Luna Gold Corp. (TSX VENTURE:LGC)(OTCQX:LGCUF)(LMA:LGC) ("Luna Gold" or the
"Company") announces the identification of the Onix target located within the
Company's 100% owned Luna Greenfields project. Onix contains three gold targets
spread over a 2 km2 area associated with a southwest trending shear zone 26 km
due SW from the Aurizona Mine (Figure 1). Geochemical and geophysical data
combined with geological mapping indicate that this new target holds potential
to host high-grade gold mineralization. Project maps can be viewed on the Luna
Gold website at or click below. Highlights are:

To view Figures 1 and 2, please visit the following link:

--  New mineralized Onix Shear Zone (OXSZ) located 6 km WSW from the Areal
    gold target with several newly mapped artisanal workings located between
    these targets 
--  Onix North gold in soil anomaly measuring 0.70 km x 0.15 km at a 50 ppb
    Au cut-off with maximum value of 1.45 g/t Au within which lie 6
    artisanal workings along a strike of 0.3 km with numerous vertical
    shafts and collapsed galleries 
--  Onix North - reconaissance rock and tailings grab sampling program (26
    samples) returned gold values up to 9.12 g/t Au 
--  Onix South - gold in soil anomaly measuring 0.25 km x 0.10 km at a 50
    ppb Au cut-off with maximum value of 37.10 g/t Au within which lie 2
    artisanal pits with several vertical shafts nearby 
--  Onix South - reconaissance rock and tailings grab sampling program (15
    samples) returned gold values up to 2.63 g/t Au 
--  Discovery of sub-cropping high-grade gold mineralization in a new area
    between Onix North and Onix South with the 3 highest grade samples
    returning values of 41.00 g/t Au, 27.40 g/t Au and 4.49 g/t Au (5
    samples in total) 

Luna Gold's President and CEO, John Blake, comments, "Luna Gold is pleased to
confirm another gold target in the Luna Greenfields project. Onix demonstrates
potential to host a high grade mineralized deposit and is the third target
defined to date. The Company is planning to risk-rate and prioritize targets to
commence a diamond drilling program at Luna Greenfields in Q3 2012."


The Onix target was an active garimpo (artisanal mine) in the 1980s where quartz
veins hosted by tonalites and weathered basic volcanics were mined along diverse
elongate structures. Outcrop is scarce and limited to garimpo pits. Onix is
located 6 km due WSW from the Areal target and several artisanal workings occur
between both these targets and are currently being followed-up. Gold is hosted
in pyrite-bearing quartz veins with occasional tourmaline. Onix North is a
narrow structure with pits extending along a 0.3 km strike length. The presence
of vertical shafts and collapsed galleries coupled with elevated gold grades in
quartz veins and tailings suggests potential for high-grade mineralized zones
along the structure. Rock grab sampling from around the pits and pit walls
returned several high-grade samples including 9.12 g/t Au, 5.06 g/t Au and 3.46
g/t Au. Grab sampling of tailings dumps also returned encouraging grades
including best values of 4.24 g/t Au, 2.31 g/t Au and 2.16 g/t Au.

Onix South is located 0.5 km SE from Onix North and consists of two NE-trending
pits and several vertical shafts. Rock grab sampling around the pits returned
best values of 1.37 g/t Au and 0.51 g/t Au. Grab sampling of tailings dumps
returned best values of 2.63 g/t Au, 1.80 g/t Au and 1.52 g/t Au. Onix North and
Onix South are separated by a strong magnetic low anomaly representing the OXSZ.

Luna's field teams have also discovered a new sub-cropping mineralized structure
located between the main Onix workings described above. Samples of quartz, some
of which contain visible gold, assayed 41.00 g/t Au, 27.40 g/t Au and 4.49 g/t
Au. Forty-two out of forty-six rock and tailings grab samples collected across
the entire Onix target assayed greater than 0.10 g/t Au. Table 1 contains a
summary of Luna's reconnaissance rock and tailings sampling program at Onix.

Onix Geology Map:

Onix Geophysical (RTE) Map:

Onix Geophysical (TMI) Map:

Onix Geophysical (AS) Map:

Onix Detail Geology Map:

Luna Gold's VP Exploration, Titus Haggan, states, "The Onix pits were identified
through a reconnaissance program in 2011. Luna field teams subsequently opened
north-south soil lines spaced 100 meters apart and collected samples at 25 metre
stations along the lines as shown in the accompanying maps. A ground magnetic
survey was also conducted to determine the structural controls at this target.
Limited rock and tailings samples were also collected to determine grade of
potential mineralized samples and tailings dumps left from historic artisanal
mining activity. Onix is the latest target to be added to the Luna Greenfields
portfolio. Field teams are now focused on exploring the artisanal workings
located within the 6 km trend between the Areal and Onix targets to understand
the relationship between these occurrences in addition to advancing gold targets
in prospective new areas."

SAMPLE_NO    SAMPLE_TYPE      TARGET     LITHOLOGY                  AU (PPM)
R-05425      Grab Sample      Onix       Quartz Vein                  41.00
R-05422      Grab Sample      Onix       Quartz Vein                  27.40
R-05420      Grab Sample      Onix       Quartz Vein                   9.12
R-05421      Grab Sample      Onix       Quartz Vein                   5.06
R-05424      Grab Sample      Onix       Quartz Vein                   4.49
R-05418      Grab Sample      Onix       Quartz Vein                   3.46
R-05404      Grab Sample      Onix       Quartz Vein                   3.32
R-05440      Grab Sample      Onix       Quartz Vein                   3.19
R-05401      Grab Sample      Onix       Quartz Vein                   2.85
R-05417      Grab Sample      Onix       Quartz Vein                   2.74
R-05423      Grab Sample      Onix       Quartz Vein                   2.03
R-01907      Grab Sample      Onix       Quartz Vein                   1.90
R-05402      Grab Sample      Onix       Quartz Vein                   1.56
R-01766      Grab Sample      Onix       Quartz Vein                   1.37
R-05400      Grab Sample      Onix       Quartz Vein                   0.68
R-05438      Grab Sample      Onix       Quartz Vein                   0.62
R-00825      Grab Sample      Onix       Quartz-Tourmaline Vein        0.51
R-05439      Grab Sample      Onix       Quartz Vein                   0.36
R-05436      Grab Sample      Onix       Quartz Vein                   0.35
R-05426      Grab Sample      Onix       Quartz Vein                   0.33
R-00821      Grab Sample      Onix       Quartz Vein                   0.13
R-05416      Grab Sample      Onix       Garimpo Tailings              4.24
R-05304      Grab Sample      Onix       Garimpo Tailings              2.63
R-05432      Grab Sample      Onix       Garimpo Tailings              2.63
R-05415      Grab Sample      Onix       Garimpo Tailings              2.31
R-05414      Grab Sample      Onix       Garimpo Tailings              2.16
R-05419      Grab Sample      Onix       Garimpo Tailings              2.12
R-05413      Grab Sample      Onix       Garimpo Tailings              1.93
R-05431      Grab Sample      Onix       Garimpo Tailings              1.80
R-05405      Grab Sample      Onix       Garimpo Tailings              1.55
R-05434      Grab Sample      Onix       Garimpo Tailings              1.52
R-05408      Grab Sample      Onix       Garimpo Tailings              1.51
R-05407      Grab Sample      Onix       Garimpo Tailings              1.50
R-05303      Grab Sample      Onix       Garimpo Tailings              1.49
R-05409      Grab Sample      Onix       Garimpo Tailings              1.45
R-05410      Grab Sample      Onix       Garimpo Tailings              1.41
R-05435      Grab Sample      Onix       Garimpo Tailings              1.05
R-05406      Grab Sample      Onix       Garimpo Tailings              1.02
R-05412      Grab Sample      Onix       Garimpo Tailings              0.90
R-05429      Grab Sample      Onix       Garimpo Tailings              0.26
R-05428      Grab Sample      Onix       Garimpo Tailings              0.20
R-05430      Grab Sample      Onix       Garimpo Tailings              0.20

Table 1. Gold grades of initial surface sampling of rock and tailings
material, Onix target. Mineralized samples above a 0.10 g/t Au cut-off
grade are reported. A total of 46 samples were collected over the entire
Onix target. Assay values for samples not reported here range between below
detection limit (less than 0.05 g/t Au) to 0.09 g/t Au. These samples were
neither part of, nor alone do they constitute, a statistically
representative sampling program.

About Luna Gold Corp.

Luna Gold is a producing gold company with development and exploration projects.
Gold production is from the Aurizona Mine in Maranhao, Brazil, and development
is focused on the Cachoeira deposit in Para, Brazil. The Company is aggressively
exploring the large strategically placed Luna Greenfields project.

On behalf of the Board of Directors


John Blake - President and CEO


Regulatory Footnotes

Luna operates a rigorous QA/QC protocol on all aspects of geochemical sampling,
drilling and analytical procedure. Soil sampling programs are supervised by
mining technicians and samples are collected on regular grids surveyed using
total stations. Soil samples are collected at a nominal 0.50 meter depth or
deeper corresponding to the B soil horizon. Several types of ancillary data are
recorded including soil type, granulometry, magnetism, and the presence of
laterite. Rock and tailings sampling is supervised by geologists and mining
technicians and recorded on special log sheets. All areas intended for sampling
are assessed and marked-up for sampling by geologists. For surface channel
sampling all sample faces are cleaned to a depth of 15 centimeters and marked
for sampling which is conducted at nominal 1 meter intervals using appropriate
sampling tools which are cleaned between each sample. Sample intervals are
surveyed using a Total Station. Auger drilling is conducted using Company owned
motorized Honda auger drills. Auger drill teams are supervised by mining
technicians. Auger samples are collected at continual 1 meter intervals using a
10.16 centimeter diameter collector. Sample weight averages 16 kilograms. All
data including depth, sample number and geologic information are recorded on
special log sheets. All samples are stored in secure locked areas under Company
supervision. Samples are transported from the Aurizona and Luna Greenfields
projects to the ALS Chemex sample preparation facility in Belo Horizonte, Minas
Gerais and to the ACME Labs sample preparation facility in Goiania accompanied
by Luna personnel. Soil and rock channel samples are assayed for gold via fire
assay (30 and 50 grams) at ALS Chemex, Lima, Peru. Auger samples are assayed for
gold via fire assay (50 grams) at ACME Laboratories, Santiago, Chile. Luna
operates a rigorous QA/QC program for soil and rock samples which involves the
insertion of blanks, CRM and sample duplicates. These QA/QC procedures provide
several measures of data quality and assure the Company that the assay data is
representative of the original sample.

Titus Haggan Ph.D., EurGeol Certified Professional Geologist #746, Luna's Vice
President Exploration is the Qualified Person as defined under National
Instrument 43-101 responsible for the scientific and technical work on the
exploration program and has supervised the preparation of and reviewed the
technical disclosure in this press release. Non-qualified persons currently work
on Luna's exploration programs under the guidance of Titus Haggan. Dr. Haggan
takes responsibility for work, information and advice generated by non-Qualified
persons and has taken the steps required to ensure that the work, information
and advice is sound.

This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an
offer to sell any of the securities in the United States. The securities have
not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of
1933, as amended or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold
within the United States or to U.S. persons unless registered under the United
States Securities Act of 1933 and applicable state securities laws or an
exemption from such registration is available.

Forward-Looking Statements

This release contains certain "forward-looking statements" and certain
"forward-looking information" as defined under applicable Canadian and U.S.
securities laws. Forward-looking statements can generally be identified by the
use of forward-looking terminology such as "may", "will", "expect", "intend",
"estimate", "anticipate", "believe", "continue", "plans" or similar terminology.
Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements with
respect to the exploration program for the Company's Aurizona, Areal and Luna
Greenfields projects and any planned resource upgrades. Forward-looking
statements are based on forecasts of future results, estimates of amounts not
yet determinable and assumptions that, while believed by management to be
reasonable, are inherently subject to significant business, economic and
competitive uncertainties and contingencies. Certain of the statements made
herein by Luna Gold Corp. are forward-looking and subject to various risks and
uncertainties, both known and unknown, many of which are beyond the ability of
Luna Gold Corp. to control or predict. Known and unknown factors could cause
actual results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking

Forward-looking information is subject to known and unknown risks and
uncertainties that may cause Luna Gold Corp.'s actual results, performance or
achievements may be materially different from those expressed or implied by such
forward-looking information, and are developed based on assumptions about such
risks, uncertainties and other factors set out here in, including but not
limited to the inherent risks involved in the exploration and development of
mineral properties, the uncertainties involved in interpreting drill results and
other exploration data, the potential for delays in exploration or development
activities, mine development and production costs, the projected life of the
Company's mines, future production levels, the geology, grade and continuity of
mineral deposits, the possibility that future exploration, development or mining
results will not be consistent with the Company's expectations, accidents,
equipment breakdowns, title matters, labor disputes or other unanticipated
difficulties with or interruptions in production and operations, fluctuating
metal prices, unanticipated costs and expenses, uncertainties relating to the
availability and costs of financing needed in the future, the inherent
uncertainty of production and cost estimates and the potential for unexpected
costs and expenses, commodity price fluctuations, currency fluctuations,
regulatory restrictions, including environmental regulatory restrictions and
liability, competition, loss of key employees, and other related risks and
uncertainties. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking
information except as required by applicable law. Such forward-looking
information represents management's best judgment based on information currently
available. No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed and actual future
results may vary materially. Accordingly, readers are advised not to place undue
reliance on forward-looking statements or information.

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Grafico Azioni Lavras Gold (TSXV:LGC)
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