Bumi Resources in Contact With Local Regulators on Bumi PLC's Probe Plan
26 Settembre 2012 - 9:30AM
Dow Jones News
By Edhi Pranasidhi
JAKARTA--Coal company PT Bumi Resources (BUMI.JK) said Wednesday
that it is in contact with Indonesian regulators concerning the
plan by key shareholder Bumi PLC to investigate allegations of
financial and other irregularities at its Indonesian
"We are in contact with capital market regulator Bapepam-LK and
the Indonesia Stock Exchange in relation to this matter and will be
complying with all of our obligations under Indonesian law," Bumi
Resources Director Dileep Srivastava said. London-listed Bumi PLC
owns a 29% stake in Bumi Resources.
He said that the nation's largest thermal coal exporter aims to
resolve the matter as soon as possible and will make further
announcements in due course.
Bumi Resources' first statement after Bumi PLC's announcement on
Monday also followed that from Moody's Investor Service which
Tuesday lowered its outlook on Bumi Resources to negative from
stable, citing corporate governance concerns at Indonesia's largest
coal producer.
Write to Edhi Pranasidhi at edhi.pranasidhi@dowjones.com
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