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Black Spade Acquisition II Company

Black Spade Acquisition II Company (BSII)

Chiuso 30 Marzo 9:00PM
Dopo le ore di negoziazione: 12:59AM
236T568 236T568 1 minuto fa
Car car, car is on fire
arizona1 arizona1 2 minuti fa
Taylor and I stopped texting years ago.
rocketeer357 rocketeer357 3 minuti fa
The Lake Mary Florida 2024 Little League championship team would have qualified for evil empire status if they faced the Brewers today. Those were some mighty swings on ugly pitches.
arizona1 arizona1 4 minuti fa
I'll be here

And I'm sure you'll find a new wife on FB after your Caribu Barbie is dead and gone. Hopefully you didn't force her sign over her assets to you or you're back to the trailer park in Savannah. Your kids hate you and you've NEVER even met your great grandson.
redspeed redspeed 4 minuti fa
Why doesn't MONI do another spaces call?

Investors have suffered a substantial hair cut since 'new management' took over who said it would be different

Can't that consultant that was 'allegedly' pumping MONI to no end, find time to host another one?

blackhawks blackhawks 4 minuti fa
Not with a Republican House and Senate full of traitors.
catani catani 4 minuti fa
Pray it won't happen because just a few days later, the world will see that the second VP is worse than the original. I'm old enough to know which puppet will be the real threat.
Bob Mullet Bob Mullet 5 minuti fa
Keep posting your stupid thoughts 
People laugh at you
Keep it up. 
Bob Mullet Bob Mullet 7 minuti fa
rocketeer357 rocketeer357 7 minuti fa
I stopped watching after the Judge salami....m,aybe nestor could pitch to every contestant in this years HR derby. Those first 3 pitches were room service ordered.
12yearplan 12yearplan 8 minuti fa
Lol, saw it on a facebook post but thought I should check with a reliable source.. hope it's true - waiting for the sequel
Miss Canadiana
Homebrew Homebrew 8 minuti fa
Pump-N-Dump Go Up...Pump-N-Dump Go Down. Be careful.
It was an awesome day today. Up in the 70s and no rain. What a great day to go pet a 4,000 lb rhino. His name was Bernard. He is 34 years old. They live to be around 50 years old 
redspeed redspeed 9 minuti fa
Hoz the 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon investing going?

Google has a search engine

Company worth almost 2 trillion dollars

MONI has a search engine

Very few use it, but they can honestly claim it is a search engine

Unfortunately la
JimmyRich JimmyRich 10 minuti fa
You need to crawl back under whatever rock you were hiding.. again I really want you to do well here!!! How many shares do you own???? What is your avg. pps. Just curious I want to wish you the best!!!!
Destiny Defined Destiny Defined 10 minuti fa
Well....I bought more on Friday, and if it continues to go lower I'll keep on buying. I have a half mil cash in my trading account just for such an opportunity. The lower it goes, the more I'll buy. Tell your boss thanks.
skitahoe skitahoe 10 minuti fa
In the nearly 4 decades I invested in IMGN it was frequently up then down. IMGN was nearly as quiet as NWBO much of the time and when you have quiet, you generally move down unless something with a known date is anticipated.

Approval of DCVax-L has been anticipated since the third qu
We had so much fun out at the Wilds today. 
hap0206 hap0206 14 minuti fa
Hey -- 97 is the new happy time -- I'll be here -- lucky you
TightCoil TightCoil 15 minuti fa
I don't do X but was hoping, since so many here talk about X all the time,
that, in m push to get us up-listed (re-listed) that someone could send
the below to Mr. Pulte, in hopes that he would support re-listing, or
knows someone who could influence re-listing. The opening r
hap0206 hap0206 17 minuti fa
You must enjoy pissing into the wind
the degree of appeasement and treason this latest iteration of a Trump presidency is displaying

any such action would result in immediate impeachment and conviction

keep digging -- got to be a pony in there somewhere
redspeed redspeed 19 minuti fa
Who is on the MONI BoD?

Captain Kangaroo?

Cap'n Crunch?

Captain and Tennille?

MONI Holdings agreed to acquire, on October 31, 2024.
As part of this acquisition, Brian Lewis will join MONI as President of an
arizona1 arizona1 20 minuti fa
Is that true? She forgot to text me.