I would like to thank my fellow Directors for
their valuable contributions and insights throughout the year. In
particular, I would like to thank Michael Lynch-Bell for his many
years of dedicated service on the Board, acting as SID and
Chairperson of the Audit and Remuneration Committees. We look
forward to welcoming Janet Blas to the Board and to benefiting from
the fresh perspectives she will bring.
Harry Kenyon-Slaney
12 March 2025
The Group's risk management
framework, which is fully integrated with strategic and operational
planning, aims to identify, manage and respond to the Group's risks
and uncertainties. The framework combines top-down and bottom-up
approaches with appropriate governance and oversight.
Risk management
The Board is responsible for the
overall approach to risk management for the Group and provides
stakeholders with assurance that key risks are properly identified,
assessed, mitigated and monitored. The Board maintains a formal
Group risk management framework, assesses and approves the overall
risk appetite and tolerance, and formally evaluates the
effectiveness of the Group's risk management and internal control
processes annually at a minimum. It confirms that the process is
appropriately aligned with the Group's strategy and performance
Top-down approach
the Board sets the risk appetite and tolerances,
strategic objectives and accountability for the management of the
The Audit Committee monitors the
Group's risk management processes, reviews the status of risk
management, and reports on a biannual basis. It is responsible for
addressing the corporate governance requirements of risk
The Sustainability Committee
provides assurance to the Board that appropriate systems are in
place to identify and manage health, safety, social, environmental
and climate change-related risks. It monitors the Group's
performance within these categories and drives proactive risk
mitigation strategies to secure safe and responsible operations and
our social licence to operate in the future.
Management develops, implements,
communicates and monitors risk management processes and integrates
them into the Group's day-to-day activities. It identifies risks
affecting the Group, including internal and external, current and
emerging risks. It implements appropriate risk responses consistent
with the Group's risk appetite and tolerance.
Group Internal Audit formally
reviews the effectiveness of the Group's risk management processes.
The outputs of risk assessments are used to compile the strategic
three-year rolling and annual internal audit coverage plan and
evaluate the effectiveness of controls.
Bottom-up approach
ensures a sound risk management process and
establishes formal reporting structures
The Board is ultimately
responsible and accountable for the Group's risk management
function. It is supported by its subcommittees and senior
management in overseeing the Group's most relevant and significant
current and emerging risks. These risks are actively identified,
assessed, prioritised, managed and mitigated as much as reasonably
possible, as they could negatively impact the Group's ability to
execute its strategy.
While the Group's risk management
framework focuses on risk identification and mitigation, many of
the factors that give rise to these risks also present
opportunities. Gem Diamonds tracks these opportunities and
incorporates them into the strategy where they appropriately
support the Group's purpose.
The Board and its subcommittees
have identified the following key strategic, operational and
external risks, which have been set out in no order of
1.Rough diamond demand and
Numerous factors beyond our
control could affect the price and demand for diamonds. These
factors include geopolitical tension, macro-economic conditions,
global diamond production levels and consumer trends. Medium to
long-term demand is forecast to outpace supply, but short-term
uncertainty and liquidity constraints within the diamond sector may
negatively impact rough diamond pricing.
Risk response:
· Monitoring market conditions and trends
· Flexibility in sales processes and utilisation of multiple
sales and marketing channels including additional viewing
· Ability
to enter into partnership agreements to share in the upside of
polished diamonds
· Maintaining the integrity of the tender process
Strategic impact:
Extracting maximum value from our
Preparing for our future
2.Variability in cash
Marginal cash resources and
variability of cash flows could negatively affect the Group's
ability to effectively operate, repay debt and fund capital
projects, and impact strategic short and long-term decision-making.
The risk is directly impacted by other principal risks such as
rough diamond demand and prices, performance of the resource,
economic viability of reserves and volatility of exchange
Risk response:
· Rigorous cost and capital discipline is in place
· Funding
facilities are in place to manage variability in the short to
medium term
· Focus
on cost discipline to achieve greater operational
· Ongoing drive for continuous improvement to deliver
operational efficiencies
Strategic impact:
Extracting maximum value from our
Preparing for our future
3.Diamond resource and
Letšeng's low-grade orebodies make
the operation sensitive to resource variability. Unexpected
variability in key resource/reserve criteria, such as volume,
tonnage, grade and price, could significantly impact mine planning,
forecasting and financial stability, in both the short and medium
term, and could influence decisions regarding future
Risk response:
· Gathering geological evidence on variations within the
resource (lithology, density, volume/tonnage, grade, diamond
population size and value distribution), applying industry best
practice and engaging independent experts to audit and provide
· Continual review of the reserve extraction strategy
considering the prevailing technical and economic
· Ongoing pit mapping, petrography, drilling and 3D
· Grade control, bulk sampling, density and moisture content
measurements (on-site and independent lab verification), dilution
control, stockpile management, data management, quality control and
internal auditing of production data (including geological,
processing, recovery and sales data)
· Managing the Diamond Accounting System and Mineral Resource
Management (MRM) database, and monitoring recovery data on a daily
and monthly basis, as well as per export period, to follow trends
in diamond distributions, large stone recovery frequencies and
average diamond prices per kimberlite domain
Strategic impact:
Extracting maximum value from our
Preparing for our future
4.Availability of sustainable and
reliable power supply
Regular power interruptions (load
shedding by the South African power utility, Eskom) compound the
need for and cost of self-generated power in the context of
escalated diesel prices. Unscheduled power interruptions and poor
quality of power supply reduce the available processing time and
negatively influence the reliability and stability of plant
Risk response:
· Exploring solutions with the Lesotho Electricity Company
(LEC) for grid and/or renewable power
· Assessing the potential to generate renewable energy for own
· Prioritisation of load and allocation of power
· Identification and implementation of consumption-reduction
Strategic impact:
Extracting maximum value from our
Working responsibly and maintaining
our social licence
Preparing for our future
5.Growth and access to
The volatility of the Group's share
price and lack of growth opportunities negatively impact the
Group's market capitalisation. Constrained cash flows add pressure
on returns to shareholders. The Group currently relies on a single
mine with a finite life for its revenues, profits and cash
Risk response:
The Group's strategic objectives
are to drive share price growth through:
Assessing mergers and acquisitions and
diversification opportunities
Focusing on existing operations to unlock further
value through rationalisation and efficiency
Strategic impact:
Extracting maximum value from our
Working responsibly and maintaining
our social licence
Preparing for our future
6. Workforce
Achieving the Group's objectives
and sustainable growth depend on our ability to attract and retain
suitably qualified, experienced and ethical employees. Gem Diamonds
operates in an environment and industry where shortages in
experience and skills are prevalent.
Risk response:
· Human
resource practices are designed to identify skills shortages and
implement development programmes and succession planning for
· Remuneration practices and incentives are in place to
appropriately remunerate and retain skills
· Training and coaching plans are in place to address skills
and experience shortages
Strategic impact:
Extracting maximum value from our
Working responsibly and maintaining
our social licence
Preparing for our future
7.Information technology (IT) and
operational technology (OT) systems, and cybersecurity
The Group's operations rely on
secure OT and IT systems to process financial and operating data in
its information management systems. If these systems are
compromised, there could be a material adverse impact on the Group
through a lack of production and/or compromised recovery
Integration of operating systems
due to insourcing of the processing activities increase the risk
exposure in the short term.
Risk response:
· Application of technical and process IT controls and policies
in line with industry-accepted standards
· Appropriate back-up procedures, firewalls and other
appropriate security applications are in place
· Vulnerability assessments to identify gaps and devise
corrective actions
Strategic impact:
Extracting maximum value from our
Preparing for our future
Material mine and/or plant
shutdowns, pit closures or periods of decreased production could
arise due to various events. These events could lead to personal
injury or death, environmental impacts, damage to infrastructure
and delays in mining and processing activities, and could result in
financial losses and possible legal liability.
Risk response:
· Robust business continuity plans are in place to ensure
limited delays due to disruptions
· Appropriate levels of critical resources (fuel, ore
stockpiles, etc) are maintained to mitigate the impact of any
production interruptions
· Appropriate insurance is maintained
Strategic impact:
Extracting maximum value from our
responsibly and maintaining our social licence
9.Health, safety and
The probability of a major health
or safety incident occurring is inherent to mining operations. Such
incidents could impact the well-being of employees, PACs, our
licence to operate, the Group's reputation, and compliance with our
mining lease agreement. The health and safety of our people is
critical to the business.
Risk response:
· Appropriate health and safety policies, practices, training,
and awareness campaigns are in place
· A dam safety management framework has been implemented in
alignment with the ICMM's GISTM
· ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management)
accreditation is maintained
· A safety management and leadership programme, visible felt
leadership, and detection and prevention strategies have been
developed and implemented
· We continually assess our organisational safety culture
maturity to address current and emerging issues
Strategic impact:
Extracting maximum value from our
Preparing for our future
10. Security of product
Theft is an inherent risk in the
diamond industry. The high-value nature of the product at Letšeng
makes it susceptible to theft and could result in significant
losses that would negatively affect revenue, cash flows and
strategic short and long-term mine plan decision-making.
Risk response:
· Zero
tolerance of non-conformance to diamond security policies and
· Advanced security access control and surveillance systems are
in place
· Monitoring of security process effectiveness is performed by
the Executive Committee and the Board
· Appropriate diamond specie insurance cover is in
· Vulnerability assessments and assurance audits are conducted
by internal and independent third parties
Strategic impact:
Extracting maximum value from our
Working responsibly and maintaining
our social licence
Preparing for our future
11. Social licence to
The Group's operations are subject
to country risk being the economic, political and social risks
inherent in doing business in certain areas of Africa, Europe and
the United Kingdom. These risks include matters arising out of the
policies of the government, economic conditions, imposition of or
changes to taxes and regulations, foreign exchange rate
fluctuations and the enforceability of contract rights.
The Group's social licence to
operate is underpinned by the support of its stakeholders,
particularly employees, regulators, PACs and society. This support
is an outcome of the way the Group manages issues such as ethics,
labour practices and sustainability in our wider environment, as
well as our risk management and engagement activities with
Risk response:
· Implementation of an appropriate CSI strategy, based on a
community needs analysis, that provides infrastructure and access
to education and healthcare and supports local economic
· Adoption of relevant standards, best practices and
· Appropriate governance structures across all levels of the
Group, including an established Employee Engagement
· Regular
engagement with all stakeholders, including government, regulators,
community leadership and PACs
Strategic impact:
Working responsibly and maintaining
our social licence
Preparing for our future
Climate change-related risks
(transitional and physical risks) are recognised as top global
risks, and investors are increasingly focused on the management of
these risks. The uncertainty of potential carbon taxes and the
impact of climate change present significant current and future
risks to the Group which, if not identified and managed
responsibly, could negatively impact the Group's long-term
operational and financial resilience.
Risk response:
recommendations adopted and climate change strategy
· Adoption of a Group decarbonisation strategy and 2030
· Governance and management practices implemented to oversee
the implementation of the adopted strategy and 2030
· New
reporting standards adopted
· Adoption of UN SDG framework
· Energy footprint and carbon emissions monitoring and
Strategic impact:
Working responsibly and maintaining
our social licence
Preparing for our future
Failure to manage vital natural
resources, environmental regulations, and pressure from
neighbouring communities could affect the Group's ability to
operate sustainably. Furthermore, investors and stakeholders are
increasingly focused on environmental practices.
Risk response:
· Appropriate sustainability and environmental policies are in
place and regularly reviewed
· The current behaviour-based care programme embeds
environmental stewardship
· A dam safety management framework has been
· Annual social and environmental management plan audit
programme implemented
· ISO 14001 (environmental management) accreditation
· Adopted the UN SDG framework
· Rehabilitation and closure management strategy adopted and
updated annually
· Implementation of an integrated water management
· Water footprint monitoring and reporting
· Concurrent rehabilitation strategy
Strategic impact:
Extracting maximum value from our
Working responsibly and maintaining
our social licence
Preparing for our future
The Group risk framework includes
an assessment of emerging risks. These are defined as risks
· are
likely to materialise or impact over a longer timeframe than
existing risks;
· do
not have much reference from prior experience; and
· are
likely to be assessed and monitored against vulnerability, velocity
and preparedness when determining likelihood and impact.
The current emerging risks that
are being monitored by the Group are:
· generational shifts in consumer preferences; and
· future workforce (automation, skills for the future,
The Board has assessed the
viability of the Group over a period significantly longer than 12
months from the approval of the financial statements, in accordance
with the UK Corporate Governance Code. The Board considers three
years from the financial year end to be the most relevant period
for consideration for this assessment, given the Group's current
position and the potential impact on the Group's viability of the
principal risks documented on pages 21 to 26.
While the Group maintains a full
business model, based predominantly on the life of mine plan for
Letšeng, the Group's annual business and strategic planning process
also uses a three-year time horizon. This process is led by the CEO
and CFO and involves all relevant functions including operations,
sales and marketing, finance, treasury and risk. The Board
participates in the annual review process through structured Board
meetings and annual strategy review sessions. A three-year period
provides sufficient and realistic visibility in the context of the
industry, the environment in which the Group operates, and the
current short-term mine plan, even though the life of mine, the
mining lease tenure and available estimated reserves exceed three
The business and strategic plan
reflects the Board's best estimate of the Group's prospects. The
Board evaluated several additional scenarios and assessed their
potential impact on the Group by quantifying their financial impact
and overlaying this on the detailed financial forecasts in the
The Board's assessment of the
Group's viability focused on the critical principal risks
categorised within the strategic, external and operational risk
types, together with the effectiveness of the potential mitigations
that management reasonably believes would be available to the Group
over this period.
The Group has access to
US$69.7 million in RCFs when fully available. Of these RCFs,
US$6.0 million was utilised at the end of the year. The Group's
RCFs mature on 21 December 2026 following the successful 24-month
extension of the facilities that was finalised during the year. In
addition, there is a general banking facility of
US$5.3 million with no set expiry date which is reviewed
annually by the lenders. This facility was fully available at the
end of the year.
For a review of the diamond
market, refer to page 30.
The diamond market remained under
significant pressure in 2024 due to a challenging macro-economic
environment and international conflicts that negatively impacted
rough and polished diamond prices. The market is expected to remain
under pressure, with signs of a modest recovery in diamond prices
seen in 2025.
For a review of our operations and
costs, refer to pages 34 and 41 of the Performance
At Letšeng, the risk of rising
operating costs has been minimised to an extent by a wide array of
implemented right-sizing and insourcing within the mining,
processing and housekeeping activities, together with improved
plant stability and reduced waste mining requirements (the approved
redesign of a steeper SC6W reduces waste stripping by 65.8 million
tonnes compared to the previous conventional design). Cost
reduction and mine plan optimisation remain ongoing priorities
within the business.
The Board is cognisant of the
risks presented by climate change and conscious of the need to
minimise carbon emissions. A Group-specific climate change scenario
analysis was conducted to assess the short to medium and
longer-term physical risks. The short to medium-term impacts fall
within the viability period. The physical risks identified for
Letšeng, such as drought, strong winds, extreme precipitation and
cold, are similar to its current operating conditions. The
operation is therefore well geared to manage these conditions
within its current and medium-term operational activities, cost
structure and business planning. Additional cash investment
required in the event of these short to medium-term physical risks
materialising has been assessed as low with no material impact on
the current operations and viability of the Group.
In terms of transitional risks, as
users of grid-supplied and fossil fuel energy, the short-term focus
is on improving energy efficiencies in our operational processes
and reducing the use of fossil fuels. Options are being assessed in
light of the size, nature and location of the Group's operations,
the required investment and the expectations of our main
stakeholders. Any material investment during the viability period
is considered unlikely. Due to uncertainty around the cost and
timing of implementation of carbon-related taxes, the impact of
such taxes on the Group's operations and cash flows has been
excluded from the viability assessment and scenario stress testing.
Management and the Board will continue to assess these impacts as
the information becomes more certain. The Group has adopted a
carbon-pricing model that will be used to responsibly assess the
potential financial impact of future projects. The Group has also
adopted a decarbonisation strategy that is aimed at reducing
potential future carbon tax liabilities.
The scenarios tested considered
the Group's revenue, cash flows and other key financial ratios over
the three-year period. The scenarios included the compounding
effect of the factors below and were applied independently of each
other. In addition, the scenarios assumed the successful renewal of
the RCFs following their expiry in December 2026. The stress
scenarios reflect the magnitude of outcomes that would result in a
net debt position equivalent to the total RCFs.
Extent of sensitivity
Related principal risks
Area of business model
A decrease in forecast rough
diamond revenue from reduced market prices or production volumes
caused by unforeseen production disruptions.
· Rough
diamond demand and prices
· Production interruption
· Diamond
resource and reserve performance
· Variability in cash generation
Entire business model, i.e. inputs, activities,
outputs and outcomes
A strengthening of local currencies
to the US dollar from expected market forecasts.
· Variability in cash generation
Financial capital inputs and outcomes
The Group ended the year in a net
debt1 position of
US$7.3 million with undrawn available credit facilities of
US$69.0 million. These facilities expire on 21 December 2026
following the 24-month extension concluded in 2024. The Group will
follow all necessary processes to renew these facilities for an
extended period before the 2026 expiry date, as has been the
practice in the past.
The Board is aware that the
implementation of Letšeng's updated mine plan will present material
challenges for the business, with no availability of Satellite ore
until the end of 2029 while the steeper slopes are being
implemented. During this period, our focus will remain on factors
within our control, including cost containment, sound capital
allocation, and maintaining operational efficiencies, all while
responsibly managing our cash resources. The ongoing optimisation
of the mine plan (as mentioned in the COO Review on page 46) will
be a major focus.
Based on the robust assessment of
the principal risks, prospects and viability of the Group and the
successful renewal of the facilities, the Board confirms that it
has a reasonable expectation that the Group will be able to
continue in operation and meet its liabilities as they fall due
over the three-year period ending 31 December 2027.
1 Net debt
is calculated as cash and short-term
deposits less drawn down bank facilities (excluding insurance
premium financing and credit underwriting
Global economic uncertainty and
negative consumer confidence further impacted the diamond market in
The global economic landscape in
2024 was marked by uncertainty, with persistent inflation, higher
interest rates for longer periods and geopolitical tensions
weighing on growth. While some economies showed resilience,
challenges such as supply chain disruptions, fluctuating commodity
prices, and slower demand in key markets continued to create
volatility, all of which negatively impacted consumer confidence
and luxury spending.
The economic landscape in China,
an important consumer of diamonds, was marked by slow growth in
2024 due to persistent property sector challenges and weak consumer
confidence. Despite government stimulus measures, including
monetary easing and infrastructure spending, economic momentum
remained subdued due to sluggish domestic demand and global trade
uncertainties. Geopolitical tensions and supply chain shifts also
impacted export performance.
These macro-economic challenges
contributed to the continued downturn of the diamond market, where
demand and prices remained under pressure despite efforts by major
producers to regulate supply. The lower end of the diamond market
was also impacted by the continued rise in sales of lab-grown
diamonds, whose popularity and pricing continue to influence
consumer purchasing decisions.
High inventory levels, and higher
interest rates impacting diamond manufacturers who rely on
financing, further negatively influenced pricing. A similar
prolonged downturn of the diamond market has not been seen in more
than four decades.
In this environment, we maintained
our strong focus on improving operational efficiencies and cost
containment to ensure the future economic viability of our
operations. This included insourcing mining, processing and certain
other activities, renegotiating selected contracts, and
interrogating all capital expenditure. The initiatives that were
implemented over the past 24 months at the Letšeng operation
yielded pleasing results, with a strong operational performance in
2024. The fact that we are the only fully operational diamond mine
remaining in Lesotho speaks to our resilience and agility to adapt
in the face of these challenges.
Our NI 43-101 Technical Report
containing Letšeng's 2024 Resource and Reserve Statement was
published in March 2024 and is available on the Group's website
Following from this, a major focus in 2024 was to evaluate the
resource to determine how to maximise returns and ensure
sustainable mining for the remaining economic life of the mine. The
steeper conventional slope design in the Satellite pit, which will
significantly decrease waste volumes, was signed off by
world-renowned experts, approved by the Board, and presented to the
market in December 2024. The details of this important work are set
out in the COO Review on page 43.
We are actively working towards
our decarbonisation target of a 30% reduction in Scope 1 and 2
emissions by 2030 (measured against our 2021 footprint). We are
pleased to report that we achieved a cumulative 27% reduction
against the 2021 baseline by the end of 2024 and are on track to
meet our 2030 decarbonisation target.
We operated safely, responsibly
and efficiently during the year. Production stabilised following
the implementation of targeted initiatives to improve plant
stability and increase diamond recoveries. Overall carats recovered
decreased by 4% compared to 2023, mainly
due to a lower contribution from the higher-grade Satellite Pipe
during the year. We reduced our waste investment by 39% compared to
2023, with a total of 3.4 million tonnes.
13 diamonds greater than 100
carats were recovered during the year, and exceptional sales
included an 11 carat pink diamond that was sold for US$45 537
per carat, a 63 carat Type IIa white diamond that was sold for
US$41 007 per carat, and a 113 carat Type IIa white diamond that
was sold for US$39 345 per carat.
We have an effective, transparent
and competitive tender sales process in Antwerp. Selected rough
diamonds were also sold pursuant to the limited supply agreement
established in 2022 with two key diamond manufacturing clients who
supply polished diamonds to some of the world's most premium luxury
brands. These diamonds are polished to precise specifications
required by the brands, realising additional upside polished value
for the Group. This is a further step in the Group's strategy of
focused delivery of top-quality diamonds to promote Letšeng as an
exceptional diamond brand and Lesotho as the place origin, and to
achieve premium prices for our diamonds.
Despite the persistent downward
pressure on rough and polished diamond prices throughout the year,
our average price achieved increased to US$1 390 per carat in
2024 compared to US$1 334 per carat in 2023, mainly due to the
increased number of diamonds greater that 100 carats sold. The
higher prices achieved and increase in carats sold resulted in
total revenue of US$154.2 million, a 10% increase compared to
The Group managed to change its
cost base, and as a result achieved an underlying
US$29.7 million and ended the year in a net debt2 position of US$7.3
Full details of the Group's
financial performance are included in the CFO Review on
page 33.
Refer Note 4,
Operating profit on page 138 for the definition of non-GAAP
(Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) measures.
Net debt is a
non-GAAP measure and calculated as cash and short-term deposits
less drawn down bank facilities (excluding insurance premium
We maintained our excellent safety
performance in 2024. We recorded no fatalities for the fifth
consecutive year, three LTIs (2023: two), and achieved our
lowest overall AIFR on record of 0.61 (2023: 0.67). The drive to
mature the organisational safety culture since June 2021 continues
to yield results of which we are very proud, especially given the
harsh operating environments at Letšeng and Ghaghoo. We will
continue to entrench a workplace safety culture founded on
individual responsibility, mutual care and
We adhere to the highest
environmental management standards. The bioremediation plant that
was successfully commissioned in February 2024 is effectively
reducing nitrates in the water leaching from our blasted waste rock
Our residue storage facility
management process aligns with the ICMM's GISTM. Our residue
storage and freshwater facilities are subject to regular
inspections by internal as well as independent external experts.
These professional external reviews, together with the internal
governance, monitoring and reporting processes, provide assurance
that our freshwater dam and residue storage facilities are being
managed in a safe and responsible manner.
Our CSI activities are built
around our chosen eight UN SDGs and are focused on supporting
infrastructure development, education and health while assisting
and stimulating small businesses. In 2024, we supported small
agricultural operations including those in egg, vegetable and dairy
production, maintained gravel roads in nearby villages, and
installed sustainable water supply infrastructure for five
villages. From 2016 to 2024, the Group has invested
US$5.1 million in sustainable CSI initiatives.
In 2024, Letšeng contributed a
total of US$20.7 million (LSL379.0 million) to the Lesotho
fiscus in the form of taxes, royalties, dividends and mining lease
payments. We are proud of our contribution to this developing
economy and our position as a significant employer and contributor
to the overall fiscus of Lesotho.
Our primary focus in 2025 is the
safe and timely implementation of Letšeng's updated mine plan
following the approval of the steeper conventional concept for the
Satellite pit. This will significantly reduce the waste mining
investment required for the final open pit cutback of the Satellite
pit. The reliance on lower-value Main Pipe ore until the end of
2029, while the waste stripping of the final cutback of the
Satellite pit is being implemented, presents financial challenges,
as no higher-value Satellite Pipe ore will be accessible during
this period. We are well prepared to navigate this difficult
period, largely assisted by the step change that we have
implemented in our cost base over the past few years and the
availability of our revolving credit facilities following the
successful 24-month extension of these at the end of
We remain focused on the need to
identify and implement sustainable alternative energy solutions for
the short, medium and long term. Grid electricity supply in 2024
was relatively stable due to the suspension of load shedding by
Eskom since March 2024. We do, however, note the challenges ahead
for Lesotho due to the extremely high electricity consumption of
the machinery being used to construct the second phase of the
Lesotho Highlands Water Project. We would like to express our
appreciation to the Lesotho Government and, in particular, His
Majesty King Letsie III, for leading efforts across Europe to get
support for alternative energy solutions in Lesotho.
Our capital plans prioritise
funding for projects that will sustain growth and create value. The
planned capital projects in 2025, although not financially
significant, include the required extension of the Patiseng coarse
residue storage facility to align its capacity with future mining
activities, replacement of the mining fleet to align with the
updated mine plan, and other opportunities, such as extending the
life of Satellite Cut 5 West, to aid with diamond
2024 was marked by national
elections in a number of major economies, the outcomes of which
have increased uncertainty and may lead to further volatility, with
looming trade wars and a subdued global growth outlook. There have
been reports of a modest recovery in diamond prices in early 2025
and we are optimistic that this will continue. In this regard, it
is pleasing to note that the global luxury market continued its
growth trend in 2024. The luxury market appears well positioned to
cope with economic turbulence, with high-end luxury brand Richemont
reporting single-digit growth in their jewellery sales year on year
and further investment in their jewellery manufacturing
In the medium to long term, rough
diamond prices should be supported by favourable demand and supply
fundamentals, with a projected further decrease in natural rough
diamond supply. Over the longer term, this dynamic of rising demand
and constrained supply is expected to benefit high-quality rough
diamonds in particular. The fundamentals that underpin our business
are sound and strongly position Gem Diamonds for
I would like to extend my sincere
gratitude to the Board for their unwavering support and commitment
in 2024, especially for their valuable input, guidance and support
during the important work that culminated in Letšeng's updated mine
plan being approved. I am grateful to our executive and management
teams and our workforce, and appreciate the dedication required to
deliver the operational and safety performance of 2024. In
addition, their commitment to delivering our strategic goals and
upholding our values was commendable. I would like to thank our
lenders, with whom we have a long-standing relationship, who
continue to support our business with the extension of our
facilities. A special word of thanks to our clients for their
continued trust in Letšeng's diamonds, and to our shareholders for
their ongoing support. Finally, I would like to thank the
Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho and the Government of Botswana
for their support.
Clifford Elphick
Chief Executive Officer
12 March 2025
The Group delivered a pleasing
financial performance in 2024, driven by operational excellence in
the face of ongoing pressure on the diamond market.
The unstable global economic
conditions and resultant pressure on the diamond market continued
into 2024, despite easing inflation and conservative interest rate
cuts in certain major economies.
Letšeng performed well
operationally, achieving or exceeding all mining and processing
guidance metrics (refer to the COO Review on page 40). The increase
in carats sold assisted in setting off lower diamond prices,
resulting in revenue from the sale of rough diamonds of
US$152.8 million, achieving an average price of US$1 390
per carat for the year. In addition, US$1.4 million of margin
uplift was generated, bringing total revenue for the year to
US$154.2 million.
Underlying EBITDA increased to
US$29.7 million from US$15.2 million in 2024. The Group reported a
profit attributable to shareholders for the year of
US$2.9 million, equating to a basic profit per share of 2.1 US
cents on a weighted average number of shares in issue of 139.7
The Group ended the year with a
cash balance of US$12.9 million and drawn down facilities of
US$20.2 million, resulting in a net debt position of US$7.3
million and available undrawn facilities of US$69.0 million,
compared to the net debt position of US$21.3 million at the
end of 2023. The improvement in net debt of US$14.0 million is
a testament to the Group's performance and resilience despite the
ongoing challenges in the diamond market.
Summary of financial
Refer to the full annual financial
statements from page 106.
US$ million
Revenue from contracts with
Royalties and selling
Cost of sales1
Corporate expenses (excluding
Depreciation and mining asset
Share-based payments
Other operating expenses
Foreign exchange gain
Net finance costs
Profit before tax for the
Income tax expense
Profit after tax for the
Earnings/(loss) per share (US
1 Including
waste stripping amortisation but excluding depreciation and mining
asset amortisation.
2 Underlying EBITDA as defined in Note 4, Operating
profit of the notes to the consolidated financial
Revenue increased 10% compared to
2023, mainly due to a 5% increase in carats sold of 109 967
carats compared to 104 520 in 2023. Rough diamond revenue of
US$152.8 million (2023: US$139.4 million) was generated at Letšeng,
achieving an average price of US$1 390 per carat (2023:
US$1 334 per carat). The 4% increase in the average price per
carat achieved can be attributed to the improved quality of
recoveries and the increased number of larger than 100 carat
diamonds sold (13 compared to five in 2023), as prices, on a
like-for-like basis, decreased during the year.
Additional revenue is generated
through an arrangement with two diamond manufacturing customers to
supply polished diamonds to some of the world's most premium luxury
brands, and other partnership arrangements. These agreements allow
the Group to share in the margin uplift on the sale of polished
diamonds. In 2024, additional revenue of US$1.4 million (2023:
US$0.9 million) was generated from these arrangements.
US$ million
Group revenue summary
Rough diamond sales
Polished diamond margin
Group revenue
Energy costs
Eskom imposed no load shedding for
the last nine months of 2024, compared to a total of 335 days of
load shedding in 2023 that necessitated the use of diesel-powered
generators to sustain operations. The decrease in mining activities
due to lower volumes mined (refer to the COO Review on page 40)
further contributed to a significant decrease in diesel consumption
during the year.
The impact was a 6.4 million
litre decrease in diesel consumption compared to the prior year,
and despite a 3% increase in the average cost per litre, an overall
decrease of 34% in diesel costs was achieve. In local currency, the
costs decreased to LSL222.6 million (US$12.1 million)
from LSL336.0 million (US$18.2 million) in
Grid electricity usage increased
by 60% due to the increase in Eskom power
availability during the year. Maximum demand utilisation decreased
by 4% due to the effective management of these thresholds. Overall
electricity costs only increased by 10% to LSL60.3 million
(US$3.3 million), notwithstanding increased utilisation and a
9.6% tariff increase.
Overall energy costs, including
diesel and electricity, amounted to LSL283.0 million
(US$15.4 million) in 2024 (2023: LSL390.9 million,
US$21.2 million), a 28% decrease from 2023 in local currency.
Energy costs as a percentage of direct cash costs decreased to 22%
(2023: 27%), and
the energy cost per tonne treated decreased by 28% to LSL56.38
(US$3.07) from LSL77.79 (US$4.24)
in 2023.
Letšeng unit cost
Unit cost per tonne
Direct cash
accounting charges
and working
capital movement2
Waste cash
costs per
waste tonne
2024 (LSL)
2023 (LSL)
% change
2024 (US$)
2023 (US$)
% change
1 Direct
cash costs represent all operating costs, excluding royalties and
selling costs.
Non-cash accounting charges and working capital movement include
waste stripping amortised, inventory and ore stockpile adjustments,
and finance lease costs, and exclude depreciation and mining asset
Operating expenditure
Group cost of sales (excluding
depreciation) decreased marginally by 2% in 2024 to US$100.3
million from US$102.1 million in 2023.
· Direct cash costs (excluding waste) decreased by 13% to LSL1 266.7 million (US$69.1
million) compared to LSL1 449.8 million (US$78.6 million)
in 2023. In 2023, these costs were affected by increased energy
costs (detailed above), price increases from suppliers on
explosives, equipment, spare parts and tyres, and additional
once-off severance payments and consulting fees related to the
right-sizing of the Letšeng operation. Direct cash costs per tonne
treated decreased by 13% to LSL252.39 (US$13.77) from LSL288.54
(US$15.63) in
2023, in line with the overall decrease and due to similar ore
tonnes treated during the year of 5.0 million tonnes (2023: 5.0
million tonnes).
· Non-cash accounting charges and working capital
movement refers to waste amortisation,
stockpile and diamond inventory movements and interest and
depreciation on IFRS 16 leases. These charges increased by 33% to
LSL571.9 million (US$31.2 million) (2023: LSL431.5 million, US$23.4
million), mainly due to an increase in stockpile and inventory on
hand at the end of 2024. This resulted in diamond inventory and
stockpile movement of LSL112.3 million (US$6.1 million) in the
current year compared to a credit to the income statement of
LSL25.6 million (US$1.4 million) in 2023.
· Total operating costs in local
currency decreased to LSL1 838.5 million (US$100.3
million) from LSL1 881.3 million (US$102.1 million) in
2023, which includes the impact of direct cash costs, non-cash
accounting charges and working capital movements detailed above.
The unit cost per tonne treated decreased by 2% to LSL366.34
(US$19.98) per tonne treated (2023: LSL374.41, US$20.29 per
tonne treated), mainly due to the various cost containment measures
implemented during the year, such as the insourcing of the mining
and processing activities.
· Waste cash costs decreased
by 43% to LSL335.4 million (US$18.3 million)
from LSL583.8 million (US$31.6 million) in 2023, mainly due to
the 39% reduction in waste tonnes mined (5.4 million tonnes
compared to 8.8 million tonnes in 2023) driven by initiatives such
as the steepening of slopes in the Main pit. The insourcing of
mining activities and other cost containment initiatives, together
with reduced diesel consumption resulted in a 6% decrease in waste
cash cost per waste tonne to LSL61.87 (US$3.37) from LSL66.03
(US$3.58) in 2023, despite the significantly lower waste tonnes
US dollar-reported
Gem Diamonds' revenue is generated
in US dollars, while the majority of operational expenses are
incurred in the relevant local currency in the operational
jurisdictions. Local currency rates for the Lesotho loti (LSL)
(pegged to the South African rand) were stronger against the US
dollar on average compared to 2023, although the year ended at
weaker levels. This increased the Group's US dollar-reported costs
and decreased local currency cash flow generation. The average and
year-end exchange rates are set out in the table below:
Exchange rates
% change
LSL per US$1.00
BWP per US$1.00
GBP per US$1.00
Average exchange rate
Year end exchange rate
Royalties and marketing
In terms of Letšeng's mining
lease, royalties are paid to the Government of the Kingdom of
Lesotho on the value of rough diamonds sold. The Group's sales and
marketing operation in Belgium incurs costs relating to diamond
selling and marketing. Royalties and selling costs increased by 7%
to US$16.5 million (2023: US$15.3 million), in line with the
increase in rough diamond revenue.
Corporate costs
The technical and administrative
office in South Africa and the head office in the UK provide
expertise in all areas of the business to realise maximum value
from the Group's assets. Central costs are incurred in South
African rand and British pounds, respectively.
Corporate costs (excluding
depreciation) were maintained at similar levels to 2023 at US$7.7
million. Project costs of US$0.3 million were incurred on the
ongoing sales process of Ghaghoo and investigating external growth
opportunities (2023: US$0.2 million).
attributable profit
Group underlying
EBITDA1 increased
by 95% to US$29.7 million (2023: US$15.2 million), mainly due to
the increase in revenue in the current year. The profit
attributable to shareholders was US$2.9 million, which translates
to a profit of 2.1 US cents per share based on a weighted average
number of shares in issue of 139.7 million.
1 Underlying EBITDA as defined in Note
4, Operating profit of the notes to the consolidated financial
Statement of financial position -
selected indicators
Property, plant and
Non-current: receivables and other
Current: receivables and other
Cash and short-term
Net income tax
Non-current: interest-bearing loans
and borrowings
Current: interest-bearing loans and
Net deferred tax
Non-current: rehabilitation
* Certain balances as previously
presented were restated. Refer Note 28, Restatement of prior year
balances in the notes to the consolidated financial
Capital expenditure
Total capital expenditure
(excluding waste stripping) was US$5.8 million during the year
(2023: US$30.4 million). In 2023, the mining fleet and support
equipment were acquired for US$22.7 million following the
insourcing of the mining activities at Letšeng. The capital spend
in the current year related to the upgrade of the recovery and
sorthouse facilities, the upgrade of the stores facilities to
enhance inventory management, the expansion of the Patiseng residue
storage facility to build necessary capacity, and amounts relating
to the finalisation of the Resource and Reserve Statement that was
published in March 2024.
Cash on hand
The Group ended the year with cash
on hand of US$12.9 million (2023: US$16.5 million) and
net debt of US$7.3 million (2023: US$21.3 million), which
reflects an improvement in net debt of US$14.0 million year on
year. Group cash generated by operations was US$68.3 million
before capital and waste investment of
US$27.6 million.
Loans and borrowings
The Group-wide debt facilities for
Letšeng (LSL450.0 million (US$23.8 million) and
ZAR300.0 million (US$15.9 million)) and Gem Diamonds
(US$30.0 million), which were concluded in December 2021 for
an initial three-year period, were due to expire in December 2024.
These facilities were successfully extended during the year for a
further 24-month period, extending the expiry date to 21 December
Letšeng has a
ZAR100.0 million (US$5.3 million) general banking facility
with Nedbank Limited (acting through its Nedbank Corporate and
Investment Banking division), which is reviewed annually. The
facility was utilised from time to time during the year and was
fully repaid by year end.
The funding partners for the
existing facilities are Nedbank, Standard Bank and Firstrand Bank
(through their respective operations). Nedbank's portion of the
funding, totalling US$29.4 million, is a sustainability-linked
loan (SLL), an innovative structure that links the margin and
resultant interest rate on the SLL to the Group's ESG performance.
The margin on the SLL decreases subject to the Group meeting
certain carbon reduction and water conservation KPIs that are
aligned with the Group's sustainability strategy. These KPIs are
assessed at the end of every financial year.
The two KPIs included for the SLLs
both need to be met at each measurement date before the margin
reduction on these loans becomes effective. At 31 December 2023 and
31 December 2024, both the carbon emission and water conservation
KPIs were met, and therefore the margin reduction was applied to
outstanding balances in 2024 and will apply to outstanding balances
in 2025.
In 2022, Letšeng implemented a
four-and-a-half-year project facility agreement with Nedbank for
the replacement of the PCA for an amount of ZAR132.0 million
(US$7.2 million). The facility is underwritten by the Export Credit
Insurance Corporation of South Africa (ECIC). Quarterly repayments
of this facility commenced in Q1 2024, and at the end of 2024 an
amount of LSL94.3 million (US$5.0 million) was
outstanding. The facility expires in May 2027.
On 15 May 2024, Letšeng entered
into a secured five-year term loan facility of LSL200.0 million
(US$10.6 million) jointly with Standard Lesotho Bank and
Nedbank Lesotho. The loan is secured by a special notarial bond
over the mining fleet and equipment acquired as part of the
insourcing of the mining activities at the end of 2023. The loan is
repayable in equal monthly instalments that commenced in May 2024,
and expires on 30 April 2029.
At year end, the Group had
utilised facilities of US$20.2 million, resulting in a net
debt position of US$7.3 million and available facilities of
US$69.0 million. Gem Diamonds, the Company, ended the year
with US$6.0 million of its facility drawn down (2023:
US$6.0 million) and US$24.0 million available. Letšeng
ended the year with no utilisation of its revolving credit facility
(2023: US$24.6 million) and the full US$39.7 million
Summary of loan facilities as at
31 December 2024
Interest rate
US$ million
Drawn down/
Balance due
US$ million
US$ million
Gem Diamonds Limited
Extended two-year revolving credit
21 December 2026
Standard Bank
Firstrand Bank
Facility A
(US$30 million):
Term SOFR (4.33%) +
Letšeng Diamonds
Extended two-year revolving credit
21 December 2026
Standard Lesotho Bank
Nedbank Lesotho
First National Bank of
Firstrand Bank
Facility B (LSL450 million):
Central Bank of Lesotho rate (7.75%) + 3.25%
Facility C (ZAR300 million):
South African JIBAR (8.35%) + 3.00%
Letšeng Diamonds
Four-and-a-half-year project
31 May 2027
Export Credit Insurance
ZAR132 million
South African JIBAR (8.35%) +
Letšeng Diamonds
Five-year term loan
30 April 2029
Standard Lesotho Bank
Nedbank Lesotho
LSL200 million
Lesotho prime rate (11.25%) minus
Letšeng Diamonds
General banking facility
Reviewed annually
ZAR100 million South
Prime Lending Rate (11.25%) minus
The terms to relinquish the mining
licence and hand over the Ghaghoo mine site to the Botswana
Department of Mines have been agreed, and the process is expected
to be finalised by 31 March 2025.
Care and maintenance cash costs
decreased to US$1.6 million in 2024 (2023:
US$1.8 million), which is included in other operating expenses
in the financial results. An additional US$0.2 million (2023:
US$0.2 million) on the unwinding of the environmental
rehabilitation provision resulted in a non-cash interest charge
which is included in finance costs. In addition, a US$0.6 million
reduction in the rehabilitation provision has been included in
operating income and expenses.
The site has been cleaned up in
preparation for the handover and will be appropriately maintained
until the process has been finalised.
The perception of risk in the
mining industry has improved, with insurers offering more
competitive rates for mining companies. In 2024, insurance premiums
for the Group increased marginally by 2% compared to 2023. The
Group is in the third year of a five-year multi-aggregate insurance
policy to mitigate the increased risk of higher deductibles in the
unlikely event of an unexpected loss.
Letšeng's business interruption
claim for insured losses arising out of the COVID-19-related
shutdown in 2020, when the mine was required to be placed on care
and maintenance, is ongoing.
Share-based payments
The share-based payment charge for
the year was US$0.5 million (2023: US$0.3 million). In line with
the approved 2021 Remuneration Policy, on 17 April 2024,
1 996 048 nil-cost options were granted to certain key
employees and Executive Directors under the GDIP. Refer to Note 26,
Share-based payments on page 159 for more detail.
The Group applies all relevant
principles in accordance with prevailing legislation when assessing
its tax obligations. The Group's effective tax rate was 29.4%. Most
of the Group's taxes are incurred in Lesotho, which has a corporate
tax rate of 25%. The effective tax rate is above the Lesotho
corporate tax rate mainly due to deferred tax assets not recognised
on losses incurred in other operations, the impact of the alignment
of foreign tax at different rates and withholding taxes paid,
partially offset by a reduction of the withholding tax provision on
unremitted earnings. Refer to Note 6, Income tax expense on page
139 for more detail.
The Group continues to pursue a
long-standing legal matter relating to an amended tax assessment
that was issued to Letšeng by the Revenue Services Lesotho in
December 2019, contradicting the application of certain tax
treatments in the current Lesotho Income Tax Act, 1993. We expect
to pursue this matter in the courts in 2025. We have sought senior
legal counsel, and their advice indicates good prospects for
success. Refer to the accounting treatment for this matter, Note
1.2.26, Critical accounting estimates and judgements, for further
The diamond market is expected to
remain under pressure, with signs of a modest recovery in diamond
prices seen in early 2025. The implementation of Letšeng's updated
mine plan will present material challenges for the business, with
no availability of Satellite Pipe ore until the end of 2029 while
the steeper slopes are implemented. During this period, our focus
will remain on factors within our control, including cost
containment, sound capital allocation decisions, and maintaining
operational efficiencies while responsibly managing our cash
Michael Michael
Chief Financial Officer
12 March 2025
The Group delivered strong
operational results in 2024, driven by a steadfast focus on
efficiency and commitment to safety.
The benefits of the structural
changes implemented in 2023 - including management, workforce, and
operational methodology adjustments at Letšeng - are evident in the
2024 operational results. Continuous optimisation of Letšeng's mine
plan has significantly reduced waste volumes and, together with
numerous initiatives implemented during the year to reduce costs,
has strengthened the operation's resilience to withstand the
challenging conditions that the diamond industry is
As we continue to prioritise the
safety and well-being of our workforce, we are proud to report that
we maintained an exceptional safety performance in 2024. Our AIFR
reached a record low of 0.61, while we achieved an impressive LTIFR
of 0.18. These results reflect our unwavering commitment to a
culture of safety and operational excellence.
We remain fully committed to our
decarbonisation target of a 30% reduction in Scope 1 and 2
emissions by 2030, compared to our 2021 baseline. For a
comprehensive overview of our 2024 performance and progress toward
this target, refer to the Climate Change Report on page
Following the release of the NI
43-101 Technical Report, which includes Letšeng's 2024 Resource and
Reserve Statement, in March 2024 (available on our website
a key focus this year was optimising Letšeng's long-term life of
mine plan. Notably, a steeper open pit concept was approved for the
final cutback of the Satellite pit, leading to an updated mine plan
that was communicated to the market in December 2024. For full
details on Letšeng's updated mine plan, refer to page
Jaco Houman joined the Group in
2016 and has been part of Executive Management as Senior Manager:
Technical and Projects since 2021. Jaco has decided to pursue other
opportunities and will be leaving in March 2025. I would like to
thank Jaco for his valuable contributions during his time with us
and wish him every success in his new endeavours.
Safety performance
% change
200 000 man hours
200 000 man hours
Our safety culture is rooted in a
commitment to zero harm. In 2024, the Group maintained exceptional
safety standards with zero fatalities (2023: zero) and three LTIs
(2023: two). We achieved a record-low AIFR of 0.61 (2023: 0.67),
though the LTIFR rose slightly to 0.18 (2023: 0.10) due to an
additional LTI and a 22% reduction in man hours from the workforce
right-sizing and the insourcing of mining and processing
A dedicated safety programme,
guided by independent subject matter experts, provided mentorship
to senior management on best-practice safety leadership, and a
critical control management strategy has been successfully
implemented. Our safety performance reflects the ongoing dedication
of our executive and operational management in relentlessly
executing the safety maturity strategy, which focuses on critical
risk mitigation, enhanced leadership visibility, and engaging the
workforce to implement both engineering and behaviour-based safety
controls to prevent the occurrence of safety incidents.
The safety of our workforce
remains our highest priority and we will continue to strengthen our
safety culture.
The positive outcomes of
initiatives implemented over the past 24 months are clearly
reflected in Letšeng's overall operational performance in 2024.
These efforts included the successful insourcing of key functions,
including mining, processing, and laundry and housekeeping
services. Management and the workforce are strategically aligned to
continually improve operational efficiencies while maintaining our
focus on cost containment.
The initiative introduced in H2
2023 to control the ore feed rate into the treatment plants
continued through 2024. This approach yielded positive results,
with significant improvement seen in plant stability and an
increase in overall plant utilisation to 80% in 2024 (up from 78%
in 2023 and 75% in 2022).
External factors, such as a
reprieve from Eskom load shedding in the last nine months of 2024,
also contributed to enhanced plant stability, eliminating the need
for diesel-powered generator switch-overs and reducing both diesel
consumption and associated costs. For further details on energy
cost reductions, refer to the CFO Review on page 34.
Together with several other
optimisation and cost-containment initiatives, these efforts
enabled Letšeng to effectively navigate the challenging market
conditions of 2024.
% change
Waste mined
5 420 567
8 841 628
Ore mined
5 052 263
5 419 033
Ore treated
5 018 739
5 024 665
Carats recovered1
105 012
109 656
Carats sold
109 967
104 520
Average price per carat
1 390
1 334
1 Includes carats produced from the Letšeng plants and the
fines tailings treatment plants.
Waste tonnes mined
Through further short-term
optimisation of the mine plan, total waste tonnes mined in 2024
decreased by 39% to 5.4 million tonnes from 8.8 million tonnes in
2023. This welcome reduction in waste mining aligned with the
planned 2024 waste mining profile and was complemented by the
benefits of initiatives implemented in 2023, including the redesign
of the Cut 4 West cutback in the Main pit to minimise waste. The
insourcing of mining services, coupled with the successful
implementation of a fit-for-purpose fleet management system,
significantly improved mining fleet productivity, availability, and
utilisation, further optimising waste mining operations and
reducing costs.
Ore mined
Total ore tonnes mined in 2024
decreased 7% to 5.1 million tonnes from 5.4 million tonnes in 2023.
This was in line with the 2024 mine plan, taking into account the
reduced ore treatment capacity following the initiative to reduce
the ore feed rate into the plants in H2 2023. The higher volumes in
2023 were also driven by increased mining to the surface ore
Ore treated
Letšeng's two plants treated 5.0
million tonnes of ore in 2024 (2023: 5.0 million tonnes). The
similar treatment volumes were driven by improved overall plant
utilisation in 2024, offset by the rate slow-down in the treatment
plants to enhance stability. Ore contribution from the Main Pipe
totalled 2.8 million tonnes, while the Satellite Pipe
contributed 2.2 million tonnes, in line with the planned ore
distribution between Main and Satellite Pipes for 2024.
Total carats recovered
Total carats recovered in 2024
decreased by 4% to 105 012 carats (2023: 109 656 carats)
due mainly to the higher ore contribution from the lower-grade Main
4 484 carats (2023: 5 206 carats)
were recovered by the fines tailings mobile XRT sorting machine,
which re-treated current fines recovery tailings. No tailings were
fed through the coarse tailings mobile XRT sorting machine during
the year, and it therefore recovered no carats in 2024 (2023:
367 carats).
The overall grade for 2024 was
2.09 cpht, a 4% decrease from 2.18 cpht in 2023. The lower grade
achieved was in line with grade expectations for the ore treated in
2024. The lower grade recovered in 2024 is primarily attributable
to the higher ore contribution from the lower-grade Main Pipe,
which accounted for 56% of ore treated during the year (2023:
Capital projects
Capital expenditure in 2024 was
carefully scrutinised to ensure strict alignment with operational
needs and cash management requirements, with a focus on necessity.
Material capital projects at Letšeng in 2024 included:
· completion of the NI 43-101 Technical Report in March 2024,
including Letšeng's 2024 Resource and Reserve Statement;
· necessary modifications and upgrades to the recovery plant
and the fines, coarse and final sort;
· development of the next phase of the Patiseng coarse tailings
extension project to ensure future course tailings deposition
capacity; and
· necessary upgrades to storage facilities.
Details of overall costs and
capital expenditure incurred at Letšeng are included in the CFO
Review on page 33.
The planned capital spend at
Letšeng for 2025 includes:
· the
acquisition of essential mining fleet equipment to implement and
optimise the mining process in line with the updated mine
· the
removal of the scrubbing units in both treatment plants, to be
replaced with pre-primary screens that will enhance ore washing and
sizing before the primary screens (this being a more appropriate
and cost-effective solution to the replacement of the scrubbing
· the
relocation of both the fines and coarse Tomra XRT units for secure
re-treatment of fines and coarse recovery tailings; and
· the
purchase of a dry rotary "trommel" unit for sorting high-value
Satellite and Main Pipe stockpile material, heavily diluted by
basalt, for treatment.
Large diamond
In 2024, Letšeng recovered 13
diamonds greater than 100 carats, a significant increase compared
to five in 2023. Since 2006, a total of 144 diamonds exceeding 100
carats have been recovered. The total number of diamonds greater
than 10 carats increased by 1% year on year, with notable gains in
the 30 to 60 carat and over 100 carat size categories.
Additionally, 23 diamonds sold for over US$1.0 million each in
2024, generating US$63.7 million in revenue.
Number of large diamond
>100 carats
60 - 100 carats
30 - 60 carats
20 - 30 carats
10 - 20 carats
Total diamonds >10
Diamond sales
Eight large and four small rough
diamond tender viewings were held in Antwerp during the
A total of 109 967 carats
were sold in 2024 (2023: 104 520), and Letšeng generated rough
diamond revenue of US$152.8 million (2023:
US$139.4 million) at an average price of US$1 390 per
carat (2023: US$1 334). The slightly higher US$ per carat and
10% increase in revenue achieved in 2024 were driven by the
increased carats sold, particularly from diamonds greater than 100
carats, despite the ongoing downturn in the diamond market, as
discussed in the CEO Review on page 30.
The Group supports the GIA's
blockchain technology to inform and assure consumers about the
ethical and socially supportive footprint of our diamonds.
Blockchain technology can link the source of rough diamonds to the
final polished diamonds, thereby proving their authenticity,
provenance and traceability and supporting ethical sourcing and
processing in the diamond value chain.
Long-term mine plan
The long-term mine plan for
Letšeng incorporated key elements from the 2024 Resource and
Reserve Statement, published in March 2024, and is available on the
Group's website at
Throughout 2024, a key focus was the ongoing review of the mining
strategy for both the Main and Satellite Pipes, with efforts
centred on optimising operations to reduce waste, enhance
efficiency, lower costs and ensure long-term
Satellite Pipe review
Letšeng's previous long-term mine
plan was based on a final cutback of the Satellite pit (Satellite
Cut 6 West (SC6W)) being mined using conventional basalt slopes
(28-metre benches and 10-metre berms), resulting in a stripping
ratio of approximately 7:1. The conventional pit design was
reviewed to reduce waste stripping, lower costs and decrease time
to access associated ore. A redesigned steeper slope pit design in
the competent basalt hard-rock, with 28-metre benches and 7.5-metre
berms, along with some quadruple benching, underwent a thorough
review by internal and external geotechnical and mining experts.
Given the reduced rockfall catchment in the revised design, an
independent panel of specialists in mine planning, geotechnical,
mining and rock blasting engineering was engaged to rigorously
review the pit and lateral support design. Following Board
approval, the updated mine plan for SC6W was formally communicated
to the market on 3 December 2024.
The steeper slope pit design was
limited to the competent basalt hard-rock (waste) sectors of SC6W.
Geotechnical experts successfully completed an overall pit and
inter-ramp slope stability analysis, which was used to design the
necessary lateral support and potential rockfall mitigation
measures. These measures include:
· improved blasting techniques and mechanical
· strategically placed catchment fences;
· rockfall barriers;
· wire-mesh draping; and
· removal, bolting and/or anchoring of unstable rock wedges/key
These measures will be implemented
according to design specifications and as needed to ensure safe and
responsible mining through the mitigation of potential
The approved redesign of a steeper
SC6W reduces waste stripping by 65.8 million tonnes compared to the
previous conventional design. This has resulted in a significant
saving of approximately US$180.0 million in future waste-stripping
costs. A reduced mining rate and the cost of implementing the
required additional support measures, estimated at US$15.0 million
over the five-year waste-stripping period, have been included in
the updated plan.
The pit slope design for the
kimberlite (ore) sectors of SC6W remains unchanged, following the
current conventional slope angle (14-metre benches and 9-metre
catchment berms), as applied in the current Satellite pit cutback
(SC5W). The revised SC6W waste slope design has resulted in a
reduction of 2.4 million tonnes of ore compared to the previous
design. An opportunity to steepen the kimberlite slopes is
currently being evaluated, which could provide access to additional
ore with minimal to no further waste stripping required.
Main Pipe review
The updated long-term mine plan
now incorporates 10.8 million tonnes of additional Main Pipe ore
without any additional waste stripping required, thereby extending
the life of the Main Pipe by approximately two years. The
additional ore relates to 9.9 million tonnes of inferred ore
resource and 0.9 million tonnes of unclassified ore from the K2D
Main Pipe ore domain, which are both accessible within the current
pit design, with no further incremental stripping of
The 9.9 million tonnes of inferred
ore now included in the plan occurs at depth, where 1.5 million
tonnes will be mined in 2030 and 2031 from the bottom benches of
the MC4E cutback, and 8.4 million tonnes will be mined on the
bottom benches of the MC4W cutback from 2037 to 2039. A programme
to formally upgrade the classification of this inferred ore
resource to indicated is being assessed.
The inclusion of 0.9 million
tonnes of unclassified K2D ore was a result of successful discrete
sampling during the year, and the performance of this ore domain
will continue to be monitored as mining progresses. This ore is
currently being mined in the MC4E cutback until 2028.
The 9.9 million tonnes of included
inferred ore resource adds approximately 165.1k carats while the
0.9 million tonnes of unclassified K2D ore adds approximately 17.2k
carats to the updated mine plan.
Updated long-term mine
The updated long-term mine plan
includes SC5W, MC4E, MC4W, the newly redesigned SC6W based on
steeper slopes, and an updated plant throughput rate to life of
mine of 5.1 million tonnes per annum. Waste stripping of the SC6W
cutback is currently scheduled to commence during the second half
of 2025, with initial ore scheduled to be available from the end of
2029, ramping up to an extraction rate of 2.5 million tonnes per
annum from 2031 to the life of cutback.
In response to prevailing economic
conditions in the diamond industry, the long-term mine plan is
under continuous review to identify optimisation opportunities and
ensure the viability of each cutback along with its impact on the
overall mine value. While flexibility to access additional ore in
the Main Pipe has been incorporated, the final cutback in the Main
pit (MC4W) is being reassessed. Specifically, we are exploring
whether applying a steeper slope design, similar to the approved
SC6W steeper slope design in the hard-rock basalt, could enhance
the economic margin of this final cutback by reducing waste and/or
increasing ore. Results from this assessment are expected in H2
In addition, our efforts remain
focused on maximising the extraction of high-value ore. We are
actively exploring all opportunities to recover additional ore from
the bottom of SC5W as the cutback approaches its completion in H1
2025. Early indications suggest that further Satellite ore could be
accessed by making design adjustments to the bottom of the SC5W
pit, with potential recovery occurring in H2 2025 and possibly
extending into 2026. However, this could delay the commencement of
waste mining in SC6W until 2026. Despite this, initial SC6W lateral
support work above the starting elevation of SC6W will continue as
The terms for the handover of the
Ghaghoo site and the relinquishment of the mining licence to the
Botswana Department of Mines have been finalised. Partial
rehabilitation and extensive site clean-up activities, which began
in the first half of 2023, have been completed safely and
cost-effectively. Salvage values from redundant infrastructure,
equipment, and scrap metal contributed to offsetting the
rehabilitation and clean-up costs.
The required decommissioning and
removal of the processing plant and associated infrastructure
started in August 2024 and was successfully completed by year end.
Once the final clean-up and the removal of related civils have been
completed, and following a final site inspection by the Department
of Mines and the Department of Environmental Affairs, scheduled for
March 2025, the Ghaghoo mining licence will be formally
relinquished and the site handed over.
We are pleased to report that no
fatalities, no LTIs and no instances of environmental disturbance
were recorded at Ghaghoo in 2024.
We have several operational
objectives for 2025. These include:
· Implementation of the updated mine plan, including the
steeper conventional concept in Satellite Cut 6 West.
· Extend the life of SC5W for additional Satellite Pipe ore in
2025 and potentially 2026.
· An
enhanced focus on operational efficiencies while closely managing
operating costs and capital expenditure.
· Investing in appropriate renewable and/or alternative energy
sources. Viable renewable and/or alternative energy for the mine
operations remains a challenge at Letšeng.
The Directors are pleased to
submit the financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31
December 2024.
As a British Virgin
Islands-registered company, Gem Diamonds Limited (company
registration number: 669758) is not required to conform with the
Companies Act, 2006. The Directors have elected to conform with
certain of these requirements.
Accordingly, Directors must
present a Strategic Report and a Directors' Report to inform
shareholders of the Group's performance and prospects and help them
evaluate whether the Directors performed their fiduciary duty. The
Annual Report and Accounts 2024 discloses how the Directors
have performed their duty to ensure the Group's continued success
and sustainability, in line with the Companies Act,
In line with Disclosure Guidance
and Transparency Rules (DTR 4.1.5R(3) and DTR 4.1.8R), the required
content of the Annual Financial Report and Management Report can be
found in the Strategic Report (page 1), the Performance Review
(page 29), the Governance section (page 53), the Directors' Report
and other sections of the Annual Report and Accounts 2024 as
indicated by reference.
The Strategic Report can be found
on pages 1 to 53. This will provide shareholders with a balanced
assessment of the Group's business including a description of its
principal risks and uncertainties. It may not be relied upon by
anyone, including the Company's shareholders, for any other
The Strategic Report and other
sections of this report contain forward-looking statements.
Forward-looking statements, by their nature, involve several risks,
uncertainties and future assumptions because they relate to events
and/or depend on circumstances that may or may not occur in the
future. The actual results and outcomes may differ materially from
those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. No
assurance can be given that the forward-looking statements in the
Strategic Report will be realised. Statements about the Directors'
expectations, beliefs, hopes, plans, intentions and strategies are
subject to change and are based on expectations and assumptions
about future events, circumstances and other factors which are, in
many instances, outside the Company's control.
The information in the Strategic
Report was prepared based on the knowledge and information
available to the Directors at the time of its preparation. The
Company is under no obligation to update or revise the Strategic
Report during 2025. The expectations set out in the forward-looking
statements are reasonable but may be influenced by several
variables which could cause actual results or trends to differ
materially. Forward-looking statements need to be read in context
with actual historic information provided. The Company's
shareholders are cautioned not to place undue reliance on the
forward-looking statements. Shareholders should note that the
Strategic Report has not been audited.
DTR 7.2 requires certain
information to be included in a corporate governance statement set
out in the Directors' Report. The Group has an existing practice of
issuing a separate Corporate Governance Code Compliance Report as
part of its Annual Report and Accounts. The information required by
the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules and the UK Financial
Conduct Authority's Listing Rules (UKLR 6.6) is located on pages 53
to 101.
The Directors, as at the date of
this report, are listed on pages 171 to 173 together with their
biographical details. Details of the Directors' interests in shares
and share options of the Company can be found on page
Directors who held office during
the year and date of appointment
Executive Directors
C Elphick
20 January 2006
M Michael
22 April 2013
Non-Executive Directors
H Kenyon-Slaney
6 June 2017
M Brown
1 January 2018
M Lynch-Bell
15 December 2015
M Maharasoa
1 July 2019
R Kainyah
1 May 2021
Appointment and re-election of
The Board's formal Selection and
Appointment Policy ensures that the procedure for appointing new
Directors is formal, rigorous and transparent, and appointments are
made on merit, against objective criteria. The Nominations
Committee makes appointments based on merit while considering
diversity (of gender, social and ethnic background), cognitive and
personal strengths and specialist skill sets.
Michael Lynch-Bell, the Senior
Independent Director (SID) and Chair of the Audit and Remuneration
Committees, is retiring on 31 March 2025. The Board has appointed
Janet Blas as the new non-Executive Director effective 1 April
2025. Janet will also take up the position of Chair of the Audit
Committee, while Rosalind Kainyah will be succeeding Michael as SID
and Chair of the Remuneration Committee.
The Articles of Association (82)
provide that a third of Directors retire annually by rotation and,
if eligible, offer themselves for re-election. However, in
accordance with the Code, all the Directors retire at the AGM and,
subject to being eligible, offer themselves for election or
Payments for loss of office due to
change of control
The basis for payments for loss of
office to Executive Directors due to a change in control can be
found on page 88.
By law, the Directors are
ultimately responsible for most aspects of the Group's business
dealings. This means they face potentially significant personal
liability under criminal or civil law, or the UK Listing,
Prospectus and Disclosure and Transparency Rules, and face a range
of penalties including private or public censure, fines and/or
imprisonment. In line with normal market practice, the Group
understands that it is in its best interests to protect its Board
members from the consequences of innocent error or omission. This
allows the Group to attract prudent individuals to act as
The Group maintains, at its
expense, a Director and Officer's liability insurance policy to
provide indemnity, in certain circumstances, for the benefit of
Directors and other Group employees.
Refer to the Corporate Governance
statement on page 62 for further details.
No Director had, at any time
during the year, a material interest in any contract of
significance in relation to the Company's business. The interests
of Directors in the shares of the Company are included on page
The Group engages extensively with
suppliers and contractors to ensure alignment, mutual understanding
and the sustainability of all parties. The insourcing of Letšeng's
processing activities was concluded in December 2024.
The Group maintains sound
relationships with its customers by interacting with customers
regularly in the normal course of business and at tenders. The
Group continues to hold regular diamond tender viewings in Antwerp
and is able to rely on its loyal customer base for support while
the diamond market remains under significant pressure. The
agreement entered into in 2022 with two diamond manufacturing
customers to supply polished diamonds to some of the world's most
premium luxury brands remained in effect in 2024.
Refer to our stakeholder
relationships section on pages 14 to 17 to for more details on our
engagement with suppliers, contractors and customers.
Equal opportunity is a fundamental
principle of Gem Diamonds and the Group is committed to achieving
equality irrespective of gender, religion, race, marital status or
abilities. Refer to page 62 for more details on the Group's
employee policies and practices, specifically with regard to the
employment of persons with disabilities.
The Group's attributable profit
after taxation amounted to US$2.9 million (2023: loss of
US$2.1 million).
The Group's detailed financial
results are set out in the financial statements on pages 106 to
The Board is not proposing a
dividend based on the 2024 financial results due to the volatility
in the current macro-economic outlook, the expected impact thereof
on the diamond market, the Group's available cash resources, and
the medium-term business outlook with the implementation of
Letšeng's updated mine plan, which will result in higher-value
Satellite Pipe ore only being accessible from the end of
The Group's dividend policy
· The
Group's cash resources.
· The
level of free cash flow and earnings generated during the
· Expected funding commitments for
future capital projects.
The Board will consider special
dividends in the event of significant diamond recoveries and will
consider further share buyback programmes if
The Group business activities,
together with the factors likely to affect its future development,
performance and position, are set out in the Strategic Report on
pages 1 to 53. The financial position of the Group, its cash flows
and liquidity position are described in the Strategic Report on
pages 33 to 39. In addition, Note 1.2.2, Note 25 and Note 27 to the
financial statements include the Group's going concern policy and
its objectives, policies and processes for managing its capital;
its financial risk management objectives; details of its financial
instruments; and its exposures to credit and liquidity
The Directors have a reasonable
expectation that the Group has adequate financial resources to
continue operations for the foreseeable future. This follows a
review of forecasts, budgets, timing of cash flows, availability of
debt facilities, various cost-reduction initiatives, sensitivity
analyses and the uncertainties disclosed in this report. For this
reason, the Directors continue to adopt the going concern basis in
preparing the Annual Report and Accounts of the Group.
In accordance with provision 30 of
the 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code, the Directors have assessed
the prospects of the Group over a period longer than the 12 months
required by the "going concern" provision. The viability statement,
aligned with Provision 31 of the UK Corporate Governance Code 2018,
is included in the Strategic Report on page 27.
Refer to Note 29 of the financial
statements for details of events subsequent to the reporting
Details of the authorised and
issued share capital of the Company, including the rights
pertaining to each share class, are set out in Note 15 to the
financial statements.
As at 12 March 2025, there
were 139.7 million fully paid ordinary
shares of US$0.01 each in issue and listed on the official list
maintained by the Financial Conduct Authority in its capacity as
the UK Listing Authority. In addition, the Company holds 1.5
million shares as treasury shares acquired during the share buyback
programme that was launched in 2022. These treasury shares are not
entitled to dividends and have no voting rights.
The Company has one class of
ordinary shares. Shareholders have the right to receive notice of
and attend, speak and vote at any general meeting of the Company.
Shareholders may be present in person (or, being a corporation, by
representative) or by proxy at a general meeting. Every shareholder
present in person (or, being a corporation, by representative) or
by proxy will have one vote in respect of every ordinary share they
hold. The appointment of a proxy to vote at a general meeting must
be received no less than 48 hours before the meeting's appointed
Shareholders have the right to
participate in dividends and other distributions according to their
respective rights and interests in the profit of the
No shareholders have any special
rights with regard to the control of the Company. The Company is
not aware of any agreements between shareholders which may result
in restrictions on transfers or voting rights, save as mentioned
There are no restrictions on the
transfer of ordinary shares other than:
· As
set out in the Company's Articles of Association.
· Certain restrictions may from time to time be imposed by laws
and regulations.
· Pursuant to the Company's share dealing code, whereby the
Directors and employees of the Company require approval to deal in
the Company's ordinary shares.
At the AGM held in June 2024, the
Board noted the proportion of the votes cast against the resolution
referring to the authority of Directors to allot shares (Resolution
13 passed with 69.9% of participating shareholders voting in
favour). The CEO met the significant shareholder who voted against
Resolution 13 to discuss their voting policy, and although the
shareholder has a standing position on these resolutions, the Board
will regularly consider its approach to this matter. The resolution
reflected UK-listed company market practice and the Board considers
the flexibility afforded by the authority to allot shares to be in
the best interest of the Company.
At the same AGM, shareholders
authorised the Company to make on-market purchases of up to 13 969
001 of its ordinary shares, representing approximately 10% of the
Company's issued share capital at that time. In 2022, the Company
purchased 1 520 170 of its ordinary shares, which are being held as
treasury shares and may be used to settle ESOP and GDIP
At the 2025 AGM, shareholders will
be requested to renew this authority. The Directors continue to
consider various options and keep the authorisation under regular
review. The 2025 Notice of AGM will set out the details regarding
exercising voting rights and proxy appointments.
Details of the major interests (at
or above 3%) in the issued ordinary shares of the Company are set
out in the Strategic Report on page 15.
Any proposed amendments to the
Articles of Association of the Company need to be approved by
shareholders by special resolution.
The NI 43-101 Technical Report
containing Letšeng's 2024 Resource and Reserve Statement was
published in March 2024 and is available on the Group's website
Following the approval of the mine optimisation plan to steepen the
slopes in the Satellite pit, an updated mine plan has been designed
which will significantly decrease waste volumes. The COO Review on
page 43 provides more detail on this.
Read more about the Group's 2024
Sustainability Performance, including CSI investment, community
participation and environmental management, in our Sustainability
Report 2024 which is available at
The Group made no political
donations or incurred any political expenditure during
Information on the Group's
decarbonisation strategy, adoption of the TCFD recommendations,
carbon footprint and energy consumption in 2024 can be found in our
Sustainability Report, which is available at, and
Climate Change Report on page 47.
Each of the persons who are
Directors at the time when this Directors' Report is approved
confirms that, so far as they are aware, there is no relevant audit
information of which the Company's auditor is unaware and that they
have taken all the steps that they ought to have taken as a
Director to make themselves aware of any relevant audit information
and to establish that the Company's auditor is aware of that
By order of the Board
Harry Kenyon-Slaney
12 March 2025
Revenue from contracts with
154 212
140 287
Cost of sales
(111 400)
(109 112)
Gross profit
42 812
31 175
Other operating
Royalties and selling
(16 477)
(15 340)
Corporate expenses
(7 914)
(7 905)
Share-based payments
Foreign exchange gain
1 086
2 775
Operating profit
17 992
10 380
Net finance costs
(6 531)
(4 696)
- Finance income
- Finance costs
(7 406)
(5 313)
Profit before tax for the
11 461
5 684
Income tax expense
(3 375)
(4 090)
Profit for the year
8 086
1 594
Attributable to:
Equity holders of parent
2 894
(2 125)
Earnings per share
- Basic earnings/(loss) for the
year attributable to ordinary equity holders of the
- Diluted earnings/(loss) for the
year attributable to ordinary equity holders of the
Profit for the year
8 086
1 594
Items that could be reclassified to
profit or loss in the future:
Exchange differences on translation
of foreign operations, net of tax
Other comprehensive loss for the
year, net of tax
(7 187)
(16 849)
Total comprehensive loss for the
(15 255)
Property, plant and
Intangible assets
10 118
10 440
Receivables and other
7 341
4 487
Deferred tax assets
4 313
6 814
Receivables and other
Cash and short-term
Equity attributable to equity
holders of the parent
Non-controlling interests
Interest-bearing loans and
Interest-bearing loans and
Total equity and
* Certain balances as previously
presented were restated. Refer Note 28, Restatement of prior year
Approved by the Board of Directors
on 12 March 2025 and signed on its behalf by:
M Michael
Attributable to the equity holders
of the parent
Issued capital
Share premium
Treasury shares
Other reserves1
Accumulated (losses)/retained
Total equity
As at 1 January 2024
1 413
885 648
(1 157)
(250 797)
(490 884)
144 223
81 550
225 773
Total comprehensive
(5 053)
2 894
(2 159)
3 058
Profit for the year
2 894
2 894
5 192
8 086
Other comprehensive loss
(5 053)
(5 053)
(2 134)
(7 187)
Share-based payments (Note
Dividends paid
(4 288)
(4 288)
As at 31 December 2024
1 413
885 648
(1 157)
(255 334)
(487 990)
142 580
80 320
222 900
As at 1 January 2023 as previously
1 410
885 648
(1 157)
(239 169)
(494 113)
152 619
80 428
233 047
Restatement - Refer Note
5 354
5 354
2 295
7 649
Restated Balance at 1 January
1 410
885 648
(1 157)
(239 169)
(488 759)
157 973
82 723
240 696
Total comprehensive loss
(11 957)
(2 125)
(14 082)
(1 173)
(15 255)
(Loss)/profit for the
(2 125)
(2 125)
3 719
1 594
Other comprehensive loss
(11 957)
(11 957)
(4 892)
(16 849)
Share capital issued (Note
Share-based payments (Note
As at 31 December
1 413
885 648
(1 157)
(250 797)
(490 884)
144 223
81 550
225 773
Other reserves relate to Foreign currency translation reserves and
Share-based equity reserves. Refer Note 15, Issued share capital
and reserves for further detail.
* Certain balances as previously
presented were restated. Refer Note 28, Restatement of prior year
Cash flows from operating
51 195
35 020
Cash generated by
68 306
56 150
Working capital
(16 337)
(15 610)
Interest received
Interest paid
(5 447)
(4 216)
Income tax paid
(1 596)
Income tax received
4 620
Cash flows used in investing
(27 644)
(57 146)
Purchase of property, plant and
(5 758)
(20 048)
Waste stripping costs
(22 302)
(37 102)
Proceeds from sale of property,
plant and equipment
Cash flows (used in)/generated from
financing activities
(26 733)
28 021
Lease liability capital
(2 690)
(2 092)
Net financial liabilities
(19 755)
30 113
Financial liabilities
(42 117)
(45 103)
Financial liabilities
22 362
75 216
Dividends paid to non-controlling
(4 288)
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and
cash equivalents
(3 182)
5 895
Cash and cash equivalents at
beginning of year
16 503
8 721
Foreign exchange
1 887
Cash and cash equivalents at end of
12 878
16 503
The restatement of the prior year
balances in the Statement of Financial Position has had no impact
on the cash flows from operating, investing and financing
activities. Refer Note 28, Restatement of prior year
1.1 Corporate information
The holding company, Gem Diamonds
Limited (the Company), was incorporated on 29 July 2005 in the
British Virgin Islands (BVI) and is domiciled in the United Kingdom
(UK). The Company's registration number is 669758.
These financial statements were
authorised for issue by the Board on 12 March 2025.
The Group is principally engaged
in operating diamond mines.
1.1.2 Operational
The Company has the following
investments directly and indirectly in subsidiaries at 31 December
Name and registered address of
Cost of
Country of incorporation and
functional currency
Nature of business
Gem Diamond Technical Services
(Proprietary) Limited2
Illovo Corner
24 Fricker Road
Illovo Boulevard
South Africa
South African rand
Technical, financial and management
consulting services.
Letšeng Diamonds (Proprietary)
Letšeng Diamonds House
Corner Kingsway and Old School
US$126 000 303
Lesotho loti (LSL)
Diamond mining and holder of
mining rights.
Gem Diamonds Botswana (Proprietary)
The Courtyard unit 7A
Plot 54513 Village
US$5 844 579
Botswana pula (BWP)
Diamond mining; evaluation and
development; and holder of mining licences and concessions.
Currently on care and maintenance.
Gem Diamonds Investments
2 Eaton Gate
United Kingdom
US$24 692 016
US$19 321 016)
United States dollar (US$)
Euro (€)
Investment holding company holding
100% in each of Gem Diamonds Innovation Solutions CY Limited, a
company in Cyprus holding intellectual property relating to
development of technology to innovate mining processes; Baobab
Technologies BV, a diamond analysis and valuation facility in
Belgium; and Gem Diamonds Marketing Services BV, a marketing
company in Belgium that sells the Group's diamonds on
1 The cost of
investment represents original cost of investments at acquisition
2 No change in the shareholding since
the prior year.
3 In 2024, the Company subscribed for
an additional 4.1 million shares of £1.00 each in Gem Diamonds
Investments Limited as part of an intercompany restructuring
1.1.3 Segment
For management purposes, the Group
is organised into geographical units as its risks and required
rates of return are affected predominantly by differences in the
geographical regions of the mines and areas in which the Group
operates, or areas in which operations are managed. The below
measures of profit or loss, assets and liabilities are reviewed by
the Chief Operating Decision-Maker, i.e. the Board of Directors.
The main geographical regions, and the type of products and
services from which each reporting segment derives its revenue
· Lesotho (diamond mining activities);
· Belgium (sales, marketing and analysis of
· BVI,
RSA, UK and Cyprus (technical and administrative services);
· Botswana (diamond mining activities, currently on care and
Management monitors the operating
results of the geographical units separately for the purpose of
making decisions about resource allocation and performance
Segment performance is evaluated
based on operating profit or loss. Inter-segment transactions are
entered into under normal arm's length terms in a manner similar to
transactions with third parties. Segment revenue, segment expenses
and segment results include transactions between segments. Those
transactions are eliminated on consolidation.
Segment revenue is derived from
mining activities, polished manufacturing margins and diamond
The following tables present
revenue from contracts with customers, profit/(loss) for the year,
underlying EBITDA and asset and liability information from
operations regarding the Group's geographical segments:
BVI, RSA, UK and
Year ended 31 December
Revenue from contracts with
Total revenue
149 195
153 518
6 595
309 308
(147 822)
(6 595)
(155 096)
Depreciation and
(46 376)
(46 994)
- Depreciation and mining asset
(10 749)
(11 367)
- Waste stripping cost
(35 627)
(35 627)
Cost of sales
(64 644)
(64 473)
Corporate expenses
(7 914)
(7 914)
Royalties and selling
(15 269)
(1 208)
(16 477)
Other non-material
Segment operating
26 266
(8 335)
17 992
Net finance
(4 710)
(1 641)
(6 531)
Profit/(loss) before tax
21 556
(9 976)
11 461
Income tax
(4 250)
(3 375)
Profit/(loss) for the
17 306
(9 055)
8 086
Underlying EBITDA3
36 378
1 085
(7 744)
29 719
Segment non-current
280 793
1 200
1 606
283 848
Segment assets
335 667
2 074
6 509
344 788
Segment liabilities
45 129
1 311
8 000
2 480
56 920
Other segment information
Net cash/(debt) and short-term
(4 869)
(3 191)
(7 305)
Capital expenditure
- Property, plant and
4 379
1 330
5 758
- Net movement in rehabilitation
(3 698)
(3 698)
- Waste cost capitalised
22 302
22 302
Total capital expenditure
22 983
1 330
24 362
Average number of employees
employed under contracts of service
1 No
revenue was generated in BVI and Cyprus.
2 Finance income and costs are reflected on a net basis as this
is the measure used by the primary decision makers.
3 Underlying EBITDA as defined in Note 4, Operating
4 Calculated as cash and short-term deposits less drawn down
bank facilities (excluding insurance premium financing and credit
underwriting fees). Refer Note 16, Interest-bearing loans and
5 Non-cash movements in rehabilitation assets relating to
changes in rehabilitation estimates for the Lesotho
Included in revenue for the
current year is revenue from four customers who individually
contributed 10% or more to total revenue. This revenue in total
amounted to US$101.4 million arising from sales reported in the
Belgium segment.
Segment non-current assets do not
include deferred tax assets of US$4.3 million and financial
instruments of US$7.3 million. Included in the non-current assets
BVI, RSA, UK and Cyprus segment disclosure are non-current assets
located in the Company's country of domicile, the UK, of US$2.5
Segment assets and liabilities do
not include deferred tax assets and liabilities of US$4.3 million
and US$69.3 million respectively. Deferred tax amounts are excluded
because they are not operational in nature, do not directly impact
segment performance, and are not part of the asset base used by
management to make business decisions.
Revenue increased 10% compared to
2023 mainly due to an increase of 5% in carats sold (109 967
carats compared to 104 520 in 2023). An average sales price of
US$1 390 per carat (2023: US$1 334 per carat) was
BVI, RSA, UK and
Year ended 31 December
Revenue from contracts with
Total revenue
140 905
140 121
6 733
287 759
(140 051)
(6 733)
(147 472)
External customers
139 433
140 287
Depreciation and
(45 835)
(46 509)
- Depreciation and mining asset
(6 641)
(7 315)
- Waste stripping cost
(39 194)
(39 194)
Cost of sales
(62 764)
(62 613)
Corporate expenses
(7 905)
(7 905)
Royalties and selling
(14 091)
(1 249)
(15 340)
Other non-material
4 085
(1 330)
2 459
Segment operating
19 573
(8 550)
(1 319)
10 380
Net finance
(3 500)
(1 000)
(4 696)
Profit/(loss) before tax
16 073
(9 550)
(1 492)
5 684
Income tax expense
(3 678)
(4 090)
Profit/(loss) for the
12 395
(9 967)
(1 492)
1 594
Underlying EBITDA3
22 129
(7 754)
15 232
Segment non-current
308 973
1 347
311 016
Segment assets*
373 820
2 770
3 280
380 665
Segment liabilities
72 193
1 503
7 725
3 034
84 455
Other segment information
Net cash/(debt) and short-term
(17 908)
(4 082)
(21 347)
Capital expenditure
- Property, plant and
30 014
30 384
- Net movement in rehabilitation
(1 342)
(1 342)
- Waste cost capitalised
37 102
37 102
Total capital expenditure
65 774
66 144
Average number of employees
employed under contracts of service
* Certain balances as previously
presented were restated. Refer Note 28, Restatement of prior year
1 No
revenue was generated in BVI and Cyprus.
2 Finance income and costs are reflected on a net basis as this
is the measure used by the primary decision makers.
3 Underlying EBITDA as defined in Note 4, Operating
4 Calculated as cash and short-term deposits less drawn down
bank facilities (excluding the asset-based finance facility,
insurance premium financing and credit underwriting fees). Refer
Note 16, Interest-bearing loans and
5 Non-cash movements in rehabilitation assets relating to
changes in rehabilitation estimates for the Lesotho
Included in revenue for the 2023
year is revenue from three customers who individually contributed
10% or more to total revenue. This revenue in total amounted to
US$55.4 million arising from sales reported in the Belgium
Segment non-current assets do not
include deferred tax assets of US$6.8 million and financial
instruments of US$4.5 million. Included in the non-current assets
BVI, RSA, UK and Cyprus segment disclosure are non-current assets
located in the Company's country of domicile, the UK, of US$20.7
Segment assets and liabilities do
not include deferred tax assets and liabilities of US$6.8 million
and US$77.3 million respectively.
1.2 Summary
of material accounting policies
Basis of
Whilst the financial information
included in this Preliminary Announcement has been prepared on the
basis of International Accounting standards, this announcement does
not itself contain sufficient information to comply with
International Accounting Standards.
The financial information set out
in this Preliminary Announcement does not constitute the Group's
Consolidated Financial Statements for the period ended 31 December
2024 but is derived from those Financial Statements which were
approved by the Board of Directors on 12 March 2025. The auditor,
RSM UK Audit LLP, has reported on the Group's Consolidated
Financial Statements and the report was unqualified.
The financial statements of the
Group have been prepared in accordance with International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS), as issued by the International
Accounting Standards Board (IASB). These financial statements have
been prepared under the historical cost basis except for assets and
liabilities measured at fair value. The accounting policies have
been consistently applied except for the adoption of the new
standards and interpretations detailed on the following
The functional currency of the
Company and certain of its subsidiaries is US dollar, which is the
currency of the primary economic environment in which the entities
operate. All amounts are presented in US dollar and rounded to the
nearest thousand. The financial results of subsidiaries whose
functional and reporting currency is in currencies other than US
dollar have been converted into US dollar on the basis as set out
in Note 1.2.14, Foreign currency translations. Refer
Note 1.1.2, Operational
information for details of the
subsidiaries and their functional currencies.
The preparation of financial
statements in conformity with IFRS requires the use of certain
critical accounting estimates. It also requires management to
exercise its judgement in the process of applying the Group's
accounting policies. The areas involving a higher degree of
judgement or complexity, or areas where assumptions and estimates
are significant to the financial statements, are disclosed in Note
1.2.26, Critical accounting estimates and judgements.
Changes in accounting policies and
New and amended standards and
The Group adopted certain
standards and amendments for the first time, which became effective
for the Group on 1 January 2024 and are listed in the table below.
The amendments to IAS 1 have been assessed and covenant disclosures
relating to the Group's existing facility arrangements and RCFs are
included in Note 16, Interest-bearing
loans and borrowings. The remaining
amendments did not have an impact on the consolidated financial
statements of the Group nor the accounting policies, methods of
computation or presentation applied by the Group. All other
accounting policies are consistent with those of the previous
financial year.
Amendments and
Lease Liability in a Sale and
Amendments to IAS 1
Classification of liabilities as
Current or Non-current and Non-current Liabilities with
Amendments to IAS 7 and IFRS
Supplier Finance
Standards issued but not yet
The standards, amendments and
improvements that are issued, but not yet effective, up to the date
of issuance of the Group's consolidated financial statements are
listed in the table below. These standards, amendments and
improvements have not been early adopted and it is expected that,
where applicable, these standards, amendments and improvements will
be adopted on each respective effective date. The impact of the
adoption of these standards has not been reasonably assessed at
this stage.
New standards, amendments, and
Effective date*
Amendments to IAS 21
Lack of exchangeability
1 January 2025
Amendments to IFRS 9 and IFRS
Classification and measurement of
financial instruments
1 January 2026
Presentation and disclosure in
financial statements
1 January 2027
* Annual periods beginning on
or after.
1.2.2 Going
The Group's business activities,
together with the factors likely to affect its future development,
performance and position, have been assessed by management. The
financial position of the Group, its cash flows and liquidity
position are presented in the Annual Report and Accounts. In
addition, Note 25, Financial risk management, includes the Group's
objectives, policies and processes for managing its capital; its
financial risk management objectives; details of its financial
instruments; and its exposures to market risk, credit risk and
liquidity risk.
The Group's net debt at 31
December 2024 was US$7.3 million (31 December 2023: net debt
US$21.3 million). The Group's available undrawn facilities at 31
December 2024 amounted to US$69.0 million (31 December 2023:
US$45.9 million), resulting in liquidity (defined as net
debt/cash and available undrawn facilities) of US$61.7 million (31
December 2023: US$24.6 million). The gross liquidity position of
the Group (defined as gross cash and available undrawn facilities)
as at 31 December 2024 is US$81.9 million (31 December 2023:
US$62.4 million). Following the successful extension in December of
the Group's Revolving Credit Facilities (RCFs), which total US$69.7
million when fully unutilised, mature on 21 December 2026, which is
after the going concern period. In addition, there is a US$5.3
million general banking facility with no set expiry date, but that
is reviewed annually (refer Note 16, Interest-bearing loans and
borrowings). The impact on future cash flows of the current diamond
market conditions, cost increases and foreign currency volatility
were considered by performing sensitivities on diamond pricing,
costs and the weakening of the US dollar against the Lesotho
After making enquiries which
include reviews of forecasts and budgets, timing of cash flows and
sensitivity analyses, the Group's operations and production levels
and the various ongoing cost reduction initiatives, the Directors
have a reasonable expectation that the Group has adequate financial
resources without the use of mitigating actions to continue in
operational existence for the foreseeable future. For this reason,
the Directors continue to adopt the going concern basis in
preparing the Group Financial Statements.
These financial statements have
been prepared on a going concern basis which assumes that the Group
will be able to meet its liabilities as they fall due for the
foreseeable future.
1.2.3 Basis
of consolidation
The consolidated financial
statements incorporate the financial statements of the Company and
entities controlled by the Company as at 31 December
Subsidiaries are consolidated from
the date of their acquisition, being the date on which the Group
obtains control, and continue to be consolidated until the date
that such control ceases. An investor controls an investee when it
is exposed, or has rights, to variable returns from its involvement
with the investee and has the ability to affect those returns
through its power over the investee. To meet the definition of
control in IFRS 10, all three of the following criteria must be
met: (a) an investor has power over an investee; (b) the investor
has exposure, or rights, to variable returns from its involvement
with the investee; and (c) the investor has the ability to use its
power over the investee to affect the amount of the investor's
returns. The financial statements of subsidiaries used in the
preparation of the consolidated financial statements are prepared
for the same reporting year as the parent company and are based on
consistent accounting policies. All intra-group balances and
transactions, including unrealised gains and losses arising from
them, are eliminated in full.
Non-controlling interests
represent the equity in a subsidiary not attributable, directly or
indirectly, to the parent company and is presented separately
within equity in the consolidated statement of financial position,
separately from equity attributable to owners of the parent. Losses
within a subsidiary are attributed to the non-controlling interest
even if that results in a deficit balance.
1.2.4 Exploration and evaluation expenditure
Exploration and evaluation
activity involves the search for mineral resources, the
determination of technical feasibility and the assessment of
commercial viability of an identified resource. Exploration and
evaluation activity includes:
· acquisition of rights to explore;
· researching and analysing historical exploration
· gathering exploration data through topographical, geochemical
and geophysical studies;
· exploratory drilling, trenching and sampling;
· determining and examining the volume and grade of the
· surveying transportation and infrastructure requirements;
· conducting market and finance studies.
Administration costs that are not
directly attributable to a specific exploration area are charged to
the statement of profit or loss. Licence costs paid in connection
with a right to explore in an existing exploration area are
capitalised as intangible assets and thereafter reclassified as
mining assets within property, plant and equipment, and amortised
over the term of the permit once the mining asset is brought into
the development phase.
Exploration and evaluation
expenditure is capitalised as incurred. Capitalised exploration
expenditure is recorded as a component of property, plant and
equipment, as an exploration and development asset, at cost less
accumulated impairment charges. As the asset is not available for
use, it is not depreciated.
All capitalised exploration and
evaluation expenditure is monitored for indications of impairment.
Where a potential impairment is indicated, assessments are
performed for each area of interest in conjunction with the group
of operating assets (representing a cash-generating unit (CGU)) to
which the exploration is attributed. To the extent that exploration
expenditure is not expected to be recovered, it is charged to the
statement of profit or loss. Exploration areas where reserves have
been discovered, but require major capital expenditure before
production can begin, are continually evaluated to ensure that
commercial quantities of reserves exist or to ensure that
additional exploration work is under way as planned.
Management is required to make
certain estimates and judgements when determining whether the
commercial viability of an identified resource has been met and
when determining whether indicators of impairment exist. There were
no exploration and evaluation activities during the year and
therefore no costs were capitalised.
1.2.5 Development
When proven and probable reserves
are determined and development is sanctioned, capitalised
exploration and evaluation expenditure is reclassified from
exploration phase to development phase. As the asset is not
available for use, during the development phase, it is not
depreciated. On completion of the development phase, any
capitalised exploration and evaluation expenditure already
capitalised to a development asset, together with the subsequent
development expenditure, is reclassified within property, plant and
equipment to mining assets and depreciated on the basis as laid out
in Note 1.2.6, Property, plant and equipment.
All development expenditure is
monitored for indicators of impairment annually. Management is
required to make certain estimates and judgements when determining
whether indicators of impairment exist.
1.2.6 Property, plant and
Property, plant and equipment is
recorded at cost less accumulated depreciation and accumulated
impairment losses. Cost includes expenditure that is directly
attributable to the acquisition and construction of the items, to
get the asset in its condition and location for its intended use
and among others, include professional fees and, for qualifying
assets, borrowing costs capitalised in accordance with the Group's
accounting policies.
Subsequent costs to replace a
component of an item of property, plant and equipment that is
accounted for separately, is capitalised when the cost of the item
can be measured reliably, with the carrying amount of the original
component being written off. All repairs and maintenance are
charged to the statement of profit or loss during the financial
period in which they are incurred.
Depreciation commences when an
asset is available for use. Depreciation is charged so as to write
off the depreciable amount of the asset to its residual value over
its estimated useful life, using a method that reflects the pattern
in which the asset's future economic benefits are expected to be
consumed by the Group.
Useful life
Mining assets
Straight line
Lesser of life of mine or period of
mining lease
Decommissioning assets
Straight line
Lesser of life of mine or period of
mining lease
Leasehold improvements
Straight line
Three years or lesser of life of
mine or period of mining lease
Plant and equipment
Straight line; units of
Three to 15 years; machine
Other assets
Straight line
Two to eight years
An item of property, plant and
equipment and any significant part initially recognised is
derecognised upon disposal (i.e. at the date the recipient obtains
control) or when no future economic benefits are expected from its
use or disposal. Any gain or loss arising on derecognition of the
asset (calculated as the difference between the net disposal
proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset) is included in the
statement of profit or loss when the asset is
The asset's residual values,
useful lives and methods of depreciation are reviewed annually.
Changes in the expected residual values, expected useful life or
the expected pattern of consumption of future economic benefits
embodied in the asset are considered to modify the depreciation
period or method, as appropriate, and are treated as changes in
accounting estimates, and adjusted for prospectively, if
Pre-production and in production
stripping costs
Costs associated with removal of
waste overburden are classified as stripping costs.
Stripping activities that are
undertaken during the production phase of a surface mine may create
two benefits, being either the production of inventory or improved
access to the ore to be mined in the future. Where the benefits are
realised in the form of inventory produced in the period, the
production stripping costs are accounted for as part of the cost of
producing those inventories. Where production stripping costs are
incurred and the benefit is the creation of mining flexibility and
improved access to ore to be mined in the future, the costs are
recognised as a non-current asset if:
a) future
economic benefits (being improved access to the orebody) are
b) the
component of the orebody for which access will be improved can be
accurately identified; and
c) the
costs associated with the improved access can be reliably
The non-current asset recognised
is referred to as a "stripping activity asset" and is separately
disclosed in Note 8, Property, plant and equipment. If all the
criteria are not met, the production stripping costs are charged to
the statement of profit or loss as operating costs. The stripping
activity asset is initially measured at cost, which is the
accumulation of costs directly incurred to perform the stripping
activity that improves access to the identified component of ore,
plus an allocation of directly attributable overhead
If incidental operations are
occurring at the same time as the production stripping activity,
but are not necessary for the production stripping activity to
continue as planned, these costs are not included in the cost of
the stripping activity asset. Given the deep vertical nature of the
pit, all stripping costs are capitalised on a cut/component basis
for each cut in the mine planning process.
The stripping activity asset is
subsequently amortised over the expected useful life of the
identified component of the orebody that became more accessible as
a result of the stripping activity. The net book value of the
stripping asset and future expected stripping costs to be incurred
for that component is depreciated using the units of production
over the proven and probable reserves, in order to match the total
stripping costs of the cut to the economic benefits created by the
cut. As a result, the stripping activity asset is carried at
cost less amortisation and any impairment losses. The future
stripping costs of the cut/component and the expected ore to be
mined from that cut/component are recalculated annually in light of
additional knowledge and changes in estimates. Changes in the
stripping ratio are accounted for prospectively as a change in
Management applies judgement to
calculate and allocate the production stripping costs to inventory
and/or the stripping activity asset(s) as referred under Note
1.2.26, Critical accounting estimates and judgements.
1.2.7 Borrowing costs
Borrowing costs directly
attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a
qualifying asset that necessarily takes a substantial period of
time to get ready for its intended use or sale, are capitalised as
part of the cost of the asset. All other borrowing costs are
expensed in the period in which they occur. Borrowing costs consist
of interest and other costs that an entity incurs in connection
with the borrowing of funds.
1.2.8 Goodwill
Goodwill is initially measured at
cost, being the excess of the aggregate of the acquisition date
fair value of the consideration transferred and the amount
recognised for the non-controlling interest (and where the business
combination is achieved in stages, the acquisition date fair value
of the acquirer's previously held equity interest in the acquiree)
over the fair value of the net identifiable amounts of the assets
acquired and the liabilities assumed in the business
Assets acquired and liabilities
assumed in transactions separate to the business combinations, such
as the settlement of pre-existing relationships or post-acquisition
remuneration arrangements, are accounted for separately from the
business combination in accordance with their nature and applicable
Identifiable intangible assets,
meeting either the contractual legal or separability criterion are
recognised separately from goodwill. Contingent liabilities
representing a present obligation are recognised if the acquisition
date fair value can be measured reliably.
If the aggregate of the
acquisition date fair value of the consideration transferred and
the amount recognised for the non-controlling interest (and where
the business combination is achieved in stages, the acquisition
date fair value of the acquirer's previously held equity interest
in the acquiree) is lower than the fair value of the net
identifiable amounts of the assets acquired and the liabilities
assumed in the business combination, the difference is recognised
in profit and loss.
After initial recognition,
goodwill is measured at cost less any accumulated impairment
losses. For the purpose of impairment testing, goodwill acquired in
a business combination is, from the acquisition date, allocated to
each of the Group's CGUs (or groups of CGUs) that are expected to
benefit from the combination, irrespective of whether other assets
or liabilities of the acquiree are assigned to those units. Each
unit or group of units to which goodwill is allocated shall
represent the lowest level within the entity at which the goodwill
is monitored for internal management purposes, and shall not be
larger than an operating segment before aggregation.
Where goodwill forms part of a CGU
and part of the operation within that unit is disposed of, the
goodwill associated with the operation disposed of is included in
the carrying amount of the operation when determining the gain or
loss on disposal of the operation. Goodwill disposed of in this
circumstance is measured based on the relative values of the
operation disposed of and the portion of the CGU
1.2.9 Financial instruments
The Group shall only recognise a
financial instrument when the Group becomes a party to the
contractual provisions of the instrument. A financial instrument is
any contract that gives rise to a financial asset of one entity and
a financial liability or equity instrument of another
Financial assets
Management determines the
classification of its financial assets at initial recognition and
re-evaluates this designation at every reporting date based on the
business model for managing these financial assets and the
contractual cash flow characteristics. Currently the Group only has
financial assets at amortised cost which consist of receivables and
other assets, and cash and short-term deposits which is held within
a business model to collect contractual cash flows and for which
the contractual cash flow characteristics are solely payments of
principal and interest. When financial assets are recognised
initially, they are measured at fair value plus (in the case of
financial assets not at fair value through profit or loss) directly
attributable transaction costs.
Financial assets at amortised
Financial assets at amortised cost
are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable
payments that are not quoted in an active market. They are included
in current assets, except those with maturities greater than 12
months after the reporting date. These are classified as
non-current assets. Such assets are carried at amortised cost using
the effective interest rate method, if the time value of money is
significant, less any allowance for impairment. Gains and losses
are recognised in the statement of profit or loss when the
financial assets at amortised cost are derecognised or impaired, as
well as through the amortisation process.
A financial asset is primarily
derecognised when the rights to receive cash flows from the asset
have expired or the Group has transferred its rights to receive
cash flows from the asset. Gains or losses from derecognition of
financial assets are recognised in the statement of profit or
Financial liabilities
Financial liabilities are
initially measured at fair value net of (in the case of financial
liabilities not at fair value through profit or loss) directly
attributable transaction costs. The Group's interest-bearing loans
and borrowings and trade and other payables financial liabilities
are subsequently stated at amortised cost using the effective
interest rate method, with any difference between proceeds (net of
transaction costs) and the redemption value being recognised in the
statement of profit or loss, unless capitalised in accordance with
Note 1.2.6, Property, plant and equipment, over the contractual
period of the financial liability.
A financial liability is
derecognised when the obligation under the liability is discharged,
cancelled or expires. Gains or losses from derecognition of
financial liabilities are recognised in the statement of profit or
1.2.10 Impairments
Non-financial assets
The Group assesses, at each
reporting date, whether there is an indication that an asset (or
CGU) may be impaired in accordance with IAS 36. Goodwill is
assessed for impairment on an annual basis and when circumstances
indicate that the carrying value may be impaired. An impairment
loss is recognised for the amount by which the asset's carrying
amount exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is
the higher of an asset's fair value less costs to sell and value in
use. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are
discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate
that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money
and the risks specific to the asset.
Non-financial assets that were
previously impaired are reviewed for possible reversal of the
impairment at each reporting date. A previously recognised
impairment loss is reversed only if there has been a change in the
estimates used to determine the asset's recoverable amount since
the last impairment loss was recognised. If that is the case, the
carrying amount of the asset is increased to its recoverable
amount. That increased amount cannot exceed the carrying amount
that would have been determined, net of depreciation, had no
impairment loss been recognised for the asset in prior years. Such
a reversal is recognised in the statement of profit or loss. After
such a reversal the depreciation charge is adjusted in future
periods to allocate the asset's revised carrying amount, less any
residual value, on a systematic basis over its remaining useful
life. Impairment losses relating to goodwill cannot be reversed in
future periods.
Financial assets
Financial assets carried at
amortised cost
The Group recognises an allowance
for expected credit losses (ECLs) in the statement of profit or
loss for all financial assets at amortised cost. ECLs are based on
the difference between the contractual cash flows due in accordance
with the contract and all the cash flows that the Group expects to
receive, discounted at the original effective interest rate. The
expected cost will include cash flows from the sale of collateral
held, or other credit enhancements that are integral to the
contractual terms. For credit exposures for which there has not
been a significant increase in credit risk since initial
recognition, ECLs are provided for credit losses that result
from default events that are possible within the next 12-months (a
12-month ECL). For those credit exposures for which there has been
a significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition, a
loss allowance is required for credit losses expected over the
remaining life of the exposure, irrespective of the timing of the
default (a lifetime ECL).
1.2.11 Inventories
Inventories, which include rough
diamonds, ore stockpiles and consumables, are measured at the lower
of cost of production on a weighted average basis or estimated net
realisable value. Cost of production includes directly attributable
costs and an allocation of fixed and variable production overheads
to bring the inventory to its present location and condition.
Borrowing costs are excluded from the cost of
Net realisable value is determined
using the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of
business, less the estimated costs of completion into its final
product and the costs to be incurred in marketing, selling and
distribution. The amount of any write-down of inventories to net
realisable value is recognised in the period the write-down or loss
occurs. Management are required to make judgements when determining
the net realisable value of diamond inventory and ore stockpiles as
referred under Note 1.2.26, Critical accounting estimates and
Diamond inventory consists of run
of mine production which is made up of a mix of diamond sizes. The
diamond inventory therefore consists of varying size and quality.
Costs are allocated to diamond inventory on a carat produced basis
irrespective of quality and value and cannot be costed separately.
The net realisable value of diamond inventory is determined on a
holistic basis.
Ore stockpiles consist of various
strategic stockpiles. Separately identifiable costs are allocated
to ore sourced from the Main and Satellite Pipes. Net realisable
value of ore stockpile is determined separately for the Main and
Satellite Pipes on a holistic basis.
1.2.12 Cash
and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents are
carried in the statement of financial position at amortised cost.
Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on hand, deposits held on
call with banks, and other short-term, highly liquid investments
with original maturities of three months or less that are held to
meet the Group's short-term cash commitments.
For the purpose of the
consolidated statement of cash flows, cash and cash equivalents
consist of cash and cash equivalents as defined above, net of
outstanding bank overdrafts which are repayable on demand and form
an integral part of the Group's cash management.
1.2.13 Issued share capital
Ordinary shares are classified as
equity. Incremental costs directly attributable to the issue of new
shares or options are shown in equity as a deduction from the
Treasury shares
Own equity instruments that are
reacquired are recognised at cost, including transaction costs, and
deducted from equity. These are disclosed as treasury shares. No
gain or loss is recognised in profit or loss in the purchase, sale,
issue or cancellation of the Group's own equity instruments. Any
difference between the carrying amount and the consideration, if
reissued, is recognised in equity.
1.2.14 Foreign currency
Presentation currency
The results and financial position
of the Group's subsidiaries which have a functional currency
different from the Group's presentation currency are translated
into the Group's presentation currency as follows:
· statement of financial position items are translated at the
closing rate at the reporting date;
· income and expenses for each statement of profit or loss are
translated at average exchange rates (unless this average is not a
reasonable approximation of the cumulative effect of the rates
prevailing on the transaction dates, in which case income and
expenses are translated at the dates of the transactions);
· resulting exchange differences are recognised as a separate
component of equity.
· Details of the rates applied at the respective reporting
dates and for the statement of profit or loss transactions are
detailed in Note 15, Issued share capital and reserves.
Transactions and
Foreign currency transactions are
translated into the functional currency using the exchange rates
prevailing at the dates of the transactions. Foreign exchange gains
or losses resulting from the settlement of such transactions and
from the translation at the period-end exchange rates of monetary
assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies, are
recognised in the statement of profit or loss. Non-monetary items
that are measured in terms of cost in a foreign currency are
translated using the exchange rates as at the dates of the initial
transactions. Non-monetary items measured at fair value in a
foreign currency are translated using the exchange rates at the
date when the fair value was determined. Monetary items for each
statement of financial position presented are translated at the
closing rate at the reporting date.
1.2.15 Share-based payments
Employees (including senior
executives) of the Group receive remuneration in the form of
share-based payment transactions, whereby employees render services
as consideration for equity instruments (equity-settled
The cost of equity-settled
transactions with employees are measured by reference to the fair
value of the equity instruments at the date at which they are
granted and is recognised as an expense over the vesting period,
which ends on the date on which the relevant employees become fully
entitled to the award. Fair value is determined using an
appropriate pricing model. In valuing equity-settled transactions,
no account is taken of any vesting conditions, other than
conditions linked to the price of the shares of the Company (market
On a cumulative basis, over the
vesting period of an award, no expense is recognised for awards
that do not ultimately vest, except for awards where vesting is
conditional upon a market condition, which are treated as vesting
irrespective of whether or not the market condition is satisfied,
provided that all other performance conditions are
At each reporting date before
vesting, the cumulative expense is calculated, representing the
extent to which the vesting period has expired, and management's
best estimate of the achievement of the vesting conditions or
otherwise of the non-market vesting conditions and of the number of
equity instruments that is expected to ultimately vest or, in the
case of an instrument subject to a market condition, be treated as
vesting as described above. The movement in cumulative expense
since the previous reporting date is recognised in the statement of
profit or loss, with a corresponding entry in equity.
Management applies judgement when
determining whether share options relating to employees who
resigned before the end of the service condition period are
cancelled or forfeited.
The Group periodically releases
the share-based equity reserve to retained earnings in relation to
lapsed and forfeited options subsequent to vesting
1.2.16 Provisions
Provisions are recognised
· the
Group has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of
a past event; and
· a
reliable estimate can be made of the obligation.
Provisions are measured at the
present value of the expenditures expected to be required to settle
the obligation, using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current
market assessments of the time value of money and the risks
specific to the obligation. The increase in the provision due to
the passage of time is recognised as a finance cost.
1.2.17 Restoration and rehabilitation
The mining, extraction and
processing activities of the Group normally give rise to
obligations for site restoration and rehabilitation. Rehabilitation
works can include facility decommissioning and dismantling, removal
and treatment of waste materials, land rehabilitation and site
restoration. The extent of the work required and the estimated cost
of final rehabilitation, comprising liabilities for decommissioning
and restoration, are based on current legal requirements, existing
technology and the Group's environmental policies, and is
reassessed annually. Cost estimates are not reduced by the
potential proceeds from the sale of property, plant and
Provisions for the cost of each
restoration and rehabilitation programme are recognised at the time
the environmental disturbance occurs. When the extent of the
disturbance increases over the life of the operation, the provision
and associated asset is increased accordingly. Costs included in
the provision encompass all restoration and rehabilitation activity
expected to occur. The restoration and rehabilitation provisions
are measured at the expected value of future cash flows, discounted
to their present value, using a pre-tax discount rate. Discount
rates used are specific to the country in which the operation is
located or reasonable alternatives if in-country information is not
available. The value of the provision is progressively increased
over time as the effect of the discounting unwinds, which is
recognised in finance charges. Restoration and rehabilitation
provisions are also adjusted for changes in estimates.
When provisions for restoration
and rehabilitation are initially recognised, the corresponding cost
is capitalised as a decommissioning asset where it gives rise to a
future benefit and depreciated over future production from the
operation to which it relates. Changes in the measurement of an
existing decommissioning, restoration and similar liability that
result from changes in the estimated timing or amount of the
outflow of resources embodying economic benefits required to settle
the obligation, or a change in the discount rate, are added to, or
deducted from, the cost of the related asset in the current period
in line with the principles of IFRIC 1, Changes in Existing
Decommissioning, Restoration and Similar Liabilities. Where the
related asset has been fully depreciated any future reduction in
the corresponding provision is reflected as an adjustment to the
Statement of Profit or Loss.
Management is required to make
significant estimates and assumptions when determining the amount
of the restoration and rehabilitation provisions as referred under
Note 1.2.26, Critical accounting estimates and
1.2.18 Taxation
Income tax for the period
comprises current and deferred tax. Income tax is recognised in the
statement of profit or loss except to the extent that it relates to
items charged or credited directly to equity or to other
comprehensive income, in which case the tax consequences are
recognised directly in equity and other comprehensive income
respectively. Current tax expense is the expected tax payable on
the taxable income for the period, using tax rates enacted or
substantively enacted at the reporting date, and any adjustment to
tax payable in respect of previous years.
Deferred tax is provided using the
statement of financial position liability method, providing for
temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and
liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the amounts used
for taxation purposes.
Deferred tax assets and
liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to
apply to the period when the asset is realised or the liability is
settled based on the tax rates (and tax laws) that have been
enacted or substantively enacted at the reporting date.
A deferred tax asset is recognised
only to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits
will be available against which the asset can be utilised. Deferred
tax assets are reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable
that the related tax benefit will be realised.
The Group offsets deferred income
tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities if, and only if, it
has a legally enforceable right to set off current tax assets and
current tax liabilities and the deferred income tax assets and
deferred income tax liabilities
relate to income taxes levied by
the same taxation authority on either the same taxable entity or
different taxable entities which intend either to settle current
tax liabilities and assets on a net basis, or to realise the assets
and settle the liabilities simultaneously, in each future period in
which significant amounts of deferred tax liabilities or assets are
expected to be settled or recovered.
In respect of taxable temporary
differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, associates
and jointly controlled entities, deferred tax is provided except
where the timing of the reversal of the temporary differences can
be controlled by the Group and it is probable that the temporary
differences will not reverse in the foreseeable future.
In respect of deductible temporary
differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, associates
and jointly controlled entities, deferred tax assets are only
recognised to the extent that it is probable that the temporary
differences will reverse in the foreseeable future and taxable
profit will be available against which the temporary differences
can be utilised.
Withholding tax is recognised as
part of the income tax expense in the statement of profit or loss.
Withholding tax is deducted at the source on dividends or other
services which give rise to that withholding tax in accordance with
applicable tax laws and treaties. Deferred tax is recognised in
respect of future withholding taxes on unremitted earnings based on
the expected timing and extent of future dividends from the Group
subsidiaries Refer to Note 21, Deferred taxation.
Uncertain tax positions
Uncertain tax positions are
accounted for under IFRIC 23. In assessing uncertain tax positions,
the Group evaluates whether it is probable that a tax authority
will accept a particular tax treatment. A tax position is only
recognised when the likelihood of the tax authority accepting the
treatment is probable. If it is probable that the tax treatment
will be accepted, the Group measures the tax position based on the
expected manner of settlement. If it is determined that a tax
position is not probable (i.e. uncertain), the Group recognises the
tax position based on the most likely outcome or expected value of
the outcome. Uncertain tax positions are re-evaluated at each
reporting date.
Royalties incurred by the Group
comprise mineral extraction costs based on a percentage of sales
paid to the local revenue authorities. These obligations arising
from royalty arrangements are recognised as current payables and
disclosed as part of royalty and selling costs in the statement of
profit or loss.
1.2.19 Employee benefits
Provision is made in the financial
statements for all short-term employee benefits. Liabilities for
wages and salaries, including non-monetary benefits, benefits
required by legislation, annual leave, retirement benefits and
accumulating sick leave obliged to be settled within 12 months of
the reporting date, are recognised in trade and other payables and
are measured at the amounts expected to be paid when the
liabilities are settled. Benefits falling due more than 12 months
after the reporting date are measured at the amount the obligation
is expected to be settled at, or discounted to present value using
a pre-tax discount rate where relevant or where time value of money
is expected to be significant. The Group recognises an expense for
contributions to the defined contribution pension fund in the
period in which the employees render the related
Bonus plans
The Group recognises a liability
and an expense for bonuses. The Group recognises a liability where
contractually obliged or where there is a past practice that has
created a constructive obligation. These liabilities are recognised
in trade and other payables and are measured at the amounts
expected to be paid when the liabilities are settled.
1.2.20 Leases
At inception, the Group assesses
whether a contract is or contains a lease. This assessment involves
the exercise of judgement whether it depends on a specified asset,
whether the Group obtains substantially all the economic benefits
from the use of that asset and whether the Group has the right to
direct the use of the asset. For leases that contain one lease
component and one or more additional lease or non-lease components,
the Group allocates the consideration in the contract to each lease
and non-lease component on the basis of the individual relative
stand-alone price of all lease and non-lease components and the
aggregate stand-alone price of all lease and non-lease components.
The lease component is accounted for under the requirements of IFRS
16 and the non-lease component is accounted for using the relevant
IFRS standard based on the nature of the non-lease
Right-of-use assets
The Group recognises right-of-use
assets at the commencement date of the lease (i.e. the date the
underlying asset is available for use). Right-of-use assets are
measured at cost, less any accumulated depreciation and impairment
losses, and adjusted for any remeasurement of lease liabilities.
The cost of right-of-use assets includes the amount of lease
liabilities recognised, initial direct costs incurred, costs to
dismantle, restore and remove the right-of-use asset, and lease
payments made at or before the commencement date less any lease
incentives received. After the commencement date, the right-of-use
assets are measured using a cost model. Right-of-use assets are
depreciated on a straight-line basis over the shorter of the lease
term and the estimated useful lives of the assets. If ownership of
the leased asset transfers to the Group at the end of the lease
term or the cost reflects the exercise of a purchase option,
depreciation is calculated using the estimated useful life of the
asset. Right-of-use assets are subject to impairment. Refer Note
1.2.10, Impairments.
Lease liabilities
At the commencement date of the
lease, the Group recognises lease liabilities measured at the
present value of lease payments to be made over the lease term. The
lease payments include fixed payments (including in-substance fixed
payments) less any lease incentives receivable, variable lease
payments that depend on an index or a rate, and amounts expected to
be paid under residual value guarantees. The lease payments also
include the exercise price of a purchase option reasonably certain
to be exercised by the Group, and payments of penalties for
terminating a lease if the lease term reflects the Group exercising
the option to terminate. The variable lease payments that do not
depend on an index or a rate are recognised as an expense in the
period in which the event or condition that triggers the payment
In calculating the present value
of lease payments, the Group uses the incremental borrowing rate at
the lease commencement date if the interest rate implicit in the
lease is not readily determinable. After the commencement date, the
amount of lease liabilities is increased to reflect the accretion
of interest and reduced for the lease payments made. In addition,
the carrying amount of lease liabilities is remeasured if there is
a modification to the terms and conditions of the lease or if there
is a lease reassessment.
Short-term leases and leases of
low-value assets
The Group applies the short-term
lease recognition exemption to its short-term leases (i.e. those
leases that have a lease term of 12 months or less from the
commencement date and do not contain a purchase option). It also
applies the lease of low-value assets recognition exemption to
leases of office equipment that are considered to be qualitatively
and quantitatively of low value. Lease payments on short-term
leases and leases of low-value assets are recognised as expenses on
a straight-line basis over the lease term.
Group as a lessor
Where the Group is a lessor, it
determines at inception whether the lease is a finance or operating
lease. When a lease transfers substantially all the risks and
rewards of ownership of the underlying asset then the lease is a
finance lease; otherwise the lease is an operating
Where the Group is an intermediate
lessor, the interest in the head lease and the sub-lease is
accounted for separately and the lease classification of a
sub-lease is determined by reference to the right-of-use-asset
arising from the head lease. Income from operating leases is
recognised on a straight-line basis over the lease term.
Revenue comprises net invoiced
diamond sales to customers excluding VAT. Diamond sales are made
through a competitive tender process and other sales channels, and
recognised when the Group's performance obligations have been
satisfied at the time the buyer obtains control of the diamond(s),
at an amount that the Group expects to be entitled in exchange for
the diamond(s). Control of the diamond(s) are obtained by the buyer
once funds have been received by the Group at which point the
diamond(s) are shipped to or collected by the buyer. Where the
Group makes rough diamond sales to customers and retains a right to
an interest in their future sale as polished diamonds, the Group
records the sale of the rough diamonds, but such contingent revenue
on the onward sale is only recognised at the date when the polished
diamonds are sold or when polished sales prices are mutually agreed
between the customer and the Group.
The following revenue streams are
· rough diamonds which are sold through a competitive tender
process, other sales channels, cooperation and partnership
· polished diamonds which are sold through direct sales
channels; and
· additional uplift (on the value from rough to polished) on
partnership and cooperation arrangements.
The sale of rough diamonds is the
core business of the Group with other revenue streams contributing
marginally to total revenue.
Revenue through cooperation and
partnership arrangements is recognised on the sale of the rough
diamond, with an additional uplift based on the polished prices or
polished margin achieved. The Group recognises the revenue on the
sale of the rough diamond when it is sold to a third party, as
there is no continuing involvement by management in the cutting and
polishing process and control has passed to the third party.
Revenue from additional uplift is considered to be a variable
The variable consideration on
partnership agreements is significantly constrained as it is
subject to a range of variables that are highly susceptible to
factors outside the Group's influence, such as market volatility
and third party decisions. The Group recognises revenue on the
additional uplift when the polished diamond is sold by the third
party or the polished sales prices are mutually agreed between the
third party and the Group, and the additional uplift is guaranteed,
as this is the point in time at which the significant constraints
are lifted or resolved from the polished margin revenue.
The variable consideration on
cooperation agreements is recognised at the time of the sale of the
rough diamond. The measurement of variable consideration is subject
to a constraining principle whereby revenue will only be recognised
to the extent that it is highly probable that a significant
reversal in the amount of cumulative revenue recognised will not
occur. The measurement constraint continues until the uncertainty
associated with the variable consideration is subsequently
resolved. Such estimates are determined using either the 'expected
value' or 'most likely amount' method and are recognised as a
1.2.22 Interest income
Interest income is recognised on a
time proportion basis using the effective interest rate
1.2.23 Dividend income
Dividend income is recognised when
the amount of the dividend can be reliably measured and the Group's
right to receive payment is established.
1.2.24 Finance costs
Finance costs are recognised on a
time proportion basis using the effective interest rate
1.2.25 Dividend
Dividend distributions to the
Group's shareholders are recognised as a liability in the Group's
financial statements in the period in which the dividends are
approved by the Group's shareholders.
1.2.26 Critical accounting estimates and judgements
The preparation of the
consolidated financial statements requires management to make
estimates and judgements and form assumptions that affect the
reported amounts of the assets and liabilities, the reported income
and expenses during the periods presented therein, and the
disclosure of contingent liabilities at the date of the financial
statements. Estimates and judgements are continually evaluated and
are based on historical experience and other factors, including
expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable
under the circumstances.
The Group makes estimates and
assumptions concerning the future and the resulting accounting
estimates will, by definition, seldom equal the related actual
results. The estimates and assumptions that have a significant risk
of causing a material adjustment to the financial results or the
financial position reported in future periods are discussed
Business environment and country
The Group's operations are subject
to country risk being the economic, political and social risks
inherent in doing business in certain areas of Africa, Europe and
the United Kingdom. These risks include matters arising out of the
policies of the government, economic conditions, imposition of or
changes to taxes and regulations, foreign exchange rate
fluctuations and the enforceability of contract rights.
The consolidated financial
information reflects management's assessment of the impact of these
business environments and country risks on the operations and the
financial position of the Group. The future business environment
may differ from management's assessment.
Ore reserves and associated life
of mine (LoM)
There are numerous uncertainties
inherent in estimating ore reserves and the associated LoM.
Therefore, the Group must make a number of assumptions in making
those estimations, including assumptions as to the prices of
diamonds, exchange rates, production costs and recovery rates.
Assumptions that are valid at the time of estimation may change
significantly when new information becomes available. Changes in
the forecast prices of diamonds, exchange rates, production costs
or recovery rates may change the economic status of ore reserves
and may, ultimately, result in the ore reserves being restated.
Where assumptions change the LoM estimates, the associated
depreciation rates, residual values, waste stripping and
amortisation ratios, and environmental provisions are reassessed to
take into account the revised LoM estimate. Refer Note 8, Property,
plant and equipment, Note 10, Intangible assets and Note 20,
Provision for restoration and
Significant estimates and
assumptions are made in determining the amount of the restoration
and rehabilitation provisions. These deal with uncertainties such
as changes to the legal and regulatory framework, magnitude of
possible contamination, and the timing, extent and costs of
required restoration and rehabilitation activity. Refer Note 20,
Provisions, for further detail.
Ore stockpile and diamond
Management exercises judgement
when making assumptions about the valuation of ore stockpiles and
diamond inventory. Key considerations include conversion factors,
diamond prices, production grades, and costs to completion, which
collectively inform the Group's valuation approach. In forming
these assumptions, the Group relies on empirical data on prices
achieved, grade and expenditure. Ore stockpiles are surveyed
regularly to determine the quantum of ore in cubic metres at that
time. A conversion factor called the Load Density Factor (LDF) is
applied to the cubic metres to determine the ore in tonnes. The LDF
varies depending on ore type, moisture content and
Impairment reviews
The Group determines if goodwill
is impaired on at least an annual basis, while all other
significant operations are tested for impairment when there are
potential indicators which may require an impairment review. This
requires an estimation of the recoverable amount of the relevant
CGU under review. The recoverable amount is the higher of fair
value less costs to sell and value in use. While conducting an
impairment review of its assets using value-in-use impairment
models, the Group exercises judgement in making assumptions about
future rough diamond prices, volumes of production, ore reserves
and resources included in the current LoM plans, production costs
and macro-economic factors such as inflation and discount rates.
Changes in estimates used can result in significant changes to the
consolidated statement of profit or loss and consolidated statement
of financial position. Refer Note 11, Impairment testing, for further
estimates and judgements applied.
The key assumptions used in the
recoverable amount calculations, determined on a value-in-use
basis, are listed below:
Valuation basis
Discounted present value of future
cash flows.
LoM and recoverable value of
reserves and resources
Economically recoverable reserves
and resources, carats recoverable and grades achievable are based
on management's expectations of the availability of reserves and
resources at Letšeng and technical studies undertaken by in-house
and third-party specialists. Reserves remaining after the current
LoM plan have not been included in determining the value in use of
the operations. The LoM of Letšeng is currently up to
2039 (2023:
Cost and inflation rate
Operating costs for Letšeng are
determined using 2024 actual costs, management's experience and the
use of contractors over a period of time whose costs are fairly
reasonably determinable. Processing costs have been based on
insourcing assumptions and estimates, following the recent
insourcing of the processing activities, and are lower than in the
past due to an immediate saving of contractor margin costs. In the
longer term, management has applied local inflation rates of 5.0%
(2023: 5.0%) for operating costs beyond 2027. Up to 2026, inflation
rates applied ranged between 5.2% - 9.6% (2023: 5.4% -
Capital costs have been based on
management's specific capital programme for the first five years,
the mining fleet replacement programme for the LoM to service the
updated mine plan and a fixed percentage of processing costs (after
the first five years) to determine the capital costs necessary to
maintain current levels of operations.
Exchange rates
Exchange rates are applied in line
with IAS 36, Impairment of Assets. The US dollar/Lesotho loti (LSL)
exchange rate used was determined with reference to the closing
rate at 31 December 2024 of LSL18.87 (31 December 2023:
Diamond prices
The short and medium term diamond
prices used in the impairment test have been set with reference to
historical and recent prices achieved, recent market trends,
anticipated market supply and the Group's medium-term forecast.
Long-term diamond price escalation reflects the Group's assessment
of market supply/demand fundamentals.
Discount rate
The discount rate of 12.9% for
revenue (2023: 10.4%) and 16.1% for costs (2023: 12.4%) used for
Letšeng represents the before-tax risk-free rate adjusted for
market risk, volatility and risks specific to the asset and its
operating jurisdiction. Management consider the use of two
different discount rates appropriate as the region in which the
revenue is earned has a lower risk profile to the region in which
the costs are incurred.
Market capitalisation
Where the Group's asset carrying
values exceed market capitalisation, it serves as an indicator of
impairment. The Group believes that this position does not
represent an impairment as all significant operations and
individual assets were assessed for impairment during the year and
no impairments were recognised.
The value in use for Letšeng
indicated sufficient headroom, and further changes to key
assumptions which could result in impairment are disclosed in Note
11, Impairment testing.
Provision for restoration and
rehabilitation and deferred tax thereon
Judgement is applied when
calculating the closure costs associated with the restoration of
the Letšeng mine site. These include the following:
· there are no costs associated with the backfill of the open
pits due to no in-country legislation requirements; and
· there are no costs associated with dismantling permanent
buildings as these will be handed over to various parties in
consultation with the Lesotho Government when the end of life is
At the Ghaghoo mine site, the
following judgements were applied:
· the
mine site will be left in a state which could enable a future
operator to operate on the site, and therefore certain
infrastructure, such as access roads to the mine, paving and
walkways, a solar solution installation, borehole pump and water
treatment plant, will remain intact and, after obtaining the
necessary approvals, it will be handed over to the Government of
Botswana through the Ministry of Minerals and Energy. There are
therefore no costs associated with the rehabilitation of certain
roads or rehabilitation and dismantling of certain infrastructures;
· the
timing of the rehabilitation cost cash flows has been estimated to
be five years.
At Letšeng, deferred tax assets
are recognised on provisions for rehabilitation as management will
implement appropriate tax planning strategies to ensure sufficient
taxable income is available to utilise all deductions in the
future. At Ghaghoo, no deferred tax assets have been recognised on
the provision for rehabilitation as management does not foresee any
taxable profits or taxable temporary differences against which the
deferred tax asset can be utilised due to the operation being under
care and maintenance.
Capitalised stripping costs
(deferred waste)
Waste removal costs (stripping
costs) are incurred during the development and production phases at
surface mining operations. The orebody needs to be identified in
its various separately identifiable components. An identifiable
component is a specific volume of the orebody that is made more
accessible by the stripping activity. Judgement is required to
identify and define these components (referred to as "cuts"), and
also to determine the expected volumes (tonnes) of waste to be
stripped and ore to be mined in each of these components. These
assessments are based on a combination of information available in
the mine plans, specific characteristics of the orebody and the
milestones relating to major capital investment
Judgements and estimates are also
used to apply the amortisation rate, future stripping costs of the
cut/component and the expected ore to be mined from that
cut/component. Refer Note 8, Property, plant and
Identifying uncertainties over tax
As previously disclosed, an
amended tax assessment was issued to Letšeng by the Revenue
Services Lesotho (RSL), in December 2019, contradicting the
application of certain tax treatments in the current Lesotho Income
Tax Act 1993. An objection to the amended tax assessment was lodged
with the RSL in March 2020, which was supported by the opinion of
senior counsel. The RSL subsequently lodged a court application for
the review and setting aside of the applicable regulations to the
Lesotho High Court pertaining to this matter, which Letšeng is
opposing. The amended court application process will continue
during 2025, with support from senior legal counsel.
Management do not believe a
liability relating to an uncertain tax position exists
· there is no ambiguity in the application of the published
Lesotho Income Tax Act;
· there has been no change in the application of the Income Tax
Act and resulting tax; and
· senior counsel advice, which is legally privileged, has been
obtained for the new circumstances. This advice still reflects good
prospects of success.
No provision or contingent
liability has been raised in the 2024 Financial Statements relating
· the
amended tax assessment in question; or
· any
potential legal costs that could be incurred,
should the matter be found in
favour of the RSL.
Offsetting of deferred tax assets
and deferred tax liabilities of the Group's subsidiary, Letšeng
The Group's subsidiary, Letšeng
Diamonds, is subject to the tax laws and regulations enacted within
Lesotho. The corporate tax laws and regulations currently enacted
by the RSL requires a taxpayer to file a claim for offsetting
current tax assets and current tax liabilities, and offsetting
deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities with the
Commissioner within four years after service of the notice of
assessment for the year of assessment to which the claim
The Group, after applying
significant judgement, is of the view that Letšeng Diamonds does
not have a legally enforceable right to offset current tax assets
against current tax liabilities, and deferred tax assets against
deferred tax liabilities within the Lesotho corporate tax
jurisdiction as it is subject to the Commissioner's approval of the
claim submitted, for which the outcome is highly uncertain as the
approval is subject purely to the discretion of the
Commissioner. On this basis, the Group does not offset Letšeng
Diamonds' deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities, but
rather presents them on a gross basis in the consolidated statement
of financial position. Refer Note 1.2.18, Taxation.
Deferred Tax on Unremitted
Management applies judgement when
assessing whether it has the intention and ability to control the
timing of profit distribution from its subsidiaries. Deferred tax
liabilities are recognised according to the Group's expected
distributions in the annual business plan, which is based on a
three-year period. Management believe the annual business
plan reflects the best estimate of the
Group's distributions and are probable. Refer Note
21, Deferred
Determination of variable
consideration in terms of revenue recognition
Judgement is exercised by
estimating variable consideration on the polished sales price of
diamonds sold into cooperation agreements. The variable
consideration is determined having regard to past experience with
respect to the uplift earned on the sale of the polished diamonds.
Revenue is only recognised to the extent that it is highly probable
that a significant reversal in the amount of cumulative revenue
recognised will not occur when the uncertainty associated with the
variable consideration is subsequently resolved.
No variable consideration is
recognised on the future uplift of the margin on partnership
arrangements as the future amounts are highly susceptible to
factors outside of the Group's control, as described in IFRS 15 par
57; being market volatility, decisions and actions of third parties
and that the uncertainty is not expected to be resolved for a
relatively long period. These factors result in a significant
estimation uncertainty and management exercised judgement in not
recognising the variable consideration until the uncertainty
associated with the variable consideration is subsequently
Sale of goods
152 839
139 433
Partnership arrangements
1 373
154 212
140 287
The revenue from the sale of goods
mainly represents the sale of rough diamonds, for which revenue is
recognised at the point in time at which control
The revenue from partnership
arrangements of US$1.4 million (2023: US$0.9 million)
represents the additional uplift from partnership arrangements for
which revenue is recognised when the significant constraints are
lifted or resolved and the amount of revenue is guaranteed. At year
end 1 236 carats (2023: 1 728 carats) have significant constraints
in recognising revenue relating to the additional
Other operating (expenses)/income
are categorised separately as they relate to expenses or income
which are minor or irregular and are incurred or sourced outside of
normal operations.
Sundry (expense)/income
Ghaghoo reduction in rehabilitation
Proceeds from insurance
1 030
Proceeds from VAT
Ghaghoo care and maintenance
(1 572)
(1 809)
Profit/(loss) on disposal and
scrapping of property, plant and equipment
1 The VAT
refund in the prior year relates to long-outstanding VAT refunds
received from the Revenue Service of Lesotho which had been
previously written off at Letšeng.
2 Includes depreciation recognised in the current year of
US$67.0 thousand (31 December 2023: US$10.0 thousand).
Operating profit includes operating
costs and income as listed below:
Depreciation and
Depreciation and mining asset
amortisation excluding waste stripping cost1
(9 238)
(5 423)
Depreciation of right-of-use
(2 129)
(1 892)
Waste stripping costs
(35 627)
(39 194)
(46 994)
(46 509)
Cost of inventories recognised as
an expense (including the relevant portion of waste stripping costs
(100 497)
(102 204)
Foreign exchange
Foreign exchange gain
1 086
2 775
Lease expenses not included in lease
Mine site property
Equipment and service
(9 728)
(9 880)
Auditor's remuneration -
Group financial
Auditor's remuneration - other audit
Other non-audit fees -
Other services
Other non-audit fees - other audit
Tax services advisory and
Employee benefits expense
Salaries and
(20 353)
(14 386)
Underlying earnings before interest,
tax, depreciation and mining asset amortisation (underlying
Underlying EBITDA is shown, as the
Directors consider this measure to be a relevant guide to the
operational performance of the Group and excludes such
non-operating costs and income as listed below. The reconciliation
from operating profit to underlying EBITDA is as
Operating profit
17 992
10 380
Other operating
Foreign exchange gain
(1 086)
(2 775)
Share-based payments
Depreciation and amortisation
(excluding waste stripping cost amortised)
11 365
7 315
Underlying EBITDA
29 719
15 232
1 Includes a full year of depreciation relating to the mining
fleet and support equipment, acquired as part of the insourcing of
the mining activities in December 2023.
2 The
Group's auditors changed from Ernst & Young Inc (EY) in the
prior year to RSM Audit UK LLP (RSM) in the current
3 Includes contributions to defined contribution plan of US$0.8
million (31 December 2023: US$0.4 million). An average of 716
employees excluding contractors were employed during the
period (2023: 313). The increased number of employees was as a
result of the insourcing of the mining and processing
4 Includes Ghaghoo-related care and maintenance and site
rehabilitation costs of US$1.6 million (31 December 2023: US$1.8
million), partially offset by a reduction of US$0.6 million
in the Ghaghoo rehabilitation provision, all of which are
considered non-operating.
Finance income
Bank deposits
Insurance asset
Total finance income
Finance costs
Finance costs on
(5 339)
(3 332)
Finance costs on lease
Finance costs on unwinding of
rehabilitation and decommissioning provision
(1 464)
(1 484)
Fair value adjustment on loan
Total finance costs
(7 406)
(5 313)
(6 531)
(4 696)
Finance income relates to interest
earned on cash, short-term deposits and insurance
Finance costs include interest
incurred on borrowings and associated unwinding of facility credit
underwriting fees, finance lease liabilities and the unwinding of
rehabilitation provisions.
- Foreign
(6 443)
Withholding tax
- Foreign
- Foreign: prior year
- Foreign
3 576
(3 777)
Income tax expense
(3 375)
(4 090)
Profit before taxation
11 461
5 684
Reconciliation of tax
Applicable income tax
Unrecognised deferred tax
Effect of foreign tax at different
Unremitted earnings
Withholding tax
Withholding tax: prior year
Effective income tax rate
The tax rate reconciles to the
statutory Lesotho corporation tax rate of 25% as this is the
jurisdiction in which the majority of the Group's taxes are
| |
1 Non-deductible expenses mainly comprise corporate social
investment, legal fees of a capital nature and share-based payments
in both the current and prior year.
2 In the
prior year, a provision for uncertain tax positions was raised.
During the year, clarity was provided regarding the position and
the provision was no longer required and therefore released. Refer
Note 23 Commitments and contingencies.
3 This
item relates to withholding tax previously overpaid and refunded in
full in the prior year by the Revenue Services Lesotho.
The effective tax rate is above
the Lesotho statutory tax rate of 25% primarily as a result of
deferred tax assets not recognised on losses incurred in
non-trading operations in the Group, withholding taxes paid and the
impact of certain non-deductible expenses for tax
The following reflects the income
and share data used in the basic and diluted earnings per share
Profit for the year
8 086
1 594
Less: Non-controlling
(5 192)
(3 719)
Net profit/(loss) attributable to
ordinary equity holders of the parent for basic and diluted
2 894
(2 125)
Number of ordinary shares
outstanding at end of year ('000)
141 236
141 210
Weighted number of share options
exercised during the year ('000)
Effect of share buyback - Treasury
shares ('000)
(1 520)
(1 520)
Weighted average number of ordinary
shares outstanding during the year ('000)
139 707
139 529
Basic earnings/(loss) per share
attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent
Earnings/(loss) per share is
calculated by dividing the net profit/(loss) attributable to
ordinary equity holders of the parent by the weighted average
number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year.
Diluted earnings/(loss) per share
is calculated by dividing the net profit/(loss) attributable to
ordinary equity holders of the parent by the weighted average
number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year after taking
into account future potential conversion and issue rights
associated with the ordinary shares.
Number of
Number of
Weighted average number of ordinary
shares outstanding during the year
139 707
139 529
Effect of dilution:
- Future share awards under the
Employee Share Option Plan
4 262
2 509
Weighted average number of ordinary
shares outstanding during the year adjusted for the effect of
143 969
142 038
Diluted earnings/(loss) per share
attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent
There have been no other
transactions involving ordinary shares or potential ordinary shares
between the reporting date and the date of completion of these
financial statements.
Stripping activity asset
Mining asset
sioning assets
Plant and equip-
Other assets2
As at 1 January 2024
604 372
100 827
3 255
50 892
112 812
9 336
881 494
22 302
3 367
1 893
28 060
Net movement in rehabilitation
(2 993)
(3 698)
(3 191)
(3 834)
3 222
(3 416)
Foreign exchange
(19 288)
(2 389)
(1 613)
(3 676)
(27 338)
As at 1 January 2024
437 154
39 026
3 255
32 544
64 503
6 418
582 900
Charge for the year
35 627
1 467
6 556
44 865
(3 190)
(3 828)
Foreign exchange
(13 732)
(1 655)
(1 072)
(2 356)
(19 112)
Net book value at 31 December
147 809
63 425
16 856
37 561
4 208
269 859
1 Included in plant and equipment are capital projects in
progress of US$0.9 million (31 December 2023: US$4.1
2 Other
assets comprise motor vehicles, computer equipment, furniture and
fittings, and office equipment.
3 The
reclassifications in the current year related to capital projects
in progress in the prior year, included in plant and equipment,
which are being depreciated in the current year
as mining assets.
Stripping activity asset
Mining asset
sioning assets
Plant and equip-
Other assets1
Balance at 1 January
609 336
103 972
3 519
53 740
89 292
8 521
868 380
Restatement - Refer Note
5 495
5 495
Restated balance at 1 January
609 336
103 972
3 519
53 740
94 787
8 521
873 875
37 102
2 056
27 056
1 255
67 486
Net movement in rehabilitation
(1 342)
(1 342)
(1 153)
Foreign exchange
(42 066)
(5 357)
(3 575)
(5 948)
(57 699)
Accumulated depreciation/
As at 1 January 2023
425 316
42 564
3 519
33 140
63 727
6 615
574 881
Restatement - Refer Note
2 731
2 731
Restated balance at 1 January
425 316
42 564
3 519
33 140
66 458
6 615
577 612
Charge for the year
39 194
1 536
2 895
44 617
Foreign exchange
(27 356)
(4 097)
(2 132)
(4 279)
(38 529)
As at 31 December
437 154
39 026
3 255
32 544
64 503
6 418
582 900
Net book value at 31 December
167 218
61 801
18 348
48 309
2 918
298 594
1 Other
assets comprise motor vehicles, computer equipment, furniture and
fittings, and office equipment.
2 Includes purchase of mining fleet and support equipment
(including transaction costs capitalised) of US$22.8 million
in terms of the insourcing of the mining activities which
is disclosed in the plant and equipment category.
3 Included in plant and equipment are capital projects in
progress of US$4.1 million (31 December 2022: US$14.1
Plant and equipment
Motor vehicles
1 058
1 763
Derecognition of lease
(1 330)
Foreign exchange
As at 31 December 2024
3 586
5 800
9 923
Accumulated depreciation
As at 1 January 2024
1 450
3 451
5 004
Charge for the year
2 129
Derecognition of lease
Foreign exchange
As at 31 December 2024
1 925
3 958
6 052
Net book value at 31 December
1 661
1 842
3 871
As at 31 December 2023
As at 1 January 2023
3 190
6 430
10 041
1 132
Derecognition of lease
Foreign exchange
As at 31 December 2023
3 379
6 008
9 750
Accumulated depreciation
As at 1 January 2023
2 898
3 701
Charge for the year
1 892
Derecognition of lease
Foreign exchange
As at 31 December 2023
1 450
3 451
5 004
Net book value at 31 December
1 929
2 557
4 746
Plant and equipment mainly
comprise pit dewatering and back-up power generating equipment
utilised at Letšeng. Motor vehicles mainly comprise vehicles
utilised by contractors at Letšeng. Buildings comprise office
buildings in Maseru, Antwerp, London, Gaborone and
Right-of-use assets are
depreciated on a straight-line basis over the shorter of its
estimated useful life and the lease term.
During the year, Gem Diamonds
Limited and Gem Diamond Technical Services (Pty) Ltd entered into
new contracts for the rental of existing office space in London and
Johannesburg respectively. At Letšeng, lease contracts for
dewatering equipment and vehicles were either entered into or
renegotiated resulting in the recognition of associated
right-of-use assets and lease liabilities. The original contracts
were cancelled and all associated assets and liabilities were
derecognised. Refer Note 17, Lease
During the prior year new lease
contracts were entered into for earth-moving equipment and certain
assets relating to catering and housekeeping resulting in the
recognition of right-of-use assets and lease liabilities associated
with the new lease.
Total gains of US$0.3 million
(2023: US$30 thousand) have been recognised in the
consolidated statement of profit or loss relating to the
derecognition of leases in the Group during the year. Refer Note
17, Lease liabilities and Note 22.1, Cash generated by operations.
During the year the Group recognised income of US$0.3 million
(2023: US$0.3 million) from the sub-leasing of office
buildings in Maseru.
As at 31 December 2024
Balance at 1 January 2024
10 440
Foreign exchange translation
Balance at 31 December
10 118
Accumulated amortisation
Balance at 1 January 2024
Balance at 31 December
Net book value at 31 December
10 118
As at 31 December 2023
Balance at 1 January 2023
11 221
Foreign exchange translation
Balance at 31 December
10 440
Accumulated amortisation
Balance at 1 January 2023
Balance at 31 December
Net book value at 31 December
10 440
1 Goodwill allocated to Letšeng
Diamonds. Refer Note 11, Impairment
Goodwill impairment testing is
undertaken on Letšeng Diamonds annually and when there are
indications of impairment. The most recent test was undertaken at
31 December 2024. In assessing whether goodwill has been impaired,
the carrying amount of Letšeng Diamonds is compared with its
recoverable amount. For the purpose of goodwill impairment testing
in 2024, the recoverable amount for Letšeng Diamonds has been
determined based on a value in use model, similar to that adopted
in the past.
Letšeng Diamonds
10 118
10 440
As at 31 December 2024
10 118
10 440
Movement in goodwill relates to
foreign exchange translation from functional to presentation
currency, as disclosed within Note 10, Intangible
The discount rates are outlined
below and represent the nominal pre-tax rates. These rates are
based on the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) of the Group
and adjusted accordingly at a risk premium for Letšeng Diamonds,
taking into account risks associated therein.
Discount rate - Letšeng
Applied to revenue
Applied to costs
Value in use
The mining lease period at Letšeng
extends to 2029 with an exclusive option to renew for a further 10
years to 2039. The updated open pit mine plan which has been used
to project the cash flows, reflects that the open pit mining
(including inferred resources) is expected to cease in 2039 (31
December 2023: 2038). In terms of IAS 36, cash flows are projected
for a period up to the date of the LoM plan period, i.e. 2039,
which now coincides with the mining lease period of 2039. The mine
plan takes into account the available reserves and other relevant
inputs such as diamond pricing, costs and geotechnical parameters.
It includes the next open pit cutback in the Satellite Pipe (C6W)
using a re-designed steeper slope concept which significantly
reduced the tonnes of waste previously required to be removed. The
cost savings associated with the recently concluded insourcing of
the processing activities have been included in the value-in-use
model. Refer Note 1.2.26, Critical accounting estimates and
Sensitivity to changes in
The Group will continue to test its
assets for impairment where indications are identified.
Refer Note 1.2.26, Critical
accounting estimates and judgements, for further details on
impairment testing policies.
The short and medium-term diamond
prices used in the impairment test have been set with reference to
historical and recent prices achieved, recent market trends and
anticipated market supply and the Group's medium-term forecast.
Long-term diamond price escalation reflects the Group's assessment,
taking into account independent diamond analyst views of market
supply/demand fundamentals. The valuation of Letšeng at 31 December
2024 exceeded the carrying value by US$51.3 million (31 December
2023: US$63.3 million). The valuation is sensitive to input
assumptions particularly in relation to the foreign exchange
assumption of the US dollar (US$) to the Lesotho Loti (LSL) at year
end, future price growth for diamonds, increase in operating costs
and changes to the discount rates. The Group has assumed an
appropriate price increase for its diamonds following the
significant pressure experienced in the diamond market during the
A range of alternative scenarios
have been considered in determining whether there is a reasonable
possible change in the foreign exchange rates, diamond prices,
operating costs and discount rates, which would result in the
recoverable amount equating to the carrying amount. Each
sensitivity was performed in isolation with all other valuation
assumptions remaining the same. A 7.0% strengthening of the LSL to
the US$ from US$1:LSL18.87 to US$1:LSL17.55 (31 December 2023: 7%
to US$1:LSL17.00), or a reduction of 5.0% (31 December 2023: 5.0%)
to the starting diamond prices (at the year end exchange rate), or
a 7.9% (31 December 2023: 8.0%) increase in current estimated
operating costs of US$1.6 billion (31 December 2023: US$1.7
billion) over the LoM, or an increase of 1.09 basis points or
decrease of 1.79 basis points to the discount rate applied to
revenue and cost respectively, would result in the recoverable
amount equating to the current carrying amount, with other
valuation assumptions remaining the same.
As a result, no impairment charge was recognised for the Letšeng Diamonds
CGU during the year.
Insurance asset1
5 596
4 397
7 341
4 487
Trade receivables
1 484
1 249
Other receivables
VAT receivable4
4 030
1 961
6 633
3 631
The carrying amounts above
approximate their fair value due to the nature of the
Analysis of trade receivables based
on their terms and conditions
Neither past due nor
> 120 days
1 This
non-current asset relates to Letšeng's Multi-aggregate Protection
Insurance Policy with The Lesotho National Insurance Group (LNIGC)
of LSL140.0 million (US$7.4 million) (31 December 2023: LSL140.0
million (US$7.7 million)) entered into in October 2021. This policy
has a remaining tenure of one-and-a-half years at year end (31
December 2023: two-and-a-half-years). Premium payments of LSL30.0
million (US$1.6 million) (31 December 2023: LSL30.0 million (US$1.6
million)) for the policy are payable annually in advance. Refer
Note 23, Commitments and contingencies. The policy gives
Letšeng the right to claim up to LSL75.0 million (31 December 2023:
LSL75.0 million) for each-and-every-loss and LSL150.0 million ((31
December 2023: LSL150.0 million) in the aggregate (subject to terms
and conditions contained in the policy). On expiry of the policy in
June 2026, all unutilised funds within the policy are due and
payable to Letšeng. A non-current financial asset has been
recognised for the unutilised premium paid to date, net of
underwriting service fee of LSL 2.1 million (US$0.1 million) ((31
December 2023: LSL2.1 million (U$0.1 million)) as expensed as part
of operating expenses within the Statement of Profit or Loss. The
non-current financial asset is measured at amortised cost in line
with IFRS 9 Financial Instruments. Interest is earned on the
unrealised premium and recognised as finance income. The fourth
premium payment of LSL30.0 million (US$1.6 million) ((31 December
2023: LSL30.0 million (US$1.6 million) was financed through a
10-month loan through Premium Finance Partners (Proprietary)
Limited. This non-current financial asset is ceded in favour of
Premium Finance Partners (Proprietary) Limited. Refer Note 16,
Interest-bearing loans and borrowings.
2 Other
non-current receivables relate to a financing arrangement provided
to a third party to assist with the exploration of possible
expansion opportunities.
3 Prepayments include insurance premiums prepaid at Letšeng of
US$0.4 million (31 December 2023: US$0.4 million) which were also
funded through Premium Finance Partners (Proprietary) Limited. This
prepayment is ceded in favour of Premium Finance Partners
(Proprietary) Limited. Refer Note 16, Interest-bearing loans and
receivable mainly comprises of US$3.8 million at Letšeng and US$0.2
million at Gem Diamond Technical Services (Pty) Ltd. Post year-end
US$2.6 million has been received from the respective revenue
Based on the nature of the Group's
customer base and the negligible exposure to credit risk through
its customer base, insurance asset and other financial assets, the
expected credit loss is insignificant and has no impact on the
Diamonds on hand
9 279
17 128
Ore stockpile
16 560
11 553
Consumable stores
8 225
8 952
34 064
37 633
Inventory is carried at the lower
of cost or net realisable value.
In the current year, consumable
stores at Ghaghoo were written down by US$0.1 million to net
realisable value (31 December 2023: nil).
Cash on hand
Bank balances
6 032
5 101
Short term bank deposits
6 843
11 399
12 878
16 503
The amounts reflected in the
financial statements approximate fair value due to the short-term
maturity and nature of cash and short-term deposits.
Cash at banks earn interest at
floating rates based on daily bank deposit rates. Short-term
deposits are generally call deposit accounts and earn interest at
the respective short-term deposit rates.
The Group's cash surpluses are
deposited with major financial institutions of high-quality credit
standing predominantly within Lesotho and the United
At 31 December 2024, the Group had
US$69.0 million (31 December 2023: US$45.9 million) of undrawn
facilities, representing LSL450.0 million (US$23.8 million) (31
December 2023: LSL180.0 million (US$9.8 million)) and ZAR300.0
million (US$15.9 million) (31 December 2023: ZAR120.0 million
(US$6.6 million)) of the two-year extended secured revolving credit
facility at Letšeng, ZAR100.0 million (US$5.3 million) (31 December
2023: ZAR100.0 million (US$5.5 million) of the Letšeng general
banking facility, and US$24.0 million (31 December 2023: US$24.0
million) of the Company's two-year extended secured revolving
credit facility. For further details on these facilities, refer
Note 16, Interest-bearing loans and borrowings.
Share capital
31 December 2024
31 December 2023
of shares
of shares
Authorised - ordinary shares of
US$0.01 each
As at year end
200 000
2 000
200 000
2 000
Issued and fully paid balance at
beginning of year
141 210
1 413
140 923
1 410
Allotments during the
Number of ordinary shares
outstanding at end of year
141 236
1 413
141 210
1 413
Treasury shares
31 December 2024
31 December 2023
of shares
of shares
Number of treasury shares
outstanding at end of year
(1 520)
(1 157)
(1 520)
(1 157)
Share premium
Share premium comprises the excess
value recognised from the issue of ordinary shares above its par
Other reserves
As at 1 January 2024
(257 924)
7 127
(250 797)
Other comprehensive loss
(5 053)
(5 053)
Total comprehensive loss
(5 053)
(5 053)
Share-based payment
As at 31 December 2024
(262 977)
7 643
(255 334)
As at 1 January 2023
(245 967)
6 798
(239 169)
Other comprehensive loss
(11 957)
(11 957)
Share capital issue
Share-based payment
As at 31 December 2023
(257 924)
7 127
(250 797)
Foreign currency translation
The foreign currency translation
reserve comprises all foreign exchange differences arising from the
translation of foreign entities. The South African, Lesotho and
Botswana subsidiaries' functional currencies are different to the
Group's presentation currency of US dollar. The rates used to
convert the operating functional currency into US dollar are as
Average rate
Year end
Average rate
Pula to US$1
Share-based equity
For details on the share-based
equity reserve, refer Note 26, Share-based payments.
Capital management
In order to maintain or adjust the
capital structure, the Group may adjust the amounts of dividends
paid to shareholders, return capital to shareholders, issue new
shares or sell assets to reduce debt.
The Group is subject to certain
loan covenants and meeting these is given priority in all capital
risk management decisions. There have been no events of default on
the loans during the financial year.
For details on capital management,
refer Note 25, Financial risk management.
Treasury shares
In 2022, the Board of Directors
approved a share buyback programme to purchase up to US$2.0 million
of the Company's ordinary shares. The sole purpose of the programme
was to reduce the capital of the Company and the Company intends to
hold those ordinary shares purchased under the programme in
treasury. Such treasury shares are not entitled to dividends and
have no voting rights. The share buyback programme was initiated on
12 April 2022. At 31 December 2022, 1 520 170 shares had
been bought back at the market value on the date of each buyback,
equating to a weighted average price of 60.05 GB pence (78.07 US
cents) per share, totalling US$1.2 million (including
transaction costs). This reduction in shares issued has been taken
into account in calculating the earnings per share. No further
share buybacks have taken place since 2022.
The RCFs at Letšeng and Gem
Diamonds Limited were extended for a 24-month period through
exercising the extension option included in the initial facility
agreement, following the required credit approval from the
Gem Diamonds Limited provides
security for both the Letšeng Diamonds and Gem Diamonds Limited
revolving credit facilities over its bank accounts domiciled in the
United Kingdom (US$2.3 million) (31 December 2023: US$1.4 million)
and over its 70% shareholding in Letšeng Diamonds, refer Note 30,
Material partly owned subsidiary.
Effective from 1 January 2023, the
interest-bearing loans and borrowings subject to the US$
three-month LIBOR rate transitioned to a Secured Overnight
Financing Rate (SOFR), in line with the IBOR phase 2 Amendments
which became effective in 2021. The transition from the South
African JIBAR rates to the South African Rand Overnight Index
Average (ZARONIA) is expected to be completed by 2026. The
interest-bearing loans and borrowings that remain subject to the
South African JIBAR rate include the ZAR132.0 million unsecured
project debt facility and the ZAR300.0 million revolving credit
The Group will continue to assess
the impact of the interest rate benchmark reform on the Group's
JIBAR interest-bearing loans and borrowings as the revised
benchmark rates are published or negotiated with the funders. The
developments on these facilities from 1 January 2024 and their
carrying amounts and maturities as at 31 December 2024 are
disclosed in the note below.
Effective interest rate
LSL450.0 million (US$23.8 million)
and ZAR300.0 million (US$15.9 million) bank loan
Central Bank of Lesotho rate
(7.75%) + 3.25% and South African JIBAR (8.35%) +
Credit underwriting fees
21 December 2026
US$30.0 million bank loan
Term SOFR (4.33%)+
21 December 2026
6 000
Credit underwriting fees
ZAR132.0 million (US$7.0
million) million project debt facility
South African JIBAR (8.35%) +
31 May 2027
2 999
5 156
LSL200.0 million (US$10.6 million)
term loan facility
Lesotho prime rate
minus 1.50%
30 April 2029
7 772
16 633
5 156
LSL450.0 million (US$23.8 million)
and ZAR300.0 million (US$15.9 million) bank loan
Central Bank of Lesotho rate
(7.75%) + 3.25% and South African JIBAR (8.35%) +
24 632
Credit underwriting fees
21 December 2026
US$30.0 million bank loan
Term SOFR (4.33%)+
6 000
Credit underwriting fees
21 December 2026
ZAR132.0 million (US$7.0
million) million project debt facility
South African JIBAR (8.35%) +
31 May 2027
1 999
2 062
LSL200.0 million (US$10.6 million)
term loan facility
Lesotho prime rate
minus 1.50%
30 April 2029
1 413
LSL30.0 million (US$1.6 million)
insurance premium finance
Repaid 1 April 2024
ZAR2.5 million (US$0.1 million)
insurance premium finance
Repaid 1 April 2024
LSL12.4 million (US$0.7 million)
insurance premium finance
Repaid 1 April 2024
LSL30.0 million (US$1.6 million)
insurance premium finance
1 April 2025
ZAR0.9 million (US$48 thousand)
insurance premium finance
1 April 2025
LSL14.6 million (US$0.8 million)
insurance premium finance
1 April 2025
4 397
33 411
1 A
reduction of 0.05% on the margin of the Nedbank portion of the
revolving credit facilities were effective from 1 January 2024 as
the KPIs relating to the Sustainability Linked Loans were met as at
the 31 December 2023 measurement date.
LSL450.0 million and ZAR300.0
million (US$39.7 million) bank loan facility at Letšeng
The Group, through its subsidiary
Letšeng Diamonds, has a secured LSL450.0 million and ZAR300.0
million (US$39.7 million) five-year (following the 24-month
extension) revolving credit facility jointly with Nedbank Lesotho
Limited, Standard Lesotho Bank Limited, First National Bank of
Lesotho Limited, Firstrand Bank Limited (acting through its Rand
Merchant Bank division) and Nedbank Limited (acting through its
Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking division).
In November 2024, the 24-month
extension option for this facility was exercised following credit
approval by the lenders. The revised maturity date is 21 December
The LSL450.0 million facility is
subject to interest at the Central Bank of Lesotho rate plus 3.25%
and the ZAR300.0 million facility is subject to South African JIBAR
plus 3.00% (31 December 2023: South African JIBAR plus 3.00%). At
the end of the current year there were no drawdowns on these
facilities resulting in LSL450.0 million (US$23.8 million) and
ZAR300.0 million (US$15.9 million) remaining available.
The remaining balance of the
credit underwriting fees capitalised is US$0.1 million (31 December
2023: US$0.2 million). The capitalised fees are amortised and
accounted for as finance costs within profit or loss over the term
of the facility.
US$30.0 million bank loan facility
at Gem Diamonds Limited
This facility is a secured
five-year (following the 24-month extension) revolving credit
facility with Nedbank Limited (acting through its London branch),
Standard Bank of South Africa Limited (acting through its Isle of
Man branch) and Firstrand Bank Limited (acting through its Rand
Merchant Bank division) for US$13.5 million, US$9.0 million and
US$7.5 million, respectively. All draw downs are made in these
In November 2024, the 24-month
extension option for this facility was exercised, following credit
approval by the lenders. The revised maturity date is 21 December
At year end US$6.0 million
(31 December 2023: US$6.0 million) had been drawn down resulting in
US$24.0 million (31 December 2023: US$24.0 million) remaining
available. The remaining balance of the credit underwriting fees
capitalised is US$0.1 million (31 December 2023: US$0.1 million) at
year end. The capitalised fees are amortised and accounted for as
finance costs within profit or loss over the period of the
The US$-based interest rate for
this facility at 31 December 2024 was 9.54% (31 December 2023:
10.65%) which comprises term SOFR plus a 0.21% credit adjustment
spread and 5.00% margin (31 December 2023: SOFR plus a 0.26% credit
adjustment and 5.00% margin).
Total interest for the year on
this interest-bearing RCF was US$1.3 million (31 December 2023:
US$0.9 million).
The facility includes an
additional US$20.0 million accordion option, the utilisation of
which is subject to all necessary credit and other approvals from
the lenders. There was no utilisation of this facility in the
current or prior years.
ZAR132.0 million (US$7.0 million)
project debt facility at Letšeng Diamonds
This loan is an unsecured project
debt facility with Nedbank Limited and underwritten by the ECIC
which was entered into on 29 November 2022 to fund the replacement
of the primary crushing area (PCA) at Letšeng. The loan is
repayable in equal quarterly payments which commenced in March
2024. The outstanding balance at year end was ZAR94.3 million
(US$5.0 million) (31 December 2023: ZAR132.0 million (US$7.2
million). This loan expires on 27 May 2027.
The South African rand-based
interest rates for the facility at 31 December 2024 was 10.85%
which comprises South African JIBAR plus 2.50%.
Total interest for the year on
this interest-bearing loan was US$0.7 million (31 December 2023:
US$0.7 million).
LSL200.0 million (US$10.6 million)
secured term loan facility at Letšeng Diamonds
This loan is a five-year secured
term loan facility signed jointly with Standard Lesotho Bank and
Nedbank Lesotho on 15 May 2024. The loan is secured by a special
notarial bond over the fleet and equipment acquired as part of the
insourcing of the mining activities at the end of 2023. The loan is
repayable in equal monthly instalments which commenced in May 2024.
The outstanding balance at the end of the year was LSL173.3 million
(US$9.2 million). This loan expires on 30 April 2029. The interest
rate on the loan is 9.75%, representing the Central Bank of Lesotho
prime rate minus 1.50%. Total interest for the year on this
interest-bearing loan was US$0.6 million.
Loan covenants
The Group's revolving credit
facilities, Letšeng Diamonds' ZAR132.0 million (US$7.0 million)
project debt facility and LSL200.0 million (US$10.6 million)
secured term loan facility are subject to certain
financial covenants and these are assessed at the end of each
quarter. The loans will be repayable immediately if these covenants
are breached. The Group is not aware of any facts or circumstances
that indicate that it may have difficulty complying with the
covenants within 12 months after the reporting period.
Insurance premium finance for
Multi-aggregate and Asset All Risk Insurance policies
The Group, through its subsidiary
Letšeng Diamonds, enters into financing agreements for insurance
premiums for the Multi-aggregate Insurance Policy and its Asset All
Risk Policy. All respective insurance premiums prepaid are ceded in
favour of Premium Finance Partners (Proprietary) Limited. The
funding is payable monthly in advance. Refer Note 12, Receivables
and other assets.
During the year, all prior year
outstanding insurance premium finance balances for the
Multi-aggregate Insurance Policy and its Asset All Risk Policy were
fully repaid by 1 April 2024. The total interest paid during the
current year relating to these liabilities was LSL0.3 million
(US$17.4 thousand).
In July, the Group through its
subsidiary Letšeng Diamonds, entered into a LSL30.0 million (US$1.6
million) 10-month funding agreement with Premium Finance Partners
(Proprietary) Limited to finance the fourth premium of LSL30.0
million on the Multi-aggregate Insurance Policy. At year end,
LSL12.3 million (US$0.7 million) remains outstanding. The funding
is repayable in 10 monthly instalments, payable in advance. Total
interest on this funding is LSL1.3 million (US$68.7 thousand) of
which LSL1.0 million (US$56.0 thousand) was paid during the
In July, the Group through its
subsidiary Letšeng Diamonds also entered into a LSL14.6 million
(US$0.8 million) 10-month funding agreement with Premium Finance
Partners (Proprietary) Limited for insurance premium finance for
its annual Asset All Risk insurance premium. At year end LSL6.0
million (US$0.3 million) remains outstanding. The funding is
repayable in 10 monthly instalments, payable in advance. Total
interest on this funding is LSL0.6 million (US$33.3 thousand) of
which LSL0.5 million (US$27.2 thousand) was paid during the
Other facilities
Letšeng Diamonds has a
ZAR100.0 million (US$5.3 million) general banking facility
with Nedbank Limited (acting through its Nedbank Corporate and
Investment Banking division) which is reviewed annually. During the
year the facility was utilised from time to time based on cash flow
requirements, but repaid in full at year end.
2 246
3 786
2 517
2 164
Total lease liabilities
4 763
5 950
Reconciliation of movement in lease
As at 1 January
5 950
7 898
1 935
1 132
Interest expense
Lease payments
(3 062)
(2 589)
Derecognition of lease
Foreign exchange
As at 31 December
4 763
5 950
Lease payments comprise payments in
principle of US$2.7 million (31 December 2023: US$2.1 million) and
repayments of interest of US$0.4 million (31 December 2023: US$0.5
Refer Note 9, Right-of-use assets for details on
new leases entered into and leases derecognised during the
During the prior year, the Group
recognised variable lease payments of US$31.6 million which
consisted of mining activities outsourced to a mining contractor,
before the insourcing of mining activities. Of this total cost
incurred, US$21.9 million was capitalised to the stripping asset.
Refer Note 1.2.6, Property plant and equipment, Note 4, Operating
profit and Note 8, Property, plant and equipment.
Trade payables1,2
3 862
15 761
4 864
4 066
Leave benefits
2 000
2 679
11 665
23 356
1 These
amounts are both interest and non-interest bearing and are settled
in accordance with terms agreed between the parties.
2 US$9.7
million included in the prior year balance related to the remaining
portion of the purchase price for the mining fleet and support
equipment purchased in terms of the insourcing of the mining
activities which was completed in the prior year. This remaining
portion was settled during the current year.
Royalties consist of a levy
payable to the Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho on the value of
rough diamonds sold by Letšeng. Withholding taxes mainly consist of
taxes payable on dividends and other services to the Revenue
Services Lesotho.
The carrying amounts above
approximate fair value.
Reconciliation of movement in income
tax payable/(receivable)
As at 1 January
(3 713)
(2 268)
Payments made during the
(1 596)
Refunds received during the
4 620
Current income tax
6 443
Authorised offset - VAT
Foreign exchange
As at 31 December
6 824
(3 713)
Split as follows
Income tax receivable
(4 631)
Income tax payable
6 848
1 During
the prior year, a VAT receivable from Revenue Services Lesotho
(RSL) of US$0.9 million (LSL16.6 million) was authorised by RSL for
offset against provisional tax payments due to RSL. No offset took
place during the current year.
Severance pay
1 621
1 494
10 993
14 170
Total provisions
12 614
15 664
Reconciliation of movement in
rehabilitation provisions
As at 1 January
14 170
15 387
Decrease in provision -
Decrease in provision -
(3 698)
(1 342)
Unwinding of discount
1 464
1 484
Foreign exchange
(1 005)
As at 31 December
10 993
14 170
1 The
severance pay benefits arise due to legislation within the Lesotho
jurisdiction, requiring that two weeks of severance pay be provided
for every completed year of service, payable on retirement. This
amount was reclassified from trade and other payables to
provisions in the current year.
The provisions have been recognised
as the Group has an obligation for rehabilitation of the mining
areas. The provisions have been calculated based on total estimated
rehabilitation costs, discounted back to their present values over
the estimated rehabilitation period at the mining operations. The
pre-tax discount rates are adjusted annually and reflect current
market assessments.
In determining the amounts
attributable to the rehabilitation provision of US$8.8 million (31
December 2023: US$11.5 million) at Letšeng, management used a
discount rate of 9.41% (31 December 2023: 11.4%), estimated
rehabilitation timing of 15 years (31 December 2023: 16 years) and
an inflation rate of 4.5% (31 December 2023: 7.2%). The Letšeng
rehabilitation quantum decreased from the prior year mainly driven
by the annual reassessment of the estimated closure costs performed
at the operation, the effect of the revised timing of the
rehabilitation, discount rate and interest rate used to present
value the provision, and the weakening of the exchange rate, had an
overall impact of reducing the provision.
At Ghaghoo, which continued its
care and maintenance state, an independent rehabilitation
assessment was performed during the year based on the
rehabilitation costs of certain areas of the mine which are
expected to be rehabilitated. Following discussions with the
Ministry of Minerals and Energy and the Department of Mines of
Botswana, it is anticipated that the mine site will be left in a
state which could enable a future operator to operate on the site,
and therefore certain infrastructure, such as access roads to the
mine, paving and walkways, a solar solution and a borehole pump and
water treatment plant, will remain intact and handed over to the
Government of Botswana through the Ministry of Minerals and
In determining the amounts
attributable to the rehabilitation provision of US$2.2 million (31
December 2023: US$2.7 million) at Ghaghoo, management used a
discount rate of 6.8% (31 December 2023: 6.0%), estimated
rehabilitation timing of 5 years (31 December 2023: 5 years) and an
inflation rate of 4.5% (31 December 2023: 4.8%). The decrease in
the provision at Ghaghoo is mainly attributable to the
rehabilitation activities carried out during the year, including
the dismantling and off-site transportation of the processing
Deferred tax assets
Lease liabilities
1 122
Accrued leave
Tax losses1
1 822
4 313
6 814
Deferred tax liabilities
Property plant and
(67 549)
(74 652)
Right of use assets
Unremitted earnings
(1 578)
(69 281)
(77 251)
Net deferred tax
(64 968)
(70 437)
Reconciliation of net deferred tax
Restatement - Refer Note
4 886
Restated balance as at 1
(70 437)
(71 151)
Movement in current
- Accelerated depreciation for tax
5 082
(5 326)
- Unremitted earnings
- Prepayments
- Provisions
- Deferred tax asset
(reversed)/raised on tax losses1
(1 817)
1 822
- Foreign exchange
1 894
4 475
As at 31 December
(64 968)
(70 437)
* Certain balances as previously
presented were restated. Refer Note 28, Restatement of prior year
1 In the
prior year, deferred tax assets were recognised on tax losses
incurred by Letšeng as management believed Letšeng would generate
future taxable income against which
the losses could be utilised. In the current year, Letšeng
generated taxable income and the previously recognised deferred tax
assets were utilised in full.
The Group has not recognised a
deferred tax liability for all taxable temporary differences
associated with investments in subsidiaries because it is able to
control the timing of dividends and only part of the temporary
difference is expected to reverse in the foreseeable future. The
gross temporary difference in respect of the undistributed reserves
of the Group's subsidiaries for which a deferred tax liability has
not been recognised is US$127.1 million (31 December 2023: US$110.5
The deferred tax liability on
unremitted earnings is based on the timing of expected dividends
from the Group's subsidiaries over the next three years. There are
no income tax consequences attached to the payment of dividends by
Gem Diamonds Limited to its shareholders.
The Group has estimated tax losses
of US$214.7 million (of which US$155.7 million relates to Gem
Diamonds Botswana and US$50.8 million relates to Gem Diamonds
Limited) (31 December 2023: US$208.5 million, of which
US$155.7 million related to Gem Diamonds Botswana and US$44.5
million to Gem Diamonds Limited) for which no deferred tax assets
have been recognised as management does not foresee any taxable
profits or taxable temporary differences against which to utilise
The majority of tax losses are
generated in jurisdictions where tax losses do not expire, except
for tax losses incurred by Gem Diamonds Innovation Solutions CY
Limited, within the Cyprus jurisdiction, which has unrecognised tax
losses of US$2.2 million (31 December 2023: US$2.0 million) and if
not utilised, will expire as indicated in the table
US$ '000
US$ '000
Utilisation required within one
Utilisation required between one
and two years
Utilisation required between two
and five years
1 317
1 217
Cash generated by
Profit before tax for the
11 461
5 684
Adjustments for:
Depreciation and amortisation
excluding waste stripping
9 238
5 423
Depreciation on right-of-use
4, 9
2 129
1 892
Waste stripping cost
4, 8
35 627
39 194
Finance income
Finance costs
7 406
5 313
Unrealised foreign exchange
(2 001)
(Profit)/loss on disposal and
scrapping of property, plant and equipment
Loss/(gain) on derecognition of
Environmental rehabilitation
Write-down of inventories to net
realisable value
Bonus, leave and severance
provisions raised
4 028
1 292
Share-based payments
68 306
56 150
Working capital
Decrease/(increase) in
3 482
(10 157)
(Increase)/decrease in
(4 377)
1 444
Decrease in payables
(15 442)
(6 897)
(16 337)
(15 610)
Cash flows from financing
activities (excluding lease liabilities)
As at 1 January
38 567
5 945
Net cash (used)/generated from
financing activities
(19 755)
30 113
- Financial liabilities
(42 117)
(45 103)
- Financial liabilities
22 362
75 216
Interest paid
(4 934)
(3 719)
Non-cash movements
7 152
6 228
- Interest accrued
4 934
3 065
- Interest capitalised to property,
plant and equipment
- Amortisation of credit
underwriting fees
- Financial liabilities
2 480
2 434
- Foreign exchange
As at 31 December
21 030
38 567
1 This amount mainly relates to funding obtained for insurance
premium finance. The funding was paid directly by the lender to the
third party and is being repaid by the Group in monthly instalments
to the lender. Refer Note 16, Interest-bearing loans and
Mining leases
Mining lease commitments represent
the Group's future obligation arising from agreements entered into
with local authorities in the mining areas that the Group
The period of these commitments is
determined as the lesser of the term of the agreements, excluding
renewable periods, or the LoM. The estimated lease obligation
regarding the future lease period, accepting stable inflation and
exchange rates, is as follows:
- Within one year
- After one year but not more than
five years
1 000
- More than five years
1 107
1 846
Multi-aggregate protection
The Group, through
its subsidiary Letšeng entered into a LSL140.0 million
(US$7.4stress million)
Multi-aggregate Protection Insurance Policy with the Lesotho
National Insurance Group (LNIGC) in October 2021. The policy has a
tenure of four years and nine months and consists of five premium
payments each payable annually in advance.
As at 31 December 2024 the Group
has committed to settle the final premium payment, as well as the
annual insurance risk finance service fee of 7% of the annual
premium and the surplus reserve finance cost fee of 1.5% on the
cumulative net premiums surplus balance carried over each year.
These fees are either deductible from premium or payable upfront at
the option of Letšeng. The Group has elected to deduct the fees
from the annual premiums, therefore there is no additional cash
commitment relating to these fees and the future cash flow
commitments are stated at the future premiums payable over the
remaining insurance period. Refer Note 12, Receivables and other
assets for further detail on the policy.
- After one year but not more than
five years
Letšeng Diamonds Educational
In terms of the mining agreement
entered into between the Group and the Government of the Kingdom of
Lesotho, the Group has an obligation to provide funding for
education and training scholarships. The quantum of such funding is
at the discretion of the Letšeng Diamonds Education Fund
- After one year but not more than
five years
Approved but not contracted
Approved and contracted
Capital expenditure approved mainly
relates to additional mining fleet of US$2.5 million in line with
the requirements of the updated mine plan. Other smaller capital
expenditure, all at Letšeng, relates to the continued investment in
residue storage expansion of US$0.3 million and geotechnical items
required to enhance the slope monitoring of US$0.3 million. The
expenditure is expected to be incurred over the next 12
The Group has conducted its
operations in the ordinary course of business in accordance with
its understanding and interpretation of commercial arrangements and
applicable legislation in the countries where the Group operates.
In certain specific transactions, however, the relevant third party
or authorities could have a different interpretation of those laws
and regulations that could lead to contingencies or additional
liabilities for the Group. Having consulted professional advisers,
the Group has identified possible disputes approximating US$0.6
million (December 2023: US$0.5 million) relating mainly to
labour matters.
The Group monitors possible tax
claims within the various jurisdictions in which the Group
operates. It is noted that tax legislation is highly complex and
subject to interpretation of the application of the law. It is
common for tax authorities to review tax returns, and in some
instances, disputes may arise over the interpretation and
application of the prevailing tax legislation. Due to the
complexity of the legislation, significant judgement is required to
determine any effects of uncertainties in accounting for and
disclosure of income taxes. When uncertain tax positions have been
determined as being probable, they have been provided for and
disclosed. There were no uncertain tax positions in 2024. Refer
Note 1.2.26, Critical accounting estimates and judgements and Note
6, Income tax expense. While it is difficult to predict the
ultimate outcome in some cases, the Group does not anticipate that
there will be any material impact on the Group's results, financial
position or liquidity.
Related party
Jemax Management (Proprietary)
Government of the Kingdom of
Non-controlling interest
Refer Note 1.1.2, Operational
information, for information regarding shareholding in
Compensation to key management
personnel (including Directors)
Share-based equity
Short-term employee
Post-employment benefits (including
severance pay and pension)
Fees paid to related
Jemax Management (Proprietary)
Royalties paid to related
Government of the Kingdom of
Lease and licence payments to
related parties
Government of the Kingdom of
Sales to/(purchases from) related
Jemax Management (Proprietary)
Amount included in trade payables
owing to related parties
Jemax Management (Proprietary)
Amounts owing to related
Government of the Kingdom of
Dividends declared and
Government of the Kingdom of
Jemax Management (Proprietary)
Limited provided administrative services with regards to the mining
activities undertaken by the Group. A controlling interest is held
by an Executive Director of the Company.
The above transactions were made on
terms agreed between the parties. The amounts included in trade
payables are non-interest bearing and have no repayment
Financial risk factors
The Group's activities expose it
to a variety of financial risks:
· market risk (including commodity price risk, foreign exchange
risk and interest rate risk);
· credit risk; and
· liquidity risk.
The Group's overall risk
management programme focuses on the unpredictability of financial
markets and seeks to minimise potential adverse effects on the
Group's financial performance.
Risk management is carried out
under policies approved by the Board of Directors. The Board
provides principles for overall risk management, as well as
policies covering specific areas, such as foreign exchange risk,
interest rate risk, credit risk, use of derivative financial
instruments and non-derivative financial instruments, and investing
excess liquidity.
There have been no changes to the
financial risk management policy since the prior year.
Capital management
For the purpose of the Group's
capital management, capital includes the issued share capital,
share premium and liabilities on the Group's statement of financial
position. The primary objective of the Group's capital management
is to ensure that it maintains a strong credit rating and healthy
capital ratios in order to support its business and maximise
shareholder value. The Group manages its capital structure and
makes adjustments to it, in light of changes in economic
conditions. To maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Group
may issue new shares, buy back its shares, or restructure its debt
facilities. The management of the Group's capital is performed by
the Board.
The Group's capital management,
among other things, aims to ensure that it meets financial
covenants attached to its interest-bearing loans and borrowings.
Breaches in meeting the financial covenants would permit the bank
to immediately call loans and borrowings. There have been no
breaches of the financial covenants in the current year.
At 31 December 2024, the Group had
US$69.0 million (31 December 2023: US$45.9 million) of undrawn debt
facilities and continues to have the flexibility to manage the
capital structure more efficiently with the use of these debt
facilities, thus ensuring that an appropriate gearing ratio is
Refer Note 16, Interest-bearing
loans and borrowings for detail on the debt facilities within the
a) Market
(i) Commodity price risk
The Group is subject to diamond
price risk. Diamonds are not homogeneous products and the price of
rough diamonds is not monitored on a public index system. The
fluctuation of prices is related to certain features of diamonds
such as quality and size, together with diamond market
fundamentals. Diamond prices are marketed in US dollar and
long-term US dollar per carat prices are based on external market
consensus forecasts. The Group does not have any financial
instruments that may fluctuate as a result of commodity price
(ii) Foreign exchange rate
The Group operates internationally
and is exposed to foreign exchange risk arising from various
currency exposures, primarily with respect to the Lesotho loti,
South African rand and Botswana pula. Foreign exchange risk arises
when future commercial transactions, and recognised assets and
liabilities are denominated in a currency that is not the entity's
functional currency.
The Group's sales are denominated
in US dollar which is the functional currency of the Company, but
not the functional currency of all its operations.
The currency sensitivity analysis
below is based on the following assumptions:
· Differences resulting from the translation of the financial
statements of the subsidiaries into the Group's presentation
currency of US dollar, are not taken into consideration;
· The
major currency exposures for the Group relate to the US dollar and
local currencies of subsidiaries. Foreign currency exposures
between two currencies where one is not the US dollar are deemed
insignificant to the Group and have therefore been excluded from
the sensitivity analysis; and
· The
analysis of the currency risk arises because of financial
instruments which are denominated in a currency that is not the
functional currency of the relevant Group entity. The sensitivity
has been based on financial assets and liabilities at 31 December
2024 and 31 December 2023.
There has been no change in the
assumptions or method applied from the prior year.
Sensitivity analysis
At year-end, Letšeng had US$ 37.8
thousand cash on hand held in US$ (2023: US$2.5 million). If the US
dollar had appreciated/(depreciated) by 10% against the LSL, the
Group's profit before tax and equity at 31 December 2024 would have
been US$3.9 thousand higher/(lower) (31 December 2023: US$0.3
(iii) Forward exchange
From time to time, the Group
enters into forward exchange contracts to hedge the exposure to
changes in foreign currency of future sales of diamonds at Letšeng
Diamonds. The Group performs no hedge accounting. At 31 December
2024, the Group had no forward exchange contracts outstanding (31
December 2023: nil).
(iv) Interest rate risk
The Group's income and operating
cash flows are substantially independent of changes in market
interest rates. The Group's cash flow interest rate risk arises
from borrowings. Borrowings issued at variable rates expose the
Group to cash flow interest rate risk. At the time of taking new
loans or borrowings, management uses its judgement to decide
whether it believes that a fixed or variable rate borrowing would
be more favourable to the Group over the expected period until
Sensitivity analysis
If the interest rates on the
interest-bearing loans and borrowings (increased)/decreased by 100
basis points (2023: 100 basis points) during the year, profit
before tax and equity would have been US$60.0 thousand
(lower)/higher (31 December 2023: US$0.2 million).
(b) Credit
The Group's potential
concentration of credit risk consists mainly of cash deposits with
banks, trade receivables, insurance asset and other receivables.
The Group's short-term cash surpluses are placed with banks that
have investment grade ratings, to minimise the exposure to credit
risk to the lowest level possible from the perspective of the
Group's cash and cash equivalents. The maximum credit risk exposure
relating to financial assets is represented by their carrying
values as at the reporting dates.
The Group considers the credit
standing of counterparties when making deposits to manage the
credit risk.
Considering the nature of the
Group's ultimate customers and the relevant terms and conditions
entered into with such customers, the Group believes that credit
risk is limited as the customers pay and settle their accounts on
the date of receipt of goods.
The Group's insurance premiums are
placed with insurers and underwriters that have high-quality credit
standings, to minimise the exposure to credit risk to the lowest
level possible from the perspective of the Group's insurance
An ECL assessment was considered
on the non-current other receivable, refer note 12
Receivables and other assets. This receivable is not considered to be impaired neither is
it past its due date. The credit risk associated with this
receivable has therefore been assessed as low. If an ECL of 10% was
applied, profit before tax would have been US$0.1 million lower in
the current year.
No material other financial assets
are impaired or past due and accordingly, no additional ECL or
credit risk analysis has been provided.
The Group did not hold any form of
collateral or credit enhancements for its credit exposures during
the 31 December 2024 and 31 December 2023 financial reporting
(c) Liquidity risk
Liquidity risk arises from the
Group's inability to obtain the funds it requires to comply with
its commitments including the inability to realise a financial
asset in a short period of time at a price close to its fair value.
Management manages the risk by maintaining sufficient cash and
marketable securities and ensuring access to financial institutions
and shareholding funding. This ensures flexibility in maintaining
business operations and maximises opportunities. The Group has
available undrawn debt facilities of US$69.0 million at year end
(2023: US$45.9 million). The Group's facilities expire in December
The table below summarises the
maturity profile of the Group's financial liabilities at 31
December based on contractual undiscounted payments.
Floating interest rates
Interest-bearing loans and
- Within one year
5 104
35 037
- After one year but not more than
three years
15 985
4 845
- After three years but not more
than five years
2 826
1 068
23 915
40 950
Lease liabilities
- Within one year
2 776
2 487
- After one year but not more than
three years
1 750
3 236
- After three years but not more
than five years
- After five years
5 166
6 585
Trade and other payables
- Within one year
11 588
23 356
- After one year but not more than
three years
1 494
11 588
24 850
The expense recognised for employee
services received during the year is shown in the following
Equity-settled share-based payment
transactions charged to the statement of profit or loss
The long-term incentive plans are
described below:
Long-term incentive plan
Certain key employees are entitled
to a grant of options, under the LTIP of the Company. The vesting
of the options is dependent on employees remaining in service for a
prescribed period (normally three years) from the date of grant.
Prior to the April 2022 award, the fair value of share options
granted was estimated at the date of the grant using an appropriate
simulation model, taking into account the terms and conditions upon
which the options were granted. It took into account projected
dividends and share price fluctuation co-variances of the Company.
Since 2022, the fair value of the share options granted have been
based on the observable Gem Diamonds Limited share price on the
date of the award with no adjustments made to the price.
There is a nil exercise price for
the options granted. The contractual life of the options is 10
years and there are no cash settlement alternatives. The Company
has no past practice of cash settlement.
The Company's LTIP policy is
reviewed every 10 years.
LTIP 2007 Award
Under the 2007 LTIP rules, there
is one award where options are still outstanding.
This award was awarded on the
following basis:
To key employees (excluding
Executive Directors):
· the
award vests over a three-year period in tranches of a third of the
award each year;
· the
vesting of the award is dependent on service conditions and certain
performance targets being met for the same three-year period
(classified as non-market conditions). These non-market condition
awards are referred to as nil value options in the tables
· if
the performance or service conditions are not met, the options
· the
performance conditions relating to the non-market conditions are
not reflected in the fair value of the award at
grant date;
· once
the award vests, it is exercisable for seven years (i.e.
contractual term is 10 years); and
· the
vested award is equity settled.
To Executive Directors:
· the
award vests over a three-year period;
· the
vesting of the award is dependent on service conditions and both
market and non-market performance conditions;
· 75%
of the award granted is subject to non-market conditions (referred
to as nil value options in tables below) and 25% to market
conditions (referred to as Market Value options in tables below) by
reference to the Company's total shareholder return (TSR) as
compared to a group of principal competitors;
· if
the performance or service conditions are not met, the options
· the
performance conditions relating to the non-market conditions are
not reflected in the fair value of the award at
grant date;
· once
the award vests, it is exercisable for seven years (i.e.
contractual term is 10 years); and
· the
vested award is equity settled.
The fair value of the nil value
award is based on the observable Gem Diamonds Limited share price
on the date of award with no adjustments to the price
The following table reflects
details of the award within the 2007 LTIP that remains
Number of options granted - Nil
1 215 000
Number of options granted - Market
185 000
Date exercisable
15 March 2019
Options outstanding
26 037
Dividend yield (%)
Expected volatility
Risk-free interest rate
Expected life of option
Exercise price (US$)
Exercise price (GBP)
Weighted average share price
Fair value of nil value options
Fair value of nil value options
Fair value of market value options
Fair value of market value options
Model used
Monte Carlo
1 Expected volatility was based on the average annual historic
volatility of the Company's share price over the previous three
The relevant risk-free interest rate is taken from a UK Treasury
Bond issued which closely matches the lifetime of the
LTIP 2017 Award
Under the 2017 LTIP rules, there
are seven awards where options are still outstanding.
Employee Share Option Plan 2017
Award (ESOP) - 17 April 2024 award
On 17 April 2024, 261 950
nil-cost options were granted to certain key employees under the
ESOP of the Company. In addition, 1 734 097 nil-cost options were
granted to certain Executive employees and the Executive Directors
on a similar basis as the 2007 LTIP. These options were granted in
line with the introduction of the Gem Diamonds Incentive Plan
(GDIP) in 2021, which integrated annual bonus awards with awards
under the ESOP. The options which vest in tranches of one-third per
annum commencing on 17 April 2025 and ending on 17 April 2027. The
options are exercisable between the respective vesting dates and 17
April 2034. The fair value of the award is based on the observable
Gem Diamonds Limited share price on the date of the award with no
adjustments to the price made.
This award was made under
predominantly the same basis as the 2007 LTIP, with the following
To key employees (excluding
Executive Directors):
· the
number of awards granted are determined on the Group's performance
in the preceding financial year in terms of the Gem Diamonds
Incentive Plan (GDIP) introduced in 2021;
· the
vesting of the award is dependent only on service conditions. There
are no future performance conditions attached to the
· if
the service conditions are not met, the options lapse;
· the
fair value of the awards is based on the observable Gem Diamonds
Limited share price on the date of award with no adjustments to the
price made;
· the
awards are exercisable for 10 years from the award date;
· the
awards are subject to malus and clawback.
To Executive Directors and the
Chief Operating Officer as a bonus share award with the only
additional criteria to the ones above being:
· the
awards have a two-year holding period from the respective vesting
The following table reflects
details of all the awards within the 2017 LTIP that remain
Number of options granted - Nil
1 996 047
1 060 055
1 007 098
1 069 000
1 160 500
1 265 000
1 150 000
Number of options granted - Market
180 000
142 500
185 000
185 000
Date exercisable
17 April 2025
21 April 2024
4 April 2023
9 June 2023
20 March 2022
20 March 2021
4 July 2020
Options outstanding
1 996 047
1 018 347
941 573
349 391
244 035
226 072
45 185
Dividend yield (%)
Expected volatility
Risk-free interest rate
Expected life of option
Exercise price (US$)
Exercise price (GBP)
Weighted average share price
Fair value of nil value options
Fair value of nil value options
Fair value of market value options
Fair value of market value options
Model used
Monte Carlo
Monte Carlo
Monte Carlo
Monte Carlo
1 Expected volatility was based on the average annual historic
volatility of the Company's share price over the previous three
2 The
relevant risk-free interest rate is taken from a UK Treasury Bond
issued which closely matches the lifetime of the option.
The following table illustrates
the number ('000) and movement in the outstanding share options
during the year:
Outstanding as at 1
2 825
2 648
Granted during the year
1 996
1 060
Exercised during the
Forfeited during the
Dividends allocated to vested
Outstanding as at 31
4 846
2 825
Exercisable as at 31
1 908
1 244
1 Options
were exercised regularly throughout the year. The weighted average
share price during the year was £0.11 (US$0.14) (2023: £0.21
The weighted average remaining
contractual life for the share options outstanding as at 31
December 2024 was 7.4 years (2023: 7.7 years).
The weighted average fair value of
the share options outstanding as at 31 December 2024 was US$0.26
(2023: US$0.40).
In September 2017, 47 200 shares
which were previously held in the Company Employee Share Trust were
granted to certain key employees involved in the Business
Transformation of the Group. The Company Employee Share Trust was
deregistered in 2017 following the grant of these shares. The fair
value of the award was valued at the share price of the Company at
the date of the award of £0.71 (US$0.96). These shares vested on 18
March 2019 and became immediately exercisable. The fair value of
these outstanding awards at 31 December 2024 was £0.11 (US$0.14)
(2023: £0.13 (US$0.17)).
The shares outstanding at the end
of the year are as follows:
Outstanding as at 1
Exercised during the
As at 31 December
Exercisable as at 31
Set out below is an overview of
financial instruments, other than the current portions of the
prepayment disclosed in Note 12, Receivables and other assets,
which do not meet the criteria of a financial asset.
Financial assets at amortised
Receivables and other
11 917
6 869
24 795
23 372
Total non-current
7 341
4 487
Total current
17 454
18 885
Financial liabilities at amortised
Interest-bearing loans and
21 030
38 567
Trade and other payables
11 589
24 850
32 619
63 417
Total non-current
16 633
6 650
Total current
56 767
The carrying amounts of the Group's
financial instruments held approximate their fair value.
There were no open hedges at year
end (2023: nil).
During the year management deemed
it appropriate to reduce the deferred taxation liability recognised
on the elimination of inter-group transactions. This has resulted
in the reduction of the opening 2023 deferred taxation liability by
US$4.9 million. Refer Note 21, Deferred taxation.
Plant and equipment on intragroup
sales was previously over depreciated by US$2.8 million. These
assets were restated resulting in an increase in the 2023 opening
carrying value of plant and equipment. Refer Note 8, Property,
plant and equipment.
A summary of these adjustments and
the impact on accumulated losses and non-controlling interest on
the 2023 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position is set out
Balance as
Property, plant and
Total liabilities
166 592
(4 886)
161 706
Total equity and
The restatement of prior balances
in the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position has had no
impact on the prior year Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows as
there was no impact on cash flows from operating, investing and
financing activities as previously reported. There was also no
impact on the 2023 Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss as
previously reported.
No other fact or circumstance
has taken place between the end of the reporting period and the
approval of the financial statements which, in our opinion, is of
significance in assessing the state of the Group's affairs or
requires adjustments or disclosures.
Financial information of Letšeng
Diamonds, a 70% held subsidiary which has a material
non-controlling interest, with the remaining 30% being held by the
Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho, is provided below. This
information is based on amounts before intercompany
Country of incorporation and
Letšeng Diamonds (Proprietary)
Accumulated balances of material
non-controlling interest
68 087
68 543
Profit allocated to material
non-controlling interest
4 306
3 981
Summarised statement of profit or
loss for the year ended 31 December
Royalties and selling
Profit before tax
18 527
16 861
Income tax expense
(4 173)
(3 590)
Profit for the year
14 354
13 271
Total comprehensive
14 354
13 271
Attributable to non-controlling
4 306
3 981
Dividends paid to non-controlling
(4 289)
Summarised statement of financial
position as at 31 December
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment,
deferred tax assets, intangible assets and receivables and other
291 506
320 186
Current assets
Inventories, receivables and other
assets, and cash and short-term deposits
48 888
60 711
Total assets
340 394
380 897
Non-current liabilities
Interest-bearing loans and
borrowings, trade and other payables, provisions, lease liabilities
and deferred tax liabilities
90 605
101 278
Current liabilities
Interest-bearing loans and
borrowings, trade and other payables and lease
22 830
51 144
Total liabilities
113 435
152 422
Total equity
226 959
228 475
Attributable to:
Equity holders of parent
158 872
159 932
Non-controlling interest
68 087
68 543
Summarised cash flow information for
the year ended 31 December
Operating cash inflows
55 313
43 548
Investing cash outflows
(26 921)
(56 827)
Financing cash
(35 542)
22 543
Foreign exchange
2 523
1 848
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and
cash equivalents
(4 627)
11 112
This report provides an overview
of the payments made to governments by Gem Diamonds Limited and its
subsidiaries (the Group) for the 31 December 2024 financial year,
as required under the UK Report on Payments to Governments
Regulations 2014 (as amended December 2015). These UK Regulations
enact domestic rules in line with Directive 2013/34/EU (the EU
Accounting Directive 2013) and apply to companies that are involved
in extractive activities. This report is unaudited.
This report is also filed with the
National Storage Mechanism intended to satisfy the requirements of
the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules of the Financial
Conduct Authority in the UK.
The Gem Diamonds Limited LEI
number is 213800RC2PGGMZQG8L67.
Reporting entities
This report includes payments to
governments made by subsidiaries in the Group that are engaged in
extractive activities. During the 2024 financial year, extractive
activities were conducted in Lesotho while the operation in
Botswana was under care and maintenance. All payments made in
relation to the Botswana entity were under the materiality level
and are therefore not reported.
Extractive activities
activities relate to the exploration, prospection, discovery,
development and extraction of minerals, oil, natural gas deposits
or other materials. Gem Diamonds Limited, through its subsidiaries,
is engaged in diamond mining activities.
Scope of payments
The report discloses only those
significant payments made to governments arising from extractive
Government includes any national,
regional, or local authority of a country. It includes a
department, agency or undertaking (i.e. corporation) controlled by
that authority.
Payment types disclosed at legal
entity level
Production entitlements
There were no payments of this
nature for the year ended 31 December 2024.
These are payments on the entity's
income, production, or profits, excluding taxes levied on
consumption such as value added taxes, personal income taxes or
sales taxes in line with in-country legislation.
These are payments for the right
to extract diamonds and are determined on percentage of sales in
terms of in-country legislation and/or mining lease
These are dividend payments, other
than dividends paid to a government as an ordinary shareholder of
an entity unless paid in lieu of production entitlements or
royalties. There were no dividend payments of this nature to
governments for the year ended 31 December 2024.
Signature, discovery, and
production bonuses
There were no payments of this
nature to governments for the year ended 31 December
Licence fees
These are fees paid for
acquisition of leases and licences, including annual renewal fees,
in order to obtain and maintain access to the areas in which
extractive activities are performed.
Payments for infrastructure
There were no payments of this
nature to governments for the year ended 31 December
Cash flow basis
Payments reported are on a cash
flow basis and may differ from amounts reported in the Gem Diamonds
Limited 2024 Annual Report and Accounts, which are prepared on an
accrual basis.
Materiality level
In line with the guidance provided
in the Report on Payments to Governments Regulations, payments made
as a single payment, or as a series of related payments, which are
equal to or exceed US$107 706 (£86 000), are disclosed in
this report. All payments below this threshold have been
Reporting currency
The payments to government have
been reported in US dollar.
Payments made in currencies other
than US dollar were translated at the relevant annual average
exchange rate for the year ended 31 December 2024.
Summary report
Licence fee
Total US$'000
Letšeng Diamonds (Proprietary)
(4 620)
15 791
11 350
(4 620)
15 791
11 350
Letšeng Diamonds (Proprietary)
Licence fee
Total US$'000
Revenue Services Lesotho
(4 620)
(4 620)
Government of the Kingdom of
15 791
15 970
| |
1 Letšeng
Diamonds (Proprietary) Limited was in a net refund position during
the year due to refunds on income taxes received which were paid in