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Data 3 Ltd (PK)

Data 3 Ltd (PK) (DTATF)

Chiuso 23 Marzo 9:00PM

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DTATF Finances

Pnypnchr Pnypnchr 4 minuti fa
You sound vaccinated.
1kgwxman 1kgwxman 5 minuti fa
Yawn...better material please.
Recycled GVSI attacks are rather boring and impotent.
ssc ssc 5 minuti fa
lmao again as dickran makes, breaks, and remakes another vow of silence and alternate persona and proven liar immediately takes over. Facts that stand out and rise above the dickran greed and hubris driven bullshit: erhe $.0001, no volume in spite of speedtrader lol, no dividend, no preferred stoc
MightyX MightyX 6 minuti fa
Y’all have-to jack-up price to profit-from billions yall accumulated/redistributed.
JSmith5 JSmith5 6 minuti fa
the main thing is that Grok is reporting 76 cents/share for FMCC

Its more like a nickel - Grok simply took the outstanding shares of common from each company and divided by the settlement. The JPs get almost all of this. That being said, this is a chump change settlement and no one
1kgwxman 1kgwxman 6 minuti fa
Thanks! I'll continue to hold and add when I choose to.
manibiotech manibiotech 7 minuti fa
Exactly right 
MightyX MightyX 7 minuti fa
How-low will-yall take profits above .0002 is another interpretetion.
wadegarret wadegarret 8 minuti fa
Value- Always good to keep an open mind

I mean this report on SMCI has kept the stock down for months now, despite no proof.
harr449 harr449 9 minuti fa
Not soon, imo.
LTR LTR 9 minuti fa
The "shills" are people who hold this stock long? You are the one gaslighting people and beat your chest when you are right about a timeline. We didn't get a 150 day evaluation like many including myself hoped for. That doesn't mean that anything is wrong. It also doesn't mean that the timeline
Bull_Dolphin Bull_Dolphin 10 minuti fa
Yup, kk just said it, too.
Real McCoy Real McCoy 11 minuti fa
Speaking of the truth (or really the opposite):

Just a comedic note for the group- I was informed by this poster via private message that I am in fact the same MCKoy who was ultimately proven to have no involvement (at all) with this former company.

Gmenfan Gmenfan 13 minuti fa
I guess we could say that ya can't fix stupid.
EternalPatience EternalPatience 14 minuti fa
I am in the same age boat as you but certainly for the wait I have had, and all the rides I missed, I am no way selling it at 10. I want to see where this settles initially and then determine if it has a dividend path, more upward price path (what level of free hand they have in privatization) and o
DBCooper55 DBCooper55 15 minuti fa
It's been downhill for years and yet the pumpers here are still refusing to admit that LWLG has failed. There is no product, there is no revenue, just empty promises.

'yes but we have patents and prizes'

Who cares. Only the bagholders here apparently do. The market obvi
HappyLibrarian HappyLibrarian 15 minuti fa
Assuming their checks still clear the same shills will gaslight you and tell you that everyone expected a $5-$10 buyout the whole time and what geniuses management are for securing it. This the same playbook they use for extended timelines. When predicted by folks against management in advance, th
Bull_Dolphin Bull_Dolphin 17 minuti fa
And you can't get them to see the error in their ways.
Gmenfan Gmenfan 17 minuti fa
How the Manchurian Candidate did it:
Gmenfan Gmenfan 17 minuti fa
How the Manchurian Candidate did it:
peafunke peafunke 19 minuti fa
Looks like AI got to this question first with its meandering stream lol 
Personally believe the slow and steady user base growth and a few big pieces of content will help this increase. The company is also using its equity raise which as many know is a dilutive event.  When that will end unsu
bear777 bear777 20 minuti fa
So when do we go back to $5 a share?
Pro_v12001 Pro_v12001 20 minuti fa
Agree but since Yves took over, we are way more open to work with them and provide the pdk and allow them to work with the material. I don't think Lebby was allowing that. This should definitely speed things up as well. Race is on amongst these large companies to be first to do more gigs per lane

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