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Unicredit Bank AG

Unicredit Bank AG (UC8AMT)

Chiuso 22 Marzo 5:30PM

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Notizie su UC8AMT

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UC8AMT Finances

Paulie Pennies Paulie Pennies 1 minuto fa
Who turned on the lights so early on a Saturday morning ... the cockroaches are on the run. Merging into a SPAC I did not have that on my radar this is absolutely huge 🤑
flipper44 flipper44 1 minuto fa
Yes. Idiot zealot reporter stands outside a Company’s booth, wondering how he can stop a fragile yet very powerful fledgling cancer therapy from progressing.
Golden Cross Golden Cross 2 minuti fa
Strong EOD
Dingbatt Dingbatt 2 minuti fa
I would be satisfied with coffee and donuts or a honeybun after holding the pick axe for so long
JOoa0ky JOoa0ky 2 minuti fa
The hierarchy of claims lol... Commons eat last.
AtlasQ AtlasQ 2 minuti fa
Very interesting. Thank you
Konaploinks Konaploinks 3 minuti fa
Think in terms of along with dropping ie, flares , it also drops drones. Drones with secure quantum communications that can be controlled from the ground, satellites or the F47.
Keep your eye on IonQ.

Life in the quantum lane .
Everything. All the time.
ChannelTrader ChannelTrader 3 minuti fa
Ukraine Strikes: French bombs inflict major damage on Russian forces

A group of troops was
bigblockwyz bigblockwyz 3 minuti fa
Here's the actual link to the 10K filing so you can see for yourself...
Guido2 Guido2 3 minuti fa
As Bryndon Fisher's legal team prepares for the hearing, thanks to 955, we can revisit some things Judge Sweeney had to say about the government actions:
Clj20 Clj20 4 minuti fa
Got it ! Thanks! 
DiscoverGold DiscoverGold 5 minuti fa
American Association of Individual Investors (AAII) Breaks Record
By: Erin Swenlin | March 21, 2025

We wrote about the American Association of Individual Investors (AAII) poll results a few weeks ago. Since then, the bearish activity on the chart has broken a record for th
StayHumble StayHumble 6 minuti fa
wow🇺🇸Incoming MOASS takes $DJT to MARS🇺🇸wow🇺🇸🇺🇸 🇺🇸 wow!
glenn1919 glenn1919 6 minuti fa
xoom xoom 6 minuti fa
Also remember the difference between WMB assets and the WMI assets.
wadegarret wadegarret 8 minuti fa
Valuemind- APP

What do think of the recent fraud allegations...

Is this still your largest holding ? Have you added more on the down
2can$ 2can$ 8 minuti fa
I was waiting wanting more of the story Fd how or if your group had eggs or cereal what they thought of the extra $4 started out funny I like the humor, but what happened next?

You left a cliffhanger.

I'm assuming after enjoying breakfast and you rega
getmoreshares getmoreshares 8 minuti fa
An elderly couple was driving cross-country, taking their time and enjoying the open road. The wife was behind the wheel, focused but driving just a little faster than the speed limit. Before long, flashing lights appeared in the rearview mirror, and she pulled over to the side of the highway.
A51Rob A51Rob 8 minuti fa
Exciting developments are ahead, including process with VGTel's team and VGTel's initiatives in Chile and Florida and the telescope projects exciting times for VGTel.
getmoreshares getmoreshares 8 minuti fa
An elderly couple was driving cross-country, taking their time and enjoying the open road. The wife was behind the wheel, focused but driving just a little faster than the speed limit. Before long, flashing lights appeared in the rearview mirror, and she pulled over to the side of the highway.
glenn1919 glenn1919 8 minuti fa
ssc ssc 8 minuti fa
Definitely a pattern here. dickran takes another beating over his/her latest new narrative (this time a supposed erhe preferred share dividend lmao), then suddenly the reappearance of the pissant proven liar, alternate dickran persona, who has admitted to having already written off his erhe investm