false2025Q10000746598July 3110,2956,74951,261,48751,261,48744,223,66444,042,4627,037,8237,219,0253,538,6283,538,6283,538,6283,538,628P3Yhttp://fasb.org/us-gaap/2024#OtherLongTermDebtNoncurrenthttp://fasb.org/us-gaap/2024#OtherLongTermDebtNoncurrenthttp://fasb.org/us-gaap/2024#OtherLongTermDebtNoncurrenthttp://fasb.org/us-gaap/2024#OtherLongTermDebtNoncurrentxbrli:sharesiso4217:USDiso4217:USDxbrli:sharesutr:Rate00007465982024-08-012024-10-310000746598us-gaap:NonvotingCommonStockMember2024-11-140000746598us-gaap:CommonClassBMember2024-11-1400007465982024-10-3100007465982024-07-310000746598us-gaap:NonvotingCommonStockMember2024-10-310000746598us-gaap:NonvotingCommonStockMember2024-07-310000746598us-gaap:CommonClassBMember2024-07-310000746598us-gaap:CommonClassBMember2024-10-3100007465982023-08-012023-10-310000746598us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2023-08-012023-10-310000746598us-gaap:CommonClassAMember2024-08-012024-10-310000746598us-gaap:CommonClassAMember2023-08-012023-10-310000746598us-gaap:CommonClassBMember2024-08-012024-10-310000746598us-gaap:CommonClassBMember2023-08-012023-10-310000746598us-gaap:CommonStockMember2024-07-310000746598us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2024-07-310000746598us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2024-07-310000746598us-gaap:TreasuryStockCommonMember2024-07-310000746598us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember2024-07-310000746598us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember2024-08-012024-10-310000746598us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2024-08-012024-10-310000746598us-gaap:TreasuryStockCommonMember2024-08-012024-10-310000746598us-gaap:NonvotingCommonStockMember2024-08-012024-10-310000746598us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMemberus-gaap:NonvotingCommonStockMember2024-08-012024-10-310000746598us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMemberus-gaap:CommonClassBMember2024-08-012024-10-310000746598us-gaap:CommonStockMember2024-10-310000746598us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2024-10-310000746598us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2024-10-310000746598us-gaap:TreasuryStockCommonMember2024-10-310000746598us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember2024-10-310000746598us-gaap:CommonStockMember2023-07-310000746598us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2023-07-310000746598us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2023-07-310000746598us-gaap:TreasuryStockCommonMember2023-07-310000746598us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember2023-07-3100007465982023-07-310000746598us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember2023-08-012023-10-310000746598us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2023-08-012023-10-310000746598us-gaap:TreasuryStockCommonMember2023-08-012023-10-310000746598us-gaap:NonvotingCommonStockMember2023-08-012023-10-310000746598us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMemberus-gaap:NonvotingCommonStockMember2023-08-012023-10-310000746598us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMemberus-gaap:CommonClassBMember2023-08-012023-10-310000746598us-gaap:CommonStockMember2023-10-310000746598us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2023-10-310000746598us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2023-10-310000746598us-gaap:TreasuryStockCommonMember2023-10-310000746598us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember2023-10-3100007465982023-10-310000746598us-gaap:TradeNamesMember2024-10-310000746598us-gaap:TradeNamesMember2024-07-310000746598us-gaap:CustomerRelationshipsMember2024-10-310000746598us-gaap:CustomerRelationshipsMember2024-07-310000746598us-gaap:TechnologyBasedIntangibleAssetsMember2024-10-310000746598us-gaap:TechnologyBasedIntangibleAssetsMember2024-07-310000746598us-gaap:AccumulatedGainLossNetCashFlowHedgeParentMember2024-07-310000746598us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentNetUnamortizedGainLossMember2024-07-310000746598us-gaap:AccumulatedTranslationAdjustmentMember2024-07-310000746598us-gaap:AccumulatedGainLossNetCashFlowHedgeParentMember2024-08-012024-10-310000746598us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentNetUnamortizedGainLossMember2024-08-012024-10-310000746598us-gaap:AccumulatedTranslationAdjustmentMember2024-08-012024-10-310000746598us-gaap:AccumulatedGainLossNetCashFlowHedgeParentMember2024-10-310000746598us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentNetUnamortizedGainLossMember2024-10-310000746598us-gaap:AccumulatedTranslationAdjustmentMember2024-10-310000746598us-gaap:AccumulatedGainLossNetCashFlowHedgeParentMember2023-07-310000746598us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentNetUnamortizedGainLossMember2023-07-310000746598us-gaap:AccumulatedTranslationAdjustmentMember2023-07-310000746598us-gaap:AccumulatedGainLossNetCashFlowHedgeParentMember2023-08-012023-10-310000746598us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentNetUnamortizedGainLossMember2023-08-012023-10-310000746598us-gaap:AccumulatedTranslationAdjustmentMember2023-08-012023-10-310000746598us-gaap:AccumulatedGainLossNetCashFlowHedgeParentMember2023-10-310000746598us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentNetUnamortizedGainLossMember2023-10-310000746598us-gaap:AccumulatedTranslationAdjustmentMember2023-10-310000746598srt:AmericasMemberbrc:AmericasAsiaMember2024-08-012024-10-310000746598srt:AmericasMemberbrc:AmericasAsiaMember2023-08-012023-10-310000746598srt:AsiaPacificMemberbrc:AmericasAsiaMember2024-08-012024-10-310000746598srt:AsiaPacificMemberbrc:AmericasAsiaMember2023-08-012023-10-310000746598brc:AmericasAsiaMember2024-08-012024-10-310000746598brc:AmericasAsiaMember2023-08-012023-10-310000746598srt:EuropeMemberbrc:EuropeAustraliaMember2024-08-012024-10-310000746598srt:EuropeMemberbrc:EuropeAustraliaMember2023-08-012023-10-310000746598country:AUbrc:EuropeAustraliaMember2024-08-012024-10-310000746598country:AUbrc:EuropeAustraliaMember2023-08-012023-10-310000746598brc:EuropeAustraliaMember2024-08-012024-10-310000746598brc:EuropeAustraliaMember2023-08-012023-10-310000746598us-gaap:EmployeeStockOptionMember2024-08-012024-10-310000746598us-gaap:EmployeeStockOptionMember2023-08-012023-10-310000746598us-gaap:EmployeeStockOptionMember2024-10-310000746598us-gaap:RestrictedStockUnitsRSUMember2024-08-012024-10-310000746598us-gaap:RestrictedStockUnitsRSUMember2024-07-310000746598us-gaap:RestrictedStockUnitsRSUMember2024-10-310000746598us-gaap:RestrictedStockUnitsRSUMember2023-08-012023-10-310000746598us-gaap:PerformanceSharesMember2024-08-012024-10-310000746598us-gaap:PerformanceSharesMember2024-07-310000746598us-gaap:PerformanceSharesMember2024-10-310000746598us-gaap:PerformanceSharesMember2023-08-012023-10-310000746598us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Memberus-gaap:OtherAssetsMember2024-10-310000746598us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Memberus-gaap:OtherAssetsMember2024-07-310000746598us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Memberus-gaap:PrepaidExpensesAndOtherCurrentAssetsMember2024-10-310000746598us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Memberus-gaap:PrepaidExpensesAndOtherCurrentAssetsMember2024-07-310000746598us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Memberus-gaap:OtherCurrentLiabilitiesMember2024-10-310000746598us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Memberus-gaap:OtherCurrentLiabilitiesMember2024-07-310000746598us-gaap:DesignatedAsHedgingInstrumentMember2024-10-310000746598us-gaap:DesignatedAsHedgingInstrumentMember2024-07-310000746598us-gaap:NondesignatedMember2024-10-310000746598us-gaap:NondesignatedMember2024-07-310000746598us-gaap:NetInvestmentHedgingMember2024-10-310000746598us-gaap:NetInvestmentHedgingMember2024-07-310000746598us-gaap:ForeignExchangeContractMemberus-gaap:CashFlowHedgingMemberus-gaap:DesignatedAsHedgingInstrumentMemberus-gaap:PrepaidExpensesAndOtherCurrentAssetsMember2024-10-310000746598us-gaap:ForeignExchangeContractMemberus-gaap:CashFlowHedgingMemberus-gaap:DesignatedAsHedgingInstrumentMemberus-gaap:OtherCurrentLiabilitiesMember2024-10-310000746598us-gaap:ForeignExchangeContractMemberus-gaap:CashFlowHedgingMemberus-gaap:DesignatedAsHedgingInstrumentMemberus-gaap:PrepaidExpensesAndOtherCurrentAssetsMember2024-07-310000746598us-gaap:ForeignExchangeContractMemberus-gaap:CashFlowHedgingMemberus-gaap:DesignatedAsHedgingInstrumentMemberus-gaap:OtherCurrentLiabilitiesMember2024-07-310000746598us-gaap:NetInvestmentHedgingMemberus-gaap:DesignatedAsHedgingInstrumentMemberus-gaap:ForeignLineOfCreditMember2024-10-310000746598us-gaap:NetInvestmentHedgingMemberus-gaap:DesignatedAsHedgingInstrumentMemberus-gaap:ForeignLineOfCreditMember2024-07-310000746598us-gaap:ForeignExchangeContractMemberus-gaap:CashFlowHedgingMemberus-gaap:NondesignatedMemberus-gaap:PrepaidExpensesAndOtherCurrentAssetsMember2024-10-310000746598us-gaap:ForeignExchangeContractMemberus-gaap:CashFlowHedgingMemberus-gaap:NondesignatedMemberus-gaap:OtherCurrentLiabilitiesMember2024-10-310000746598us-gaap:ForeignExchangeContractMemberus-gaap:CashFlowHedgingMemberus-gaap:NondesignatedMemberus-gaap:PrepaidExpensesAndOtherCurrentAssetsMember2024-07-310000746598us-gaap:ForeignExchangeContractMemberus-gaap:CashFlowHedgingMemberus-gaap:NondesignatedMemberus-gaap:OtherCurrentLiabilitiesMember2024-07-310000746598us-gaap:PrepaidExpensesAndOtherCurrentAssetsMember2024-10-310000746598us-gaap:OtherCurrentLiabilitiesMember2024-10-310000746598us-gaap:ForeignLineOfCreditMember2024-10-310000746598us-gaap:PrepaidExpensesAndOtherCurrentAssetsMember2024-07-310000746598us-gaap:OtherCurrentLiabilitiesMember2024-07-310000746598us-gaap:ForeignLineOfCreditMember2024-07-310000746598brc:GravotechAcquisitionMember2024-08-012024-10-310000746598brc:GravotechAcquisitionMemberus-gaap:FairValueAdjustmentToInventoryMember2024-08-012024-10-310000746598brc:GravotechAcquisitionMember2024-08-010000746598brc:GravotechAcquisitionMemberbrc:AmericasAsiaMember2024-08-010000746598brc:GravotechAcquisitionMemberbrc:EuropeAustraliaMember2024-08-010000746598brc:GravotechAcquisitionMember2023-08-012023-10-310000746598brc:ABRAcquisitionMember2024-08-012024-10-310000746598brc:ABRAcquisitionMemberbrc:AmericasAsiaMember2024-10-010000746598brc:ABRAcquisitionMember2024-10-01
Washington, DC 20549
For the Quarterly Period Ended October 31, 2024
For the Transition Period from                     to                     
Commission File Number 1-14959
(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
Wisconsin 39-0178960
(State or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization) (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
6555 West Good Hope Road
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53223
(Address of principal executive offices and zip code)
(414) 358-6600
(Registrant’s telephone number, including area code)
Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:
Title of each classTrading SymbolName of each exchange on which registered
Class A Nonvoting Common Stock, par value $0.01 per shareBRCNew York Stock Exchange
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.   Yes     No
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically every Interactive Data File required to be submitted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T (§232.405 of this chapter) during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit such files).    Yes    No  
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, smaller reporting company, or an emerging growth company. See the definitions of “large accelerated filer,” “accelerated filer,” “smaller reporting company,” and “emerging growth company” in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.
Large accelerated filer Accelerated filer 
Emerging growth company
Non-accelerated filer 
Smaller reporting company 
If an emerging growth company, indicate by check mark if the registrant has elected not to use the extended transition period for complying with any new or revised financial accounting standards provided pursuant to Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act.
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act).    Yes   No   
As of November 14, 2024, there were 44,223,720 outstanding shares of Class A Nonvoting Common Stock and 3,538,628 shares of Class B Voting Common Stock. The Class B Voting Common Stock, all of which is held by affiliates of the Registrant, is the only voting stock.



(Dollars in Thousands)
October 31, 2024July 31, 2024
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents$145,661 $250,118 
Accounts receivable, net of allowance for credit losses of $10,295 and $6,749, respectively
218,258 185,486 
Inventories178,688 152,729 
Prepaid expenses and other current assets13,462 11,382 
Total current assets556,069 599,715 
Property, plant and equipment—net201,374 195,758 
Goodwill671,705 589,611 
Other intangible assets116,369 51,839 
Deferred income taxes16,841 15,596 
Operating lease assets42,157 38,504 
Other assets23,361 24,546 
Total$1,627,876 $1,515,569 
Current liabilities:
Accounts payable$98,179 $84,691 
Accrued compensation and benefits65,004 77,954 
Taxes, other than income taxes22,901 14,061 
Accrued income taxes11,994 7,424 
Current operating lease liabilities13,120 13,382 
Other current liabilities90,272 67,170 
Total current liabilities301,470 264,682 
Long-term debt116,645 90,935 
Long-term operating lease liabilities29,201 25,342 
Other liabilities71,628 67,952 
Total liabilities518,944 448,911 
Stockholders’ equity:
Class A nonvoting common stock—Issued 51,261,487 shares, and outstanding 44,223,664 and 44,042,462 shares, respectively
513 513 
Class B voting common stock—Issued and outstanding, 3,538,628 shares
35 35 
Additional paid-in capital354,592 353,654 
Retained earnings1,209,406 1,174,025 
Treasury stock—7,037,823 and 7,219,025 shares, respectively, of Class A nonvoting common stock, at cost
Accumulated other comprehensive loss(111,602)(109,622)
Total stockholders’ equity1,108,932 1,066,658 
Total$1,627,876 $1,515,569 

See Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.

(Dollars in Thousands, Except Per Share Amounts, Unaudited)
Three months ended October 31,
Net sales$377,065 $331,983 
Cost of goods sold187,376 160,264 
    Gross margin189,689 171,719 
Operating expenses:
    Research and development18,921 15,702 
    Selling, general and administrative111,846 96,287 
Total operating expenses130,767 111,989 
Operating income 58,922 59,730 
Other income (expense):
    Investment and other income1,234 438 
    Interest expense(1,356)(766)
Income before income taxes58,800 59,402 
Income tax expense12,017 12,161 
Net income $46,783 $47,241 
Net income per Class A Nonvoting Common Share:
    Basic$0.98 $0.97 
    Diluted$0.97 $0.97 
Net income per Class B Voting Common Share:
    Basic$0.96 $0.96 
    Diluted$0.95 $0.95 
Weighted average common shares outstanding:
 Basic47,732 48,505 
 Diluted48,217 48,811 

See Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.

(Dollars in Thousands, Unaudited)
Three months ended October 31,
Net income$46,783 $47,241 
Other comprehensive loss:
Foreign currency translation adjustments(79)(20,364)
Cash flow hedges:
Net loss recognized in other comprehensive loss(1,338)(294)
Reclassification adjustment for gains included in net income(464)(1,285)
Pension and other post-retirement benefits actuarial gain amortization(151)(151)
Other comprehensive loss, before tax(2,032)(22,094)
Income tax benefit (expense) related to items of other comprehensive loss52 (128)
Other comprehensive loss, net of tax(1,980)(22,222)
Comprehensive income$44,803 $25,019 

See Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.

(Dollars in Thousands, Unaudited)
Three months ended October 31, 2024
Common StockAdditional Paid-In CapitalRetained EarningsTreasury StockAccumulated Other Comprehensive LossTotal Stockholders' Equity
Balances at July 31, 2024$548 $353,654 $1,174,025 $(351,947)$(109,622)$1,066,658 
Net income— — 46,783 — — 46,783 
Other comprehensive loss, net of tax— — — — (1,980)(1,980)
Issuance of shares of Class A Common Stock under stock plan— (5,065)— 7,935 — 2,870 
Tax benefit and withholdings from deferred compensation distributions— 190 — — — 190 
Stock-based compensation expense— 5,813 — — — 5,813 
Cash dividends on Common Stock:
Class A — $0.2400 per share
— — (10,612)— — (10,612)
Class B — $0.2234 per share
— — (790)— — (790)
Balances at October 31, 2024$548 $354,592 $1,209,406 $(344,012)$(111,602)$1,108,932 
Three months ended October 31, 2023
Common StockAdditional Paid-In CapitalRetained EarningsTreasury StockAccumulated Other Comprehensive LossTotal Stockholders' Equity
Balances at July 31, 2023$548 $351,771 $1,021,870 $(290,209)$(93,061)$990,919 
Net income— — 47,241 — — 47,241 
Other comprehensive loss, net of tax— — — — (22,222)(22,222)
Issuance of shares of Class A Common Stock under stock plan— (3,662)— 3,927 — 265 
Tax benefit and withholdings from deferred compensation distributions— 149 — — — 149 
Stock-based compensation expense— 4,163 — — — 4,163 
Repurchase of shares of Class A Common Stock, including excise taxes— — — (14,185)— (14,185)
Cash dividends on Common Stock:
Class A — $0.2350 per share
— — (10,565)— — (10,565)
Class B — $0.2184 per share
— — (773)— — (773)
Balances at October 31, 2023$548 $352,421 $1,057,773 $(300,467)$(115,283)$994,992 

(Dollars in Thousands, Unaudited)
Three months ended October 31,
Operating activities:
Net income$46,783 $47,241 
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:
Depreciation and amortization10,164 7,466 
Stock-based compensation expense5,813 4,163 
Deferred income taxes(903)(2,225)
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
Accounts receivable(4,385)(2,205)
Prepaid expenses and other assets(1,136)(1,488)
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities(33,960)(3,725)
Income taxes4,017 5,757 
Net cash provided by operating activities23,406 62,273 
Investing activities:
Purchases of property, plant and equipment(7,286)(11,279)
Acquisition of businesses, net of cash acquired(140,625) 
Net cash used in investing activities(147,901)(11,279)
Financing activities:
Payment of dividends(11,402)(11,338)
Proceeds from exercise of stock options5,855 2,598 
Payments for employee taxes withheld from stock-based awards(2,090)(2,333)
Purchase of treasury stock (14,121)
Proceeds from borrowing on credit agreement135,149 38,551 
Repayment of borrowing on credit agreement(109,439)(36,000)
Other190 1,149 
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities18,263 (21,494)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents1,775 (5,680)
Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents(104,457)23,820 
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period250,118 151,532 
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period$145,661 $175,352 

See Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.

Three Months Ended October 31, 2024
(In thousands, except share and per share amounts)
NOTE A — Basis of Presentation
The condensed consolidated financial statements included herein have been prepared by Brady Corporation and subsidiaries (the “Company,” “Brady,” “we,” or “our”) without audit, pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission. In the opinion of the Company, the foregoing statements contain all adjustments, consisting only of normal recurring adjustments necessary to present fairly the financial position of the Company as of October 31, 2024 and July 31, 2024, its results of operations, cash flows and comprehensive income for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023. The condensed consolidated balance sheet as of July 31, 2024 has been derived from the audited consolidated financial statements as of that date. The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“GAAP”) requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts therein. Due to the inherent uncertainty involved in making estimates, actual results in future periods may differ from the estimates.
Certain information and footnote disclosures normally included in financial statements prepared in accordance with GAAP have been omitted pursuant to rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Accordingly, the condensed consolidated financial statements do not include all of the information and footnotes required by GAAP for complete financial statement presentation. It is suggested that these condensed consolidated financial statements be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and the notes thereto included in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended July 31, 2024.

NOTE B — New Accounting Pronouncements
Standards not yet adopted
In November 2023, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) 2023-07, “Segment Reporting (Topic 280): Improvements to Reportable Segment Disclosures.” The guidance requires expanded interim and annual disclosures of segment information including the disclosure of significant segment expenses that are regularly provided to the chief operating decision maker and included within segment profit and loss. The guidance is effective for the Company's fiscal 2025 Form 10-K and interim periods thereafter. The Company is currently assessing its segment information disclosures in connection with the adoption of ASU 2023-07.
In December 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-09, “Income Taxes (Topic 740): Improvements to Income Tax Disclosures.” The guidance requires expanded annual disclosures including the standardization and disaggregation of income tax rate reconciliation categories and the amount of income taxes paid by jurisdiction. The guidance is effective for the Company’s fiscal 2026 Form 10-K. The Company is currently assessing its income tax disclosures in connection with the adoption of ASU 2023-09.
In November 2024, the FASB issued ASU 2024-03, “Income Statement - Reporting Comprehensive Income - Expense Disaggregation Disclosures (Subtopic 220-40): Disaggregation of Income Statement Expenses.” The guidance requires expanded interim and annual disclosures of expense information including the amounts of inventory purchases, employee compensation, depreciation, amortization, and depletion within commonly presented expense captions during the period. The guidance is effective for the Company's fiscal 2028 Form 10-K and interim periods thereafter. The Company is currently evaluating the ASU to determine its impact on the Company's disclosures.


NOTE C — Additional Balance Sheet Information
Inventories consisted of the following as of October 31, 2024 and July 31, 2024:
 October 31, 2024July 31, 2024
Finished products$103,375 $89,430 
Work-in-process27,029 24,601 
Raw materials and supplies48,284 38,698 
Total inventories$178,688 $152,729 
Property, plant and equipment
Property, plant and equipment is presented net of accumulated depreciation in the amount of $308,128 and $304,199 as of October 31, 2024 and July 31, 2024, respectively.

NOTE D — Other Intangible Assets
Other intangible assets as of October 31, 2024 and July 31, 2024 consisted of the following: 
 October 31, 2024July 31, 2024
Weighted Average Amortization Period (Years)Gross Carrying AmountAccumulated AmortizationNet Book ValueWeighted Average Amortization Period (Years)Gross Carrying AmountAccumulated AmortizationNet Book Value
Amortized other intangible assets:
Tradenames2$868 $(108)$760 3$600 $(600)$ 
Customer relationships8122,289 (26,899)95,390 964,430 (23,279)41,151 
Technology519,857 (7,215)12,642 59,300 (6,182)3,118 
Unamortized other intangible assets:
TradenamesN/A7,577 — 7,577 N/A7,570 — 7,570 
Total$150,591 $(34,222)$116,369 $81,900 $(30,061)$51,839 
The change in the gross carrying amount of other intangible assets as of October 31, 2024 compared to July 31, 2024 was primarily due to the acquisitions of Gravotech Holding (“Gravotech”) and American Barcode and RFID Incorporated (“AB&R”) completed during the three months ended October 31, 2024 and to a lesser extent, the effect of currency fluctuations. Refer to Note O, “Acquisitions,” for additional information on intangible assets acquired.
Amortization expense on intangible assets was $4,713 and $2,355 for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively.

NOTE E — Leases
The Company leases certain manufacturing facilities, warehouse and office spaces, and vehicles accounted for as operating leases. Lease terms typically range from one year to ten years. As of October 31, 2024, the Company did not have any finance leases.
Operating lease expense was $4,735 and $4,065 for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively, which was recognized in either Cost of goods sold or Selling, general and administrative expenses in the condensed consolidated statements of income based on the nature of the lease. Short-term lease expense, variable lease expenses, and sublease income were immaterial to the condensed consolidated statements of income for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023.

Supplemental cash flow information related to the Company's operating leases for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023 was as follows:
Three months ended October 31,
Operating cash flows from operating leases$4,619 $4,431 
Operating lease assets obtained in exchange for new operating lease liabilities (1)
7,630 1,656 
(1) Includes new leases, acquired leases and remeasurements or modifications of existing leases.

NOTE F — Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss
Other comprehensive loss consists of foreign currency translation adjustments which includes net investment hedges and long-term intercompany loan translation adjustments, unrealized gains from cash flow hedges and the unamortized gain on post-retirement plans, net of their related tax effects.
The following table illustrates the changes in the balances of each component of accumulated other comprehensive loss, net of tax, for the three months ended October 31, 2024:
Unrealized loss on cash flow hedgesUnamortized gain on post-retirement plansForeign currency translation adjustmentsAccumulated other comprehensive loss
Beginning balance, July 31, 2024$(149)$462 $(109,935)$(109,622)
Other comprehensive loss before reclassification(1,402) (79)(1,481)
Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss(348)(151) (499)
Ending balance, October 31, 2024$(1,899)$311 $(110,014)$(111,602)
The increase in accumulated other comprehensive loss as of October 31, 2024 compared to July 31, 2024 was primarily due to the unrealized losses on cash flow hedges during the three-month period.
The changes in accumulated other comprehensive loss by component, net of tax, for the three months ended October 31, 2023 were as follows:
Unrealized gain (loss) on cash flow hedgesUnamortized gain on post-retirement plansForeign currency translation adjustmentsAccumulated other comprehensive loss
Beginning balance, July 31, 2023$1,641 $756 $(95,458)$(93,061)
Other comprehensive loss before reclassification(744) (20,364)(21,108)
Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss(963)(151) (1,114)
Ending balance, October 31, 2023$(66)$605 $(115,822)$(115,283)
The increase in the accumulated other comprehensive loss as of October 31, 2023 compared to July 31, 2023 was primarily due to the appreciation of the U.S. dollar against certain other currencies during the three-month period.
Of the amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss during the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023, unrealized gains on cash flow hedges were reclassified to “Cost of goods sold” and unamortized gains on post-retirement plans were reclassified into “Investment and other income” on the condensed consolidated statements of income.
The following table illustrates the income tax benefit (expense) on the components of other comprehensive loss for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023:
Three months ended October 31,
Income tax benefit (expense) related to items of other comprehensive loss:
Cash flow hedges$52 $(128)


NOTE G — Revenue Recognition
The Company recognizes revenue when control of the product or service transfers to the customer at an amount that represents the consideration expected to be received in exchange for those products and services. The Company’s revenues are primarily from the sale of identification solutions and workplace safety products that are shipped and billed to customers. All revenue is from contracts with customers and is included in “Net sales” on the condensed consolidated statements of income. See Note H, “Segment Information,” for the Company’s disaggregated revenue disclosure.
The Company offers extended warranty coverage that is included in the sales price of certain products, which it accounts for as service warranties. The Company accounts for the deferred revenue associated with extended service warranties as a contract liability. The balance of contract liabilities associated with service warranty performance obligations was $2,973 and $2,947 as of October 31, 2024 and July 31, 2024, respectively. The current portion and non-current portion of contract liabilities are included in “Other current liabilities” and “Other liabilities,” respectively, on the condensed consolidated balance sheets. The Company recognized revenue of $337 and $314 during the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively, that was included in the contract liability balance at the beginning of the respective period from the amortization of extended service warranties. Of the contract liability balance outstanding at October 31, 2024, the Company expects to recognize 32% by the end of fiscal 2025, an additional 31% by the end of fiscal 2026, and the remaining balance thereafter.

NOTE H — Segment Information
The Company is organized and managed within two regions: Americas & Asia and Europe & Australia, which are the reportable segments.
The following is a summary of net sales by segment and geographic region for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023:
Three months ended October 31,
Net sales:
Americas & Asia
Americas$214,033 $196,286 
Asia31,395 25,340 
Total$245,428 $221,626 
Europe & Australia
Europe116,153 96,333 
Australia15,484 14,024 
Total$131,637 $110,357 
Total Company$377,065 $331,983 
The following is a summary of segment profit for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023:
Three months ended October 31,
Segment profit:
Americas & Asia$54,900 $49,897 
Europe & Australia13,114 16,744 
Total Company$68,014 $66,641 

The following is a reconciliation of segment profit to income before income taxes for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023:
Three months ended October 31,
Total profit from reportable segments$68,014 $66,641 
Unallocated amounts:
Administrative costs(9,092)(6,911)
Investment and other income1,234 438 
Interest expense(1,356)(766)
Income before income taxes$58,800 $59,402 

NOTE I – Stock-Based Compensation
Incentive Stock Plans
The Company has an incentive stock plan under which the Board of Directors may grant nonqualified stock options to purchase shares of Class A Nonvoting Common Stock, restricted stock units (“RSUs”), performance-based restricted stock units (“PRSUs”), or restricted and unrestricted shares of Class A Nonvoting Common Stock to employees and non-employee directors. Certain awards may be subject to pre-established performance goals. The majority of the Company’s annual share-based awards are granted in the first quarter of the fiscal year.
Total stock-based compensation expense recognized during the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023 was $5,813 and $4,163, respectively. The total income tax benefit recognized in the condensed consolidated statements of income was $632 and $425 during the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
Stock Options
The stock options issued under the plan have an exercise price equal to the market price of the Company's stock at the date of the grant and generally vest ratably over three years, with one-third becoming exercisable one year after the grant date and one-third additional in each of the succeeding two years. Options issued under the plan, referred to herein as “time-based” options, generally expire ten years from the date of grant. The Company did not include stock options in its annual grant of share-based awards to employees in the current fiscal year.
The following is a summary of stock option activity for the three months ended October 31, 2024:
Time-Based OptionsOptions OutstandingWeighted Average Exercise PriceWeighted Average Remaining Contractual TermAggregate Intrinsic Value
Outstanding at July 31, 20241,222,046$44.46 
Outstanding at October 31, 20241,091,523$45.12 5.4$28,592 
Exercisable at October 31, 20241,010,597$44.84 5.2$26,754 
The following table summarizes additional stock option information:
Three months ended October 31,
Intrinsic value of options exercised during the period (in thousands)$4,622 $3,410 
Fair value of options vested during the period (in thousands)1,249 1,729 
Cash received from the exercise of stock options during the period (in thousands)5,855 2,598 
Tax benefit on options exercised during the period (in thousands)1,112 841 
As of October 31, 2024, total unrecognized compensation cost related to stock options was $674 pre-tax, net of estimated forfeitures, which the Company expects to recognize over a weighted-average period of 1.5 years.

RSUs issued under the plan have a grant date fair value equal to the market price of the Company's stock at the date of grant and generally vest ratably over three years, with one-third vesting one year after the grant date and an additional one-third in each of the succeeding two years.
The following is a summary of RSU activity for the three months ended October 31, 2024:
Number of SharesWeighted Average Grant Date Fair Value
Non-vested RSUs as of July 31, 2024148,991 $52.20 
Granted88,319 74.63 
Non-vested RSUs as of October 31, 2024180,154 $63.53 
The RSUs granted during the three months ended October 31, 2023 had a weighted-average grant date fair value of $54.80. The total fair value of RSUs vested during the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023 was $4,201 and $2,974, respectively.
As of October 31, 2024, total unrecognized compensation cost related to RSUs was $6,090 pre-tax, net of estimated forfeitures, which the Company expects to recognize over a weighted-average period of 2.4 years.
PRSUs are contingent on the achievement of predetermined market and performance targets. The PRSUs granted under the plan vest at the end of a three-year performance period provided the service period and specified performance targets are met. For the PRSUs granted during the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023, awards will vest based on achievement of performance conditions relating to Company revenue and diluted EPS targets. For the PRSUs granted during the three months ended October 31, 2022, the vesting criteria for 50% of the grant is based upon the Company's total shareholder return (“TSR”) relative to the S&P 600 SmallCap Industrials Index over a three-year performance period, and the vesting criteria for the other 50% of the grant is based upon Company revenue targets.
The PRSUs granted during the three months ended October 31, 2024 had a fair value determined by the average of the high and low stock price on the date of the grant. For awards with a market value condition, a third-party valuation is utilized to determine the fair value as of the grant date using a Monte Carlo simulation for that portion of the award.
The following is a summary of PRSU activity for the three months ended October 31, 2024:
Number of SharesWeighted Average Grant Date Fair Value
Non-vested PRSUs as of July 31, 2024103,221 $53.46 
Granted61,981 71.24 
Non-vested PRSUs as of October 31, 2024154,947 $59.95 
The PRSUs granted during the three months ended October 31, 2023 had a weighted-average grant date fair value of $51.16. The total fair value of PRSUs vested during the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023 was $595 and $141, respectively.
As of October 31, 2024, total unrecognized compensation cost related to PRSUs was $6,812 pre-tax, net of estimated forfeitures, which the Company expects to recognize over a weighted-average period of 2.3 years.


NOTE J — Net Income per Common Share
Reconciliations of the numerator and denominator of the basic and diluted per share computations for the Company’s Class A and Class B common stock are summarized as follows:
Three months ended October 31,
Numerator (in thousands):
Net income (Numerator for basic and diluted income per Class A Nonvoting Common Share)$46,783 $47,241 
Preferential dividends(736)(748)
Preferential dividends on dilutive stock options(8)(5)
Numerator for basic and diluted income per Class B Voting Common Share$46,039 $46,488 
Denominator (in thousands):
Denominator for basic income per share for both Class A and Class B47,732 48,505 
Plus: Effect of dilutive equity awards485 306 
Denominator for diluted income per share for both Class A and Class B48,217 48,811 
Net income per Class A Nonvoting Common Share:
Basic$0.98 $0.97 
Diluted$0.97 $0.97 
Net income per Class B Voting Common Share:
Basic$0.96 $0.96 
Diluted$0.95 $0.95 
Potentially dilutive securities attributable to outstanding stock options and restricted stock units were excluded from the calculation of diluted earnings per share where the combined exercise price and average unamortized fair value were greater than the average market price of the Company's Class A Nonvoting Common Stock because the effect would have been anti-dilutive. The amount of anti-dilutive shares were 17,278 and 313,787 for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively.

NOTE K — Fair Value Measurements
In accordance with fair value accounting guidance, the Company determines fair value based on the exchange price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants. The inputs used to measure fair value are classified into the following hierarchy:
Level 1 — Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical instruments that are accessible as of the reporting date.
Level 2 — Other significant pricing inputs that are either directly or indirectly observable.
Level 3 — Significant unobservable pricing inputs, which result in the use of management's own assumptions.
The following table summarizes the Company's financial assets and liabilities that were accounted for at fair value on a recurring basis at October 31, 2024 and July 31, 2024:
 October 31, 2024July 31, 2024Fair Value Hierarchy
Deferred compensation plan assets$18,180 $20,029 Level 1
Foreign exchange contracts148 137 Level 2
Foreign exchange contracts1,614 730 Level 2
The following methods and assumptions were used to estimate the fair value of each class of financial instrument:
Deferred compensation plan assets: The Company’s deferred compensation investments consist of investments in mutual funds, which are included in “Other assets” on the condensed consolidated balance sheets. These investments were classified as Level 1 as the shares of these investments trade with sufficient frequency and volume to enable us to obtain pricing information on an ongoing basis.

Foreign exchange contracts: The Company’s foreign exchange contracts were classified as Level 2 as the fair value was based on the present value of the future cash flows using external models that use observable inputs, such as interest rates, yield curves and foreign exchange rates. See Note L, “Derivatives and Hedging Activities,” for additional information.
The fair values of cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and other liabilities approximated carrying values due to their short-term nature.

NOTE L — Derivatives and Hedging Activities
The Company utilizes forward foreign exchange currency contracts to reduce the exchange rate risk of specific foreign currency denominated transactions. These contracts typically require the exchange of a foreign currency for U.S. dollars at a fixed rate on a future date, with maturities of less than 18 months, which qualify as cash flow hedges or net investment hedges under the accounting guidance for derivative instruments and hedging activities. The primary objective of the Company’s foreign currency exchange risk management program is to minimize the impact of currency movements due to transactions in other than the respective subsidiaries’ functional currency and to minimize the impact of currency movements on the Company’s net investment denominated in a currency other than the U.S. dollar. To achieve this objective, the Company hedges a portion of known exposures using forward foreign exchange currency contracts.
Main foreign currency exposures are related to transactions denominated in the British Pound, Euro, Canadian dollar, Australian dollar, Mexican Peso, Chinese Yuan, Malaysian Ringgit and Singapore dollar. Generally, these risk management transactions will involve the use of foreign currency derivatives to minimize the impact of currency movements on non-functional currency transactions.
The U.S. dollar equivalent notional amounts of outstanding forward exchange contracts were as follows:
  October 31, 2024July 31, 2024
Designated as cash flow hedges$44,448 $59,207 
Non-designated hedges4,171 4,459 
Total foreign exchange contracts$48,619 $63,666 
Cash Flow Hedges
The Company has designated a portion of its forward foreign exchange contracts as cash flow hedges and recorded these contracts at fair value on the condensed consolidated balance sheets. For these instruments, the effective portion of the gain or loss on the derivative is reported as a component of other comprehensive income (“OCI”) and reclassified into income in the same period or periods during which the hedged transaction affects income. As of October 31, 2024 and July 31, 2024, unrealized losses of $1,926 and $124 have been included in OCI, respectively.
Net Investment Hedges
The Company has designated certain third party foreign currency denominated debt borrowed under its credit agreement as net investment hedges. These debt obligations, denominated in Euros and British Pounds, were designated as net investment hedges to hedge portions of the Company's net investment in its European operations. The Company’s foreign currency denominated debt obligations are valued under a market approach using publicized spot prices, and the net gains or losses attributable to the changes in spot prices are recorded as cumulative translation within AOCI and are included in the foreign currency translation adjustments section of the condensed consolidated statements of comprehensive income. As of October 31, 2024 and July 31, 2024, the cumulative balance recognized in accumulated other comprehensive income were losses of $1,427 and $1,237, respectively, on any outstanding foreign currency denominated debt obligations.

The following table summarizes the amount of pre-tax gains and losses related to derivatives designated as hedging instruments:
 Three months ended October 31,
(Losses) gains recognized in OCI:
Forward exchange contracts (cash flow hedges)$(1,338)$(294)
Foreign currency denominated debt (net investment hedges)(190)1,508 
Gains reclassified from OCI into cost of goods sold:
Forward exchange contracts (cash flow hedges)464 1,285 
Fair values of derivative instruments in the condensed consolidated balance sheets were as follows: 
 October 31, 2024July 31, 2024
  Prepaid expenses and other current assetsOther current liabilitiesLong-term ObligationsPrepaid expenses and other current assetsOther current liabilitiesLong-term Obligations
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments:
Foreign exchange contracts (cash flow hedges)$148 $1,610 $— $137 $726 $— 
Foreign currency denominated debt (net investment hedges)— — 34,251 — — 34,060 
Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments:
Foreign exchange contracts (non-designated hedges) 4 —  4 — 
Total derivative instruments$148 $1,614 $34,251 $137 $730 $34,060 

NOTE M – Income Taxes
The income tax rate for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023 was 20.4% and 20.5%, respectively.

NOTE N — Contingencies
In the normal course of business, the Company is subject to a variety of investigations, claims, suits, and other legal proceedings, including but not limited to, intellectual property, employment, unclaimed property, tort, and breach of contract matters. Any legal proceedings are subject to inherent uncertainties, and these matters and their potential effects may change in the future. The Company records a liability for contingencies when a loss is deemed to be probable and the loss can be reasonably estimated. The Company currently believes that the outcomes of such proceedings will not have a material adverse impact on its business, financial position, results of operations or cash flows.

NOTE O — Acquisitions
On August 1, 2024, the Company acquired all of the outstanding shares of Gravotech. Headquartered in Lyon, France, Gravotech is a leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of innovative solutions for specialized engraving, marking and cutting, offering laser, mechanical engraving, scribing and dot peen capabilities across multiple industries. The acquisition of Gravotech expands the Company’s identification product offerings and research and development capabilities to include specialized direct part marking and engraving expertise. The acquisition was funded through cash on hand and borrowings under the Company’s existing credit agreement. Net sales and net loss attributable to Gravotech from the acquisition date through October 31, 2024 were $29,475 and $4,685, respectively. The net loss attributable to Gravotech is due to a nonrecurring increase in cost of goods sold of $4,115 related to the fair value adjustment to inventory upon acquisition and amortization expense of $2,326 for intangible assets acquired.
The Company recorded its preliminary purchase price allocation during the three months ended October 31, 2024, based on its estimates of the fair value of the acquired assets and assumed liabilities as of the acquisition date. The preliminary purchase price allocation included goodwill of $71,790, of which $49,874 was assigned to the Americas & Asia segment and $21,916 was assigned to the Europe & Australia segment.

The following table summarizes the preliminary fair value of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed at the date of the acquisition:
Cash and cash equivalents$7,667 
Accounts receivable, net24,325 
Prepaid expenses and other current assets563 
Property, plant and equipment — net2,538 
Other intangible assets65,798 
Operating lease assets6,981 
Other assets1,061 
Accounts payable(17,813)
Accrued compensation and benefits(9,347)
Taxes, other than income taxes(6,857)
Accrued income taxes(1,855)
Other current liabilities(18,157)
Operating lease liabilities(6,980)
Other liabilities(6,908)
Net assets acquired$134,557 
Less: cash acquired(7,667)
Fair value of total consideration$126,890 
The final purchase price allocation is subject to post-closing adjustments pursuant to the terms of the securities sale and purchase agreement, as well as the finalization of certain accounts, primarily intangible assets and deferred tax adjustments. The goodwill for this acquisition is not deductible for tax purposes.
The following table presents the unaudited pro forma operating results for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023, reflecting the acquisition of Gravotech as if it had occurred at the beginning of fiscal year 2024. The unaudited pro forma operating results for the three months ended October 31, 2024 do not contain any adjustments to the accompanying condensed consolidated financial statements. The unaudited pro forma operating results for the three months ended October 31, 2023 include Gravotech’s normal operating results and pro forma adjustments to include cumulative expenses, net of tax, for the nonrecurring fair value adjustment to inventory, amortization expense for acquired intangible assets and interest expense on acquisition-related debt. The unaudited pro forma operating results are presented for comparative purposes only and do not necessarily reflect future operating results or those that would have occurred had the acquisition been completed at the beginning of fiscal year 2024.
 Three months ended October 31,
Net sales, pro forma$377,065 $361,109 
Net income, pro forma46,783 43,535 

On October 1, 2024, the Company acquired all of the outstanding shares of AB&R for $15,625, net of cash acquired. Based in Phoenix, Arizona, AB&R provides integrated solutions for asset tracking, inventory management, and workflow optimization using advanced identification and tracking technologies, including barcoding, radio frequency identification (“RFID”) and Internet of Things (“IoT”)-based systems. The acquisition was funded through cash on hand and borrowings under the Company’s existing credit agreement. The Company recorded its preliminary purchase price allocation during the first quarter of fiscal year 2025, based on its estimates of the fair value of the acquired assets and assumed liabilities at that time. The preliminary purchase price allocation included goodwill of $10,877, intangible assets of $4,600, and net tangible assets of $148. The goodwill for this acquisition is assigned to the Americas & Asia segment and is deductible for tax purposes. The final purchase price allocation is subject to post-closing adjustments and the finalization of certain intangible asset valuations and deferred tax adjustments, as well as potential contingent consideration subject to AB&R’s achievement of certain post-acquisition financial targets pursuant to the terms of the membership interest purchase agreement. Acquisition-related expenses of $305 were recognized in selling, general and administrative (“SG&A”) expenses during the three months ended October 31, 2024. The accompanying condensed consolidated financial statements include the results of AB&R from the date of acquisition through October 31, 2024. Pro forma and other financial information are not presented for the AB&R acquisition because its impact on the Company's results of operation and financial position is immaterial.



Brady Corporation is a global manufacturer and supplier of identification solutions and workplace safety products that identify and protect premises, products and people. The Company is organized and managed on a geographic basis with two reportable segments: Americas & Asia and Europe & Australia. This regional operating structure allows the Company to further integrate its businesses, support continued growth through the application of the best go-to-market strategies in key geographies, facilitate new product development within recent acquisitions and further simplify and scale the global business.
Within each of the reportable segments, the Company markets, sells and distributes a broad range of identification and safety products and solutions across the following primary product categories:

Safety and facility identification and protection, which includes safety signs, traffic signs and control products, floor-marking tape, pipe markers, labeling systems, spill control products, lockout/tagout devices, personal protection equipment, first aid products, and software and services for safety compliance auditing, procedures writing and training.
Product identification, which includes materials, printing systems, radio frequency identification (“RFID”) and barcode scanners for product identification, engraving equipment, brand protection labeling, work in process labeling, finished product identification, asset tracking labels, asset tags and industrial track and trace applications.
Wire identification, which includes handheld printers, wire markers, sleeves, and tags.
Healthcare identification, which includes wristbands, labels, printing systems, and other products used in hospital, laboratory, and other healthcare settings for tracking and improving the safety of patients.
People identification, which includes name tags, badges, lanyards, rigid card printing systems, and access control software.
The ability to provide customers with a broad range of proprietary, customized and diverse products for use in various applications across multiple industries and geographies, along with a commitment to quality and service, have made Brady a leader in many of its markets. Brady's long-term sales growth and profitability will depend not only on the overall economic environment and our ability to successfully navigate changes in the macro environment, but also on our ability to develop and market innovative products, deliver a high level of customer service, advance our digital capabilities, and continuously improve the efficiency of our global operations. Our strategy for growth includes an increased focus on certain industries and products, streamlining our product offerings, expanding into higher growth end-markets, improving the overall customer experience, developing technologically advanced, innovative, and proprietary products, and improving our digital capabilities.
The following are key initiatives supporting our strategy in fiscal 2025:
Investing in organic growth by enhancing our research and development process and utilizing customer feedback and observations to develop innovative new products that solve customer needs and improve environmental sustainability.
Providing the highest level of customer service by aligning with customers' preferred communications channels and leveraging technology to enhance the customer experience.
Expanding and enhancing our sales capabilities through an improved digital presence and the use of data-driven marketing automation tools.
Maintaining profitability through pricing mechanisms to mitigate the impacts of ongoing supply chain disruptions and inflationary pressures while ensuring prices are market competitive.
Integrating recent acquisitions to further enhance our strategic position and accelerate long-term sales growth.
Driving operational excellence and executing sustainable efficiency gains within our selling, general and administrative structures and within our global operations including insourcing of critical products and manufacturing activities while reducing our environmental footprint.
Building on our culture of diversity, equity and inclusion to increase employee engagement and enhance recruitment and retention practices in order to drive differentiated performance and execute our strategy.
Macroeconomic Conditions and Trends
The Company continues to be impacted by inflationary pressures to raw material and labor costs, supply chain disruptions, and other global macroeconomic challenges. While we experienced material increases to raw material and labor costs and supply chain disruptions in previous years, fiscal 2024 showed signs of easing with a moderation of raw material and labor cost inflation and improved supply chain stability, which we anticipate will continue into fiscal 2025. The Company has taken and will continue to take actions to mitigate inflationary pressures through targeted pricing actions and a commitment to driving long-term efficiency improvements.

We believe our financial strength positions us well to continue investing in acquisitions and organic growth opportunities, such as expanded sales channels, marketing programs, and research and development (“R&D”). We remain focused on driving sustainable efficiency gains and automation across our operations and selling, general and administrative (“SG&A”) functions, while also returning capital to our shareholders through dividends and share repurchases. At October 31, 2024, we had cash of $145.7 million, as well as a credit agreement with $181.5 million available for future borrowing, which can be increased up to $1,036.5 million at the Company's option and subject to certain conditions, for total available liquidity of $1,182.2 million.
We believe that our financial resources and liquidity levels, including the undrawn portion of our credit agreement and our ability to increase that credit line as necessary, are sufficient to support the execution of our growth strategy and to manage the impact of economic or geopolitical events that could potentially reduce sales, net income, or cash provided by operating activities. Refer to Risk Factors, included in Part I, Item 1A of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended July 31, 2024, for further discussion of the possible impact of global economic or geopolitical events on our business.
Results of Operations
The comparability of the operating results for the three months ended October 31, 2024 compared to the three months ended October 31, 2023 has been impacted by acquisitions of Gravotech on August 1, 2024 and AB&R on October 1, 2024. The operating results of Gravotech have been included in both reportable segments since the date of acquisition, and the results of AB&R have been included in the Americas & Asia reportable segment since the date of acquisition. The comparability of the operating results of the Americas & Asia segment has also been impacted by the divestiture of a non-core business in October 2023.
A comparison of results of operating income for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023 is as follows:
Three months ended October 31,
(Dollars in thousands)2024% Sales2023% Sales
Net sales$377,065 $331,983 
Gross margin189,689 50.3 %171,719 51.7 %
Operating expenses:
      Research and development18,921 5.0 %15,702 4.7 %
Selling, general and administrative111,846 29.7 %96,287 29.0 %
Total operating expenses130,767 34.7 %111,989 33.7 %
Operating income$58,922 15.6 %$59,730 18.0 %
References in this Form 10-Q to “organic sales” refer to sales calculated in accordance with GAAP, excluding the impact of foreign currency translation, sales recorded from acquired companies prior to the first anniversary date of their acquisition, and sales recorded from divested companies up to the first anniversary of their divestiture. The Company's organic sales disclosures exclude the effects of foreign currency translation as foreign currency translation is subject to volatility that can obscure underlying business trends. Management believes that the non-GAAP financial measure of organic sales is meaningful to investors as it provides them with useful information to aid in identifying underlying sales trends in our businesses and facilitating comparisons of our sales performance with prior periods.
Net sales for the three months ended October 31, 2024 increased 13.6% to $377.1 million compared to $332.0 million in the same period in the prior year. The increase consisted of organic sales growth of 3.6%, sales growth from acquisitions of 9.9% and an increase from foreign currency translation of 1.2%, partially offset by a decrease of 1.1% due to divestitures. Organic sales grew 5.1% in the Americas & Asia segment and 0.7% in the Europe & Australia segment during the three months ended October 31, 2024 compared to the same period in the prior year.
Gross margin increased 10.5% to $189.7 million in the three months ended October 31, 2024 compared to $171.7 million in the same period in the prior year. As a percentage of net sales, gross margin decreased to 50.3% in the three months ended October 31, 2024 compared to 51.7% in the same period in the prior year. The decrease in gross margin as a percentage of net sales was primarily due to a nonrecurring increase in cost of goods sold of $4.1 million related to the fair value adjustment to inventory from acquisitions and lower margin product sales from acquired businesses, which were partially offset by organic sales growth in higher gross margin product lines.
R&D expenses increased 20.5% to $18.9 million in the three months ended October 31, 2024 compared to $15.7 million in the same period in the prior year. As a percentage of net sales, R&D expenses increased to 5.0% in the three months ended October 31, 2024 compared to 4.7% in the same period in the prior year. The increase in R&D spending was primarily due to the acquisition of Gravotech, and, to a lesser extent, an increase in R&D headcount within the Company's organic business. The Company remains committed to investing in new product development to increase sales within our businesses. Investments in

new printing systems, materials and the build out of a comprehensive industrial track and trace solution remain the primary focus of R&D expenditures in fiscal 2025.
SG&A expenses include selling and administrative costs directly attributed to the Americas & Asia and Europe & Australia segments, as well as certain other corporate administrative expenses including finance, information technology, human resources and other administrative expenses. SG&A expenses increased 16.2% to $111.8 million in the three months ended October 31, 2024 compared to $96.3 million in the same period in the prior year. As a percentage of net sales, SG&A increased to 29.7% in the three months ended October 31, 2024, compared to 29.0% in the same period in the prior year. The increase in SG&A as a percentage of net sales is primarily due to incremental amortization expense from acquisitions of $2.4 million, as well as increased headcount and other selling-related costs from the businesses acquired, which were partially offset by a decrease in advertising expenses in the Company's organic businesses compared to the same period in the prior year.
Operating income decreased 1.4% to $58.9 million in the three months ended October 31, 2024, compared to $59.7 million in the same period in the prior year. The decrease in operating income was due to incremental amortization expense from acquisitions of $2.4 million and non-recurring acquisition-related and other costs of $5.1 million incurred during the three-month period.
Three months ended October 31,
(Dollars in thousands)2024% Sales2023% Sales
Operating income $58,922 15.6 %$59,730 18.0 %
Other income (expense):
         Investment and other income1,234 0.3 %438 0.1 %
         Interest expense(1,356)(0.4)%(766)(0.2)%
Income before income taxes58,800 15.6 %59,402 17.9 %
Income tax expense12,017 3.2 %12,161 3.7 %
Net income$46,783 12.4 %$47,241 14.2 %
Investment and other income was $1.2 million in the three months ended October 31, 2024 compared to $0.4 million in the same period in the prior year. The change was primarily due to an increase in the market value of securities held in deferred compensation plans, partially offset by a decrease in interest income resulting from a decrease in interest rates as well as a reduced cash balance.
Interest expense increased to $1.4 million in the three months ended October 31, 2024 compared to $0.8 million in the same period in the prior year. The increase in interest expense was primarily due to an increase in outstanding borrowings on the Company's credit agreement to fund the acquisitions completed during the three months ended October 31, 2024.
The Company’s income tax rate was 20.4% and 20.5% for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The Company expects its ongoing annual income tax rate to be approximately 20% based on its current global business mix and based on tax laws and statutory rates currently in effect.
Business Segment Operating Results
The Company evaluates short-term segment performance based on segment profit and customer sales. Interest expense, investment and other income, income tax expense, and certain corporate administrative expenses are excluded when evaluating segment performance.

The following is a summary of segment information for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023:
Three months ended October 31,
Americas & Asia
Organic5.1 %3.3 %
Currency(0.2)%— %
Acquisition7.4 %— %
Total10.7 %1.4 %
Europe & Australia
Organic0.7 %1.4 %
Currency3.6 %4.6 %
Acquisition15.0 %— %
Total19.3 %6.0 %
Total Company
Organic3.6 %2.7 %
Currency1.2 %1.5 %
Acquisition9.9 %— %
Total13.6 %2.9 %
Americas & Asia$54,900 $49,897 
Europe & Australia13,114 16,744 
Total$68,014 $66,641 
Americas & Asia22.4 %22.5 %
Europe & Australia10.0 %15.2 %
Total18.0 %20.1 %
Americas & Asia
Americas & Asia net sales increased 10.7% to $245.4 million in the three months ended October 31, 2024 compared to $221.6 million in the same period in the prior year, which consisted of organic sales growth of 5.1% and sales growth from acquisitions of 7.4%, which were partially offset by a decrease from foreign currency translation of 0.2% and a decrease of 1.6% due to the divestiture of a non-core business in October 2023.
Organic sales in the Americas increased in the mid-single digits in the three months ended October 31, 2024. Organic sales grew in all major products lines with the strongest growth in the product identification, wire identification, and safety and facility identification product lines.
Organic sales in Asia increased in the mid-single digits in the three months ended October 31, 2024. The organic sales increase was primarily driven by organic sales growth in Japan and India, which was partially offset by an organic sales decline in China.
Segment profit increased 10.0% to $54.9 million in the three months ended October 31, 2024 compared to $49.9 million in the same period in the prior year. As a percentage of net sales, segment profit was essentially flat at 22.4% compared to 22.5% in the same period in the prior year. The increase in segment profit was primarily due to increased sales volumes in the Americas, which was partially offset by certain acquisition-related costs and purchase accounting adjustments.
Europe & Australia
Europe & Australia net sales increased 19.3% to $131.6 million in the three months ended October 31, 2024 compared to $110.4 million in the same period in the prior year, which consisted of sales growth from acquisitions of 15.0%, organic sales growth of 0.7% and an increase from foreign currency translation of 3.6%.

Organic sales in Europe increased in the low-single digits in the three months ended October 31, 2024. Organic sales growth during the three-month period was primarily driven by growth in the safety and facility identification and people identification product lines, which was partially offset by an organic sales decline in the product identification product line.
Organic sales in Australia declined in the low-single digits in the three months ended October 31, 2024. The organic sales decline was primarily driven by a decrease in volume in the wire identification product line.
Segment profit decreased to $13.1 million in the three months ended October 31, 2024 compared to $16.7 million in the same period of the prior year. As a percentage of net sales, segment profit decreased to 10.0% from 15.2% in the same period of the prior year. The decrease in segment profit was primarily due to certain acquisition-related costs and organizational transition costs incurred during the three-month period.
Liquidity and Capital Resources
The Company's cash balances are generated and held in numerous locations throughout the world. At October 31, 2024, approximately 95% of the Company's cash and cash equivalents were held outside the United States. The Company's organic and inorganic growth has historically been funded by a combination of cash provided by operating activities and debt financing. The Company believes that its cash flow from operating activities and its borrowing capacity are sufficient to fund its anticipated requirements for working capital, capital expenditures, research and development, common stock repurchases, and dividend payments for the next 12 months. Although the Company believes these sources of cash are currently sufficient to fund domestic operations, annual cash needs could require repatriation of cash to the U.S. from foreign jurisdictions, which may result in additional tax payments.
Cash Flows
Cash and cash equivalents were $145.7 million at October 31, 2024, a decrease of $104.5 million from July 31, 2024. The significant changes were as follows:
 Three months ended October 31,
(Dollars in thousands)20242023
Net cash flow provided by (used in):
Operating activities$23,406 $62,273 
Investing activities(147,901)(11,279)
Financing activities18,263 (21,494)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash1,775 (5,680)
Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents$(104,457)$23,820 
Net cash provided by operating activities was $23.4 million in the three months ended October 31, 2024, compared to $62.3 million in the same period of the prior year. The decrease in cash provided by operating activities was primarily due to increased vendor payments related to the acquired businesses, the timing of payroll and higher annual incentive compensation payments, and other working capital changes.
Net cash used in investing activities was $147.9 million in the three months ended October 31, 2024, which primarily consisted of the acquisition of businesses of $140.6 million and capital expenditures of $7.3 million. Net cash used in investing activities was $11.3 million in the three months ended October 31, 2023, which consisted of capital expenditures.
Net cash provided by financing activities was $18.3 million in the three months ended October 31, 2024 compared to $21.5 million net cash used in financing activities in the same period of the prior year. The increase in cash provided by financing activities was primarily due to increased net borrowings to fund the acquisition of AB&R completed on October 1, 2024, and, to a lesser extent, a decline in share repurchases compared to the same period in the prior year.
Material Cash Requirements
Our material cash requirements for known contractual obligations include capital expenditures, borrowings on our credit agreement and lease obligations. We believe that net cash provided by operating activities will continue to be adequate to meet our liquidity and capital needs for these items over the next 12 months and in the long-term beyond the next 12 months. We also have cash requirements for purchase orders and contracts for the purchase of inventory and other goods and services, which are based on current and anticipated customer needs and are fulfilled by our suppliers within short time horizons. We do not have significant agreements for the purchase of inventory or other goods or services specifying minimum order quantities. In addition, we may have liabilities for uncertain tax positions, but we do not believe that the cash requirements to meet any of these liabilities will be material.

Credit Agreement
On August 1, 2019, the Company and certain of its subsidiaries entered into an unsecured $200 million multi-currency credit agreement with a group of five banks.
On December 21, 2021, the Company and certain of its subsidiaries entered into an amendment to the credit agreement dated August 1, 2019 to adjust to alternative benchmarks due to the elimination of the London Inter-bank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”).
On November 14, 2022, the Company and certain of its subsidiaries entered into a second amendment to the credit agreement to, among other items, (a) increase the lending commitments by $100 million for total lending commitments of $300 million, (b) extend the final maturity date to November 14, 2027, (c) increase the interest rate on certain borrowings by 0.125%, and (d) increase the available amount under the credit agreement, at the Company's option and subject to certain conditions, from $300 million up to (i) an amount equal to the incremental borrowing necessary to bring the Company's consolidated net debt-to-EBITDA ratio as defined in the credit agreement to 2.5 to 1.0 plus (ii) $200 million.
On October 10, 2024, the Company and certain of its subsidiaries entered into a Third Amendment to Credit Agreement (“Amendment No. 3”) with a group of six banks, which amended the original credit agreement dated August 1, 2019. Amendment No. 3 amended the credit agreement to, among other things, change the applicable benchmark under the credit agreement for borrowings denominated in Canadian Dollars from the Canadian Dollar Offered Rate (“CDOR”) to the adjusted Term Canadian Overnight Repo Rate Average Rate (“CORRA”). Borrowings under Amendment No. 3 are unsecured and are guaranteed by certain of the Company's domestic subsidiaries.
As of October 31, 2024, the outstanding balance on the Company's credit agreement was $116.6 million. The maximum amount outstanding on the credit agreement during the three months ended October 31, 2024 was $144.8 million. As of October 31, 2024, the U.S. dollar-denominated borrowings of $52.0 million bear interest at 5.8%; the Euro-denominated borrowings of €50.0 million bear interest at 4.1%; and the British Pound-denominated borrowings of £8.0 million bear interest at 5.8%. The Company had letters of credit outstanding under the credit agreement of $1.8 million as of October 31, 2024 and there was $181.5 million available for future borrowing, which can be increased to $1,036.5 million at the Company's option, subject to certain conditions. The credit agreement has a final maturity date of November 14, 2027. As such, borrowings were classified as long-term on the condensed consolidated balance sheets.
Covenant Compliance
The Company's credit agreement requires it to maintain certain financial covenants, including a ratio of debt to the trailing twelve months EBITDA, as defined in the debt agreements, of not more than a 3.5 to 1.0 ratio (leverage ratio) and the trailing twelve months EBITDA to interest expense of not less than a 3.0 to 1.0 ratio (interest expense coverage). As of October 31, 2024, the Company was in compliance with these financial covenants, with a ratio of debt to EBITDA, as defined by the agreements, equal to 0.4 to 1.0 and the interest expense coverage ratio equal to 83.8 to 1.0.
Forward-Looking Statements
In this quarterly report on Form 10-Q, statements that are not reported financial results or other historic information are “forward-looking statements.” These forward-looking statements relate to, among other things, the Company's future financial position, business strategy, targets, projected sales, costs, income, capital expenditures, debt levels and cash flows, and plans and objectives of management for future operations.
The use of words such as “may,” “will,” “expect,” “intend,” “estimate,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “should,” “project” or “plan” or similar terminology are generally intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements by their nature address matters that are, to different degrees, uncertain and are subject to risks, assumptions, and other factors, some of which are beyond Brady's control, that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. For Brady, uncertainties arise from:
Increased cost of raw materials and labor as well as material shortages and supply chain disruptions
Decreased demand for the Company's products
Ability to compete effectively or to successfully execute the Company's strategy
Ability to develop technologically advanced products that meet customer demands
Ability to identify, integrate, and grow acquired companies, and to manage contingent liabilities from divested businesses
Difficulties in protecting websites, networks, and systems against security breaches and difficulties in preventing phishing attacks, social engineering or malicious break-ins

Risks associated with the loss of key employees
Global climate change and environmental regulations
Litigation, including product liability claims
Foreign currency fluctuations
Changes in tax legislation and tax rates
Potential write-offs of goodwill and other intangible assets
Differing interests of voting and non-voting shareholders and changes in the regulatory and business environment around dual-class voting structures
Numerous other matters of national, regional and global scale, including major public health crises and government responses thereto and those of a political, economic, business, competitive, and regulatory nature contained from time to time in Brady's U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including, but not limited to, those factors listed in the “Risk Factors” section within Item 1A of Part I of Brady's Form 10-K for the year ended July 31, 2024.
These uncertainties may cause Brady's actual future results to be materially different than those expressed in its forward-looking statements. Brady does not undertake to update its forward-looking statements except as required by law.

Refer to the Company’s annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended July 31, 2024. There has been no material change in this information since the 2024 Form 10-K.

Brady Corporation maintains disclosure controls and procedures that are designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by the Company in the reports filed by the Company under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the SEC’s rules and forms. Disclosure controls and procedures include, without limitation, controls and procedures designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by the Company in the reports the Company files under the Exchange Act is accumulated and communicated to the Company’s management, including the Company’s principal executive and principal financial officers, or persons performing similar functions, as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure. The Company carried out an evaluation, under the supervision and with the participation of its management, including its President and Chief Executive Officer (the “Chief Executive Officer”) and its Chief Financial Officer, Chief Accounting Officer and Treasurer (the “Chief Financial Officer”), of the effectiveness of the design and operation of the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures pursuant to Rule 13a-15 of the Exchange Act. Based on that evaluation, the Company’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer concluded that the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures were effective as of the end of the period covered by this report.
There were no changes in the Company's internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) that occurred during the Company's most recently completed fiscal quarter that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the Company's internal control over financial reporting.

The information set forth in Note N, "Contingencies" included in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q is incorporated herein by reference.
The Company’s business, results of operations, financial condition, and cash flows are subject to various risks and uncertainties, including those described in Part I, Item 1A, “Risk Factors” of Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended July 31, 2024. There have been no material changes from the risk factors set forth in the 2024 Form 10-K.

The Company maintains a share repurchase program for the Company's Class A Nonvoting Common Stock. The program may be implemented by purchasing shares in the open market or in privately negotiated transactions, with repurchased shares available for use in connection with the Company's stock-based plans and for other corporate purposes.
On September 4, 2024, the Company's Board of Directors authorized an increase in the Company's share repurchase program, authorizing the repurchase of an additional $100.0 million of the Company's Class A Nonvoting Common Stock, which expanded upon the Company's prior authorization for a total authorized amount of $137.8 million. The share repurchase program may be implemented from time to time on the open market or in privately negotiated transactions and has no expiration date. As of October 31, 2024, there were $137.8 million worth of shares authorized to purchase remaining pursuant to the existing share repurchase program.
The following table provides information with respect to the purchases by the Company of Class A Nonvoting Common Stock during the three months ended October 31, 2024:
PeriodTotal Number of Shares PurchasedAverage Price Paid per ShareTotal Number of Shares Purchased as Part of Publicly Announced Plans or ProgramsApproximate Dollar Value of Shares that May Yet Be Purchased Under the Plans or Programs
(Dollars in Thousands)
August 1, 2024 - August 31, 2024— $— — $137,788 
September 1, 2024 - September 30, 2024— — — 137,788 
October 1, 2024 - October 31, 2024— — — 137,788 
Total— $— — $137,788 

During the three months ended October 31, 2024, no director or Section 16 officer of the Company adopted or terminated a “Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement” or “non-Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement,” as each term is identified in Item 408(a) of Regulation S-K.

Exhibit No.Exhibit Description
101.INSInline XBRL Instance Document (The instance document does not appear in the interactive data file because its XBRL tags are embedded within the inline XBRL document.)
101.SCHInline XBRL Extension Taxonomy Schema Document
101.CALInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase Document
101.DEFInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase Document
101.LABInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Label Linkbase Document
101.PREInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Label Linkbase Document
104Cover Page Interactive Data File (Formatted as Inline XBRL contained in Exhibit 101)

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.
Date: November 18, 2024 /s/ RUSSELL R. SHALLER
 Russell R. Shaller
 President and Chief Executive Officer
 (Principal Executive Officer)
Date: November 18, 2024   /s/ ANN E. THORNTON
   Ann E. Thornton
   Chief Financial Officer, Chief Accounting Officer and Treasurer
   (Principal Financial Officer and Principal Accounting Officer)


RULE 13a-14(a)/15d-14(a) CERTIFICATION
I, Russell R. Shaller, certify that:
(1) I have reviewed this quarterly report on Form 10-Q of Brady Corporation;
(2) Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material act necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;
(3) Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;
(4) I am responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the registrant and have:
a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;
b) Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision to provided reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;
c) Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and
d) Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant’s most recent fiscal quarter (the registrant’s fourth fiscal quarter in the case of an annual report) that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and
(5) I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the registrant’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):
a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and
b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.
Date: November 18, 2024
President & Chief Executive Officer
(Principal Executive Officer)

RULE 13a-14(a)/15d-14(a) CERTIFICATION
I, Ann E. Thornton, certify that:
(1) I have reviewed this quarterly report on Form 10-Q of Brady Corporation;
(2) Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material act necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;
(3) Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;
(4) I am responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the registrant and have:
a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;
b) Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision to provided reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;
c) Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and
d) Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant’s most recent fiscal quarter (the registrant’s fourth fiscal quarter in the case of an annual report) that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and
(5) I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the registrant’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):
a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and
b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.
Date: November 18, 2024
Chief Financial Officer, Chief Accounting Officer and Treasurer
(Principal Financial Officer and Principal Accounting Officer)

Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the undersigned officer of Brady Corporation (the “Company”) certifies to his knowledge that:
(1) The Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q of the Company for the quarterly period ended October 31, 2024 fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and
(2) The information contained in that Form 10-Q fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial conditions and results of operations of the Company.
Date: November 18, 2024
President & Chief Executive Officer
(Principal Executive Officer)
A signed original of this written statement required by Section 906, or other document authenticating, acknowledging, or otherwise adopting the signature that appears in typed form within the electronic version of this written statement required by Section 906, has been provided to the Company and will be retained by the Company and furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission or its staff upon request. This certification accompanies this report pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and shall not be deemed filed by the Company for purposes of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the undersigned officer of Brady Corporation (the “Company”) certifies to her knowledge that:
(1) The Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q of the Company for the quarterly period ended October 31, 2024 fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and
(2) The information contained in that Form 10-Q fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial conditions and results of operations of the Company.
Date: November 18, 2024
Chief Financial Officer, Chief Accounting Officer and Treasurer
(Principal Financial Officer and Principal Accounting Officer)
A signed original of this written statement required by Section 906, or other document authenticating, acknowledging, or otherwise adopting the signature that appears in typed form within the electronic version of this written statement required by Section 906, has been provided to the Company and will be retained by the Company and furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission or its staff upon request. This certification accompanies this report pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and shall not be deemed filed by the Company for purposes of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

Document and Entity Information - shares
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Nov. 14, 2024
Entity Information [Line Items]    
Document Type 10-Q  
Entity Registrant Name BRADY CORP  
Document Quarterly Report true  
Document Transition Report false  
Security Exchange Name NYSE  
Title of 12(b) Security Class A Nonvoting Common Stock, par value $0.01 per share  
Trading Symbol BRC  
Entity File Number 1-14959  
Entity Interactive Data Current Yes  
Entity Interactive Data Current Yes  
Entity Filer Category Large Accelerated Filer  
Entity Small Business false  
Entity Emerging Growth Company false  
Entity Shell Company false  
Entity Tax Identification Number 39-0178960  
Entity Address, Address Line One 6555 West Good Hope Road  
Entity Address, State or Province WI  
Entity Address, Postal Zip Code 53223  
Entity Incorporation, State or Country Code WI  
City Area Code Milwaukee  
City Area Code 414  
Local Phone Number 358-6600  
Document Period End Date Oct. 31, 2024  
Amendment Flag false  
Document Fiscal Year Focus 2025  
Document Fiscal Period Focus Q1  
Entity Central Index Key 0000746598  
Current Fiscal Year End Date --07-31  
Class A Nonvoting Common Stock    
Entity Information [Line Items]    
Entity Common Stock, Shares Outstanding   44,223,720
Class B Voting Common Stock    
Entity Information [Line Items]    
Entity Common Stock, Shares Outstanding   3,538,628
$ in Thousands
Oct. 31, 2024
Jul. 31, 2024
Current assets:    
Cash and cash equivalents $ 145,661 $ 250,118
Accounts receivable, net of allowance for credit losses of $10,295 and $6,749, respectively 218,258 185,486
Inventories 178,688 152,729
Prepaid expenses and other current assets 13,462 11,382
Total current assets 556,069 599,715
Assets, Noncurrent    
Property, plant and equipment—net 201,374 195,758
Goodwill 671,705 589,611
Other intangible assets 116,369 51,839
Deferred income taxes 16,841 15,596
Operating lease assets 42,157 38,504
Other assets 23,361 24,546
Total 1,627,876 1,515,569
Current liabilities:    
Accounts payable 98,179 84,691
Accrued compensation and benefits 65,004 77,954
Taxes, other than income taxes 22,901 14,061
Accrued income taxes 11,994 7,424
Current operating lease liabilities 13,120 13,382
Other current liabilities 90,272 67,170
Total current liabilities 301,470 264,682
Other Long-Term Debt, Noncurrent 116,645 90,935
Long-term operating lease liabilities 29,201 25,342
Other liabilities 71,628 67,952
Total liabilities 518,944 448,911
Stockholders’ equity:    
Additional paid-in capital 354,592 353,654
Retained earnings 1,209,406 1,174,025
Treasury stock—7,037,823 and 7,219,025 shares, respectively, of Class A nonvoting common stock, at cost (344,012) (351,947)
Accumulated other comprehensive loss (111,602) (109,622)
Total stockholders’ equity 1,108,932 1,066,658
Total 1,627,876 1,515,569
Class A Nonvoting Common Stock    
Stockholders’ equity:    
Common Stock, Value, Issued 513 513
Class B Voting Common Stock    
Stockholders’ equity:    
Common Stock, Value, Issued $ 35 $ 35
$ in Thousands
Oct. 31, 2024
Jul. 31, 2024
Accounts Receivable, Allowance for Credit Loss, Current $ 10,295 $ 6,749
Class A Nonvoting Common Stock    
Common stock, shares issued 51,261,487 51,261,487
Common stock, shares outstanding 44,223,664 44,042,462
Treasury Stock, Common, Shares 7,037,823 7,219,025
Class B Voting Common Stock    
Common stock, shares issued 3,538,628 3,538,628
Common stock, shares outstanding 3,538,628 3,538,628
shares in Thousands, $ in Thousands
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Oct. 31, 2023
Net sales $ 377,065 $ 331,983
Cost of goods sold 187,376 160,264
Gross margin 189,689 171,719
Operating expenses:    
Research and development 18,921 15,702
Selling, general and administrative 111,846 96,287
Total operating expenses 130,767 111,989
Operating income 58,922 59,730
Other income (expense):    
Investment and other income 1,234 438
Interest expense (1,356) (766)
Income before income taxes 58,800 59,402
Income tax expense 12,017 12,161
Net income $ 46,783 $ 47,241
Weighted average common shares outstanding:    
Basic 47,732 48,505
Diluted 48,217 48,811
Class A Nonvoting Common Stock    
Earnings Per Share    
Basic $ 0.98 $ 0.97
Diluted 0.97 0.97
Class B Voting Common Stock    
Earnings Per Share    
Basic 0.96 0.96
Diluted $ 0.95 $ 0.95
$ in Thousands
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Oct. 31, 2023
Statement of Comprehensive Income [Abstract]    
Net income $ 46,783 $ 47,241
Other comprehensive loss:    
Foreign currency translation adjustments (79) (20,364)
Cash flow hedges:    
Net loss recognized in other comprehensive loss (1,338) (294)
Reclassification adjustment for gains included in net income 464 1,285
Other Comprehensive (Loss) Income, Cash Flow Hedge, Gain (Loss), after Reclassification, before Tax (1,802) (1,579)
Pension and other post-retirement benefits:    
Pension and other post-retirement benefits actuarial gain amortization (151) (151)
Other comprehensive loss, before tax (2,032) (22,094)
Income tax benefit (expense) related to items of other comprehensive loss 52 (128)
Other comprehensive loss, net of tax (1,980) (22,222)
Comprehensive income $ 44,803 $ 25,019
$ in Thousands
Class A Nonvoting Common Stock
Class B Voting Common Stock
Common Stock
Additional Paid-in Capital
Retained Earnings
Retained Earnings
Class A Nonvoting Common Stock
Retained Earnings
Class B Voting Common Stock
AOCI Attributable to Parent
Treasury Stock, Common
Beginning Balances at Jul. 31, 2023 $ 990,919     $ 548 $ 351,771 $ 1,021,870     $ (93,061) $ (290,209)
Increase (Decrease) in Stockholders' Equity [Roll Forward]                    
Net income 47,241         47,241        
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Net of Tax 22,222               22,222  
Issuance of shares of Class A Common Stock under stock plan (265)       3,662         3,927
Tax benefit and withholdings from deferred compensation distributions 149       149          
Repurchase of shares of Class A Common Stock, including excise taxes                   (14,185)
Stock-based compensation expense 4,163       4,163          
Dividends, Common Stock, Cash   $ 10,565 $ 773       $ 10,565 $ 773    
Ending Balances at Oct. 31, 2023 994,992     548 352,421 1,057,773     (115,283) (300,467)
Beginning Balances at Jul. 31, 2024 1,066,658     548 353,654 1,174,025     (109,622) (351,947)
Increase (Decrease) in Stockholders' Equity [Roll Forward]                    
Net income 46,783                  
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Net of Tax 1,980               1,980  
Issuance of shares of Class A Common Stock under stock plan (2,870)       5,065         7,935
Tax benefit and withholdings from deferred compensation distributions 190       190          
Stock-based compensation expense 5,813       5,813          
Dividends, Common Stock, Cash   $ 10,612 $ 790       $ 10,612 $ 790    
Ending Balances at Oct. 31, 2024 $ 1,108,932     $ 548 $ 354,592 $ 1,209,406     $ (111,602) $ (344,012)
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Oct. 31, 2023
Class A Nonvoting Common Stock    
Common Stock, Dividends, Per Share, Declared $ 0.2400 $ 0.2350
Class B Voting Common Stock    
Common Stock, Dividends, Per Share, Declared $ 0.2234 $ 0.2184
$ in Thousands
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Oct. 31, 2023
Operating activities:    
Net income $ 46,783 $ 47,241
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:    
Depreciation and amortization 10,164 7,466
Stock-based compensation expense 5,813 4,163
Deferred income taxes (903) (2,225)
Other (880) 1,137
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:    
Accounts receivable (4,385) (2,205)
Inventories (2,107) 6,152
Prepaid expenses and other assets (1,136) (1,488)
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (33,960) (3,725)
Income taxes 4,017 5,757
Net cash provided by operating activities 23,406 62,273
Investing activities:    
Purchases of property, plant and equipment (7,286) (11,279)
Payments to Acquire Businesses, Net of Cash Acquired (140,625) 0
Payments for (Proceeds from) Other Investing Activities 10 0
Net cash used in investing activities (147,901) (11,279)
Financing activities:    
Payment of dividends (11,402) (11,338)
Proceeds from exercise of stock options 5,855 2,598
Payments for employee taxes withheld from stock-based awards (2,090) (2,333)
Purchase of treasury stock 0 (14,121)
Proceeds from borrowing on credit agreement 135,149 38,551
Repayment of borrowing on credit agreement (109,439) (36,000)
Other 190 1,149
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities 18,263 (21,494)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 1,775 (5,680)
Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents (104,457) 23,820
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period 250,118 151,532
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period $ 145,661 $ 175,352
Basis of Presentation (Notes)
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Text Block [Abstract]  
Basis of Presentation Basis of Presentation
The condensed consolidated financial statements included herein have been prepared by Brady Corporation and subsidiaries (the “Company,” “Brady,” “we,” or “our”) without audit, pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission. In the opinion of the Company, the foregoing statements contain all adjustments, consisting only of normal recurring adjustments necessary to present fairly the financial position of the Company as of October 31, 2024 and July 31, 2024, its results of operations, cash flows and comprehensive income for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023. The condensed consolidated balance sheet as of July 31, 2024 has been derived from the audited consolidated financial statements as of that date. The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“GAAP”) requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts therein. Due to the inherent uncertainty involved in making estimates, actual results in future periods may differ from the estimates.
Certain information and footnote disclosures normally included in financial statements prepared in accordance with GAAP have been omitted pursuant to rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Accordingly, the condensed consolidated financial statements do not include all of the information and footnotes required by GAAP for complete financial statement presentation. It is suggested that these condensed consolidated financial statements be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and the notes thereto included in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended July 31, 2024.
New Accounting Pronouncements (Notes)
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements [Abstract]  
New Accounting Pronouncements New Accounting Pronouncements
Standards not yet adopted
In November 2023, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) 2023-07, “Segment Reporting (Topic 280): Improvements to Reportable Segment Disclosures.” The guidance requires expanded interim and annual disclosures of segment information including the disclosure of significant segment expenses that are regularly provided to the chief operating decision maker and included within segment profit and loss. The guidance is effective for the Company's fiscal 2025 Form 10-K and interim periods thereafter. The Company is currently assessing its segment information disclosures in connection with the adoption of ASU 2023-07.
In December 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-09, “Income Taxes (Topic 740): Improvements to Income Tax Disclosures.” The guidance requires expanded annual disclosures including the standardization and disaggregation of income tax rate reconciliation categories and the amount of income taxes paid by jurisdiction. The guidance is effective for the Company’s fiscal 2026 Form 10-K. The Company is currently assessing its income tax disclosures in connection with the adoption of ASU 2023-09.
In November 2024, the FASB issued ASU 2024-03, “Income Statement - Reporting Comprehensive Income - Expense Disaggregation Disclosures (Subtopic 220-40): Disaggregation of Income Statement Expenses.” The guidance requires expanded interim and annual disclosures of expense information including the amounts of inventory purchases, employee compensation, depreciation, amortization, and depletion within commonly presented expense captions during the period. The guidance is effective for the Company's fiscal 2028 Form 10-K and interim periods thereafter. The Company is currently evaluating the ASU to determine its impact on the Company's disclosures.
Additional Balance Sheet Disclosures (Notes)
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements [Abstract]  
Additional Balance Sheet Information Additional Balance Sheet Information
Inventories consisted of the following as of October 31, 2024 and July 31, 2024:
 October 31, 2024July 31, 2024
Finished products$103,375 $89,430 
Work-in-process27,029 24,601 
Raw materials and supplies48,284 38,698 
Total inventories$178,688 $152,729 
Property, plant and equipment
Property, plant and equipment is presented net of accumulated depreciation in the amount of $308,128 and $304,199 as of October 31, 2024 and July 31, 2024, respectively.
Other Intangible Assets (Notes)
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Goodwill and Intangible Assets Disclosure [Abstract]  
Intangible Assets Other Intangible Assets
Other intangible assets as of October 31, 2024 and July 31, 2024 consisted of the following: 
 October 31, 2024July 31, 2024
Weighted Average Amortization Period (Years)Gross Carrying AmountAccumulated AmortizationNet Book ValueWeighted Average Amortization Period (Years)Gross Carrying AmountAccumulated AmortizationNet Book Value
Amortized other intangible assets:
Tradenames2$868 $(108)$760 3$600 $(600)$— 
Customer relationships8122,289 (26,899)95,390 964,430 (23,279)41,151 
Technology519,857 (7,215)12,642 59,300 (6,182)3,118 
Unamortized other intangible assets:
TradenamesN/A7,577 — 7,577 N/A7,570 — 7,570 
Total$150,591 $(34,222)$116,369 $81,900 $(30,061)$51,839 
The change in the gross carrying amount of other intangible assets as of October 31, 2024 compared to July 31, 2024 was primarily due to the acquisitions of Gravotech Holding (“Gravotech”) and American Barcode and RFID Incorporated (“AB&R”) completed during the three months ended October 31, 2024 and to a lesser extent, the effect of currency fluctuations. Refer to Note O, “Acquisitions,” for additional information on intangible assets acquired.
Amortization expense on intangible assets was $4,713 and $2,355 for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
Leases (Notes)
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Leases [Abstract]  
Leases Leases
The Company leases certain manufacturing facilities, warehouse and office spaces, and vehicles accounted for as operating leases. Lease terms typically range from one year to ten years. As of October 31, 2024, the Company did not have any finance leases.
Operating lease expense was $4,735 and $4,065 for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively, which was recognized in either Cost of goods sold or Selling, general and administrative expenses in the condensed consolidated statements of income based on the nature of the lease. Short-term lease expense, variable lease expenses, and sublease income were immaterial to the condensed consolidated statements of income for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023.
Supplemental cash flow information related to the Company's operating leases for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023 was as follows:
Three months ended October 31,
Operating cash flows from operating leases$4,619 $4,431 
Operating lease assets obtained in exchange for new operating lease liabilities (1)
7,630 1,656 
(1) Includes new leases, acquired leases and remeasurements or modifications of existing leases.
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss (Notes)
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Net of Tax [Abstract]  
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss
Other comprehensive loss consists of foreign currency translation adjustments which includes net investment hedges and long-term intercompany loan translation adjustments, unrealized gains from cash flow hedges and the unamortized gain on post-retirement plans, net of their related tax effects.
The following table illustrates the changes in the balances of each component of accumulated other comprehensive loss, net of tax, for the three months ended October 31, 2024:
Unrealized loss on cash flow hedgesUnamortized gain on post-retirement plansForeign currency translation adjustmentsAccumulated other comprehensive loss
Beginning balance, July 31, 2024$(149)$462 $(109,935)$(109,622)
Other comprehensive loss before reclassification(1,402)— (79)(1,481)
Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss(348)(151)— (499)
Ending balance, October 31, 2024$(1,899)$311 $(110,014)$(111,602)
The increase in accumulated other comprehensive loss as of October 31, 2024 compared to July 31, 2024 was primarily due to the unrealized losses on cash flow hedges during the three-month period.
The changes in accumulated other comprehensive loss by component, net of tax, for the three months ended October 31, 2023 were as follows:
Unrealized gain (loss) on cash flow hedgesUnamortized gain on post-retirement plansForeign currency translation adjustmentsAccumulated other comprehensive loss
Beginning balance, July 31, 2023$1,641 $756 $(95,458)$(93,061)
Other comprehensive loss before reclassification(744)— (20,364)(21,108)
Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss(963)(151)— (1,114)
Ending balance, October 31, 2023$(66)$605 $(115,822)$(115,283)
The increase in the accumulated other comprehensive loss as of October 31, 2023 compared to July 31, 2023 was primarily due to the appreciation of the U.S. dollar against certain other currencies during the three-month period.
Of the amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss during the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023, unrealized gains on cash flow hedges were reclassified to “Cost of goods sold” and unamortized gains on post-retirement plans were reclassified into “Investment and other income” on the condensed consolidated statements of income.
The following table illustrates the income tax benefit (expense) on the components of other comprehensive loss for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023:
Three months ended October 31,
Income tax benefit (expense) related to items of other comprehensive loss:
Cash flow hedges$52 $(128)
Revenue Recognition (Notes)
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Revenue Recognition [Abstract]  
Revenue Recognition Revenue Recognition
The Company recognizes revenue when control of the product or service transfers to the customer at an amount that represents the consideration expected to be received in exchange for those products and services. The Company’s revenues are primarily from the sale of identification solutions and workplace safety products that are shipped and billed to customers. All revenue is from contracts with customers and is included in “Net sales” on the condensed consolidated statements of income. See Note H, “Segment Information,” for the Company’s disaggregated revenue disclosure.
The Company offers extended warranty coverage that is included in the sales price of certain products, which it accounts for as service warranties. The Company accounts for the deferred revenue associated with extended service warranties as a contract liability. The balance of contract liabilities associated with service warranty performance obligations was $2,973 and $2,947 as of October 31, 2024 and July 31, 2024, respectively. The current portion and non-current portion of contract liabilities are included in “Other current liabilities” and “Other liabilities,” respectively, on the condensed consolidated balance sheets. The Company recognized revenue of $337 and $314 during the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively, that was included in the contract liability balance at the beginning of the respective period from the amortization of extended service warranties. Of the contract liability balance outstanding at October 31, 2024, the Company expects to recognize 32% by the end of fiscal 2025, an additional 31% by the end of fiscal 2026, and the remaining balance thereafter.
Segment Information (Notes)
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Segment Reporting [Abstract]  
Segment Information Segment Information
The Company is organized and managed within two regions: Americas & Asia and Europe & Australia, which are the reportable segments.
The following is a summary of net sales by segment and geographic region for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023:
Three months ended October 31,
Net sales:
Americas & Asia
Americas$214,033 $196,286 
Asia31,395 25,340 
Total$245,428 $221,626 
Europe & Australia
Europe116,153 96,333 
Australia15,484 14,024 
Total$131,637 $110,357 
Total Company$377,065 $331,983 
The following is a summary of segment profit for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023:
Three months ended October 31,
Segment profit:
Americas & Asia$54,900 $49,897 
Europe & Australia13,114 16,744 
Total Company$68,014 $66,641 
The following is a reconciliation of segment profit to income before income taxes for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023:
Three months ended October 31,
Total profit from reportable segments$68,014 $66,641 
Unallocated amounts:
Administrative costs(9,092)(6,911)
Investment and other income1,234 438 
Interest expense(1,356)(766)
Income before income taxes$58,800 $59,402 
Stock-Based Compensation (Notes)
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Stockholders' Equity Note [Abstract]  
Stockholders' Equity Stock-Based Compensation
Incentive Stock Plans
The Company has an incentive stock plan under which the Board of Directors may grant nonqualified stock options to purchase shares of Class A Nonvoting Common Stock, restricted stock units (“RSUs”), performance-based restricted stock units (“PRSUs”), or restricted and unrestricted shares of Class A Nonvoting Common Stock to employees and non-employee directors. Certain awards may be subject to pre-established performance goals. The majority of the Company’s annual share-based awards are granted in the first quarter of the fiscal year.
Total stock-based compensation expense recognized during the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023 was $5,813 and $4,163, respectively. The total income tax benefit recognized in the condensed consolidated statements of income was $632 and $425 during the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
Stock Options
The stock options issued under the plan have an exercise price equal to the market price of the Company's stock at the date of the grant and generally vest ratably over three years, with one-third becoming exercisable one year after the grant date and one-third additional in each of the succeeding two years. Options issued under the plan, referred to herein as “time-based” options, generally expire ten years from the date of grant. The Company did not include stock options in its annual grant of share-based awards to employees in the current fiscal year.
The following is a summary of stock option activity for the three months ended October 31, 2024:
Time-Based OptionsOptions OutstandingWeighted Average Exercise PriceWeighted Average Remaining Contractual TermAggregate Intrinsic Value
Outstanding at July 31, 20241,222,046$44.46 
Outstanding at October 31, 20241,091,523$45.12 5.4$28,592 
Exercisable at October 31, 20241,010,597$44.84 5.2$26,754 
The following table summarizes additional stock option information:
Three months ended October 31,
Intrinsic value of options exercised during the period (in thousands)$4,622 $3,410 
Fair value of options vested during the period (in thousands)1,249 1,729 
Cash received from the exercise of stock options during the period (in thousands)5,855 2,598 
Tax benefit on options exercised during the period (in thousands)1,112 841 
As of October 31, 2024, total unrecognized compensation cost related to stock options was $674 pre-tax, net of estimated forfeitures, which the Company expects to recognize over a weighted-average period of 1.5 years.
RSUs issued under the plan have a grant date fair value equal to the market price of the Company's stock at the date of grant and generally vest ratably over three years, with one-third vesting one year after the grant date and an additional one-third in each of the succeeding two years.
The following is a summary of RSU activity for the three months ended October 31, 2024:
Number of SharesWeighted Average Grant Date Fair Value
Non-vested RSUs as of July 31, 2024148,991 $52.20 
Granted88,319 74.63 
Non-vested RSUs as of October 31, 2024180,154 $63.53 
The RSUs granted during the three months ended October 31, 2023 had a weighted-average grant date fair value of $54.80. The total fair value of RSUs vested during the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023 was $4,201 and $2,974, respectively.
As of October 31, 2024, total unrecognized compensation cost related to RSUs was $6,090 pre-tax, net of estimated forfeitures, which the Company expects to recognize over a weighted-average period of 2.4 years.
PRSUs are contingent on the achievement of predetermined market and performance targets. The PRSUs granted under the plan vest at the end of a three-year performance period provided the service period and specified performance targets are met. For the PRSUs granted during the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023, awards will vest based on achievement of performance conditions relating to Company revenue and diluted EPS targets. For the PRSUs granted during the three months ended October 31, 2022, the vesting criteria for 50% of the grant is based upon the Company's total shareholder return (“TSR”) relative to the S&P 600 SmallCap Industrials Index over a three-year performance period, and the vesting criteria for the other 50% of the grant is based upon Company revenue targets.
The PRSUs granted during the three months ended October 31, 2024 had a fair value determined by the average of the high and low stock price on the date of the grant. For awards with a market value condition, a third-party valuation is utilized to determine the fair value as of the grant date using a Monte Carlo simulation for that portion of the award.
The following is a summary of PRSU activity for the three months ended October 31, 2024:
Number of SharesWeighted Average Grant Date Fair Value
Non-vested PRSUs as of July 31, 2024103,221 $53.46 
Granted61,981 71.24 
Non-vested PRSUs as of October 31, 2024154,947 $59.95 
The PRSUs granted during the three months ended October 31, 2023 had a weighted-average grant date fair value of $51.16. The total fair value of PRSUs vested during the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023 was $595 and $141, respectively.
As of October 31, 2024, total unrecognized compensation cost related to PRSUs was $6,812 pre-tax, net of estimated forfeitures, which the Company expects to recognize over a weighted-average period of 2.3 years.
Net Income per Common Share (Notes)
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Earnings Per Share [Abstract]  
Net Income per Common Share Net Income per Common Share
Reconciliations of the numerator and denominator of the basic and diluted per share computations for the Company’s Class A and Class B common stock are summarized as follows:
Three months ended October 31,
Numerator (in thousands):
Net income (Numerator for basic and diluted income per Class A Nonvoting Common Share)$46,783 $47,241 
Preferential dividends(736)(748)
Preferential dividends on dilutive stock options(8)(5)
Numerator for basic and diluted income per Class B Voting Common Share$46,039 $46,488 
Denominator (in thousands):
Denominator for basic income per share for both Class A and Class B47,732 48,505 
Plus: Effect of dilutive equity awards485 306 
Denominator for diluted income per share for both Class A and Class B48,217 48,811 
Net income per Class A Nonvoting Common Share:
Basic$0.98 $0.97 
Diluted$0.97 $0.97 
Net income per Class B Voting Common Share:
Basic$0.96 $0.96 
Diluted$0.95 $0.95 
Potentially dilutive securities attributable to outstanding stock options and restricted stock units were excluded from the calculation of diluted earnings per share where the combined exercise price and average unamortized fair value were greater than the average market price of the Company's Class A Nonvoting Common Stock because the effect would have been anti-dilutive. The amount of anti-dilutive shares were 17,278 and 313,787 for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
Fair Value Measurements (Notes)
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Fair Value Disclosures [Abstract]  
Fair Value Measurements Fair Value Measurements
In accordance with fair value accounting guidance, the Company determines fair value based on the exchange price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants. The inputs used to measure fair value are classified into the following hierarchy:
Level 1 — Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical instruments that are accessible as of the reporting date.
Level 2 — Other significant pricing inputs that are either directly or indirectly observable.
Level 3 — Significant unobservable pricing inputs, which result in the use of management's own assumptions.
The following table summarizes the Company's financial assets and liabilities that were accounted for at fair value on a recurring basis at October 31, 2024 and July 31, 2024:
 October 31, 2024July 31, 2024Fair Value Hierarchy
Deferred compensation plan assets$18,180 $20,029 Level 1
Foreign exchange contracts148 137 Level 2
Foreign exchange contracts1,614 730 Level 2
The following methods and assumptions were used to estimate the fair value of each class of financial instrument:
Deferred compensation plan assets: The Company’s deferred compensation investments consist of investments in mutual funds, which are included in “Other assets” on the condensed consolidated balance sheets. These investments were classified as Level 1 as the shares of these investments trade with sufficient frequency and volume to enable us to obtain pricing information on an ongoing basis.
Foreign exchange contracts: The Company’s foreign exchange contracts were classified as Level 2 as the fair value was based on the present value of the future cash flows using external models that use observable inputs, such as interest rates, yield curves and foreign exchange rates. See Note L, “Derivatives and Hedging Activities,” for additional information.
The fair values of cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and other liabilities approximated carrying values due to their short-term nature.
Derivatives and Hedging Activities (Notes)
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities Disclosure [Abstract]  
Derivatives and Hedging Activities Derivatives and Hedging Activities
The Company utilizes forward foreign exchange currency contracts to reduce the exchange rate risk of specific foreign currency denominated transactions. These contracts typically require the exchange of a foreign currency for U.S. dollars at a fixed rate on a future date, with maturities of less than 18 months, which qualify as cash flow hedges or net investment hedges under the accounting guidance for derivative instruments and hedging activities. The primary objective of the Company’s foreign currency exchange risk management program is to minimize the impact of currency movements due to transactions in other than the respective subsidiaries’ functional currency and to minimize the impact of currency movements on the Company’s net investment denominated in a currency other than the U.S. dollar. To achieve this objective, the Company hedges a portion of known exposures using forward foreign exchange currency contracts.
Main foreign currency exposures are related to transactions denominated in the British Pound, Euro, Canadian dollar, Australian dollar, Mexican Peso, Chinese Yuan, Malaysian Ringgit and Singapore dollar. Generally, these risk management transactions will involve the use of foreign currency derivatives to minimize the impact of currency movements on non-functional currency transactions.
The U.S. dollar equivalent notional amounts of outstanding forward exchange contracts were as follows:
  October 31, 2024July 31, 2024
Designated as cash flow hedges$44,448 $59,207 
Non-designated hedges4,171 4,459 
Total foreign exchange contracts$48,619 $63,666 
Cash Flow Hedges
The Company has designated a portion of its forward foreign exchange contracts as cash flow hedges and recorded these contracts at fair value on the condensed consolidated balance sheets. For these instruments, the effective portion of the gain or loss on the derivative is reported as a component of other comprehensive income (“OCI”) and reclassified into income in the same period or periods during which the hedged transaction affects income. As of October 31, 2024 and July 31, 2024, unrealized losses of $1,926 and $124 have been included in OCI, respectively.
Net Investment Hedges
The Company has designated certain third party foreign currency denominated debt borrowed under its credit agreement as net investment hedges. These debt obligations, denominated in Euros and British Pounds, were designated as net investment hedges to hedge portions of the Company's net investment in its European operations. The Company’s foreign currency denominated debt obligations are valued under a market approach using publicized spot prices, and the net gains or losses attributable to the changes in spot prices are recorded as cumulative translation within AOCI and are included in the foreign currency translation adjustments section of the condensed consolidated statements of comprehensive income. As of October 31, 2024 and July 31, 2024, the cumulative balance recognized in accumulated other comprehensive income were losses of $1,427 and $1,237, respectively, on any outstanding foreign currency denominated debt obligations.
The following table summarizes the amount of pre-tax gains and losses related to derivatives designated as hedging instruments:
 Three months ended October 31,
(Losses) gains recognized in OCI:
Forward exchange contracts (cash flow hedges)$(1,338)$(294)
Foreign currency denominated debt (net investment hedges)(190)1,508 
Gains reclassified from OCI into cost of goods sold:
Forward exchange contracts (cash flow hedges)464 1,285 
Fair values of derivative instruments in the condensed consolidated balance sheets were as follows: 
 October 31, 2024July 31, 2024
  Prepaid expenses and other current assetsOther current liabilitiesLong-term ObligationsPrepaid expenses and other current assetsOther current liabilitiesLong-term Obligations
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments:
Foreign exchange contracts (cash flow hedges)$148 $1,610 $— $137 $726 $— 
Foreign currency denominated debt (net investment hedges)— — 34,251 — — 34,060 
Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments:
Foreign exchange contracts (non-designated hedges)— — — — 
Total derivative instruments$148 $1,614 $34,251 $137 $730 $34,060 
Income Taxes (Notes)
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Income Tax Disclosure [Abstract]  
Income Taxes Income TaxesThe income tax rate for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023 was 20.4% and 20.5%, respectively.
Commitment and Contingencies (Notes)
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Commitments and Contingencies Disclosure [Abstract]  
Commitments and Contingencies Disclosure Contingencies
In the normal course of business, the Company is subject to a variety of investigations, claims, suits, and other legal proceedings, including but not limited to, intellectual property, employment, unclaimed property, tort, and breach of contract matters. Any legal proceedings are subject to inherent uncertainties, and these matters and their potential effects may change in the future. The Company records a liability for contingencies when a loss is deemed to be probable and the loss can be reasonably estimated. The Company currently believes that the outcomes of such proceedings will not have a material adverse impact on its business, financial position, results of operations or cash flows.
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Business Combination, Asset Acquisition, and Joint Venture Formation [Abstract]  
Business Combination Disclosure Acquisitions
On August 1, 2024, the Company acquired all of the outstanding shares of Gravotech. Headquartered in Lyon, France, Gravotech is a leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of innovative solutions for specialized engraving, marking and cutting, offering laser, mechanical engraving, scribing and dot peen capabilities across multiple industries. The acquisition of Gravotech expands the Company’s identification product offerings and research and development capabilities to include specialized direct part marking and engraving expertise. The acquisition was funded through cash on hand and borrowings under the Company’s existing credit agreement. Net sales and net loss attributable to Gravotech from the acquisition date through October 31, 2024 were $29,475 and $4,685, respectively. The net loss attributable to Gravotech is due to a nonrecurring increase in cost of goods sold of $4,115 related to the fair value adjustment to inventory upon acquisition and amortization expense of $2,326 for intangible assets acquired.
The Company recorded its preliminary purchase price allocation during the three months ended October 31, 2024, based on its estimates of the fair value of the acquired assets and assumed liabilities as of the acquisition date. The preliminary purchase price allocation included goodwill of $71,790, of which $49,874 was assigned to the Americas & Asia segment and $21,916 was assigned to the Europe & Australia segment.
The following table summarizes the preliminary fair value of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed at the date of the acquisition:
Cash and cash equivalents$7,667 
Accounts receivable, net24,325 
Prepaid expenses and other current assets563 
Property, plant and equipment — net2,538 
Other intangible assets65,798 
Operating lease assets6,981 
Other assets1,061 
Accounts payable(17,813)
Accrued compensation and benefits(9,347)
Taxes, other than income taxes(6,857)
Accrued income taxes(1,855)
Other current liabilities(18,157)
Operating lease liabilities(6,980)
Other liabilities(6,908)
Net assets acquired$134,557 
Less: cash acquired(7,667)
Fair value of total consideration$126,890 
The final purchase price allocation is subject to post-closing adjustments pursuant to the terms of the securities sale and purchase agreement, as well as the finalization of certain accounts, primarily intangible assets and deferred tax adjustments. The goodwill for this acquisition is not deductible for tax purposes.
The following table presents the unaudited pro forma operating results for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023, reflecting the acquisition of Gravotech as if it had occurred at the beginning of fiscal year 2024. The unaudited pro forma operating results for the three months ended October 31, 2024 do not contain any adjustments to the accompanying condensed consolidated financial statements. The unaudited pro forma operating results for the three months ended October 31, 2023 include Gravotech’s normal operating results and pro forma adjustments to include cumulative expenses, net of tax, for the nonrecurring fair value adjustment to inventory, amortization expense for acquired intangible assets and interest expense on acquisition-related debt. The unaudited pro forma operating results are presented for comparative purposes only and do not necessarily reflect future operating results or those that would have occurred had the acquisition been completed at the beginning of fiscal year 2024.
 Three months ended October 31,
Net sales, pro forma$377,065 $361,109 
Net income, pro forma46,783 43,535 
On October 1, 2024, the Company acquired all of the outstanding shares of AB&R for $15,625, net of cash acquired. Based in Phoenix, Arizona, AB&R provides integrated solutions for asset tracking, inventory management, and workflow optimization using advanced identification and tracking technologies, including barcoding, radio frequency identification (“RFID”) and Internet of Things (“IoT”)-based systems. The acquisition was funded through cash on hand and borrowings under the Company’s existing credit agreement. The Company recorded its preliminary purchase price allocation during the first quarter of fiscal year 2025, based on its estimates of the fair value of the acquired assets and assumed liabilities at that time. The preliminary purchase price allocation included goodwill of $10,877, intangible assets of $4,600, and net tangible assets of $148. The goodwill for this acquisition is assigned to the Americas & Asia segment and is deductible for tax purposes. The final purchase price allocation is subject to post-closing adjustments and the finalization of certain intangible asset valuations and deferred tax adjustments, as well as potential contingent consideration subject to AB&R’s achievement of certain post-acquisition financial targets pursuant to the terms of the membership interest purchase agreement. Acquisition-related expenses of $305 were recognized in selling, general and administrative (“SG&A”) expenses during the three months ended October 31, 2024. The accompanying condensed consolidated financial statements include the results of AB&R from the date of acquisition through October 31, 2024. Pro forma and other financial information are not presented for the AB&R acquisition because its impact on the Company's results of operation and financial position is immaterial.
Pay vs Performance Disclosure - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Oct. 31, 2023
Pay vs Performance Disclosure    
Net income $ 46,783 $ 47,241
Insider Trading Arrangements
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Trading Arrangements, by Individual  
Rule 10b5-1 Arrangement Adopted false
Non-Rule 10b5-1 Arrangement Adopted false
Rule 10b5-1 Arrangement Terminated false
Non-Rule 10b5-1 Arrangement Terminated false
Revenue Recognition and Deferred Revenue (Policies)
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Revenue Recognition and Deferred Revenue [Abstract]  
Revenue Recognition Revenue Recognition
The Company recognizes revenue when control of the product or service transfers to the customer at an amount that represents the consideration expected to be received in exchange for those products and services. The Company’s revenues are primarily from the sale of identification solutions and workplace safety products that are shipped and billed to customers. All revenue is from contracts with customers and is included in “Net sales” on the condensed consolidated statements of income. See Note H, “Segment Information,” for the Company’s disaggregated revenue disclosure.
The Company offers extended warranty coverage that is included in the sales price of certain products, which it accounts for as service warranties. The Company accounts for the deferred revenue associated with extended service warranties as a contract liability. The balance of contract liabilities associated with service warranty performance obligations was $2,973 and $2,947 as of October 31, 2024 and July 31, 2024, respectively. The current portion and non-current portion of contract liabilities are included in “Other current liabilities” and “Other liabilities,” respectively, on the condensed consolidated balance sheets. The Company recognized revenue of $337 and $314 during the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively, that was included in the contract liability balance at the beginning of the respective period from the amortization of extended service warranties. Of the contract liability balance outstanding at October 31, 2024, the Company expects to recognize 32% by the end of fiscal 2025, an additional 31% by the end of fiscal 2026, and the remaining balance thereafter.
Additional Balance Sheet Disclosures (Tables)
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements [Abstract]  
Schedule of Inventory
Inventories consisted of the following as of October 31, 2024 and July 31, 2024:
 October 31, 2024July 31, 2024
Finished products$103,375 $89,430 
Work-in-process27,029 24,601 
Raw materials and supplies48,284 38,698 
Total inventories$178,688 $152,729 
Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets (Tables)
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Goodwill and Intangible Assets Disclosure [Abstract]  
Schedule of Other Intangible Assets
Other intangible assets as of October 31, 2024 and July 31, 2024 consisted of the following: 
 October 31, 2024July 31, 2024
Weighted Average Amortization Period (Years)Gross Carrying AmountAccumulated AmortizationNet Book ValueWeighted Average Amortization Period (Years)Gross Carrying AmountAccumulated AmortizationNet Book Value
Amortized other intangible assets:
Tradenames2$868 $(108)$760 3$600 $(600)$— 
Customer relationships8122,289 (26,899)95,390 964,430 (23,279)41,151 
Technology519,857 (7,215)12,642 59,300 (6,182)3,118 
Unamortized other intangible assets:
TradenamesN/A7,577 — 7,577 N/A7,570 — 7,570 
Total$150,591 $(34,222)$116,369 $81,900 $(30,061)$51,839 
Leases (Tables)
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Leases [Abstract]  
Schedule of Cash Flow, Supplemental Lease Disclosures
Supplemental cash flow information related to the Company's operating leases for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023 was as follows:
Three months ended October 31,
Operating cash flows from operating leases$4,619 $4,431 
Operating lease assets obtained in exchange for new operating lease liabilities (1)
7,630 1,656 
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss (Tables)
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Oct. 31, 2023
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Net of Tax [Abstract]    
Schedule of Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)
The following table illustrates the changes in the balances of each component of accumulated other comprehensive loss, net of tax, for the three months ended October 31, 2024:
Unrealized loss on cash flow hedgesUnamortized gain on post-retirement plansForeign currency translation adjustmentsAccumulated other comprehensive loss
Beginning balance, July 31, 2024$(149)$462 $(109,935)$(109,622)
Other comprehensive loss before reclassification(1,402)— (79)(1,481)
Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss(348)(151)— (499)
Ending balance, October 31, 2024$(1,899)$311 $(110,014)$(111,602)
The changes in accumulated other comprehensive loss by component, net of tax, for the three months ended October 31, 2023 were as follows:
Unrealized gain (loss) on cash flow hedgesUnamortized gain on post-retirement plansForeign currency translation adjustmentsAccumulated other comprehensive loss
Beginning balance, July 31, 2023$1,641 $756 $(95,458)$(93,061)
Other comprehensive loss before reclassification(744)— (20,364)(21,108)
Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss(963)(151)— (1,114)
Ending balance, October 31, 2023$(66)$605 $(115,822)$(115,283)
Schedule of Income Tax Benefit on the Components of Other Comprehensive Loss
The following table illustrates the income tax benefit (expense) on the components of other comprehensive loss for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023:
Three months ended October 31,
Income tax benefit (expense) related to items of other comprehensive loss:
Cash flow hedges$52 $(128)
Segment Information (Tables)
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Segment Reporting [Abstract]  
Revenue from External Customers by Geographic Areas [Table Text Block]
The following is a summary of net sales by segment and geographic region for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023:
Three months ended October 31,
Net sales:
Americas & Asia
Americas$214,033 $196,286 
Asia31,395 25,340 
Total$245,428 $221,626 
Europe & Australia
Europe116,153 96,333 
Australia15,484 14,024 
Total$131,637 $110,357 
Total Company$377,065 $331,983 
Schedule of Segment Reporting Information by Segment
The following is a summary of segment profit for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023:
Three months ended October 31,
Segment profit:
Americas & Asia$54,900 $49,897 
Europe & Australia13,114 16,744 
Total Company$68,014 $66,641 
Reconciliation of Segment Profit
The following is a reconciliation of segment profit to income before income taxes for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023:
Three months ended October 31,
Total profit from reportable segments$68,014 $66,641 
Unallocated amounts:
Administrative costs(9,092)(6,911)
Investment and other income1,234 438 
Interest expense(1,356)(766)
Income before income taxes$58,800 $59,402 
Stock-Based Compensation (Tables)
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Stockholders' Equity Note [Abstract]  
Schedule of Stock Option Activity
The following is a summary of stock option activity for the three months ended October 31, 2024:
Time-Based OptionsOptions OutstandingWeighted Average Exercise PriceWeighted Average Remaining Contractual TermAggregate Intrinsic Value
Outstanding at July 31, 20241,222,046$44.46 
Outstanding at October 31, 20241,091,523$45.12 5.4$28,592 
Exercisable at October 31, 20241,010,597$44.84 5.2$26,754 
The following table summarizes additional stock option information:
Three months ended October 31,
Intrinsic value of options exercised during the period (in thousands)$4,622 $3,410 
Fair value of options vested during the period (in thousands)1,249 1,729 
Cash received from the exercise of stock options during the period (in thousands)5,855 2,598 
Tax benefit on options exercised during the period (in thousands)1,112 841 
Schedule of RSU Activity
The following is a summary of RSU activity for the three months ended October 31, 2024:
Number of SharesWeighted Average Grant Date Fair Value
Non-vested RSUs as of July 31, 2024148,991 $52.20 
Granted88,319 74.63 
Non-vested RSUs as of October 31, 2024180,154 $63.53 
Schedule of PRSU Activity
The following is a summary of PRSU activity for the three months ended October 31, 2024:
Number of SharesWeighted Average Grant Date Fair Value
Non-vested PRSUs as of July 31, 2024103,221 $53.46 
Granted61,981 71.24 
Non-vested PRSUs as of October 31, 2024154,947 $59.95 
Net Income per Common Share (Tables)
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Earnings Per Share [Abstract]  
Schedule of the Reconciliation for the Numerator and Denominator of Basic and Diluted Per Share
Reconciliations of the numerator and denominator of the basic and diluted per share computations for the Company’s Class A and Class B common stock are summarized as follows:
Three months ended October 31,
Numerator (in thousands):
Net income (Numerator for basic and diluted income per Class A Nonvoting Common Share)$46,783 $47,241 
Preferential dividends(736)(748)
Preferential dividends on dilutive stock options(8)(5)
Numerator for basic and diluted income per Class B Voting Common Share$46,039 $46,488 
Denominator (in thousands):
Denominator for basic income per share for both Class A and Class B47,732 48,505 
Plus: Effect of dilutive equity awards485 306 
Denominator for diluted income per share for both Class A and Class B48,217 48,811 
Net income per Class A Nonvoting Common Share:
Basic$0.98 $0.97 
Diluted$0.97 $0.97 
Net income per Class B Voting Common Share:
Basic$0.96 $0.96 
Diluted$0.95 $0.95 
Fair Value Measurements (Tables)
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Fair Value Disclosures [Abstract]  
Schedule of Financial Assets and Liabilities Accounted for at Fair Value on a Recurring Basis
The following table summarizes the Company's financial assets and liabilities that were accounted for at fair value on a recurring basis at October 31, 2024 and July 31, 2024:
 October 31, 2024July 31, 2024Fair Value Hierarchy
Deferred compensation plan assets$18,180 $20,029 Level 1
Foreign exchange contracts148 137 Level 2
Foreign exchange contracts1,614 730 Level 2
Derivatives and Hedging Activities (Tables)
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities Disclosure [Abstract]  
Schedule of Notional Amounts of Outstanding Forward Exchange Contracts
The U.S. dollar equivalent notional amounts of outstanding forward exchange contracts were as follows:
  October 31, 2024July 31, 2024
Designated as cash flow hedges$44,448 $59,207 
Non-designated hedges4,171 4,459 
Total foreign exchange contracts$48,619 $63,666 
Schedule of Derivative Instruments, Effect on Other Comprehensive Loss
The following table summarizes the amount of pre-tax gains and losses related to derivatives designated as hedging instruments:
 Three months ended October 31,
(Losses) gains recognized in OCI:
Forward exchange contracts (cash flow hedges)$(1,338)$(294)
Foreign currency denominated debt (net investment hedges)(190)1,508 
Gains reclassified from OCI into cost of goods sold:
Forward exchange contracts (cash flow hedges)464 1,285 
Schedule of Fair Values of Derivative Instruments in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
Fair values of derivative instruments in the condensed consolidated balance sheets were as follows: 
 October 31, 2024July 31, 2024
  Prepaid expenses and other current assetsOther current liabilitiesLong-term ObligationsPrepaid expenses and other current assetsOther current liabilitiesLong-term Obligations
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments:
Foreign exchange contracts (cash flow hedges)$148 $1,610 $— $137 $726 $— 
Foreign currency denominated debt (net investment hedges)— — 34,251 — — 34,060 
Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments:
Foreign exchange contracts (non-designated hedges)— — — — 
Total derivative instruments$148 $1,614 $34,251 $137 $730 $34,060 
Acquisition (Tables)
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Business Combination, Asset Acquisition, and Joint Venture Formation [Abstract]  
Schedule of Recognized Identified Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed
The following table summarizes the preliminary fair value of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed at the date of the acquisition:
Cash and cash equivalents$7,667 
Accounts receivable, net24,325 
Prepaid expenses and other current assets563 
Property, plant and equipment — net2,538 
Other intangible assets65,798 
Operating lease assets6,981 
Other assets1,061 
Accounts payable(17,813)
Accrued compensation and benefits(9,347)
Taxes, other than income taxes(6,857)
Accrued income taxes(1,855)
Other current liabilities(18,157)
Operating lease liabilities(6,980)
Other liabilities(6,908)
Net assets acquired$134,557 
Less: cash acquired(7,667)
Fair value of total consideration$126,890 
The final purchase price allocation is subject to post-closing adjustments pursuant to the terms of the securities sale and purchase agreement, as well as the finalization of certain accounts, primarily intangible assets and deferred tax adjustments. The goodwill for this acquisition is not deductible for tax purposes.
Business Acquisition, Pro Forma Information
The following table presents the unaudited pro forma operating results for the three months ended October 31, 2024 and 2023, reflecting the acquisition of Gravotech as if it had occurred at the beginning of fiscal year 2024. The unaudited pro forma operating results for the three months ended October 31, 2024 do not contain any adjustments to the accompanying condensed consolidated financial statements. The unaudited pro forma operating results for the three months ended October 31, 2023 include Gravotech’s normal operating results and pro forma adjustments to include cumulative expenses, net of tax, for the nonrecurring fair value adjustment to inventory, amortization expense for acquired intangible assets and interest expense on acquisition-related debt. The unaudited pro forma operating results are presented for comparative purposes only and do not necessarily reflect future operating results or those that would have occurred had the acquisition been completed at the beginning of fiscal year 2024.
 Three months ended October 31,
Net sales, pro forma$377,065 $361,109 
Net income, pro forma46,783 43,535 
Additional Balance Sheet Disclosures - (Details) - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
Oct. 31, 2024
Jul. 31, 2024
Inventory Disclosure [Abstract]    
Finished products $ 103,375 $ 89,430
Work-in-process 27,029 24,601
Raw materials and supplies 48,284 38,698
Total inventories 178,688 152,729
Property, Plant and Equipment, Gross [Abstract]    
Accumulated Depreciation of PPE $ (308,128) $ (304,199)
Other Intangible Assets (Detail) - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
Oct. 31, 2024
Jul. 31, 2024
Other Intangible Assets [Line Items]    
Intangible Assets, Gross (Excluding Goodwill) $ 150,591 $ 81,900
Accumulated Amortization (34,222) (30,061)
Net Book Value 116,369 51,839
Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets (Excluding Goodwill) $ 7,577 $ 7,570
Tradenames [Member]    
Other Intangible Assets [Line Items]    
Weighted Average Amortization Period 2 years 3 years
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Gross $ 868 $ 600
Accumulated Amortization (108) (600)
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Net $ 760 $ 0
Customer Relationships [Member]    
Other Intangible Assets [Line Items]    
Weighted Average Amortization Period 8 years 9 years
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Gross $ 122,289 $ 64,430
Accumulated Amortization (26,899) (23,279)
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Net $ 95,390 $ 41,151
Technology [Member]    
Other Intangible Assets [Line Items]    
Weighted Average Amortization Period 5 years 5 years
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Gross $ 19,857 $ 9,300
Accumulated Amortization (7,215) (6,182)
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Net $ 12,642 $ 3,118
Intangible Assets - Additional Information (Details) - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Oct. 31, 2023
Goodwill and Intangible Assets Disclosure [Abstract]    
Amortization of Intangible Assets $ 4,713 $ 2,355
Leases (Details) - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Oct. 31, 2023
Leases [Abstract]    
Operating Lease, Cost $ 4,735 $ 4,065
Operating cash flows from operating leases 4,619 4,431
Operating lease assets obtained in exchange for new operating lease liabilities (1) $ 7,630 $ 1,656
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss, Net of Tax (Detail) - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Oct. 31, 2023
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) [Line Items]    
Beginning balance $ (109,622) $ (93,061)
Other comprehensive loss before reclassification (1,481) (21,108)
Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss (499) (1,114)
Ending balance (111,602) (115,283)
Unrealized loss on cash flow hedges    
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) [Line Items]    
Beginning balance (149) 1,641
Other comprehensive loss before reclassification (1,402) (744)
Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss (348) (963)
Ending balance (1,899) (66)
Unamortized gain on post-retirement plans    
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) [Line Items]    
Beginning balance 462 756
Other comprehensive loss before reclassification 0 0
Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss (151) (151)
Ending balance 311 605
Foreign currency translation adjustments    
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) [Line Items]    
Beginning balance (109,935) (95,458)
Other comprehensive loss before reclassification (79) (20,364)
Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss 0 0
Ending balance $ (110,014) $ (115,822)
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income, Tax (Detail) - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Oct. 31, 2023
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Tax [Abstract]    
Cash flow hedges $ 52 $ (128)
Revenue Recognition (Details) - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Oct. 31, 2023
Jul. 31, 2024
Revenue Recognition [Abstract]      
Contract with Customer, Liability $ 2,973   $ 2,947
Deferred Revenue, Revenue Recognized $ 337 $ 314  
Remaining Performance Obligations Expected as Revenue During the Remainder of the Current Fiscal Year 32.00%    
Remaining Performance Obligations Expected as Revenue Over the Next Full Fiscal Year 31.00%    
Segment Information - Schedule of Segment Reporting Information By Segment (Detail) - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Oct. 31, 2023
Segment Reporting Information [Line Items]    
Net sales $ 377,065 $ 331,983
Segment Profit 68,014 66,641
Americas & Asia    
Segment Reporting Information [Line Items]    
Net sales 245,428 221,626
Segment Profit 54,900 49,897
Europe & Australia    
Segment Reporting Information [Line Items]    
Net sales 131,637 110,357
Segment Profit 13,114 16,744
Americas | Americas & Asia    
Segment Reporting Information [Line Items]    
Net sales 214,033 196,286
Asia | Americas & Asia    
Segment Reporting Information [Line Items]    
Net sales 31,395 25,340
Europe | Europe & Australia    
Segment Reporting Information [Line Items]    
Net sales 116,153 96,333
Australia | Europe & Australia    
Segment Reporting Information [Line Items]    
Net sales $ 15,484 $ 14,024
Segment Information - Net Income Reconciliation (Detail) - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Oct. 31, 2023
Segment Reconciliation [Abstract]    
Total profit from reportable segments $ 68,014 $ 66,641
Unallocated amounts:    
Administrative costs (9,092) (6,911)
Investment and other income 1,234 438
Interest expense (1,356) (766)
Income before income taxes $ 58,800 $ 59,402
Stock Based Compensation - Additional Information (Detail) - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Oct. 31, 2023
Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award [Line Items]    
Share-based compensation expense $ 5,813 $ 4,163
Share-based Payment Arrangement, Expense, Tax Benefit 632 $ 425
Stock Option [Member]    
Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award [Line Items]    
Unrealized compensation cost related to share-based compensation, pre tax $ 674  
Weighted average period remaining 1 year 6 months  
Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Award Vesting Period 3 years  
Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Expiration Period 10 years  
Restricted Stock Units (RSUs)    
Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award [Line Items]    
Unrealized compensation cost related to share-based compensation, pre tax $ 6,090  
Weighted average period remaining 2 years 4 months 24 days  
Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Award Vesting Period 3 years  
Performance Shares [Member]    
Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award [Line Items]    
Unrealized compensation cost related to share-based compensation, pre tax $ 6,812  
Weighted average period remaining 2 years 3 months 18 days  
Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Award Vesting Period 3 years  
Stock-Based Compensation Stock Options Outstanding (Details)
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Share-Based Compensation Arrangement by Share-Based Payment Award, Options, Outstanding [Roll Forward]  
Options Outstanding, Beginning Balance 1,222,046
Options, Grants in Period 0
Options, Exercised in Period (128,803)
Options, Forfeited or expired in Period 1,720
Options Outstanding, Ending Balance 1,091,523
Options Exercisable 1,010,597
Stock-Based Compensation Stock Options Weighted Average Exercise Price (Details)
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
$ / shares
Share-Based Compensation Arrangement by Share-Based Payment Award, Options, Outstanding, Weighted Average Exercise Price [Abstract]  
Options Outstanding, Beginning Balance, Weighted Average Exercise Price $ 44.46
Options, Grants in Period, Weighted Average Exercise Price 0
Options, Exercises in Period, Weighted Average Exercise Price 38.83
Options, Forfeitures and Expirations in Period, Weighted Average Exercise Price 50.19
Options Outstanding, Ending Balance, Weighted Average Exercise Price 45.12
Options Exercisable, Weighted Average Exercise Price $ 44.84
Stock-Based Compensation Stock Options - Additional Disclosures (Details) - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Oct. 31, 2023
Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award [Line Items]    
Options Outstanding, Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Term 5 years 4 months 24 days  
Options Exercisable, Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Term 5 years 2 months 12 days  
Options, Outstanding, Intrinsic Value $ 28,592  
Options, Exercisable, Intrinsic Value 26,754  
Proceeds from exercise of stock options 5,855 $ 2,598
Stock Option [Member]    
Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award [Line Items]    
Options, Exercises in Period, Intrinsic Value 4,622 3,410
Fair value of options vested 1,249 1,729
Proceeds from exercise of stock options 5,855 2,598
Share-based Payment Arrangement, Exercise of Option, Tax Benefit $ 1,112 $ 841
Stock-Based Compensation - Summary of RSU and PRSU Activity (Detail) - USD ($)
$ / shares in Units, $ in Thousands
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Oct. 31, 2023
Restricted Stock Units (RSUs)    
Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award [Line Items]    
Non-vested as of July 31, 2023 148,991  
Equity Instruments Other than Options, Grants in Period 88,319  
Equity Instruments Other than Options, Vested in Period (56,393)  
Equity Instruments Other than Options, Forfeited in Period (763)  
Non-vested as of October 31, 2023 180,154  
Non-vested as of July 31, 2023, Weighted Average Grant Date Fair Value $ 52.20  
Equity Instruments Other than Options, Grants in Period, Weighted Average Grant Date Fair Value 74.63 $ 54.80
Equity Instruments Other than Options, Vested in Period, Weighted Average Grant Date Fair Value 51.07  
Equity Instruments Other than Options, Forfeitures, Weighted Average Grant Date Fair Value 58.94  
Non-vested as of October 31, 2023, Weighted Average Grant Date Fair Value $ 63.53  
Equity Instruments Other than Options, Vested in Period, Fair Value $ 4,201 $ 2,974
Performance Shares [Member]    
Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award [Line Items]    
Non-vested as of July 31, 2023 103,221  
Equity Instruments Other than Options, Grants in Period 61,981  
Equity Instruments Other than Options, Vested in Period (8,098)  
Equity Instruments Other than Options, Forfeited in Period (2,157)  
Non-vested as of October 31, 2023 154,947  
Non-vested as of July 31, 2023, Weighted Average Grant Date Fair Value $ 53.46  
Equity Instruments Other than Options, Grants in Period, Weighted Average Grant Date Fair Value 71.24 $ 51.16
Equity Instruments Other than Options, Vested in Period, Weighted Average Grant Date Fair Value 64.44  
Equity Instruments Other than Options, Forfeitures, Weighted Average Grant Date Fair Value 55.23  
Non-vested as of October 31, 2023, Weighted Average Grant Date Fair Value $ 59.95  
Equity Instruments Other than Options, Vested in Period, Fair Value $ 595 $ 141
Net Income per Common Share - Reconciliation of Numerator and Denominator of Basic and Diluted Per Share (Detail) - USD ($)
$ / shares in Units, shares in Thousands, $ in Thousands
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Oct. 31, 2023
Earnings Per Share [Line Items]    
Net income $ 46,783 $ 47,241
Denominator for basic income per share for both Class A and Class B 47,732 48,505
Plus: Effect of dilutive equity awards 485 306
Denominator for diluted income per share for both Class A and Class B 48,217 48,811
Class A Nonvoting Common Stock    
Earnings Per Share [Line Items]    
Basic $ 0.98 $ 0.97
Diluted $ 0.97 $ 0.97
Class B Voting Common Stock    
Earnings Per Share [Line Items]    
Preferential dividends $ (736) $ (748)
Preferential dividends on dilutive stock options (8) (5)
Numerator for basic and diluted income per Class B Voting Common Share $ 46,039 $ 46,488
Basic $ 0.96 $ 0.96
Diluted $ 0.95 $ 0.95
Net Income per Common Share - Additional Information (Detail) - shares
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Oct. 31, 2023
Earnings Per Share [Abstract]    
Anti-dilutive Shares 17,278 313,787
Fair Value Measurements - Financial Assets and Liabilities Accounted for at Fair Value on Recurring Basis (Detail) - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
Oct. 31, 2024
Jul. 31, 2024
Fair Value, Inputs, Level 1 [Member] | Other Assets [Member]    
Fair Value, Assets and Liabilities Measured on Recurring and Nonrecurring Basis [Line Items]    
Deferred compensation plan assets $ 18,180 $ 20,029
Fair Value, Inputs, Level 2 [Member] | Prepaid expenses and other current assets [Member]    
Fair Value, Assets and Liabilities Measured on Recurring and Nonrecurring Basis [Line Items]    
Foreign exchange contracts 148 137
Fair Value, Inputs, Level 2 [Member] | Other current liabilities [Member]    
Fair Value, Assets and Liabilities Measured on Recurring and Nonrecurring Basis [Line Items]    
Foreign exchange contracts $ 1,614 $ 730
Derivatives and Hedging Activities Notional Amount of Derivative Contracts (Details) - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
Oct. 31, 2024
Jul. 31, 2024
Derivative [Line Items]    
Derivative, Notional Amount $ 48,619 $ 63,666
Designated as hedging instruments [Member]    
Derivative [Line Items]    
Derivative, Notional Amount 44,448 59,207
Not designated as hedging Instruments [Member    
Derivative [Line Items]    
Derivative, Notional Amount $ 4,171 $ 4,459
Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities Pre-Tax Gains and Losses related to Foreign Exchange Contracts (Details) - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Oct. 31, 2023
Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities Disclosure [Abstract]    
Net loss recognized in other comprehensive loss $ (1,338) $ (294)
Foreign currency denominated debt (net investment hedges) (190) 1,508
Forward exchange contracts (cash flow hedges) $ 464 $ 1,285
Derivatives and Hedging Activities - Fair Values of Derivative Instruments in Consolidated Balance Sheets (Detail) - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
Oct. 31, 2024
Jul. 31, 2024
Prepaid expenses and other current assets [Member]    
Derivatives, Fair Value [Line Items]    
Derivatives Assets $ 148 $ 137
Other current liabilities [Member]    
Derivatives, Fair Value [Line Items]    
Derivatives Liabilities $ 1,614 $ 730
Foreign Line of Credit    
Derivatives, Fair Value [Line Items]    
Derivative Liability, Noncurrent, Statement of Financial Position [Extensible Enumeration] Other Long-Term Debt, Noncurrent Other Long-Term Debt, Noncurrent
Designated as hedging instruments [Member] | Prepaid expenses and other current assets [Member] | Foreign Exchange Contract | Cash Flow Hedging [Member]    
Derivatives, Fair Value [Line Items]    
Derivatives Assets $ 148 $ 137
Designated as hedging instruments [Member] | Other current liabilities [Member] | Foreign Exchange Contract | Cash Flow Hedging [Member]    
Derivatives, Fair Value [Line Items]    
Derivatives Liabilities $ 1,610 $ 726
Designated as hedging instruments [Member] | Foreign Line of Credit | Net Investment Hedging [Member]    
Derivatives, Fair Value [Line Items]    
Derivative Liability, Noncurrent, Statement of Financial Position [Extensible Enumeration] Other Long-Term Debt, Noncurrent Other Long-Term Debt, Noncurrent
Not designated as hedging Instruments [Member | Prepaid expenses and other current assets [Member] | Foreign Exchange Contract | Cash Flow Hedging [Member]    
Derivatives, Fair Value [Line Items]    
Derivatives Assets $ 0 $ 0
Not designated as hedging Instruments [Member | Other current liabilities [Member] | Foreign Exchange Contract | Cash Flow Hedging [Member]    
Derivatives, Fair Value [Line Items]    
Derivatives Liabilities $ 4 $ 4
Derivatives and Hedging Activities - Additional Information (Detail) - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
Oct. 31, 2024
Jul. 31, 2024
Oct. 31, 2023
Jul. 31, 2023
Derivative [Line Items]        
Derivative maturity 18 months      
Foreign Currency Cash Flow Hedge Gain (Loss) to be Reclassified During Next 12 Months $ (1,926) $ 124    
Accumulated other comprehensive loss (111,602) (109,622) $ (115,283) $ (93,061)
Net Investment Hedging [Member]        
Derivative [Line Items]        
Accumulated other comprehensive loss $ (1,427) $ (1,237)    
Income Taxes Effective Income Tax Rate (Details)
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Oct. 31, 2023
Income Tax Disclosure [Abstract]    
Effective Income Tax Rate Reconciliation, Percent 20.40% 20.50%
Business Combinations, Descriptions (Details) - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Oct. 31, 2023
Oct. 01, 2024
Aug. 01, 2024
Jul. 31, 2024
Business Acquisition [Line Items]          
Payments to Acquire Businesses, Net of Cash Acquired $ 140,625 $ 0      
Goodwill $ 671,705       $ 589,611
Gravotech Acquisition          
Business Acquisition [Line Items]          
Business Acquisition, Name of Acquired Entity Gravotech        
Business Acquisition, Effective Date of Acquisition Aug. 01, 2024        
Business Acquisition, Description of Acquired Entity Headquartered in Lyon, France, Gravotech is a leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of innovative solutions for specialized engraving, marking and cutting, offering laser, mechanical engraving, scribing and dot peen capabilities across multiple industries. The acquisition of Gravotech expands the Company’s identification product offerings and research and development capabilities to include specialized direct part marking and engraving expertise.        
Goodwill       $ 71,790  
Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Operating Lease Assets       $ 6,981  
Business Acquisition [Line Items]          
Business Acquisition, Name of Acquired Entity AB&R        
Business Acquisition, Effective Date of Acquisition Oct. 01, 2024        
Business Combination, Reason for Business Combination Based in Phoenix, Arizona, AB&R provides integrated solutions for asset tracking, inventory management, and workflow optimization using advanced identification and tracking technologies, including barcoding, radio frequency identification (“RFID”) and Internet of Things (“IoT”)-based systems.        
Payments to Acquire Businesses, Net of Cash Acquired $ 15,625        
Business Acquisition, Goodwill, Expected Tax Deductible Amount     $ 10,877    
Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Indefinite-Lived Intangible Assets     4,600    
Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Operating Lease Assets     $ 148    
Business Combination, Acquisition Related Costs $ 305        
Acquisition Fair Values of the Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed (Details) - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
Oct. 31, 2024
Oct. 01, 2024
Aug. 01, 2024
Jul. 31, 2024
Business Acquisition [Line Items]        
Goodwill $ 671,705     $ 589,611
Gravotech Acquisition        
Business Acquisition [Line Items]        
Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Cash and Equivalents     $ (7,667)  
Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Current Assets, Receivables     24,325  
Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Inventory     21,751  
Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Current Assets, Prepaid Expense and Other Assets     563  
Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Property, Plant, and Equipment [Abstract]     2,538  
Goodwill     71,790  
Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Intangible Assets, Other than Goodwill     65,798  
Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Operating Lease Assets     6,981  
Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Other Noncurrent Assets     1,061  
Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Current Liabilities, Accounts Payable     (17,813)  
Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Accrued Compensation and Benefits     (9,347)  
Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Taxes other than income taxes     (6,857)  
Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Liabilities     (1,855)  
Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Current Liabilities, Other     (18,157)  
Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Lease Obligation     (6,980)  
Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Noncurrent Liabilities, Other     (6,908)  
Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired Including Cash and Liabilities Assumed, Net     134,557  
Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Net     126,890  
Gravotech Acquisition | Americas & Asia        
Business Acquisition [Line Items]        
Goodwill     49,874  
Gravotech Acquisition | Europe & Australia        
Business Acquisition [Line Items]        
Goodwill     $ 21,916  
Business Acquisition [Line Items]        
Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Operating Lease Assets   $ 148    
Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Indefinite-Lived Intangible Assets   4,600    
AB&R | Americas & Asia        
Business Acquisition [Line Items]        
Goodwill   $ 10,877    
Business Combinations, Pro Forma Information, Gravotech (Details) - Gravotech Acquisition - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Oct. 31, 2023
Business Acquisition, Pro Forma Information, Nonrecurring Adjustment [Line Items]    
Business Acquisition, Pro Forma Revenue $ 377,065 $ 361,109
Business Acquisition, Pro Forma Net Income (Loss) 46,783 $ 43,535
Business Combination, Pro Forma Information, Revenue of Acquiree since Acquisition Date, Actual 29,475  
Business Combination, Pro Forma Information, Earnings or Loss of Acquiree since Acquisition Date, Actual $ 4,685  
Acquisition - Additional Information (Details) - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
3 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Oct. 31, 2023
Oct. 01, 2024
Aug. 01, 2024
Jul. 31, 2024
Business Acquisition [Line Items]          
Payments to Acquire Businesses, Net of Cash Acquired $ 140,625 $ 0      
Goodwill 671,705       $ 589,611
Gravotech Acquisition          
Business Acquisition [Line Items]          
Goodwill       $ 71,790  
Amortization 2,326        
Gravotech Acquisition | Americas & Asia          
Business Acquisition [Line Items]          
Goodwill       $ 49,874  
Gravotech Acquisition | Fair Value Adjustment to Inventory          
Business Acquisition [Line Items]          
Cumulative expenses, net of tax, adjusted in pro forma (4,115)        
Business Acquisition [Line Items]          
Payments to Acquire Businesses, Net of Cash Acquired 15,625        
Business Combination, Acquisition Related Costs $ 305        
Business Acquisition, Goodwill, Expected Tax Deductible Amount     $ 10,877    
AB&R | Americas & Asia          
Business Acquisition [Line Items]          
Goodwill     $ 10,877    

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