Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust ("CAPREIT") (TSX: CAR.UN) announced today strong operating and financial results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024. Management will host a conference call to discuss the financial results on Thursday, August 8, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. ET.


As at June 30, 2024 December 31, 2023 June 30, 2023
Total Portfolio Performance and Other Measures      
Number of suites and sites(1)   64,155     64,260     64,843  
Investment properties fair value(2) (000s) $ 16,600,604   $ 16,532,096   $ 17,015,631  
Occupied AMR(1)(3)      
Canadian Residential Portfolio(4) $ 1,577   $ 1,516   $ 1,460  
The Netherlands Portfolio 1,072   1,063   1,009  
Canadian Residential Portfolio(4)   98.2 %   98.8 %   98.8 %
The Netherlands Portfolio   97.7 %   98.5 %   98.6 %
Total Portfolio(5)   97.7 %   98.2 %   98.2 %

(1)  Excludes commercial suites.(2)  Investment properties exclude assets held for sale, as applicable.(3)  Occupied average monthly rent ("Occupied AMR") is defined as actual residential rents divided by the total number of occupied suites or sites in the property, and does not include revenues from parking, laundry or other sources.(4)  Excludes MHC sites.(5)  Includes MHC sites.

  Three Months Ended Six Months Ended
  June 30, June 30,
    2024     2023     2024     2023  
Financial Performance        
Operating revenues (000s) $ 278,126   $ 263,798   $ 553,942   $ 524,745  
Net operating income ("NOI") (000s) $ 186,281   $ 173,785   $ 363,330   $ 337,643  
NOI margin   67.0 %   65.9 %   65.6 %   64.3 %
Same property NOI (000s) $ 178,572   $ 166,913   $ 348,483   $ 324,820  
Same property NOI margin   66.7 %   66.2 %   65.3 %   64.8 %
Net income (loss) (000s) $ 112,072   $ 39,983   $ 294,185   $ (63,244 )
Funds From Operations ("FFO") per unit – diluted(1) $ 0.644   $ 0.590   $ 1.253   $ 1.157  
Distributions per unit $ 0.363   $ 0.363   $ 0.725   $ 0.725  
FFO payout ratio(1)   56.2 %   61.5 %   57.8 %   62.5 %

(1)  These measures are not defined by International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"), do not have standard meanings and may not be comparable with other industries or companies. Please refer to the cautionary statements under the heading "Non-IFRS Measures" and the reconciliations provided in this press release.

As at June 30, 2024 December 31, 2023 June 30, 2023
Financing Metrics and Liquidity      
Total debt to gross book value(1)   41.5 %   41.6 %   40.4 %
Weighted average mortgage effective interest rate(2)   2.91 %   2.80 %   2.69 %
Weighted average mortgage term (years)(2)   4.7     4.9     5.1  
Debt service coverage (times)(1)(3)   1.8 x   1.8 x   1.9 x
Interest coverage (times)(1)(3)   3.3 x   3.3 x   3.6 x
Cash and cash equivalents (000s)(4) $ 78,238   $ 29,528   $ 33,351  
Available liquidity – Canadian Credit Facilities (000s)(5) $ 470,938   $ 340,059   $ 264,789  
Unitholders' equity (000s) $ 9,431,748   $ 9,278,595   $ 9,719,857  
Net asset value ("NAV") (000s)(1) $ 9,334,521   $ 9,212,594   $ 9,686,669  
Total number of units – diluted (000s)   169,562     169,868     169,691  
NAV per unit – diluted(1) $ 55.05   $ 54.23   $ 57.08  

(1)   These measures are not defined by IFRS, do not have standard meanings and may not be comparable with other industries or companies. Please refer to the cautionary statements under the heading "Non-IFRS Measures" and the reconciliations provided in this press release. (2)   Excludes liabilities related to assets held for sale, as applicable.(3)   Based on the trailing four quarters.(4)   Consists of $7,558 and $70,680 in Canada and Europe, respectively (December 31, 2023 – $17,616 and $11,912, respectively, June 30, 2023 – $16,944 and $16,407, respectively). (5)   Includes $400,938 available on the Canadian Acquisition and Operating Facility (December 31, 2023 – $340,059, June 30, 2023 – $264,789) and $70,000 available on the unsecured non-revolving construction and term credit facility to reduce greenhouse gas ("GHG") emissions ("GHG Reduction Facility") (December 31, 2023 and June 30, 2023 – N/A).

"We achieved strong results again in the second quarter of 2024, and we're especially excited about the progress we've been making on our strategy," commented Mark Kenney, President and Chief Executive Officer. "Since the first quarter, we've closed on nearly $500 million worth of Canadian multi-residential transactions, and we're pleased to see this recycling increase the quality of our portfolio and the proportion that is represented by recently built properties in Canada, which is up to 13% as of today. We also completely disposed of our remaining equity interest in IRES this past quarter, and we recently announced the anticipated sale of our entire MHC portfolio. We're looking forward to further simplifying our business with this upcoming deal, and redeploying net proceeds into highest-value, strategically aligned opportunities."

"Operationally, high occupancies, rent growth and lower property operating costs as a percentage of operating revenues together drove the 50 basis point expansion in our same property NOI margin, which was 66.7% for the three months ended June 30, 2024," added Stephen Co, Chief Financial Officer. "Primarily due to acquisitions and higher same property NOI, partly offset by dispositions and higher interest costs, our diluted FFO per Unit increased by 9.2% to $0.644 for the current quarter. We're proud of this performance as our overarching objective revolves around enhancing earnings, and as a testament to that, we're announcing an increase in our rate of distribution to $1.50 per Unit on an annualized basis. We're eager to continue driving incremental growth in returns for our Unitholders in the quarters to come."


Strategic Initiatives Update

  • CAPREIT continues to invest in strategic opportunities that are accretive. For the three months ended June 30, 2024, CAPREIT acquired two properties with 246 suites in Canada for a total gross purchase price of $108.8 million (excluding transaction costs and other adjustments). For the six months ended June 30, 2024, CAPREIT acquired three properties with 537 suites in Canada for a total gross purchase price of $238.8 million (excluding transaction costs and other adjustments). Subsequent to quarter-end, CAPREIT acquired four properties with 435 suites in Canada for a total gross purchase price of $278.7 million (excluding transaction costs and other adjustments).
  • For the three months ended June 30, 2024, CAPREIT disposed of 123 suites which were comprised of two non-core properties located in Canada, a property in the Netherlands with 66 suites and 53 single residential suites located in the Netherlands, for a total gross sale price of $93.3 million (excluding transaction costs and other adjustments). For the six months ended June 30, 2024, CAPREIT disposed of 646 suites for a total gross sale price of $187.9 million (excluding transaction costs and other adjustments) worth of non-core property dispositions. Subsequent to quarter-end, CAPREIT disposed of an additional 602 suites in Canada and the Netherlands along with an office building which is part of a residential property in the Netherlands for a total gross sale price of $189.3 million (excluding transaction costs and other adjustments).
  • On July 15, 2024, CAPREIT announced that it has entered into an agreement to sell its MHC portfolio for a gross sale price of $740 million (excluding transaction costs and other adjustments). The gross sale price will be satisfied in part through an interest-only vendor takeback ("VTB") mortgage of $140 million, bearing interest at a rate of 3.0% per annum for a five-year term, with the remaining $600 million to be satisfied in cash. The transaction is subject to compliance with the Competition Act (Canada) and other closing conditions customary in transactions of this nature. Subject to the receipt of all regulatory approvals and satisfaction of customary closing conditions, closing is anticipated in the fourth quarter of 2024. There can be no assurance that all conditions to closing this transaction will be satisfied or waived.
  • During the three months ended June 30, 2024, no Trust Units were purchased for cancellation under the Normal Course Issuer Bid ("NCIB") program. During the six months ended June 30, 2024, CAPREIT purchased and cancelled approximately 0.6 million Trust Units, under the NCIB program, at a weighted average purchase price of $48.19 per Trust Unit, for a total cost of $27.1 million.
  • During the three and six months ended June 30, 2024, CAPREIT transacted on the sale of Irish Residential Properties REIT plc ("IRES") shares totalling $80.3 million and $138.2 million, respectively. As a result, CAPREIT no longer has an interest in IRES as of June 30, 2024. As at June 30, 2024, $39.7 million of cash was held in Ireland. Subsequent to June 30, 2024, CAPREIT repatriated substantially all of the net proceeds from Ireland to Canada, and primarily used the funds for repayment towards the Acquisition and Operating Facility.
  • CAPREIT's strategy to upgrade the quality and diversification of the property portfolio through repositioning and capital recycling initiatives to grow earnings and cash flow potential continues for 2024. In light of dispositions that closed to date and the announced dispositions expected to close later this year, CAPREIT is on track to meet or exceed the disposition target of over $400 million of non-core Canadian properties during 2024 and will continue to look for opportunities to recycle non-core Canadian properties during the remainder of the year. However, there can be no assurance that the target will be met or exceeded.
  • On August 7, 2024, the Board of Trustees approved an increase in monthly distributions from $0.1208 to $0.125 per Trust Unit, or from $1.45 to $1.50 per Trust Unit on an annualized basis. The increase is effective with the August 2024 distribution payable on September 16, 2024 to Unitholders of record as at August 30, 2024.

Operating Results

  • On turnovers and renewals, monthly residential rents for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 increased by 7.5% and 5.0%, respectively, for the Canadian residential portfolio, compared to 7.3% and 4.7%, respectively, for the three and six months ended June 30, 2023.
  • Same property Occupied AMR for the Canadian residential portfolio as at June 30, 2024 increased by 6.5% compared to June 30, 2023, while same property occupancy for the Canadian residential portfolio decreased to 98.3% (June 30, 2023 - 98.7%).
  • NOI for the same property portfolio increased by 7.0% and 7.3%, respectively, for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024, compared to the same periods last year. Additionally, NOI margin for the same property portfolio increased to 66.7%, up 0.5%, for the three months ended June 30, 2024, and increased to 65.3%, up 0.5%, for the six months ended June 30, 2024, compared to the same periods last year.
  • Diluted FFO per unit was up 9.2% and 8.3%, respectively, for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024, compared to the same period last year, primarily due to contributions from acquisitions and higher same property NOI, partially offset by dispositions and higher interest expense on credit facilities payable and mortgages payable.

Balance Sheet Highlights

  • CAPREIT's financial position remains strong, with approximately $478.5 million of available Canadian liquidity, comprising $7.6 million of Canadian cash and cash equivalents, $400.9 million of available capacity on its Canadian Acquisition and Operating Facility and $70.0 million on its GHG Reduction Facility.
  • To date, CAPREIT completed or committed mortgage financings totalling $409.9 million, with a weighted average term to maturity of 7.5 years and a weighted average interest rate of 4.51%.
  • For the six months ended June 30, 2024, the overall carrying value of investment properties (excluding assets held for sale) increased by $68.5 million, primarily due to net acquisitions of $128.6 million, property capital investments of $101.9 million and fair value gains of $85.2 million, which were partially offset by transfers to assets held for sale of $254.0 million. The overall carrying value of investment properties (excluding assets held for sale) as at June 30, 2024 was $16.6 billion compared to $16.5 billion as at December 31, 2023.
  • Diluted NAV per unit as at June 30, 2024 increased to $55.05 from $54.79 as at March 31, 2024, and from $54.23 as at December 31, 2023, primarily reflecting an increase in investment property values in CAPREIT's Canadian and ERES portfolio.


Portfolio Occupied Average Monthly Rents

  Total Portfolio Same Property Portfolio(1)
As at June 30,   2024   2023   2024   2023
  Occupied AMR Occ. % Occupied AMR Occ. % Occupied AMR Occ. % Occupied AMR Occ. %
Total Canadian residential suites $ 1,577 98.2 $ 1,460 98.8 $ 1,568 98.3 $ 1,472 98.7
Total MHC sites $ 450 95.9 $ 435 96.0 $ 450 95.9 $ 435 96.0
The Netherlands portfolio 1,072 97.7 1,009 98.6 1,082 97.8 1,018 98.6

(1)   Same property Occupied AMR and occupancy include all properties held as at June 30, 2023, but exclude properties disposed of or held for sale as at June 30, 2024.

The rate of growth in total portfolio Occupied AMR has been primarily driven by (i) new acquisitions completed over the past 12 months and (ii) same property operational growth. The rate of growth in same property Occupied AMR has been primarily due to (i) rental increases on turnover in the rental markets of most provinces across the Canadian portfolio and (ii) rental increases on renewals.

The weighted average gross rent per square foot for total Canadian residential suites was approximately $1.86 as at June 30, 2024, increased from $1.78 as at June 30, 2023.

Canadian Portfolio

For the Three Months Ended June 30, 2024 2023
  Change in Monthly Rent Turnovers and Renewals(1) Change in Monthly Rent Turnovers and Renewals(1)
  % % % %
Suite turnovers 21.3 3.4 26.9 3.3
Lease renewals 4.0 14.5 2.6 13.8
Weighted average of turnovers and renewals 7.5   7.3  

(1)   Percentage of suites turned over or renewed during the period based on the total weighted average number of residential suites (excluding MHC sites) held during the period.

For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2024 2023
  Change in Monthly Rent Turnovers and Renewals(1) Change in Monthly Rent Turnovers and Renewals(1)
  % % % %
Suite turnovers 22.0 5.8 26.8 5.8
Lease renewals 3.2 59.5 2.5 59.2
Weighted average of turnovers and renewals 5.0   4.7  

(1)   Percentage of suites turned over or renewed during the period is based on the total weighted average number of residential suites (excluding MHC sites) held during the period.

The Netherlands Portfolio

For the Three Months Ended June 30, 2024 2023
  Change in Monthly Rent Turnovers and Renewals(1) Change in Monthly Rent Turnovers and Renewals(1)
  % % % %
Suite turnovers 17.3 1.9 19.0 2.9
Lease renewals
Weighted average of turnovers and renewals 17.3   19.0  

(1)   Percentage of suites turned over or renewed during the period based on the total weighted average number of Dutch residential suites held during the period.

For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2024 2023
  Change in Monthly Rent Turnovers and Renewals(1) Change in Monthly Rent Turnovers and Renewals(1)
  % % % %
Suite turnovers 16.3 5.0 19.6 6.8
Lease renewals
Weighted average of turnovers and renewals 16.3   19.6  

(1)   Percentage of suites turned over or renewed during the period is based on the total weighted average number of Dutch residential suites held during the period.

As the Netherlands lease renewals occur once a year in July, there were no changes in lease renewals for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 and June 30, 2023. For rent renewal increases due to indexation beginning on July 1, 2024, ERES served tenant notices to 6,572 suites, representing 96% of the residential portfolio, across which the average rental increase due to indexation and household income adjustment is 5.6%. In the prior year period, ERES served tenant notices to 6,659 suites, representing 97% of the residential portfolio, across which the average rental increase due to indexation and household income adjustment is 4.0%.

Net Operating Income

Same properties for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 are defined as all properties owned by CAPREIT continuously since December 31, 2022, and therefore do not take into account the impact on performance of acquisitions or dispositions completed during 2024 and 2023, or properties that are classified as held for sale as at June 30, 2024.

($ Thousands) Total NOI Same Property NOI
For the Three Months Ended June 30,   2024   2023(1) %(2)   2024     2023   %(2)
Operating revenues            
Net rental revenues $ 264,368   $ 251,687   5.0   $ 254,260   $ 240,447   5.7  
Other(3)   13,758     12,111   13.6     13,315     11,629   14.5  
Total operating revenues $ 278,126   $ 263,798   5.4   $ 267,575   $ 252,076   6.1  
Operating expenses            
Realty taxes   (24,681 )   (24,047 ) 2.6     (23,892 )   (23,192 ) 3.0  
Utilities   (16,785 )   (17,933 ) (6.4 )   (16,338 )   (17,255 ) (5.3 )
Other(4)   (50,379 )   (48,033 ) 4.9     (48,773 )   (44,716 ) 9.1  
Total operating expenses(5) $ (91,845 ) $ (90,013 ) 2.0   $ (89,003 ) $ (85,163 ) 4.5  
NOI $ 186,281   $ 173,785   7.2   $ 178,572   $ 166,913   7.0  
NOI margin   67.0 %   65.9 %     66.7 %   66.2 %  

(1)   Certain 2023 comparative figures have been reclassified to conform with current period presentation(2)  Represents the year-over-year percentage change. (3)   Comprises ancillary income such as parking, laundry and antenna revenue.(4)   Comprises repairs and maintenance ("R&M"), wages, insurance, advertising, legal costs and expected credit losses. (5)   Total operating expenses, on a constant currency basis, increased by approximately 2.0% and 4.5%, respectively, for the total and same property portfolio compared to the same periods last year.

($ Thousands) Total NOI Same Property NOI
For the Six Months Ended June 30,   2024   2023(1) %(2)   2024     2023   %(2)
Operating Revenues            
Rental revenues $ 526,825   $ 500,687   5.2   $ 507,069   $ 478,359   6.0  
Other(3)   27,117     24,058   12.7     26,259     23,143   13.5  
Total operating revenues $ 553,942   $ 524,745   5.6   $ 533,328   $ 501,502   6.3  
Operating expenses            
Realty taxes $ (49,500 ) $ (48,084 ) 2.9   $ (48,002 ) $ (46,285 ) 3.7  
Utilities   (39,946 )   (42,092 ) (5.1 )   (38,942 )   (40,165 ) (3.0 )
Other(4)   (101,166 )   (96,926 ) 4.4     (97,901 )   (90,232 ) 8.5  
Total operating expenses(5) $ (190,612 ) $ (187,102 ) 1.9   $ (184,845 ) $ (176,682 ) 4.6  
NOI $ 363,330   $ 337,643   7.6   $ 348,483   $ 324,820   7.3  
NOI margin   65.6 %   64.3 %     65.3 %   64.8 %  

(1)   Certain 2023 comparative figures have been reclassified to conform with current period presentation.(2)   Represents the year-over-year percentage change. (3)   Comprises ancillary income such as parking, laundry and antenna revenue.(4)   Comprises R&M, wages, insurance, advertising, legal costs and expected credit losses. (5)   Total operating expenses, on a constant currency basis, increased by approximately 1.8% and 4.6%, respectively, for the total and same property portfolio compared to the same period last year.

The following table reconciles same property NOI and NOI from acquisitions, dispositions and assets held for sale to total NOI, for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 and June 30, 2023:

($ Thousands) Three Months Ended Six Months Ended
  June 30, June 30,
    2024   2023   2024   2023  
Same property NOI $ 178,572 $ 166,913 $ 348,483 $ 324,820  
NOI from acquisitions   4,781   1,329   8,197   1,541  
NOI from dispositions and assets held for sale   2,928   5,543   6,650   11,282  
Total NOI $ 186,281 $ 173,785 $ 363,330 $ 337,643  

Operating Revenues

For the three months ended June 30, 2024, same property operating revenues increased by $15.5 million, primarily driven by increases in monthly rents on turnovers and renewals. Total operating revenues increased by $14.3 million during the same period, due to $15.6 million of operational growth, primarily on the same property operating portfolio and to a lesser extent on assets held for sale as at June 30, 2024 and a $4.8 million increase from acquisitions, partially offset by $6.1 million lower revenues due to dispositions.

For the six months ended June 30, 2024, same property operating revenues increased by $31.8 million, primarily driven by increases in monthly rents on turnovers and renewals. Total operating revenues increased by $29.2 million during the same period, due to $32.1 million of operational growth, primarily on the same property operating portfolio and to a lesser extent on assets held for sale as at June 30, 2024 and a $9.2 million increase from acquisitions, partially offset by $12.1 million lower revenues due to dispositions.

Operating Expenses

For the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 operating costs increased for the total and same property portfolio compared to the same periods last year primarily due to increase in other operating expenses. Other operating expenses increased primarily due to higher R&M costs and higher insurance costs. Higher R&M costs are due to general inflationary pressures, as well as higher maintenance costs that correspond with a reduction in suite and common area capital improvements, reflecting CAPREIT's strategic reallocation of capital in response to the tight rental market in Canada.


The table below summarizes the acquisition of investment properties completed subsequent to June 30, 2024:

($ Thousands)        
Acquisition Date Suite Count   Region Gross Purchase Price(1)
July 8, 2024 54   Ottawa, ON $ 21,000
July 29, 2024 144   Ottawa, ON   78,500
July 29, 2024 173   Vancouver, BC   137,000
July 31, 2024 64   North Vancouver, BC   42,218
Total 435     $ 278,718

(1)   Gross purchase price excludes transaction costs and other adjustments.

The table below summarizes the disposition of investment properties completed subsequent to June 30, 2024:

($ Thousands)        
Disposition Date Suite Count   Region Gross Sale Price(1)
July 15, 2024 464   The Netherlands $ 149,957
July 15, 2024(2)   The Netherlands   1,638
August 1, 2024 138   Toronto, ON   37,750
Total 602     $ 189,345

(1)   Gross sale price excludes transaction costs and other adjustments.(2)   Represents disposition on an office building which is part of a residential property.


More detailed information and analysis is included in CAPREIT's condensed consolidated interim financial statements and MD&A for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024, which have been filed on SEDAR+ and can be viewed at under CAPREIT's profile or on CAPREIT's website on the investor relations page at

Conference Call

A conference call, hosted by CAPREIT's senior management team, will be held on Thursday, August 8, 2024 at 9:00 am ET. The telephone numbers for the conference call are: Canadian Toll Free: +1 (833) 950-0062, International: +1 (929) 526-1599. The conference call access code is 927204.

The call will also be webcast live and accessible through the CAPREIT website at – click on "For Investors" and follow the link at the top of the page. A replay of the webcast will be available for one year after the webcast at the same link.

The slide presentation to accompany management's comments during the conference call will be available on the CAPREIT website an hour and a half prior to the conference call.


CAPREIT is Canada's largest publicly traded provider of quality rental housing. As at June 30, 2024, CAPREIT owns approximately 64,200 residential apartment suites, townhomes and manufactured home community sites that are well-located across Canada and the Netherlands, with approximately $16.6 billion of investment properties in Canada and Europe. For more information about CAPREIT, its business and its investment highlights, please visit our website at and our public disclosures which can be found under our profile at

Non-IFRS Measures

CAPREIT prepares and releases unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements and audited consolidated annual financial statements in accordance with IFRS. In this and other earnings releases and investor conference calls, as a complement to results provided in accordance with IFRS, CAPREIT discloses measures not recognized under IFRS which do not have standard meanings prescribed by IFRS. These include FFO, NAV, Total Debt, Gross Book Value, and Adjusted Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation, Amortization and Fair Value ("Adjusted EBITDAFV") (the "Non-IFRS Financial Measures"), as well as diluted FFO per unit, diluted NAV per unit, FFO payout ratio, Total Debt to Gross Book Value, Debt Service Coverage Ratio and Interest Coverage Ratio (the "Non-IFRS Ratios" and together with the Non-IFRS Financial Measures, the "Non-IFRS Measures"). These Non-IFRS Measures are further defined and discussed in the MD&A released on August 7, 2024, which should be read in conjunction with this press release. Since these measures and related per unit amounts are not recognized under IFRS, they may not be comparable to similar measures reported by other issuers. CAPREIT presents Non-IFRS Measures because management believes Non-IFRS Measures are relevant measures of the ability of CAPREIT to earn revenue and to evaluate its performance, financial condition and cash flows. These Non-IFRS Measures have been assessed for compliance with National Instrument 52-112 and a reconciliation of these Non-IFRS Measures is included in this press release below. The Non-IFRS Measures should not be construed as alternatives to net income (loss) or cash flows from operating activities determined in accordance with IFRS as indicators of CAPREIT's performance or the sustainability of CAPREIT's distributions.

Cautionary Statements Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements contained in this press release constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking information may relate to CAPREIT's future outlook and anticipated events or results and may include statements regarding the future financial position, business strategy, budgets, litigation, occupancy rates, rental rates, productivity, projected costs, capital investments, development and development opportunities, financial results, taxes, plans and objectives of, or involving, CAPREIT. Particularly, statements regarding CAPREIT's future results, performance, achievements, prospects, costs, opportunities and financial outlook, including those relating to acquisition, disposition and capital investment strategies and the real estate industry generally, are forward-looking statements. In some cases, forward-looking information can be identified by terms such as "may", "will", "would", "should", "could", "likely", "expect", "plan", "anticipate", "believe", "intend", "estimate", "forecast", "predict", "potential", "project", "budget", "continue" or the negative thereof, or other similar expressions concerning matters that are not historical facts. Forward-looking statements are based on certain factors and assumptions regarding expected growth, results of operations, performance, and business prospects and opportunities. In addition, certain specific assumptions were made in preparing forward-looking information, including: that the Canadian and Dutch economies will generally experience growth, which, however, may be adversely impacted by the global economy, inflation and high interest rates, potential health crises and their direct or indirect impacts on the business of CAPREIT, including CAPREIT's ability to enforce leases, perform capital expenditure work, increase rents and apply for above guideline increases ("AGIs"), obtain financings at favourable interest rates; that Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation ("CMHC") mortgage insurance will continue to be available and that a sufficient number of lenders will participate in the CMHC-insured mortgage program to ensure competitive rates; that the Canadian capital markets will continue to provide CAPREIT with access to equity and/or debt at reasonable rates; that vacancy rates for CAPREIT properties will be consistent with historical norms; that rental rates on renewals will grow; that rental rates on turnovers will grow; that the difference between in-place and market-based rents will be reduced upon such turnovers and renewals; that CAPREIT will effectively manage price pressures relating to its energy usage; and, with respect to CAPREIT's financial outlook regarding capital investments, assumptions respecting projected costs of construction and materials, availability of trades, the cost and availability of financing, CAPREIT's investment priorities, the properties in which investments will be made, the composition of the property portfolio and the projected return on investment in respect of specific capital investments. Although the forward-looking statements contained in this press release are based on assumptions and information that is currently available to management, which are subject to change, management believes these statements have been prepared on a reasonable basis, reflecting CAPREIT's best estimates and judgements. However, there can be no assurance actual results, terms or timing will be consistent with these forward-looking statements, and they may prove to be incorrect. Forward-looking statements necessarily involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond CAPREIT's control, that may cause CAPREIT's or the industry's actual results, performance, achievements, prospects and opportunities in future periods to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things, risks related to: rent control and residential tenancy regulations, general economic conditions, privacy, cyber security and data governance risks, availability and cost of debt, acquisitions, dispositions and property development, valuation risk, liquidity and price volatility of units of CAPREIT ("Trust Units"), catastrophic events, climate change, taxation-related risks, energy costs, environmental matters, vendor management and third-party service providers, operating risk, talent management and human resources shortages, public health crises, other regulatory compliance risks, litigation risk, CAPREIT's investment in European Residential Real Estate Investment Trust ("ERES"), potential conflicts of interest, investment restrictions, lack of diversification of investment assets, geographic concentration, illiquidity of real property, capital investments, leasing risk, dependence on key personnel, adequacy of insurance and captive insurance, competition for residents, controls over disclosures and financial reporting, the nature of Trust Units, dilution, distributions and foreign operation and currency risks. There can be no assurance that the expectations of CAPREIT's management will prove to be correct. These risks and uncertainties are more fully described in regulatory filings, including CAPREIT's Annual Information Form, which can be obtained on SEDAR+ at, under CAPREIT's profile, as well as under the "Risks and Uncertainties" section of CAPREIT's 2023 Annual MD&A dated February 22, 2024. The information in this press release is based on information available to management as of August 7, 2024. Subject to applicable law, CAPREIT does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking information.

SOURCE: Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust

CAPREITMr. Mark KenneyPresident & Chief Executive Officer(416) 861-9404 CAPREITMr. Stephen CoChief Financial Officer(416) 306-3009 CAPREITMr. Julian SchonfeldtChief Investment Officer(647) 535-2544


A reconciliation of net income (loss) to FFO is as follows:

($ Thousands, except per unit amounts) Three Months Ended Six Months Ended
  June 30, June 30,
    2024     2023     2024     2023  
Net income (loss) $ 112,072   $ 39,983   $ 294,185   $ (63,244 )
Fair value adjustments of investment properties and assets held for sale   (13,190 )   110,815     (84,509 )   296,201  
Fair value adjustments of financial instruments   3,109     (401 )   3,682     47,794  
Interest expense on Exchangeable LP Units   597     591     1,200     1,188  
Gain on non-controlling interest   (833 )   (27,818 )   (10,473 )   (6,708 )
FFO impact attributable to ERES units held by non-controlling unitholders(1)   (4,797 )   (4,878 )   (9,513 )   (9,470 )
Deferred income tax expense (recovery)   3,946     (16,064 )   3,282     (63,016 )
Loss (gain) on foreign currency translation   3,419     (5,723 )   9,389     (9,349 )
Net loss on transactions and other activities(2)   4,278     4,280     9,602     6,071  
Net gain on derecognition of debt   (859 )   (431 )   (3,138 )   (3,746 )
Lease principal repayments   (319 )   (297 )   (630 )   (584 )
Reorganization, senior management termination, and retirement costs(3)   1,722         1,722     2,024  
Unit-based compensation amortization recovery relating to ERES Unit Option Plan ("UOP") forfeitures upon senior management termination(4)           (2,284 )    
Amortization of losses from accumulated other comprehensive loss to interest and other financing costs       19         68  
FFO $ 109,145   $ 100,076   $ 212,515   $ 197,229  
Weighted average number of units (000s) ‑ diluted   169,528     169,664     169,661     170,461  
Total distributions declared $ 61,342   $ 61,498   $ 122,865   $ 123,326  
FFO per unit – diluted(5) $ 0.644   $ 0.590   $ 1.253   $ 1.157  
FFO payout ratio(6)   56.2 %   61.5 %   57.8 %   62.5 %

(1)   The adjustment is based on applying the 35% weighted average ownership held by ERES non-controlling unitholders (June 30, 2023 – 35%).(2)   Primarily includes transaction costs and other adjustments on dispositions and amortization of property, plant and equipment ("PP&E") and right-of-use asset. For the three and six months ended June 30, 2024, includes $1,279 and $1,922, respectively, of current income taxes on the dispositions of ERES property and single residential suites. (3)   For the three and six months ended June 30, 2023, includes $nil and $86, respectively, of accelerated vesting of previously granted unit-based compensation.(4)   During the three and six months ended June 30, 2024, nil and three million ERES unit options were forfeited, respectively, upon senior management termination totalling $nil and $2,284, respectively (three and six months ended June 30, 2023 ‑ $nil).(5)   FFO per unit – diluted is calculated using FFO during the period divided by weighted average number of units – diluted. (6)   FFO payout ratio is calculated using total distributions declared during the period divided by FFO.

Reconciliation of Total Debt and Total Debt Ratios:

($ Thousands)  
As at June 30, 2024 December 31, 2023 June 30, 2023
Mortgages payable – non-current $ 6,060,330   $ 6,002,617   $ 5,993,448  
Mortgages payable – current   764,687     651,371     598,041  
Liabilities related to assets held for sale       23,706     3,224  
Mortgage debt $ 6,825,017   $ 6,677,694   $ 6,594,713  
Credit facilities payable – non-current   301,496     405,133     480,763  
Total Debt $ 7,126,513   $ 7,082,827   $ 7,075,476  
Total Assets $ 17,126,078   $ 16,968,640   $ 17,451,329  
Add: Accumulated amortization of PP&E   47,955     45,217     42,525  
Gross Book Value(1) $ 17,174,033   $ 17,013,857   $ 17,493,854  
Total Debt to Gross Book Value   41.5 %   41.6 %   40.4 %
Total Mortgages Payable to Gross Book Value   39.7 %   39.2 %   37.7 %

(1)   Gross Book Value ("GBV") is defined by CAPREIT's Declaration of Trust.

Reconciliation of Net Income (Loss) to Adjusted EBITDAFV:

($ Thousands)      
For The Trailing 12 Months Ended June 30, 2024 December 31, 2023 June 30, 2023
Net income (loss) $ (54,145 ) $ (411,574 ) $ 155,438  
Interest and other financing costs   219,016     211,664     193,850  
Interest on Exchangeable LP Units   2,394     2,382     2,406  
Total current income tax expense and deferred income tax recovery (expense), net   (7,246 )   (76,479 )   (87,170 )
Amortization of PP&E and right-of-use asset   6,073     6,206     6,888  
Total unit-based compensation amortization expense, net   5,830     7,816     6,976  
EUPP unit-based compensation expense   (555 )   (551 )   (531 )
Fair value adjustments of investment properties and assets held for sale   533,875     914,585     317,420  
Fair value adjustments of financial instruments   (9,739 )   34,373     80,064  
Net gain on derecognition of debt   (2,643 )   (3,251 )   (2,749 )
Gain on non-controlling interest   (48,974 )   (45,209 )   (43,958 )
Loss (gain) on foreign currency translation   14,577     (4,161 )   (5,501 )
Transaction costs and other adjustments on dispositions and other   9,447     7,705     4,024  
Adjusted EBITDAFV $ 667,910   $ 643,506   $ 627,157  

Debt Service Coverage Ratio

($ Thousands)  
For The Trailing 12 Months Ended June 30, 2024 December 31, 2023 June 30, 2023
Contractual interest on mortgages payable(1)(2) $ 167,820   $ 161,178   $ 154,296  
Amortization of deferred financing costs, fair value adjustments and OCI hedge interest on mortgages payable(1)   6,698     6,157     4,470  
Contractual interest on credit facilities payable(2)   27,117     26,074     16,289  
Amortization of deferred financing costs on credit facilities payable   895     902     767  
Mortgage principal repayments   166,194     158,803     162,248  
Debt service payments $ 368,724   $ 353,114   $ 338,070  
Adjusted EBITDAFV $ 667,910   $ 643,506   $ 627,157  
Debt service coverage ratio (times)   1.8 x   1.8 x   1.8 x

(1)   Includes liabilities related to assets held for sale. (2)   Includes net cross-currency interest rate ("CCIR") and interest rate ("IR") swap interest, offsetting contractual interest.

Interest Coverage Ratio

($ Thousands)  
For The Trailing 12 Months Ended June 30, 2024 December 31, 2023 June 30, 2023
Contractual interest on mortgages payable(1)(2) $ 167,820   $ 161,178   $ 154,296  
Amortization of deferred financing costs, fair value adjustments and OCI hedge interest on mortgages payable(1)   6,698     6,157     4,470  
Contractual interest on credit facilities payable(2)   27,117     26,074     16,289  
Amortization of deferred financing costs on credit facilities payable   895     902     767  
Interest Expense $ 202,530   $ 194,311   $ 175,822  
Adjusted EBITDAFV $ 667,910   $ 643,506   $ 627,157  
Interest coverage ratio (times)   3.3 x   3.3 x   3.6 x

(1)   Includes liabilities related to assets held for sale, as applicable. (2)   Includes net CCIR and IR swap interest, offsetting contractual interest.

Reconciliation of Unitholders' Equity to NAV:

($ Thousands, except per unit amounts)  
As at June 30, 2024 December 31, 2023 June 30, 2023
Unitholders' equity $ 9,431,748   $ 9,278,595   $ 9,719,857  
Exchangeable LP Units   73,217     80,383     83,776  
Unit-based compensation financial liabilities excluding ERES's UOP and Restricted Unit Plan   23,667     23,150     22,856  
Deferred income tax liability   53,074     49,481     65,123  
Deferred income tax asset   (19,794 )   (19,523 )   (13,453 )
Derivative assets – non-current   (36,695 )   (35,619 )   (56,440 )
Derivative assets – current   (7,586 )   (10,851 )   (5,758 )
Derivative liabilities – current   469     7,001     10,555  
Adjustment to ERES non-controlling interest(1)   (183,579 )   (160,023 )   (139,847 )
NAV $ 9,334,521   $ 9,212,594   $ 9,686,669  
Diluted number of units   169,562     169,868     169,691  
NAV per unit – diluted(2) $ 55.05   $ 54.23   $ 57.08  

(1)   CAPREIT accounts for the non-controlling interest in ERES as a liability, measured at the redemption amount, as defined by the ERES DOT, of ERES's units not owned by CAPREIT. The adjustment is made so that the non-controlling interest in ERES is measured at ERES's disclosed NAV, rather than the redemption amount. The table below summarizes the calculation of adjustment to ERES non-controlling interest as at June 30, 2024, December 31, 2023 and June 30, 2023:

($ Thousands)  
As at June 30, 2024 December 31, 2023 June 30, 2023
ERES's NAV 689,324   676,956   733,688  
Ownership by ERES non-controlling interest   35 %   35 %   35 %
Closing foreign exchange rate   1.46581     1.46262     1.44222  
Impact to NAV due to ERES's non-controlling unitholders $ 353,646   $ 346,545   $ 370,349  
Less: ERES units held by non-controlling unitholders $ (170,067 ) $ (186,522 ) $ (230,502 )
Adjustment to ERES non-controlling interest $ 183,579   $ 160,023   $ 139,847  

(2)   NAV per unit – diluted is calculated using NAV as at period end divided by diluted number of units.

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